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Created June 17, 2014 01:52
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lab 8 objective 2
//get the arrays for US states, Canadian Provences, and both
// the array names are $us_states, $canadian_provences, $state_array
// create an <option> list
// takes in a $key => $value array and the name of the <select> element
// and creates a dropdown list. It uses the name of the <select> element
// to check if the $_REQUEST var for the <slect> is the currnet
// item in the array. If it is, it adds 'selected' to the current <option>
function option_list($option_array, $list_name){
$list = '<option value="">Please choose...</option>';
foreach ($option_array as $key => $value ) {
if($_REQUEST[$list_name] == $key){
$list .= '<option value="'.$key.'" selected>'.$value.'</option>';
$list .= '<option value="'.$key.'">'.$value.'</option>';
echo $list;
// selects the correct radio button
// takes in the name of a $_POST var and a string
// if the $_POST var and the string match it echos 'checked'
function check_radio($post_var_name, $value){
if($_POST[$post_var_name] == $value): echo ' checked'; endif;
// this function just makes it a little quicker to echo the value of a $_POST variable
function post($name){
echo $_POST[$name];
// connect to the datacase
$host = "localhost";
$socket = "/users/dsteinbe/mysql-php/data/mysql.sock";
$port = 0;
$user = "doug";
$pw = "snowball420";
$database = "php_sql_2";
$db = new mysqli($host,$user,$pw,$database,$port,$socket)
or die("Cannot connect to mySQL.");
//get form variables and put them in an array for the SQL***********************//
// the variables created are $company_name, $address, $city, $state, $zip, $country
//start validation***************************************************************************************//
// if the form has been submitted start validation
if($_POST['submited']) :
// check if anything is missing
if(!$_POST['company_name']) : $error_message .= "Please enter a company name.<br>" ; endif;
if(!$_POST['address'] ) : $error_message .= "Please enter an address.<br>" ; endif;
if(!$_POST['city'] ) : $error_message .= "Please enter a city.<br>" ; endif;
if(!$_POST['state'] ) : $error_message .= "Please enter a state.<br>" ; endif;
if(!$_POST['zip'] ) : $error_message .= "Please enter a zip code.<br>" ; endif;
if(!$_POST['country'] ) : $error_message .= "Please enter a country.<br>" ; endif;
// validate the company name
if($_POST['company_name']) :
if (strlen($company_name) > 25) :
$error_message .= "Company name must be 25 characters or less. <br>";
// validate the address
if($_POST['address']) :
if ( strlen($address) > 100 ) :
$error_message .= "Address must be less than 100 characters. <br>";
elseif ( strlen( preg_replace("/[^A-Za-z]/", '', $address) ) < 2 ) :
$error_message .= "Address should have at least two letters<br>";
elseif (preg_match("/[^A-Za-z0-9\-#.' ]/i", $address)) :
$error_message .= "Address should contain only letters, numbers, the # sign, apostrophes, hyphens, periods and spaces<br>";
// validate the city
if($_POST['city']) :
if (strlen($city) > 25) :
$error_message .= "City must be 25 characters or less. <br>";
elseif (preg_match("/[^A-Za-z-' ]/i", $city)) :
$error_message .= "City should contain only letters, hyphens, apostrophes, or spaces. <br>";
// validate the state
if($_POST['state']) :
if (!array_key_exists($state, $state_array)) :
$error_message .= "You didn't enter a valid state.<br>";
// this part checks if the state choosen in in the selected country
elseif ($country == 'US') :
if(!array_key_exists($state, $us_states)) :
$error_message .= "The state you selected is not is the US<br>";
elseif ($country == 'CA') :
if(!array_key_exists($state, $canadian_provences)) :
$error_message .= "The state you selected is not is Canada<br>";
// validate the zip
if ($_POST['zip']) :
// this code came from
"UK"=>"^(GIR|[A-Z]\d[A-Z\d]??|[A-Z]{2}\d[A-Z\d]??)[ ]??(\d[A-Z]{2})$",
"DK"=>"^([D-d][K-k])?( |-)?[1-9]{1}[0-9]{3}$",
if (strlen($zip) > 10) :
$error_message .= "Zip must be 10 characters or less. <br>";
elseif ($country == 'CA') :
if (!preg_match("/".$ZIPREG['CA']."/i",$zip)) :
$error_message .= "You enterd an invalid Canadian postal code<br>";
elseif ($country == 'US') :
if (!preg_match("/".$ZIPREG['US']."/i",$zip)) :
$error_message .= "You enterd an invalid US zip code<br>";
// validate the country
if($_POST['country']) :
$allowed_country = array('US', 'CA');
if (!in_array($country, $allowed_country) ) :
$error_message .= "Country must be US or CA<br>";
//process the form **************************************
//create the string for SQL to use
$input_array = array($company_name, $address, $city, $state, $zip, $country);
$insert_string = "''";
foreach ($input_array as $key => $value) {
$insert_string .= ",'".$db->real_escape_string($value)."'";
if ($error_message ) {
echo "Error! <br>".$error_message;
else {
$command = "INSERT INTO sales_customers VALUES (".$insert_string.")";
$result = $db->query($command);
echo "A new company has been successfully added!";
echo "There's a problem!" . mysqli_error($db);
endif; // end validation and form processing
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Add Customer</title>
<h3>Add customer to sales database</h3>
<form method="POST" action="<?php echo getenv('SCRIPT_NAME'); ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="submited" value="1">
<td align="right">Company Name:</td>
<td align="left">
<input type="text" size="50" maxlength="50" name="company_name" value="<?php post('company_name'); ?>">
<td align="right">Address:</td>
<td align="left">
<input type="text" size="100" maxlength="100" name="address" value="<?php post('address'); ?>">
<td align="right">City:</td>
<td align="left">
<input type="text" size="25" maxlength="25" name="city" value="<?php post('city'); ?>">
<select name="state">
<?php option_list($state_array , 'state'); //create a dropdown list from the states array ?>
Zip Code:
<input type="text" size="10" maxlength="10" name="zip" value="<?php post('zip'); ?>">
<td align="right" valign="top">Country:</td>
<td align="left">
<input type="radio" name="country" value="US" <?php check_radio('country', 'US'); ?> >United States<br>
<input type="radio" name="country" value="CA" <?php check_radio('country', 'CA') ?> >Canada
<td colspan="2" align="right">
<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT">
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