Save dribnet/c33d5d9b552222b9adf87327975ddb07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
license: mit |
function Boyles_draw_one_frame(cur_frac) { | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
// Background | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(45, 93, 94); | |
rect(0, 0, width, height); | |
// Moon | |
fill(226, 252, 249); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(760, 100, 170); | |
// Bottom wave | |
fill(25, 67, 55); | |
stroke(16, 43, 36); | |
strokeWeight(3) | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(width + 10, height - height / 5); | |
vertex(width + 10, height + 10); | |
vertex(-10, height + 10); | |
vertex(-10, height - height / 5); | |
for (let i = 0; i < width; i++) { | |
let phase = cur_frac * 360 + 100; | |
let y = 5 * sin(i + phase) + 4 * sin(i); | |
vertex(i, height - height / 5 + y); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
// Trees | |
let treeKeyFrames = [ | |
-0.45 * width, | |
0.0 * width, | |
0.45 * width, | |
0.9 * width, | |
1.35 * width | |
]; | |
for (let i = 0; i < treeKeyFrames.length - 1; i++) { | |
let curTreeX = map(cur_frac, 0, 1, treeKeyFrames[i + 1], treeKeyFrames[i]); | |
tree(curTreeX, height - height / 8, height); | |
} | |
fill(25, 67, 55); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(width + 10, height - height / 5); | |
vertex(width + 10, height + 10); | |
vertex(-10, height + 10); | |
vertex(-10, height - height / 5); | |
for (let i = 0; i < width; i++) { | |
let phase = cur_frac * 360 + 100; | |
let y = 5 * sin(i + phase) + 4 * sin(i * 1.5); | |
vertex(i, height - height / 7 + y); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
// Top wave | |
fill(47, 84, 97, 150); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(width + 10, height / 15); | |
vertex(width + 10, -10); | |
vertex(-10, -10); | |
vertex(-10, height / 15); | |
for (let i = 0; i < width; i++) { | |
let phase = cur_frac * 360; | |
let y = 10 * sin(i + phase) + 4 * sin(i * 2.5 + 70); | |
vertex(i, height / 2 + y); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(width + 10, height / 15); | |
vertex(width + 10, -10); | |
vertex(-10, -10); | |
vertex(-10, height / 15); | |
for (let i = 0; i < width; i++) { | |
let phase = cur_frac * 360; | |
let y = 10 * sin(i + phase + 140) + 4 * sin(i * 3.5 + 70); | |
vertex(i, height / 5 + y); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
// Mist | |
fill(210, 10); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
rect(0, height - 110 - 5 * i, width, 100); | |
} | |
} | |
function tree(x, y, ch) { | |
let th = ch / 1.3; | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
// Trunk | |
stroke(12, 30, 40); | |
strokeWeight(th / 15); | |
line(0, 0, -th / 7, -th / 4); | |
strokeWeight(th / 17); | |
line(-th / 7, -th / 4, -th / 10, -3 * th / 5); | |
strokeWeight(th / 19); | |
line(-th / 10, -3 * th / 5, th / 6, -7 * th / 9); | |
branch(th / 6, -7 * th / 9, 3 * th / 10, -th, th, 21); | |
// Left branch | |
strokeWeight(th / 23); | |
line(-th / 10, -3 * th / 5, -th / 4, -5 * th / 7); | |
branch(-th / 4, -5 * th / 7, -3 * th / 8, -4.5 * th / 8, th, 25); | |
strokeWeight(th / 25); | |
line(-th / 4, -5 * th / 7, -3 * th / 10, -7 * th / 8); | |
strokeWeight(th / 27); | |
line(-3 * th / 10, -7 * th / 8, -th / 6, -th); | |
branch(-3 * th / 10, -7 * th / 8, -4.7 * th / 10, -7.4 * th / 8, th, 27); | |
branch(-th / 6, -th, -th / 30, -19 * th / 20, th, 29); | |
strokeWeight(th / 25); | |
line(th / 6, -7 * th / 9, 3.5 * th / 10, -5.5 * th / 8); | |
strokeWeight(th / 27); | |
branch(3.5 * th / 10, -5.5 * th / 8, 4 * th / 10, -th / 2, th, 27); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function branch(x1, y1, x2, y2, th, startW) { | |
let start = createVector(x1, y1); | |
let end = createVector(x2, y2); | |
let p1, p2; | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
p1 = p5.Vector.lerp(start, end, i * 0.1); | |
p2 = p5.Vector.lerp(start, end, (i + 1) * 0.1); | |
strokeWeight(th / (startW + i * 3)); | |
line(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y); | |
} | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
// var DEBUG_MODE = false; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 3; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// here's some examples for colors used | |
// const bg_color_boy = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i = 0; i < s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len, sum_y / s_len]; | |
} | |
function BoylesFace() { | |
this.line_color = 0; // can be either 0 (purple = masculine) or 1 (blue = feminine) | |
this.line_colors_arr = [[146, 9, 173], [64, 245, 233]]; | |
this.face_color = 100; // range is 80 to 230 | |
this.eye_color = 0; // range is 0 to 1 (darkness of hair) | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
// Draw mask backing | |
fill(this.face_color); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(-2, -1); | |
bezierVertex( | |
-2, 1, | |
-1, 2, | |
0, 2 | |
); | |
bezierVertex( | |
1, 2, | |
2, 1, | |
2, -1 | |
); | |
bezierVertex( | |
2, -2, | |
1.7, -3, | |
0, -3 | |
); | |
bezierVertex( | |
-1.7, -3, | |
-2, -2, | |
-2, -1 | |
); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
// Draw eyes | |
fill(20); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { | |
push(); | |
scale(1.15); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(i * 0.35, -0.8); | |
bezierVertex( | |
i * 0.32, -0.8, | |
i * 0.48, -1.08, | |
i * 0.69, -1.17 | |
); | |
bezierVertex( | |
i * 0.9, -1.25, | |
i * 1.2, -1.19, | |
i * 1.25, -1.1 | |
); | |
bezierVertex( | |
i * 1.27, -1.04, | |
i * 1.16, -0.92, | |
i * 1.13, -0.89 | |
); | |
bezierVertex( | |
i * 0.86, -0.65, | |
i * 0.36, -0.78, | |
i * 0.35, -0.8 | |
); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// Pupils | |
let pupilColor = lerpColor(color(255), color(148, 15, 6), this.eye_color); | |
fill(pupilColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(0.9, -1.1, 0.3); | |
ellipse(-0.9, -1.1, 0.3); | |
// Irises | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(0.9, -1.1, 0.15); | |
ellipse(-0.9, -1.1, 0.15); | |
// Draw lines | |
noFill() | |
let centre = this.calcBezierPoint([2, -1], [2, 1], [1, 2], [0, 2], 0.9); | |
let topSide = this.calcBezierPoint([0, -3], [-1.7, -3], [-2, -2], [-2, -1], 0.27); | |
let bottomSide = this.calcBezierPoint([-2, -1], [-2, 1], [-1, 2], [0, 2], 0.47); | |
let mouthOpeness = positions.bottom_lip[3][1] - positions.top_lip[3][1]; | |
let lineBrightness = int(map(mouthOpeness, 0.3, 0.7, 2, 5)); | |
let c = this.line_colors_arr[this.line_color]; | |
for (let j = lineBrightness + 1; j > -1; j--) { | |
if (j == 0) { | |
stroke(c[0], c[1], c[2]); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
} else if (j > lineBrightness) { | |
stroke(20); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
} else { | |
stroke(c[0], c[1], c[2], 100 - 15 * j); | |
strokeWeight(0.05 + j * 0.03); | |
} | |
line(0, -3, 0, -2.25); | |
for (let i = -1; i <= 1; i += 2) { | |
// Centre lines | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0, -2.25); | |
vertex(i * 0.17, -2); | |
vertex(i * 0.17, -0.3); | |
vertex(i * 0.5, -0.4); | |
vertex(i * 0.5, 0); | |
vertex(i * 0.17, 0.1); | |
vertex(i * centre.x, 0.4); | |
vertex(i * centre.x, centre.y); | |
endShape(); | |
// Top side lines | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(i * topSide.x, topSide.y); | |
vertex(i * topSide.x, -1.85); | |
vertex(i * -1.65, -1.55); | |
vertex(i * -1.65, -1); | |
endShape(); | |
let p = p5.Vector.lerp(createVector(i * topSide.x, -1.85), createVector(i * -1.65, -1.55), 0.6); | |
line(p.x, p.y, p.x, -2.2); | |
// Bottom side lines | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(i * bottomSide.x, bottomSide.y); | |
vertex(i * topSide.x, 1); | |
vertex(i * topSide.x, 0.3); | |
vertex(i * -1.65, 0); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// This function returns a point along a cubic bezier curve | |
this.calcBezierPoint = function(p0, p1, p2, p3, t) { | |
p0 = createVector(p0[0], p0[1]); | |
p1 = createVector(p1[0], p1[1]); | |
p2 = createVector(p2[0], p2[1]); | |
p3 = createVector(p3[0], p3[1]); | |
p0.mult(-1 * pow(t, 3) + 3 * pow(t, 2) - 3 * t + 1); | |
p1.mult(3 * pow(t, 3) - 6 * pow(t, 2) + 3 * t); | |
p2.mult(-3 * pow(t, 3) + 3 * pow(t, 2)); | |
p3.mult(pow(t, 3)); | |
return p0.add(p1.add(p2.add(p3))); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.line_color = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 1)); | |
this.face_color = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 80, 230); | |
this.eye_color = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(3); | |
settings[0] = map(this.line_color, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.face_color, 80, 230, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.eye_color, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
100, | |
83, | |
68 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
100, | |
95, | |
54 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
100, | |
98, | |
81 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
100, | |
76, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
0, | |
95, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
100, | |
94, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
100, | |
94, | |
73 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
100, | |
33, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
0, | |
97, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
0, | |
95, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
89 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
0, | |
97, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
0, | |
94, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
0, | |
92, | |
39 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
100, | |
93, | |
61 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
100, | |
99, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
0, | |
96, | |
68 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
100, | |
89, | |
59 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
0, | |
96, | |
46 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
98, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
0, | |
43, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
91, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
100, | |
94, | |
10 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
0, | |
96, | |
5 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
100, | |
90, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
100, | |
91, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
100, | |
23, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
100, | |
91, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
100, | |
91, | |
10 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
98, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
0, | |
95, | |
