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Created May 12, 2024 18:29
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# Entering scope (function_definiton)
# Exiting scope (function_definition)
# Entering scope (function_definiton)
# Exiting scope (function_definition)
# Entering scope (function_definiton)
# Exiting scope (function_definition)
# Entering scope (function_definiton)
# Exiting scope (function_definition)
# Entering scope (function_definiton)
# void eratosthenes(int )
.global eratosthenes
.type eratosthenes,@function
.file 1 "test/simple/eratosthenes.c"
.loc 1 10 18
push %rbp
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset rbp,-16
mov %rsp,%rbp
.cfi_def_cfa rbp,16
add $ -32,%rsp
# Save n parameter
mov %edi,-4(%rbp)
# Entering scope (scoped_block)
# Variable declaration: unsigned char *prime
.loc 1 15 39
# Allocated rax for init#1
# used registers: rax
mov -4(%rbp),%edi # Load from int n
# Allocated rcx for +#4
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov $ 1,%ecx # Load constant
add %ecx,%edi
# Freed rcx +#4
# used registers: rax
call malloc
mov %rax,-16(%rbp) # Initialize unsigned char *prime
# Freed rax init#1
# used registers: <none>
# Entering scope (forloop_outside)
.loc 1 17 20
# Variable declaration: int i
# Assign constant to i
movl $ 0,-20(%rbp)
# for loop top label forr#5
# Allocated eax for cmpj#6
# used registers: rax
# Allocated ecx for cmpj#6
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov -20(%rbp),%eax # Load from int i
mov -4(%rbp),%ecx # Load from int n
cmp %ecx,%eax
jnl .L_for_break_3
# Freed rax cmpj#6
# used registers: rcx
# Freed rcx cmpj#6
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 18 22
# For loop body
# Allocated rax for =#7
# used registers: rax
# Allocated cl for =#8
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov $ 1,%ecx # Load constant
# Preparing value to store
mov -16(%rbp),%rax # Load from unsigned char *prime
# Allocated rsi for +#11
# used registers: rax, rcx, rsi
mov -20(%rbp),%esi # Load from int i
movslq %esi,%rsi
add %rsi,%rax
# Freed rsi +#11
# used registers: rax, rcx
# Deref (store) 1 bytes: (prime + i)
mov %cl,(%rax)
# Freed rcx =#8
# used registers: rax
# Freed rax =#7
# used registers: <none>
# continue label forr#5
.loc 1 17 32
# for loop increment forr#5
incl -20(%rbp) # Increment int i
jmp .L_for_top_1
# End of for loop forr#5
# Exiting scope (forloop_outside)
# Entering scope (forloop_outside)
.loc 1 20 20
# Variable declaration: int p
# Assign constant to p
movl $ 2,-24(%rbp)
# for loop top label forr#12
# Allocated eax for cmpj#13
# used registers: rax
# Allocated ecx for cmpj#13
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov -24(%rbp),%eax # Load from int p
# Allocated rsi for *#15
# used registers: rax, rcx, rsi
mov -24(%rbp),%esi # Load from int p
imul %esi,%eax
# Freed rsi *#15
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov -4(%rbp),%ecx # Load from int n
cmp %ecx,%eax
jnle .L_for_break_7
# Freed rax cmpj#13
# used registers: rcx
# Freed rcx cmpj#13
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 35 6
# For loop body
# Entering scope (scoped_block)
.loc 1 23 21
# Allocated rax for if_els#16
# used registers: rax
# Preparing pointer for deref (load)
mov -16(%rbp),%rax # Load from unsigned char *prime
# Allocated rcx for +#19
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov -24(%rbp),%ecx # Load from int p
movslq %ecx,%rcx
add %rcx,%rax
# Freed rcx +#19
# used registers: rax
# Deref (load) 1 bytes: (prime + p)
mov (%rax),%al
test %al,%al
jz .L_endif_10
# Freed rax if_els#16
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 34 10
