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Created January 8, 2024 07:21
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  • Save dotspencer/2b89130d1641495101f878f2dd5fc1c8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dotspencer/2b89130d1641495101f878f2dd5fc1c8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
List of "Phrasal Verbs" in Alphabetical Order
Account For
Ache For
Act On
Act Out
Act Up
Add On
Add Up
Add Up To
Aim At
Allow For
Angle For
Answer Back
Answer For
Argue Out
Ask After
Ask Around
Ask For
Ask In
Ask Out
Ask Over
Ask Round
Auction Off
Back Away
Back Down
Back Off
Back Out
Back Out Of
Back Up
Bag Out
Bail Out
Bail Out On
Bail Up
Ball Up
Balls Up
Bang About
Bang Around
Bang On About
Bang Out
Bang Up
Bank On
Barge In
Barge Into
Bash About
Bash In
Bash Out
Bash Up
Bawl Out
Be After
Be Along
Be Away
Be Cut Out For
Be Cut Up
Be Down
Be Down With
Be Fed Up
Be In
Be In On
Be Not On
Be Off
Be On
Be On About
Be Onto
Be Out
Be Out Of
Be Out To
Be Snowed Under
Be Taken Aback
Be Taken With
Be Up
Be Up To
Bear Down On
Bear On
Bear Out
Bear Up
Bear Up Under
Bear With
Beat Down
Beat Up
Beaver Away
Beaver Away At
Bed Down
Bed Out
Beef Up
Belt Out
Belt Up
Bend Down
Bend Over
Bend Over Backwards
Black Out
Blank Out
Blare Out
Blast Off
Blaze Away
Bliss Out
Block In
Block Off
Block Out
Block Up
Blow Away
Blow Down
Blow Off
Blow Out
Blow Over
Blow Up
Blurt Out
Bog Down
Bog In
Bog Into
Bog Off
Boil Down
Boil Down To
Boil Over
Boil Up
Bone Up On
Book In
Book Into
Book Up
Boot Up
Border On
Boss About
Boss Around
Botch Up
Bottle Away
Bottle Out
Bottle Up
Bottom Out
Bounce Into
Bounce Off
Bowl Over
Box In
Box Up
Branch Out
Break Away
Break Down
Break In
Break Off
Break Out Of
Break Through
Break Up
Breeze Along
Breeze In
Breeze Into
Breeze Through
Brighten Up
Bring About
Bring Along
Bring Around
Bring Back
Bring Down
Bring Forth
Bring Forward
Bring In
Bring On
Bring Out
Bring Out In
Bring Round
Bring Up
Brush Off
Brush Up
Bubble Over
Bucket Down
Budge Up
Buff Up
Buff Up On
Bug Off
Bug Out
Build Up
Bulk Out
Bump Into
Bump Off
Bump Up
Bundle Off
Bundle Out
Bundle Up
Bunk Off
Buoy Up
Burn Down
Burn Off
Burn Out
Burst Into
Butt In
Butt Out
Butter Up
Buy In
Buy Into
Buy Off
Buy Out
Buy Up
Buzz Around
Buzz Off
Buzz Off
Call After
Call Around
Call Back
Call For
Call Forth
Call In
Call Off
Call On
Call Round
Call Up
Calm Down
Cancel Out
Care For
Carried Away
Carry Forward
Carry Off
Carry On
Carry On With
Carry Out
Carry Over
Carry Through
Cart Off
Cash In
Cash In On
Cash Out
Cash Up
Catch At
Catch On
Catch Out
Catch Up
Catch Up On
Catch Up With
Cater For
Cater To
Cave In
Chalk Out
Chalk Up
Chalk Up To
Chance Upon
Change Over
Charge Up
Charge With
Chase Down
Chase Off
Chase Up
Chat Up
Cheat On
Cheat Out Of
Check By
Check In
Check Into
Check Off
Check Out
Check Out Of
Check Over
Cheer On
Cheer Up
Chew On
Chew Out
Chew Over
Chew Up
Chicken Out
Chill Out
Chime In
Chip Away At
Chip In
Choose Up
Chop Down
Chop Up
Chuck Away
Chuck In
Chuck Out
Chuck Up
Churn Out
Clag Up
Clam Up
Clamp Down On
Claw Back
Clean Out
Clean Up
Clear Away
Clear Off
Clear Out
Clear Up
Click Through
Climb Down
Clog Up
Close Down
Close In
Close In On
Close In Upon
Close Off
Close On
