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Created October 11, 2011 14:58
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[dpetrov@pc335: /tmp/metacpan-web]$
[dpetrov@pc335: /tmp/metacpan-web]$ prove -lvr t/
t/controller/activity.t ............. You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - /activity
ok 2 - code 200
ok 3 - Content-type is image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8
ok 4 - valid xml
ok 5 - /activity?author=PERLER
ok 6 - code 200
ok 7 - Content-type is image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8
ok 8 - valid xml
ok 9 - /activity?distribution=Moose
ok 10 - code 200
ok 11 - Content-type is image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8
ok 12 - valid xml
t/controller/author.t ............... You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET /author/DOESNTEXIST
ok 2 - code 404
ok 3 - GET /author/PERLER
ok 4 - code 200
ok 5 - title includes author name
not ok 6 - found a release
# Failed test 'found a release'
# at t/controller/author.t line 17.
ok 7 - GET
ok 8 - code 200
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 8.
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/8 subtests
t/controller/diff.t ................. You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET module diff
ok 2 - code 200
not ok 3 - Module diff file list
# Failed test 'Module diff file list'
# at t/controller/diff.t line 17.
# got: ''
# expected: ''
ok 4 - GET release diff
ok 5 - code 200
not ok 6 - Release diff file list
# Failed test 'Release diff file list'
# at t/controller/diff.t line 24.
# got: ''
# expected: 'ChangesMETA.jsonMETA.ymlMakefile.PLREADME'
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 6.
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/6 subtests
t/controller/feed.t ................. You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - /feed/recent
ok 2 - code 200
ok 3 - Content-type is application/rss+xml
ok 4 - valid xml
ok 5 - /feed/author/PERLER
ok 6 - code 200
ok 7 - Content-type is application/rss+xml
ok 8 - valid xml
ok 9 - /feed/distribution/Moose
ok 10 - code 200
ok 11 - Content-type is application/rss+xml
ok 12 - valid xml
t/controller/home.t ................. You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET /
ok 2 - code 200
t/controller/module.t ............... You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET /module/DOESNTEXIST
ok 2 - code 404
ok 3 - GET /module/Moose
ok 4 - code 200
ok 5 - title includes Moose
not ok 6 - contains permalink to resource
# Failed test 'contains permalink to resource'
# at t/controller/module.t line 15.
not ok 7 - contains link to "this" version
# Failed test 'contains link to "this" version'
# at t/controller/module.t line 18.
ok 8 - GET
not ok 9 - content of both urls is exactly the same
# Failed test 'content of both urls is exactly the same'
# at t/controller/module.t line 22.
# got: '
# <html>
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# '
# expected: '
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# '
not ok 10 - current rating and number of reviews listed
not ok 11 - cpanratings link to rate this dist
# Failed test 'current rating and number of reviews listed'
# at t/controller/module.t line 25.
# ''
# doesn't match '(?i-xsm:\d+ reviews?)'
# Failed test 'cpanratings link to rate this dist'
# at t/controller/module.t line 31.
# ''
# doesn't match '(?i-xsm:Rate this)'
# Looks like you failed 5 tests of 11.
Dubious, test returned 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
Failed 5/11 subtests
t/controller/raw.t .................. You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET /module/Moose
ok 2 - code 200
not ok 3 - contains link to Source
# Failed test 'contains link to Source'
# at t/controller/raw.t line 11.
ok 4 - GET
ok 5 - code 200
ok 6 - Content-type text/html; charset=utf-8
ok 7 - GET ?download=1
not ok 8 - content-disposition attachment with filename set
# Failed test 'content-disposition attachment with filename set'
# at t/controller/raw.t line 22.
# got: undef
# expected: 'attachment;'
not ok 9 - cotent-type text/plain
# Failed test 'cotent-type text/plain'
# at t/controller/raw.t line 26.
# got: 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
# expected: 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
# Looks like you failed 3 tests of 9.
Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300)
Failed 3/9 subtests
t/controller/recent.t ............... You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET /recent
ok 2 - code 200
not ok 3 - contains a release
# Failed test 'contains a release'
# at t/controller/recent.t line 12.
ok 4 - GET
ok 5 - code 200
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 5.
