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Last active March 30, 2023 22:01
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A UITableView that allows navigation and selection using a hardware keyboard.
// Douglas Hill, December 2018
// Made for
// Find the latest version of this file at
import UIKit
/// A table view that allows navigation and selection using a hardware keyboard.
/// Only supports a single section.
class KeyboardTableView: UITableView {
// These properties may be set or overridden to provide discoverability titles for key commands.
var selectAboveDiscoverabilityTitle: String?
var selectBelowDiscoverabilityTitle: String?
var selectTopDiscoverabilityTitle: String?
var selectBottomDiscoverabilityTitle: String?
var clearSelectionDiscoverabilityTitle: String?
var activateSelectionDiscoverabilityTitle: String?
override var canBecomeFirstResponder: Bool {
return true
override var keyCommands: [UIKeyCommand]? {
var commands = super.keyCommands ?? []
commands.append(UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(selectAbove), maybeDiscoverabilityTitle: selectAboveDiscoverabilityTitle))
commands.append(UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyCommand.inputDownArrow, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(selectBelow), maybeDiscoverabilityTitle: selectBelowDiscoverabilityTitle))
commands.append(UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyCommand.inputUpArrow, modifierFlags: .command, action: #selector(selectTop), maybeDiscoverabilityTitle: selectTopDiscoverabilityTitle))
commands.append(UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyCommand.inputDownArrow, modifierFlags: .command, action: #selector(selectBottom), maybeDiscoverabilityTitle: selectBottomDiscoverabilityTitle))
commands.append(UIKeyCommand(input: UIKeyCommand.inputEscape, modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(clearSelection), maybeDiscoverabilityTitle: clearSelectionDiscoverabilityTitle))
commands.append(UIKeyCommand(input: " ", modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(activateSelection)))
commands.append(UIKeyCommand(input: "\r", modifierFlags: [], action: #selector(activateSelection), maybeDiscoverabilityTitle: activateSelectionDiscoverabilityTitle))
return commands
@objc func selectAbove() {
if let oldSelectedIndexPath = indexPathForSelectedRow {
selectRowAtIndex(oldSelectedIndexPath.row - 1)
} else {
@objc func selectBelow() {
if let oldSelectedIndexPath = indexPathForSelectedRow {
selectRowAtIndex(oldSelectedIndexPath.row + 1)
} else {
@objc func selectTop() {
@objc func selectBottom() {
selectRowAtIndex(numberOfRows(inSection: 0) - 1)
/// Tries to select and scroll to the row at the given index in section 0.
/// Does not require the index to be in bounds. Does nothing if out of bounds.
private func selectRowAtIndex(_ rowIndex: Int) {
guard rowIndex >= 0 && rowIndex < numberOfRows(inSection: 0) else {
let indexPath = IndexPath(row: rowIndex, section: 0)
switch cellVisibility(atIndexPath: indexPath) {
case .fullyVisible:
selectRow(at: indexPath, animated: false, scrollPosition: .none)
case .notFullyVisible(let scrollPosition):
// Looks better and feel more responsive if the selection updates without animation.
selectRow(at: indexPath, animated: false, scrollPosition: .none)
scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: scrollPosition, animated: true)
/// Whether a row is fully visible, or if not if it’s above or below the viewport.
enum CellVisibility { case fullyVisible; case notFullyVisible(ScrollPosition); }
/// Whether the given row is fully visible, or if not if it’s above or below the viewport.
private func cellVisibility(atIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) -> CellVisibility {
let rowRect = rectForRow(at: indexPath)
if bounds.inset(by: adjustedContentInset).contains(rowRect) {
return .fullyVisible
let position: ScrollPosition = rowRect.midY < bounds.midY ? .top : .bottom
return .notFullyVisible(position)
@objc func clearSelection() {
selectRow(at: nil, animated: false, scrollPosition: .none)
@objc func activateSelection() {
guard let indexPathForSelectedRow = indexPathForSelectedRow else {
delegate?.tableView?(self, didSelectRowAt: indexPathForSelectedRow)
private extension UIKeyCommand {
convenience init(input: String, modifierFlags: UIKeyModifierFlags, action: Selector, maybeDiscoverabilityTitle: String?) {
if let discoverabilityTitle = maybeDiscoverabilityTitle {
self.init(input: input, modifierFlags: modifierFlags, action: action, discoverabilityTitle: discoverabilityTitle)
} else {
self.init(input: input, modifierFlags: modifierFlags, action: action)
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It's times like this you question Apple's half implementation and why they don't have something like this as an option.

Really good work!

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Awesome job

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