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Last active January 15, 2019 14:18
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Nice Postgres Trigger for Immutable Data with Audit Log
-- Assume that you have a table - `customers`... create a new table called
-- `customers_audit` with the following qualities:
create table if not exists customer (
-- assumming you have a primary key that's a uuid
id uuid not null,
-- ...make sure to have a version and timestamp
version integer not null,
as_of timestamp with time zone not null,
-- add in all the other fields you want...
last_name varchar,
first_name varchar,
age integer,
-- add in the primary key
primary key (id, version, as_of);
-- add all the indexes you want...
create index idx_cust_age on customer (age);
-- create the audit table... where all the historical entries will go
-- this will be the same structure, indexes, etc.
create table if not exists customer_audit like customer including all;
-- create the trigger on INSERT and UPDATE to update the version if it's
-- not provided, and to maintain all versions in the audit table, but have
-- the current version in the non-audit table. Importantly, NOTHING is
-- deleted.
create or replace function audit_customer()
returns trigger as $body$
ver integer;
-- get the advisory lock on this id
perform pg_advisory_xact_lock(('x' || translate(left(, 18), '-', ''))::bit(64)::bigint);
-- get the max of the existing version for the data now
select max(version) into ver
from customer_audit
where id =;
-- and bump it up one and use that
if ver is null then
new.version := 1;
new.version := ver + 1;
end if;
-- if an update, then we need to insert the new
if tg_op = 'UPDATE' then
-- now let's insert the old row into the audit table
insert into customer_audit
values (new.*);
elsif tg_op = 'INSERT' then
-- now let's insert the new row into the audit table
insert into customer_audit
values (new.*);
-- and delete the old one in the customer table
delete from customer
where id =
and version <= ver;
end if;
-- finally, return the row to be inserted to customer
return new;
$body$ language plpgsql;
create trigger set_version before insert or update on customer
for each row execute procedure audit_customer();
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If you want to use a general int field for the primary key, you can change the first lines in the trigger to be:

  -- get the advisory lock on this id
  perform pg_advisory_xact_lock(;

where the column id is of type int. We are just casting the int to a bigint and that will work just as well.

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