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Last active July 19, 2019 13:42
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*** There was an issue. Reason: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "_video". Table: null Column: null
import 'package:vw_serv/model/hashtagging.dart';
import 'package:vw_serv/vw_serv.dart';
class HashTag extends ManagedObject<_HashTag> implements _HashTag {}
class _HashTag {
@Column(indexed: true, omitByDefault: true, autoincrement: true)
int id;
@Column(primaryKey: true)
String identifier;
DateTime createdAt;
ManagedSet<HashTagging> hashtaggings;
@Column(nullable: false)
String tag;
import 'package:vw_serv/model/hashtagging.dart';
import 'package:vw_serv/model/like.dart';
import 'package:vw_serv/model/share.dart';
import 'package:vw_serv/model/user.dart';
import 'package:vw_serv/vw_serv.dart';
class Video extends ManagedObject<_Video> implements _Video {
@Serialize(output: false)
String userIdentifier;
@Serialize(output: false)
List<String> hashes;
@Serialize(output: false)
List<String> friends;
@Serialize(output: false)
List<String> shareTo;
class _Video {
@Column(indexed: true, omitByDefault: true, autoincrement: true)
int id;
@Column(primaryKey: true)
String identifier;
DateTime createdAt;
String createdBy;
User creator;
ManagedSet<HashTagging> hashtaggings;
ManagedSet<Like> likes;
ManagedSet<Share> shares;
String title;
@Column(nullable: true)
String content;
@Column(defaultValue: "true")
bool public;
@Column(nullable: true)
double latitude;
@Column(nullable: true)
double longitude;
double aspectRatio;
String appliedFilter;
String type;
@Column(nullable: true)
int startTime;
String downloadUrl;
String thumbUrl;
_hashTag migration:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:aqueduct/aqueduct.dart';
class Migration9 extends Migration {
Future upgrade() async {
database.createTable(SchemaTable("_HashTag", [
SchemaColumn("id", ManagedPropertyType.bigInteger,
isPrimaryKey: false,
autoincrement: true,
isIndexed: true,
isNullable: false,
isUnique: false),
SchemaColumn("identifier", ManagedPropertyType.string,
isPrimaryKey: true,
autoincrement: false,
isIndexed: true,
isNullable: true,
isUnique: false),
SchemaColumn("tag", ManagedPropertyType.string,
isPrimaryKey: false,
autoincrement: false,
isIndexed: false,
isNullable: false,
isUnique: false)
SchemaColumn.relationship("video", ManagedPropertyType.bigInteger,
relatedTableName: "_Video",
relatedColumnName: "id",
rule: DeleteRule.nullify,
isNullable: true,
isUnique: false));
Future downgrade() async {}
Future seed() async {}
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