All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and is auto-generated using ./scripts/build-CHANGES/build-CHANGES.reb
Alternate ChangeLogs:
Alternatively using Git:
git log
Reinstated %user.reb start-up script (ala R2 %user.r) (#495)
@draegtun | 84b5214 wikiAdd /ONLY refinement to SET, permit single value to block sets
@hostilefork | c1d6173Add just DETAB-FILE from pull request, with note, no line deletions
@hostilefork | 25a40c6Add an encapper for Windows PE
@zsx | 8ef2488Added CONSOLE! object & skinning
@draegtun | 922658f 922658f 922658f wikivoiding SELECT*, PICK*, TAKE* w/convenience wraps SELECT, PICK, TAKE
@hostilefork | 33b8f02 33b8f02 33b8f02 33b8f02 trelloCustomizable userspace ECHO based on HIJACK
@hostilefork | de46d25Add a WITH_FFI option to makefile
@zsx | 177dfdcAdd Win64 release build
@zsx | 50430f1Add SHA256 hashing native to cryptography module
@hostilefork | 8b6f1bfAdd experimental DO-ALL native
@hostilefork | afaa179Add RECYCLE/VERBOSE to Debug build
@hostilefork | 38ce4eeAdd return specification to LAST so it can return void/functions
@hostilefork | 32d3c4c/ASTRAL refinement for TO-STRING
@hostilefork | 5786074 trelloLOOP-WHILE, LOOP-UNTIL, and UNTIL-2
@hostilefork | 0970784 trelloAdd /deep to mkdir
@zsx | 95841c2Add a function to convert windows path to Rebol path
@zsx | 8c94d2fANY-TYPE! synonym for ANY-VALUE
@hostilefork | 6caf195 6caf195 trelloAdd LOGIC! to legal arguments to ASSERT
@hostilefork | 4e109a2New ELSE & THEN enfix functions
@hostilefork | c1c5945 c1c5945 c1c5945 trello
if 1 = 1 [print "TRUE"] else [print "FALSE"]
<in>, <with>, <static> / <has> function specs
@hostilefork | 0e0ae9a 0e0ae9a 0e0ae9a 0e0ae9a trelloAdd "ENFIX", and "enfixed" DEFAULT
@hostilefork | f0304ed trelloMAYBE, MAYBE? and ENSURE provide convenient inline type checking
@hostilefork | 0a28ea5 0a28ea5 0a28ea5 0a28ea5 0a28ea5 0a28ea5 0a28ea5 trelloAdd /WHERE feature to FAIL
@hostilefork | 603c1d4Add AS and ALIASES? natives
@hostilefork | 296c3f5Initial experimental HIJACK implementation
@hostilefork | fc7c536 trelloAdd ANY? and ALL? via CHAIN, XXX? descriptions
@hostilefork | fa984cbFirst draft of ADAPT and CHAIN, function reorganization
@hostilefork | c5ab577 trello
>> add-one: func [x] [x + 1]
>> mp-ad-ad: chain [:multiply | :add-one | :add-one]
>> mp-ad-ad 10 20
== 202
@hostilefork | 2c022f8 trelloAdd || userspace "expression barrier that runs one expr"
@hostilefork | 112da01IF?, UNLESS?, WHILE?, SWITCH?, etc.
@hostilefork | 1daba3f trello
>> if? 1 < 2 [print "Branch Taken"]
Branch Taken
== true
Add in a `void` function
@hostilefork | ccac327Add PUNCTUATOR? and SET-PUNCTUATOR
@hostilefork | 37cd465|> and <| Manipulators
@hostilefork | 309b221 trello
>> 10 + 20 <| print "Hello" 100 + 200
== 30
Add RUNNING? and PENDING? tests for FRAME!
@hostilefork | cb9c221Make lone underscore literal "BLANK!/NONE!"
