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Created October 30, 2010 23:37
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# Copyright (C) 2010 David Underhill [email protected]
# This module is released under the MIT license:
This module provides a wrapper around the urlfetch API which maximizes the
concurrency of asynchronous urlfetch requests (within app engine limits).
To start asynchronous fetch(es), first create an AsyncURLFetchManager and then
call call fetch_asynchronously() as many times as needed. For optimal
performance, start the fetches which are fastest first.
When you're ready to wait for the fetches to complete, call the wait() method.
from google.appengine.api import urlfetch
class AsyncURLFetchManager(object):
def __init__(self):
self.active_fetches = []
self.pending_fetches = []
def fetch_asynchronously(self, url, deadline=10,
callback=None, cb_args=[], cb_kwargs={},
Asynchronously fetches the requested url. Ensures that the maximum
number of simultaneous asynchronous fetches is not exceeded.
url - the url to fetch
deadline - maximum number of seconds to wait for a response
callback - if given, called upon completion. The first argument will be
the rpc object (which contains the response). If cb_args
or cb_kwargs were provided then these will be passed to
callback as additional positional and keyword arguments.
All other keyword arguments are passed to urlfetch.make_fetch_call().
Returns the RPC which will be used to fetch the URL.
rpc = urlfetch.create_rpc(deadline=deadline)
rpc.callback = lambda : self.__fetch_completed(rpc, callback,
cb_args, cb_kwargs)
f = lambda : urlfetch.make_fetch_call(rpc, url, **kwargs)
self.__fetch(rpc, f)
self.pending_fetches.append( (rpc,f) )
return rpc
def __fetch(self, rpc, f):
def __fetch_completed(self, rpc, callback, cb_args, cb_kwargs):
if self.pending_fetches:
# we just finished a fetch, so start the next one
if callback:
callback(rpc, *cb_args, **cb_kwargs)
def wait(self):
"""Blocks until all asynchronous fetches have been completed."""
while self.active_fetches:
# Wait until this RPC finishes. This will automatically call our
# callback, which will start the next pending fetch (if any) and
# remove the finished RPC from active_fetches.
# This is *sub-optimal* - it would be better if we could poll the
# RPCS and do a non-blocking check to see if they were ready. By
# arbitrarily waiting on the first RPC, we may miss out on another
# RPC which may finish sooner.
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