Close Out
Close Up
Cloud Over
Clown About
Clown Around
Cock Up
Color Up
Colour Up
Come About
Come Across
Come Apart
Come Before
Come By
Come Down
Come Down On
Come Down With
Come Forth
Come Forth With
Come From
Come In
Come Into
Come Into Use
Come Off
Come Off It
Come On
Come Out
Come Out In
Come Out With
Come Over
Come Round
Come Through
Come Through With
Come To
Come Up
Come Up Against
Come Up With
Come Upon
Conjure Up
Conk Out
Contract In
Contract Out
Contract Out Of
Cool Down
Coop Up
Cop It
Cop Off
Cop Out
Cotton On
Could Do With
Count In
Count On
Count Out
Count Up
Cozy Up
Cozy Up To
Crack Down On
Crack On
Crack Up
Crank Out
Crank Up
Crash Out
Creep In
Creep Into
Creep Out
Creep Out On
Creep Over
Creep Up On
Crop Up
Cross Off
Cross Out
Crumb Down
Cry Off
Cry Out
Cut Across
Cut Back
Cut Back On
Cut Down
Cut Down On
Cut In
Cut It Out
Cut Off
Cut Out
Cut Out On
Cut Up
Dash Off
Dawn On
Die Away
Die Down
Die For
Die Off
Die Out
Dig In
Dig Into
Dig Up
Dine Out
Dine Out On
Dip In
Dip Into
Dip Out
Disagree With
Dish Out
Dish Up
Dive In
Dive Into
Divvy Out
Divvy Up
Do Away With
Do Out Of
Do Up
Do Without
Doss About
Doss Around
Doss Down
Doze Off
Drag On
Draw Back
Draw Down
Draw In
Draw Into
Draw On
Draw Out
Draw Up
Dream Of
Dream Up
Dredge Up
Dress Down
Dress Up
Drift Apart
Drift Off
Drill Down
Drill Down Through
Drill Into
Drink Up
Drive Away
Drive Back
Drive By
Drive Off
Drive Out
Drive Up
Drone On
Drop Around
Drop Away
Drop Back
Drop By
Drop In
Drop Off
Drop Out
Drop Over
Drop Round
Drop Someone In It
Drop Through
Drown In
Drown Out
Drum Into
Drum Out
Drum Up
Duck Out Of
Duff Up
Dumb Down
Dwell On
Dwell Upon
Ease Off
Ease Up
Eat Away
Eat In
Eat Into
Eat Out
Eat Up
Ebb Away
Edge Out
Edge Up
Egg On
Eke Out
Embark On
Embark Upon
Empty Out
End In
End Up
End Up With
Enter For
Enter Into
Eye Up
Face Off
Face Up To
Faff About
Faff Around
Fall About
Fall Apart
Fall Back
Fall Back On
Fall Behind
Fall Down
Fall For
Fall In
Fall Into
Fall Off
Fall Out
Fall Over
Fall Through
Fall Under
Farm Out
Fart About
Fart Around
Fasten Down
Fasten On
Fasten Onto
Fasten Up
Fathom Out
Fatten Up
Fawn On
Fawn Over
Feed Off
Feed On
Feed Up
Feel Up
Feel Up To
Fend For
Fend Off
Ferret Out
Fess Up
Fess Up To
Fiddle About
Fiddle Around
Fiddle Away
Fight Back
Fight It Out
Fight Off
Figure On
Figure Out
File Away
Fill In
Fill In For
Fill In On
Fill Out
Fill Up
Filter In
Filter Out
Find Out
Finish Off
Fink On
Fink Out
Fire Away
Fire Off
Fire Up
Firm Up
Fish For
Fish Out
Fit In
Fit Into
Fit Up
Fix Up
Fizzle Out
Flag Down
Flag Up
Flake Out
Flame Out
Flame Up
Flare Out
Flare Up
Flesh Out
Flick Over
Flick Through
Flip Off
Flip Out
Flip Through
Flog Off
Floor It
Flounce Off
Flounce Out
Fly About
Fly Around
Fly At
Fly By
Fly Into
Fob Off
Fob Off On
Fob Off Onto
Fob Off With
Focus On
Fold Up
Fool Around
Forge Ahead
Freak Out
Freeze Out
Freeze Over
Freeze Up
Freshen Up
Front For
Front Off
Front Onto
Front Out
Front Up
Frown On
Gad About
Gad Around
Gag For
Gang Up
Gang Up On
Gear Up
Geek Out
Get About
Get Above
Get Across
Get Across To
Get After
Get Ahead
Get Ahead Of
Get Along
Get Along In
Get Along With
Get Around
Get Around
Get Around To
Get Around To
Get At
Get Away
Get Away From
Get Away With
Get Away!