@hostilefork | 213b804 trelloAdd PRINT/ONLY, only dialect nested PRINTs if literal
@hostilefork | 15ff282 trelloAdd VARIADIC?, make EVAL prototype "honest"
@hostilefork | 28ec47b*experimental* VARARGS! - highly flexible variadics
@hostilefork | efbaef9 efbaef9 trello
>> foo: func [x [integer! <...>]] [
print ["foo takes" take x "and then" take x]
>> foo 1 2
foo takes 1 and then 2
>> foo 1 + 2 3 + 4
foo takes 3 and then 7
Add `ok?` as synonym for `not error?`
@hostilefork | 460ce81New PROC and PROCEDURE function generators
@hostilefork | 240783a trello
>> foo: procedure [] [leave print "This won't print"]
>> foo
; No result
>> foo: proc [y] [y + 20]
>> foo 10
; No result
>> m: map [a 1 b 2 c 3]
== make map! [
a 1
b 2
c 3
>> find m 'b
== true
>> find m 'd
== false
Add REMOVE/MAP map key
@giuliolunati | fc6a4eeExpression barriers: BAR! and LIT-BAR!
@hostilefork | c84a17c trello
>> reduce [1 + 1 | 2 + 2 | 4 + 4]
== [2 | 4 | 8]
Add decode-key-value-text function.
@codebybrett | 354f8fcAdd CHECK-SET routine per suggestion from @earl
@hostilefork | 3c665c3Add COLLECT-WITH mezzanine to specify "keeper"
@hostilefork | 93d2677 trelloFOR-SKIP synonym for FORSKIP and FOR-NEXT / FOR-BACK for FORALL
@hostilefork | e8419e6 trelloAdded SOMETHING? & NOTHING?
@hostilefork | fab1090 fab1090 trelloAdd SET? native, remove x: () disablement from legacy
@hostilefork | e8e30e9Add <local> tag to FUNC + CLOS, move <infix>
@hostilefork | c77b6b4 trelloSPELLING-OF as native function
@hostilefork | 9888f21 trelloAdd RELAX and OPTIONAL natives, OPT shorthand
@hostilefork | 6eb91b0Add CONTINUE/WITH, modify BREAK/WITH, cleanup
@hostilefork | bdd51ebAdd FAIL native for raising an error or error-spec
@hostilefork | df1a02a trello
fail "Simple error"
New prefix AND? OR? XOR? NOT? functions
@hostilefork | 839a3f8Added FOR-EACH / EVERY. Deprecating FOREACH
@hostilefork | 89e23d3 trelloANY-LIST! typeset (and ANY-ARRAY! experiment)
@hostilefork | 1ffa861 trelloTRAP, a proposed replacement for TRY. TRY/EXCEPT => TRAP/WITH
@hostilefork | 58007df 58007df trelloAdd new pseudo-type "TRASH!"
@hostilefork | 5f22bc3Add UTF-16LE/BE codec for strings
@zsx | d417aa2Add an encapper for Windows and Linux
@zsx | 1286ac5FEAT: Windows Serial Implementation and extension of serial functionality
@kealist | 3a04abf 3a04abfAdd submodule libffi and link to static libffi
@zsx | 7985d07Permit SET-WORD! as the argument to COPY and SET in PARSE (CC #2023)
@hostilefork | 66b87c9 #CC-2023
foo: function [s] [
parse s [
{My name is } copy name: to end
Added support for ESC-O escape sequences in addition to ESC-[
Kevin Harris | 75f7320-added ADLER32 checksum -enhanced RSA for /padding refinement
richard | 2b4c5f7add SET-ENV, tweaks to host api for environment string handling
@hostilefork | b9426a5
Make SET have /PAD semantics by default, add SET/SOME refinement
@hostilefork | 58d6d5b
>> a: 10 b: 20
>> set/some [a b] [99]
>> a
== 99
>> b
== 20
Command-line option improvements (#508)
@draegtun | fbe5237Host-start --verbose changes (#507)
@draegtun | 50e015fMake WHAT-DIR return copy of system variable
@hostilefork | 16aff4cAllow SET/PAD to be used with BLANK on BLOCK! targets
@hostilefork | b86b5ebUnify semantics of GET-PATH + PICK*, and SET-PATH! + POKE
@hostilefork | 10b3f63Simplify legacy GET and SET for contexts
@hostilefork | a17a144Plain GET returns BLANK! for not set variables, GET-VALUE will error
@hostilefork | b1df8c0Make GET-ENV return blank instead of void when variable not present
@hostilefork | e0ff829Update MAKE DATE! and MAKE TIME! for BLOCK! input
@hostilefork | d9114c8Make APPEND on port act as WRITE/APPEND in slightly less hacky way
@hostilefork | 62d137eLENGTH-OF, HEAD-OF, TAIL-OF as core names...aliased to shorter
@hostilefork | 29ae001 trelloCheck for end of file newline for all text formats. (#471)
@codebybrett | 523a890Introduce source checking of Rebol files.
