Animating eyebrows and mouth based on relationship between face points.
Save dribnet/547506869d1051ffb76b380c141932a1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
license: mit |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
// var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 8; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// these control the colors used | |
const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
function Face() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables may be different) | |
this.bread = 3; // 1-5 | |
this.jam = 5; // 0-10 | |
/* | |
* Draw a face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
// let bread = int(map(s1, 0, 100, 1, 5)); | |
// let mouth = map(s2, 0, 100, 0, 10); | |
// let blush = map(s3, 0, 100, 0, 10); | |
// let jam = map(s4, 0, 100, 0, 10); | |
// let jam_col = map(s5, 0, 100, 0, 10); | |
// let jam_size = int(map(s6, 0, 100, 0, 10)); | |
// let eyebrows_rotate = map(s7, 0, 100, 0, 20); | |
// let glasses = int(map(s8, 0, 100, 0, 10)); | |
// let pupil = int(map(s9, 0, 100, 1, 10)); | |
let bread = this.bread; | |
let mouth = 5; | |
let blush = 5; | |
let jam = this.jam; | |
let jam_col = 5; | |
let jam_size = 5; | |
let eyebrows_rotate=10; | |
let glasses = 5; | |
let pupil = 5; | |
// Colour Sets | |
let bread1 = '#fffaf5'; | |
let bread2 = '#f5f2ea'; | |
let bread3 = '#dbb58c'; | |
let bread4 = '#c48d52'; | |
let bread5 = '#36210d'; | |
let breadColour; | |
let left_eye = average_point(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye = average_point(positions.right_eye); | |
let left_eyebrow = average_point(positions.left_eyebrow); | |
let right_eyebrow = average_point(positions.right_eyebrow); | |
let left_d = dist(left_eye[0], left_eye[1], left_eyebrow[0], left_eyebrow[1]); | |
let right_d = dist(right_eye[0], right_eye[1], right_eyebrow[0], right_eyebrow[1]); | |
let left_eb_move = map(left_d, 0.4, 0.7, 0, 2, true); | |
let right_eb_move = map(right_d, 0.4, 0.7, 0, 2, true); | |
// print(left_d); | |
left_eye[0] *= 3; | |
left_eye[1] *= 3; | |
right_eye[0] *= 3; | |
right_eye[1] *= 3; | |
push(); | |
scale(0.33); | |
// Bread (Brown) | |
fill(221,168,128); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
stroke(0); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(-6.45, -5); | |
quadraticVertex(-4, -8, -0.5, -6); | |
quadraticVertex(3.5, -9, 6.5, -5.6); | |
quadraticVertex(7.8, -3.8, 6.5, -1.5); | |
quadraticVertex(6.8, 3, 6.3, 5.5); | |
quadraticVertex(6, 6, 5.1, 6.5); | |
endShape(); | |
// Bread Colour | |
if(bread == 1){ | |
breadColour = bread1; //***ALMOST WHITE***// | |
}else if (bread == 2){ | |
breadColour = bread2; //***IVORY***// | |
}else if (bread == 3){ | |
breadColour = bread3; //***WELL DONE***// | |
}else if (bread == 4){ | |
breadColour = bread4; //***OVERCOOKED***// | |
}else{ | |
breadColour = bread5; //***BURNT***// | |
} | |
fill(breadColour); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
stroke(0); | |
rect(-6, -4.5, 11, 11); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(RADIANS); | |
arc(-3.9, -3, 6.8, 6, -4, -0.4); | |
arc(2.4, -3.2, 6.8, 6, -2.8, 0.65); | |
pop(); | |
// Jam (Colour, Spread) | |
let amount = map(jam_col, 0, 10, 0, 1); | |
let colourPink = color('#ed3267'); | |
let colourPurple = color('#edd532'); | |
let jamColour = lerpColor(colourPink, colourPurple, amount); | |
let jamSpread = map(jam, 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
let jamS = map(jam_size, 0, 100, 1.3, 15); | |
strokeWeight(jamS); | |
stroke(jamColour); | |
if (jamSpread == 0){ | |
} | |
if (jamSpread >= 2){ | |
line(-3.5, -2, 2.5, -3); | |
} | |
if (jamSpread >=4){ | |
line(2.5, -3, -3, 1); | |
} | |
if (jamSpread >=6){ | |
line(-3, 1, 2, 0); | |
} | |
if (jamSpread >=8){ | |
line(2, 0, -3.5, 4); | |
} | |
if (jamSpread >=10){ | |
line(-3.5, 4, 2.5, 3); | |
} | |
// Mouth | |
strokeWeight(0.4); | |
stroke(0); | |
line(-1.55, -1, -0.05, -1); | |
let top_lip_point = positions.top_lip[9]; | |
let bottom_lip_point = positions.bottom_lip[9]; | |
// fill(255, 0, 0); | |
let d = dist(top_lip_point[0], top_lip_point[1], bottom_lip_point[0], bottom_lip_point[1]) | |
// print(d); | |
// Mouth Open | |
if(d < 0.1) { | |
d = 0; | |
} | |
mouth = map(d, 0, 0.5, 0, 10); | |
let mouth_size = map(mouth, 0, 10, 0, 3.5); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
fill('#fffcf7'); | |
rect(-1.6, -1, 1.6, mouth_size, 0.08); | |
/* | |
push(); | |
scale(5); | |
noStroke(); | |
textSize(0.2); | |
for (let i=0; i<positions.bottom_lip.length; i++) { | |
let p = positions.bottom_lip[i] | |
fill(255, 0, 0); | |
ellipse(p[0], p[1], 0.2); | |
fill(0); | |
text(i, p[0], p[1]); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
scale(5); | |
noStroke(); | |
textSize(0.2); | |
for (let i=0; i<positions.top_lip.length; i++) { | |
let p = positions.top_lip[i] | |
fill(0, 0, 255); | |
ellipse(p[0], p[1], 0.2); | |
fill(0); | |
text(i, p[0], p[1]); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
*/ | |
// Blush | |
noStroke(); | |
if (blush > 3 && blush < 6){ //***PINK BLUSH***// | |
fill('#ff87b1'); | |
ellipse(-2.6, -1.1, 1.5, 0.8); | |
ellipse(1.1, -1.1, 1.5, 0.8); | |
} | |
else if (blush > 5 && blush <= 8){ //***RED BLUSH***// | |
stroke('#bf304d'); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
line(-3.5, -0.9, -3.2, -1.2); //***LEFT***// | |
line(-2.9, -0.9, -2.6, -1.2); | |
line(-2.3, -0.9, -2, -1.2); | |
line(0.5, -0.9, 0.8, -1.2); //***RIGHT***// | |
line(1.1, -0.9, 1.4, -1.2); | |
line(1.7, -0.9, 2, -1.2); | |
} | |
else if (blush >7 && blush <= 10){ //***TEARS***// | |
noStroke(); | |
fill('#49a3e6'); | |
triangle(-3.3, -1.19, -2.9, -0.85, -2.75, -1.55); | |
ellipse(-3.2, -0.9, 0.6, 0.6); | |
triangle(1.81, -1.24, 1.36, -0.87, 1.2, -1.7); | |
ellipse(1.65, -1, 0.6, 0.6); | |
} | |
// Eyes | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(0); | |
// ellipse(-2.2, -2, 1.1, 1.1); | |
// ellipse(0.5, -2, 1.1, 1.1); | |
ellipse(left_eye[0], left_eye[1], 1.1, 1.1); | |
ellipse(right_eye[0], right_eye[1], 1.1, 1.1); | |
// Pupil | |
if (pupil > 3 && pupil < 6) { | |
fill('black'); | |
ellipse(left_eye[0]-0.1, left_eye[1]-0.1, 0.3, 0.3); //***LEFT TOP***// | |
ellipse(left_eye[0]+0.15, left_eye[1]+0.1, 0.2, 0.2); //***LEFT BOTTOM***// | |
ellipse(left_eye[0]-0.1, left_eye[1]-0.1, 0.3, 0.3); //***RIGHT TOP***// | |
ellipse(left_eye[0]+0.15, left_eye[1]+0.1, 0.2, 0.2); //***RIGHT BOTTOM***// | |
// ellipse(-2.3, -2.1, 0.3, 0.3); //***LEFT TOP***// | |
// ellipse(-2.05, -1.9, 0.2, 0.2); //***LEFT BOTTOM***// | |
// ellipse(0.4, -2.1, 0.3, 0.3); //***RIGHT TOP***// | |
// ellipse(0.65, -1.9, 0.2, 0.2); //***RIGHT BOTTOM***// | |
} | |
else if (pupil > 5 && pupil <= 10) { | |
// fill('white'); | |
// ellipse(-2.3, -2.1, 0.3, 0.3); //***LEFT TOP***// | |
// ellipse(-2.05, -1.9, 0.2, 0.2); //***LEFT BOTTOM***// | |
// ellipse(0.4, -2.1, 0.3, 0.3); //***RIGHT TOP***// | |
// ellipse(0.65, -1.9, 0.2, 0.2); //***RIGHT BOTTOM***// | |
} | |
// Eyebrows | |
strokeWeight(0.4); | |
stroke(0); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(left_eye[0]-0.1, left_eye[1]-1); | |
translate(0, -left_eb_move); | |
rotate(eyebrows_rotate); | |
line(-0.3, 0, 0.5, 0); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(right_eye[0]-0.2, right_eye[1]-1); | |
translate(0, -right_eb_move); | |
rotate(-eyebrows_rotate); | |
line(-0.3, 0, 0.5, 0); | |
pop(); | |
// Glasses | |
if (glasses > 5 && glasses < 8){ | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.35); | |
noFill(); | |
ellipse(-2.3, -2.4, 2.6, 2.6); | |
ellipse(0.6, -2.4, 2.6, 2.6); | |
} | |
// Sunglasses | |
else if (glasses > 7 && glasses <= 10){ | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
fill('white'); | |
ellipse(-2.6, -2.4, 3, 2.6); | |
ellipse(1, -2.4, 3, 2.6); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill('black'); | |
ellipse(-2.6, -2.37, 2.4, 2); | |
ellipse(1, -2.37, 2.4, 2); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
line(-1.1, -2.5, -0.65, -2.5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.bread = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 5)); | |
this.jam = int(map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0, 10)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(2); | |
settings[0] = map(this.bread, 1, 5, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.jam, 0, 10, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} | |
// given an array of [x,y] points, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} |
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<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="z_focused_random.js"></script> | |
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="z_face_system.js"></script> | |
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="z_kdTree.js"></script> | |
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="z_face-api.js"></script> | |
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<style> | |
body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } | |
.inner { position: absolute; } | |
#controls { | |
font: 300 12px "Helvetica Neue"; | |
padding: 5; | |
margin: 5; | |
background: #f0f0f0; | |
opacity: 0.0; | |
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s ease; | |
-moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease; | |
-o-transition: opacity 0.2s ease; | |
-ms-transition: opacity 0.2s ease; | |
} | |
#controls:hover { opacity: 0.9; } | |
</style> | |
</head> | |
<body style="background-color:white"> | |
<div class="outer"> | |
<div class="inner" id="controls" height="500"> | |
<table> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 1</td> | |
<td id="slider1Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 2</td> | |
<td id="slider2Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 3</td> | |
<td id="slider3Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 4</td> | |
<td id="slider4Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 5</td> | |
<td id="slider5Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 6</td> | |
<td id="slider6Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 7</td> | |
<td id="slider7Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 8</td> | |
<td id="slider8Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 9</td> | |
<td id="slider9Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 10</td> | |
<td id="slider10Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 11</td> | |
<td id="slider11Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 12</td> | |
<td id="slider12Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
--> | |
<tr> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>show target</td> | |
<td id="sliderTintContainer"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Draw function</td> | |
<td id="selector1Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Face Draw</td> | |
<td id="checkbox1Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Face Targets</td> | |
<td id="checkbox2Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Face Points</td> | |
<td id="checkbox3Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td></td> | |
<td id="button1Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td></td> | |
<td id="button2Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td></td> | |
<td id="button3Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td></td> | |
<td id="button4Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
</table> | |
</div> | |
<div> | |
<div id="canvasContainer"></div> | |
<a href="face.js">face code</a><br> | |
<a href="sketch.html">sketches</a> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<pre> | |
<p id="output"> | |
</p> | |
</pre> | |
</body> |
[ | |
"five_faces.jpg", | |
"williams.jpg", | |
"oscar_selfie.jpg" | |
] |
<head> | |
<style> body {padding: 0; margin: 0;} </style> | |
</head> | |
<body style="background-color:white"> | |
<img src="same_pose.jpg" width="960" height="500"/><br> | |
Same Pose | |
<hr> | |
<img src="same_subject.jpg" width="960" height="500"/><br> | |
Same Subject | |
<p> | |
<a href="index.html">program</a> | |
</body> |
// recent work from my @VicUniWgtn 3rd year media design students that combines @nulhom's dlib face library with @p5xjs | |
var canvasWidth = 960; | |
var canvasHeight = 500; | |
var button; | |
var curRandomSeed; | |
var mainFace; | |
var faceImages = []; | |
var curFaceIndex = 0; | |
var curTrainIndex = 0; | |
var curValidIndex = 0; | |
var main_canvas; | |
var video_buffer; | |
var faceSelector; | |
var drawFaceCheckbox; | |
var faceGuideCheckbox; | |
var facePointsCheckbox; | |
var sliders = []; | |
var sliderTint; | |
var trainDataKeys = [] | |
var trainValues = {} | |
var validDataKeys = [] | |
var faceMapping = null; | |
let model_loaded = false; | |
let faces_processing = false; | |
let faces_processed = false; | |
var sample_images; | |
var selfieData = [] | |
var video_capture = null; | |
if (typeof DEBUG_MODE === 'undefined' || DEBUG_MODE === null) { | |
var DEBUG_MODE = false; | |
} | |
if (typeof NUM_SLIDERS === 'undefined' || NUM_SLIDERS === null) { | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 12; | |
} | |
async function preload () { | |
sample_images = loadJSON('sample_images.json') | |
trainValues = loadJSON('training_values.json'); | |
if (!DEBUG_MODE) { | |
await faceapi.loadSsdMobilenetv1Model("./"); | |
await faceapi.loadFaceLandmarkModel("./"); | |
await faceapi.loadFaceRecognitionModel("./"); | |
} | |
model_loaded = true; | |
} | |
var allEmbeddingsTree; | |
var allEmbeddings = []; | |
var embeddingDimensions; | |
var curNeighbors = []; | |
function squaredDistance(a, b) { | |
var sum = 0; | |
var length = 128; | |
for(var i=0; i<128; i++) { | |
var diff = a[i] - b[i]; | |
sum += diff * diff; | |
} | |
// print(a.length,diff); | |
// print(sum, a==b); | |
return sum; | |
} | |
var haveStarted = false; | |
function setup () { | |
let keys = Object.keys(sample_images); | |
for (let i=0; i<keys.length; i++) { | |
let obj = {}; | |
obj.url = sample_images[keys[i]]; | |
selfieData.push(obj); | |
} | |
// create the drawing canvas, save the canvas element | |
main_canvas = createCanvas(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); | |
main_canvas.parent('canvasContainer'); | |
curRandomSeed = int(focusedRandom(0, 100)); | |
mainFace = new Face(); | |
littleFace = new Face(); | |
for(var i=0; i<selfieData.length; i++) { | |
var data = selfieData[i]; | |
data.image = loadImage(data.url); | |
} | |
trainDataKeys = Object.keys(trainData); | |
for(var i=0; i<trainDataKeys.length; i++) { | |
var curKey = trainDataKeys[i]; | |
var data = trainData[curKey]; | |
var curEmbedding = data.embedding[0]; | |
if(curEmbedding.length == 128) { | |
curEmbedding.push(curKey); | |
allEmbeddings.push(curEmbedding); | |
} | |
else { | |
print("rejected embedding ", curEmbedding.length, curEmbedding); | |
} | |
data.image = loadImage(data.url); | |
} | |
validDataKeys = Object.keys(validData); | |
for(var i=0; i<validDataKeys.length; i++) { | |
var curKey = validDataKeys[i]; | |
var data = validData[curKey]; | |
data.image = loadImage(data.url); | |
} | |
// print("Length: ", allEmbeddings.length); | |
// setup k-d tree | |
var N = allEmbeddings[0].length - 1; | |
embeddingDimensions = Array.apply(null, {length: N}).map(, Number); | |
// print(embeddingDimensions) | |
allEmbeddingsTree = new kdTree(allEmbeddings, squaredDistance, embeddingDimensions); | |
// print(allEmbeddingsTree) | |
faceSelector = createSelect(); | |
if(DEBUG_MODE) { | |
faceSelector.option('Train'); | |
faceSelector.value('Train'); | |
} | |
else { | |
faceSelector.option('Faces'); | |
faceSelector.option('Train'); | |
faceSelector.option('NearestNeighbors'); | |
faceSelector.option('TrainingQuiz'); | |
faceSelector.option('InterpolationQuiz'); | |
faceSelector.option('Video'); | |
faceSelector.value('Faces'); | |
} | |
faceSelector.parent('selector1Container'); | |
/* create the sliders */ | |
for(i=1; i<=NUM_SLIDERS; i++) { | |
var slider = createSlider(0, 100, 50); | |
var parentStr = 'slider' + i + 'Container'; | |
slider.parent(parentStr); | |
sliders.push(slider); | |
} | |
drawFaceCheckbox = createCheckbox('', true); | |
drawFaceCheckbox.parent('checkbox1Container'); | |
faceGuideCheckbox = createCheckbox('', false); | |
faceGuideCheckbox.parent('checkbox2Container'); | |
facePointsCheckbox = createCheckbox('', false); | |
facePointsCheckbox.parent('checkbox3Container'); | |
if(!DEBUG_MODE) { | |
sliderTint = createSlider(0, 100, 10); | |
sliderTint.parent("sliderTintContainer"); | |
var interpButton = createButton('interpolate'); | |
interpButton.mousePressed(interpolateCurrent); | |
interpButton.parent('button1Container'); | |
} | |
/* and the buttons */ | |
var loadButton = createButton('load'); | |
loadButton.mousePressed(loadCurrentSettings); | |
loadButton.parent('button1Container'); | |
var saveButton = createButton('save'); | |
saveButton.mousePressed(saveCurrentSettings); | |
saveButton.parent('button2Container'); | |
var getValuesButton = createButton('get values'); | |
getValuesButton.mousePressed(getSingleJson); | |
getValuesButton.parent('button3Container'); | |
var getAllValuesButton = createButton('get all values'); | |
getAllValuesButton.mousePressed(getAllJson); | |
getAllValuesButton.parent('button4Container'); | |
