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Created April 8, 2014 20:41
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.4)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.18)
// Bourbon (v)
// ----
@import "bourbon/bourbon";
.block {
width: calc(50% - #{em(200)});
@mixin calc($attr, $value, $base: 100%, $operator: '-', $tb-property: null) {
@if $tb-property == 0 {
#{$attr}: 20px calc(#{$base} #{$operator} #{$value});
} @else if $tb-property != 0 {
#{$attr}: calc(#{$base} #{$operator} #{$value});
.block {
@include calc(width, em(50), '50%', '+', $tb-property: 0);
.brick {
@include calc(margin, em(10), $operator: '*')
@mixin van {
color: black;
windows: tinted;
lincense: Washington;
&.seats {
seats: 10;
color: black;
.my-van {
@include van;
.your-van {
@include van {
heated: yes;
fabric: cloth;
electric: no;
.block {
width: calc(50% - 12.5em);
.block {
width: 20px calc(50% + 3.125em);
.brick {
margin: calc(100% * 0.625em);
.my-van {
color: black;
windows: tinted;
lincense: Washington;
.my-van.seats {
seats: 10;
color: black;
.your-van {
color: black;
windows: tinted;
lincense: Washington;
.your-van.seats {
seats: 10;
color: black;
heated: yes;
fabric: cloth;
electric: no;
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