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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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Nice logging clojure namespace to easily track the execution time and log it
(ns cq.logging
"Logging utilities."
(:require [ :refer [log]]
[robert.hooke :refer [add-hook]]))
(defn now [] (System/currentTimeMillis))
(defn execution-time-logging-hook
"Given a config map, returns a hook function that logs execution time."
[{:keys [level func-name msg msg-fn ns] :or {level :info}}]
(let [labeler (fn [msg]
(str func-name (if msg (str " [" msg "]"))))
logf (fn [s & args]
(log ns level nil (apply format s args)))]
(fn [func & args]
(let [start (now)]
(let [ret (apply func args)
time-taken (- (now) start)
label (labeler
(cond msg msg
msg-fn (try (apply msg-fn ret args)
(catch Throwable t (str "msg-fn error! " t)))
:else nil))]
(logf "Finished %s in %dms." label time-taken)
(catch Throwable t
(let [time-taken (- (now) start)]
(logf "Error in %s after %dms (%s)." (labeler nil) time-taken (.getMessage t)))
(throw t)))))))
(defmacro log-execution-time!
"A macro for adding execution time logging to a named
function. Simply call at the top level with the name of the function
you want to wrap. As a second argument you may provide an options
map with possible values:
:level ;; defaults to :info
:msg ;; some string that is printed with the log messages
:msg-fn ;; a function that will be called with the return value
;; and the arguments, and should return a message for
;; inclusion in the log
([var-name] `(log-execution-time! ~var-name {}))
([var-name opts]
`(add-hook (var ~var-name)
(assoc ~opts
:func-name '~var-name
;; pass in the namespace so the log messages
;; can have the appropriate namespace instead
;; of deal-performance.logging
:ns ~*ns*)))))
(defn attack
"Function to do the block attack on the quip, broken down into a sequence
of the cyphertext words, and their lists of possible plaintext words, as
well as the index in that sequence to attack, and the clue (legend) to use.
This will return the first match to the attack and that's it."
[quip pieces idx clue]
(if (and (coll? pieces) (map? clue))
(let [{cw :cyphertext poss :possibles} (nth pieces idx)
last? (= idx (dec (count pieces)))]
(some identity (for [pt poss
:when (matches? clue cw pt)
:let [nc (merge-clue clue cw pt)]
:when nc]
(if last?
(decode nc quip)
(attack quip pieces (inc idx) nc)))))))
(log-execution-time! attack {:msg-fn (fn [ret q p i c] (format "word: %s hits: %s" i (:hits (nth p i))))})
(defn solve
"Find a set of words from the supplied word list that satifiy the quip pattern
return the substituted words"
[quip clue]
(attack quip (match-up quip) 0 clue))
(log-execution-time! solve)
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