7.000000000000001 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
0, | |
88, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
0, | |
96, | |
28.000000000000004 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
100, | |
93, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
0, | |
94, | |
4 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
100, | |
90, | |
3 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
100, | |
96, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
0, | |
32, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
98, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
0, | |
69, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
95, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
0, | |
95, | |
8 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
100, | |
92, | |
87 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
100, | |
96, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
92, | |
8 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
91, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
100, | |
82, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
0, | |
90, | |
73 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
94, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
0, | |
82, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
88, | |
43 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
100, | |
82, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
87, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
100, | |
91, | |
49 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
94, | |
8 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
100, | |
95, | |
68 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
100, | |
92, | |
10 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
100, | |
90, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
100, | |
87, | |
43 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
100, | |
85, | |
67 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
100, | |
93, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
0, | |
96, | |
70 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
100, | |
87, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
100, | |
94, | |
78 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
0, | |
93, | |
45 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
100, | |
91, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
100, | |
77, | |
79 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
95, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
90, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
0, | |
96, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
47, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
100, | |
79, | |
10 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
100, | |
80, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
90, | |
28.000000000000004 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
100, | |
81, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
94, | |
12 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
100, | |
71, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
100, | |
86, | |
59 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
0, | |
23, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
0, | |
68, | |
11 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
96, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
100, | |
90, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
100, | |
93, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
0, | |
95, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
100, | |
88, | |
15 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
100, | |
88, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
100, | |
92, | |
67 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
100, | |
90, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
94, | |
63 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
100, | |
62, | |
14.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
94, | |
41 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
95, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
100, | |
81, | |
15 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
100, | |
91, | |
87 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
100, | |
92, | |
85 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
94, | |
12 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
100, | |
93, | |
18 | |
] | |
} |
const ease = new p5.Ease(); | |
function plainBanana(x, y) { | |
db = color(95, 76, 28); //Dark brown outline | |
yb = color(249, 227, 98); //Yellow fill | |
const lineWidth = 1; //stroke strokeWeight | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
stroke(db); //Banana outline | |
fill(yb); //Drawing the banana shape | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 18, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y + 14); | |
curveVertex(x + 10, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 27, y - 10); | |
curveVertex(x + 26, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 27); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 12, y - 9); | |
curveVertex(x, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 18, y + 12); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Detailed brown Stroke | |
stroke(db); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 17, y + 10); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 10, y + 10, x, y + 6); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 10, y + 2, x + 17, y - 5, x + 15, y - 18); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Detailed white stroke below the brown stroke | |
stroke(255); | |
strokeWeight(0.6); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 10, y + 10); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 10, y + 10, x, y + 7); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 10, y + 3, x + 17, y - 4, x + 15, y - 18); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Small white stroke | |
stroke(255); | |
strokeWeight(0.7); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x + 20, y - 10); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 22, y - 12, x + 23, y - 16); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Detailed yellow stroke above the brown stroke. Making the brown outline thiner | |
stroke(yb); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 10, y + 5); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 10, y + 5, x, y + 0.3); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 9, y - 4, x + 18, y - 14, x + 12, y - 11); | |
endShape(); | |
stroke(yb); //Bottom yellow line used for making the brown outline thiner | |
strokeWeight(1.9); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 2, y + 5); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x + 10, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 15, y - 2); | |
endShape(); | |
fill(db); //Banana butt | |
stroke(db); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 18, y + 9); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 17, y + 10, x - 18, y + 12); | |
endShape(); | |
// | |
// strokeWeight(lineWidth); //Banana butt detail 1 | |
// fill(db); | |
// beginShape(); | |
// curveVertex(x - 17, y + 8); | |
// curveVertex(x - 17, y + 9); | |
// curveVertex(x - 15, y + 12); | |
// curveVertex(x - 14, y + 12); | |
// curveVertex(x - 17, y + 12); | |
// curveVertex(x - 19, y + 11); | |
// endShape(CLOSE); | |
stroke(db); //Banana tip | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
ellipse(x + 22, y - 30, 4, 2); | |
stroke(yb); //Bottom yellow line used for shading | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); //Banana tip detail 1 | |
stroke(db); | |
fill(db); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y - 28); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 32); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 34); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(db); //Banana tip detail 3 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 20.9, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 27); | |
curveVertex(x + 21.3, y - 25); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(db); //Brown banana detail 1 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 7); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke() | |
fill(db); //Brown detail 3 on brown stroke | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 17, y - 6.4); | |
curveVertex(x + 18, y - 5.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 12, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y + 3); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke() | |
fill(255); //White banana detail 4 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 14, y + 10.4); | |
curveVertex(x - 12, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 8, y + 12.5); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y + 11); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x - 10, y + 9.8); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke() | |
fill(db); //Brown banana detail 5 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 15.3, y + 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 14, y + 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 12, y + 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 10, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y + 4.8); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 12, y + 6); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
function RipeBanana(x, y) { | |
//In this function we draw the light brown banana | |
db = color(95, 76, 28); //Dark brown | |
yb = color(198, 178, 79); //Off yellow fill | |
const lineWidth = 1; //stroke strokeWeight | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
stroke(db); //Banana outline | |
fill(yb); //Drawing the banana shape | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 18, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y + 14); | |
curveVertex(x + 10, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 27, y - 10); | |
curveVertex(x + 26, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 27); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 12, y - 9); | |
curveVertex(x, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 18, y + 12); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Detailed brown Stroke | |
stroke(db); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 17, y + 10); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 10, y + 10, x, y + 6); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 10, y + 2, x + 17, y - 5, x + 15, y - 18); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Detailed white stroke below the brown stroke | |
stroke(255, 255, 255, 150); | |
strokeWeight(0.6); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 10, y + 10); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 10, y + 10, x, y + 7); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 10, y + 3, x + 17, y - 4, x + 15, y - 18); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Small white stroke | |