updateSlidersForTraining(); | |
// rotation in degrees | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
background(255); | |
fill(0); | |
textSize(50); | |
textAlign(CENTER); | |
text("(waiting for models to load...)", width/2, height/2); | |
haveStarted = true; | |
} | |
function saveCurrentSettings() { | |
var curKey = trainDataKeys[curTrainIndex]; | |
obj = mainFace.getProperties(); | |
trainValues[curKey] = obj; | |
// for(var i=0; i<obj.length; i++) { | |
// trainData[curKey][i] = obj[i]; | |
// } | |
var text = select('#output'); | |
text.html("Storing values for " + curKey); | |
// getAllJson(); | |
} | |
function getSingleJson() { | |
obj = mainFace.getProperties(); | |
var text = select('#output'); | |
var json = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2); | |
text.html(json) | |
} | |
function getAllJson() { | |
obj = trainValues; | |
var text = select('#output'); | |
var json = JSON.stringify(obj, null, 2); | |
// alert(json); | |
text.html(json) | |
} | |
// global variables for colors | |
var bg_color1 = [50, 50, 50]; | |
var lastSwapTime = 0; | |
var millisPerSwap = 5000; | |
function changeRandomSeed() { | |
curRandomSeed = curRandomSeed + 1; | |
lastSwapTime = millis(); | |
} | |
function mouseClicked() { | |
// changeRandomSeed(); | |
} | |
var quiz_done = true; | |
var guessed_answer = 0; | |
function num_dist(e1, e2) { | |
let dist = 0; | |
for(let i=0; i<e1.length; i++) { | |
print(i, e1[i], e2[i]); | |
dist = dist + Math.abs(e1[i] - e2[i]); | |
} | |
return dist; | |
} | |
var processing_vid_face = false; | |
var lastProcessedVidFace = null; | |
async function draw () { | |
if (!model_loaded) { | |
return; | |
} | |
if (!DEBUG_MODE) { | |
if (!faces_processing) { | |
faces_processing = true; | |
background(255); | |
fill(0); | |
textSize(50); | |
textAlign(CENTER); | |
text("(processing faces...)", width/2, height/2); | |
for(var i=0; i<selfieData.length; i++) { | |
var data = selfieData[i]; | |
let fullFaceDescriptions = await faceapi.detectAllFaces(data.image.canvas).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptors(); | |
data.landmarks = get_landmarks(fullFaceDescriptions); | |
data.embedding = get_latents(fullFaceDescriptions); | |
} | |
// print("Some distances") | |
// var data = selfieData[0]; | |
// for(var i=0; i<data.landmarks.length; i++) { | |
// for(var j=0; j<data.landmarks.length; j++) { | |
// print("dist ", i, "old to ", j, " new -> ", num_dist(data.embedding[i], data.latents[j])); | |
// } | |
// } | |
faces_processed = true; | |
return; | |
} | |
if(!faces_processed) { | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
var mode = faceSelector.value(); | |
if(millis() > lastSwapTime + millisPerSwap) { | |
lastSwapTime = millis(); | |
// changeRandomSeed(); | |
} | |
resetFocusedRandom(curRandomSeed); | |
noStroke(); | |
var textDisplay = "unknown"; | |
var params = []; | |
for(var i=0; i<NUM_SLIDERS; i++) { | |
params.push(sliders[i].value()); | |
} | |
if (mode == 'Faces' || mode == 'FacePair' || mode == 'Train' || mode == 'Video') { | |
var do_train = (mode == 'Train'); | |
var is_face = (mode == 'Faces'); | |
var is_video = (mode == 'Video'); | |
var show_face_guide = faceGuideCheckbox.checked(); | |
var show_face_points = facePointsCheckbox.checked(); | |
var do_draw_face = drawFaceCheckbox.checked(); | |
if(do_train) { | |
// var keys = Object.keys(trainData); | |
var curKey = trainDataKeys[curTrainIndex]; | |
var data = trainData[curKey]; | |
} | |
else { | |
var data = selfieData[curFaceIndex]; | |
} | |
const v_w = 640; | |
const v_h = 480; | |
const v_w_p = v_w / this._pixelDensity; | |
const v_h_p = v_h / this._pixelDensity; | |
// setup "video image" if in video mode | |
if (is_video) { | |
if (video_capture == null) { | |
video_capture = createCapture(VIDEO); | |
video_capture.size(canvasWidth, canvasHeight); | |
video_buffer = createGraphics(v_w, v_h); | |
return; | |
} | |
// print(processing_vid_face); | |
if(processing_vid_face == false) { | |
video_buffer.image(video_capture, 0, 0, v_w_p, v_h_p); | |
// print("grabbing video"); | |
processing_vid_face = true; | |
lastProcessedVidFace = await faceapi.detectAllFaces(video_buffer.canvas).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptors(); | |
processing_vid_face = false; | |
// print("grabbed video"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (lastProcessedVidFace == null) { | |
background(255); | |
fill(0); | |
textSize(50); | |
textAlign(CENTER); | |
text("(setting up camera...)", width/2, height/2); | |
return | |
} | |
data = {}; | |
data["image"] = video_buffer; | |
data["landmarks"] = get_landmarks(lastProcessedVidFace); | |
data["embedding"] = get_latents(lastProcessedVidFace); | |
// print("Found faces: ", data.landmarks.length) | |
} | |
// we are not bailing, draw background | |
background(bg_color1); | |
// Displays the image at its actual size at point (0,0) | |
var img = data.image | |
if (is_face) { | |
x2 = 0; | |
y1 = 0; | |
x1 = 0; | |
var im_w = canvasWidth; | |
var im_h = canvasHeight; | |
var rect_w = canvasWidth; | |
var rect_h = canvasHeight; | |
image(img, x2, y1, im_w, im_h); | |
} | |
else if(is_video) { | |
// let vw = video_capture.elt.videoWidth; | |
// let vh = video_capture.elt.videoHeight; | |
// x2 = 0; | |
// y1 = 0; | |
// x1 = 0; | |
x1 = (canvasWidth - v_w) / 2.0; | |
x2 = x1; | |
y1 = (canvasHeight - v_h) / 2.0; | |
var im_w = v_w; | |
var im_h = v_h; | |
var rect_w = v_w; | |
var rect_h = v_h; | |
// print(im_w, im_h); | |
image(img, x2, y1, im_w, im_h, 0, 0, v_w_p, v_h_p); | |
} | |
else { | |
var x1 = (width/4-400/2); | |
var x2 = (3*width/4-400/2); | |
var y1 = (height/2-400/2); | |
var rect_w = 400; | |
var rect_h = 400; | |
var im_w = 400; | |
var im_h = 400; | |
image(img, x1, y1, 400, 400); | |
} | |
if(do_train) { | |
if (curKey in trainValues) { | |
fill(0, 200, 0); | |
} | |
else { | |
fill(200, 0, 0); | |
} | |
ellipse(x1+400/2, y1+400+15, 10, 10); | |
} | |
if(!DEBUG_MODE) { | |
noStroke(); | |
var curSliderTintValue = sliderTint.value(); | |
var overlayAlpha = map(curSliderTintValue, 0, 100, 255, 0); | |
fill(bg_color1[0], bg_color1[1], bg_color1[2], overlayAlpha); | |
rect(x2, y1, rect_w, rect_h); | |
} | |
stroke(0); | |
fill(255); | |
for(var i=0; i<data.landmarks.length; i++) { | |
// get array of face marker positions [x, y] format | |
var positions = data.landmarks[i]; | |
var shifted_positions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(positions)) | |
var data_mean = [0.0, 0.0]; | |
var data_scale = 1.0; | |
var data_angle = 0.0; | |
if ('transform' in positions) { | |
data_mean =; | |
data_scale = positions.transform.scale; | |
data_angle = positions.transform.angle; | |
delete shifted_positions.transform | |
} | |
var scale_x = im_w / img.width; | |
var scale_y = im_h / img.height; | |
push(); | |
translate(x1, y1) | |
translate(scale_x*data_mean[0], scale_y*data_mean[1]); | |
scale(scale_x*data_scale, scale_y*data_scale); | |
rotate(degrees(data_angle)); | |
stroke(0); | |
fill(255); | |
strokeWeight(1/data_scale); | |
Object.keys(positions).forEach(function(key) { | |
if (key=='transform') { | |
return; | |
} | |
var curSection = positions[key]; | |
var shiftedSection = shifted_positions[key]; | |
for (var i=0; i<curSection.length; i++) { | |
var cur_x = curSection[i][0]; | |
var cur_y = curSection[i][1]; | |
if (show_face_points) { | |
ellipse(cur_x, cur_y, 5/data_scale, 5/data_scale); | |
} | |
// get ready for drawing the face | |
shiftedSection[i][0] = cur_x; | |
shiftedSection[i][1] = cur_y; | |
} | |
}); | |
noFill(); | |
if(show_face_guide) { | |
stroke(0, 0, 255); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 4, 4); | |
line(0, -2, 0, 2); | |
line(-2, 0, 2, 0); | |
} | |
// ellipse(x1+data_mean[0], y1+data_mean[1], 4*data_scale, 4*data_scale); | |
// line(x1+data_mean[0], y1+data_mean[1]-2*data_scale, x1+data_mean[0], y1+data_mean[1]+2*data_scale); | |
pop(); | |
var settings = params; | |
if (Object.keys(trainValues).length > 0) { | |
// NOT NOW | |
if ((typeof data.embedding !== 'undefined') && | |
(data.embedding != null) && | |
(data.embedding.length > i) && | |
(data.embedding[i] != null) && | |
(typeof data.embedding[i].length !== 'undefined') && | |
(data.embedding[i].length == 128)) { | |
// print("Using embedding ", i) | |
var curEmbedding = data.embedding[i]; | |
results = getAverageSettingsFrom(curEmbedding); | |
settings = results[0]; | |
} | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(x2, y1) | |
translate(scale_x*data_mean[0], scale_y*data_mean[1]); | |
scale(scale_x*data_scale, scale_y*data_scale); | |
rotate(degrees(data_angle)); | |
strokeWeight(1/data_scale); | |
mainFace.setProperties(settings); | |
if (do_draw_face) { | |
mainFace.draw(shifted_positions); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
if(do_train) { | |
textDisplay = "Train: " + curKey; | |
} | |
else { | |
textDisplay = ""; | |
} | |
} | |
else if (mode == 'NearestNeighbors') { | |
background(bg_color1); | |
// var keys = Object.keys(trainData); | |
var curKey = trainDataKeys[curTrainIndex]; | |
var data = trainData[curKey]; | |
// Displays the image at its actual size at point (0,0) | |
var img = data.image | |
var x1 = (width/4-250/2); | |
var y1 = (height/3-250/2); | |
image(img, x1, y1, 250, 250); | |
if (curKey in trainValues) { | |
fill(0, 200, 0); | |
} | |
else { | |
fill(200, 0, 0); | |
} | |
ellipse(x1+250/2, y1+250+15, 10, 10); | |
var y2 = (3*height/4-80/2); | |
for(var i=0; i<4; i++) { | |
// var keys = Object.keys(trainData); | |
var curKey = curNeighbors[i]; | |
var nearData = trainData[curKey]; | |
// Displays the image at its actual size at point (0,0) | |
var img = nearData.image | |
var x2 = (width/4 - 200 + i*100); | |
image(img, x2, y2, 80, 80); | |
} | |
for(var i=0; i<1; i++) { | |
// get array of face marker positions [x, y] format | |
var positions = data.landmarks[i]; | |
var shifted_positions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(positions)) | |
var data_mean = [0.0, 0.0]; | |
var data_scale = 1.0; | |
var data_angle = 0.0; | |
if ('transform' in positions) { | |
data_mean =; | |
data_scale = positions.transform.scale; | |
data_angle = positions.transform.angle; | |
delete shifted_positions.transform | |
} | |
var scale_x = 400.0 / img.width; | |
var scale_y = 400.0 / img.height; | |
Object.keys(positions).forEach(function(key) { | |
if (key=='transform') { | |
return; | |
} | |
var curSection = positions[key]; | |
var shiftedSection = shifted_positions[key]; | |
for (var i=0; i<curSection.length; i++) { | |
var cur_x = curSection[i][0]; | |
var cur_y = curSection[i][1]; | |
// get ready for drawing the face | |
shiftedSection[i][0] = cur_x; | |
shiftedSection[i][1] = cur_y; | |
} | |
}); | |
var scale_x = 250.0 / img.width; | |
var scale_y = 250.0 / img.height; | |
var x2 = (3*width/4-250/2); | |
push(); | |
translate(x2, y1); | |
translate(scale_x*data_mean[0], scale_y*data_mean[1]); | |
scale(scale_x*data_scale, scale_y*data_scale); | |
rotate(degrees(data_angle)); | |
strokeWeight(1/data_scale); | |
mainFace.setProperties(params); | |
mainFace.draw(shifted_positions); | |
pop(); | |
var scale_x = 80.0 / img.width; | |
var scale_y = 80.0 / img.height; | |
for(var j=0; j<4; j++) { | |
// var keys = Object.keys(trainData); | |
var curKey = curNeighbors[j]; | |
var x2 = (3*width/4 - 200 + j*100); | |
push(); | |
translate(x2, y2); | |
if (curKey in trainValues) { | |
var settings = trainValues[curKey] | |
translate(scale_x*data_mean[0], scale_y*data_mean[1]); | |
scale(scale_x*data_scale, scale_y*data_scale); | |
rotate(degrees(data_angle)); | |
strokeWeight(1/data_scale); | |
littleFace.setProperties(settings); | |
littleFace.draw(shifted_positions); | |
} | |
else { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(100); | |
rect(10, 10, 70, 70); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
textDisplay = "Neighbors: " + trainDataKeys[curTrainIndex]; | |
} | |
else if (mode == 'TrainingQuiz' || mode == 'InterpolationQuiz') { | |
background(bg_color1); | |
var curKey = trainDataKeys[curTrainIndex]; | |
var data = trainData[curKey]; | |
var valid_mode = false; | |
if (mode == 'InterpolationQuiz') { | |
valid_mode = true; | |
curKey = validDataKeys[curValidIndex]; | |
data = validData[curKey]; | |
} | |
// Displays the image at its actual size at point (0,0) | |
var img = data.image | |
var x1 = (width/2-200/2); | |
var y1 = (height/3-300/2); | |
image(img, x1, y1, 200, 200); | |
if(valid_mode) { | |
fill(0, 0, 200); | |
} | |
else if (curKey in trainValues) { | |
fill(0, 200, 0); | |
} | |
else { | |
fill(200, 0, 0); | |
} | |
ellipse(x1+200/2, y1+200+15, 10, 10); | |
var y2 = (3*height/5-80/2); | |
var y3 = (4*height/5-80/2); | |
/* | |
for(var i=0; i<4; i++) { | |
// var keys = Object.keys(trainData); | |
var curKey = curNeighbors[i]; | |
var nearData = trainData[curKey]; | |
// Displays the image at its actual size at point (0,0) | |
var img = nearData.image | |
var x2 = (width/4 - 200 + i*100); | |
image(img, x2, y2, 80, 80); | |
} | |
*/ | |
for(var i=0; i<1; i++) { | |
// get array of face marker positions [x, y] format | |
var positions = data.landmarks[i]; | |
var shifted_positions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(positions)) | |
var data_mean = [0.0, 0.0]; | |
var data_scale = 1.0; | |
var data_angle = 0.0; | |
if ('transform' in positions) { | |
data_mean =; | |
data_scale = positions.transform.scale; | |
data_angle = positions.transform.angle; | |
delete shifted_positions.transform | |
} | |
var scale_x = 400.0 / img.width; | |
var scale_y = 400.0 / img.height; | |
Object.keys(positions).forEach(function(key) { | |
if (key=='transform') { | |
return; | |
} | |
var curSection = positions[key]; | |
var shiftedSection = shifted_positions[key]; | |
for (var i=0; i<curSection.length; i++) { | |
var cur_x = curSection[i][0]; | |
var cur_y = curSection[i][1]; | |
// get ready for drawing the face | |
shiftedSection[i][0] = cur_x; | |
shiftedSection[i][1] = cur_y; | |
} | |
}); | |
/* | |
var scale_x = 250.0 / img.width; | |
var scale_y = 250.0 / img.height; | |
var x2 = (3*width/4-250/2); | |
push(); | |
translate(x2, y1); | |
translate(scale_x*data_mean[0], scale_y*data_mean[1]); | |
scale(scale_x*data_scale, scale_y*data_scale); | |
rotate(degrees(data_angle)); | |
strokeWeight(1/data_scale); | |
mainFace.setProperties(params); | |
mainFace.draw(shifted_positions); | |
pop(); | |
*/ | |
var scale_x = 80.0 / img.width; | |
var scale_y = 80.0 / img.height; | |
var otherKeys = Object.keys(trainValues); | |
var index = otherKeys.indexOf(trainDataKeys[curTrainIndex]); | |
if(index >= 0) { | |
otherKeys.splice(index, 1); | |
} | |
var answerSlot = int(focusedRandom(0, 4)); | |
var answerKeys = Array(4); | |
for(var j=0; j<4; j++) { | |
if(j == answerSlot) { | |
curKey = trainDataKeys[curTrainIndex]; | |
} | |
else { | |
var guess = int(focusedRandom(0, otherKeys.length)); | |
// if(otherKeys.length > j+2) { | |
// while(answerKeys.indexOf(guess) == -1) { | |
// guess = int(focusedRandom(0, otherKeys.length)); | |
// } | |
// } | |
curKey = otherKeys[guess]; | |
} | |
answerKeys[j] = curKey; | |
// print("Answer", j, " is ", curKey); | |
var x2 = (width/2 - 200 + j*100); | |
var settings = params; | |
if (valid_mode && j == answerSlot) { | |
var curEmbedding = data.embedding[0]; | |
results = getAverageSettingsFrom(curEmbedding); | |
settings = results[0]; | |
var validTrainKeys = results[1]; | |
} | |
else if (curKey in trainValues) { | |
settings = trainValues[curKey]; | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(x2, y2); | |
translate(scale_x*data_mean[0], scale_y*data_mean[1]); | |
scale(scale_x*data_scale, scale_y*data_scale); | |
rotate(degrees(data_angle)); | |
strokeWeight(1/data_scale); | |
if (typeof settings !== 'undefined') { | |
littleFace.setProperties(settings); | |
} | |
littleFace.draw(shifted_positions); | |
pop(); | |
if(quiz_done && guessed_answer == (j+1)) { | |
push(); | |
translate(x2, y2); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(4); | |
if(guessed_answer == (answerSlot+1)) { | |
stroke(0, 100, 0); | |
} | |
else { | |
stroke(100, 0, 0); | |
} | |
rect(-10, -10, 100, 100); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
if(quiz_done) { | |
for(var j=0; j<4; j++) { | |
if (valid_mode && (answerSlot+1) == (j+1)) { | |
for(var k=0; k<4; k++) { | |
var curKey = validTrainKeys[k]; | |
var nearData = trainData[curKey]; | |
// Displays the image at its actual size at point (0,0) | |
var img = nearData.image | |
var x2 = (width/2 - 200 + j*100 + (k%2)*40); | |
var y4 = y3 + (int(k/2))*40; | |
image(img, x2, y4, 40, 40); | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
var curKey = answerKeys[j]; | |
var nearData = trainData[curKey]; | |
// Displays the image at its actual size at point (0,0) | |
if (typeof nearData !== 'undefined') { | |
var img = nearData.image | |
var x2 = (width/2 - 200 + j*100); | |
image(img, x2, y3, 80, 80); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if(valid_mode) { | |
if(quiz_done) { | |
textDisplay = "InterpolationQuiz: hit a number to continue"; | |
} | |
else { | |
textDisplay = "InterpolationQuiz: hit 1, 2, 3, or 4 to guess"; | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
if(quiz_done) { | |
textDisplay = "TrainingQuiz: hit a number to continue"; | |
} | |
