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Created November 21, 2014 18:10
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GLSL simple raytrace
<html><head><script src="script.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script id="fs" type="x-shader/x-fragment">precision mediump float;
uniform float time;
uniform vec2 mouse;
uniform vec2 resolution;
// const ==========================================================================================
const vec3 cPos = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 3.0);
const vec3 cDir = vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
const vec3 cUp = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
const float targetDepth = 1.0;
const vec3 lightDirection = vec3(-0.577, 0.577, 0.577);
// struct =========================================================================================
struct Intersection{
float t;
float hit;
vec3 hitPoint;
vec3 normal;
vec3 color;
struct Sphere{
vec3 position;
float radius;
struct Plane{
vec3 position;
vec3 normal;
// global =========================================================================================
Sphere sphere;
Plane plane;
// function =======================================================================================
void intersectSphere(vec3 ray, Sphere s, inout Intersection i){
vec3 a = cPos - s.position;
float b = dot(a, ray);
float c = dot(a, a) - (s.radius * s.radius);
float d = b * b - c;
if(d > 0.0){
float t = -b - sqrt(d);
if(t > 0.0 && t < i.t){
i.t = t;
i.hit = 1.0;
i.hitPoint = vec3(
cPos.x + ray.x * t,
cPos.y + ray.y * t,
cPos.z + ray.z * t
i.normal = normalize(i.hitPoint - s.position);
float diff = clamp(dot(i.normal, lightDirection), 0.1, 1.0);
i.color = vec3(diff);
void intersectPlane(vec3 ray, Plane p, inout Intersection i){
float d = -dot(p.position, p.normal);
float v = dot(ray, p.normal);
float t = -(dot(cPos, p.normal) + d) / v;
if(t > 0.0 && t < i.t){
i.t = t;
i.hit = 1.0;
i.hitPoint = vec3(
cPos.x + t * ray.x,
cPos.y + t * ray.y,
cPos.z + t * ray.z
i.normal = p.normal;
float diff = clamp(dot(i.normal, lightDirection), 0.1, 1.0);
float m = mod(i.hitPoint.x, 2.0);
float n = mod(i.hitPoint.z, 2.0);
if((m > 1.0 && n > 1.0) || (m < 1.0 && n < 1.0)){
diff -= 0.5;
t = min(i.hitPoint.z, 100.0) * 0.01;
i.color = vec3(diff + t);
void intersect(vec3 ray, inout Intersection i){
intersectSphere(ray, sphere, i);
intersectPlane(ray, plane, i);
// main ===========================================================================================
void main(void){
// fragment position
vec2 p = (gl_FragCoord.xy * 2.0 - resolution) / min(resolution.x, resolution.y);
// ray init
vec3 cSide = cross(cDir, cUp);
vec3 ray = normalize(cSide * p.x + cUp * p.y + cDir * targetDepth);
// sphere init
sphere.position = vec3(0.0);
sphere.radius = 1.0;
// plane init
plane.position = vec3(0.0, -1.0, 0.0);
plane.normal = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// intersect init
Intersection i;
i.t = 1.0e+30;
i.hit = 0.0;
i.hitPoint = vec3(0.0);
i.normal = vec3(0.0);
i.color = vec3(0.0);
// check
intersect(ray, i);
if(i.hit > 0.0){
gl_FragColor = vec4(i.color, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(0.0), 1.0);
</script><script id="vs" type="x-shader/x-vertex">
attribute vec3 position;
void main(void){
gl_Position = vec4(position, 1.0);
</script><style type="text/css">
* {margin: 0px; padding: 0px;}
body {background-color: rgb(32, 32, 32); text-align: center;}
canvas {margin: 0px auto;}
</style><title>glsl test</title></head><body><canvas id="canvas"></canvas></body></html>
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