stroke(255, 255, 255, 150); | |
strokeWeight(0.7); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x + 20, y - 10); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 22, y - 12, x + 23, y - 16); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Detailed yellow stroke above the brown stroke. Making the brown outline thiner | |
stroke(yb); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 10, y + 5); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 10, y + 5, x, y + 0.3); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 9, y - 4, x + 18, y - 14, x + 12, y - 11); | |
endShape(); | |
stroke(yb); //Bottom yellow line used for making the brown outline thiner | |
strokeWeight(1.9); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 2, y + 5); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x + 10, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 15, y - 2); | |
endShape(); | |
fill(db); //Banana butt | |
stroke(db); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 18, y + 9); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 17, y + 10, x - 18, y + 12); | |
endShape(); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); //Banana butt detail 1 | |
fill(db); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 17, y + 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 17, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 14, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 17, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 19, y + 11); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
stroke(db); //Banana tip | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
ellipse(x + 22, y - 30, 4, 2); | |
stroke(yb); //Bottom yellow line used for shading | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); //Banana tip detail 1 | |
stroke(db); | |
fill(db); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y - 28); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 32); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 34); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(db); //Banana tip detail 2 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 19, y - 19); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 22); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 15, y - 20); | |
endShape(); | |
fill(db); //Banana tip detail 3 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 20.9, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 27); | |
curveVertex(x + 21.3, y - 25); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(db); //Brown banana detail 1 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 7); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke() | |
fill(db); //Brown detail 3 on brown stroke | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 17, y - 6.4); | |
curveVertex(x + 18, y - 5.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 12, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y + 3); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke() | |
fill(255, 255, 255, 150); //White banana detail 4 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 14, y + 10.4); | |
curveVertex(x - 12, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 8, y + 12.5); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y + 11); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x - 10, y + 9.8); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke() | |
fill(db); //Brown banana detail 5 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 15.3, y + 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 14, y + 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 12, y + 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 10, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y + 4.8); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 12, y + 6); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
function offsetAnimation(curFrac, offsetAMT) { | |
//In this function we create the offset time for the different bananas | |
let newFrac = curFrac; | |
for (let i = 0; i <= offsetAMT; i += 0.01) { | |
newFrac += 0.01; | |
if (newFrac >= 1) { | |
newFrac = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
return newFrac; | |
} | |
function banana(x, y, curFrac) { | |
//In this function we draw the banana that chnages colours | |
//Basic varables | |
colorMode(RGB); | |
var strokeColor; | |
var whiteShine = color(255, 255, 255, 70); | |
const lineWidth = 1; //stroke strokeWeight | |
//Variables for lerp colours | |
let from = color(249, 227, 98); //Light brown | |
let to = color(124, 92, 41); //Dark Brown | |
let strokeFrom = color(81, 64, 24); //Light brown | |
let strokeTo = color(95, 76, 28); //Dark Brown | |
//Creating the lerp color for the banana peel | |
if (curFrac < 0.1) { | |
bananaColor = lerpColor(from, to, curFrac*2); | |
strokeColor = lerpColor(strokeTo, strokeFrom, curFrac); | |
} else { | |
bananaColor = lerpColor(to, from, curFrac); | |
strokeColor = lerpColor(strokeFrom, strokeTo, curFrac); | |
} | |
//Drawing the bananas | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
stroke(strokeColor); //Banana outline | |
fill(bananaColor); //Drawing the banana shape | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 18, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y + 14); | |
curveVertex(x + 10, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 27, y - 10); | |
curveVertex(x + 26, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 27); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 12, y - 9); | |
curveVertex(x, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 18, y + 12); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Detailed brown Stroke | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 17, y + 10); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 10, y + 10, x, y + 6); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 10, y + 2, x + 17, y - 5, x + 15, y - 18); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Detailed white stroke below the brown stroke | |
stroke(whiteShine); | |
strokeWeight(0.6); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 10, y + 10); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 10, y + 10, x, y + 7); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 10, y + 3, x + 17, y - 4, x + 15, y - 18); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Small white stroke | |
stroke(whiteShine); | |
strokeWeight(0.7); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x + 20, y - 10); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 22, y - 12, x + 23, y - 16); | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); //Detailed yellow stroke above the brown stroke. Making the brown outline thiner | |
stroke(bananaColor); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 10, y + 5); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 10, y + 5, x, y + 0.3); | |
quadraticVertex(x + 9, y - 4, x + 18, y - 14, x + 12, y - 11); | |
endShape(); | |
stroke(bananaColor); //Bottom yellow line used for making the brown outline thiner | |
strokeWeight(1.9); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 2, y + 5); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x + 10, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 15, y - 2); | |
endShape(); | |
fill(strokeColor); //Banana butt | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - 18, y + 9); | |
quadraticVertex(x - 17, y + 10, x - 18, y + 12); | |
endShape(); | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); //Banana butt detail 1 | |
fill(strokeColor); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 17, y + 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 17, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 14, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 17, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 19, y + 11); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
stroke(strokeColor); //Banana tip | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); | |
ellipse(x + 22, y - 30, 4, 2); | |
stroke(bananaColor); //Bottom yellow line used for shading | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth); //Banana tip detail 1 | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
fill(strokeColor); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y - 28); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 32); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 34); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(strokeColor); //Banana tip detail 2 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 19, y - 19); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 22); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 20, y - 20); | |
curveVertex(x + 15, y - 20); | |
endShape(); | |
fill(strokeColor); //Banana tip detail 3 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 20.9, y - 30); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y - 25); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 27); | |
curveVertex(x + 21.3, y - 25); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(strokeColor); //Brown banana detail 1 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 23, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 22, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 24, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 21, y - 7); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(strokeColor); //Brown banana detail 2 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 13, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 14, y + 3); | |
curveVertex(x + 14, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 13, y + 4); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke() | |
fill(strokeColor); //Brown detail 3 on brown stroke | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 17, y - 6.4); | |
curveVertex(x + 18, y - 5.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 12, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y + 3); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke() | |
fill(whiteShine); //White banana detail 4 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 14, y + 10.4); | |
curveVertex(x - 12, y + 12); | |
curveVertex(x - 8, y + 12.5); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y + 11); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x - 10, y + 9.8); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke() | |
fill(strokeColor); //Brown banana detail 5 | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 15, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 15.3, y + 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 14, y + 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 12, y + 7); //Play with this one | |
curveVertex(x - 10, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y + 4.8); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 12, y + 6); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
