The General Transit File Specification is a collection of text files exported from HASTUS by Metro’s Service Planning staff. The GTFS is the root of many of our services.
For example, GTFS files loaded into the Open Trip Planner provide everything needed to make a schedule including stops, routes, trips, stop_times, and shapes.
- Geocoder (I have an address, what is its lat/lng?)
- Reverse Geocoder (I have a lat/lng, what is my address?)
- Trip Planner (give me three efficient transit itineraries)
- realtime Alerts
- realtime vehicle predictions
- Metro places and amenities
Streets style.
- PostgreSQL with the PostGIS geospatial extensions.
Django plus Django object relational mapper (ORM — a connector to store objects in relational database)
- Leaflet.js (to render layered maps)
- AngularJS (version 1.0)
Components work together to provide responsive web pages designed for web, mobile apps, and large format clients.
IBI Group pilot. Online application to create and manage system alerts. Alerts are published as an API and a streaming feed for Google, Apple & other large consumers of transit data.
NextBus feed with a lightweight wrapper to fix stop_ids and transform XML into Javascript objects (JSON).
Built in a Python framework called Django this system both provides a secure interface to edit content and templates to package it for every platform.