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Created March 14, 2022 15:34
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Compose Table/Grid
package net.inferno.compose.view
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.BiasAlignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.*
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.InspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.InspectorValueInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.debugInspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.round
fun VerticalTable(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
cells: TableCells,
content: @Composable TableScope.() -> Unit,
) {
val columnWidthsState = remember(cells) { mutableStateOf(emptyList<Int>()) }
val measurePolicy = verticalTableMeasurePolicy(cells, columnWidthsState)
content = { TableScopeInstance.content() },
modifier = modifier,
measurePolicy = measurePolicy,
fun HorizontalTable(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
cells: TableCells,
content: @Composable TableScope.() -> Unit,
) {
val rowHeightsState = remember(cells) { mutableStateOf(emptyList<Int>()) }
val measurePolicy = horizontalTableMeasurePolicy(cells, rowHeightsState)
content = { TableScopeInstance.content() },
modifier = modifier,
measurePolicy = measurePolicy,
interface TableScope {
fun Modifier.align(alignment: Alignment): Modifier
fun Modifier.span(span: Int): Modifier
internal object TableScopeInstance : TableScope {
override fun Modifier.align(alignment: Alignment) = this.then(
alignment = alignment,
inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "align"
value = alignment
override fun Modifier.span(span: Int): Modifier {
require(span > 0) { "invalid span $span; must be greater than zero" }
return this.then(
span = span,
inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "span"
value = span
internal data class TableParentData(
var alignment: Alignment? = null,
var span: Int = 1,
internal class TableAlignModifier(
private val alignment: Alignment,
inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit,
) : ParentDataModifier, InspectorValueInfo(inspectorInfo) {
override fun Density.modifyParentData(parentData: Any?): TableParentData {
return ((parentData as? TableParentData) ?: TableParentData()).also {
it.alignment = alignment
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
val otherModifier = other as? TableAlignModifier ?: return false
return alignment == otherModifier.alignment
override fun hashCode(): Int = alignment.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = "TableAlignModifier(alignment=$alignment)"
internal class TableSpanModifier(
private val span: Int,
inspectorInfo: InspectorInfo.() -> Unit,
) : ParentDataModifier, InspectorValueInfo(inspectorInfo) {
override fun Density.modifyParentData(parentData: Any?): TableParentData {
return ((parentData as? TableParentData) ?: TableParentData()).also {
it.span = span
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
val otherModifier = other as? TableSpanModifier ?: return false
return span == otherModifier.span
override fun hashCode(): Int = span.hashCode()
override fun toString(): String = "TableSpanModifier(span=$span)"
sealed class TableCells {
abstract fun getSizes(maxSize: Int): List<Int>
class Fixed(val count: Int) : TableCells() {
override fun getSizes(maxSize: Int): List<Int> {
return Array(count) { maxSize / count }.toList()
class Weighted(vararg val weights: Int) : TableCells() {
override fun getSizes(maxSize: Int): List<Int> {
val weightSum = weights.sum()
val weightUnit = maxSize / weightSum
return { weight -> weightUnit * weight }
fun getSizes(maxWidth: Int, currentSizes: List<Int>): List<Int> {
val weightSum = weights.sum()
val wrapWidth =
if (currentSizes.isNotEmpty()) weights.mapIndexed { index, weight ->
currentSizes[index].takeIf { weight == 0 } ?: 0
else 0
val weightUnit =
if (weightSum != 0) ((maxWidth - wrapWidth) / weightSum).coerceAtLeast(0)
else 0
return weights.mapIndexed { index, weight ->
if (weight == 0) currentSizes.getOrNull(index) ?: maxWidth
else {
weightUnit * weight
internal fun mapTable(
maxAxis: Int,
measurables: List<Measurable>,
direction: TableDirection,
): MutableList<List<Measurable>> {
val table = mutableListOf<List<Measurable>>()
if (direction == TableDirection.VERTICAL) {
var row = mutableListOf<Measurable>()
var columnIndex = 0
measurables.forEach {
val span = ?: 1
val remainingSpan = maxAxis - columnIndex
if (remainingSpan < span && row.isNotEmpty()) {
table += row
row = mutableListOf()
columnIndex = 0
row += it
columnIndex += span
if (columnIndex >= maxAxis) {
columnIndex = 0
table += row
row = mutableListOf()
table += row
} else {
var column = mutableListOf<Measurable>()
var rowIndex = 0
measurables.forEach {
val span = ?: 1
val remainingSpan = maxAxis - rowIndex
if (remainingSpan < span && column.isNotEmpty()) {
table += column
column = mutableListOf()
rowIndex = 0
column += it
rowIndex += span
if (rowIndex >= maxAxis) {
rowIndex = 0
table += column
column = mutableListOf()
if (column.isNotEmpty()) table += column
return table
internal val TableParentData?