function bananaPeel(x, y, transparency, newFrac) { | |
//In this function we draw the banana peel. | |
var bananaColor1 = color(249, 227, 98, transparency); //Light brown outside | |
var bananaColor2 = color(95, 76, 28, transparency); //Light fill | |
var bananaColor3 = color(155, 120, 49, transparency); //Dark brown | |
var bananaInside = color(248, 236, 166, transparency); | |
const lineWidth2 = 0.3; //stroke strokeWeight | |
strokeWeight(lineWidth2); | |
stroke(bananaColor2); | |
fill(bananaColor3); | |
//Changing varaibles for the scaling of the banana peels | |
var scaleStart = 0; | |
var scalePreMid = 1.5; | |
var scaleMid = 3; | |
var scalePreEnd = 2; | |
var scaleEnd = 0; | |
let scalePeel; | |
//Scaling according to the time | |
if (newFrac <= 0.2) { | |
scalePeel = map(newFrac, 0, 0.2, scaleStart, scaleMid); | |
} else if (newFrac <= 0.8) { | |
scalePeel = map(newFrac, 0.2, 0.8, scaleMid, scalePreEnd); | |
} else { | |
scalePeel = map(newFrac, 0.8, 1, scalePreEnd, scaleEnd); | |
} | |
scale(scalePeel); | |
//Left side of banana peel | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 4, y + 2); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 1); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//Right side of banana peel | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x + 3, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 4, y + 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 4, y + 3); | |
curveVertex(x + 7, y + 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//Inside of the banana peel | |
push(); | |
//Left side of the inside of banana peel | |
fill(bananaInside); | |
stroke(bananaColor2); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 4, y + 1); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 1); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//Right side of the inside of banana peel | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x + 3, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 4.5, y + 1); | |
curveVertex(x + 5, y + 2.9); | |
curveVertex(x + 7, y + 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//Middle the inside of banana peel | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x - 2, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y + 2.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y + 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 3, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 1); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function bananaAnimation(newFrac, transparency) { | |
//In the function we animate the banana peel we drew in function bananaPeel(). | |
//Declaring variables for the animation of the peel. | |
fill(100, 120, 200); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
//Adding easy ease | |
const easeAmount = ease.doubleCircularOgee(newFrac, 0.5); | |
//The start, mid and end points for the banana peel | |
let startX = 25; | |
let startY = -32; | |
let midX = 6; | |
let midY = 2; | |
let endX = -22; | |
let endY = 11; | |
//Rotation variables | |
rot1 = 0; | |
rot2 = 15; | |
rot3 = 45; | |
//Changing varaibles of the peels | |
let curX; | |
let curY; | |
let rotation; | |
//Creating transparency variables for the banana peel | |
var transpStart = 70; | |
var transpMid = 255; | |
var transpEnd = 150; | |
var transparency; | |
//Creating the animationn of the banana peel | |
if (newFrac < 0.5) { | |
curX = map(newFrac, 0, 0.5, startX, midX); | |
curY = map(newFrac, 0, 0.5, startY, midY); | |
rotation = map(easeAmount, 0, 0.5, rot1, rot2); | |
transparency = map(easeAmount, 0, 0.5, transpStart, transpMid); | |
} else { | |
curX = map(newFrac, 0.5, 1, midX, endX); | |
curY = map(newFrac, 0.5, 1, midY, endY); | |
rotation = map(easeAmount, 0.5, 1, rot2, rot3); | |
transparency = map(easeAmount, 0.5, 1, transpMid, transpEnd); | |
} | |
//Calling the bananaPeel function and translating it | |
push(); | |
translate(curX, curY); | |
rotate(rotation); | |
bananaPeel(0, 0, transparency, newFrac); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function bruwer_draw_one_frame(curFrac) { | |
//In this function we draw everything accroding to the 1 second time frame | |
noStroke(); | |
//Background | |
fill(159, 215, 212); | |
rect(0, 0, width, height); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
//Size of the banana in the grid | |
let bananaScale = height / 320; | |
//Variables for the grid | |
let numRows = 5; | |
let numCols = 8; | |
let cellWidth = width / (numCols + 1); | |
let cellHeight = height / (numRows + 1); | |
//Variables for the noise | |
let smoothness = 5; | |
let maxCycleOffset = 0.3; | |
let scaledOffsety = cellHeight / bananaScale; | |
let scaledOffsetx = cellWidth / bananaScale; | |
let b1_y = 0.55 * height; | |
let b2_y = 0.65 * height; | |
let b1_size = height / 12; | |
let b2_size = height / 6; | |
//Vataibles for the difference in peeling times | |
let offsetArray = [0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.9, 0.7, 0.6, 0.1, 0.4] | |
let newFrac; | |
//The grid of bananas | |
for (let j = 0; j < numRows; j++) { | |
let curY = (j + 1.1) * cellHeight; | |
for (let i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { | |
let curX = (i + 0.9) * cellWidth; | |
//Noises | |
let nudgeLeft = getNoiseValue(curX, curY, curFrac, "nudgeRight", 0, -2, smoothness); | |
let nudgeDown = getNoiseValue(curX, curY, curFrac, "nudgeDown", 0, 2, smoothness); | |
let cycle_offset = getNoiseValue(curX, curY, curFrac, "peelOffset", 0, maxCycleOffset, smoothness); | |
let movement = getNoiseValue(curX, curY, curFrac, "Wiggles", -b1_size * 0.75, b1_size * 0.75, 100); | |
//The if statement determines the grid layout of the 3 different bananas | |
if ((i + j) % 3 == 0) { | |
push(); | |
translate(curX, curY + movement / 9); | |
scale(bananaScale); | |
plainBanana(0, 0); | |
pop(); | |
} else if ((i + j) % 3 == 1) { | |
push(); | |
translate(curX + nudgeLeft, curY + nudgeDown); | |
scale(bananaScale); | |
RipeBanana(0, 0) | |
pop(); | |
} else { | |
push(); | |
translate(curX + nudgeLeft, curY + nudgeDown); | |
scale(bananaScale); | |
banana(0, 0, curFrac); | |
// console.log(newFrac); | |
newFrac = offsetAnimation(curFrac, offsetArray[i]); | |
cycleFrac = (newFrac + cycle_offset) % 1.0; | |
bananaAnimation(newFrac, cycleFrac); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
// var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 7; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// here's some examples for colors used | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function BruwerFace() { | |
this.thinnessValue = 5; | |
this.eyeSpaceValue = 2; | |
this.headHeightValue = 5; | |
this.eyeSizeValue = 5; | |
this.mouthHeightValue = 5; | |
this.mouthScaleValue = 5; | |
this.draw_segment = function(segment, do_loop) { | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
ellipse(px, py, 0.1); | |
if (i < segment.length - 1) { | |
let nx = segment[i + 1][0]; | |
let ny = segment[i + 1][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} else if (do_loop) { | |
let nx = segment[0][0]; | |
let ny = segment[0][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
// print(positions); | |
//Basic variable set up | |
scale(0.3); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
const strokeColor = [0]; | |
const offWhite = [225, 225, 255, 90]; | |
//For the eyelashes | |
let symmetry = 12; | |
let angle = 360 / 12; | |
//For drawing custom shapes | |
var x = 0; | |
var y = 0; | |
//Face and Hair colors | |
let hairColor1 = color(229, 182, 90); //Blonde | |
let hairColor2 = color(218, 53, 50); //Orange | |
let hairColor3 = color(180, 33, 65); //Red | |
let hairColor4 = color(107, 66, 39); //Brown | |
let hairColor5 = color(36, 37, 40); //Black | |
let noHairColor = color(183, 183, 183); //Grey | |
let faceColor1 = color(255, 226, 197); //Light skin tone | |
let faceColor2 = color(255, 221, 170); //Warmer skin tone | |
let faceColor4 = color(179, 129, 88); //Darker skin tone | |
let faceColor5 = color(137, 96, 65); //Darkest skin tone | |
const cheekColour = [255, 108, 126, 60]; | |
const contourColour = [0, 0, 0, 30]; | |
let ethnicity = this.faceColor; | |
let skinTone; | |
let hairTone = this.hairColor; | |
let hairColor; | |
//Setting up the face color for the slider | |
if (ethnicity == 1) { | |
skinTone = faceColor1 //Fare skin tone | |
} else if (ethnicity == 2) { | |
skinTone = faceColor2 //Olive skin tone | |
} else if (ethnicity == 3) { | |
skinTone = faceColor4 //Warm skin tone | |
} else { | |
skinTone = faceColor5 //Dark skin tone | |
} | |
//Setting up the hair color for the slider | |
if (hairTone == 1) { | |
hairColor = hairColor1 //Blonde | |
} else if (hairTone == 2) { | |
hairColor = hairColor2 //orange | |
} else if (hairTone == 3) { | |
hairColor = hairColor3 //Red | |
} else if (hairTone == 4) { | |
hairColor = hairColor4 //Brown | |
} else if (hairTone == 5) { | |
hairColor = hairColor5 //Black | |
} else { | |
hairColor = noHairColor; | |
} | |
//Face mappings mouth | |
let mouthPosX = average_point(positions.top_lip); | |
let mouthPosY = average_point(positions.bottom_lip); | |
let max = this.mouthHeightValue; | |
let dMouth = dist(mouthPosX[0], mouthPosX[1], mouthPosY[0], mouthPosY[1]); | |
let mouthWidth = map(dMouth, 0, max, 0, 10); | |
let mouthHeight = map(dMouth, 0, max, 0, 25); | |
let topLipPos = positions.top_lip[9]; | |
let bottomLipPos = positions.bottom_lip[9]; | |
let d = dist(topLipPos[0], topLipPos[1], bottomLipPos[0], bottomLipPos[1]); | |
//How big the smile is | |
if (d < 0.1) { | |
d = 0.02; | |
} | |
mouth = map(d, 0, 0.5, 0, 10); | |
let mouthSize = map(mouth, 0, 10, 0, 2); | |
//Face mappings nose + eyes + eyebrows | |
let leftEye1 = positions.left_eye[0]; | |
let leftEye2 = positions.left_eye[5]; | |
let rightEye1 = positions.left_eye[0]; | |
let rightEye2 = positions.left_eye[5]; | |
let noseTop = positions.nose_bridge[0]; | |
let noseBottom = positions.nose_bridge[3]; | |
let leftEyePos = average_point(positions.left_eye); | |
let rightEyePos = average_point(positions.right_eye); | |
let leftEyebrow = average_point(positions.left_eyebrow); | |
let rightEyebrow = average_point(positions.right_eyebrow); | |
//Position of eyes | |
leftEyePos[0] *= 3; | |
leftEyePos[1] *= 0.8; | |
rightEyePos[0] *= 3; | |
rightEyePos[1] *= 0.8; | |
//Positions for the face | |
let facePosition = average_point(positions.chin); | |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
if (this.gender > 0 && this.gender <= 1) { //Masculine | |
fill(skinTone); | |
//Hair | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1] - 1.5, this.thinnessValue + 1, this.headHeightValue - 2); | |
pop(); | |
//Head | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1], this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue); | |
pop(); | |
