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Arch Linux Packages
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acl | |
acpi | |
acpid | |
adwaita-icon-theme | |
alsa-lib | |
alsa-plugins | |
alsa-utils | |
amd-ucode | |
ansible | |
aom | |
arandr | |
archlinux-keyring | |
argon2 | |
assimp | |
at-spi2-atk | |
at-spi2-core | |
atk | |
atkmm | |
atool | |
attr | |
audit | |
augeas | |
autoconf | |
automake | |
avahi | |
babl | |
bash | |
bazel | |
bind-tools | |
binutils | |
bison | |
blas | |
bluez-libs | |
boost-libs | |
bridge-utils | |
bzip2 | |
c-ares | |
ca-certificates | |
ca-certificates-mozilla | |
ca-certificates-utils | |
cairo | |
cairo-perl | |
cairomm | |
cantarell-fonts | |
ccid | |
cdparanoia | |
ceph-libs | |
chromium | |
clucene | |
cmake | |
colord | |
compton | |
confuse | |
containerd | |
coreutils | |
cpio | |
cracklib | |
cryptsetup | |
curl | |
db | |
dbus | |
dbus-glib | |
dconf | |
desktop-file-utils | |
device-mapper | |
dhcpcd | |
dialog | |
diffutils | |
dkms | |
dmenu | |
dnssec-anchors | |
docker | |
docker-compose | |
docker-machine | |
dosfstools | |
double-conversion | |
e2fsprogs | |
editorconfig-core-c | |
elinks | |
exiv2 | |
expat | |
fakeroot | |
ffmpeg | |
fftw | |
file | |
filesystem | |
findutils | |
firefox | |
flac | |
flex | |
fontconfig | |
freetype2 | |
fribidi | |
fuse-common | |
fuse2 | |
gawk | |
gc | |
gcc | |
gcc-libs | |
gdbm | |
gdk-pixbuf2 | |
gegl | |
geoip | |
geoip-database | |
gettext | |
giflib | |
gimp | |
git | |
glib-networking | |
glib-perl | |
glib2 | |
glibc | |
glibmm | |
glide | |
glu | |
glusterfs | |
gmp | |
gnome-screenshot | |
gnupg | |
gnutls | |
go-pie | |
gperftools | |
gpgme | |
gpm | |
graphene | |
graphite | |
grep | |
groff | |
gsettings-desktop-schemas | |
gsfonts | |
gsm | |
gst-plugins-base | |
gst-plugins-base-libs | |
gstreamer | |
gtk-update-icon-cache | |
gtk2 | |
gtk2-perl | |
gtk3 | |
gtkmm | |
gtkmm3 | |
guile | |
gzip | |
harfbuzz | |
harfbuzz-icu | |
hicolor-icon-theme | |
hidapi | |
highlight | |
htop | |
hunspell | |
hunspell-en_US | |
hwids | |
hyphen | |
i3-wm | |
i3blocks | |
i3lock | |
iana-etc | |
icu | |
ilmbase | |
inetutils | |
intel-tbb | |
intel-ucode | |
iproute2 | |
iptables | |
iputils | |
iso-codes | |
jack | |
jasper | |
java-environment-common | |
java-runtime-common | |
jdk10-openjdk | |
jfsutils | |
jitterentropy | |
jq | |
jre10-openjdk | |
jre10-openjdk-headless | |
js52 | |
json-c | |
json-glib | |
jsoncpp | |
kbd | |
keyutils | |
kitty | |
kmod | |
krb5 | |
l-smash | |
lame | |
lapack | |
lcms2 | |
ldns | |
lensfun | |
less | |
leveldb | |
libabw | |
libaio | |
libarchive | |
libass | |
libassuan | |
libasyncns | |
libatomic_ops | |
libavc1394 | |
libbluray | |
libcanberra | |
libcanberra-pulse | |
libcap | |
libcap-ng | |
libcdr | |
libcmis | |
libconfig | |
libcroco | |
libcups | |
libdaemon | |
libdatrie | |
libde265 | |
libdrm | |
libe-book | |
libedit | |
libelf | |
libepoxy | |
libepubgen | |
libetonyek | |
libev | |
libevdev | |
libevent | |
libexif | |
libexttextcat | |
libfbclient | |
libffi | |
libfontenc | |
libfreehand | |
libftdi | |
libgcrypt | |
libgexiv2 | |
libglade | |
libglvnd | |
libgpg-error | |
libgudev | |
libgusb | |
libheif | |
libibus | |
libice | |
libidn | |
libidn2 | |
libiec61883 | |
libinput | |
libiscsi | |
libixion | |
libjpeg-turbo | |
libksba | |
liblangtag | |
libldap | |
libmaxminddb | |
libmediainfo | |
libmms | |
libmng | |
libmnl | |
libmodplug | |
libmpc | |
libmspub | |
libmwaw | |
libmypaint | |
libnet | |
libnetfilter_conntrack | |
libnfnetlink | |
libnftnl | |
libnghttp2 | |
libnl | |
libnsl | |
libnss_nis | |