@codebybrett | 46cf8e7Bring back DUMP changes, move DUMP out of base
@hostilefork | 080b9c6Allow hard-quoting of BAR!, yet still disallow QUOTE |
@hostilefork | b24f1ceDisallow PICK on MAP!
@hostilefork | 9232b3bHELP patches to permit FOR-EACH [key val] lib [help :key]
@hostilefork | 92cbbcfSimplifying rewrite of REWORD, TO and THRU of BLANK! are no-ops
@hostilefork | ef25751Check for END when using a DO rule in PARSE
@hostilefork | 1e9621eTurn BMP code into an extension
@zsx | 4a89744Turn JPG codec into an extension
@zsx | 97ca06bTurn GIF codec into an extension
@zsx | 4638e58Make png codec an extension
@zsx | 36d9a74Support extensions as dynamically linked libraries
@zsx | ef9975eTest @GrahamChiu's s3 upload for travis.yml
@hostilefork | 4ab24cdPut REPL and host startup code into lib, not user
@hostilefork | 489ca6aSimpler/Better "Facade" (e.g. can use TIGHTEN on any function)
@hostilefork | 185168fCrude draft of ADD and SUBTRACT on BINARY!
@hostilefork | 02de856Use LODEPNG-based encoder for PNG, not %u-png.c version
@hostilefork | f97dfcaCodecs as FUNCTION!s, can be C natives or custom usermode code
@hostilefork | f18a65f trelloMake seeks in PARSE via GET-WORD! reset `begin` between rules
@hostilefork | c7b68eaSplit REJOIN into JOIN-ALL and UNSPACED cases
@hostilefork | 8494e7aLOCK code which is not in modules, run from the command line
@hostilefork | 5fda0a7Automatically add backtraces in error generating functions
@hostilefork | de0829cIf arguments aren't evaluating, allow BAR!
@hostilefork | ce433eeMake PIPE()-based CALL work asynchronously without PIPE2()
@hostilefork | 401a96dImplement the REPL's I/O as Rebol code
@hostilefork | defc222The only thing you can TO convert a blank into is a BLANK!, while TO BLANK! of any input is a blank.
@hostilefork | 4e261b4Make SWITCH/DEFAULT handle non-block cases
@hostilefork | 26eb8ac trelloMake crypt a module
@zsx | fa21de3Allow extensions to define their own errors
@zsx | c9fa8c0Reworked extension mechanism
@zsx | 7a8c964REDUCE leaves BAR! in blocks, SET and GET tolerate BAR!
@hostilefork | d4bfbafIn-place Get of variables in contexts return relative values
@hostilefork | d1fd3ffInitial Implementation of Immutable Source
@hostilefork | da11022 trelloChange LIB/USAGE call to just USAGE
@hostilefork | ae5fe8cDisallow `<opt>` on refinement arguments
@hostilefork | 22fcd9cNew loop return result policy, eliminate BREAK/RETURN
@hostilefork | 40db488 trelloMake /LINES and /STRING work on non-FILE! ports (e.g. URL!)
@hostilefork | 9b5e025Enhance the MATH dialect
@zsx | d5a216fANY and ALL chain "opt-outs" (return void)...add ANY? and ALL?
@hostilefork | cc6d287 trelloSimplify mutable variable access
@hostilefork | fe9c43fSimplify GC disablement, allow GC active during boot
@hostilefork | 061ca23Mark UNTIL reserved for future use
@hostilefork | 42e20daJOIN => JOIN-OF, reserve JOIN, act like R3-Alpha REPEND
@hostilefork | a8c0c19Make return value of CLOSE optional
@zsx | 0b483bcMake ECHO return void, revert fixture line ending change
@hostilefork | fd9e9e6Allow FOR-EACH to enumerate all the FUNCTION!s
@hostilefork | dbad6c0Bulletproof QUOTE in PARSE against END mark on input
@hostilefork | 5738a5fNo literal blocks in condition of IF/UNLESS/EITHER/CASE
@hostilefork | 587d27aSwitch complex module call to APPLY
@hostilefork | 5c13b7bSupport AS for ANY-WORD! types
@hostilefork | e99e286Replace HAS-TYPE? specializations with TYPECHECKER
@hostilefork | f7d1d6dPrevent failed SET in PARSE from overwriting with BLANK!
