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Created December 10, 2017 19:39
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Clean up Southwest Airlines ICS files.
from icalendar import Calendar
import sys
import copy
from datetime import timedelta
for ics in sys.argv[1:]:
# Open the ics file and extract the event and alarm.
cal = Calendar.from_ical(open(ics).read())
event = cal.walk('vevent')[0]
alarm = event.walk('valarm')[0]
# Make no changes if summary doesn't contain "Southwest Airlines".
if 'Southwest Airlines' not in event['summary']:
# The last word in the location is the flight number.
# The last word in the summary is the confirmation number.
flight = event['location'].split()[-1]
confirmation = event['summary'].split()[-1]
# Erase the event's verbose description and rewrite its summary.
event['description'] = ''
event['summary'] = 'SW {} ({})'.format(flight, confirmation)
# Get rid of the mistaken MS fields.
for e in ('x-microsoft-cdo-alldayevent', 'x-microsoft-cdo-busystatus'):
del event[e]
except KeyError:
# Set the alarm to 24 hours, 15 minutes before the flight, rewrite its
# description, and make it audible.
alarm['trigger'].dt = timedelta(days=-1, minutes=-15)
alarm['description'] = 'Check in SW {} ({})'.format(flight, confirmation)
alarm['action'] = 'AUDIO'
alarm.add('ATTACH;VALUE=URI', 'Basso')
# Delete any UIDs before copying.
for u in ('uid', 'x-wr-alarmuid'):
del alarm[u]
except KeyError:
# Add a new alarm 24 hours, 5 minutes before the flight by copying
# the previous alarm and changing its trigger time.
newalarm = copy.deepcopy(alarm)
newalarm['trigger'].dt = timedelta(days=-1, minutes=-5)
# Write the changes back to the original file.
f = open(ics, 'w')
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