libnumbertext | |
libodfgen | |
libogg | |
libomxil-bellagio | |
liborcus | |
libpagemaker | |
libpcap | |
libpciaccess | |
libpipeline | |
libpng | |
libproxy | |
libpsl | |
libpulse | |
libqxp | |
libraw | |
libraw1394 | |
libreoffice-fresh | |
librevenge | |
librsvg | |
libsamplerate | |
libsasl | |
libseccomp | |
libsecret | |
libsigc++ | |
libsm | |
libsndfile | |
libsodium | |
libsoup | |
libsoxr | |
libspiro | |
libssh | |
libssh2 | |
libstaroffice | |
libstemmer | |
libsystemd | |
libtasn1 | |
libthai | |
libtheora | |
libtiff | |
libtirpc | |
libtommath | |
libtool | |
libu2f-host | |
libunistring | |
libunwind | |
liburcu | |
libusb | |
libusb-compat | |
libutempter | |
libutil-linux | |
libuv | |
libva | |
libvdpau | |
libvirt | |
libvisio | |
libvisual | |
libvorbis | |
libvpx | |
libwacom | |
libwebp | |
libwmf | |
libwpd | |
libwpg | |
libwps | |
libx11 | |
libxau | |
libxcb | |
libxcomposite | |
libxcursor | |
libxdamage | |
libxdg-basedir | |
libxdmcp | |
libxext | |
libxfixes | |
libxfont2 | |
libxft | |
libxi | |
libxinerama | |
libxkbcommon | |
libxkbcommon-x11 | |
libxkbfile | |
libxml2 | |
libxmu | |
libxpm | |
libxrandr | |
libxrender | |
libxshmfence | |
libxslt | |
libxss | |
libxt | |
libxtst | |
libxv | |
libxvmc | |
libxxf86vm | |
libyaml | |
libzen | |
libzip | |
libzmf | |
licenses | |
linux | |
linux-api-headers | |
linux-firmware | |
llvm-libs | |
lm_sensors | |
lmdb | |
logrotate | |
lpsolve | |
lsb-release | |
lshw | |
lua | |
lua51 | |
lua52 | |
lvm2 | |
lz4 | |
lzo | |
m4 | |
mailcap | |
make | |
man-db | |
man-pages | |
mdadm | |
mediainfo | |
mesa | |
metis | |
minizip | |
mkinitcpio | |
mkinitcpio-busybox | |
mozilla-common | |
mpfr | |
mtdev | |
mypaint-brushes | |
nano | |
ncurses | |
neon | |
net-tools | |
netcf | |
netctl | |
nettle | |
nitrogen | |
noto-fonts | |
noto-fonts-emoji | |
npth | |
nspr | |
nss | |
ntp | |
numactl | |
oath-toolkit | |
oniguruma | |
openal | |
opencore-amr | |
openexr | |
openjpeg2 | |
openresolv | |
openssh | |
openssl | |
openssl-1.0 | |
opus | |
orc | |
p11-kit | |
pacman | |
pacman-mirrorlist | |
pam | |
pambase | |
pango | |
pango-perl | |
pangomm | |
parted | |
pass | |
patch | |
pavucontrol | |
pciutils | |
pcre | |
pcre2 | |
pcsc-perl | |
pcsc-tools | |
pcsclite | |
pepper-flash | |
perl | |
perl-error | |
perl-mailtools | |
perl-timedate | |
php | |
pinentry | |
pixman | |
pkgconf | |
polkit | |
poppler | |
poppler-data | |
popt | |
portaudio | |
postgresql | |
postgresql-libs | |
powerline | |
powerline-common | |
powerline-vim | |
procps-ng | |
psmisc | |
pulseaudio | |
pulseaudio-alsa | |
pygobject2-devel | |
pygtk | |
pyside2 | |
python | |
python-appdirs | |
python-asn1crypto | |
python-bcrypt | |
python-cachecontrol | |
python-cached-property | |
python-certifi | |
python-cffi | |
python-chardet | |
python-click | |
python-colorama | |
python-cryptography | |
python-distlib | |
python-distro | |
python-docker | |
python-docker-pycreds | |
python-dockerpty | |
python-docopt | |
python-editorconfig | |
python-fido2 | |
python-html5lib | |
python-idna | |
python-jinja | |
python-jsonschema | |
python-lockfile | |
python-markupsafe | |
python-msgpack | |
python-packaging | |
python-paramiko | |
python-pep517 | |
python-pew | |
python-pip | |
python-pipenv | |
python-ply | |
python-powerline | |
python-progress | |
python-pyasn1 | |
python-pycparser | |
python-pynacl | |
python-pyopenssl | |
python-pyotherside | |
python-pyparsing | |
python-pyscard | |
python-pytoml | |
python-pyusb | |
python-requests | |
python-retrying | |
python-setuptools | |
python-shiboken2 | |
python-six | |
python-texttable | |
