Quick reference for SSL certificate workflow handling for commonly used commercial SSL products
- Generate a new private key
#!/bin/bash | |
# | |
# @author Emiliano Gabrielli <[email protected]> | |
# @license MIT | |
# | |
BASE_DIR="${BASE_DIR:=.}" | |
WRT_DIRS="${WRT_DIRS:=}" | |
HTTPD_USR=`ps aux | grep -E '[a]pache|[h]ttpd|[_]www|[w]ww-data|[n]ginx' | grep -v root | head -1 | cut -d\ -f1` |
# | |
# /usr/local/bin/listAliasByDomain | |
# | |
# Lists all aliases for mailboxes and distribution lists associated with a particular domain | |
# | |
# Syntax: listAliasByDomain someMailDomain.com | |
# | |
# The settings for the LDAP queries are guesses. They work for me, but if I have overlooked | |
# something, please let me know! | |
# |
ufw [--dry-run] enable|disable|reload
ufw [--dry-run] default allow|deny|reject [incoming|outgoing]
ufw [--dry-run] logging on|off|LEVEL
toggle logging. Logged packets use the LOG_KERN syslog facility. Systems configured for rsyslog
support may also log to /var/log/ufw.log. Specifying a LEVEL turns logging on for the specified LEVEL.
Verifying that +dralbert is my blockchain ID. https://onename.com/dralbert
<?php | |
define('FORCE_HTTPS', true); //set true if you want only https | |
//@see https://github.com/maxmind/geoip-api-php | |
define('GI_INCLUDE_PATH', __DIR__.'/includes/geoip'); | |
require_once GI_INCLUDE_PATH.'/geoip.inc.php'; | |
//XXX to be improved | |
$languages = array('en', 'it', 'de'); //first is default |
#!/bin/bash | |
# Shell script to make a locally browseable version of a given URL | |
# | |
# @author Emiliano Gabrielli <[email protected]> | |
# @license MIT | |
LC_ALL=C | |
LANG=C | |
FONT_DEF=$'\033[0m' |
#!/bin/bash | |
FIXER_BIN=$(which php-cs-fixer.phar) | |
CFG_FILE=".php_cs" | |
COMMAND="${FIXER_BIN} fix --config=${CFG_FILE} -vvv --path-mode=intersection --dry-run --no-ansi" | |
TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d -t CS-FIX.XXXXXXXXX)" | |
function do_cleanup { |
tmp.ipAddress, | |
-- Calculate how many connections are being held by this IP address. | |
COUNT( * ) AS ipAddressCount, | |
-- For each connection, the TIME column represent how many SECONDS it has been in | |
-- its current state. Running some aggregates will give us a fuzzy picture of what | |
-- the connections from this IP address is doing. | |
FLOOR( AVG( tmp.time ) ) AS timeAVG, |