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Created July 19, 2019 14:17
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2019-07-19 10:13:28.664850
[WARNING] aqueduct: PostgreSQLSeverity.error 42703: column t1.video_identifier does not exist PostgreSQLSeverity.error 42703: column t1.video_identifier does not exist
..route('/authVids').linkFunction((Request request) async {
final query = Query<Video>(context)
..join(set: (Video vid) => vid.hashtaggings)
.join(object: (HashTagging tagging) => tagging.hashTag)
.returningProperties((HashTag tag) => [tag.tag])
..join(set: (Video vid) => vid.shares)
..join(set: (Video vid) => vid.likes);
final response = await query.fetch();
return Response.ok(response);
Table "public._hashtagging"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | bigint | | not null | nextval('_hashtagging_id_seq'::regclass)
identifier | text | | not null |
createdat | timestamp without time zone | | not null |
video_id | bigint | | |
hashtag_id | bigint | | |
tag | text | | not null |
"_hashtagging_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (identifier)
viziwizi=> \d _hashtag
Table "public._hashtag"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | bigint | | not null | nextval('_hashtag_id_seq'::regclass)
identifier | text | | not null |
tag | text | | not null |
createdat | timestamp without time zone | | not null |
"_hashtag_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (identifier)
"_hashtag_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (id)
"_hashtag_id_idx" btree (id)
viziwizi=> \d _video
Table "public._video"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | bigint | | not null | nextval('_video_id_seq'::regclass)
identifier | text | | not null |
createdby | text | | not null |
useridentifier | text | | not null |
title | text | | not null |
content | text | | |
public | boolean | | not null | true
latitude | double precision | | |
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