else { | |
textDisplay = "TrainingQuiz: hit 1, 2, 3, or 4 to guess"; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
fill(255); | |
textSize(32); | |
textAlign(CENTER); | |
text(textDisplay, width/2, height-12); | |
} | |
async function keyTyped() { | |
if(!haveStarted) { | |
return; | |
} | |
var mode = faceSelector.value(); | |
if (key == 'q' && mode != 'Faces') { | |
faceSelector.value('Faces'); | |
} | |
else if (key == 'w' && mode != 'Train') { | |
faceSelector.value('Train'); | |
} | |
else if (key == 'e' && mode != 'NearestNeighbors') { | |
faceSelector.value('NearestNeighbors'); | |
} | |
else if (key == 'r' && mode != 'TrainingQuiz') { | |
faceSelector.value('TrainingQuiz'); | |
} | |
else if (key == 't' && mode != 'InterpolationQuiz') { | |
faceSelector.value('InterpolationQuiz'); | |
} | |
else if (key == 'y' && mode != 'Video') { | |
faceSelector.value('Video'); | |
} | |
if (key >= '0' && key <= '9' && | |
(mode == 'TrainingQuiz' || mode == 'InterpolationQuiz') && quiz_done) { | |
quiz_done = false; | |
if(mode == 'TrainingQuiz') { | |
curTrainIndex = (curTrainIndex + 1) % trainDataKeys.length; | |
} | |
else { | |
curValidIndex = (curValidIndex + 1) % validDataKeys.length; | |
} | |
changeRandomSeed(); | |
} | |
else if ((mode == 'TrainingQuiz' || mode == 'InterpolationQuiz') && quiz_done == false) { | |
if(key >= '1' && key <= '4') { | |
guessed_answer = key - '0'; | |
quiz_done = true; | |
} | |
} | |
if (key == 's') { | |
saveCurrentSettings(); | |
} | |
else if (key == 'i') { | |
interpolateCurrent(); | |
} | |
else if (key == 'l') { | |
loadCurrentSettings(); | |
} | |
if (key == '!') { | |
saveBlocksImages(); | |
} | |
else if (key == '@') { | |
saveBlocksImages(true); | |
} | |
if (key == '/') { | |
print("loading new train[0]"); | |
for(let i=0; i<trainDataKeys.length; i++) { | |
var curKey = trainDataKeys[i]; | |
var data = trainData[curKey]; | |
let fullFaceDescriptions = await faceapi.detectAllFaces(data.image.canvas).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptors(); | |
data.landmarks = get_landmarks(fullFaceDescriptions); | |
data.embedding = get_latents(fullFaceDescriptions); | |
} | |
print("loaded new trains"); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (key == '?') { | |
print("running diagnostic on training"); | |
let obj = {}; | |
for(let i=0; i<trainDataKeys.length; i++) { | |
var curKey = trainDataKeys[i]; | |
var data = trainData[curKey]; | |
let fullFaceDescriptions = await faceapi.detectAllFaces(data.image.canvas).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptors(); | |
let found_embed = get_latents(fullFaceDescriptions); | |
let found_landmarks = get_landmarks(fullFaceDescriptions); | |
// print(data.embedding[0], found_embed[0]); | |
// print("dist old to new -> ", num_dist(found_embed[0], data.embedding[0])); | |
let lst = []; | |
for(let i=0; i<128; i++) { | |
lst[i] = found_embed[0][i]; | |
} | |
obj[curKey] = {"url": data.url, "embedding": [lst], "landmarks": found_landmarks}; | |
} | |
// print(obj); | |
// obj = found_embed; | |
var text = select('#output'); | |
var json = JSON.stringify(obj, null); | |
// alert(json); | |
text.html(json) | |
return; | |
} | |
if (key == ':') { | |
print("running diagnostic on validation"); | |
let obj = {}; | |
for(let i=0; i<validDataKeys.length; i++) { | |
var curKey = validDataKeys[i]; | |
var data = validData[curKey]; | |
let fullFaceDescriptions = await faceapi.detectAllFaces(data.image.canvas).withFaceLandmarks().withFaceDescriptors(); | |
let found_embed = get_latents(fullFaceDescriptions); | |
let found_landmarks = get_landmarks(fullFaceDescriptions); | |
// print(data.embedding[0], found_embed[0]); | |
// print("dist old to new -> ", num_dist(found_embed[0], data.embedding[0])); | |
let lst = []; | |
for(let i=0; i<128; i++) { | |
lst[i] = found_embed[0][i]; | |
} | |
obj[curKey] = {"url": data.url, "embedding": [lst], "landmarks": found_landmarks}; | |
} | |
// print(obj); | |
// obj = found_embed; | |
var text = select('#output'); | |
var json = JSON.stringify(obj, null); | |
// alert(json); | |
text.html(json) | |
return; | |
} | |
*/ | |
} | |
function interpolateCurrent() { | |
var curNeighborSettings = []; | |
for(var i=0; i<4; i++) { | |
neighborKey = curNeighbors[i] | |
if(neighborKey in trainValues) { | |
curNeighborSettings.push(trainValues[neighborKey]); | |
} | |
} | |
for(var i=0; i<NUM_SLIDERS; i++) { | |
sliders[i].value(50); | |
} | |
if(curNeighborSettings.length > 0) { | |
settings = curNeighborSettings[0]; | |
for(var i=0; i<settings.length; i++) { | |
var sum = 0; | |
for(j=0; j<curNeighborSettings.length; j++) { | |
sum += curNeighborSettings[j][i]; | |
} | |
var avg = int(sum / curNeighborSettings.length) | |
sliders[i].value(avg); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
function loadCurrentSettings() { | |
var curKey = trainDataKeys[curTrainIndex]; | |
var mainSettings = mainFace.getProperties(); | |
for(var i=0; i<NUM_SLIDERS; i++) { | |
if(i < mainSettings.length) { | |
sliders[i].value(mainSettings[i]) | |
} | |
else { | |
sliders[i].value(50); | |
} | |
} | |
if (curKey in trainValues) { | |
var settings = trainValues[curKey] | |
for(var i=0; i<settings.length; i++) { | |
sliders[i].value(settings[i]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
function updateSlidersForTraining() { | |
var mode = faceSelector.value(); | |
var curKey = trainDataKeys[curTrainIndex]; | |
// first find the closest neighbors | |
var nearest = allEmbeddingsTree.nearest(trainData[curKey].embedding[0], 5); | |
curNeighbors = []; | |
curNeighborSettings = []; | |
for(var i=0; i<5; i++) { | |
if(nearest[i][0][128] != curKey) { | |
var neighborKey = nearest[i][0][128]; | |
curNeighbors.push(neighborKey); | |
if(neighborKey in trainValues) { | |
curNeighborSettings.push(trainValues[neighborKey]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
loadCurrentSettings(); | |
// if(mode == 'NearestNeighbors') { | |
// interpolateCurrent(); | |
// } | |
// else { | |
// loadCurrentSettings(); | |
// } | |
} | |
function getAverageSettingsFrom(e) { | |
// first find the closest neighbors | |
var nearest = allEmbeddingsTree.nearest(e, 4); | |
curNeighbors = []; | |
curNeighborSettings = []; | |
for(var i=0; i<4; i++) { | |
var neighborKey = nearest[i][0][128]; | |
curNeighbors.push(neighborKey); | |
if(neighborKey in trainValues) { | |
curNeighborSettings.push(trainValues[neighborKey]); | |
} | |
} | |
for(var i=0; i<4; i++) { | |
neighborKey = curNeighbors[i] | |
if(neighborKey in trainValues) { | |
curNeighborSettings.push(trainValues[neighborKey]); | |
} | |
} | |
var trainValueKeys = Object.keys(trainValues); | |
var props = trainValues[trainValueKeys[0]]; | |
if(curNeighborSettings.length > 0) { | |
settings = curNeighborSettings[0]; | |
for(var i=0; i<settings.length; i++) { | |
var sum = 0; | |
for(j=0; j<curNeighborSettings.length; j++) { | |
sum += curNeighborSettings[j][i]; | |
} | |
var avg = int(sum / curNeighborSettings.length) | |
props[i] = avg; | |
} | |
} | |
return [props, curNeighbors]; | |
} | |
function keyPressed() { | |
if(!haveStarted) { | |
return; | |
} | |
var mode = faceSelector.value(); | |
if (mode == 'Faces') { | |
if (keyCode == LEFT_ARROW || keyCode == UP_ARROW) { | |
curFaceIndex = (curFaceIndex + selfieData.length - 1) % selfieData.length; | |
} else if (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW || keyCode == DOWN_ARROW) { | |
curFaceIndex = (curFaceIndex + 1) % selfieData.length; | |
} | |
} | |
else if (mode == 'Train' || mode == 'NearestNeighbors') { | |
if (keyCode == LEFT_ARROW || keyCode == UP_ARROW) { | |
curTrainIndex = (curTrainIndex + trainDataKeys.length - 1) % trainDataKeys.length; | |
updateSlidersForTraining(); | |
} else if (keyCode == RIGHT_ARROW || keyCode == DOWN_ARROW) { | |
curTrainIndex = (curTrainIndex + 1) % trainDataKeys.length; | |
updateSlidersForTraining(); | |
} | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
75, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
90 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
75, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
50, | |
70 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
90 | |
] | |
} | |
(function (global, factory) { | |
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : | |
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : | |
(global.clm = factory()); | |
}(this, (function () { 'use strict'; | |
var commonjsGlobal = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; | |
function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) { | |
return module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; | |
} | |
var numeric1_2_6 = createCommonjsModule(function (module, exports) { | |
"use strict"; | |
var numeric = exports; | |
if(typeof commonjsGlobal !== "undefined") { commonjsGlobal.numeric = numeric; } | |
numeric.version = "1.2.6"; | |
// 1. Utility functions | |
numeric.bench = function bench (f,interval) { | |
var t1,t2,n,i; | |
if(typeof interval === "undefined") { interval = 15; } | |
n = 0.5; | |
t1 = new Date(); | |
while(1) { | |
n*=2; | |
for(i=n;i>3;i-=4) { f(); f(); f(); f(); } | |
while(i>0) { f(); i--; } | |
t2 = new Date(); | |
if(t2-t1 > interval) break; | |
} | |
for(i=n;i>3;i-=4) { f(); f(); f(); f(); } | |
while(i>0) { f(); i--; } | |
t2 = new Date(); | |
return 1000*(3*n-1)/(t2-t1); | |
}; | |
numeric._myIndexOf = (function _myIndexOf(w) { | |
var n = this.length,k; | |
for(k=0;k<n;++k) if(this[k]===w) return k; | |
return -1; | |
}); | |
numeric.myIndexOf = (Array.prototype.indexOf)?Array.prototype.indexOf:numeric._myIndexOf; | |
numeric.Function = Function; | |
numeric.precision = 4; | |
numeric.largeArray = 50; | |
numeric.prettyPrint = function prettyPrint(x) { | |
function fmtnum(x) { | |
if(x === 0) { return '0'; } | |
if(isNaN(x)) { return 'NaN'; } | |
if(x<0) { return '-'+fmtnum(-x); } | |
if(isFinite(x)) { | |
var scale = Math.floor(Math.log(x) / Math.log(10)); | |
var normalized = x / Math.pow(10,scale); | |
var basic = normalized.toPrecision(numeric.precision); | |
if(parseFloat(basic) === 10) { scale++; normalized = 1; basic = normalized.toPrecision(numeric.precision); } | |
return parseFloat(basic).toString()+'e'+scale.toString(); | |
} | |
return 'Infinity'; | |
} | |
var ret = []; | |
function foo(x) { | |
var k; | |
if(typeof x === "undefined") { ret.push(Array(numeric.precision+8).join(' ')); return false; } | |
if(typeof x === "string") { ret.push('"'+x+'"'); return false; } | |
if(typeof x === "boolean") { ret.push(x.toString()); return false; } | |
if(typeof x === "number") { | |
var a = fmtnum(x); | |
var b = x.toPrecision(numeric.precision); | |
var c = parseFloat(x.toString()).toString(); | |
var d = [a,b,c,parseFloat(b).toString(),parseFloat(c).toString()]; | |
for(k=1;k<d.length;k++) { if(d[k].length < a.length) a = d[k]; } | |
ret.push(Array(numeric.precision+8-a.length).join(' ')+a); | |
return false; | |
} | |
if(x === null) { ret.push("null"); return false; } | |
if(typeof x === "function") { | |
ret.push(x.toString()); | |
var flag = false; | |
for(k in x) { if(x.hasOwnProperty(k)) { | |
if(flag) ret.push(',\n'); | |
else ret.push('\n{'); | |
flag = true; | |
ret.push(k); | |
ret.push(': \n'); | |
foo(x[k]); | |
} } | |
if(flag) ret.push('}\n'); | |
return true; | |
} | |
if(x instanceof Array) { | |
if(x.length > numeric.largeArray) { ret.push('...Large Array...'); return true; } | |
var flag = false; | |
ret.push('['); | |
for(k=0;k<x.length;k++) { if(k>0) { ret.push(','); if(flag) ret.push('\n '); } flag = foo(x[k]); } | |
ret.push(']'); | |
return true; | |
} | |
ret.push('{'); | |
var flag = false; | |
for(k in x) { if(x.hasOwnProperty(k)) { if(flag) ret.push(',\n'); flag = true; ret.push(k); ret.push(': \n'); foo(x[k]); } } | |
ret.push('}'); | |
return true; | |
} | |
foo(x); | |
return ret.join(''); | |
}; | |
numeric.parseDate = function parseDate(d) { | |
function foo(d) { | |
if(typeof d === 'string') { return Date.parse(d.replace(/-/g,'/')); } | |
if(!(d instanceof Array)) { throw new Error("parseDate: parameter must be arrays of strings"); } | |
var ret = [],k; | |
for(k=0;k<d.length;k++) { ret[k] = foo(d[k]); } | |
return ret; | |
} | |
return foo(d); | |
}; | |
numeric.parseFloat = function parseFloat_(d) { | |
function foo(d) { | |
if(typeof d === 'string') { return parseFloat(d); } | |
if(!(d instanceof Array)) { throw new Error("parseFloat: parameter must be arrays of strings"); } | |
var ret = [],k; | |
for(k=0;k<d.length;k++) { ret[k] = foo(d[k]); } | |
return ret; | |
} | |
return foo(d); | |
}; | |
numeric.parseCSV = function parseCSV(t) { | |
var foo = t.split('\n'); | |
var j,k; | |
var ret = []; | |
var pat = /(([^'",]*)|('[^']*')|("[^"]*")),/g; | |
var patnum = /^\s*(([+-]?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?)|([+-]?[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?(e[+-]?[0-9]+)?))\s*$/; | |
var stripper = function(n) { return n.substr(0,n.length-1); }; | |
var count = 0; | |
for(k=0;k<foo.length;k++) { | |
var bar = (foo[k]+",").match(pat),baz; | |
if(bar.length>0) { | |
ret[count] = []; | |
for(j=0;j<bar.length;j++) { | |
baz = stripper(bar[j]); | |
if(patnum.test(baz)) { ret[count][j] = parseFloat(baz); } | |
else ret[count][j] = baz; | |
} | |
count++; | |
} | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.toCSV = function toCSV(A) { | |
var s = numeric.dim(A); | |
var i,j,m,n,row,ret; | |
m = s[0]; | |
n = s[1]; | |
ret = []; | |
for(i=0;i<m;i++) { | |
row = []; | |
for(j=0;j<m;j++) { row[j] = A[i][j].toString(); } | |
ret[i] = row.join(', '); | |
} | |
return ret.join('\n')+'\n'; | |
}; | |
numeric.getURL = function getURL(url) { | |
var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); | |"GET",url,false); | |
client.send(); | |
return client; | |
}; | |
numeric.imageURL = function imageURL(img) { | |
function base64(A) { | |
var n = A.length, i,x,y,z,p,q,r,s; | |
var key = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; | |
var ret = ""; | |
for(i=0;i<n;i+=3) { | |
x = A[i]; | |
y = A[i+1]; | |
z = A[i+2]; | |
p = x >> 2; | |
q = ((x & 3) << 4) + (y >> 4); | |
r = ((y & 15) << 2) + (z >> 6); | |
s = z & 63; | |
if(i+1>=n) { r = s = 64; } | |
else if(i+2>=n) { s = 64; } | |
ret += key.charAt(p) + key.charAt(q) + key.charAt(r) + key.charAt(s); | |
} | |
return ret; | |
} | |
function crc32Array (a,from,to) { | |
if(typeof from === "undefined") { from = 0; } | |
if(typeof to === "undefined") { to = a.length; } | |
var table = [0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xEE0E612C, 0x990951BA, 0x076DC419, 0x706AF48F, 0xE963A535, 0x9E6495A3, | |
0x0EDB8832, 0x79DCB8A4, 0xE0D5E91E, 0x97D2D988, 0x09B64C2B, 0x7EB17CBD, 0xE7B82D07, 0x90BF1D91, | |
0x1DB71064, 0x6AB020F2, 0xF3B97148, 0x84BE41DE, 0x1ADAD47D, 0x6DDDE4EB, 0xF4D4B551, 0x83D385C7, | |
0x136C9856, 0x646BA8C0, 0xFD62F97A, 0x8A65C9EC, 0x14015C4F, 0x63066CD9, 0xFA0F3D63, 0x8D080DF5, | |
0x3B6E20C8, 0x4C69105E, 0xD56041E4, 0xA2677172, 0x3C03E4D1, 0x4B04D447, 0xD20D85FD, 0xA50AB56B, | |
0x35B5A8FA, 0x42B2986C, 0xDBBBC9D6, 0xACBCF940, 0x32D86CE3, 0x45DF5C75, 0xDCD60DCF, 0xABD13D59, | |
0x26D930AC, 0x51DE003A, 0xC8D75180, 0xBFD06116, 0x21B4F4B5, 0x56B3C423, 0xCFBA9599, 0xB8BDA50F, | |
0x2802B89E, 0x5F058808, 0xC60CD9B2, 0xB10BE924, 0x2F6F7C87, 0x58684C11, 0xC1611DAB, 0xB6662D3D, | |
0x76DC4190, 0x01DB7106, 0x98D220BC, 0xEFD5102A, 0x71B18589, 0x06B6B51F, 0x9FBFE4A5, 0xE8B8D433, | |
0x7807C9A2, 0x0F00F934, 0x9609A88E, 0xE10E9818, 0x7F6A0DBB, 0x086D3D2D, 0x91646C97, 0xE6635C01, | |
0x6B6B51F4, 0x1C6C6162, 0x856530D8, 0xF262004E, 0x6C0695ED, 0x1B01A57B, 0x8208F4C1, 0xF50FC457, | |
0x65B0D9C6, 0x12B7E950, 0x8BBEB8EA, 0xFCB9887C, 0x62DD1DDF, 0x15DA2D49, 0x8CD37CF3, 0xFBD44C65, | |
0x4DB26158, 0x3AB551CE, 0xA3BC0074, 0xD4BB30E2, 0x4ADFA541, 0x3DD895D7, 0xA4D1C46D, 0xD3D6F4FB, | |
0x4369E96A, 0x346ED9FC, 0xAD678846, 0xDA60B8D0, 0x44042D73, 0x33031DE5, 0xAA0A4C5F, 0xDD0D7CC9, | |
0x5005713C, 0x270241AA, 0xBE0B1010, 0xC90C2086, 0x5768B525, 0x206F85B3, 0xB966D409, 0xCE61E49F, | |
0x5EDEF90E, 0x29D9C998, 0xB0D09822, 0xC7D7A8B4, 0x59B33D17, 0x2EB40D81, 0xB7BD5C3B, 0xC0BA6CAD, | |
0xEDB88320, 0x9ABFB3B6, 0x03B6E20C, 0x74B1D29A, 0xEAD54739, 0x9DD277AF, 0x04DB2615, 0x73DC1683, | |
0xE3630B12, 0x94643B84, 0x0D6D6A3E, 0x7A6A5AA8, 0xE40ECF0B, 0x9309FF9D, 0x0A00AE27, 0x7D079EB1, | |
0xF00F9344, 0x8708A3D2, 0x1E01F268, 0x6906C2FE, 0xF762575D, 0x806567CB, 0x196C3671, 0x6E6B06E7, | |
0xFED41B76, 0x89D32BE0, 0x10DA7A5A, 0x67DD4ACC, 0xF9B9DF6F, 0x8EBEEFF9, 0x17B7BE43, 0x60B08ED5, | |
0xD6D6A3E8, 0xA1D1937E, 0x38D8C2C4, 0x4FDFF252, 0xD1BB67F1, 0xA6BC5767, 0x3FB506DD, 0x48B2364B, | |
0xD80D2BDA, 0xAF0A1B4C, 0x36034AF6, 0x41047A60, 0xDF60EFC3, 0xA867DF55, 0x316E8EEF, 0x4669BE79, | |
0xCB61B38C, 0xBC66831A, 0x256FD2A0, 0x5268E236, 0xCC0C7795, 0xBB0B4703, 0x220216B9, 0x5505262F, | |
0xC5BA3BBE, 0xB2BD0B28, 0x2BB45A92, 0x5CB36A04, 0xC2D7FFA7, 0xB5D0CF31, 0x2CD99E8B, 0x5BDEAE1D, | |
0x9B64C2B0, 0xEC63F226, 0x756AA39C, 0x026D930A, 0x9C0906A9, 0xEB0E363F, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, | |
0x95BF4A82, 0xE2B87A14, 0x7BB12BAE, 0x0CB61B38, 0x92D28E9B, 0xE5D5BE0D, 0x7CDCEFB7, 0x0BDBDF21, | |
0x86D3D2D4, 0xF1D4E242, 0x68DDB3F8, 0x1FDA836E, 0x81BE16CD, 0xF6B9265B, 0x6FB077E1, 0x18B74777, | |
0x88085AE6, 0xFF0F6A70, 0x66063BCA, 0x11010B5C, 0x8F659EFF, 0xF862AE69, 0x616BFFD3, 0x166CCF45, | |