//Eyes | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0], leftEyePos[1], leftEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0], rightEyePos[1], rightEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
//Eye shine details | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255, 255, 255, 50); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0] - 0.2, leftEye1[1], 0.3, 0.3); //Left eye | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0] - 0.2, rightEye1[1] + 0.1, 0.3, 0.3); //Right eye | |
pop(); | |
//Nose | |
push(); | |
stroke(contourColour); | |
strokeWeight(0.20); | |
line(noseTop[0], noseTop[1] + 1.3, noseBottom[0], noseBottom[1] + 1.7); | |
pop(); | |
//Eyebrows | |
push(); | |
rotate(-20); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
arc(leftEyePos[0] + .5, leftEyePos[1] - 2, 2, 0.2, 180, 0); //Left eyebrow | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
rotate(20); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
arc(rightEyePos[0] - .5, rightEyePos[1] - 2, 2, 0.2, 180, 0); //Right eyebrow | |
pop(); | |
//The Moustach | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
translate(noseBottom[1] + 1, noseBottom[1] + 2.2); | |
rotate(10); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 2.5, 1.2); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate(-noseBottom[1] - 1, noseBottom[1] + 2.2); | |
rotate(-10); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 2.5, 1.2); | |
pop(); | |
//Mouth | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(0, this.mouthScaleValue, mouthWidth, mouthSize, 0, 180); | |
//Creates a outline of the shape to give the rough drawn technique | |
push(); | |
var outline = true; | |
if (outline) { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
//Head outline | |
push(); | |
translate(0 - 0.3, 0 + 0.5); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1], this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue, this.headRoundnessValue); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//Hair | |
//Left hair | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
triangle(-7.5, -3.5, -4.5, -9, 5, -3.5); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair middle cover up | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(1.2, -4.8); | |
rotate(30); | |
ellipse(0, -1, 6.5, 3.2); | |
pop(); | |
//Right hair | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(0.5, -4); | |
rotate(55); | |
triangle(-3, -3.5, 1, -5.5, 3, -3.5); | |
pop(); | |
//middle hair | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(-2, -4); | |
rotate(40); | |
triangle(-3, -3.5, 1, -5.5, 3, -3.5); | |
pop(); | |
//middle hair | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(2, -1); | |
rotate(40); | |
triangle(-3, -3.5, 1, -5.5, 3, -3.5); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair detail | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(0.5, -1.5); | |
rotate(35); | |
triangle(-3, -3.5, 1, -5.5, 3, -3.5); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair detail | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(-0, -1.5); | |
rotate(-35); | |
triangle(-3, -3.5, 1, -5.5, 3, -3.5); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair detail | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(-3.2, -4); | |
rotate(45); | |
triangle(-3, -3.5, 1, -5.5, 3, -3.5); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair detail | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(-1.5, -1); | |
rotate(-40); | |
triangle(-3, -3.5, 1, -5.5, 3, -3.5); | |
pop(); | |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
} else if (this.gender > 1 && this.gender <= 2) { //Gender neuteral | |
fill(skinTone); | |
//Hair | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1] - 1.5, this.thinnessValue + 1, this.headHeightValue - 2); | |
pop(); | |
//Head | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1], this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue); | |
pop(); | |
//Eyes | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0], leftEyePos[1], leftEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0], rightEyePos[1], rightEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
//Eye shine details | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255, 255, 255, 50); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0] - 0.2, leftEye1[1], 0.3, 0.3); //Left eye | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0] - 0.2, rightEye1[1] + 0.1, 0.3, 0.3); //Right eye | |
pop(); | |
//Nose | |
push(); | |
stroke(contourColour); | |
strokeWeight(0.20); | |
line(noseTop[0], noseTop[1] + 1.3, noseBottom[0], noseBottom[1] + 1.7); | |
pop(); | |
//Eyebrows | |
push(); | |
rotate(-20); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
arc(leftEyePos[0] + .5, leftEyePos[1] - 2, 2, 0.2, 180, 0); //Left eyebrow | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
rotate(20); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
arc(rightEyePos[0] - .5, rightEyePos[1] - 2, 2, 0.2, 180, 0); //Right eyebrow | |
pop(); | |
//Mouth | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(0, this.mouthScaleValue, mouthWidth, mouthSize, 0, 180); | |
//Creates a outline of the shape to give the rough drawn technique | |
push(); | |
var outline = true; | |
if (outline) { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
//Head outline | |
push(); | |
translate(0 - 0.3, 0 + 0.5); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1], this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue, this.headRoundnessValue); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//Hair | |
push(); | |
scale(1); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(facePosition[0], facePosition[1] - 1.6); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 6.2); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 6.2); | |
curveVertex(x - 3.2, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y - 2.5); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 1.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 5, y - 2.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 3.2, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 6.2); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair texture | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] + 3.1, facePosition[1] - 12); | |
rotate(200); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair texture | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] + 4.7, facePosition[1] - 11); | |
rotate(220); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Right Cheek details | |
push(); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
translate(6, 0.7); | |
line(-2.5, 0.5, -2.25, 0.25); | |
line(-2.9, 0.5, -2.65, 0.25); | |
pop(); | |
//Left Cheek details | |
push(); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
translate(-6, 0.7); | |
line(2.5, 0.25, 2.25, 0.5); | |
line(2.9, 0.25, 2.65, 0.5); | |
pop(); | |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
} else if (this.gender > 2 && this.gender <= 3) { //Plain Jane also gender neuteral | |
fill(skinTone); | |
push(); | |
translate(0, 0); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
rect(-6.95, -9.1, 13.9, 14, 25, 25, 0, 0); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair | |
push(); | |
translate(0, 0); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y - 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 7.8, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 8, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x, y + 9.8); | |
curveVertex(x + 8, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x + 7.8, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 5, y - 7); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Head | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(0, 0, this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue); | |
pop(); | |
//Mouth | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(0, this.mouthScaleValue, mouthWidth, mouthSize, 0, 180); | |
//Creates a outline of the shape to give the rough drawn technique | |
push(); | |
var outline = true; | |
if (outline) { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
//Head outline | |
push(); | |
translate(0 - 0.3, 0 + 0.5); | |
ellipse(0, 0, this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue, this.headRoundnessValue); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair | |
push(); | |
translate(-0.3, 0.3); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y - 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 7.8, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 8, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x, y + 9.8); | |
curveVertex(x + 8, y + 10); | |
curveVertex(x + 7.8, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 5, y - 7); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//Hair | |
push(); | |
translate(0, 0); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
rect(-4, -8, 8, 2.4, 25, 25, 0, 0); | |
pop(); | |
//Part of the hair right | |
push(); | |
translate(0.7, 4.3); | |
rotate(50); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(-4, -8, 7, 2.5); | |
pop(); | |
//Part of the hair left | |
push(); | |
translate(4.2, -2.2); | |
rotate(-55); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(-4, -8, 7, 2.5); | |
pop(); | |
//Fringe details | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
translate(0, 1.8); | |
noStroke(); | |
//Left fringe | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 2, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y - 2); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y - 2); | |
curveVertex(x - 4, y - 7); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//Left fringe individual hair stroke | |
push(); | |
translate(0.1, 0.6); | |
rotate(-14); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 2, y - 5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Left fringe individual hair stroke | |
push(); | |
translate(2, -1); | |
rotate(-20); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 2, y - 5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Right fringe | |
push(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 0.5, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 0.5, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y - 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 6.8, y - 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 4, y - 7); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Right fringe individual hair stroke | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(-1, 0); | |
rotate(13); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
//Eyes | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0], leftEyePos[1], leftEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0], rightEyePos[1], rightEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
//Eye shine details | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(offWhite); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0] - 0.2, leftEye1[1], 0.3, 0.3); //Left eye | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0] - 0.2, rightEye1[1] + 0.1, 0.3, 0.3); //Right eye | |