@hostilefork | 6ea2d48 trellochecked RETURN: types in function specs, notes in HELP
@hostilefork | abd1b89Hacky hash to allow e.g. unique [[1 2] [1 2]]
@hostilefork | e71566fUndo namings /? => BRANCHED?, MATCHED?, RAN?...
@hostilefork | f09977cMove `func [[catch] x][...]` support to <r3-legacy>
@hostilefork | 24fbc6eDon't evaluate non-blocks passed to PRINT
@hostilefork | d6f2194REDUCE+COMPOSE use safe enumeration, kill unused refinements
@hostilefork | d549740Unify MAKE and construction syntax, MAKE/TO=>native
@hostilefork | 29fff21REDESCRIBE routine for relabeling functions/args
@hostilefork | 45df9cdAllow GET-PATH! processing to return voids
@hostilefork | 22518a5Support SEMIQUOTED? testing on variadic parameters
@hostilefork | ed8f42cAllow COPY on BLANK!, FIND and SELECT on FRAME!
@hostilefork | b8a9939Allow SPECIALIZE/APPLY of definitional returns
@hostilefork | c1b9127Lock functions, legacy function-bodies-mutable switch
@hostilefork | 399ef60not TRUE/NONE, not WORD/NONE but TRUE/FALSE refinements
@hostilefork | 4e608f7 trelloMake FIRST, SECOND, etc. use specialization of PICK
@hostilefork | 237b28aEnhance legacy return-none-instead-of-void feature
@hostilefork | 4a14b42Make APPLY and SPECIALIZE accept words/paths
@hostilefork | e9bbe4fImplement INFIX? as property of binding, not function
@hostilefork | ca3e014Variadic Quoting Infix Lambdas (a.k.a. "short function")
@hostilefork | 634c463UNSET => VOID name change
@hostilefork | 08fc7e5 trelloEliminate reified UNSET! and datatype
@hostilefork | bbf615dmake path access fail if not set and not GET-PATH!
@hostilefork | d51d9f6Re-introduce legality of `x: ()` assignments
@hostilefork | 50fd51dLoose the limit on the number of function arguments
@zsx | 5ed7c50Mold fixes for MAP!
@hostilefork | 133200bMove variadic DO to r3-legacy, allow 0-arity DO
@hostilefork | 3aa675bMove TITLE-OF to user mode code
@hostilefork | c6171b3Get rid of RM as unix `remove`
@hostilefork | 2a7fcbbImplement SPEC-OF and BODY-OF for specializations
@hostilefork | 08dd85dOneFunction: Unify functions under FUNCTION!
@hostilefork | c61daa4CASE special handling of expression barriers
@hostilefork | dd18504Improve error NEAR reporting
@hostilefork | a793a6aAllow BAR! to mean "TAKE to END"
@hostilefork | ff8baf9Move REDUCE and COMPOSE to their own file
@hostilefork | a20995aLegacy switch: `no-reduce-nested-print`
@hostilefork | 82ccc96PRINT/FAIL new design, recursion, |, BINARY! UTF8
@hostilefork | bdecdddGet-path for maps distinguishes UNSET from NONE
@giuliolunati | c7eac45Change PICK action for maps
@giuliolunati | 70f0f35Make case-insensitive hash value for chars
@giuliolunati | b0fbffaRecycle 'zombie' keys in maps
@giuliolunati | dc6cbf4Case-sensitive maps
@giuliolunati | 543facaUnicode keys in maps
@giuliolunati | 7de3ea6Maps: remove ad hoc code for small maps
@giuliolunati | 9e8b685Make `GET path` equivalent to `:path`
@giuliolunati | 4294371Upgrade decode-lines.
@codebybrett | 9e965f5Improve UTF-8 decoding error messages
@hostilefork | 7920880Make ASSERT return UNSET! instead of TRUE
@hostilefork | 938491cDistinguish opt-any-value! from any-value!
