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Created April 27, 2015 14:07
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// ----
// Sass (v3.4.13)
// Compass (v1.0.3)
// ----
// ____________________________________________________________________________
// Unit Conversion v.2.0
// ____________________________________________________________________________
// Function Input units
// Absolute length
// px(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number
// pt(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number
// pc(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number
// in(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number
// mm(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number
// cm(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number
// Relative length
// em(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number
// rem(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, number
// ex(input); ex, number
// ch(input); ch, number
// vw(input); vw, number
// vh(input); vh, number
// vmin(input); vmin, number
// vmax(input); vmax, number
// Angle
// deg(input); deg, rad, grad, turn, number
// rad(input); deg, rad, grad, turn, number
// grad(input); deg, rad, grad, turn, number
// turn(input); deg, rad, grad, turn, number
// Resolution
// dpi(input); dpi, dpcm, dppx, number
// dpcm(input); dpi, dpcm, dppx, number
// dppx(input); dpi, dpcm, dppx, number
// Time
// s(input); s, ms, number
// ms(input); s, ms, number
// Frequency
// hz(input); hz, khz, number
// khz(input); hz, khz, number
// String
// str(input); anything not null
// Number, int and uint
// num(input); px, pt, pc, in, mm, cm, em, rem, ex, ch,
// vw, vh, vmin, vmax, deg, rad, grad, turn,
// dpi, dpcm, dppx, s, ms, hz, khz, number
// int(input); as number
// uint(input); as number
// Aliases
// string(input);
// number(input);
// ____________________________________________________________________________
// Base font size in pixel for converting em and tem to absolute lengths.
$base-font-size: 16px !default;
// Allow string to be cast as unit (experimental – handle with care)
$cast-string-to-unit: true !default;
// Absolute lengths
@function px($input){ @return convert(px, $input); }
@function pt($input){ @return convert(pt, $input); }
@function pc($input){ @return convert(pc, $input); }
@function in($input){ @return convert(in, $input); }
@function mm($input){ @return convert(mm, $input); }
@function cm($input){ @return convert(cm, $input); }
// Angles
@function deg($input){ @return convert(deg, $input); }
@function rad($input){ @return convert(rad, $input); }
@function grad($input){ @return convert(grad, $input); }
@function turn($input){ @return convert(turn, $input); }
// Resolution
@function dpi($input){ @return convert(dpi, $input); }
@function dpcm($input){ @return convert(dpcm, $input); }
@function dppx($input){ @return convert(dppx, $input); }
// Time
@function ms($input){ @return convert(ms, $input); }
@function s($input){ @return convert(s, $input); }
// Frequencies
@function hz($input){ @return convert(hz, $input);}
@function khz($input){ @return convert(khz, $input); }
// Relative lengths
@function em($input...){
$em: convert(em, nth($input,1));
// Adjust for compounds (visual size)
@if length($input) > 1 {
@for $i from 2 through length($input){
$em: $em / num(em(nth($input,$i)));
@return $em;
@function rem($input){ @return convert(rem, num(em($input))); }
// Inconvertible relative lengths – depends on font
@function ex($input){ @return convert(ex, $input); }
@function ch($input){ @return convert(ch, $input); }
// Viewport
@function vw($input){ @return convert(vw, $input); }
@function vh($input){ @return convert(vh, $input); }
@function vmin($input){ @return convert(vmin, $input); }
@function vmax($input){ @return convert(vmax, $input); }
// Strings and numbers
@function str($input){ @return #{$input}; }
@function num($input){
@if type-of($input) != number {
@error 'Could not convert `#{$input}` - must be `type-of number`';
@return null;
@return $input/($input*0+1);
@function int($input){
$num: num($input);
@return if($num<0, ceil($num), floor($num));
@function uint($input){ @return abs(int($input)); }
// Conversion function
@function convert($unit, $input){
@if type-of($input) == string and $cast-string-to-unit {
$input: cast-to-unit($input);
// Test against valid CSS units
$convert-unit: map-get((
px: 0px, pt: 0pt, pc: 0pc, in: 0in, mm: 0mm, cm: 0cm, // absolute length
em: 0em, rem: 0rem, ch: 0ch, ex: 0ex, // relative length - font based
vw: 0vw, vh: 0vh, vmin: 0vmin, vmax: 0vmax, // relative length - viewport based
deg: 0deg, turn: 0turn, grad: 0grad, rad: 0rad, // angle
s: 0s, ms: 0ms, // time
hz: 0Hz, khz: 0kHz, // frequency
dpi: 0dpi, dpcm: 0dpcm, dppx: 0dppx, // resolution
pct: 0%, percent: 0%, num: 0, number: 0 // percent or number
), $unit);
// Error handling – wrong $unit
// Incomparable units are caught in convertion
@if not $convert-unit {
@error 'Could not convert to `#{$unit}` – must be a valid CSS unit';
@return null;
// Number/incomparable conversion
@if index(num number ex ch vw vh vmin vmax, $unit) {
$value: num($input);
// EM/REM convertion using px as base
@if index(em rem, unit($input)) {
$input: 0px + num($input) * $base-font-size/1px;
@if index(em rem, $unit) and not unitless($input) {
$input: 0px + $input;
$input: num($input) * 1px/$base-font-size;
// Convert
@return $convert-unit + $input;
// Aliases
@function string($input){ @return str($input);}
@function number($input){ @return num($input);}
// Cast to unit
@function cast-to-unit($input){
// Validate input type (note! no unit validation)
@if not index('string' 'number',type-of($input)) { // wrong type
@error 'Unable to cast `#{type-of($input)}`.'; // throw warning
@return null;
@if type-of($input) == number { @return $input; } // no need to cast
// Cast string to unit
$number-chars: '0' '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '8' '9';
$number: 0; // return value
$devider: 0; // devider used to set decimals
$decimal: false; // flag to mark decimal place
$unit : ''; // unit
@for $i from 1 through str-length($input) { // loop through string
$char:str-slice($input, $i, $i); // current charcater
$index:index($number-chars , $char); // is character a number
$decimal:if($char=='.', true, $decimal); // mark first decimal
@if $index { // if character is a number
$devider:if($decimal ,$devider + 1, $devider); // increment devider if we have a decimal flag
$number: $number * 10 + $index - 1; // add number part ($index - 1 is the new part)
@else if(not index(' ' '-' '+' '.', $char)){ // if character is not a number, ' ',-, + or .
$unit:$unit + $char; // add character to unit
// Format value
$number:if(str-index($input, '-'), $number * -1, $number);// negative value
$number:$number / pow(10, $devider); // add decimals
@return convert(if($unit == '', num, $unit), $number);
// ____________________________________________________________________________
// Test
// ____________________________________________________________________________
px-to-px : px(16px);
pt-to-px : px(16pt);
pc-to-px : px(16pc);
in-to-px : px(16in);
mm-to-px : px(16mm);
cm-to-px : px(16cm);
em-to-px : px(2em);
rem-to-px: px(1rem);
num-to-px: px(16);
str-to-px: px("2em") + px("12pt");
px-to-px: 16px;
pt-to-px: 21.33333px;
pc-to-px: 256px;
in-to-px: 1536px;
mm-to-px: 60.47244px;
cm-to-px: 604.72441px;
em-to-px: 32px;
rem-to-px: 16px;
num-to-px: 16px;
str-to-px: 48px;
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