pop(); | |
//Creates a outline of the fringe details shape to give the rough drawn technique | |
push(); | |
var outline = true; | |
if (outline) { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
//Fringe details | |
//Left fringe | |
push(); | |
translate(-0.5, 1.8); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y - 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y - 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y - 2); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y - 2); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
translate(-0.5, 0.1); | |
//Left strands of hair | |
push(); | |
translate(0.5, 1.8); | |
rotate(-6); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.6, y - 7.8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.6, y - 7.8); | |
curveVertex(x - 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 1.5, y - 5.9); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//Right fringe | |
push(); | |
translate(0.1, 1.1); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y - 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 6.8, y - 2); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//Right strands of hair | |
push(); | |
translate(0.6, 2.5); | |
rotate(10); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 1.5, y - 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x - 1.5, y - 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x - 1.2, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 2.2, y - 5); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
} else if (this.gender > 3 && this.gender <= 4) { //Fem | |
fill(skinTone); | |
//Hair | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0], facePosition[1]); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8.3); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8.3); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y - 8.7); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x - 8, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 9, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x, y + 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 9, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x + 8, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 7, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 3, y - 8.9); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8.3); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Head | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1], this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue); | |
pop(); | |
//Mouth | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(0, this.mouthScaleValue, mouthWidth, mouthSize, 0, 180); | |
//Creates a outline of the shape to give the rough drawn technique | |
push(); | |
var outline = true; | |
if (outline) { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
//Head outline | |
push(); | |
translate(0 - 0.3, 0 + 0.5); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1], this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue, this.headRoundnessValue); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair outline | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] - 0.3, facePosition[1] + 0.3); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8.3); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8.3); | |
curveVertex(x - 3, y - 8.7); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x - 8, y); | |
curveVertex(x - 9, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x, y + 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 9, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x + 8, y); | |
curveVertex(x + 7, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 3, y - 8.9); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 8.3); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//Fringe | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(facePosition[0], facePosition[1] - 0.5); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 7.5); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 7.5); | |
curveVertex(x - 5, y - 6.5); | |
curveVertex(x - 5.5, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 5.5, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x + 4.5, y - 6.5); | |
curveVertex(x, y - 7.5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Fringe details | |
//Right texture | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] + 7, facePosition[1] + 2.8); | |
rotate(-45); | |
fill(skinTone); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 2, y - 5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Right texture | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] + 9, facePosition[1] + 2); | |
rotate(-50); | |
fill(skinTone); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x - 2, y - 5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Left texture | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] - 6.5, facePosition[1] + 2.8); | |
rotate(45); | |
fill(skinTone); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Left texture | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] - 9, facePosition[1] + 2); | |
rotate(50); | |
fill(skinTone); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.5, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Eyes | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0], leftEyePos[1], leftEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0], rightEyePos[1], rightEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
//Eye shine details | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(offWhite); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0] - 0.2, leftEye1[1], 0.3, 0.3); //Left eye | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0] - 0.2, rightEye1[1] + 0.1, 0.3, 0.3); //Right eye | |
pop(); | |
//Cheeks | |
push(); | |
fill(cheekColour); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(-3, 1.1, 1.5, 0.8); | |
ellipse(3, 1.1, 1.5, 0.8); | |
pop(); | |
//Right Cheek details | |
push(); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
translate(5.6, 0.7); | |
line(-2.5, 0.5, -2.25, 0.25); | |
line(-2.9, 0.5, -2.65, 0.25); | |
pop(); | |
//Left Cheek details | |
push(); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
translate(-5.6, 0.7); | |
line(2.5, 0.25, 2.25, 0.5); | |
line(2.9, 0.25, 2.65, 0.5); | |
pop(); | |
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// | |
} else if (this.gender > 4 && this.gender <= 5) { //Most Fem | |
fill(skinTone); | |
//Hair | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0], facePosition[1]); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 2.5, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 2.5, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.5, y - 9.4); | |
curveVertex(x - 4, y - 9.4); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y - 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 8, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x - 9.7, y + 2); | |
curveVertex(x - 9, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 10, y + 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 9, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x - 5.7, y + 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y + 9.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 4, y + 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 8, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x + 10, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 8.5, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 9, y + 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 7, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y - 7.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 2.5, y - 8); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//Head | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1], this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue); | |
pop(); | |
//Mouth | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(0, this.mouthScaleValue, mouthWidth, mouthSize, 0, 180); | |
//Creates a outline of the shape to give the rough drawn technique | |
push(); | |
var outline = true; | |
if (outline) { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
//Head outline | |
push(); | |
translate(0 - 0.3, 0 + 0.5); | |
ellipse(facePosition[0], facePosition[1], this.thinnessValue, this.headHeightValue, this.headRoundnessValue); | |
pop(); | |
//Hair outline | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] - 0.3, facePosition[1] + 0.3); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 2.5, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 2.5, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.5, y - 9.4); | |
curveVertex(x - 4, y - 9.4); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y - 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 8, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x - 9.7, y + 2); | |
curveVertex(x - 9, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 10, y + 7); | |
curveVertex(x - 9, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x - 5.7, y + 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x - 1, y + 9.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 4, y + 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 8, y + 9); | |
curveVertex(x + 10, y + 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 8.5, y + 4); | |
curveVertex(x + 9, y + 2); | |
curveVertex(x + 7, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y - 7.5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//Fringe | |
//Left fringe | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(facePosition[0], facePosition[1] + 2); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 1.8, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 1.8, y - 8); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.5, y - 4.8); | |
curveVertex(x - 4, y - 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y - 1); | |
curveVertex(x - 7, y - 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y - 8.1); | |
curveVertex(x - 9, y - 6); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//Right fridge | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(facePosition[0], facePosition[1] + 2); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 1.5, y - 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 1.5, y - 8.5); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y - 3); | |
curveVertex(x + 5.7, y - 6.9); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
translate(facePosition[0], facePosition[1]); | |
noStroke(); | |
rect(-5, -7.5, 10, 3); | |
pop(); | |
//Creates a outline of the shape to give the rough drawn technique | |
push(); | |
var outline = true; | |
if (outline) { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
//fringe details | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] - 0.4, facePosition[1] + 1.8); | |