# Entering scope (scoped_block)
# Entering scope (forloop_outside)
.loc 1 29 32
# Variable declaration: int i
# Allocated rax for init#21
# used registers: rax
mov -24(%rbp),%eax # Load from int p
# Allocated rcx for *#23
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov -24(%rbp),%ecx # Load from int p
imul %ecx,%eax
# Freed rcx *#23
# used registers: rax
mov %eax,-28(%rbp) # Initialize int i
# Freed rax init#21
# used registers: <none>
# for loop top label forr#20
# Allocated eax for cmpj#24
# used registers: rax
# Allocated ecx for cmpj#24
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov -28(%rbp),%eax # Load from int i
mov -4(%rbp),%ecx # Load from int n
cmp %ecx,%eax
jnle .L_for_break_13
# Freed rax cmpj#24
# used registers: rcx
# Freed rcx cmpj#24
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 32 14
# For loop body
# Entering scope (scoped_block)
.loc 1 30 30
# Allocated rax for =#25
# used registers: rax
# Allocated cl for =#26
# used registers: rax, rcx
xor %ecx,%ecx # Load zero
# Preparing value to store
mov -16(%rbp),%rax # Load from unsigned char *prime
# Allocated rsi for +#29
# used registers: rax, rcx, rsi
mov -28(%rbp),%esi # Load from int i
movslq %esi,%rsi
add %rsi,%rax
# Freed rsi +#29
# used registers: rax, rcx
# Deref (store) 1 bytes: (prime + i)
mov %cl,(%rax)
# Freed rcx =#26
# used registers: rax
# Freed rax =#25
# used registers: <none>
# Exiting scope (scoped_block)
# continue label forr#20
.loc 1 29 51
# for loop increment forr#20
# Allocated rax for =#30
# used registers: rax
# Allocated ecx for =#31
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov -28(%rbp),%ecx # Load from int i
# Allocated rsi for +#33
# used registers: rax, rcx, rsi
mov -24(%rbp),%esi # Load from int p
add %esi,%ecx
# Freed rsi +#33
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov %ecx,-28(%rbp) # Store to int i
# Freed rcx =#31
# used registers: rax
# Freed rax =#30
# used registers: <none>
jmp .L_for_top_11
# End of for loop forr#20
# Exiting scope (forloop_outside)
# Exiting scope (scoped_block)
# Exiting scope (scoped_block)
# continue label forr#12
.loc 1 20 36
# for loop increment forr#12
# Allocated rax for -#34
# used registers: rax
incl -24(%rbp) # Increment int p
# Allocated rcx for -#35
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov $ 1,%ecx # Load constant
sub %ecx,%eax
# Freed rcx -#35
# used registers: rax
# Freed rax -#34
# used registers: <none>
jmp .L_for_top_5
# End of for loop forr#12
# Exiting scope (forloop_outside)
# Entering scope (forloop_outside)
.loc 1 39 20
# Variable declaration: int p
# Assign constant to p
movl $ 2,-28(%rbp)
# for loop top label forr#36
# Allocated eax for cmpj#37
# used registers: rax
# Allocated ecx for cmpj#37
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov -28(%rbp),%eax # Load from int p
mov -4(%rbp),%ecx # Load from int n
cmp %ecx,%eax
jnle .L_for_break_17
# Freed rax cmpj#37
# used registers: rcx
# Freed rcx cmpj#37
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 42 11
# For loop body
.loc 1 40 21
# Allocated rax for if_els#38
# used registers: rax
# Preparing pointer for deref (load)
mov -16(%rbp),%rax # Load from unsigned char *prime
# Allocated rcx for +#41
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov -28(%rbp),%ecx # Load from int p
movslq %ecx,%rcx
add %rcx,%rax
# Freed rcx +#41
# used registers: rax
# Deref (load) 1 bytes: (prime + p)
mov (%rax),%al
test %al,%al
jz .L_endif_20
# Freed rax if_els#38
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 41 30
# Allocated rax for call#42
# used registers: rax
mov -28(%rbp),%esi # Load from int p
lea .Lu8str0(%rip),%rdi # String "%d "
call printf