Get Back
Get Back At
Get Back Into
Get Back To
Get Back Together
Get Behind
Get Behind With
Get By
Get By On
Get By With
Get Down
Get Down On
Get Down To
Get In
Get In On
Get In With
Get Into
Get It
Get It Off
Get It Off With
Get It On
Get It On With
Get It Together
Get It Up
Get Off
Get Off It
Get Off On
Get Off With
Get Off!
Get On
Get On At
Get On For
Get On To
Get On With
Get Onto
Get Out
Get Out Of
Get Out!
Get Over
Get Over With
Get Round
Get Round
Get Round To
Get Through
Get Through To
Get To
Get Together
Get Up
Get Up To
Give Away
Give Back
Give In
Give In To
Give It To
Give It Up For
Give It Up To
Give Of
Give Off
Give Onto
Give Out
Give Over
Give Over To
Give Over!
Give Up
Give Up
Give Up On
Give Up To
Give Way
Give Way To
Give Yourself Up
Give Yourself Up To
Gloss Over
Gnaw At
Gnaw Away At
Go About
Go Across
Go After
Go Against
Go Ahead
Go Ahead With
Go Along With
Go Around
Go At
Go Away
Go Back
Go Back On
Go Before
Go Below
Go By
Go Down
Go Down On
Go Down To
Go Down With
Go For
Go Forth
Go Forward
Go In
Go In For
Go In With
Go Into
Go It
Go It Alone
Go Off
Go Off With
Go On
Go On About
Go On At
Go On To
Go On With
Go On!
Go Out
Go Out For
Go Out To
Go Out With
Go Over
Go Over To
Go Past
Go Round
Go Through
Go Through With
Go Together
Go Towards
Go Under
Go Up
Go Up
Go Up To
Go With
Go Without
Goof Around
Goof Off
Goof Up
Grass On
Grass Up
Grey Out
Grind Away
Grind Down
Grind Into
Grind On
Grind Out
Grind Up
Grow Apart
Grow Away From
Grow Back
Grow From
Grow Into
Grow On
Grow Out
Grow Out Of
Grow To
Grow Together
Grow Up
Grow Up On
Grow Upon
Gun For
Hack Around
Hack Into
Hack Off
Ham Up
Hammer Away At
Hammer Into
Hammer Out
Hand Back
Hand Down
Hand In
Hand On
Hand Out
Hand Over
Hang About
Hang About
Hang Around
Hang Back
Hang Back From
Hang In There
Hang On
Hang Onto
Hang Out
Hang Out For
Hang Over
Hang Together
Hang Up
Hang Up On
Hang With
Hanker After
Hanker For
Harp On
Have Against
Have Around
Have Down As
Have In
Have It Away
Have It In For
Have It Off
Have It Out With
Have Off
Have On
Have Over
Have Round
Have Up
Head For
Head Off
Head Out
Head Up
Heat Up
Help Out
Hit Back
Hit For
Hit It Off
Hit It Off With
Hit On
Hit Out At
Hit Up
Hit Up On
Hit Upon
Hit With
Hold Against
Hold Back
Hold Back From
Hold Down
Hold Forth
Hold Off
Hold On
Hold On To
Hold Onto
Hold Out
Hold Out Against
Hold Out For
Hold Out On
Hold Over
Hold Together
Hold Up
Hold With
Home In On
Hone In On
Hook Up
Hook Up To
Hoon Around
Horse Around
Hound Out
Hunker Down
Hunt Down
Hunt Out
Hunt Up
Hush Up
Iron Out
Issue Forth
Jack Around
Jack In
Jack Up
Jam On
Jaw Away
Jazz Up
Joke Around
Jot Down
Juice Up
Jump At
Jump In
Jump On
Keel Over
Keep Around
Keep At
Keep Away
Keep Back
Keep Down
Keep From
Keep In
Keep Off
Keep On
Keep Out
Keep To
Keep Up
Keep Up At
Keep Up With
Key In
Kick About
Kick Around
Kick Around With
Kick Back
Kick Down
Kick In
Kick Off
Kick Out
Kick Up
Kiss Off
Kiss Up To
Knock About
Knock Around
Knock Back
Knock Down
Knock It Off
Knock Off
Knock Out
Knock Together
Knock Up
Knuckle Down
Knuckle Under
Lap Up
Large It Up
Lark About
Lark Around
Lark It Up
Lash Down
Lash Into
Lash Out
Lash Out Against
Lash Out At
Lash Out On
Latch On
Latch On To
Latch Onto
Lay Down
Lay Into
Lay Off
Lay On
