Last Update: 12.12.2014
Offline Version
- Translating
- Basic Plot
- Plot Annotation
- Time Customization
- Subplots
- Polar Plot
- Histogram
- Bar Plot
- Error Bars
- Inexact Plot
- Pie Chart
- Scatter Plot
- Box Plot
- Major-Minor Ticks
- Mult-axis Plot
- Axis Placement
- Surface and Contour Plots
Translating PyPlot code from Python to Julia can be difficult so here are a few examples comparing Python code with its Julia equivalent.
# Python
ax.set_ylim([-30, 10])
Source: Axis Boundary Color
# Julia
ax[:spines]["top"][:set_color]("none") # Remove the top axis boundary
ax[:spines]["right"][:set_color]("none") # Remove the right axis boundary
The above example looked at settings of plot components. The next example will call matplotlib itself.
# Python
from matplotlib.dates import MonthLocator, WeekdayLocator, DateFormatter
majorformatter = DateFormatter("%d.%m.%Y")
minorformatter = DateFormatter("%H:%M")
majorlocator = DayLocator(interval=1)
minorlocator = HourLocator(byhour=(8,16)) # Not sure about this one
Source: Modified from this forum post by Nat Wilson and this matplotlib example.
# Julia
majorformatter = matplotlib[:dates][:DateFormatter]("%d.%m.%Y")
minorformatter = matplotlib[:dates][:DateFormatter]("%H:%M")
majorlocator = matplotlib[:dates][:DayLocator](interval=1)
minorlocator = matplotlib[:dates][:HourLocator](byhour=(8, 16))
# After an axis exists
Most of the basic commands in PyPlot are very similar to Matlab.
p = plot(x,y)
title("Your Title Goes Here")
The first noticable change is in the plotting command when non-default values are used.
p = plot_date(x,y,linestyle="-",marker="None",label="Base Plot") # Basic line plot
Instead of "linesteyle","-"
it uses linestyle="-"
for parameters.
The following command will point an arrow at a point and label the arrow.
annotate("Look, data!",
xy=[x;y,# Arrow tip
xytext=[x+dx;y+dy], # Text offset from tip
xycoords="data", # Coordinates in in "data" units
arrowprops=["facecolor"=>"black"]) # Julia dictionary objects are automatically converted to Python object when they pass into a PyPlot function
It's important to note that in Python the arrowprops would look like this: arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->")
. Dictionary definitions look like arrowprops=["facecolor"=>"black"]
in Julia.
LaTeX can be used by putting an L in front of LaTeX code, L"$\int x = \frac{x^2}{2} + C$"
annotate(L"$\int x = \frac{x^2}{2} + C$",
xycoords="axes fraction",
textcoords="offset points",
The formatting preparation is accomplished by calling the formatters within Matplotlib.
majorformatter = matplotlib[:dates][:DateFormatter]("%d.%m.%Y")
minorformatter = matplotlib[:dates][:DateFormatter]("%H:%M")
majorlocator = matplotlib[:dates][:DayLocator](interval=1)
minorlocator = matplotlib[:dates][:HourLocator](byhour=(8, 16))
They are then applied to the specific axis, the handle of which is called ax1 in this case.
, Y = number of columns, X = number of rows, N = number of axis being created
The number, N, of a grid of axes starts in the upper left (1), and goes right then down. The second axis of a 2x2 grid is the upper right axis.
subplot(313) # Create the third plot of a 3x1 group of subplots
suptitle("3x1 Subplot") # Supe title, title for all subplots combined
ax = axes(polar="true") # Create a polar axis
# Do your plotting
# Optional changes
ax[:set_thetagrids]([0:dtheta:360-dtheta]) # Show grid lines from 0 to 360 in increments of dtheta
ax[:set_theta_zero_location]("N") # Set 0 degrees to the top of the plot
ax[:set_theta_direction](-1) # Switch to clockwise
fig[:canvas][:draw]() # Update the figure, required when doing additional modifications
h = PyPlot.plt.hist(x,nbins) # Histogram, PyPlot.plt required to differentiate with conflicting hist command
b = bar(x,y,color="#0f87bf",align="center",alpha=0.4)
b = barh(x,y,color="#0f87bf",align="center",alpha=0.4)
errorbar(x, # Original x data points, N values
y, # Original y data points, N values
yerr=errs, # Plus/minus error ranges, Nx2 values
fmt="o") # Format
The IJulia example does not properly apply all the formatting as the terminal version does.