# Freed rax call#42
# used registers: <none>
# continue label forr#36
.loc 1 39 32
# for loop increment forr#36
# Allocated rax for -#43
# used registers: rax
incl -28(%rbp) # Increment int p
# Allocated rcx for -#44
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov $ 1,%ecx # Load constant
sub %ecx,%eax
# Freed rcx -#44
# used registers: rax
# Freed rax -#43
# used registers: <none>
jmp .L_for_top_15
# End of for loop forr#36
# Exiting scope (forloop_outside)
.loc 1 42 17
# Allocated rax for call#45
# used registers: rax
lea .Lu8str1(%rip),%rdi # String "\n"
call printf
# Freed rax call#45
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 45 16
# Allocated rax for call#46
# used registers: rax
mov -16(%rbp),%rdi # Load from unsigned char *prime
call free
# Freed rax call#46
# used registers: <none>
# Exiting scope (scoped_block)
.cfi_def_cfa rsp,8
.size eratosthenes,.L_eratosthenes_end_21-eratosthenes
# Exiting scope (function_definition)
# Entering scope (function_definiton)
# int main(int , char **)
.global main
.type main,@function
.loc 1 51 9
push %rbp
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset rbp,-16
mov %rsp,%rbp
.cfi_def_cfa rbp,16
add $ -32,%rsp
# Save argc parameter
mov %edi,-4(%rbp)
# Save argv parameter
mov %rsi,-16(%rbp)
# Entering scope (scoped_block)
# Variable declaration: int n
.loc 1 53 13
# Assign constant to n
movl $ 30,-20(%rbp)
.loc 1 54 18
# Allocated rax for if_els#47
# used registers: rax
mov -4(%rbp),%eax # Load from int argc
# Allocated rcx for >#49
# used registers: rax, rcx
mov $ 1,%ecx # Load constant
cmp %ecx,%eax
setg %al
# Freed rcx >#49
# used registers: rax
test %al,%al
jz .L_endif_23
# Freed rax if_els#47
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 55 27
# Allocated rax for =#50
# used registers: rax
# Allocated ecx for =#51
# used registers: rax, rcx
# Preparing pointer for deref (load)
mov -16(%rbp),%rdi # Load from char **argv
# Allocated rsi for +#55
# used registers: rax, rcx, rsi
mov $ 1,%esi # Load constant
movslq %esi,%rsi
shl $ 3,%rsi # Times 8
add %rsi,%rdi
# Freed rsi +#55
# used registers: rax, rcx
# Deref (load) 8 bytes: (argv + 1)
mov (%rdi),%rdi
call atoi
mov %eax,%ecx
mov %ecx,-20(%rbp) # Store to int n
# Freed rcx =#51
# used registers: rax
# Freed rax =#50
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 57 45
# Allocated rax for call#56
# used registers: rax
mov -20(%rbp),%esi # Load from int n
lea .Lu8str2(%rip),%rdi # String "Following are the prime numbers smaller...
call printf
# Freed rax call#56
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 58 20
# Allocated rax for call#57
# used registers: rax
mov -20(%rbp),%edi # Load from int n
call eratosthenes
# Freed rax call#57
# used registers: <none>
.loc 1 59 12
xor %eax,%eax # Load zero
.cfi_def_cfa rsp,8
# Exiting scope (scoped_block)
.size main,.L_main_end_25-main
# Exiting scope (function_definition)
# String literals
.section .rodata,"a"
.byte 0x0a, 0x00 # |..|
.byte 0x25, 0x64, 0x20, 0x00 # |%d .|
.byte 0x46, 0x6f, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x77, 0x69, 0x6e # |Followin|
.byte 0x67, 0x20, 0x61, 0x72, 0x65, 0x20, 0x74, 0x68 # |g are th|
.byte 0x65, 0x20, 0x70, 0x72, 0x69, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x20 # |e prime |
.byte 0x6e, 0x75, 0x6d, 0x62, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73, 0x20 # |numbers |
.byte 0x73, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x72, 0x20 # |smaller |
.byte 0x74, 0x68, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x20 # |than or |
.byte 0x65, 0x71, 0x75, 0x61, 0x6c, 0x20, 0x74, 0x6f # |equal to|
.byte 0x20, 0x25, 0x64, 0x0a, 0x00 # | %d..|
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