python-urllib3 | |
python-virtualenv | |
python-virtualenv-clone | |
python-webencodings | |
python-websocket-client | |
python-yaml | |
python2 | |
python2-appdirs | |
python2-asn1crypto | |
python2-backports | |
python2-backports.shutil_get_terminal_size | |
python2-cachecontrol | |
python2-cairo | |
python2-certifi | |
python2-cffi | |
python2-chardet | |
python2-click | |
python2-colorama | |
python2-cryptography | |
python2-distlib | |
python2-distro | |
python2-enum34 | |
python2-gobject2 | |
python2-html5lib | |
python2-idna | |
python2-ipaddress | |
python2-lockfile | |
python2-msgpack | |
python2-ordereddict | |
python2-packaging | |
python2-pathlib | |
python2-pep517 | |
python2-pew | |
python2-pip | |
python2-pipenv | |
python2-ply | |
python2-progress | |
python2-pycparser | |
python2-pyopenssl | |
python2-pyparsing | |
python2-pytoml | |
python2-requests | |
python2-retrying | |
python2-setuptools | |
python2-shutilwhich | |
python2-six | |
python2-urllib3 | |
python2-virtualenv | |
python2-virtualenv-clone | |
python2-webencodings | |
qrencode | |
qt5-3d | |
qt5-base | |
qt5-canvas3d | |
qt5-charts | |
qt5-connectivity | |
qt5-datavis3d | |
qt5-declarative | |
qt5-doc | |
qt5-examples | |
qt5-gamepad | |
qt5-graphicaleffects | |
qt5-imageformats | |
qt5-location | |
qt5-multimedia | |
qt5-networkauth | |
qt5-quickcontrols | |
qt5-quickcontrols2 | |
qt5-remoteobjects | |
qt5-script | |
qt5-scxml | |
qt5-sensors | |
qt5-serialbus | |
qt5-serialport | |
qt5-speech | |
qt5-svg | |
qt5-tools | |
qt5-translations | |
qt5-virtualkeyboard | |
qt5-wayland | |
qt5-webchannel | |
qt5-webengine | |
qt5-webglplugin | |
qt5-webkit | |
qt5-websockets | |
qt5-webview | |
qt5-x11extras | |
qt5-xmlpatterns | |
ranger | |
raptor | |
rasqal | |
re2 | |
readline | |
redland | |
reiserfsprogs | |
rest | |
rhash | |
rng-tools | |
rofi | |
rpcbind | |
rsync | |
rtkit | |
runc | |
s-nail | |
sdl | |
sdl2 | |
sed | |
shadow | |
shared-mime-info | |
snappy | |
socat | |
sound-theme-freedesktop | |
speex | |
speexdsp | |
sqlite | |
sshuttle | |
startup-notification | |
sudo | |
suitesparse | |
swig | |
sysfsutils | |
systemd | |
systemd-sysvcompat | |
tar | |
tdb | |
terminus-font | |
terraform | |
texinfo | |
thin-provisioning-tools | |
thunderbird | |
thunderbird-extension-enigmail | |
tig | |
tmux | |
tre | |
tree | |
tslib | |
ttf-fira-code | |
ttf-hack | |
tzdata | |
unrar | |
unzip | |
usbutils | |
util-linux | |
v4l-utils | |
vi | |
vid.stab | |
vim | |
vim-runtime | |
virtualbox | |
virtualbox-host-modules-arch | |
wayland | |
wayland-protocols | |
webrtc-audio-processing | |
wget | |
which | |
wireshark-cli | |
wireshark-common | |
wireshark-gtk | |
wpa_supplicant | |
x264 | |
x265 | |
xcb-proto | |
xcb-util | |
xcb-util-cursor | |
xcb-util-image | |
xcb-util-keysyms | |
xcb-util-renderutil | |
xcb-util-wm | |
xcb-util-xrm | |
xclip | |
xdg-utils | |
xf86-input-libinput | |
xf86-video-intel | |
xfsprogs | |
xkeyboard-config | |
xmlsec | |
xorg-bdftopcf | |
xorg-font-util | |
xorg-font-utils | |
xorg-fonts-alias | |
xorg-fonts-encodings | |
xorg-mkfontdir | |
xorg-mkfontscale | |
xorg-server | |
xorg-server-common | |
xorg-setxkbmap | |
xorg-xauth | |
xorg-xbacklight | |
xorg-xinit | |
xorg-xkbcomp | |
xorg-xmodmap | |
xorg-xrandr | |
xorg-xrdb | |
xorg-xset | |
xorgproto | |
xss-lock | |
xvidcore | |
xz | |
yajl | |
yaml-cpp | |
yubico-c | |
yubico-c-client | |
yubico-pam | |
yubikey-manager | |
yubikey-personalization | |
yubikey-personalization-gui | |
zip | |
zita-alsa-pcmi | |
zita-resampler | |
zlib | |
zsh | |
zstd |
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