Lay Out
Lead To
Leak Out
Lean On
Leave On
Leave Out
Let Down
Let In
Let Off
Let On
Let Out
Lie Down
Lie With
Lift Off
Light Up
Lighten Up
Limber Up
Limber Up For
Line Up
Link Up
Link Up With
Listen Out For
Live By
Live Down
Live For
Live In
Live It Up
Live Off
Live Out
Live Through
Live Together
Live Up To
Live With
Load Down
Load Up
Load Up On
Lock Away
Lock Down
Lock In
Lock Onto
Lock Out
Lock Up
Lock Yourself Away
Log In
Log Into
Log Off
Log On
Log Out
Look After
Look Back
Look Down On
Look For
Look Forward To
Look In
Look In On
Look Into
Look Like
Look On
Look On As
Look Out
Look Over
Look Round
Look To
Look Up
Look Up To
Look Upon As
Lord It Over
Lose Out
Lose Out On
Lose Out To
Luck Out
Magic Away
Make Do With
Make For
Make Into
Make It
Make It Up To
Make Off With
Make Out
Make Over
Make Up
Make Up For
Make Up To
Make With
Mark Down
Mark Down As
Mark Off
Mark Out
Mark Out For
Mark Out From
Mark Up
Marry In
Marry Out
Mash Up
Max Out
Measure Against
Measure Off
Measure Out
Measure Up
Meet With
Mess About
Mess About With
Mess Around
Mess Around With
Mess Over
Mess Up
Mess With
Mill Around
Miss Out
Miss Out On
Mix Up
Monkey Around
Mooch About
Mooch Around
Mop Up
Mope About
Mope Around
Mount Up
Mouth Off
Move On
Mug Up
Mug Up On
Mull Over
Muscle In
Muscle In On
Muscle Into
Muscle Out
Naff Off
Nag At
Nail Down
Name After
Nip Off
Nip Out
Nod Off
Nose About
Nose Around
Note Down
Nut Out
Occur To
Open Up
Opt For
Opt Out
Owe To
Own Up
Pack Away
Pack In
Pack It In
Pack Off
Pack Out
Pack Up
Pad Down
Pad Out
Pair Off
Pair Off With
Pair Up
Palm Off
Pan Out
Paper Over
Pare Back
Pare Down
Pass Around
Pass As
Pass Away
Pass By
Pass For
Pass Off
Pass On
Pass Out
Pass Over
Pass Through
Pass To
Pass Up
Patch Up
Pay Back
Pay For
Pay Into
Pay Off
Peck At
Peg Away
Peg Down
Peg It
Peg Out
Pencil In
Perk Up
Peter Out
Phase In
Phase Out
Phrasal Verb
Phrasal Verbs
Pick At
Pick Off
Pick On
Pick Out
Pick Through
Pick Up
Pick Up After
Pick Up On
Pick Yourself Up
Pig Off
Pig Out
Pile Up
Pin Down
Pin On
Pin Up
Pine Away
Pipe Down
Pipe Up
Pit Against
Pit Out
Pitch For
Pitch In
Pitch Into
Play Along
Play Around
Play At
Play Away
Play Back
Play Down
Play Off
Play On
Play Out
Play Up
Play Up To
Play Upon
Play With
Plead Out
Plough Back
Plough Into
Plough On
Plough Through
Plough Up
Plow Back
Plow Into
Plow On
Plow Through
Plow Up
Plug In
Plump For
Point Out
Polish Off
Polish Up
Pony Up
Poop Out
Poop Out On
Pop In
Pop Off
Pop Out
Pop Up
Potter About
Potter Around
Pour Down
Pour Forth
Prattle On
Press Ahead
Press On
Price Up
Print Out
Prop Up
Psych Out
Psych Up
Pull Ahead
Pull Apart
Pull Away
Pull Back
Pull Down
Pull For
Pull In
Pull Off
Pull On
Pull Out
Pull Over
Pull Through
Pull To
Pull Together
Pull Up
Pull Yourself Together
Push In
Put Across
Put Away
Put Back
Put By
Put Down
Put Down For
Put Down To
Put In
Put In For
Put Off
Put On
Put Out
Put Through
Put Towards
Put Up
Put Up With
Quieten Down
Rack Up
Rain Down On
Rake It In
Rake Up
Ramp Up
Rat On
Rat Out
Rat Through
Ratchet Up
Rattle Off
Reach Out
Reach Out For
Reach Out To
Read Off
Read Out
Read Up On
Reckon On
Reel In
Reel Off
Reel Out
Rein In
Ride Off
Ride On
Ride Out
Ride Up
Ring Back
Ring Off
Ring Up
Rip Off
Rode Off
Roll Back
Roll In
Roll On
Roll On!