get() = parentData as? TableParentData
internal fun calculateOffset(
alignment: BiasAlignment,
columnX: Int,
rowY: Int,
columnWidth: Int,
rowHeight: Int,
width: Int,
height: Int,
): IntOffset {
return Offset(
x = (columnX + (columnWidth - width) * (alignment.horizontalBias + 1) / 2),
y = (rowY + (rowHeight - height) * (alignment.verticalBias + 1) / 2),
enum class TableDirection {
internal fun horizontalTableMeasurePolicy(
cells: TableCells,
rowHeightsState: MutableState<List<Int>>,
): MeasurePolicy {
return MeasurePolicy { measurables, constraints ->
//region Parameter Check
check(constraints.hasBoundedHeight) {
"Unbounded height not supported"
val rowCount = when (cells) {
is TableCells.Fixed -> cells.count
is TableCells.Weighted -> cells.weights.size
check(rowCount > 0) {
"Rows count must be greater than Zero"
var hasWrapWeights = false
if (cells is TableCells.Weighted) {
cells.weights.forEach {
if (it == 0) hasWrapWeights = true
check(it >= 0) {
"Column Weight must not be below Zero"
//region Rows & Columns
val table = mapTable(rowCount, measurables, TableDirection.HORIZONTAL)
val currentRowHeights = rowHeightsState.value.toMutableList()
val columns = mutableListOf<Int>()
val rows = when (cells) {
is TableCells.Fixed -> cells.getSizes(constraints.maxHeight)
is TableCells.Weighted ->
if (hasWrapWeights) cells.getSizes(
else cells.getSizes(constraints.maxHeight)
//region Weighted Calculation
if (hasWrapWeights && currentRowHeights.isEmpty()) {
val rowHeights = Array(rowCount) { 0 }
table.forEachIndexed { columnIndex, list ->
var rowIndex = 0
list.forEachIndexed { index, measurable ->
val span = table[columnIndex][index].data?.span?.coerceAtMost(rowCount) ?: 1
val maxWidth = columns[rowIndex] * span
val itemConstraints = constraints.copy(
minWidth = 0,
maxWidth = maxWidth,
val placeable = measurable.measure(itemConstraints)
if (span == 1) {
rowHeights[rowIndex] = rowHeights[rowIndex]
maxWidth - rowHeights.copyOfRange(0, rowIndex).sum()
rowIndex += span
rowHeightsState.value = rowHeights.toList()
return@MeasurePolicy layout(
width = 0,
height = constraints.maxHeight,
) {
val placeables = table.mapIndexed { columnIndex, list ->
var rowIndex = 0
var columnWidth = 0
val column = list.mapIndexed { index, measurable ->
val span = table[columnIndex][index].data?.span?.coerceAtMost(rowCount) ?: 1
val maxHeight =
if (span == 0) currentRowHeights[rowIndex]
else rows.subList(
(rowIndex + span).coerceAtMost(rows.size),
val itemConstraints = constraints.copy(
minHeight = 0,
maxHeight = maxHeight,
rowIndex += span
measurable.measure(itemConstraints).also { placeable ->
columnWidth = columnWidth.coerceAtLeast(placeable.width)
columns += columnWidth
val width = columns.sum()
width = width,
height = constraints.maxHeight,
) {
var rowY: Int
var columnX = 0
placeables.forEachIndexed { columnIndex, column ->
var rowIndex = 0
rowY = 0
val columnWidth = columns[columnIndex]
column.forEachIndexed { index, placeable ->
val data = table[columnIndex][index].data
val rowHeight = rows.subList(
(rowIndex + (data?.span ?: 1)).coerceAtMost(rows.size),