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/5 subtests
t/controller/release.t .............. You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET /release/DOESNTEXIST
ok 2 - code 404
ok 4 - code 404
ok 6 - code 404
ok 7 - GET /release/Moose
ok 8 - code 200
ok 9 - title includes Moose
not ok 10 - contains permalink to resource
# Failed test 'contains permalink to resource'
# at t/controller/release.t line 24.
not ok 11 - contains link to "this" version
# Failed test 'contains link to "this" version'
# at t/controller/release.t line 26.
ok 12 - GET
ok 13 - content of both urls is exactly the same
not ok 14 - version ends with date in common format
# Failed test 'version ends with date in common format'
# at t/controller/release.t line 37.
# ''
# doesn't match '(?-xism:\(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\)$)'
not ok 15 - current rating and number of reviews listed
# Failed test 'current rating and number of reviews listed'
# at t/controller/release.t line 44.
# ''
# doesn't match '(?i-xsm:\d+ reviews?)'
not ok 16 - cpanratings link to rate this dist
# Failed test 'cpanratings link to rate this dist'
# at t/controller/release.t line 50.
# ''
# doesn't match '(?i-xsm:Rate this)'
# Looks like you failed 5 tests of 16.
Dubious, test returned 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500)
Failed 5/16 subtests
t/controller/search.t ............... You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET /search
ok 2 - code 302
# invalid search term
ok 3 - GET /search?q=moose">
ok 4 - code 200
ok 5 - 0 results
ok 6 - GET /search?q=moose
ok 7 - code 200
ok 8 - title includes search term
not ok 9 - found release
# Failed test 'found release '
# at t/controller/search.t line 23.
not ok 10 - current rating and number of reviews listed
# Failed test 'current rating and number of reviews listed'
# at t/controller/search.t line 26.
# ''
# doesn't match '(?i-xsm:\d+ reviews?)'
ok 11 - GET
ok 12 - code 200
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 12.
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/12 subtests
t/controller/search/autocomplete.t .. You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET /search/autocomplete?q=moose
ok 2 - code 200
ok 3 - Content-type is application/json
ok 4 - valid json
ok 5 - isa arrayref
ok 6 - GET Moose
ok 7 - code 200
ok 8 - includes module name
ok 9 - GET /search/autocomplete?q=moose">
ok 10 - code 200
ok 11 - Content-type is application/json
ok 12 - valid json
ok 13 - isa arrayref
t/controller/search/precision.t ..... You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - search for anyevent http
not ok 2 - AnyEvent::HTTP is first result
# Failed test 'AnyEvent::HTTP is first result'
# at t/controller/search/precision.t line 25.
# got: ''
# expected: 'AnyEvent::HTTP'
ok 3 - search for dist zilla
not ok 4 - Dist::Zilla is first result
# Failed test 'Dist::Zilla is first result'
# at t/controller/search/precision.t line 25.
# got: ''
# expected: 'Dist::Zilla'
ok 5 - search for AnyEvent
not ok 6 - AnyEvent is first result
# Failed test 'AnyEvent is first result'
# at t/controller/search/precision.t line 25.
# got: ''
# expected: 'AnyEvent'
ok 7 - search for anyevent
not ok 8 - AnyEvent is first result
# Failed test 'AnyEvent is first result'
# at t/controller/search/precision.t line 25.
# got: ''
# expected: 'AnyEvent'
ok 9 - search for Perl::Critic
not ok 10 - Perl::Critic is first result
# Failed test 'Perl::Critic is first result'
# at t/controller/search/precision.t line 25.
# got: ''
# expected: 'Perl::Critic'
ok 11 - search for dbi
not ok 12 - DBI is first result
# Failed test 'DBI is first result'
# at t/controller/search/precision.t line 25.
# got: ''
# expected: 'DBI'
ok 13 - search for net dns
not ok 14 - Net::DNS is first result
# Failed test 'Net::DNS is first result'
# at t/controller/search/precision.t line 25.
# got: ''
# expected: 'Net::DNS'
ok 15 - search for DBIx::Class
not ok 16 - DBIx::Class is first result
# Failed test 'DBIx::Class is first result'
# at t/controller/search/precision.t line 25.
# got: ''
# expected: 'DBIx::Class'
# Looks like you failed 8 tests of 16.
Dubious, test returned 8 (wstat 2048, 0x800)
Failed 8/16 subtests
t/controller/source.t ............... You are running Catalyst::Engine::PSGI, which is considered a legacy engine for
this version of Catalyst. We will continue running and use your existing psgi
file, but it is recommended to perform the trivial upgrade process, which will
leave you with less code and a forward path.