Roll Out
Roll Up
Roll Up!
Romp In
Romp Through
Room In
Root About
Root Around
Root For
Root Out
Root Up
Rope In
Rough Up
Round Off
Row Back
Rub Along
Rub Down
Rub In
Rub It In
Rub Off On
Rub Out
Rub Up Against
Rub Up On
Rule Out
Run Across
Run Away
Run Down
Run For
Run In
Run Into
Run Off
Run On
Run Out Of
Run Over
Run Through
Run To
Run Up
Run Up Against
Run Up On
Run With
Rush Into
Sag Off
Sail Into
Sail Through
Sally Forth
Sally Out
Salt Away
Save On
Save Up
Scare Away
Scare Off
Scout About
Scout Around
Scout Out
Scout Round
Scout Up
Scrape Along
Scrape By
Scrape In
Scrape Into
Scrape Through
Scrape Together
Scrape Up
Screen Off
Screen Out
Screw Around
Screw Up
See About
See Into
See Off
See Out
See Through
See To
Sell Off
Sell On
Sell Out
Sell Up
Send Back
Send For
Send In
Send Off
Send Off For
Send Out
Send Out For
Send Up
Set About
Set Aside
Set Back
Set Forth
Set In
Set Off
Set Out
Set Up
Settle Down
Settle For
Settle In
Settle On
Settle Up
Sex Up
Shack Up
Shake Down
Shake Off
Shape Up
Shave Off
Shell Out
Ship Off
Ship Out
Shoot Away
Shoot Back
Shoot Off
Shoot Out
Shoot Up
Shop Around
Show Around
Show In
Show Off
Show Out
Show Over
Show Round
Show Through
Show Up
Shrug Off
Shut Away
Shut Down
Shut In
Shut Off
Shut Out
Shut Out Of
Shut Up
Shut Yourself Away
Shy Away From
Side With
Sift Through
Sign Away
Sign For
Sign In
Sign Into
Sign Off
Sign On
Sign On With
Sign Out
Sign Out Of
Sign Up
Sign With
Simmer Down
Sink In
Sit About
Sit Around
Sit Back
Sit By
Sit Down
Sit For
Sit In
Sit In For
Sit In On
Sit On
Sit Out
Sit Over
Sit Through
Sit With
Size Up
Skive Off
Slack Off
Slag Off
Sleep Off
Sleep On
Sleep Over
Sleep Through
Slip Out
Slip Up
Slob About
Slob Around
Slope Off
Slow Down
Slow Up
Smack Of
Smash Down
Smash In
Smash Up
Snap Off
Snap Out Of
Snap To It!