0xA00AE278, 0xD70DD2EE, 0x4E048354, 0x3903B3C2, 0xA7672661, 0xD06016F7, 0x4969474D, 0x3E6E77DB, | |
0xAED16A4A, 0xD9D65ADC, 0x40DF0B66, 0x37D83BF0, 0xA9BCAE53, 0xDEBB9EC5, 0x47B2CF7F, 0x30B5FFE9, | |
0xBDBDF21C, 0xCABAC28A, 0x53B39330, 0x24B4A3A6, 0xBAD03605, 0xCDD70693, 0x54DE5729, 0x23D967BF, | |
0xB3667A2E, 0xC4614AB8, 0x5D681B02, 0x2A6F2B94, 0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D]; | |
var crc = -1, y = 0, n = a.length,i; | |
for (i = from; i < to; i++) { | |
y = (crc ^ a[i]) & 0xFF; | |
crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ table[y]; | |
} | |
return crc ^ (-1); | |
} | |
var h = img[0].length, w = img[0][0].length, s1, s2, next,k,length,a,b,i,j,adler32,crc32; | |
var stream = [ | |
137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10, // 0: PNG signature | |
0,0,0,13, // 8: IHDR Chunk length | |
73, 72, 68, 82, // 12: "IHDR" | |
(w >> 24) & 255, (w >> 16) & 255, (w >> 8) & 255, w&255, // 16: Width | |
(h >> 24) & 255, (h >> 16) & 255, (h >> 8) & 255, h&255, // 20: Height | |
8, // 24: bit depth | |
2, // 25: RGB | |
0, // 26: deflate | |
0, // 27: no filter | |
0, // 28: no interlace | |
-1,-2,-3,-4, // 29: CRC | |
-5,-6,-7,-8, // 33: IDAT Chunk length | |
73, 68, 65, 84, // 37: "IDAT" | |
// RFC 1950 header starts here | |
8, // 41: RFC1950 CMF | |
29 // 42: RFC1950 FLG | |
]; | |
crc32 = crc32Array(stream,12,29); | |
stream[29] = (crc32>>24)&255; | |
stream[30] = (crc32>>16)&255; | |
stream[31] = (crc32>>8)&255; | |
stream[32] = (crc32)&255; | |
s1 = 1; | |
s2 = 0; | |
for(i=0;i<h;i++) { | |
if(i<h-1) { stream.push(0); } | |
else { stream.push(1); } | |
a = (3*w+1+(i===0))&255; b = ((3*w+1+(i===0))>>8)&255; | |
stream.push(a); stream.push(b); | |
stream.push((~a)&255); stream.push((~b)&255); | |
if(i===0) stream.push(0); | |
for(j=0;j<w;j++) { | |
for(k=0;k<3;k++) { | |
a = img[k][i][j]; | |
if(a>255) a = 255; | |
else if(a<0) a=0; | |
else a = Math.round(a); | |
s1 = (s1 + a )%65521; | |
s2 = (s2 + s1)%65521; | |
stream.push(a); | |
} | |
} | |
stream.push(0); | |
} | |
adler32 = (s2<<16)+s1; | |
stream.push((adler32>>24)&255); | |
stream.push((adler32>>16)&255); | |
stream.push((adler32>>8)&255); | |
stream.push((adler32)&255); | |
length = stream.length - 41; | |
stream[33] = (length>>24)&255; | |
stream[34] = (length>>16)&255; | |
stream[35] = (length>>8)&255; | |
stream[36] = (length)&255; | |
crc32 = crc32Array(stream,37); | |
stream.push((crc32>>24)&255); | |
stream.push((crc32>>16)&255); | |
stream.push((crc32>>8)&255); | |
stream.push((crc32)&255); | |
stream.push(0); | |
stream.push(0); | |
stream.push(0); | |
stream.push(0); | |
// a = stream.length; | |
stream.push(73); // I | |
stream.push(69); // E | |
stream.push(78); // N | |
stream.push(68); // D | |
stream.push(174); // CRC1 | |
stream.push(66); // CRC2 | |
stream.push(96); // CRC3 | |
stream.push(130); // CRC4 | |
return 'data:image/png;base64,'+base64(stream); | |
}; | |
// 2. Linear algebra with Arrays. | |
numeric._dim = function _dim(x) { | |
var ret = []; | |
while(typeof x === "object") { ret.push(x.length); x = x[0]; } | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.dim = function dim(x) { | |
var y,z; | |
if(typeof x === "object") { | |
y = x[0]; | |
if(typeof y === "object") { | |
z = y[0]; | |
if(typeof z === "object") { | |
return numeric._dim(x); | |
} | |
return [x.length,y.length]; | |
} | |
return [x.length]; | |
} | |
return []; | |
}; | |
numeric.mapreduce = function mapreduce(body,init) { | |
return Function('x','accum','_s','_k', | |
'if(typeof accum === "undefined") accum = '+init+';\n'+ | |
'if(typeof x === "number") { var xi = x; '+body+'; return accum; }\n'+ | |
'if(typeof _s === "undefined") _s = numeric.dim(x);\n'+ | |
'if(typeof _k === "undefined") _k = 0;\n'+ | |
'var _n = _s[_k];\n'+ | |
'var i,xi;\n'+ | |
'if(_k < _s.length-1) {\n'+ | |
' for(i=_n-1;i>=0;i--) {\n'+ | |
' accum = arguments.callee(x[i],accum,_s,_k+1);\n'+ | |
' }'+ | |
' return accum;\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'for(i=_n-1;i>=1;i-=2) { \n'+ | |
' xi = x[i];\n'+ | |
' '+body+';\n'+ | |
' xi = x[i-1];\n'+ | |
' '+body+';\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'if(i === 0) {\n'+ | |
' xi = x[i];\n'+ | |
' '+body+'\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'return accum;' | |
); | |
}; | |
numeric.mapreduce2 = function mapreduce2(body,setup) { | |
return Function('x', | |
'var n = x.length;\n'+ | |
'var i,xi;\n'+setup+';\n'+ | |
'for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) { \n'+ | |
' xi = x[i];\n'+ | |
' '+body+';\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'return accum;' | |
); | |
}; | |
numeric.same = function same(x,y) { | |
var i,n; | |
if(!(x instanceof Array) || !(y instanceof Array)) { return false; } | |
n = x.length; | |
if(n !== y.length) { return false; } | |
for(i=0;i<n;i++) { | |
if(x[i] === y[i]) { continue; } | |
if(typeof x[i] === "object") { if(!same(x[i],y[i])) return false; } | |
else { return false; } | |
} | |
return true; | |
}; | |
numeric.rep = function rep(s,v,k) { | |
if(typeof k === "undefined") { k=0; } | |
var n = s[k], ret = Array(n), i; | |
if(k === s.length-1) { | |
for(i=n-2;i>=0;i-=2) { ret[i+1] = v; ret[i] = v; } | |
if(i===-1) { ret[0] = v; } | |
return ret; | |
} | |
for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { ret[i] = numeric.rep(s,v,k+1); } | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.dotMMsmall = function dotMMsmall(x,y) { | |
var i,j,k,p,q,r,ret,foo,bar,woo,i0,k0,p0,r0; | |
p = x.length; q = y.length; r = y[0].length; | |
ret = Array(p); | |
for(i=p-1;i>=0;i--) { | |
foo = Array(r); | |
bar = x[i]; | |
for(k=r-1;k>=0;k--) { | |
woo = bar[q-1]*y[q-1][k]; | |
for(j=q-2;j>=1;j-=2) { | |
i0 = j-1; | |
woo += bar[j]*y[j][k] + bar[i0]*y[i0][k]; | |
} | |
if(j===0) { woo += bar[0]*y[0][k]; } | |
foo[k] = woo; | |
} | |
ret[i] = foo; | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric._getCol = function _getCol(A,j,x) { | |
var n = A.length, i; | |
for(i=n-1;i>0;--i) { | |
x[i] = A[i][j]; | |
--i; | |
x[i] = A[i][j]; | |
} | |
if(i===0) x[0] = A[0][j]; | |
}; | |
numeric.dotMMbig = function dotMMbig(x,y){ | |
var gc = numeric._getCol, p = y.length, v = Array(p); | |
var m = x.length, n = y[0].length, A = new Array(m), xj; | |
var VV = numeric.dotVV; | |
var i,j,k,z; | |
--p; | |
--m; | |
for(i=m;i!==-1;--i) A[i] = Array(n); | |
--n; | |
for(i=n;i!==-1;--i) { | |
gc(y,i,v); | |
for(j=m;j!==-1;--j) { | |
z=0; | |
xj = x[j]; | |
A[j][i] = VV(xj,v); | |
} | |
} | |
return A; | |
}; | |
numeric.dotMV = function dotMV(x,y) { | |
var p = x.length, q = y.length,i; | |
var ret = Array(p), dotVV = numeric.dotVV; | |
for(i=p-1;i>=0;i--) { ret[i] = dotVV(x[i],y); } | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.dotVM = function dotVM(x,y) { | |
var i,j,k,p,q,r,ret,foo,bar,woo,i0,k0,p0,r0,s1,s2,s3,baz,accum; | |
p = x.length; q = y[0].length; | |
ret = Array(q); | |
for(k=q-1;k>=0;k--) { | |
woo = x[p-1]*y[p-1][k]; | |
for(j=p-2;j>=1;j-=2) { | |
i0 = j-1; | |
woo += x[j]*y[j][k] + x[i0]*y[i0][k]; | |
} | |
if(j===0) { woo += x[0]*y[0][k]; } | |
ret[k] = woo; | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.dotVV = function dotVV(x,y) { | |
var i,n=x.length,i1,ret = x[n-1]*y[n-1]; | |
for(i=n-2;i>=1;i-=2) { | |
i1 = i-1; | |
ret += x[i]*y[i] + x[i1]*y[i1]; | |
} | |
if(i===0) { ret += x[0]*y[0]; } | |
return ret; | |
}; | | = function dot(x,y) { | |
var d = numeric.dim; | |
switch(d(x).length*1000+d(y).length) { | |
case 2002: | |
if(y.length < 10) return numeric.dotMMsmall(x,y); | |
else return numeric.dotMMbig(x,y); | |
case 2001: return numeric.dotMV(x,y); | |
case 1002: return numeric.dotVM(x,y); | |
case 1001: return numeric.dotVV(x,y); | |
case 1000: return numeric.mulVS(x,y); | |
case 1: return numeric.mulSV(x,y); | |
case 0: return x*y; | |
default: throw new Error(' only works on vectors and matrices'); | |
} | |
}; | |
numeric.diag = function diag(d) { | |
var i,i1,j,n = d.length, A = Array(n), Ai; | |
for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { | |
Ai = Array(n); | |
i1 = i+2; | |
for(j=n-1;j>=i1;j-=2) { | |
Ai[j] = 0; | |
Ai[j-1] = 0; | |
} | |
if(j>i) { Ai[j] = 0; } | |
Ai[i] = d[i]; | |
for(j=i-1;j>=1;j-=2) { | |
Ai[j] = 0; | |
Ai[j-1] = 0; | |
} | |
if(j===0) { Ai[0] = 0; } | |
A[i] = Ai; | |
} | |
return A; | |
}; | |
numeric.getDiag = function(A) { | |
var n = Math.min(A.length,A[0].length),i,ret = Array(n); | |
for(i=n-1;i>=1;--i) { | |
ret[i] = A[i][i]; | |
--i; | |
ret[i] = A[i][i]; | |
} | |
if(i===0) { | |
ret[0] = A[0][0]; | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.identity = function identity(n) { return numeric.diag(numeric.rep([n],1)); }; | |
numeric.pointwise = function pointwise(params,body,setup) { | |
if(typeof setup === "undefined") { setup = ""; } | |
var fun = []; | |
var k; | |
var avec = /\[i\]$/,p,thevec = ''; | |
var haveret = false; | |
for(k=0;k<params.length;k++) { | |
if(avec.test(params[k])) { | |
p = params[k].substring(0,params[k].length-3); | |
thevec = p; | |
} else { p = params[k]; } | |
if(p==='ret') haveret = true; | |
fun.push(p); | |
} | |
fun[params.length] = '_s'; | |
fun[params.length+1] = '_k'; | |
fun[params.length+2] = ( | |
'if(typeof _s === "undefined") _s = numeric.dim('+thevec+');\n'+ | |
'if(typeof _k === "undefined") _k = 0;\n'+ | |
'var _n = _s[_k];\n'+ | |
'var i'+(haveret?'':', ret = Array(_n)')+';\n'+ | |
'if(_k < _s.length-1) {\n'+ | |
' for(i=_n-1;i>=0;i--) ret[i] = arguments.callee('+params.join(',')+',_s,_k+1);\n'+ | |
' return ret;\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
setup+'\n'+ | |
'for(i=_n-1;i!==-1;--i) {\n'+ | |
' '+body+'\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'return ret;' | |
); | |
return Function.apply(null,fun); | |
}; | |
numeric.pointwise2 = function pointwise2(params,body,setup) { | |
if(typeof setup === "undefined") { setup = ""; } | |
var fun = []; | |
var k; | |
var avec = /\[i\]$/,p,thevec = ''; | |
var haveret = false; | |
for(k=0;k<params.length;k++) { | |
if(avec.test(params[k])) { | |
p = params[k].substring(0,params[k].length-3); | |
thevec = p; | |
} else { p = params[k]; } | |
if(p==='ret') haveret = true; | |
fun.push(p); | |
} | |
fun[params.length] = ( | |
'var _n = '+thevec+'.length;\n'+ | |
'var i'+(haveret?'':', ret = Array(_n)')+';\n'+ | |
setup+'\n'+ | |
'for(i=_n-1;i!==-1;--i) {\n'+ | |
body+'\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'return ret;' | |
); | |
return Function.apply(null,fun); | |
}; | |
numeric._biforeach = (function _biforeach(x,y,s,k,f) { | |
if(k === s.length-1) { f(x,y); return; } | |
var i,n=s[k]; | |
for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { _biforeach(typeof x==="object"?x[i]:x,typeof y==="object"?y[i]:y,s,k+1,f); } | |
}); | |
numeric._biforeach2 = (function _biforeach2(x,y,s,k,f) { | |
if(k === s.length-1) { return f(x,y); } | |
var i,n=s[k],ret = Array(n); | |
for(i=n-1;i>=0;--i) { ret[i] = _biforeach2(typeof x==="object"?x[i]:x,typeof y==="object"?y[i]:y,s,k+1,f); } | |
return ret; | |
}); | |
numeric._foreach = (function _foreach(x,s,k,f) { | |
if(k === s.length-1) { f(x); return; } | |
var i,n=s[k]; | |
for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { _foreach(x[i],s,k+1,f); } | |
}); | |
numeric._foreach2 = (function _foreach2(x,s,k,f) { | |
if(k === s.length-1) { return f(x); } | |
var i,n=s[k], ret = Array(n); | |
for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { ret[i] = _foreach2(x[i],s,k+1,f); } | |
return ret; | |
}); | |
/*numeric.anyV = numeric.mapreduce('if(xi) return true;','false'); | |
numeric.allV = numeric.mapreduce('if(!xi) return false;','true'); | |
numeric.any = function(x) { if(typeof x.length === "undefined") return x; return numeric.anyV(x); } | |
numeric.all = function(x) { if(typeof x.length === "undefined") return x; return numeric.allV(x); }*/ | |
numeric.ops2 = { | |
add: '+', | |
sub: '-', | |
mul: '*', | |
div: '/', | |
mod: '%', | |
and: '&&', | |
or: '||', | |
eq: '===', | |
neq: '!==', | |
lt: '<', | |
gt: '>', | |
leq: '<=', | |
geq: '>=', | |
band: '&', | |
bor: '|', | |
bxor: '^', | |
lshift: '<<', | |
rshift: '>>', | |
rrshift: '>>>' | |
}; | |
numeric.opseq = { | |
addeq: '+=', | |
subeq: '-=', | |
muleq: '*=', | |
diveq: '/=', | |
modeq: '%=', | |
lshifteq: '<<=', | |
rshifteq: '>>=', | |
rrshifteq: '>>>=', | |
bandeq: '&=', | |
boreq: '|=', | |
bxoreq: '^=' | |
}; | |
numeric.mathfuns = ['abs','acos','asin','atan','ceil','cos', | |
'exp','floor','log','round','sin','sqrt','tan', | |
'isNaN','isFinite']; | |
numeric.mathfuns2 = ['atan2','pow','max','min']; | |
numeric.ops1 = { | |
neg: '-', | |
not: '!', | |
bnot: '~', | |
clone: '' | |
}; | |
numeric.mapreducers = { | |
any: ['if(xi) return true;','var accum = false;'], | |
all: ['if(!xi) return false;','var accum = true;'], | |
sum: ['accum += xi;','var accum = 0;'], | |
prod: ['accum *= xi;','var accum = 1;'], | |
norm2Squared: ['accum += xi*xi;','var accum = 0;'], | |
norminf: ['accum = max(accum,abs(xi));','var accum = 0, max = Math.max, abs = Math.abs;'], | |
norm1: ['accum += abs(xi)','var accum = 0, abs = Math.abs;'], | |
sup: ['accum = max(accum,xi);','var accum = -Infinity, max = Math.max;'], | |
inf: ['accum = min(accum,xi);','var accum = Infinity, min = Math.min;'] | |
}; | |
(function () { | |
var i,o; | |
for(i=0;i<numeric.mathfuns2.length;++i) { | |
o = numeric.mathfuns2[i]; | |
numeric.ops2[o] = o; | |
} | |
for(i in numeric.ops2) { | |
if(numeric.ops2.hasOwnProperty(i)) { | |
o = numeric.ops2[i]; | |
var code, codeeq, setup = ''; | |
if(,i)!==-1) { | |
setup = 'var '+o+' = Math.'+o+';\n'; | |
code = function(r,x,y) { return r+' = '+o+'('+x+','+y+')'; }; | |
codeeq = function(x,y) { return x+' = '+o+'('+x+','+y+')'; }; | |
} else { | |
code = function(r,x,y) { return r+' = '+x+' '+o+' '+y; }; | |
if(numeric.opseq.hasOwnProperty(i+'eq')) { | |
codeeq = function(x,y) { return x+' '+o+'= '+y; }; | |
} else { | |
codeeq = function(x,y) { return x+' = '+x+' '+o+' '+y; }; | |
} | |
} | |
numeric[i+'VV'] = numeric.pointwise2(['x[i]','y[i]'],code('ret[i]','x[i]','y[i]'),setup); | |
numeric[i+'SV'] = numeric.pointwise2(['x','y[i]'],code('ret[i]','x','y[i]'),setup); | |
numeric[i+'VS'] = numeric.pointwise2(['x[i]','y'],code('ret[i]','x[i]','y'),setup); | |
numeric[i] = Function( | |
'var n = arguments.length, i, x = arguments[0], y;\n'+ | |
'var VV = numeric.'+i+'VV, VS = numeric.'+i+'VS, SV = numeric.'+i+'SV;\n'+ | |
'var dim = numeric.dim;\n'+ | |
'for(i=1;i!==n;++i) { \n'+ | |
' y = arguments[i];\n'+ | |
' if(typeof x === "object") {\n'+ | |
' if(typeof y === "object") x = numeric._biforeach2(x,y,dim(x),0,VV);\n'+ | |
' else x = numeric._biforeach2(x,y,dim(x),0,VS);\n'+ | |
' } else if(typeof y === "object") x = numeric._biforeach2(x,y,dim(y),0,SV);\n'+ | |
' else '+codeeq('x','y')+'\n'+ | |
'}\nreturn x;\n'); | |
numeric[o] = numeric[i]; | |
numeric[i+'eqV'] = numeric.pointwise2(['ret[i]','x[i]'], codeeq('ret[i]','x[i]'),setup); | |
numeric[i+'eqS'] = numeric.pointwise2(['ret[i]','x'], codeeq('ret[i]','x'),setup); | |
numeric[i+'eq'] = Function( | |
'var n = arguments.length, i, x = arguments[0], y;\n'+ | |
'var V = numeric.'+i+'eqV, S = numeric.'+i+'eqS\n'+ | |
'var s = numeric.dim(x);\n'+ | |
'for(i=1;i!==n;++i) { \n'+ | |
' y = arguments[i];\n'+ | |
' if(typeof y === "object") numeric._biforeach(x,y,s,0,V);\n'+ | |
' else numeric._biforeach(x,y,s,0,S);\n'+ | |
'}\nreturn x;\n'); | |
} | |
} | |
for(i=0;i<numeric.mathfuns2.length;++i) { | |
o = numeric.mathfuns2[i]; | |
delete numeric.ops2[o]; | |
} | |
for(i=0;i<numeric.mathfuns.length;++i) { | |
o = numeric.mathfuns[i]; | |
numeric.ops1[o] = o; | |
} | |
for(i in numeric.ops1) { | |
if(numeric.ops1.hasOwnProperty(i)) { | |
setup = ''; | |
o = numeric.ops1[i]; | |
if(,i)!==-1) { | |
if(Math.hasOwnProperty(o)) setup = 'var '+o+' = Math.'+o+';\n'; | |
} | |
numeric[i+'eqV'] = numeric.pointwise2(['ret[i]'],'ret[i] = '+o+'(ret[i]);',setup); | |
numeric[i+'eq'] = Function('x', | |
'if(typeof x !== "object") return '+o+'x\n'+ | |
'var i;\n'+ | |
'var V = numeric.'+i+'eqV;\n'+ | |
'var s = numeric.dim(x);\n'+ | |
'numeric._foreach(x,s,0,V);\n'+ | |
'return x;\n'); | |
numeric[i+'V'] = numeric.pointwise2(['x[i]'],'ret[i] = '+o+'(x[i]);',setup); | |
numeric[i] = Function('x', | |
'if(typeof x !== "object") return '+o+'(x)\n'+ | |
'var i;\n'+ | |
'var V = numeric.'+i+'V;\n'+ | |
'var s = numeric.dim(x);\n'+ | |
'return numeric._foreach2(x,s,0,V);\n'); | |
} | |
} | |
for(i=0;i<numeric.mathfuns.length;++i) { | |
o = numeric.mathfuns[i]; | |
delete numeric.ops1[o]; | |
} | |
for(i in numeric.mapreducers) { | |
if(numeric.mapreducers.hasOwnProperty(i)) { | |
o = numeric.mapreducers[i]; | |
numeric[i+'V'] = numeric.mapreduce2(o[0],o[1]); | |
numeric[i] = Function('x','s','k', | |
o[1]+ | |
'if(typeof x !== "object") {'+ | |
' xi = x;\n'+ | |
o[0]+';\n'+ | |
' return accum;\n'+ | |
'}'+ | |
'if(typeof s === "undefined") s = numeric.dim(x);\n'+ | |
'if(typeof k === "undefined") k = 0;\n'+ | |
'if(k === s.length-1) return numeric.'+i+'V(x);\n'+ | |
'var xi;\n'+ | |
'var n = x.length, i;\n'+ | |
'for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) {\n'+ | |
' xi = arguments.callee(x[i]);\n'+ | |
o[0]+';\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'return accum;\n'); | |
} | |
} | |
}()); | |
