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Last active July 8, 2022 07:37
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-- ghc 8.10.7
-- Server code
runServer ctx = do
bracket (spawnWorkers ctx) (mapM_ killThread) $ const
liftIO $ useContext ctx -- At this point context looks uninialized
spawnWorkers = replicateM (ctx ^. number) (fork $ worker ctx)
-- The code that works with optimization disabled but but don't with optimization enabled
-- ...
ctx <- createCtx
-- ...
runServer ctx
-- Those code snippets work regardless optimizations status
-- ...
bracket createCtx freeCtx $ \ctx -> do
-- ...
runServer ctx
-- ...
ctx <- createCtx
-- ...
hanlde (h ctx) $ runServer ctx
h ctx@Ctx{..} (e::SomeException) = do
log $ show ctx ^. member
throwIO e
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