xkcd() # Set to XKCD mode, based on the comic (hand drawn)
# Plot everything
p = pie(sizes,labels=labels,shadow=true,startangle=90,explode=explode,colors=colors,autopct="%1.1f%%")
boxplot(data, # Each column/cell is one box
notch=true, # Notched center
whis=0.75, # Whisker length as a percent of inner quartile range
widths=0.25, # Width of boxes
vert=false, # Horizontal boxes
sym="rs") # Symbol color and shape (rs = red square)
# Set the tick interval #
Mx = matplotlib[:ticker][:MultipleLocator](20) # Define interval of major ticks
f = matplotlib[:ticker][:FormatStrFormatter]("%1.2f") # Define format of tick labels
ax[:xaxis][:set_major_locator](Mx) # Set interval of major ticks
ax[:xaxis][:set_major_formatter](f) # Set format of tick labels
mx = matplotlib[:ticker][:MultipleLocator](5) # Define interval of minor ticks
ax[:xaxis][:set_minor_locator](mx) # Set interval of minor ticks
My = matplotlib[:ticker][:MultipleLocator](0.5) # Define interval of major ticks
ax[:yaxis][:set_major_locator](My) # Set interval of major ticks
my = matplotlib[:ticker][:MultipleLocator](0.1) # Define interval of minor ticks
ax[:yaxis][:set_minor_locator](my) # Set interval of minor ticks
# Set tick dimensions #
fig[:canvas][:draw]() # Update the figure
# Other Axes #
new_position = [0.06,0.06,0.77,0.91] # Position Method 2
ax[:set_position](new_position) # Position Method 2: Change the size and position of the axis
#fig[:subplots_adjust](right=0.85) # Position Method 1
ax2 = ax[:twinx]() # Create another axis on top of the current axis
font2 = ["color"=>"purple"]
ylabel("Right Axis",fontdict=font2)
p = plot_date(x,y2,color="purple",linestyle="-",marker="o",label="Second") # Plot a basic line
ax2[:set_position](new_position) # Position Method 2
setp(ax2[:get_yticklabels](),color="purple") # Y Axis font formatting
ax3 = ax[:twinx]() # Create another axis on top of the current axis
ax3[:spines]["right"][:set_position](("axes",1.12)) # Offset the y-axis label from the axis itself so it doesn't overlap the second axis
font3 = ["color"=>"green"]
ylabel("Far Right Axis",fontdict=font3)
p = plot_date(x,y3,color="green",linestyle="-",marker="o",label="Third") # Plot a basic line
ax3[:set_position](new_position) # Position Method 2
setp(ax3[:get_yticklabels](),color="green") # Y Axis font formatting
# Enable just the right part of the frame
ax3[:set_frame_on](true) # Make the entire frame visible
ax3[:patch][:set_visible](false) # Make the patch (background) invisible so it doesn't cover up the other axes' plots
ax3[:spines]["top"][:set_visible](false) # Hide the top edge of the axis
ax3[:spines]["bottom"][:set_visible](false) # Hide the bottom edge of the axis
fig[:canvas][:draw]() # Update the figure
ax[:spines]["top"][:set_visible](false) # Hide the top edge of the axis
ax[:spines]["right"][:set_visible](false) # Hide the right edge of the axis
ax[:spines]["left"][:set_position]("center") # Move the right axis to the center
ax[:spines]["bottom"][:set_position]("center") # Most the bottom axis to the center
ax[:xaxis][:set_ticks_position]("bottom") # Set the x-ticks to only the bottom
ax[:yaxis][:set_ticks_position]("left") # Set the y-ticks to only the left
ax2[:spines]["top"][:set_visible](false) # Hide the top edge of the axis
ax2[:spines]["right"][:set_visible](false) # Hide the right edge of the axis
ax2[:spines]["left"][:set_position](("axes",-0.03)) # Offset the left scale from the axis
ax2[:spines]["bottom"][:set_position](("axes",-0.05)) # Offset the bottom scale from the axis
Thanks to Daniel Høegh for providing this example.
ax[:plot_surface](xgrid, ygrid, z, rstride=2,edgecolors="k", cstride=2,
cmap=ColorMap("gray"), alpha=0.8, linewidth=0.25)
cp = ax[:contour](xgrid, ygrid, z, colors="black", linewidth=2.0)
ax[:clabel](cp, inline=1, fontsize=10)