numeric.truncVV = numeric.pointwise(['x[i]','y[i]'],'ret[i] = round(x[i]/y[i])*y[i];','var round = Math.round;'); | |
numeric.truncVS = numeric.pointwise(['x[i]','y'],'ret[i] = round(x[i]/y)*y;','var round = Math.round;'); | |
numeric.truncSV = numeric.pointwise(['x','y[i]'],'ret[i] = round(x/y[i])*y[i];','var round = Math.round;'); | |
numeric.trunc = function trunc(x,y) { | |
if(typeof x === "object") { | |
if(typeof y === "object") return numeric.truncVV(x,y); | |
return numeric.truncVS(x,y); | |
} | |
if (typeof y === "object") return numeric.truncSV(x,y); | |
return Math.round(x/y)*y; | |
}; | |
numeric.inv = function inv(x) { | |
var s = numeric.dim(x), abs = Math.abs, m = s[0], n = s[1]; | |
var A = numeric.clone(x), Ai, Aj; | |
var I = numeric.identity(m), Ii, Ij; | |
var i,j,k,x; | |
for(j=0;j<n;++j) { | |
var i0 = -1; | |
var v0 = -1; | |
for(i=j;i!==m;++i) { k = abs(A[i][j]); if(k>v0) { i0 = i; v0 = k; } } | |
Aj = A[i0]; A[i0] = A[j]; A[j] = Aj; | |
Ij = I[i0]; I[i0] = I[j]; I[j] = Ij; | |
x = Aj[j]; | |
for(k=j;k!==n;++k) Aj[k] /= x; | |
for(k=n-1;k!==-1;--k) Ij[k] /= x; | |
for(i=m-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
if(i!==j) { | |
Ai = A[i]; | |
Ii = I[i]; | |
x = Ai[j]; | |
for(k=j+1;k!==n;++k) Ai[k] -= Aj[k]*x; | |
for(k=n-1;k>0;--k) { Ii[k] -= Ij[k]*x; --k; Ii[k] -= Ij[k]*x; } | |
if(k===0) Ii[0] -= Ij[0]*x; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return I; | |
}; | |
numeric.det = function det(x) { | |
var s = numeric.dim(x); | |
if(s.length !== 2 || s[0] !== s[1]) { throw new Error('numeric: det() only works on square matrices'); } | |
var n = s[0], ret = 1,i,j,k,A = numeric.clone(x),Aj,Ai,alpha,temp,k1,k2,k3; | |
for(j=0;j<n-1;j++) { | |
k=j; | |
for(i=j+1;i<n;i++) { if(Math.abs(A[i][j]) > Math.abs(A[k][j])) { k = i; } } | |
if(k !== j) { | |
temp = A[k]; A[k] = A[j]; A[j] = temp; | |
ret *= -1; | |
} | |
Aj = A[j]; | |
for(i=j+1;i<n;i++) { | |
Ai = A[i]; | |
alpha = Ai[j]/Aj[j]; | |
for(k=j+1;k<n-1;k+=2) { | |
k1 = k+1; | |
Ai[k] -= Aj[k]*alpha; | |
Ai[k1] -= Aj[k1]*alpha; | |
} | |
if(k!==n) { Ai[k] -= Aj[k]*alpha; } | |
} | |
if(Aj[j] === 0) { return 0; } | |
ret *= Aj[j]; | |
} | |
return ret*A[j][j]; | |
}; | |
numeric.transpose = function transpose(x) { | |
var i,j,m = x.length,n = x[0].length, ret=Array(n),A0,A1,Bj; | |
for(j=0;j<n;j++) ret[j] = Array(m); | |
for(i=m-1;i>=1;i-=2) { | |
A1 = x[i]; | |
A0 = x[i-1]; | |
for(j=n-1;j>=1;--j) { | |
Bj = ret[j]; Bj[i] = A1[j]; Bj[i-1] = A0[j]; | |
--j; | |
Bj = ret[j]; Bj[i] = A1[j]; Bj[i-1] = A0[j]; | |
} | |
if(j===0) { | |
Bj = ret[0]; Bj[i] = A1[0]; Bj[i-1] = A0[0]; | |
} | |
} | |
if(i===0) { | |
A0 = x[0]; | |
for(j=n-1;j>=1;--j) { | |
ret[j][0] = A0[j]; | |
--j; | |
ret[j][0] = A0[j]; | |
} | |
if(j===0) { ret[0][0] = A0[0]; } | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.negtranspose = function negtranspose(x) { | |
var i,j,m = x.length,n = x[0].length, ret=Array(n),A0,A1,Bj; | |
for(j=0;j<n;j++) ret[j] = Array(m); | |
for(i=m-1;i>=1;i-=2) { | |
A1 = x[i]; | |
A0 = x[i-1]; | |
for(j=n-1;j>=1;--j) { | |
Bj = ret[j]; Bj[i] = -A1[j]; Bj[i-1] = -A0[j]; | |
--j; | |
Bj = ret[j]; Bj[i] = -A1[j]; Bj[i-1] = -A0[j]; | |
} | |
if(j===0) { | |
Bj = ret[0]; Bj[i] = -A1[0]; Bj[i-1] = -A0[0]; | |
} | |
} | |
if(i===0) { | |
A0 = x[0]; | |
for(j=n-1;j>=1;--j) { | |
ret[j][0] = -A0[j]; | |
--j; | |
ret[j][0] = -A0[j]; | |
} | |
if(j===0) { ret[0][0] = -A0[0]; } | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric._random = function _random(s,k) { | |
var i,n=s[k],ret=Array(n), rnd; | |
if(k === s.length-1) { | |
rnd = Math.random; | |
for(i=n-1;i>=1;i-=2) { | |
ret[i] = rnd(); | |
ret[i-1] = rnd(); | |
} | |
if(i===0) { ret[0] = rnd(); } | |
return ret; | |
} | |
for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) ret[i] = _random(s,k+1); | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.random = function random(s) { return numeric._random(s,0); }; | |
numeric.norm2 = function norm2(x) { return Math.sqrt(numeric.norm2Squared(x)); }; | |
numeric.linspace = function linspace(a,b,n) { | |
if(typeof n === "undefined") n = Math.max(Math.round(b-a)+1,1); | |
if(n<2) { return n===1?[a]:[]; } | |
var i,ret = Array(n); | |
n--; | |
for(i=n;i>=0;i--) { ret[i] = (i*b+(n-i)*a)/n; } | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.getBlock = function getBlock(x,from,to) { | |
var s = numeric.dim(x); | |
function foo(x,k) { | |
var i,a = from[k], n = to[k]-a, ret = Array(n); | |
if(k === s.length-1) { | |
for(i=n;i>=0;i--) { ret[i] = x[i+a]; } | |
return ret; | |
} | |
for(i=n;i>=0;i--) { ret[i] = foo(x[i+a],k+1); } | |
return ret; | |
} | |
return foo(x,0); | |
}; | |
numeric.setBlock = function setBlock(x,from,to,B) { | |
var s = numeric.dim(x); | |
function foo(x,y,k) { | |
var i,a = from[k], n = to[k]-a; | |
if(k === s.length-1) { for(i=n;i>=0;i--) { x[i+a] = y[i]; } } | |
for(i=n;i>=0;i--) { foo(x[i+a],y[i],k+1); } | |
} | |
foo(x,B,0); | |
return x; | |
}; | |
numeric.getRange = function getRange(A,I,J) { | |
var m = I.length, n = J.length; | |
var i,j; | |
var B = Array(m), Bi, AI; | |
for(i=m-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
B[i] = Array(n); | |
Bi = B[i]; | |
AI = A[I[i]]; | |
for(j=n-1;j!==-1;--j) Bi[j] = AI[J[j]]; | |
} | |
return B; | |
}; | |
numeric.blockMatrix = function blockMatrix(X) { | |
var s = numeric.dim(X); | |
if(s.length<4) return numeric.blockMatrix([X]); | |
var m=s[0],n=s[1],M,N,i,j,Xij; | |
M = 0; N = 0; | |
for(i=0;i<m;++i) M+=X[i][0].length; | |
for(j=0;j<n;++j) N+=X[0][j][0].length; | |
var Z = Array(M); | |
for(i=0;i<M;++i) Z[i] = Array(N); | |
var I=0,J,ZI,k,l,Xijk; | |
for(i=0;i<m;++i) { | |
J=N; | |
for(j=n-1;j!==-1;--j) { | |
Xij = X[i][j]; | |
J -= Xij[0].length; | |
for(k=Xij.length-1;k!==-1;--k) { | |
Xijk = Xij[k]; | |
ZI = Z[I+k]; | |
for(l = Xijk.length-1;l!==-1;--l) ZI[J+l] = Xijk[l]; | |
} | |
} | |
I += X[i][0].length; | |
} | |
return Z; | |
}; | |
numeric.tensor = function tensor(x,y) { | |
if(typeof x === "number" || typeof y === "number") return numeric.mul(x,y); | |
var s1 = numeric.dim(x), s2 = numeric.dim(y); | |
if(s1.length !== 1 || s2.length !== 1) { | |
throw new Error('numeric: tensor product is only defined for vectors'); | |
} | |
var m = s1[0], n = s2[0], A = Array(m), Ai, i,j,xi; | |
for(i=m-1;i>=0;i--) { | |
Ai = Array(n); | |
xi = x[i]; | |
for(j=n-1;j>=3;--j) { | |
Ai[j] = xi * y[j]; | |
--j; | |
Ai[j] = xi * y[j]; | |
--j; | |
Ai[j] = xi * y[j]; | |
--j; | |
Ai[j] = xi * y[j]; | |
} | |
while(j>=0) { Ai[j] = xi * y[j]; --j; } | |
A[i] = Ai; | |
} | |
return A; | |
}; | |
// 3. The Tensor type T | |
numeric.T = function T(x,y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; | |
numeric.t = function t(x,y) { return new numeric.T(x,y); }; | |
numeric.Tbinop = function Tbinop(rr,rc,cr,cc,setup) { | |
var io = numeric.indexOf; | |
if(typeof setup !== "string") { | |
var k; | |
setup = ''; | |
for(k in numeric) { | |
if(numeric.hasOwnProperty(k) && (rr.indexOf(k)>=0 || rc.indexOf(k)>=0 || cr.indexOf(k)>=0 || cc.indexOf(k)>=0) && k.length>1) { | |
setup += 'var '+k+' = numeric.'+k+';\n'; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return Function(['y'], | |
'var x = this;\n'+ | |
'if(!(y instanceof numeric.T)) { y = new numeric.T(y); }\n'+ | |
setup+'\n'+ | |
'if(x.y) {'+ | |
' if(y.y) {'+ | |
' return new numeric.T('+cc+');\n'+ | |
' }\n'+ | |
' return new numeric.T('+cr+');\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'if(y.y) {\n'+ | |
' return new numeric.T('+rc+');\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'return new numeric.T('+rr+');\n' | |
); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.add = numeric.Tbinop( | |
'add(x.x,y.x)', | |
'add(x.x,y.x),y.y', | |
'add(x.x,y.x),x.y', | |
'add(x.x,y.x),add(x.y,y.y)'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.sub = numeric.Tbinop( | |
'sub(x.x,y.x)', | |
'sub(x.x,y.x),neg(y.y)', | |
'sub(x.x,y.x),x.y', | |
'sub(x.x,y.x),sub(x.y,y.y)'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.mul = numeric.Tbinop( | |
'mul(x.x,y.x)', | |
'mul(x.x,y.x),mul(x.x,y.y)', | |
'mul(x.x,y.x),mul(x.y,y.x)', | |
'sub(mul(x.x,y.x),mul(x.y,y.y)),add(mul(x.x,y.y),mul(x.y,y.x))'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.reciprocal = function reciprocal() { | |
var mul = numeric.mul, div = numeric.div; | |
if(this.y) { | |
var d = numeric.add(mul(this.x,this.x),mul(this.y,this.y)); | |
return new numeric.T(div(this.x,d),div(numeric.neg(this.y),d)); | |
} | |
return new T(div(1,this.x)); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.div = function div(y) { | |
if(!(y instanceof numeric.T)) y = new numeric.T(y); | |
if(y.y) { return this.mul(y.reciprocal()); } | |
var div = numeric.div; | |
if(this.y) { return new numeric.T(div(this.x,y.x),div(this.y,y.x)); } | |
return new numeric.T(div(this.x,y.x)); | |
}; | | = numeric.Tbinop( | |
'dot(x.x,y.x)', | |
'dot(x.x,y.x),dot(x.x,y.y)', | |
'dot(x.x,y.x),dot(x.y,y.x)', | |
'sub(dot(x.x,y.x),dot(x.y,y.y)),add(dot(x.x,y.y),dot(x.y,y.x))' | |
); | |
numeric.T.prototype.transpose = function transpose() { | |
var t = numeric.transpose, x = this.x, y = this.y; | |
if(y) { return new numeric.T(t(x),t(y)); } | |
return new numeric.T(t(x)); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.transjugate = function transjugate() { | |
var t = numeric.transpose, x = this.x, y = this.y; | |
if(y) { return new numeric.T(t(x),numeric.negtranspose(y)); } | |
return new numeric.T(t(x)); | |
}; | |
numeric.Tunop = function Tunop(r,c,s) { | |
if(typeof s !== "string") { s = ''; } | |
return Function( | |
'var x = this;\n'+ | |
s+'\n'+ | |
'if(x.y) {'+ | |
' '+c+';\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
r+';\n' | |
); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.exp = numeric.Tunop( | |
'return new numeric.T(ex)', | |
'return new numeric.T(mul(cos(x.y),ex),mul(sin(x.y),ex))', | |
'var ex = numeric.exp(x.x), cos = numeric.cos, sin = numeric.sin, mul = numeric.mul;'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.conj = numeric.Tunop( | |
'return new numeric.T(x.x);', | |
'return new numeric.T(x.x,numeric.neg(x.y));'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.neg = numeric.Tunop( | |
'return new numeric.T(neg(x.x));', | |
'return new numeric.T(neg(x.x),neg(x.y));', | |
'var neg = numeric.neg;'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.sin = numeric.Tunop( | |
'return new numeric.T(numeric.sin(x.x))', | |
'return x.exp().sub(x.neg().exp()).div(new numeric.T(0,2));'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.cos = numeric.Tunop( | |
'return new numeric.T(numeric.cos(x.x))', | |
'return x.exp().add(x.neg().exp()).div(2);'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.abs = numeric.Tunop( | |
'return new numeric.T(numeric.abs(x.x));', | |
'return new numeric.T(numeric.sqrt(numeric.add(mul(x.x,x.x),mul(x.y,x.y))));', | |
'var mul = numeric.mul;'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.log = numeric.Tunop( | |
'return new numeric.T(numeric.log(x.x));', | |
'var theta = new numeric.T(numeric.atan2(x.y,x.x)), r = x.abs();\n'+ | |
'return new numeric.T(numeric.log(r.x),theta.x);'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.norm2 = numeric.Tunop( | |
'return numeric.norm2(x.x);', | |
'var f = numeric.norm2Squared;\n'+ | |
'return Math.sqrt(f(x.x)+f(x.y));'); | |
numeric.T.prototype.inv = function inv() { | |
var A = this; | |
if(typeof A.y === "undefined") { return new numeric.T(numeric.inv(A.x)); } | |
var n = A.x.length, i, j, k; | |
var Rx = numeric.identity(n),Ry = numeric.rep([n,n],0); | |
var Ax = numeric.clone(A.x), Ay = numeric.clone(A.y); | |
var Aix, Aiy, Ajx, Ajy, Rix, Riy, Rjx, Rjy; | |
var i,j,k,d,d1,ax,ay,bx,by,temp; | |
for(i=0;i<n;i++) { | |
ax = Ax[i][i]; ay = Ay[i][i]; | |
d = ax*ax+ay*ay; | |
k = i; | |
for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) { | |
ax = Ax[j][i]; ay = Ay[j][i]; | |
d1 = ax*ax+ay*ay; | |
if(d1 > d) { k=j; d = d1; } | |
} | |
if(k!==i) { | |
temp = Ax[i]; Ax[i] = Ax[k]; Ax[k] = temp; | |
temp = Ay[i]; Ay[i] = Ay[k]; Ay[k] = temp; | |
temp = Rx[i]; Rx[i] = Rx[k]; Rx[k] = temp; | |
temp = Ry[i]; Ry[i] = Ry[k]; Ry[k] = temp; | |
} | |
Aix = Ax[i]; Aiy = Ay[i]; | |
Rix = Rx[i]; Riy = Ry[i]; | |
ax = Aix[i]; ay = Aiy[i]; | |
for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) { | |
bx = Aix[j]; by = Aiy[j]; | |
Aix[j] = (bx*ax+by*ay)/d; | |
Aiy[j] = (by*ax-bx*ay)/d; | |
} | |
for(j=0;j<n;j++) { | |
bx = Rix[j]; by = Riy[j]; | |
Rix[j] = (bx*ax+by*ay)/d; | |
Riy[j] = (by*ax-bx*ay)/d; | |
} | |
for(j=i+1;j<n;j++) { | |
Ajx = Ax[j]; Ajy = Ay[j]; | |
Rjx = Rx[j]; Rjy = Ry[j]; | |
ax = Ajx[i]; ay = Ajy[i]; | |
for(k=i+1;k<n;k++) { | |
bx = Aix[k]; by = Aiy[k]; | |
Ajx[k] -= bx*ax-by*ay; | |
Ajy[k] -= by*ax+bx*ay; | |
} | |
for(k=0;k<n;k++) { | |
bx = Rix[k]; by = Riy[k]; | |
Rjx[k] -= bx*ax-by*ay; | |
Rjy[k] -= by*ax+bx*ay; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for(i=n-1;i>0;i--) { | |
Rix = Rx[i]; Riy = Ry[i]; | |
for(j=i-1;j>=0;j--) { | |
Rjx = Rx[j]; Rjy = Ry[j]; | |
ax = Ax[j][i]; ay = Ay[j][i]; | |
for(k=n-1;k>=0;k--) { | |
bx = Rix[k]; by = Riy[k]; | |
Rjx[k] -= ax*bx - ay*by; | |
Rjy[k] -= ax*by + ay*bx; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return new numeric.T(Rx,Ry); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.get = function get(i) { | |
var x = this.x, y = this.y, k = 0, ik, n = i.length; | |
if(y) { | |
while(k<n) { | |
ik = i[k]; | |
x = x[ik]; | |
y = y[ik]; | |
k++; | |
} | |
return new numeric.T(x,y); | |
} | |
while(k<n) { | |
ik = i[k]; | |
x = x[ik]; | |
k++; | |
} | |
return new numeric.T(x); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.set = function set(i,v) { | |
var x = this.x, y = this.y, k = 0, ik, n = i.length, vx = v.x, vy = v.y; | |
if(n===0) { | |
if(vy) { this.y = vy; } | |
else if(y) { this.y = undefined; } | |
this.x = x; | |
return this; | |
} | |
if(vy) { | |
if(y) { /* ok */ } | |
else { | |
y = numeric.rep(numeric.dim(x),0); | |
this.y = y; | |
} | |
while(k<n-1) { | |
ik = i[k]; | |
x = x[ik]; | |
y = y[ik]; | |
k++; | |
} | |
ik = i[k]; | |
x[ik] = vx; | |
y[ik] = vy; | |
return this; | |
} | |
if(y) { | |
while(k<n-1) { | |
ik = i[k]; | |
x = x[ik]; | |
y = y[ik]; | |
k++; | |
} | |
ik = i[k]; | |
x[ik] = vx; | |
if(vx instanceof Array) y[ik] = numeric.rep(numeric.dim(vx),0); | |
else y[ik] = 0; | |
return this; | |
} | |
while(k<n-1) { | |
ik = i[k]; | |
x = x[ik]; | |
k++; | |
} | |
ik = i[k]; | |
x[ik] = vx; | |
return this; | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.getRows = function getRows(i0,i1) { | |
var n = i1-i0+1, j; | |
var rx = Array(n), ry, x = this.x, y = this.y; | |
for(j=i0;j<=i1;j++) { rx[j-i0] = x[j]; } | |
if(y) { | |
ry = Array(n); | |
for(j=i0;j<=i1;j++) { ry[j-i0] = y[j]; } | |
return new numeric.T(rx,ry); | |
} | |
return new numeric.T(rx); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.setRows = function setRows(i0,i1,A) { | |
var j; | |
var rx = this.x, ry = this.y, x = A.x, y = A.y; | |
for(j=i0;j<=i1;j++) { rx[j] = x[j-i0]; } | |
if(y) { | |
if(!ry) { ry = numeric.rep(numeric.dim(rx),0); this.y = ry; } | |
for(j=i0;j<=i1;j++) { ry[j] = y[j-i0]; } | |
} else if(ry) { | |
for(j=i0;j<=i1;j++) { ry[j] = numeric.rep([x[j-i0].length],0); } | |
} | |
return this; | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.getRow = function getRow(k) { | |
var x = this.x, y = this.y; | |
if(y) { return new numeric.T(x[k],y[k]); } | |
return new numeric.T(x[k]); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.setRow = function setRow(i,v) { | |
var rx = this.x, ry = this.y, x = v.x, y = v.y; | |
rx[i] = x; | |
if(y) { | |
if(!ry) { ry = numeric.rep(numeric.dim(rx),0); this.y = ry; } | |
ry[i] = y; | |
} else if(ry) { | |
ry = numeric.rep([x.length],0); | |
} | |
return this; | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.getBlock = function getBlock(from,to) { | |
var x = this.x, y = this.y, b = numeric.getBlock; | |
if(y) { return new numeric.T(b(x,from,to),b(y,from,to)); } | |
return new numeric.T(b(x,from,to)); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.setBlock = function setBlock(from,to,A) { | |
if(!(A instanceof numeric.T)) A = new numeric.T(A); | |
var x = this.x, y = this.y, b = numeric.setBlock, Ax = A.x, Ay = A.y; | |
if(Ay) { | |
if(!y) { this.y = numeric.rep(numeric.dim(this),0); y = this.y; } | |
b(x,from,to,Ax); | |
b(y,from,to,Ay); | |
return this; | |
} | |
b(x,from,to,Ax); | |
if(y) b(y,from,to,numeric.rep(numeric.dim(Ax),0)); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.rep = function rep(s,v) { | |
var T = numeric.T; | |
if(!(v instanceof T)) v = new T(v); | |
var x = v.x, y = v.y, r = numeric.rep; | |
if(y) return new T(r(s,x),r(s,y)); | |
return new T(r(s,x)); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.diag = function diag(d) { | |
if(!(d instanceof numeric.T)) d = new numeric.T(d); | |
var x = d.x, y = d.y, diag = numeric.diag; | |
if(y) return new numeric.T(diag(x),diag(y)); | |
return new numeric.T(diag(x)); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.eig = function eig() { | |
if(this.y) { throw new Error('eig: not implemented for complex matrices.'); } | |
return numeric.eig(this.x); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.identity = function identity(n) { return new numeric.T(numeric.identity(n)); }; | |
numeric.T.prototype.getDiag = function getDiag() { | |
var n = numeric; | |