@hostilefork | 791c7cdHALT as Ctrl-C instead of BREAKPOINT
@hostilefork | 9dbc985SET/ANY and GET/ANY => SET/OPT and GET/OPT
@hostilefork | 7d95daaDrop SET? as "ANY-VALUE?" operation pending review
@hostilefork | b890ae7Dividing money! amount again returns money!, preserving precision
@earl | d216e30Reword fix, integrate reword tests from @johnk
@hostilefork | f07ec26GROUP! as new default term for PAREN!
@hostilefork | c78d5a2 trelloLOOP accepts logic/none, infinite or no loop
@hostilefork | 41736da trelloAdjust DECODE-URL to give back NONE hosts
@hostilefork | 4658148Convert canon NONE, UNSET, etc. to globals
@hostilefork | 62d2a5aUse NOOP so empty loop looks more intentional
@hostilefork | c43dd18Breakpoints + Interactive Debugging
@hostilefork | 6711dc2EXIT/FROM any stack level, natives
@hostilefork | 5e9ec3e trelloProgrammatic GDB breakpoint support
@hostilefork | 2294dceTidy new-line implementation, no bitwise XOR
@hostilefork | 9cad6b8Boolean review changes to uni/string flags
@hostilefork | a48bb4aPOKE on BITSET! only pokes LOGIC! values
@hostilefork | 1c8e2ea trelloSync LOCK, PROTECT meanings for series/typesets
@hostilefork | bdbd45cmake-module* functionality => userspace MODULE
@hostilefork | 17b2704ANY-OBJECT! => ANY-CONTEXT!
@hostilefork | 7305847Update DO to experimental PARAM/REFINE model
@hostilefork | 78173ccDisallow CONTINUE/WITH from an UNTIL
@hostilefork | e89502bPermit URL! to be converted to TUPLE!
@hostilefork | ff7199fOPTIONAL => OPT, RELAX => TO-VALUE
@hostilefork | 8680934SET-WORD! in func spec are "true locals", permit RETURN:
@hostilefork | 227419aDefinitional Returns. Solved.
@hostilefork | fd5f4d6 trelloDefault IF, WHILE, EVERY to unsets, x: () legal
@hostilefork | 778da31Dividing money amounts returns decimal
@hostilefork | a3f249cTO-INTEGER/UNSIGNED and conversion fixes
@hostilefork | e9c4fcf trelloGet rid of UTYPE! stub, datatype=>symbol fix
@hostilefork | a25c359Move FUNCT to be in <r3-legacy> mode only
@hostilefork | bb51e94SWITCH uses EQUAL?+STRICT-EQUAL?, more...
@hostilefork | 46c1d1fMove /WORD off of TYPE-OF and onto TYPE?
@hostilefork | f1f516dAND OR XOR are now conditional operators. New bitwise AND* OR+ XOR+
@hostilefork | f1e4a20 #CC-1879 trelloCHANGE-DIR to URL, relative paths for DO of URL
@hostilefork | 1a4b541Make TAIL? spec support all types EMPTY? does
@hostilefork | eab90ceRAISE and PANIC psuedo-keywords
@hostilefork | 1bd93b2Expand possible /NAME types for THROW
@hostilefork | c94cc95 trelloQUIT via THROW, CATCH [] vs CATCH/ANY (CC#2247)
@hostilefork | b85f178 #CC-2247Implement <transparent> attribute behavior for functions
@hostilefork | afe7762New CASE with switch for legacy behavior (CC#2245)
@hostilefork | cc08fea #CC-2245Handle THROWN() during MAKE ERROR! (CC #2244)
@hostilefork | 6bb1346 #CC-2244Gabriele Santilli's MATH and FACTORIAL (CC#2120)
@hostilefork | 110b9fe #CC-2120EXIT acts as QUIT if not in function, LEGACY flags
@hostilefork | 6b017f8[catch] function spec block exemption
@hostilefork | 242c1e2Custom infix operators via <infix> in spec, kill OP!
@hostilefork | cfae703CC#2242 fix of RETURN/THROW in SWITCH
@hostilefork | 34bb816 #CC-2242Enbase fixes for input zero length strings
@hostilefork | 85013feError handling overhaul, includes CC#1743
@hostilefork | 9b21568 #CC-1743Revert "Remove /NOW refinement from QUIT (CC#1743)"
@hostilefork | 37c723e #CC-1743Get rid of Lit-Word decay (CC#2101, CC#1434)
@hostilefork | f027870 #CC-2101 #CC-1434 trelloInterim workaround for CC#2221
@hostilefork | 5267b00 #CC-2221Switch version number to 2.102.0, for the time being
@earl | 89a75c7Accept file! to CALL
@zsx | bc6c9b6Take binary! for I/O redirection in CALL
@zsx | e750611Make /output in CALL take string! instead of word!
