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Created October 13, 2022 19:40
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Latest version of my soft-wrapping codemirror extension
* Plugin that makes line wrapping in the editor respect the identation of the line.
* It does this by adding a line decoration that adds padding-left (as much as there is indentation),
* and adds the same amount as negative "text-indent". The nice thing about text-indent is that it
* applies to the initial line of a wrapped line.
* The identation decorations have to happen in a StateField (without access to the editor),
* because they change the layout of the text :( The character width I need however, is in the editor...
* So I do this ugly hack where I, in `character_width_listener`, I fire an effect that gets picked up
* by another StateField (`extra_cycle_character_width`) that saves the character width into state,
* so THEN I can add the markers in the decorations statefield.
import { Facet, StateEffect, StateField } from "@codemirror/state";
import { Decoration, EditorView } from "@codemirror/view";
import { range } from "lodash";
* Use this to prevent soft-wrapping from going all the way to the right
* and creating a MONSTER of a line, 1-character-wide, 80 lines high...
* To disable use `MaxIdentationSpacesFacet.of(Infinity)`
* @type {Facet<number, number>}
let MaxIdentationSpacesFacet = Facet.define({
combine: (values) => values[0],
let line_wrapping_decorations = StateField.define({
create() {
return Decoration.none;
update(deco, tr) {
let indent_limit = tr.state.facet(MaxIdentationSpacesFacet) ?? 40;
let tabSize = tr.state.tabSize;
let previous = tr.startState.field(extra_cycle_character_width, false) ?? {
measuredSpaceWidth: null,
defaultCharacterWidth: null,
let previous_space_width =
previous.measuredSpaceWidth ?? previous.defaultCharacterWidth;
let { measuredSpaceWidth, defaultCharacterWidth } = tr.state.field(
) ?? { measuredSpaceWidth: null, defaultCharacterWidth: null };
let space_width = measuredSpaceWidth ?? defaultCharacterWidth;
if (space_width == null) return Decoration.none;
if (
!tr.docChanged &&
deco !== Decoration.none &&
previous_space_width === space_width
return deco;
let decorations = [];
// TODO? Only apply to visible lines? Wouldn't that screw stuff up??
// TODO? Don't create new decorations when a line hasn't changed?
for (let i of range(0, tr.state.doc.lines)) {
let line = tr.state.doc.line(i + 1);
if (line.length === 0) continue;
let indented_tabs = 0;
let indented_spaces = 0;
let indented_spaces_after_a_tab = 0;
for (let ch of line.text) {
// Stop counting after indent limit, because that way all the following code is easier 😅
if (indented_tabs * tabSize + indented_spaces >= indent_limit) break;
if (ch === "\t") {
// Tabs after spaces that aren't a multiple of tabSize are ignored
if (indented_spaces % tabSize !== 0) break;
} else if (ch === " ") {
if (indented_tabs > 0) {
} else {
} else {
// TODO? It still breaks when there is a tab and then an amount of spaces
// ..... that is smaller than the tab size. No idea how to fix, but for now
// ..... I only care about multiples of tabsize
// ..... (Works in Safari, breaks in Chrome and Firefox)
// ..... I guess there is some relation between `text-indent` and `tab-size`? But I don't know what it is.
indented_spaces =
indented_spaces +
(indented_spaces_after_a_tab - (indented_spaces_after_a_tab % tabSize));
let indent_in_spaces = indented_tabs * tabSize + indented_spaces;
let offset = indent_in_spaces * space_width;
let linerwapper = Decoration.line({
attributes: {
// Also tried with providing the indent_limit in css form,
// but not as much luck yet
// style: `--indented: min(${offset}px, ${indent_limit});`,
style: `--indented: ${offset}px;`,
class: "awesome-wrapping-plugin-the-line",
// Need to push before the tabs one else codemirror gets madddd
decorations.push(linerwapper.range(line.from, line.from));
if (indent_in_spaces !== 0) {
class: "awesome-wrapping-plugin-the-tabs",
}).range(line.from, line.from + (indented_tabs + indented_spaces))
// NOTE: Small cool thingy that replaces "superflous" tabs with the "⇥ " character,
// ..... But not yet sure how to make this work perfect with possible tabs/spaces mixed
// ..... So leaving it out for now
// if (characters_that_are_actually_there > indent_in_spaces) {
// for (let i of range(indent_in_spaces, indented_tabs)) {
// decorations.push(
// Decoration.replace({
// widget: new ReactWidget(
// createElement("span", { style: { opacity: 0.2 } }, "⇥ ")
// ),
// block: false,
// }).range(line.from + i, line.from + i + 1)
// );
// }
// }
return Decoration.set(decorations);
provide: (f) => EditorView.decorations.from(f),
let base_theme = EditorView.baseTheme({
".awesome-wrapping-plugin-the-line": {
"--correction": 0,
"margin-left": "calc(var(--indented))",
"text-indent": "calc(-1 * var(--indented))",
".awesome-wrapping-plugin-the-line > *": {
/* text-indent apparently cascades... which I think is pretty stupid but this is the fix */
"text-indent": "initial",
".awesome-wrapping-plugin-the-tabs": {
/* So FOR SOME REASON text-ident is kinda buggy
but that gets fixed with inline-block...
But that brought some other problems...
But margin-left: -1px seems to also do the trick?? */
/* display: inline-block; */
whiteSpace: "pre",
verticalAlign: "top",
marginLeft: "-1px",
// All the stuff to get the character width inside the state field:
// Could use the css `ch` as well, but feels... wrong? Less versatile?
// (I'm also using codemirror sometimes for non-monospace editors)
/** @type {any} */
const CharacterWidthEffect = StateEffect.define({});
const extra_cycle_character_width = StateField.define({
create() {
return {
defaultCharacterWidth: null,
measuredSpaceWidth: null,
measuredTabWidth: null,
update(value, tr) {
for (let effect of tr.effects) {
if ( return effect.value;
return value;
let character_width_listener = EditorView.updateListener.of((viewupdate) => {
let width = viewupdate.view.defaultCharacterWidth;
let { defaultCharacterWidth } = viewupdate.view.state.field(
) ?? { defaultCharacterWidth: null };
// I assume that codemirror will notice if text size changes,
// so only then I'll also re-measure the space width.
if (defaultCharacterWidth !== width) {
// Tried to adapt so it would always use the dummy line (with just spaces), but it never seems to work
// I guess best to first fix defaultCharacterWidth in CM6,
// but eventually we'll need a way to actually measures the identation of the line.
// Hopefully this person will respond:
let space_width;
let tab_width;
// @ts-ignore
effects: [
defaultCharacterWidth: width,
measuredSpaceWidth: space_width,
measuredTabWidth: tab_width,
export let awesome_line_wrapping = [
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