var x = this.x, y = this.y; | |
if(y) { return new n.T(n.getDiag(x),n.getDiag(y)); } | |
return new n.T(n.getDiag(x)); | |
}; | |
// 4. Eigenvalues of real matrices | | = function house(x) { | |
var v = numeric.clone(x); | |
var s = x[0] >= 0 ? 1 : -1; | |
var alpha = s*numeric.norm2(x); | |
v[0] += alpha; | |
var foo = numeric.norm2(v); | |
if(foo === 0) { /* this should not happen */ throw new Error('eig: internal error'); } | |
return numeric.div(v,foo); | |
}; | |
numeric.toUpperHessenberg = function toUpperHessenberg(me) { | |
var s = numeric.dim(me); | |
if(s.length !== 2 || s[0] !== s[1]) { throw new Error('numeric: toUpperHessenberg() only works on square matrices'); } | |
var m = s[0], i,j,k,x,v,A = numeric.clone(me),B,C,Ai,Ci,Q = numeric.identity(m),Qi; | |
for(j=0;j<m-2;j++) { | |
x = Array(m-j-1); | |
for(i=j+1;i<m;i++) { x[i-j-1] = A[i][j]; } | |
if(numeric.norm2(x)>0) { | |
v =; | |
B = numeric.getBlock(A,[j+1,j],[m-1,m-1]); | |
C = numeric.tensor(v,,B)); | |
for(i=j+1;i<m;i++) { Ai = A[i]; Ci = C[i-j-1]; for(k=j;k<m;k++) Ai[k] -= 2*Ci[k-j]; } | |
B = numeric.getBlock(A,[0,j+1],[m-1,m-1]); | |
C = numeric.tensor(,v),v); | |
for(i=0;i<m;i++) { Ai = A[i]; Ci = C[i]; for(k=j+1;k<m;k++) Ai[k] -= 2*Ci[k-j-1]; } | |
B = Array(m-j-1); | |
for(i=j+1;i<m;i++) B[i-j-1] = Q[i]; | |
C = numeric.tensor(v,,B)); | |
for(i=j+1;i<m;i++) { Qi = Q[i]; Ci = C[i-j-1]; for(k=0;k<m;k++) Qi[k] -= 2*Ci[k]; } | |
} | |
} | |
return {H:A, Q:Q}; | |
}; | |
numeric.epsilon = 2.220446049250313e-16; | |
numeric.QRFrancis = function(H,maxiter) { | |
if(typeof maxiter === "undefined") { maxiter = 10000; } | |
H = numeric.clone(H); | |
var H0 = numeric.clone(H); | |
var s = numeric.dim(H),m=s[0],x,v,a,b,c,d,det,tr, Hloc, Q = numeric.identity(m), Qi, Hi, B, C, Ci,i,j,k,iter; | |
if(m<3) { return {Q:Q, B:[ [0,m-1] ]}; } | |
var epsilon = numeric.epsilon; | |
for(iter=0;iter<maxiter;iter++) { | |
for(j=0;j<m-1;j++) { | |
if(Math.abs(H[j+1][j]) < epsilon*(Math.abs(H[j][j])+Math.abs(H[j+1][j+1]))) { | |
var QH1 = numeric.QRFrancis(numeric.getBlock(H,[0,0],[j,j]),maxiter); | |
var QH2 = numeric.QRFrancis(numeric.getBlock(H,[j+1,j+1],[m-1,m-1]),maxiter); | |
B = Array(j+1); | |
for(i=0;i<=j;i++) { B[i] = Q[i]; } | |
C =,B); | |
for(i=0;i<=j;i++) { Q[i] = C[i]; } | |
B = Array(m-j-1); | |
for(i=j+1;i<m;i++) { B[i-j-1] = Q[i]; } | |
C =,B); | |
for(i=j+1;i<m;i++) { Q[i] = C[i-j-1]; } | |
return {Q:Q,B:QH1.B.concat(numeric.add(QH2.B,j+1))}; | |
} | |
} | |
a = H[m-2][m-2]; b = H[m-2][m-1]; | |
c = H[m-1][m-2]; d = H[m-1][m-1]; | |
tr = a+d; | |
det = (a*d-b*c); | |
Hloc = numeric.getBlock(H, [0,0], [2,2]); | |
if(tr*tr>=4*det) { | |
var s1,s2; | |
s1 = 0.5*(tr+Math.sqrt(tr*tr-4*det)); | |
s2 = 0.5*(tr-Math.sqrt(tr*tr-4*det)); | |
Hloc = numeric.add(numeric.sub(,Hloc), | |
numeric.mul(Hloc,s1+s2)), | |
numeric.diag(numeric.rep([3],s1*s2))); | |
} else { | |
Hloc = numeric.add(numeric.sub(,Hloc), | |
numeric.mul(Hloc,tr)), | |
numeric.diag(numeric.rep([3],det))); | |
} | |
x = [Hloc[0][0],Hloc[1][0],Hloc[2][0]]; | |
v =; | |
B = [H[0],H[1],H[2]]; | |
C = numeric.tensor(v,,B)); | |
for(i=0;i<3;i++) { Hi = H[i]; Ci = C[i]; for(k=0;k<m;k++) Hi[k] -= 2*Ci[k]; } | |
B = numeric.getBlock(H, [0,0],[m-1,2]); | |
C = numeric.tensor(,v),v); | |
for(i=0;i<m;i++) { Hi = H[i]; Ci = C[i]; for(k=0;k<3;k++) Hi[k] -= 2*Ci[k]; } | |
B = [Q[0],Q[1],Q[2]]; | |
C = numeric.tensor(v,,B)); | |
for(i=0;i<3;i++) { Qi = Q[i]; Ci = C[i]; for(k=0;k<m;k++) Qi[k] -= 2*Ci[k]; } | |
var J; | |
for(j=0;j<m-2;j++) { | |
for(k=j;k<=j+1;k++) { | |
if(Math.abs(H[k+1][k]) < epsilon*(Math.abs(H[k][k])+Math.abs(H[k+1][k+1]))) { | |
var QH1 = numeric.QRFrancis(numeric.getBlock(H,[0,0],[k,k]),maxiter); | |
var QH2 = numeric.QRFrancis(numeric.getBlock(H,[k+1,k+1],[m-1,m-1]),maxiter); | |
B = Array(k+1); | |
for(i=0;i<=k;i++) { B[i] = Q[i]; } | |
C =,B); | |
for(i=0;i<=k;i++) { Q[i] = C[i]; } | |
B = Array(m-k-1); | |
for(i=k+1;i<m;i++) { B[i-k-1] = Q[i]; } | |
C =,B); | |
for(i=k+1;i<m;i++) { Q[i] = C[i-k-1]; } | |
return {Q:Q,B:QH1.B.concat(numeric.add(QH2.B,k+1))}; | |
} | |
} | |
J = Math.min(m-1,j+3); | |
x = Array(J-j); | |
for(i=j+1;i<=J;i++) { x[i-j-1] = H[i][j]; } | |
v =; | |
B = numeric.getBlock(H, [j+1,j],[J,m-1]); | |
C = numeric.tensor(v,,B)); | |
for(i=j+1;i<=J;i++) { Hi = H[i]; Ci = C[i-j-1]; for(k=j;k<m;k++) Hi[k] -= 2*Ci[k-j]; } | |
B = numeric.getBlock(H, [0,j+1],[m-1,J]); | |
C = numeric.tensor(,v),v); | |
for(i=0;i<m;i++) { Hi = H[i]; Ci = C[i]; for(k=j+1;k<=J;k++) Hi[k] -= 2*Ci[k-j-1]; } | |
B = Array(J-j); | |
for(i=j+1;i<=J;i++) B[i-j-1] = Q[i]; | |
C = numeric.tensor(v,,B)); | |
for(i=j+1;i<=J;i++) { Qi = Q[i]; Ci = C[i-j-1]; for(k=0;k<m;k++) Qi[k] -= 2*Ci[k]; } | |
} | |
} | |
throw new Error('numeric: eigenvalue iteration does not converge -- increase maxiter?'); | |
}; | |
numeric.eig = function eig(A,maxiter) { | |
var QH = numeric.toUpperHessenberg(A); | |
var QB = numeric.QRFrancis(QH.H,maxiter); | |
var T = numeric.T; | |
var n = A.length,i,k,flag = false,B = QB.B,H =,,numeric.transpose(QB.Q))); | |
var Q = new T(,QH.Q)),Q0; | |
var m = B.length,j; | |
var a,b,c,d,p1,p2,disc,x,y,p,q,n1,n2; | |
var sqrt = Math.sqrt; | |
for(k=0;k<m;k++) { | |
i = B[k][0]; | |
if(i === B[k][1]) { | |
// nothing | |
} else { | |
j = i+1; | |
a = H[i][i]; | |
b = H[i][j]; | |
c = H[j][i]; | |
d = H[j][j]; | |
if(b === 0 && c === 0) continue; | |
p1 = -a-d; | |
p2 = a*d-b*c; | |
disc = p1*p1-4*p2; | |
if(disc>=0) { | |
if(p1<0) x = -0.5*(p1-sqrt(disc)); | |
else x = -0.5*(p1+sqrt(disc)); | |
n1 = (a-x)*(a-x)+b*b; | |
n2 = c*c+(d-x)*(d-x); | |
if(n1>n2) { | |
n1 = sqrt(n1); | |
p = (a-x)/n1; | |
q = b/n1; | |
} else { | |
n2 = sqrt(n2); | |
p = c/n2; | |
q = (d-x)/n2; | |
} | |
Q0 = new T([[q,-p],[p,q]]); | |
Q.setRows(i,j,,j))); | |
} else { | |
x = -0.5*p1; | |
y = 0.5*sqrt(-disc); | |
n1 = (a-x)*(a-x)+b*b; | |
n2 = c*c+(d-x)*(d-x); | |
if(n1>n2) { | |
n1 = sqrt(n1+y*y); | |
p = (a-x)/n1; | |
q = b/n1; | |
x = 0; | |
y /= n1; | |
} else { | |
n2 = sqrt(n2+y*y); | |
p = c/n2; | |
q = (d-x)/n2; | |
x = y/n2; | |
y = 0; | |
} | |
Q0 = new T([[q,-p],[p,q]],[[x,y],[y,-x]]); | |
Q.setRows(i,j,,j))); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
var R =, n = A.length, E = numeric.T.identity(n); | |
for(j=0;j<n;j++) { | |
if(j>0) { | |
for(k=j-1;k>=0;k--) { | |
var Rk = R.get([k,k]), Rj = R.get([j,j]); | |
if(numeric.neq(Rk.x,Rj.x) || numeric.neq(Rk.y,Rj.y)) { | |
x = R.getRow(k).getBlock([k],[j-1]); | |
y = E.getRow(j).getBlock([k],[j-1]); | |
E.set([j,k],(R.get([k,j]).neg().sub(; | |
} else { | |
E.setRow(j,E.getRow(k)); | |
continue; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
for(j=0;j<n;j++) { | |
x = E.getRow(j); | |
E.setRow(j,x.div(x.norm2())); | |
} | |
E = E.transpose(); | |
E = Q.transjugate().dot(E); | |
return { lambda:R.getDiag(), E:E }; | |
}; | |
// 5. Compressed Column Storage matrices | |
numeric.ccsSparse = function ccsSparse(A) { | |
var m = A.length,n,foo, i,j, counts = []; | |
for(i=m-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
foo = A[i]; | |
for(j in foo) { | |
j = parseInt(j); | |
while(j>=counts.length) counts[counts.length] = 0; | |
if(foo[j]!==0) counts[j]++; | |
} | |
} | |
var n = counts.length; | |
var Ai = Array(n+1); | |
Ai[0] = 0; | |
for(i=0;i<n;++i) Ai[i+1] = Ai[i] + counts[i]; | |
var Aj = Array(Ai[n]), Av = Array(Ai[n]); | |
for(i=m-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
foo = A[i]; | |
for(j in foo) { | |
if(foo[j]!==0) { | |
counts[j]--; | |
Aj[Ai[j]+counts[j]] = i; | |
Av[Ai[j]+counts[j]] = foo[j]; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return [Ai,Aj,Av]; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsFull = function ccsFull(A) { | |
var Ai = A[0], Aj = A[1], Av = A[2], s = numeric.ccsDim(A), m = s[0], n = s[1], i,j,j0,j1,k; | |
var B = numeric.rep([m,n],0); | |
for(i=0;i<n;i++) { | |
j0 = Ai[i]; | |
j1 = Ai[i+1]; | |
for(j=j0;j<j1;++j) { B[Aj[j]][i] = Av[j]; } | |
} | |
return B; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsTSolve = function ccsTSolve(A,b,x,bj,xj) { | |
var Ai = A[0], Aj = A[1], Av = A[2],m = Ai.length-1, max = Math.max,n=0; | |
if(typeof bj === "undefined") x = numeric.rep([m],0); | |
if(typeof bj === "undefined") bj = numeric.linspace(0,x.length-1); | |
if(typeof xj === "undefined") xj = []; | |
function dfs(j) { | |
var k; | |
if(x[j] !== 0) return; | |
x[j] = 1; | |
for(k=Ai[j];k<Ai[j+1];++k) dfs(Aj[k]); | |
xj[n] = j; | |
++n; | |
} | |
var i,j,j0,j1,k,l,l0,l1,a; | |
for(i=bj.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { dfs(bj[i]); } | |
xj.length = n; | |
for(i=xj.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { x[xj[i]] = 0; } | |
for(i=bj.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { j = bj[i]; x[j] = b[j]; } | |
for(i=xj.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
j = xj[i]; | |
j0 = Ai[j]; | |
j1 = max(Ai[j+1],j0); | |
for(k=j0;k!==j1;++k) { if(Aj[k] === j) { x[j] /= Av[k]; break; } } | |
a = x[j]; | |
for(k=j0;k!==j1;++k) { | |
l = Aj[k]; | |
if(l !== j) x[l] -= a*Av[k]; | |
} | |
} | |
return x; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsDFS = function ccsDFS(n) { | |
this.k = Array(n); | |
this.k1 = Array(n); | |
this.j = Array(n); | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsDFS.prototype.dfs = function dfs(J,Ai,Aj,x,xj,Pinv) { | |
var m = 0,foo,n=xj.length; | |
var k = this.k, k1 = this.k1, j = this.j,km,k11; | |
if(x[J]!==0) return; | |
x[J] = 1; | |
j[0] = J; | |
k[0] = km = Ai[J]; | |
k1[0] = k11 = Ai[J+1]; | |
while(1) { | |
if(km >= k11) { | |
xj[n] = j[m]; | |
if(m===0) return; | |
++n; | |
--m; | |
km = k[m]; | |
k11 = k1[m]; | |
} else { | |
foo = Pinv[Aj[km]]; | |
if(x[foo] === 0) { | |
x[foo] = 1; | |
k[m] = km; | |
++m; | |
j[m] = foo; | |
km = Ai[foo]; | |
k1[m] = k11 = Ai[foo+1]; | |
} else ++km; | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsLPSolve = function ccsLPSolve(A,B,x,xj,I,Pinv,dfs) { | |
var Ai = A[0], Aj = A[1], Av = A[2],m = Ai.length-1, n=0; | |
var Bi = B[0], Bj = B[1], Bv = B[2]; | |
var i,i0,i1,j,J,j0,j1,k,l,l0,l1,a; | |
i0 = Bi[I]; | |
i1 = Bi[I+1]; | |
xj.length = 0; | |
for(i=i0;i<i1;++i) { dfs.dfs(Pinv[Bj[i]],Ai,Aj,x,xj,Pinv); } | |
for(i=xj.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { x[xj[i]] = 0; } | |
for(i=i0;i!==i1;++i) { j = Pinv[Bj[i]]; x[j] = Bv[i]; } | |
for(i=xj.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
j = xj[i]; | |
j0 = Ai[j]; | |
j1 = Ai[j+1]; | |
for(k=j0;k<j1;++k) { if(Pinv[Aj[k]] === j) { x[j] /= Av[k]; break; } } | |
a = x[j]; | |
for(k=j0;k<j1;++k) { | |
l = Pinv[Aj[k]]; | |
if(l !== j) x[l] -= a*Av[k]; | |
} | |
} | |
return x; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsLUP1 = function ccsLUP1(A,threshold) { | |
var m = A[0].length-1; | |
var L = [numeric.rep([m+1],0),[],[]], U = [numeric.rep([m+1], 0),[],[]]; | |
var Li = L[0], Lj = L[1], Lv = L[2], Ui = U[0], Uj = U[1], Uv = U[2]; | |
var x = numeric.rep([m],0), xj = numeric.rep([m],0); | |
var i,j,k,j0,j1,a,e,c,d,K; | |
var sol = numeric.ccsLPSolve, max = Math.max, abs = Math.abs; | |
var P = numeric.linspace(0,m-1),Pinv = numeric.linspace(0,m-1); | |
var dfs = new numeric.ccsDFS(m); | |
if(typeof threshold === "undefined") { threshold = 1; } | |
for(i=0;i<m;++i) { | |
sol(L,A,x,xj,i,Pinv,dfs); | |
a = -1; | |
e = -1; | |
for(j=xj.length-1;j!==-1;--j) { | |
k = xj[j]; | |
if(k <= i) continue; | |
c = abs(x[k]); | |
if(c > a) { e = k; a = c; } | |
} | |
if(abs(x[i])<threshold*a) { | |
j = P[i]; | |
a = P[e]; | |
P[i] = a; Pinv[a] = i; | |
P[e] = j; Pinv[j] = e; | |
a = x[i]; x[i] = x[e]; x[e] = a; | |
} | |
a = Li[i]; | |
e = Ui[i]; | |
d = x[i]; | |
Lj[a] = P[i]; | |
Lv[a] = 1; | |
++a; | |
for(j=xj.length-1;j!==-1;--j) { | |
k = xj[j]; | |
c = x[k]; | |
xj[j] = 0; | |
x[k] = 0; | |
if(k<=i) { Uj[e] = k; Uv[e] = c; ++e; } | |
else { Lj[a] = P[k]; Lv[a] = c/d; ++a; } | |
} | |
Li[i+1] = a; | |
Ui[i+1] = e; | |
} | |
for(j=Lj.length-1;j!==-1;--j) { Lj[j] = Pinv[Lj[j]]; } | |
return {L:L, U:U, P:P, Pinv:Pinv}; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsDFS0 = function ccsDFS0(n) { | |
this.k = Array(n); | |
this.k1 = Array(n); | |
this.j = Array(n); | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsDFS0.prototype.dfs = function dfs(J,Ai,Aj,x,xj,Pinv,P) { | |
var m = 0,foo,n=xj.length; | |
var k = this.k, k1 = this.k1, j = this.j,km,k11; | |
if(x[J]!==0) return; | |
x[J] = 1; | |
j[0] = J; | |
k[0] = km = Ai[Pinv[J]]; | |
k1[0] = k11 = Ai[Pinv[J]+1]; | |
while(1) { | |
if(isNaN(km)) throw new Error("Ow!"); | |
if(km >= k11) { | |
xj[n] = Pinv[j[m]]; | |
if(m===0) return; | |
++n; | |
--m; | |
km = k[m]; | |
k11 = k1[m]; | |
} else { | |
foo = Aj[km]; | |
if(x[foo] === 0) { | |
x[foo] = 1; | |
k[m] = km; | |
++m; | |
j[m] = foo; | |
foo = Pinv[foo]; | |
km = Ai[foo]; | |
k1[m] = k11 = Ai[foo+1]; | |
} else ++km; | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsLPSolve0 = function ccsLPSolve0(A,B,y,xj,I,Pinv,P,dfs) { | |
var Ai = A[0], Aj = A[1], Av = A[2],m = Ai.length-1, n=0; | |
var Bi = B[0], Bj = B[1], Bv = B[2]; | |
var i,i0,i1,j,J,j0,j1,k,l,l0,l1,a; | |
i0 = Bi[I]; | |
i1 = Bi[I+1]; | |
xj.length = 0; | |
for(i=i0;i<i1;++i) { dfs.dfs(Bj[i],Ai,Aj,y,xj,Pinv,P); } | |
for(i=xj.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { j = xj[i]; y[P[j]] = 0; } | |
for(i=i0;i!==i1;++i) { j = Bj[i]; y[j] = Bv[i]; } | |
for(i=xj.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
j = xj[i]; | |
l = P[j]; | |
j0 = Ai[j]; | |
j1 = Ai[j+1]; | |
for(k=j0;k<j1;++k) { if(Aj[k] === l) { y[l] /= Av[k]; break; } } | |
a = y[l]; | |
for(k=j0;k<j1;++k) y[Aj[k]] -= a*Av[k]; | |
y[l] = a; | |
} | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsLUP0 = function ccsLUP0(A,threshold) { | |
var m = A[0].length-1; | |
var L = [numeric.rep([m+1],0),[],[]], U = [numeric.rep([m+1], 0),[],[]]; | |
var Li = L[0], Lj = L[1], Lv = L[2], Ui = U[0], Uj = U[1], Uv = U[2]; | |
var y = numeric.rep([m],0), xj = numeric.rep([m],0); | |
var i,j,k,j0,j1,a,e,c,d,K; | |
var sol = numeric.ccsLPSolve0, max = Math.max, abs = Math.abs; | |
var P = numeric.linspace(0,m-1),Pinv = numeric.linspace(0,m-1); | |
var dfs = new numeric.ccsDFS0(m); | |
if(typeof threshold === "undefined") { threshold = 1; } | |
for(i=0;i<m;++i) { | |
sol(L,A,y,xj,i,Pinv,P,dfs); | |
a = -1; | |
e = -1; | |
for(j=xj.length-1;j!==-1;--j) { | |
k = xj[j]; | |
if(k <= i) continue; | |
c = abs(y[P[k]]); | |
if(c > a) { e = k; a = c; } | |
} | |
if(abs(y[P[i]])<threshold*a) { | |
j = P[i]; | |
a = P[e]; | |
P[i] = a; Pinv[a] = i; | |
P[e] = j; Pinv[j] = e; | |
} | |
a = Li[i]; | |
e = Ui[i]; | |
d = y[P[i]]; | |
Lj[a] = P[i]; | |
Lv[a] = 1; | |
++a; | |
for(j=xj.length-1;j!==-1;--j) { | |
k = xj[j]; | |
c = y[P[k]]; | |
xj[j] = 0; | |
y[P[k]] = 0; | |
if(k<=i) { Uj[e] = k; Uv[e] = c; ++e; } | |
else { Lj[a] = P[k]; Lv[a] = c/d; ++a; } | |
} | |
Li[i+1] = a; | |
Ui[i+1] = e; | |
} | |
for(j=Lj.length-1;j!==-1;--j) { Lj[j] = Pinv[Lj[j]]; } | |
return {L:L, U:U, P:P, Pinv:Pinv}; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsLUP = numeric.ccsLUP0; | |
numeric.ccsDim = function ccsDim(A) { return [numeric.sup(A[1])+1,A[0].length-1]; }; | |
numeric.ccsGetBlock = function ccsGetBlock(A,i,j) { | |
var s = numeric.ccsDim(A),m=s[0],n=s[1]; | |
if(typeof i === "undefined") { i = numeric.linspace(0,m-1); } | |
else if(typeof i === "number") { i = [i]; } | |
if(typeof j === "undefined") { j = numeric.linspace(0,n-1); } | |
else if(typeof j === "number") { j = [j]; } | |
var p,p0,p1,P = i.length,q,Q = j.length,r,jq,ip; | |
var Bi = numeric.rep([n],0), Bj=[], Bv=[], B = [Bi,Bj,Bv]; | |
var Ai = A[0], Aj = A[1], Av = A[2]; | |
var x = numeric.rep([m],0),count=0,flags = numeric.rep([m],0); | |
for(q=0;q<Q;++q) { | |
jq = j[q]; | |
var q0 = Ai[jq]; | |
var q1 = Ai[jq+1]; | |
for(p=q0;p<q1;++p) { | |
r = Aj[p]; | |
flags[r] = 1; | |
x[r] = Av[p]; | |
} | |
for(p=0;p<P;++p) { | |
ip = i[p]; | |
if(flags[ip]) { | |
Bj[count] = p; | |
Bv[count] = x[i[p]]; | |
++count; | |
} | |
} | |
for(p=q0;p<q1;++p) { | |
r = Aj[p]; | |
flags[r] = 0; | |
} | |
Bi[q+1] = count; | |
} | |
return B; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsDot = function ccsDot(A,B) { | |
var Ai = A[0], Aj = A[1], Av = A[2]; | |
var Bi = B[0], Bj = B[1], Bv = B[2]; | |
var sA = numeric.ccsDim(A), sB = numeric.ccsDim(B); | |
var m = sA[0], n = sA[1], o = sB[1]; | |
var x = numeric.rep([m],0), flags = numeric.rep([m],0), xj = Array(m); | |
var Ci = numeric.rep([o],0), Cj = [], Cv = [], C = [Ci,Cj,Cv]; | |
var i,j,k,j0,j1,i0,i1,l,p,a,b; | |
for(k=0;k!==o;++k) { | |
j0 = Bi[k]; | |
j1 = Bi[k+1]; | |
p = 0; | |
for(j=j0;j<j1;++j) { | |
a = Bj[j]; | |
b = Bv[j]; | |
i0 = Ai[a]; | |
i1 = Ai[a+1]; | |
for(i=i0;i<i1;++i) { | |
l = Aj[i]; | |
if(flags[l]===0) { | |
xj[p] = l; | |
flags[l] = 1; | |
p = p+1; | |
} | |
x[l] = x[l] + Av[i]*b; | |
} | |
} | |
j0 = Ci[k]; | |
j1 = j0+p; | |
Ci[k+1] = j1; | |
for(j=p-1;j!==-1;--j) { | |
b = j0+j; | |
i = xj[j]; | |
Cj[b] = i; | |
Cv[b] = x[i]; | |
flags[i] = 0; | |
x[i] = 0; | |
} | |
Ci[k+1] = Ci[k]+p; | |
} | |
return C; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsLUPSolve = function ccsLUPSolve(LUP,B) { | |
var L = LUP.L, U = LUP.U, P = LUP.P; | |
var Bi = B[0]; | |
var flag = false; | |
if(typeof Bi !== "object") { B = [[0,B.length],numeric.linspace(0,B.length-1),B]; Bi = B[0]; flag = true; } | |
var Bj = B[1], Bv = B[2]; | |