@zsx | cd435b5Implement a R2-like non-blocking CALL
@zsx | b489d85CALL with IO redirection
@zsx | 1dd682eDo not use the system qsort
@zsx | 02e7ceamake library! works
@zsx | dcf71dcTO LOGIC! treats all non-none non-false values as true (CC #2055)
@hostilefork | 5e5e1a5 #CC-2055IF, EITHER, and UNLESS accept all values in then/else slots (CC #2063)
@hostilefork | 89c9af5 #CC-2063Use R3's rounding implementation instead of round(3).
Marc Simpson | 8eed3cdRound decimal division of tuple elements.
Marc Simpson | 2fd94f2Make CLOSURE a FUNCT for closures (#2002)
@BrianHawley | b339b0fReplace FUNCT with FUNCTION
@BrianHawley | 4c6de3bMake FUNCTION a FUNCT alias (#1773)
@BrianHawley | 3e6ecf7cc-1748: Guard protected blocks from /INTO target of REDUCE, COMPOSE
@hostilefork | 21fb3c2 #CC-1748Free intermediate buffers used by do-codec (CC #2068)
@hostilefork | e1d8d05 #CC-2068Get rid of LOAD /next
@BrianHawley | 8da64f8Copied DELETE-DIR from Rebol 2 (cc#1545)
Tamas Herman | bdd7523 #CC-1545Implement UDP protocol
@zsx | f929c97Incorporate /ONLY option for suppressing conditional block evaluation.
@hostilefork | 895c893Merge pull request #160 from hostilefork/fix-cc-1748
@carls | 9cd51ab #CC-1748Merge pull request #156 from hostilefork/fix-cc-2068
@carls | ac9176a #CC-2068Support async read from clipboard
@zsx | 038555bMerge branch 'fix-cc-2068' into community
@ladislav | be2bd43 #CC-2068Merge branch 'fix-cc-1748' into community
@ladislav | 82011e2 #CC-1748String & binary targets for /INTO in REDUCE+COMPOSE (CC #2081)
@hostilefork | 4f17ba6 #CC-2081Make word lists of frames bare as suggested Prevent word duplication when appending to an object Fix CC#1979 Optimize the code to not use search Fix 'self handling described in CC#2076 Fix Collect_Object to not overwrite memory BUF_WORDS does not own. Without this fix, Collect_Object was causing crashes in 64-bit R3 Amend Init_Frame_Word to set OPTS_UNWORD option to the word added to the frame word list as suggested.
@ladislav | 5e58496 #CC-1979 #CC-2076Prevent word duplication when appending to an object Fix CC#1979 Optimize the code to not use search Fix 'self handling described in CC#2076 Rebased on Collect_Obj fix to not cause crashes in 64-bit R3
@ladislav | 4aa7772 #CC-1979 #CC-2076Use Bentley & McIlroy's qsort for sorting strings and blocks Currently, R3 uses platform-specific code for sorting. This may increase the effort necessary to port the interpreter to new platforms.
@ladislav | dd11362IF, EITHER, and UNLESS accept all values in then/else slots (CC #2063)
@hostilefork | 3b16661 #CC-2063Update fix of CC#851 and CC#1896
@ladislav | 16c6867 #CC-851 #CC-1896Permit SET-WORD! as the argument to COPY and SET in PARSE (CC #2023)
@hostilefork | 8db79a9 #CC-2023TO LOGIC! treats all non-none non-false values as true (CC #2055)
@hostilefork | e73dd35 #CC-2055cc-1748: Guard protected blocks from /INTO target of REDUCE, COMPOSE
@hostilefork | 3efec9c #CC-1748Free intermediate buffers used by do-codec (CC #2068)
@hostilefork | 7ae3e7a #CC-2068Prevent word duplication when appending to an object Fix CC#1979 Optimize the code to not use search
@ladislav | 7372289 #CC-1979Correct multiple inheritance, CC#1863 Deep clone child values Rebind child values Optimize Merge_Frames to use rebinding table Add a new REBIND_TABLE mode to Rebind_Block
@ladislav | 27a4fd2 #CC-1863Deep copy functions when cloning objects. Fixes CC#2050 No need to save the block in COPY_DEEP_VALUES since the function does not call Recycle
@ladislav | 7f691b0 #CC-2050Copied DELETE-DIR from Rebol 2 (cc#1545)
Tamas Herman | 24fe03b #CC-1545Improve and speed up object cloning using rebinding Fixes CC#2045 Adjust Rebind_Block to be more compatible with Bind_Block Define rebind modes Adjust Clone_Function to use rebinding
@ladislav | 8f82fad #CC-2045HTTP: remove auto-decoding of UTF-8 content
@earl | b68ddeeSimplify value? change (pull 121, cc 1914) by using existing function.