Snap Up
Sniff Around
Sniff At
Sniff Out
Sober Up
Soldier On
Sort Out
Sound Off
Sound Out
Spark Off
Spark Up
Speak Out
Speak Up
Spell Out
Spit It Out
Spit Out
Split Up
Spoil For
Spur On
Square Away
Square Off
Square Off Against
Square Up
Square Up To
Square With
Squeeze Up
Stack Up
Stack Up Against
Staff Up
Stamp Out
Stand About
Stand Around
Stand Aside
Stand Back
Stand By
Stand Down
Stand For
Stand In For
Stand Out
Stand Up
Stand Up For
Stand Up To
Start Off
Start Off On
Start On
Start On At
Start Out
Start Out As
Start Out To
Start Over
Start Up
Stash Away
Stay Away
Stay Away From
Stay In
Stay On
Stay Out
Stay Over
Stay Up
Steer Clear Of
Stem From
Step Aside
Step Back
Step Down
Step Forward
Step In
Step On It
Step Out
Step To
Step Up
Stick Around
Stick At
Stick By
Stick Down
Stick It To
Stick Out
Stick Out For
Stick To
Stick Together
Stick Up
Stick Up For
Stick With
Stir Up
Stitch Up
Stop Around
Stop Back
Stop Behind
Stop By
Stop Doing
Stop In
Stop Off
Stop Out
Stop Over
Stop Round
Stop Up
Storm Off
Storm Out
Stow Away
Straighten Out
Straighten Up
Strike Back
Strike Down
Strike Off
Strike On
Strike Out
Strike Up
Strike Upon
String Along
String Out
String Together
String Up
Stub Out
Stumble Across
Stumble Upon
Stump Up
Suck In
Suck Into
Suck Up To
Sum Up
Summon Up
Suss Out
Swan About
Swan Around
Swan In
Swan Off
Swear By
Swear Down
Sweep Through
Swing Around
Swing At
Swing By
Swing Round
Syphon Off
Tack On
Tack Onto
Tag Along
Tag On
Tag Onto
Tag With
Tail Away
Tail Back
Tail Off
Take After
Take Apart
Take Aside
Take Away
Take Back
Take Down
Take In
Take It
Take It Out On
Take It Upon Yourself
Take Off
Take On
Take Out
Take Over
Take To
Take Up
Talk Back
Talk Down
Talk Down To
Talk Into
Talk Out Of
Talk Over
Talk Through
Talk Up
Tap For
Tap Into
Tap Off With
Tap Out
Tap Up
Team Up
Tear Apart
Tear At
Tear Away
Tear Down
Tear Into
Tear Off
Tear Up
Tee Off
Tee Off On
Tee Up
Tell Apart
Tell Off
Tell On
Think Over
Think Through
Think Up
Throw Away
Throw Out
Throw Up
Tick Away
Tick By
Tick Off
Tick Over
Tide Over
Tidy Up
Tie Back
Tie Down
Tie In
Tie In With
Tie Up
Tighten Up
Tip Off
Tip Over
Tire Of
Tire Out
Toddle Off
Tone Down
Tool Up
Top Off
Top Out
Top Up
Touch Down
Touch For
Touch Off
Touch On
Touch Up
Touch Upon
Toy At
Toy Over
Toy With
Track Down
Trade Down
Trade In
Trade Off
Trade On
Trade Up
Trade Upon
Trickle Down
Trip Over
Trip Up
Trot Out
Trump Up
Try Back
Try For
Try It On
Try On
Try Out
Try Out For
Tuck Away
Tuck In
Tuck Into
Tuck Up
Tune In
Tune In To
Tune Out
Tune Up
Turn Against
Turn Away
Turn Down
Turn In
Turn Into
Turn Off
Turn On
Turn Out
Turn Over
Turn To
Turn Up
Type Up
Use Up
Veg Out
Venture Forth
Wade In
Wade Into
Wade Through
Wait About
Wait Around
Wait Behind
Wait In
Wait On
Wait Out
Wait Up
Wait Up!
Wait Upon
Wake Up
Walk Away From
Walk Away With
Walk In On
Walk Into
Walk Off
Walk Off With
Walk On
Walk Out
Walk Out On
Walk Up
Want Out
Warm Up
Wash Away
Wash Down
Wash Out
Wash Over
Wash Up
Watch Out
Watch Out For
Watch Over
Water Down
Wean Off
Wear Away
Wear Down
Wear Off
Wear Out
Weed Out
Weigh In
Weigh Up
Went Up
While Away
Whip Out
Whip Through
Whip Up
Whisk Away
White Out
Wig Out
Wimp Out
Wind Down
Wind On
Wind Up
Winkle Out
Wipe Out
Wire Up
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