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Created June 29, 2015 17:12
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Quick and easy Base-64 encoding and decoding
:dependencies [[base64-clj "0.1.1"]]
(ns project.util
(:require [[base64-clj.core :as b64]]))
(defn b64-encode
"Function for a safe base-64 encode that handels nils as well as converts
any non-string argument to it's string equivalent and then encodes that.
It's also smart enough to take a sequence of things and encode each,
individually - returning a sequence of encoded values."
(nil? s) nil
(string? s) (b64/encode s)
(coll? s) (map b64-encode s)
:else (b64-encode (pr-str s))))
(defn b64-decode
"Function to safely attempt to do a base64 decoding of the argument - assuming
it's a correct fit for the decoding. It's got to be a string, and it's got to
have a length that's divisible by 4. If it's invalid, this function will just
return `nil`."
(string? s) (let [len (count s)]
(when (and (pos? len) (zero? (unchecked-remainder-int len 4)))
(b64/decode s)))
(coll? s) (map b64-decode s)
:else nil))
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