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Created April 3, 2020 07:34
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DownloadPizza's Catalyst stuff
package net.downloadpizza.cautil.matrix
typealias Matrix<T> = List<List<T>>
inline fun <T> readMatrix(height: Int, delimeter: String = " ", convert: (String) -> T): Matrix<T> =
List(height) { readLine()!!.split(delimeter).map(convert) }
fun readIntMatrix(height: Int, delimeter: String = " "): Matrix<Int> =
readMatrix(height, delimeter, String::toInt)
fun readDoubleMatrix(height: Int, delimeter: String = " "): Matrix<Double> =
readMatrix(height, delimeter, String::toDouble)
inline fun <T, R> List<List<T>>.mapMatrix(transform: (T) -> R): Matrix<R> = { }
fun <T : Comparable<T>> List<List<T>>.matrixMax() = this.mapNotNull { it.max() }.max()
fun <T : Comparable<T>> List<List<T>>.matrixMin() = this.mapNotNull { it.min() }.min()
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