var n = L[0].length-1, m = Bi.length-1; | |
var x = numeric.rep([n],0), xj = Array(n); | |
var b = numeric.rep([n],0), bj = Array(n); | |
var Xi = numeric.rep([m+1],0), Xj = [], Xv = []; | |
var sol = numeric.ccsTSolve; | |
var i,j,j0,j1,k,J,N=0; | |
for(i=0;i<m;++i) { | |
k = 0; | |
j0 = Bi[i]; | |
j1 = Bi[i+1]; | |
for(j=j0;j<j1;++j) { | |
J = LUP.Pinv[Bj[j]]; | |
bj[k] = J; | |
b[J] = Bv[j]; | |
++k; | |
} | |
bj.length = k; | |
sol(L,b,x,bj,xj); | |
for(j=bj.length-1;j!==-1;--j) b[bj[j]] = 0; | |
sol(U,x,b,xj,bj); | |
if(flag) return b; | |
for(j=xj.length-1;j!==-1;--j) x[xj[j]] = 0; | |
for(j=bj.length-1;j!==-1;--j) { | |
J = bj[j]; | |
Xj[N] = J; | |
Xv[N] = b[J]; | |
b[J] = 0; | |
++N; | |
} | |
Xi[i+1] = N; | |
} | |
return [Xi,Xj,Xv]; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsbinop = function ccsbinop(body,setup) { | |
if(typeof setup === "undefined") setup=''; | |
return Function('X','Y', | |
'var Xi = X[0], Xj = X[1], Xv = X[2];\n'+ | |
'var Yi = Y[0], Yj = Y[1], Yv = Y[2];\n'+ | |
'var n = Xi.length-1,m = Math.max(numeric.sup(Xj),numeric.sup(Yj))+1;\n'+ | |
'var Zi = numeric.rep([n+1],0), Zj = [], Zv = [];\n'+ | |
'var x = numeric.rep([m],0),y = numeric.rep([m],0);\n'+ | |
'var xk,yk,zk;\n'+ | |
'var i,j,j0,j1,k,p=0;\n'+ | |
setup+ | |
'for(i=0;i<n;++i) {\n'+ | |
' j0 = Xi[i]; j1 = Xi[i+1];\n'+ | |
' for(j=j0;j!==j1;++j) {\n'+ | |
' k = Xj[j];\n'+ | |
' x[k] = 1;\n'+ | |
' Zj[p] = k;\n'+ | |
' ++p;\n'+ | |
' }\n'+ | |
' j0 = Yi[i]; j1 = Yi[i+1];\n'+ | |
' for(j=j0;j!==j1;++j) {\n'+ | |
' k = Yj[j];\n'+ | |
' y[k] = Yv[j];\n'+ | |
' if(x[k] === 0) {\n'+ | |
' Zj[p] = k;\n'+ | |
' ++p;\n'+ | |
' }\n'+ | |
' }\n'+ | |
' Zi[i+1] = p;\n'+ | |
' j0 = Xi[i]; j1 = Xi[i+1];\n'+ | |
' for(j=j0;j!==j1;++j) x[Xj[j]] = Xv[j];\n'+ | |
' j0 = Zi[i]; j1 = Zi[i+1];\n'+ | |
' for(j=j0;j!==j1;++j) {\n'+ | |
' k = Zj[j];\n'+ | |
' xk = x[k];\n'+ | |
' yk = y[k];\n'+ | |
body+'\n'+ | |
' Zv[j] = zk;\n'+ | |
' }\n'+ | |
' j0 = Xi[i]; j1 = Xi[i+1];\n'+ | |
' for(j=j0;j!==j1;++j) x[Xj[j]] = 0;\n'+ | |
' j0 = Yi[i]; j1 = Yi[i+1];\n'+ | |
' for(j=j0;j!==j1;++j) y[Yj[j]] = 0;\n'+ | |
'}\n'+ | |
'return [Zi,Zj,Zv];' | |
); | |
}; | |
(function() { | |
var k,A,B,C; | |
for(k in numeric.ops2) { | |
if(isFinite(eval('1'+numeric.ops2[k]+'0'))) A = '[Y[0],Y[1],numeric.'+k+'(X,Y[2])]'; | |
else A = 'NaN'; | |
if(isFinite(eval('0'+numeric.ops2[k]+'1'))) B = '[X[0],X[1],numeric.'+k+'(X[2],Y)]'; | |
else B = 'NaN'; | |
if(isFinite(eval('1'+numeric.ops2[k]+'0')) && isFinite(eval('0'+numeric.ops2[k]+'1'))) C = 'numeric.ccs'+k+'MM(X,Y)'; | |
else C = 'NaN'; | |
numeric['ccs'+k+'MM'] = numeric.ccsbinop('zk = xk '+numeric.ops2[k]+'yk;'); | |
numeric['ccs'+k] = Function('X','Y', | |
'if(typeof X === "number") return '+A+';\n'+ | |
'if(typeof Y === "number") return '+B+';\n'+ | |
'return '+C+';\n' | |
); | |
} | |
}()); | |
numeric.ccsScatter = function ccsScatter(A) { | |
var Ai = A[0], Aj = A[1], Av = A[2]; | |
var n = numeric.sup(Aj)+1,m=Ai.length; | |
var Ri = numeric.rep([n],0),Rj=Array(m), Rv = Array(m); | |
var counts = numeric.rep([n],0),i; | |
for(i=0;i<m;++i) counts[Aj[i]]++; | |
for(i=0;i<n;++i) Ri[i+1] = Ri[i] + counts[i]; | |
var ptr = Ri.slice(0),k,Aii; | |
for(i=0;i<m;++i) { | |
Aii = Aj[i]; | |
k = ptr[Aii]; | |
Rj[k] = Ai[i]; | |
Rv[k] = Av[i]; | |
ptr[Aii]=ptr[Aii]+1; | |
} | |
return [Ri,Rj,Rv]; | |
}; | |
numeric.ccsGather = function ccsGather(A) { | |
var Ai = A[0], Aj = A[1], Av = A[2]; | |
var n = Ai.length-1,m = Aj.length; | |
var Ri = Array(m), Rj = Array(m), Rv = Array(m); | |
var i,j,j0,j1,p; | |
p=0; | |
for(i=0;i<n;++i) { | |
j0 = Ai[i]; | |
j1 = Ai[i+1]; | |
for(j=j0;j!==j1;++j) { | |
Rj[p] = i; | |
Ri[p] = Aj[j]; | |
Rv[p] = Av[j]; | |
++p; | |
} | |
} | |
return [Ri,Rj,Rv]; | |
}; | |
// The following sparse linear algebra routines are deprecated. | |
numeric.sdim = function dim(A,ret,k) { | |
if(typeof ret === "undefined") { ret = []; } | |
if(typeof A !== "object") return ret; | |
if(typeof k === "undefined") { k=0; } | |
if(!(k in ret)) { ret[k] = 0; } | |
if(A.length > ret[k]) ret[k] = A.length; | |
var i; | |
for(i in A) { | |
if(A.hasOwnProperty(i)) dim(A[i],ret,k+1); | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.sclone = function clone(A,k,n) { | |
if(typeof k === "undefined") { k=0; } | |
if(typeof n === "undefined") { n = numeric.sdim(A).length; } | |
var i,ret = Array(A.length); | |
if(k === n-1) { | |
for(i in A) { if(A.hasOwnProperty(i)) ret[i] = A[i]; } | |
return ret; | |
} | |
for(i in A) { | |
if(A.hasOwnProperty(i)) ret[i] = clone(A[i],k+1,n); | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.sdiag = function diag(d) { | |
var n = d.length,i,ret = Array(n),i1,i2,i3; | |
for(i=n-1;i>=1;i-=2) { | |
i1 = i-1; | |
ret[i] = []; ret[i][i] = d[i]; | |
ret[i1] = []; ret[i1][i1] = d[i1]; | |
} | |
if(i===0) { ret[0] = []; ret[0][0] = d[i]; } | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.sidentity = function identity(n) { return numeric.sdiag(numeric.rep([n],1)); }; | |
numeric.stranspose = function transpose(A) { | |
var ret = [], n = A.length, i,j,Ai; | |
for(i in A) { | |
if(!(A.hasOwnProperty(i))) continue; | |
Ai = A[i]; | |
for(j in Ai) { | |
if(!(Ai.hasOwnProperty(j))) continue; | |
if(typeof ret[j] !== "object") { ret[j] = []; } | |
ret[j][i] = Ai[j]; | |
} | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.sLUP = function LUP(A,tol) { | |
throw new Error("The function numeric.sLUP had a bug in it and has been removed. Please use the new numeric.ccsLUP function instead."); | |
}; | |
numeric.sdotMM = function dotMM(A,B) { | |
var p = A.length, q = B.length, BT = numeric.stranspose(B), r = BT.length, Ai, BTk; | |
var i,j,k,accum; | |
var ret = Array(p),reti; | |
for(i=p-1;i>=0;i--) { | |
reti = []; | |
Ai = A[i]; | |
for(k=r-1;k>=0;k--) { | |
accum = 0; | |
BTk = BT[k]; | |
for(j in Ai) { | |
if(!(Ai.hasOwnProperty(j))) continue; | |
if(j in BTk) { accum += Ai[j]*BTk[j]; } | |
} | |
if(accum) reti[k] = accum; | |
} | |
ret[i] = reti; | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.sdotMV = function dotMV(A,x) { | |
var p = A.length, Ai, i,j; | |
var ret = Array(p), accum; | |
for(i=p-1;i>=0;i--) { | |
Ai = A[i]; | |
accum = 0; | |
for(j in Ai) { | |
if(!(Ai.hasOwnProperty(j))) continue; | |
if(x[j]) accum += Ai[j]*x[j]; | |
} | |
if(accum) ret[i] = accum; | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.sdotVM = function dotMV(x,A) { | |
var i,j,Ai,alpha; | |
var ret = [], accum; | |
for(i in x) { | |
if(!x.hasOwnProperty(i)) continue; | |
Ai = A[i]; | |
alpha = x[i]; | |
for(j in Ai) { | |
if(!Ai.hasOwnProperty(j)) continue; | |
if(!ret[j]) { ret[j] = 0; } | |
ret[j] += alpha*Ai[j]; | |
} | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.sdotVV = function dotVV(x,y) { | |
var i,ret=0; | |
for(i in x) { if(x[i] && y[i]) ret+= x[i]*y[i]; } | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.sdot = function dot(A,B) { | |
var m = numeric.sdim(A).length, n = numeric.sdim(B).length; | |
var k = m*1000+n; | |
switch(k) { | |
case 0: return A*B; | |
case 1001: return numeric.sdotVV(A,B); | |
case 2001: return numeric.sdotMV(A,B); | |
case 1002: return numeric.sdotVM(A,B); | |
case 2002: return numeric.sdotMM(A,B); | |
default: throw new Error('numeric.sdot not implemented for tensors of order '+m+' and '+n); | |
} | |
}; | |
numeric.sscatter = function scatter(V) { | |
var n = V[0].length, Vij, i, j, m = V.length, A = [], Aj; | |
for(i=n-1;i>=0;--i) { | |
if(!V[m-1][i]) continue; | |
Aj = A; | |
for(j=0;j<m-2;j++) { | |
Vij = V[j][i]; | |
if(!Aj[Vij]) Aj[Vij] = []; | |
Aj = Aj[Vij]; | |
} | |
Aj[V[j][i]] = V[j+1][i]; | |
} | |
return A; | |
}; | |
numeric.sgather = function gather(A,ret,k) { | |
if(typeof ret === "undefined") ret = []; | |
if(typeof k === "undefined") k = []; | |
var n,i,Ai; | |
n = k.length; | |
for(i in A) { | |
if(A.hasOwnProperty(i)) { | |
k[n] = parseInt(i); | |
Ai = A[i]; | |
if(typeof Ai === "number") { | |
if(Ai) { | |
if(ret.length === 0) { | |
for(i=n+1;i>=0;--i) ret[i] = []; | |
} | |
for(i=n;i>=0;--i) ret[i].push(k[i]); | |
ret[n+1].push(Ai); | |
} | |
} else gather(Ai,ret,k); | |
} | |
} | |
if(k.length>n) k.pop(); | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
// 6. Coordinate matrices | |
numeric.cLU = function LU(A) { | |
var I = A[0], J = A[1], V = A[2]; | |
var p = I.length, m=0, i,j,k,a,b,c; | |
for(i=0;i<p;i++) if(I[i]>m) m=I[i]; | |
m++; | |
var L = Array(m), U = Array(m), left = numeric.rep([m],Infinity), right = numeric.rep([m],-Infinity); | |
var Ui, Uj,alpha; | |
for(k=0;k<p;k++) { | |
i = I[k]; | |
j = J[k]; | |
if(j<left[i]) left[i] = j; | |
if(j>right[i]) right[i] = j; | |
} | |
for(i=0;i<m-1;i++) { if(right[i] > right[i+1]) right[i+1] = right[i]; } | |
for(i=m-1;i>=1;i--) { if(left[i]<left[i-1]) left[i-1] = left[i]; } | |
var countL = 0, countU = 0; | |
for(i=0;i<m;i++) { | |
U[i] = numeric.rep([right[i]-left[i]+1],0); | |
L[i] = numeric.rep([i-left[i]],0); | |
countL += i-left[i]+1; | |
countU += right[i]-i+1; | |
} | |
for(k=0;k<p;k++) { i = I[k]; U[i][J[k]-left[i]] = V[k]; } | |
for(i=0;i<m-1;i++) { | |
a = i-left[i]; | |
Ui = U[i]; | |
for(j=i+1;left[j]<=i && j<m;j++) { | |
b = i-left[j]; | |
c = right[i]-i; | |
Uj = U[j]; | |
alpha = Uj[b]/Ui[a]; | |
if(alpha) { | |
for(k=1;k<=c;k++) { Uj[k+b] -= alpha*Ui[k+a]; } | |
L[j][i-left[j]] = alpha; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
var Ui = [], Uj = [], Uv = [], Li = [], Lj = [], Lv = []; | |
var p,q,foo; | |
p=0; q=0; | |
for(i=0;i<m;i++) { | |
a = left[i]; | |
b = right[i]; | |
foo = U[i]; | |
for(j=i;j<=b;j++) { | |
if(foo[j-a]) { | |
Ui[p] = i; | |
Uj[p] = j; | |
Uv[p] = foo[j-a]; | |
p++; | |
} | |
} | |
foo = L[i]; | |
for(j=a;j<i;j++) { | |
if(foo[j-a]) { | |
Li[q] = i; | |
Lj[q] = j; | |
Lv[q] = foo[j-a]; | |
q++; | |
} | |
} | |
Li[q] = i; | |
Lj[q] = i; | |
Lv[q] = 1; | |
q++; | |
} | |
return {U:[Ui,Uj,Uv], L:[Li,Lj,Lv]}; | |
}; | |
numeric.cLUsolve = function LUsolve(lu,b) { | |
var L = lu.L, U = lu.U, ret = numeric.clone(b); | |
var Li = L[0], Lj = L[1], Lv = L[2]; | |
var Ui = U[0], Uj = U[1], Uv = U[2]; | |
var p = Ui.length, q = Li.length; | |
var m = ret.length,i,j,k; | |
k = 0; | |
for(i=0;i<m;i++) { | |
while(Lj[k] < i) { | |
ret[i] -= Lv[k]*ret[Lj[k]]; | |
k++; | |
} | |
k++; | |
} | |
k = p-1; | |
for(i=m-1;i>=0;i--) { | |
while(Uj[k] > i) { | |
ret[i] -= Uv[k]*ret[Uj[k]]; | |
k--; | |
} | |
ret[i] /= Uv[k]; | |
k--; | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.cgrid = function grid(n,shape) { | |
if(typeof n === "number") n = [n,n]; | |
var ret = numeric.rep(n,-1); | |
var i,j,count; | |
if(typeof shape !== "function") { | |
switch(shape) { | |
case 'L': | |
shape = function(i,j) { return (i>=n[0]/2 || j<n[1]/2); }; | |
break; | |
default: | |
shape = function(i,j) { return true; }; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
count=0; | |
for(i=1;i<n[0]-1;i++) for(j=1;j<n[1]-1;j++) | |
if(shape(i,j)) { | |
ret[i][j] = count; | |
count++; | |
} | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.cdelsq = function delsq(g) { | |
var dir = [[-1,0],[0,-1],[0,1],[1,0]]; | |
var s = numeric.dim(g), m = s[0], n = s[1], i,j,k,p,q; | |
var Li = [], Lj = [], Lv = []; | |
for(i=1;i<m-1;i++) for(j=1;j<n-1;j++) { | |
if(g[i][j]<0) continue; | |
for(k=0;k<4;k++) { | |
p = i+dir[k][0]; | |
q = j+dir[k][1]; | |
if(g[p][q]<0) continue; | |
Li.push(g[i][j]); | |
Lj.push(g[p][q]); | |
Lv.push(-1); | |
} | |
Li.push(g[i][j]); | |
Lj.push(g[i][j]); | |
Lv.push(4); | |
} | |
return [Li,Lj,Lv]; | |
}; | |
numeric.cdotMV = function dotMV(A,x) { | |
var ret, Ai = A[0], Aj = A[1], Av = A[2],k,p=Ai.length,N; | |
N=0; | |
for(k=0;k<p;k++) { if(Ai[k]>N) N = Ai[k]; } | |
N++; | |
ret = numeric.rep([N],0); | |
for(k=0;k<p;k++) { ret[Ai[k]]+=Av[k]*x[Aj[k]]; } | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
// 7. Splines | |
numeric.Spline = function Spline(x,yl,yr,kl,kr) { this.x = x; this.yl = yl; this.yr = yr; this.kl = kl; = kr; }; | |
numeric.Spline.prototype._at = function _at(x1,p) { | |
var x = this.x; | |
var yl = this.yl; | |
var yr = this.yr; | |
var kl = this.kl; | |
var kr =; | |
var x1,a,b,t; | |
var add = numeric.add, sub = numeric.sub, mul = numeric.mul; | |
a = sub(mul(kl[p],x[p+1]-x[p]),sub(yr[p+1],yl[p])); | |
b = add(mul(kr[p+1],x[p]-x[p+1]),sub(yr[p+1],yl[p])); | |
t = (x1-x[p])/(x[p+1]-x[p]); | |
var s = t*(1-t); | |
return add(add(add(mul(1-t,yl[p]),mul(t,yr[p+1])),mul(a,s*(1-t))),mul(b,s*t)); | |
}; | | = function at(x0) { | |
if(typeof x0 === "number") { | |
var x = this.x; | |
var n = x.length; | |
var p,q,mid,floor = Math.floor,a,b,t; | |
p = 0; | |
q = n-1; | |
while(q-p>1) { | |
mid = floor((p+q)/2); | |
if(x[mid] <= x0) p = mid; | |
else q = mid; | |
} | |
return this._at(x0,p); | |
} | |
var n = x0.length, i, ret = Array(n); | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) ret[i] =[i]); | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.Spline.prototype.diff = function diff() { | |
var x = this.x; | |
var yl = this.yl; | |
var yr = this.yr; | |
var kl = this.kl; | |
var kr =; | |
var n = yl.length; | |
var i,dx,dy; | |
var zl = kl, zr = kr, pl = Array(n), pr = Array(n); | |
var add = numeric.add, mul = numeric.mul, div = numeric.div, sub = numeric.sub; | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
dx = x[i+1]-x[i]; | |
dy = sub(yr[i+1],yl[i]); | |
pl[i] = div(add(mul(dy, 6),mul(kl[i],-4*dx),mul(kr[i+1],-2*dx)),dx*dx); | |
pr[i+1] = div(add(mul(dy,-6),mul(kl[i], 2*dx),mul(kr[i+1], 4*dx)),dx*dx); | |
} | |
return new numeric.Spline(x,zl,zr,pl,pr); | |
}; | |
numeric.Spline.prototype.roots = function roots() { | |
function sqr(x) { return x*x; } | |
var ret = []; | |
var x = this.x, yl = this.yl, yr = this.yr, kl = this.kl, kr =; | |
if(typeof yl[0] === "number") { | |
yl = [yl]; | |
yr = [yr]; | |
kl = [kl]; | |
kr = [kr]; | |
} | |
var m = yl.length,n=x.length-1,i,j,k,y,s,t; | |
var ai,bi,ci,di, ret = Array(m),ri,k0,k1,y0,y1,A,B,D,dx,cx,stops,z0,z1,zm,t0,t1,tm; | |
var sqrt = Math.sqrt; | |
for(i=0;i!==m;++i) { | |
ai = yl[i]; | |
bi = yr[i]; | |
ci = kl[i]; | |
di = kr[i]; | |
ri = []; | |
for(j=0;j!==n;j++) { | |
if(j>0 && bi[j]*ai[j]<0) ri.push(x[j]); | |
dx = (x[j+1]-x[j]); | |
cx = x[j]; | |
y0 = ai[j]; | |
y1 = bi[j+1]; | |
k0 = ci[j]/dx; | |
k1 = di[j+1]/dx; | |
D = sqr(k0-k1+3*(y0-y1)) + 12*k1*y0; | |
A = k1+3*y0+2*k0-3*y1; | |
B = 3*(k1+k0+2*(y0-y1)); | |
if(D<=0) { | |
z0 = A/B; | |
if(z0>x[j] && z0<x[j+1]) stops = [x[j],z0,x[j+1]]; | |
else stops = [x[j],x[j+1]]; | |
} else { | |
z0 = (A-sqrt(D))/B; | |
z1 = (A+sqrt(D))/B; | |
stops = [x[j]]; | |
if(z0>x[j] && z0<x[j+1]) stops.push(z0); | |
if(z1>x[j] && z1<x[j+1]) stops.push(z1); | |
stops.push(x[j+1]); | |
} | |
t0 = stops[0]; | |
z0 = this._at(t0,j); | |
for(k=0;k<stops.length-1;k++) { | |
t1 = stops[k+1]; | |
z1 = this._at(t1,j); | |
if(z0 === 0) { | |
ri.push(t0); | |
t0 = t1; | |
z0 = z1; | |
continue; | |
} | |
if(z1 === 0 || z0*z1>0) { | |
t0 = t1; | |
z0 = z1; | |
continue; | |
} | |
var side = 0; | |
while(1) { | |
tm = (z0*t1-z1*t0)/(z0-z1); | |
if(tm <= t0 || tm >= t1) { break; } | |
zm = this._at(tm,j); | |
if(zm*z1>0) { | |
t1 = tm; | |
z1 = zm; | |
if(side === -1) z0*=0.5; | |
side = -1; | |
} else if(zm*z0>0) { | |
t0 = tm; | |
z0 = zm; | |
if(side === 1) z1*=0.5; | |
side = 1; | |
} else break; | |
} | |
ri.push(tm); | |
t0 = stops[k+1]; | |
z0 = this._at(t0, j); | |
} | |
if(z1 === 0) ri.push(t1); | |
} | |
ret[i] = ri; | |
} | |
if(typeof this.yl[0] === "number") return ret[0]; | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
numeric.spline = function spline(x,y,k1,kn) { | |
var n = x.length, b = [], dx = [], dy = []; | |
var i; | |
var sub = numeric.sub,mul = numeric.mul,add = numeric.add; | |
for(i=n-2;i>=0;i--) { dx[i] = x[i+1]-x[i]; dy[i] = sub(y[i+1],y[i]); } | |
if(typeof k1 === "string" || typeof kn === "string") { | |
k1 = kn = "periodic"; | |
} | |
// Build sparse tridiagonal system | |
var T = [[],[],[]]; | |
switch(typeof k1) { | |
case "undefined": | |
b[0] = mul(3/(dx[0]*dx[0]),dy[0]); | |
T[0].push(0,0); | |
T[1].push(0,1); | |
T[2].push(2/dx[0],1/dx[0]); | |
break; | |
case "string": | |
b[0] = add(mul(3/(dx[n-2]*dx[n-2]),dy[n-2]),mul(3/(dx[0]*dx[0]),dy[0])); | |
T[0].push(0,0,0); | |
T[1].push(n-2,0,1); | |
T[2].push(1/dx[n-2],2/dx[n-2]+2/dx[0],1/dx[0]); | |
break; | |
default: | |
b[0] = k1; | |
T[0].push(0); | |
T[1].push(0); | |
T[2].push(1); | |
break; | |
} | |
for(i=1;i<n-1;i++) { | |
b[i] = add(mul(3/(dx[i-1]*dx[i-1]),dy[i-1]),mul(3/(dx[i]*dx[i]),dy[i])); | |
T[0].push(i,i,i); | |
T[1].push(i-1,i,i+1); | |
T[2].push(1/dx[i-1],2/dx[i-1]+2/dx[i],1/dx[i]); | |
} | |
switch(typeof kn) { | |
case "undefined": | |
b[n-1] = mul(3/(dx[n-2]*dx[n-2]),dy[n-2]); | |
T[0].push(n-1,n-1); | |
T[1].push(n-2,n-1); | |
T[2].push(1/dx[n-2],2/dx[n-2]); | |
break; | |
case "string": | |
T[1][T[1].length-1] = 0; | |
break; | |
default: | |
b[n-1] = kn; | |
T[0].push(n-1); | |
T[1].push(n-1); | |
T[2].push(1); | |
break; | |
} | |
if(typeof b[0] !== "number") b = numeric.transpose(b); | |
else b = [b]; | |
var k = Array(b.length); | |
if(typeof k1 === "string") { | |
for(i=k.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
k[i] = numeric.ccsLUPSolve(numeric.ccsLUP(numeric.ccsScatter(T)),b[i]); | |
k[i][n-1] = k[i][0]; | |
} | |
} else { | |
for(i=k.length-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
