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David Peek dpeek

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// ## Top-Level Keys
// Whether Wrangler should keep variables configured in the dashboard on deploy.
// See
"keep_vars": false,
// Whether Wrangler should send usage data to Cloudflare for this project. Defaults to true.
// See
"send_metrics": true,
// When making changes to your Durable Object classes, you must perform a migration.
dpeek / retry.ts
Created August 15, 2024 23:56
Exponential backoff retry helper for DurableObjectStub
import { DurableObject } from 'cloudflare:workers';
const attempts = 3;
const baseBackoff = 100;
const maxBackoff = 20000;
function getBackoff(attempt: number) {
const backoff = baseBackoff * Math.pow(2, attempt) * Math.random();
return Math.round(Math.min(maxBackoff, backoff));
dpeek / tsconfig.json
Created August 30, 2023 01:40
Somewhat OK TSConfig defaults and explanations
Enabled by "strict":
- alwaysStrict
- noImplicitAny
- noImplicitThis
- strictNullChecks
- strictBindCallApply
- strictFunctionTypes
- strictPropertyInitialization
- useUnknownInCatchVariable
dpeek / model.tsx
Created December 13, 2022 10:06
Replicache with Suspense
import React, {
} from 'react';
import { unstable_batchedUpdates } from 'react-dom';
import { ReadonlyJSONValue, ReadTransaction, Replicache } from 'replicache';
dpeek / use-subscribe-suspense.ts
Created May 2, 2022 23:23
useSubscribe that supports suspense
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { unstable_batchedUpdates } from 'react-dom';
import type {
} from 'replicache';
// We wrap all the callbacks in a `unstable_batchedUpdates` call to ensure that
// we do not render things more than once over all of the changed subscriptions.
dpeek / theme.ts
Created July 13, 2021 04:41
Radix Color Scale Mapper
import { createCss } from '@stitches/react';
import { mint } from '@radix-ui/colors';
type ScaleNum = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12;
type ScaleKey<Name extends string> = `${Name}${ScaleNum}`;
type ColorScale<Name extends string> = { [K in ScaleKey<Name>]: string };
function mapColorScale<FromName extends string, ToName extends string>(
fromScale: ColorScale<FromName>,
fromName: FromName,
dpeek / 05.js
Created December 5, 2019 14:44
const opcode = op => {
const str = String(op);
return parseInt(str.substr(str.length - 2));
const mode = (op, pos) => {
const str = String(op);
if (pos + 2 > str.length) return 0;
return parseInt(str.substr(str.length - (2 + pos), 1));
## dgraph query
person(func: uid(0x41d)) {
partner: Person.partner {
dpeek /
Created February 11, 2019 18:37
Ensure consistent line-endings within files (both CRLF and LF)
# Require Swiss File Knife (sfk) (available from homebrew on macOS)
# find all files detected as CRLF and force CRLF
find . -not -path "./.git*" -type f | xargs file | grep "CRLF" | awk -F ':' '{ print $1 }' | xargs sfk addcr
# find all files detected as LF and force LF
find . -not -path "./.git*" -type f | xargs file | grep -v "CRLF" | awk -F ':' '{ print $1 }' | xargs sfk remcr
dpeek / bif.js
Created February 28, 2018 10:38
BIF Parser
function Buffer(a) {
this.buffer = a;
this.position = 0;
Buffer.prototype = {
seek: function(a) {
this.position = a;
skip: function(a) {
this.position += a;