val offset = calculateOffset(
(data?.alignment ?: Alignment.TopStart) as BiasAlignment,
rowY += rowHeight
rowIndex += (data?.span ?: 1)
columnX += columnWidth
internal fun verticalTableMeasurePolicy(
cells: TableCells,
columnWidthsState: MutableState<List<Int>>,
): MeasurePolicy {
return MeasurePolicy { measurables, constraints ->
//region Parameter Check
check(constraints.hasBoundedWidth) {
"Unbounded width not supported"
val columnCount = when (cells) {
is TableCells.Fixed -> cells.count
is TableCells.Weighted -> cells.weights.size
check(columnCount > 0) {
"Columns count must be greater than Zero"
var hasWrapWeights = false
if (cells is TableCells.Weighted) {
cells.weights.forEach {
if (it == 0) hasWrapWeights = true
check(it >= 0) {
"Column Weight must not be below Zero"
//region Rows & Columns
val table = mapTable(columnCount, measurables, TableDirection.VERTICAL)
val currentColumnWidths = columnWidthsState.value.toMutableList()
val rows = mutableListOf<Int>()
val columns = when (cells) {
is TableCells.Fixed -> cells.getSizes(constraints.maxWidth)
is TableCells.Weighted ->
if (hasWrapWeights) cells.getSizes(
else cells.getSizes(constraints.maxWidth)
//region Weighted Calculation
if (hasWrapWeights && currentColumnWidths.isEmpty()) {
val columnWidths = Array(columnCount) { 0 }
table.forEachIndexed { rowIndex, list ->
var columnIndex = 0
list.forEachIndexed { index, measurable ->
val span = table[rowIndex][index].data?.span?.coerceAtMost(columnCount) ?: 1
val maxWidth = columns[columnIndex] * span
val itemConstraints = constraints.copy(
minWidth = 0,
maxWidth = maxWidth,
val placeable = measurable.measure(itemConstraints)
if (span == 1) {
columnWidths[columnIndex] = columnWidths[columnIndex]
maxWidth - columnWidths.copyOfRange(0, columnIndex).sum()
columnIndex += span
columnWidthsState.value = columnWidths.toList()
return@MeasurePolicy layout(
width = constraints.maxWidth,
height = 0,
) {
val placeables = table.mapIndexed { rowIndex, list ->
var columnIndex = 0
var rowHeight = 0
val row = list.mapIndexed { index, measurable ->
val span = table[rowIndex][index].data?.span?.coerceAtMost(columnCount) ?: 1
val maxWidth =
if (span == 0) currentColumnWidths[columnIndex]
else columns.subList(
(columnIndex + span).coerceAtMost(columns.size),
val itemConstraints = constraints.copy(
minWidth = 0,
maxWidth = maxWidth,
columnIndex += span
measurable.measure(itemConstraints).also { placeable ->
rowHeight = rowHeight.coerceAtLeast(placeable.height)
rows += rowHeight
val height = rows.sum()
width = constraints.maxWidth,
height = height,
) {
var columnX: Int
var rowY = 0
placeables.forEachIndexed { rowIndex, row ->
var columnIndex = 0
columnX = 0
val rowHeight = rows[rowIndex]
row.forEachIndexed { index, placeable ->
val data = table[rowIndex][index].data
val columnWidth = columns.subList(
(columnIndex + (data?.span ?: 1)).coerceAtMost(columns.size),
val offset = calculateOffset(
(data?.alignment ?: Alignment.TopStart) as BiasAlignment,
columnX += columnWidth
columnIndex += (data?.span ?: 1)
rowY += rowHeight
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