k[i] = numeric.cLUsolve(numeric.cLU(T),b[i]); | |
} | |
} | |
if(typeof y[0] === "number") k = k[0]; | |
else k = numeric.transpose(k); | |
return new numeric.Spline(x,y,y,k,k); | |
}; | |
// 8. FFT | |
numeric.fftpow2 = function fftpow2(x,y) { | |
var n = x.length; | |
if(n === 1) return; | |
var cos = Math.cos, sin = Math.sin, i,j; | |
var xe = Array(n/2), ye = Array(n/2), xo = Array(n/2), yo = Array(n/2); | |
j = n/2; | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
--j; | |
xo[j] = x[i]; | |
yo[j] = y[i]; | |
--i; | |
xe[j] = x[i]; | |
ye[j] = y[i]; | |
} | |
fftpow2(xe,ye); | |
fftpow2(xo,yo); | |
j = n/2; | |
var t,k = (-6.2831853071795864769252867665590057683943387987502116419/n),ci,si; | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
--j; | |
if(j === -1) j = n/2-1; | |
t = k*i; | |
ci = cos(t); | |
si = sin(t); | |
x[i] = xe[j] + ci*xo[j] - si*yo[j]; | |
y[i] = ye[j] + ci*yo[j] + si*xo[j]; | |
} | |
}; | |
numeric._ifftpow2 = function _ifftpow2(x,y) { | |
var n = x.length; | |
if(n === 1) return; | |
var cos = Math.cos, sin = Math.sin, i,j; | |
var xe = Array(n/2), ye = Array(n/2), xo = Array(n/2), yo = Array(n/2); | |
j = n/2; | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
--j; | |
xo[j] = x[i]; | |
yo[j] = y[i]; | |
--i; | |
xe[j] = x[i]; | |
ye[j] = y[i]; | |
} | |
_ifftpow2(xe,ye); | |
_ifftpow2(xo,yo); | |
j = n/2; | |
var t,k = (6.2831853071795864769252867665590057683943387987502116419/n),ci,si; | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
--j; | |
if(j === -1) j = n/2-1; | |
t = k*i; | |
ci = cos(t); | |
si = sin(t); | |
x[i] = xe[j] + ci*xo[j] - si*yo[j]; | |
y[i] = ye[j] + ci*yo[j] + si*xo[j]; | |
} | |
}; | |
numeric.ifftpow2 = function ifftpow2(x,y) { | |
numeric._ifftpow2(x,y); | |
numeric.diveq(x,x.length); | |
numeric.diveq(y,y.length); | |
}; | |
numeric.convpow2 = function convpow2(ax,ay,bx,by) { | |
numeric.fftpow2(ax,ay); | |
numeric.fftpow2(bx,by); | |
var i,n = ax.length,axi,bxi,ayi,byi; | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
axi = ax[i]; ayi = ay[i]; bxi = bx[i]; byi = by[i]; | |
ax[i] = axi*bxi-ayi*byi; | |
ay[i] = axi*byi+ayi*bxi; | |
} | |
numeric.ifftpow2(ax,ay); | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.fft = function fft() { | |
var x = this.x, y = this.y; | |
var n = x.length, log = Math.log, log2 = log(2), | |
p = Math.ceil(log(2*n-1)/log2), m = Math.pow(2,p); | |
var cx = numeric.rep([m],0), cy = numeric.rep([m],0), cos = Math.cos, sin = Math.sin; | |
var k, c = (-3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820/n),t; | |
var a = numeric.rep([m],0), b = numeric.rep([m],0),nhalf = Math.floor(n/2); | |
for(k=0;k<n;k++) a[k] = x[k]; | |
if(typeof y !== "undefined") for(k=0;k<n;k++) b[k] = y[k]; | |
cx[0] = 1; | |
for(k=1;k<=m/2;k++) { | |
t = c*k*k; | |
cx[k] = cos(t); | |
cy[k] = sin(t); | |
cx[m-k] = cos(t); | |
cy[m-k] = sin(t); | |
} | |
var X = new numeric.T(a,b), Y = new numeric.T(cx,cy); | |
X = X.mul(Y); | |
numeric.convpow2(X.x,X.y,numeric.clone(Y.x),numeric.neg(Y.y)); | |
X = X.mul(Y); | |
X.x.length = n; | |
X.y.length = n; | |
return X; | |
}; | |
numeric.T.prototype.ifft = function ifft() { | |
var x = this.x, y = this.y; | |
var n = x.length, log = Math.log, log2 = log(2), | |
p = Math.ceil(log(2*n-1)/log2), m = Math.pow(2,p); | |
var cx = numeric.rep([m],0), cy = numeric.rep([m],0), cos = Math.cos, sin = Math.sin; | |
var k, c = (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820/n),t; | |
var a = numeric.rep([m],0), b = numeric.rep([m],0),nhalf = Math.floor(n/2); | |
for(k=0;k<n;k++) a[k] = x[k]; | |
if(typeof y !== "undefined") for(k=0;k<n;k++) b[k] = y[k]; | |
cx[0] = 1; | |
for(k=1;k<=m/2;k++) { | |
t = c*k*k; | |
cx[k] = cos(t); | |
cy[k] = sin(t); | |
cx[m-k] = cos(t); | |
cy[m-k] = sin(t); | |
} | |
var X = new numeric.T(a,b), Y = new numeric.T(cx,cy); | |
X = X.mul(Y); | |
numeric.convpow2(X.x,X.y,numeric.clone(Y.x),numeric.neg(Y.y)); | |
X = X.mul(Y); | |
X.x.length = n; | |
X.y.length = n; | |
return X.div(n); | |
}; | |
//9. Unconstrained optimization | |
numeric.gradient = function gradient(f,x) { | |
var n = x.length; | |
var f0 = f(x); | |
if(isNaN(f0)) throw new Error('gradient: f(x) is a NaN!'); | |
var max = Math.max; | |
var i,x0 = numeric.clone(x),f1,f2, J = Array(n); | |
var div = numeric.div, sub = numeric.sub,errest,roundoff,max = Math.max,eps = 1e-3,abs = Math.abs, min = Math.min; | |
var t0,t1,t2,it=0,d1,d2,N; | |
for(i=0;i<n;i++) { | |
var h = max(1e-6*f0,1e-8); | |
while(1) { | |
++it; | |
if(it>20) { throw new Error("Numerical gradient fails"); } | |
x0[i] = x[i]+h; | |
f1 = f(x0); | |
x0[i] = x[i]-h; | |
f2 = f(x0); | |
x0[i] = x[i]; | |
if(isNaN(f1) || isNaN(f2)) { h/=16; continue; } | |
J[i] = (f1-f2)/(2*h); | |
t0 = x[i]-h; | |
t1 = x[i]; | |
t2 = x[i]+h; | |
d1 = (f1-f0)/h; | |
d2 = (f0-f2)/h; | |
N = max(abs(J[i]),abs(f0),abs(f1),abs(f2),abs(t0),abs(t1),abs(t2),1e-8); | |
errest = min(max(abs(d1-J[i]),abs(d2-J[i]),abs(d1-d2))/N,h/N); | |
if(errest>eps) { h/=16; } | |
else break; | |
} | |
} | |
return J; | |
}; | |
numeric.uncmin = function uncmin(f,x0,tol,gradient,maxit,callback,options) { | |
var grad = numeric.gradient; | |
if(typeof options === "undefined") { options = {}; } | |
if(typeof tol === "undefined") { tol = 1e-8; } | |
if(typeof gradient === "undefined") { gradient = function(x) { return grad(f,x); }; } | |
if(typeof maxit === "undefined") maxit = 1000; | |
x0 = numeric.clone(x0); | |
var n = x0.length; | |
var f0 = f(x0),f1,df0; | |
if(isNaN(f0)) throw new Error('uncmin: f(x0) is a NaN!'); | |
var max = Math.max, norm2 = numeric.norm2; | |
tol = max(tol,numeric.epsilon); | |
var step,g0,g1,H1 = options.Hinv || numeric.identity(n); | |
var dot =, inv = numeric.inv, sub = numeric.sub, add = numeric.add, ten = numeric.tensor, div = numeric.div, mul = numeric.mul; | |
var all = numeric.all, isfinite = numeric.isFinite, neg = numeric.neg; | |
var it=0,i,s,x1,y,Hy,Hs,ys,i0,t,nstep,t1,t2; | |
var msg = ""; | |
g0 = gradient(x0); | |
while(it<maxit) { | |
if(typeof callback === "function") { if(callback(it,x0,f0,g0,H1)) { msg = "Callback returned true"; break; } } | |
if(!all(isfinite(g0))) { msg = "Gradient has Infinity or NaN"; break; } | |
step = neg(dot(H1,g0)); | |
if(!all(isfinite(step))) { msg = "Search direction has Infinity or NaN"; break; } | |
nstep = norm2(step); | |
if(nstep < tol) { msg="Newton step smaller than tol"; break; } | |
t = 1; | |
df0 = dot(g0,step); | |
// line search | |
x1 = x0; | |
while(it < maxit) { | |
if(t*nstep < tol) { break; } | |
s = mul(step,t); | |
x1 = add(x0,s); | |
f1 = f(x1); | |
if(f1-f0 >= 0.1*t*df0 || isNaN(f1)) { | |
t *= 0.5; | |
++it; | |
continue; | |
} | |
break; | |
} | |
if(t*nstep < tol) { msg = "Line search step size smaller than tol"; break; } | |
if(it === maxit) { msg = "maxit reached during line search"; break; } | |
g1 = gradient(x1); | |
y = sub(g1,g0); | |
ys = dot(y,s); | |
Hy = dot(H1,y); | |
H1 = sub(add(H1, | |
mul( | |
(ys+dot(y,Hy))/(ys*ys), | |
ten(s,s) )), | |
div(add(ten(Hy,s),ten(s,Hy)),ys)); | |
x0 = x1; | |
f0 = f1; | |
g0 = g1; | |
++it; | |
} | |
return {solution: x0, f: f0, gradient: g0, invHessian: H1, iterations:it, message: msg}; | |
}; | |
// 10. Ode solver (Dormand-Prince) | |
numeric.Dopri = function Dopri(x,y,f,ymid,iterations,msg,events) { | |
this.x = x; | |
this.y = y; | |
this.f = f; | |
this.ymid = ymid; | |
this.iterations = iterations; | | = events; | |
this.message = msg; | |
}; | |
numeric.Dopri.prototype._at = function _at(xi,j) { | |
function sqr(x) { return x*x; } | |
var sol = this; | |
var xs = sol.x; | |
var ys = sol.y; | |
var k1 = sol.f; | |
var ymid = sol.ymid; | |
var n = xs.length; | |
var x0,x1,xh,y0,y1,yh,xi; | |
var floor = Math.floor,h; | |
var c = 0.5; | |
var add = numeric.add, mul = numeric.mul,sub = numeric.sub, p,q,w; | |
x0 = xs[j]; | |
x1 = xs[j+1]; | |
y0 = ys[j]; | |
y1 = ys[j+1]; | |
h = x1-x0; | |
xh = x0+c*h; | |
yh = ymid[j]; | |
p = sub(k1[j ],mul(y0,1/(x0-xh)+2/(x0-x1))); | |
q = sub(k1[j+1],mul(y1,1/(x1-xh)+2/(x1-x0))); | |
w = [sqr(xi - x1) * (xi - xh) / sqr(x0 - x1) / (x0 - xh), | |
sqr(xi - x0) * sqr(xi - x1) / sqr(x0 - xh) / sqr(x1 - xh), | |
sqr(xi - x0) * (xi - xh) / sqr(x1 - x0) / (x1 - xh), | |
(xi - x0) * sqr(xi - x1) * (xi - xh) / sqr(x0-x1) / (x0 - xh), | |
(xi - x1) * sqr(xi - x0) * (xi - xh) / sqr(x0-x1) / (x1 - xh)]; | |
return add(add(add(add(mul(y0,w[0]), | |
mul(yh,w[1])), | |
mul(y1,w[2])), | |
mul( p,w[3])), | |
mul( q,w[4])); | |
}; | | = function at(x) { | |
var i,j,k,floor = Math.floor; | |
if(typeof x !== "number") { | |
var n = x.length, ret = Array(n); | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) { | |
ret[i] =[i]); | |
} | |
return ret; | |
} | |
var x0 = this.x; | |
i = 0; j = x0.length-1; | |
while(j-i>1) { | |
k = floor(0.5*(i+j)); | |
if(x0[k] <= x) i = k; | |
else j = k; | |
} | |
return this._at(x,i); | |
}; | |
numeric.dopri = function dopri(x0,x1,y0,f,tol,maxit,event) { | |
if(typeof tol === "undefined") { tol = 1e-6; } | |
if(typeof maxit === "undefined") { maxit = 1000; } | |
var xs = [x0], ys = [y0], k1 = [f(x0,y0)], k2,k3,k4,k5,k6,k7, ymid = []; | |
var A2 = 1/5; | |
var A3 = [3/40,9/40]; | |
var A4 = [44/45,-56/15,32/9]; | |
var A5 = [19372/6561,-25360/2187,64448/6561,-212/729]; | |
var A6 = [9017/3168,-355/33,46732/5247,49/176,-5103/18656]; | |
var b = [35/384,0,500/1113,125/192,-2187/6784,11/84]; | |
var bm = [0.5*6025192743/30085553152, | |
0, | |
0.5*51252292925/65400821598, | |
0.5*-2691868925/45128329728, | |
0.5*187940372067/1594534317056, | |
0.5*-1776094331/19743644256, | |
0.5*11237099/235043384]; | |
var c = [1/5,3/10,4/5,8/9,1,1]; | |
var e = [-71/57600,0,71/16695,-71/1920,17253/339200,-22/525,1/40]; | |
var i = 0,er,j; | |
var h = (x1-x0)/10; | |
var it = 0; | |
var add = numeric.add, mul = numeric.mul, y1,erinf; | |
var max = Math.max, min = Math.min, abs = Math.abs, norminf = numeric.norminf,pow = Math.pow; | |
var any = numeric.any, lt =, and = numeric.and, sub = numeric.sub; | |
var e0, e1, ev; | |
var ret = new numeric.Dopri(xs,ys,k1,ymid,-1,""); | |
if(typeof event === "function") e0 = event(x0,y0); | |
while(x0<x1 && it<maxit) { | |
++it; | |
if(x0+h>x1) h = x1-x0; | |
k2 = f(x0+c[0]*h, add(y0,mul( A2*h,k1[i]))); | |
k3 = f(x0+c[1]*h, add(add(y0,mul(A3[0]*h,k1[i])),mul(A3[1]*h,k2))); | |
k4 = f(x0+c[2]*h, add(add(add(y0,mul(A4[0]*h,k1[i])),mul(A4[1]*h,k2)),mul(A4[2]*h,k3))); | |
k5 = f(x0+c[3]*h, add(add(add(add(y0,mul(A5[0]*h,k1[i])),mul(A5[1]*h,k2)),mul(A5[2]*h,k3)),mul(A5[3]*h,k4))); | |
k6 = f(x0+c[4]*h,add(add(add(add(add(y0,mul(A6[0]*h,k1[i])),mul(A6[1]*h,k2)),mul(A6[2]*h,k3)),mul(A6[3]*h,k4)),mul(A6[4]*h,k5))); | |
y1 = add(add(add(add(add(y0,mul(k1[i],h*b[0])),mul(k3,h*b[2])),mul(k4,h*b[3])),mul(k5,h*b[4])),mul(k6,h*b[5])); | |
k7 = f(x0+h,y1); | |
er = add(add(add(add(add(mul(k1[i],h*e[0]),mul(k3,h*e[2])),mul(k4,h*e[3])),mul(k5,h*e[4])),mul(k6,h*e[5])),mul(k7,h*e[6])); | |
if(typeof er === "number") erinf = abs(er); | |
else erinf = norminf(er); | |
if(erinf > tol) { // reject | |
h = 0.2*h*pow(tol/erinf,0.25); | |
if(x0+h === x0) { | |
ret.msg = "Step size became too small"; | |
break; | |
} | |
continue; | |
} | |
ymid[i] = add(add(add(add(add(add(y0, | |
mul(k1[i],h*bm[0])), | |
mul(k3 ,h*bm[2])), | |
mul(k4 ,h*bm[3])), | |
mul(k5 ,h*bm[4])), | |
mul(k6 ,h*bm[5])), | |
mul(k7 ,h*bm[6])); | |
++i; | |
xs[i] = x0+h; | |
ys[i] = y1; | |
k1[i] = k7; | |
if(typeof event === "function") { | |
var yi,xl = x0,xr = x0+0.5*h,xi; | |
e1 = event(xr,ymid[i-1]); | |
ev = and(lt(e0,0),lt(0,e1)); | |
if(!any(ev)) { xl = xr; xr = x0+h; e0 = e1; e1 = event(xr,y1); ev = and(lt(e0,0),lt(0,e1)); } | |
if(any(ev)) { | |
var xc, yc, en,ei; | |
var side=0, sl = 1.0, sr = 1.0; | |
while(1) { | |
if(typeof e0 === "number") xi = (sr*e1*xl-sl*e0*xr)/(sr*e1-sl*e0); | |
else { | |
xi = xr; | |
for(j=e0.length-1;j!==-1;--j) { | |
if(e0[j]<0 && e1[j]>0) xi = min(xi,(sr*e1[j]*xl-sl*e0[j]*xr)/(sr*e1[j]-sl*e0[j])); | |
} | |
} | |
if(xi <= xl || xi >= xr) break; | |
yi = ret._at(xi, i-1); | |
ei = event(xi,yi); | |
en = and(lt(e0,0),lt(0,ei)); | |
if(any(en)) { | |
xr = xi; | |
e1 = ei; | |
ev = en; | |
sr = 1.0; | |
if(side === -1) sl *= 0.5; | |
else sl = 1.0; | |
side = -1; | |
} else { | |
xl = xi; | |
e0 = ei; | |
sl = 1.0; | |
if(side === 1) sr *= 0.5; | |
else sr = 1.0; | |
side = 1; | |
} | |
} | |
y1 = ret._at(0.5*(x0+xi),i-1); | |
ret.f[i] = f(xi,yi); | |
ret.x[i] = xi; | |
ret.y[i] = yi; | |
ret.ymid[i-1] = y1; | | = ev; | |
ret.iterations = it; | |
return ret; | |
} | |
} | |
x0 += h; | |
y0 = y1; | |
e0 = e1; | |
h = min(0.8*h*pow(tol/erinf,0.25),4*h); | |
} | |
ret.iterations = it; | |
return ret; | |
}; | |
// 11. Ax = b | |
numeric.LU = function(A, fast) { | |
fast = fast || false; | |
var abs = Math.abs; | |
var i, j, k, absAjk, Akk, Ak, Pk, Ai; | |
var max; | |
var n = A.length, n1 = n-1; | |
var P = new Array(n); | |
if(!fast) A = numeric.clone(A); | |
for (k = 0; k < n; ++k) { | |
Pk = k; | |
Ak = A[k]; | |
max = abs(Ak[k]); | |
for (j = k + 1; j < n; ++j) { | |
absAjk = abs(A[j][k]); | |
if (max < absAjk) { | |
max = absAjk; | |
Pk = j; | |
} | |
} | |
P[k] = Pk; | |
if (Pk != k) { | |
A[k] = A[Pk]; | |
A[Pk] = Ak; | |
Ak = A[k]; | |
} | |
Akk = Ak[k]; | |
for (i = k + 1; i < n; ++i) { | |
A[i][k] /= Akk; | |
} | |
for (i = k + 1; i < n; ++i) { | |
Ai = A[i]; | |
for (j = k + 1; j < n1; ++j) { | |
Ai[j] -= Ai[k] * Ak[j]; | |
++j; | |
Ai[j] -= Ai[k] * Ak[j]; | |
} | |
if(j===n1) Ai[j] -= Ai[k] * Ak[j]; | |
} | |
} | |
return { | |
LU: A, | |
P: P | |
}; | |
}; | |
numeric.LUsolve = function LUsolve(LUP, b) { | |
var i, j; | |
var LU = LUP.LU; | |
var n = LU.length; | |
var x = numeric.clone(b); | |
var P = LUP.P; | |
var Pi, LUi, LUii, tmp; | |
for (i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) x[i] = b[i]; | |
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { | |
Pi = P[i]; | |
if (P[i] !== i) { | |
tmp = x[i]; | |
x[i] = x[Pi]; | |
x[Pi] = tmp; | |
} | |
LUi = LU[i]; | |
for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) { | |
x[i] -= x[j] * LUi[j]; | |
} | |
} | |
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { | |
LUi = LU[i]; | |
for (j = i + 1; j < n; ++j) { | |
x[i] -= x[j] * LUi[j]; | |
} | |
x[i] /= LUi[i]; | |
} | |
return x; | |
}; | |
numeric.solve = function solve(A,b,fast) { return numeric.LUsolve(numeric.LU(A,fast), b); }; | |
// 12. Linear programming | |
numeric.echelonize = function echelonize(A) { | |
var s = numeric.dim(A), m = s[0], n = s[1]; | |
var I = numeric.identity(m); | |
var P = Array(m); | |
var i,j,k,l,Ai,Ii,Z,a; | |
var abs = Math.abs; | |
var diveq = numeric.diveq; | |
A = numeric.clone(A); | |
for(i=0;i<m;++i) { | |
k = 0; | |
Ai = A[i]; | |
Ii = I[i]; | |
for(j=1;j<n;++j) if(abs(Ai[k])<abs(Ai[j])) k=j; | |
P[i] = k; | |
diveq(Ii,Ai[k]); | |
diveq(Ai,Ai[k]); | |
for(j=0;j<m;++j) if(j!==i) { | |
Z = A[j]; a = Z[k]; | |
for(l=n-1;l!==-1;--l) Z[l] -= Ai[l]*a; | |
Z = I[j]; | |
for(l=m-1;l!==-1;--l) Z[l] -= Ii[l]*a; | |
} | |
} | |
return {I:I, A:A, P:P}; | |
}; | |
numeric.__solveLP = function __solveLP(c,A,b,tol,maxit,x,flag) { | |
var sum = numeric.sum, log = numeric.log, mul = numeric.mul, sub = numeric.sub, dot =, div = numeric.div, add = numeric.add; | |
var m = c.length, n = b.length,y; | |
var unbounded = false, cb,i0=0; | |
var alpha = 1.0; | |
var f0,df0,AT = numeric.transpose(A), svd = numeric.svd,transpose = numeric.transpose,leq = numeric.leq, sqrt = Math.sqrt, abs = Math.abs; | |
var muleq = numeric.muleq; | |
var norm = numeric.norminf, any = numeric.any,min = Math.min; | |
var all = numeric.all, gt =; | |
var p = Array(m), A0 = Array(n),e=numeric.rep([n],1), H; | |
var solve = numeric.solve, z = sub(b,dot(A,x)),count; | |
var dotcc = dot(c,c); | |
var g; | |
for(count=i0;count<maxit;++count) { | |
var i,j,d; | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) A0[i] = div(A[i],z[i]); | |
var A1 = transpose(A0); | |
for(i=m-1;i!==-1;--i) p[i] = (/*x[i]+*/sum(A1[i])); | |
alpha = 0.25*abs(dotcc/dot(c,p)); | |
var a1 = 100*sqrt(dotcc/dot(p,p)); | |
if(!isFinite(alpha) || alpha>a1) alpha = a1; | |
g = add(c,mul(alpha,p)); | |
H = dot(A1,A0); | |
for(i=m-1;i!==-1;--i) H[i][i] += 1; | |
d = solve(H,div(g,alpha),true); | |
var t0 = div(z,dot(A,d)); | |
var t = 1.0; | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) if(t0[i]<0) t = min(t,-0.999*t0[i]); | |
y = sub(x,mul(d,t)); | |
z = sub(b,dot(A,y)); | |
if(!all(gt(z,0))) return { solution: x, message: "", iterations: count }; | |
x = y; | |
if(alpha<tol) return { solution: y, message: "", iterations: count }; | |
if(flag) { | |
var s = dot(c,g), Ag = dot(A,g); | |
unbounded = true; | |
for(i=n-1;i!==-1;--i) if(s*Ag[i]<0) { unbounded = false; break; } | |
} else { | |
if(x[m-1]>=0) unbounded = false; | |
else unbounded = true; | |
} | |
if(unbounded) return { solution: y, message: "Unbounded", iterations: count }; | |
} | |
return { solution: x, message: "maximum iteration count exceeded", iterations:count }; | |
}; | |
numeric._solveLP = function _solveLP(c,A,b,tol,maxit) { | |
var m = c.length, n = b.length,y; | |
var sum = numeric.sum, log = numeric.log, mul = numeric.mul, sub = numeric.sub, dot =, div = numeric.div, add = numeric.add; | |
var c0 = numeric.rep([m],0).concat([1]); | |
var J = numeric.rep([n,1],-1); | |
var A0 = numeric.blockMatrix([[A , |
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