Please review Catalyst::Upgrading
env as a writer is deprecated, you probably need to upgrade Catalyst::Engine::PSGI at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Catalyst/ line 27.
ok 1 - GET /module/Moose
ok 2 - code 200
not ok 3 - contains link to Source
# Failed test 'contains link to Source'
# at t/controller/source.t line 11.
ok 4 - GET
ok 5 - code 200
ok 6 - Content-type text/html; charset=utf-8
not ok 7 - includes Moose package
# Failed test 'includes Moose package'
# at t/controller/source.t line 19.
ok 8 - GET /source/ABW/Template-Toolkit-2.22/lib/Template/Manual.pod
ok 9 - code 200
not ok 10 - has pre-block with expected syntax brush
# Failed test 'has pre-block with expected syntax brush'
# at t/controller/source.t line 40.
ok 11 - GET /source/RJBS/Dist-Zilla-4.200012/lib/Dist/
ok 12 - code 200
not ok 13 - has pre-block with expected syntax brush
# Failed test 'has pre-block with expected syntax brush'
# at t/controller/source.t line 40.
ok 14 - GET /source/RJBS/Dist-Zilla-4.200012/bin/dzil
ok 15 - code 200
not ok 16 - has pre-block with expected syntax brush
# Failed test 'has pre-block with expected syntax brush'
# at t/controller/source.t line 40.
ok 17 - GET /source/RJBS/Dist-Zilla-4.200012/Makefile.PL
ok 18 - code 200
not ok 19 - has pre-block with expected syntax brush
# Failed test 'has pre-block with expected syntax brush'
# at t/controller/source.t line 40.
ok 20 - GET /source/RJBS/Dist-Zilla-4.200012/META.json
ok 21 - code 200
not ok 22 - has pre-block with expected syntax brush
# Failed test 'has pre-block with expected syntax brush'
# at t/controller/source.t line 40.
ok 23 - GET /source/RJBS/Dist-Zilla-4.200012/META.yml
ok 24 - code 200
not ok 25 - has pre-block with expected syntax brush
# Failed test 'has pre-block with expected syntax brush'
# at t/controller/source.t line 40.
ok 26 - GET /source/RJBS/Dist-Zilla-4.200012/README
ok 27 - code 200
not ok 28 - has pre-block with expected syntax brush
# Failed test 'has pre-block with expected syntax brush'
# at t/controller/source.t line 40.
# Looks like you failed 9 tests of 28.
Dubious, test returned 9 (wstat 2304, 0x900)
Failed 9/28 subtests
Test Summary Report
t/controller/author.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 8 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 6
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/controller/diff.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 6 Failed: 2)
Failed tests: 3, 6
Non-zero exit status: 2
t/controller/module.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 11 Failed: 5)
Failed tests: 6-7, 9-11
Non-zero exit status: 5
t/controller/raw.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 9 Failed: 3)
Failed tests: 3, 8-9
Non-zero exit status: 3
t/controller/recent.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 5 Failed: 1)
Failed test: 3
Non-zero exit status: 1
t/controller/release.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 16 Failed: 5)
Failed tests: 10-11, 14-16
Non-zero exit status: 5
t/controller/search.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 12 Failed: 2)
Failed tests: 9-10
Non-zero exit status: 2
t/controller/search/precision.t (Wstat: 2048 Tests: 16 Failed: 8)
Failed tests: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16
Non-zero exit status: 8
t/controller/source.t (Wstat: 2304 Tests: 28 Failed: 9)
Failed tests: 3, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28
Non-zero exit status: 9
Files=13, Tests=150, 71 wallclock secs ( 0.17 usr 0.06 sys + 52.61 cusr 2.10 csys = 54.94 CPU)
Result: FAIL
[dpetrov@pc335: /tmp/metacpan-web]$
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