@carls | 264bb4eCorrect problem with HTTP READ after correcting bug#2025
@ladislav | 65a8017Let BIND bind out-of scope function words. Corrects bug#1983.
@ladislav | 66876d4Let the VAUE? function yield #[false] for out-of-scope function variables, which is what the documentation describes. Corrects bug#1914
@ladislav | 1b259d0bug#1957 corr, FIRST+ help strings updated
@ladislav | 824aab6bug#1958, BIND and UNBIND can work on blocks not containing (just) words
@ladislav | 4ac3424bug#1844, modification properties
@ladislav | 5ff6627bug#1955, updates of malconstruct error and mold help string
@ladislav | 276eed3bug#1956
@ladislav | 0d68c29Use David M. Gay's dtoa for molding decimals
@ladislav | f4ce48eAllow NEW-LINE and NEW-LINE? to accept PAREN! series
@hostilefork | 631e698bug#1939
@ladislav | b1e845bAllow INDEX? of NONE, returning NONE
@earl | 370d942Support common Ctrl-D usage as Delete.
Delyan Angelov | b13af70Support Home and End keys on linux.
Delyan Angelov | 0eec0cdREQUEST-FILE/multi returning multiple files is missing the last / in the filenames
@BrianHawley | 71e80bd
Fixes size? modified?
Graham Chiu | 4c29aaeFix the home directory on Windows
@zsx | e263431Fix Ctrl-C handling in Windows console IO
@hostilefork | 9aaa539Fix DNS reverse lookup when given a string
@hostilefork | 96121b7Fix encapped executable name on non-Windows
@zsx | 17f6a7eFix HTTPS false alarm error
@hostilefork | a65de09Fix some definitional return and definitional leave bugs
@hostilefork | c4e7d04Fix an undefined behavior regarding to union access
@zsx | 0abf2b6Fix omitted result in legacy GET behavior
@hostilefork | c5c58cdFix () vs. (void) argument for make prep
@hostilefork | 9754fdbFix error reporting in scripts run from command line
@hostilefork | 8813896Fix SET-PATH! in PARSE
@hostilefork | 89f2202Fixes so Ren-C can be used as R3-MAKE
@hostilefork | 5a006d1Fix RETURN in CHAIN, remove EXIT=QUIT, leaked series on QUIT
@hostilefork | f745cf9Fix backward unicode encoding flag
@hostilefork | 2f7b0b5Fix HELP on OBJECT! and PORT! values
Christopher Ross-Gill | b6b9a91Fix system/catalog/* and make their initialization more clear
@hostilefork | 5acc74fFix FIND/LAST refinement when used with BLOCK!
@hostilefork | 1df7084Patch for appending a MAP! to a MAP! (used also by COPY)
@hostilefork | c3b442cFix `<in>` feature of FUNCTION and PROCEDURE, use in %sys-start
@hostilefork | bb4bc77Fix CHANGE on struct!
@zsx | 14a5d4dFix trim object!
@zsx | ab9e27cFix sequence point issue in ENBASE
@giuliolunati | f45767dFix search for /LAST in FIND assert on short strings
@hostilefork | 6ee4583Fix LIST-DIR return result, %mezz-files.r meddling
@hostilefork | 82c0bf6Fixes for BLANK! and empty block in PARSE handling, tests
@hostilefork | b7fac96Fix DEFAULT of not set bug, add tests
@hostilefork | 49371eaFix PARSE? (was returning void instead of TRUE/FALSE)
@hostilefork | dee59daFix REMOVE copying of implicit terminator, related cleanups
@hostilefork | bb49492Fix TUPLE! crash after payload switch, round money
@hostilefork | 2c7d58fFix PRIN error message
@hostilefork | 08767f2Fix two SPEC-OF bugs where param and type not being added to the result correctly.
