ufw [--dry-run] enable|disable|reload
ufw [--dry-run] default allow|deny|reject [incoming|outgoing]
ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL
toggle logging. Logged packets use the LOG_KERN syslog facility. Systems configured for rsyslog
support may also log to /var/log/ufw.log. Specifying a LEVEL turns logging on for the specified LEVEL.
The default log level is 'low'.
ufw [--dry-run] reset
ufw [--dry-run] status [verbose|numbered]
ufw [--dry-run] show REPORT
ufw [--dry-run] [delete] [insert NUM] allow|deny|reject|limit [in|out] [log|log-all] PORT[/PROTOCOL]
ufw [--dry-run] [delete] [insert NUM] allow|deny|reject|limit [in|out on INTERFACE] [log|log-all]
[proto PROTOCOL] [from ADDRESS [port PORT]] [to ADDRESS [port PORT]]
ufw [--dry-run] delete NUM
ufw [--dry-run] app list|info|default|update
ufw status verbose
ufw app list
ufw allow in on eth0 log from any to any app SSH-22022
ufw [delete] allow in proto udp from to port 123
Why this is not the official doc?
It's so concise and clear 🚀