@codebybrett | 31327fdFix infix lookback for SET-WORD! and SET-PATH!
@hostilefork | 22b7f81Fix sequence point problem in `read/lines`
@hostilefork | c72e8d3Fix typeset molding
@hostilefork | 87ffb37Patch recursive MAP! molding bug
@hostilefork | 18b1695Fix IS function and add /RELAX refinement
@hostilefork | 89df6aefix 2138: parse tag in block
@giuliolunati | 3b54770Fix molding of typesets
@hostilefork | 76741d5Fix assert/problem with CLOSURE!+THROW
@hostilefork | dcae241Fix any-object? alias
@hostilefork | f7fcfdcFix actor dispatch (read http://, etc.)
@hostilefork | 505a7a3Fix "make object! none" cases
@hostilefork | 9a0bffeFix offset of default command in dialect parsing
@zsx | a4fff1dFix mezz function ARRAY
@zsx | 19cc56fFix precedence bug in file open permissions
@hostilefork | f22b554Fix WAIT without timeout
@zsx | e833e9eFix suffix? and rename it suffix-of
@giuliolunati | 0962677Fix apparently longstanding FORM OBJECT! bug
@hostilefork | decba66Fix case-sensitivity in string sort, support unicode, #2170
@hostilefork | 894174bFix THROWN() handling for PAREN! in PATH! (CC#2243)
@hostilefork | b0b4416 #CC-2243Fix out-of-context word in Reword function.
Christopher Ross-Gill | 5dc4b48Fix halt in 'forever []' and similar (CC#2229)
@hostilefork | bfc2604 #CC-2229Fix LAUNCH to properly work with argv-based CALL
@earl | 9f6e56eFix cc-2224 by simply disallowing LENGTH? on ANY-WORD!
@hostilefork | 5c2c263 #CC-2224PowerPC/Big Endian processor unicode fix
@hostilefork | 94b001bFix break from remove-each
@zsx | d8ae8e8Fix foreach with set-word
@zsx | 3b386a5Fix a divided-by-zero error
@zsx | 87cf612Fix PARSE position capture combined with SET or COPY
@earl | 23750aaFix vector! for 64-bit systems
@zsx | e0296bcFix MD5 on 64-bit Linux
@cyphre | 689c95fFix 32-bit type used in MD5
@cyphre | 65d0b18fix ticket1457 parse to bitset
@giuliolunati | ecfcde7-fixed zlib bug caused PNG encode operation to crash
@cyphre | a5fea46Fix CATCH/quit interaction with TRY (cc#851)
@earl | ee69898 #CC-851Fix CATCH/QUIT, CC#851, CC#1896. , the bug causing 3 test-framework crashes.
@ladislav | 7ef62e8 #CC-851 #CC-1896Fix circular block compare crash, CC#1049
@ladislav | bd83d2b #CC-1049Fix SET object/block block assuming /any (#1763)
@BrianHawley | dac7455Fix PARSE regression: THRU not matching at the end
@earl | eaf0d94Fix crash when reading dns:// without a hostname
@earl | d2dce76Fixed #1875 - random/only bug
DanDLee | af37b35Fix CC#1865: resolve/extend/only crash
@earl | 00bee60 #CC-1865
Get rid of DELECT
@hostilefork | 8769bb9Delete unimplemented TASK! stub
@hostilefork | dfcd893Remove use of SPLIT from parser which fails on linux when used with a rule that contains THRU.
@codebybrett | 1e98be5Remove Markup Codec
@hostilefork | 4797130Get rid of RETURN/redo
@BrianHawley | 49b94e5 trelloRemove /NOW refinement from QUIT (CC#1743)
@hostilefork | e93a5b4 #CC-1743Remove deprecated 'register' keyword
@hostilefork | 8e5b9b1Get rid of if/else
@BrianHawley | 23673dfRemove message print when LOAD/NEXT is used. bug#2041
@ladislav | 93b05f7
For Github user names see