//Left frindge | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 1.35, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 1.35, y - 6); | |
curveVertex(x + 0.4, y - 4.8); | |
curveVertex(x - 4, y - 4); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y - 2); | |
curveVertex(x - 6, y - 3); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//Right fringe | |
push(); | |
translate(facePosition[0] + 0.2, facePosition[1] + 1.8); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x + 1.5, y - 7); | |
curveVertex(x + 1.5, y - 7); | |
curveVertex(x + 2, y - 5); | |
curveVertex(x + 6, y - 3); | |
curveVertex(x + 5, y - 6); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//Left eyelashes | |
push(); | |
translate(leftEyePos[0], leftEyePos[1] - 0.2); | |
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
rotate(angle); | |
line(0, 0, 0.6, 0); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//Right eyelashes | |
push(); | |
translate(rightEyePos[0], rightEyePos[1] - 0.2); | |
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) { | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(strokeColor); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
rotate(angle); | |
line(0, 0, 0.6, 0); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//Eyes | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0], leftEyePos[1], leftEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0], rightEyePos[1], rightEye2[0], leftEye2[1]); | |
//Eye shine details | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(offWhite); | |
ellipse(leftEyePos[0] - 0.2, leftEye1[1], 0.3, 0.3); //Left eye | |
ellipse(rightEyePos[0] - 0.2, rightEye1[1] + 0.1, 0.3, 0.3); //Right eye | |
pop(); | |
//Cheeks | |
push(); | |
fill(cheekColour); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(-3, 1.1, 1.5, 0.8); | |
ellipse(3, 1.1, 1.5, 0.8); | |
pop(); | |
//Right Cheek details | |
push(); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
translate(5.6, 0.7); | |
line(-2.5, 0.5, -2.25, 0.25); | |
line(-2.9, 0.5, -2.65, 0.25); | |
pop(); | |
//Left Cheek details | |
push(); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
translate(-5.6, 0.7); | |
line(2.5, 0.25, 2.25, 0.5); | |
line(2.9, 0.25, 2.65, 0.5); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//Sliders | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.thinnessValue = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 10.5, 12.5); | |
this.headHeightValue = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 13, 15); | |
this.mouthHeightValue = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 1, 4); | |
this.mouthScaleValue = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 2.5, 4); | |
this.faceColor = int(map(settings[4], 0, 100, 1, 4)); | |
this.hairColor = int(map(settings[5], 0, 100, 1, 6)); | |
this.gender = map(settings[6], 0, 100, 1, 5); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(1); | |
settings[0] = map(this.thinnessValue, 10.5, 12.5, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.headHeightValue, 13, 15, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.mouthHeightValue, 1, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.mouthScaleValue, 2.5, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.faceColor, 1, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.hairColor, 1, 6, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = map(this.gender, 1, 5, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} | |
// given an array of [x,y] points, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
7.000000000000028, | |
74.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
0, | |
71, | |
0, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
40, | |
40 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
0, | |
47.000000000000064, | |
20, | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
46, | |
71, | |
0, | |
88.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
60, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
11.000000000000032, | |
79, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
0, | |
98.00000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
75, | |
80, | |
46 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
16.999999999999993, | |
79.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
11.000000000000032, | |
30.99999999999996, | |
0, | |
76.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
24.00000000000002, | |
11.999999999999995, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
40.000000000000036, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
12 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
0, | |
24.00000000000002, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
19 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
58.00000000000001, | |
79.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
8.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
20.999999999999996, | |
41.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
23.000000000000043, | |
79, | |
0, | |
71, | |
0, | |
0, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
40.000000000000036, | |
33.00000000000001, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
63.00000000000002, | |
0, | |
60, | |
12 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
67, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
38 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
29.000000000000004, | |
67, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
8.999999999999986, | |
40.000000000000036, | |
9.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
25, | |
0, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
80, | |
21.999999999999996 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
80, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
68.99999999999994, | |
0, | |
88.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
80, | |
89.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
0, | |
32.00000000000003, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
69, | |
0, | |
60, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
80, | |
72 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
0, | |
79.99999999999999, | |
15, | |
86, | |
0, | |
60, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
50, | |
29.000000000000004, | |
15, | |
25, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
80, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
41.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
14.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
11.000000000000032, | |
82.00000000000003, | |
4.0000000000000036, | |
83.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
59.999999999999964, | |
36.00000000000003, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100, | |
14.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
83, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
64, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
0, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
10.000000000000002, | |
86, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
5, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
17.000000000000004 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
12.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
71.99999999999997, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
80, | |
9.999999999999998 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
9.999999999999964, | |
8.000000000000007, | |
0, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
37.999999999999986, | |
71.99999999999997, | |
0, | |
86, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
61, | |
0, | |
100, | |
15.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
8.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
0, | |
67, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
0, | |
50.99999999999998, | |
8, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
68 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
0, | |
44.00000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
61.99999999999998, | |
0, | |
80, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
58.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
80, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
8.999999999999986, | |
25, | |
0, | |
94, | |
0, | |
80, | |
61 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
0, | |
82.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
61.99999999999998, | |
0, | |
80, | |
10.999999999999998 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
0, | |
82.00000000000003, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
76.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
0, | |
65.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
20, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
45.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
81, | |
0, | |
60, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
15.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
0, | |
15.000000000000036, | |
0, | |
89, | |
0, | |
20, | |
64 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
77.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
85, | |
0, | |
0, | |
67 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
89, | |
0, | |
60, | |
67 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
0, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
60, | |
47 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
0, | |
84.99999999999997, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
83, | |
0, | |
60, | |
95 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
79, | |
0, | |
0, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
0, | |
16.999999999999993, | |
0, | |
82, | |
0, | |
80, | |
80 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
0, | |
65.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
0, | |
87.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
60, | |
95 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
11.000000000000032, | |
28.999999999999915, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
95 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
81, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
12.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
20.999999999999996 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
12.99999999999999, | |
33.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
12 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
47.000000000000064, | |
0, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
69, | |
0, | |
80, | |
17.000000000000004 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
12.00000000000001, | |
67, | |
0, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
0, | |
67, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
80, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
0, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
86.99999999999997, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
80, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
79, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
80, | |
72 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
51.99999999999996, | |
0, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
7.000000000000001 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
16.999999999999993, | |
0, | |
0, | |
91.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
0, | |
23.000000000000043, | |
0, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
67, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
80, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
24.00000000000002, | |
53.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
91.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
80, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
0, | |
46.99999999999997, | |
0, | |
73.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
21.999999999999996 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
0, | |
70.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
77.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
80, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
0, | |
25.99999999999998, | |
1.0000000000000009, | |
92, | |
100, | |
80, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
49.00000000000002, | |
46.99999999999997, | |
10.000000000000002, | |
83.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0, | |
85.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
42.99999999999997, | |
12.999999999999998, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
80 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
82, | |
0, | |
80, | |
96 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
86, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
60, | |
96 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
29.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
0, | |
82, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0, | |
80 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
19.000000000000004, | |
77.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
80, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
29.000000000000004, | |
11.999999999999995, | |
67, | |
0, | |
40, | |
16.000000000000004 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
16, | |
92, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
80, | |
81.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
45.000000000000014, | |
48.00000000000004, | |
0, | |
67, | |
0, | |
60, | |
15.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
50.99999999999998, | |
0, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
60, | |
15.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
86, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
40, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
79, | |
0, | |
0, | |
20.999999999999996 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
25, | |
7.000000000000028, | |
0, | |
79, | |
0, | |
0, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
83.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
74.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
72.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
80, | |
42.99999999999999 | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// these control the colors used | |
ch3_bodyPrimary = [204, 204, 204]; | |
ch3_bodySecondary = [128, 128, 128]; | |
ch3_detailPrimary = [0, 0, 0]; | |
ch3_detailSecondary = [0, 0, 255]; | |
function CampbellFace() { | |
// draw strokes with rounded joints | |
// strokeJoin(ROUND); | |
// set colour mode to HSB | |
/* | |
* Draw a face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
colorMode(HSB); | |
strokeJoin(ROUND); | |
// variables of facial structure | |
var nose_pos = average_point(positions.nose_bridge); | |
var eye1_pos = average_point(positions.left_eye); | |
var eye2_pos = average_point(positions.right_eye); | |
var upperLip = average_point(positions.top_lip); | |
var bottomLip = average_point(positions.bottom_lip); | |
var face_pos = average_point(positions.chin); | |
var half_height = positions.chin[7][1] - nose_pos[1]; | |
var face_width = positions.chin[positions.chin.length-1][0] - positions.chin[0][0]; | |
var x = nose_pos[0]; | |
var y = nose_pos[1]; | |
var w = 2 * face_width; | |
var h = 2.5 * half_height; | |
// bolleans for whether face is looking left or right | |
var lookingLeft = false; | |
var lookingRight = false; | |
// compare nose landmarks to check if looking left or right | |
if(Math.abs(positions.nose_bridge[3][0] - positions.nose_bridge[0][0]) > 0.03){ | |
if(positions.nose_bridge[3][0] < positions.nose_bridge[0][0]) | |
lookingLeft = true; | |
if(positions.nose_bridge[3][0] > positions.nose_bridge[0][0]) | |
lookingRight = true; | |
} | |
else { | |
lookingLeft = true; | |
} | |
// adjustable variables of character identity | |
var gender = map(this.genderValue, 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
var hair = map(this.hairValue, 0, 100, 80, 200); | |
var curlookDirection = map(this.lookDirection, 0, 100, -15, 15); | |
var curEyelidTop_height = map(this.eyelidTop_height, 0, 100, 0, 70); | |
var curEyelidBottom_height = map(this.eyelidBottom_height, 0, 100, 0, 70); | |
var curHue = map(this.hue, 0, 100, 0, 360); | |
var curSaturation = map(this.saturation, 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
var curBrightnessPrimary = map(this.brightness, 0, 100, 50, 100); | |
var curBrightnessSecondary = map(this.brightness, 0, 100, 20, 70); | |
// sets object scale | |
var extent = 0; | |
if(h < w) { | |
extent = h / 2; | |
} | |
else { | |
extent = w / 2; | |
} | |
var scale = extent / 220.0; | |
// draw left ear if male | |
// draw rectangle from a centre point | |
rectMode(CENTER) | |
// if male face and is looking left | |
if(gender == 1 & lookingLeft == true) { | |
// draw ear | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(10 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
rect(face_pos[0] - (10 * scale), eye2_pos[1] - (100 * scale), 50 * scale, hair * scale, 100 * scale, 100 * scale, 0, 0); | |
} | |
// if male and is looking right | |
if(gender == 1 & lookingRight == true) { | |
// draw ear | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(10 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
rect(face_pos[0] + (10 * scale), eye1_pos[1] - (100 * scale), 50 * scale, hair * scale, 100 * scale, 100 * scale, 0, 0); | |
} | |
// head | |
// draw rectangle from a centre point | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
// draw face | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(10 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
rect(face_pos[0], face_pos[1] - (70 * scale), 300 * scale, 320 * scale, 200 * scale, 200 * scale, 0, 0); | |
// draw dissection | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessSecondary); | |
ellipse(face_pos[0], face_pos[1] + (90 * scale), 300 * scale, 80 * scale); | |
// draw bone | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(ch3_detailSecondary); | |
ellipse(face_pos[0], face_pos[1] + (90 * scale), 150 * scale, 30 * scale); | |
// draw right ear if male | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
// if male and looking left | |
if(gender == 1 & lookingLeft == true) { | |
// draw ear | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(10 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
rect(face_pos[0] + (30 * scale), eye2_pos[1] - (100 * scale), 50 * scale, hair * scale, 100 * scale, 100 * scale, 0, 0); | |
//cover | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
rect(face_pos[0] + (30 * scale), eye2_pos[1] - (5 * scale), 70 * scale, 150 * scale); | |
} | |
// if male and looking right | |
if(gender == 1 & lookingRight == true) { | |
// draw ear | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(10 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
rect(face_pos[0] - (30 * scale), eye1_pos[1] - (100 * scale), 50 * scale, hair * scale, 100 * scale, 100 * scale, 0, 0); | |
//cover | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
rect(face_pos[0] - (30 * scale), eye1_pos[1] - (5 * scale), 70 * scale, 150 * scale); | |
} | |
// features for when looking left | |
if(lookingLeft == true) { | |
// left eye | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(ch3_detailSecondary); | |
ellipse(eye1_pos[0], eye1_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale); | |
// pupil | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
arc(eye1_pos[0] + curlookDirection * scale, eye1_pos[1], (30) * scale, (50) * scale, 20, 340, PIE); | |
// eyelid | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessSecondary); | |
// top eyelid | |
arc(eye1_pos[0], eye1_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale, 265 - curEyelidTop_height, 275 + curEyelidTop_height, CHORD); | |
// bottom eyelid | |
arc(eye1_pos[0], eye1_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale, 85 - curEyelidBottom_height, 95 + curEyelidBottom_height, CHORD); | |
// eyebrow | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
noFill(); | |
arc(eye1_pos[0], (eye1_pos[1]), 130 * scale, 110 * scale, 240, 300); | |
// nose | |
// if female draw bird style | |
if(gender < 1) { | |
// translate to an offset of the centre of the face | |
push(); | |
translate(face_pos[0] - (100 * scale), face_pos[1] - (70 * scale)); | |
// draw beak | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessSecondary); | |
arc(0, 0, 250 * scale, 150 * scale, 335, 385, PIE); | |
// draw mouth | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
line(5 * scale, 0 * scale, 80 * scale, 0 * scale); | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(110 * scale, 0 * scale, 50 * scale, 50 * scale, 140, 210); | |
// teeth | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(ch3_detailSecondary); | |
// check teeth value | |
if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) > 0.28) { | |
arc(40 * scale, 0 * scale, 20 * scale, 40 * scale, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
} if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) > 0.2) { | |
arc(60 * scale, 0 * scale, 20 * scale, 40 * scale, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
} if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) < 0.2) { | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// if male draw dog style | |
if(gender == 1) { | |
// translate to an offset of centre of the face | |
push(); | |
translate(face_pos[0] - (130 * scale), face_pos[1] - (100 * scale)); | |
// draw snout | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(10 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
// top snout | |
rectMode(CORNER); | |
rect(0, 0, 140 * scale, 45 * scale, 18 * scale, 0, 0, 18 * scale); | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(10 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
// bottom snout | |
rect(30 * scale, 45 * scale, 110 * scale, 35 * scale, 14 * scale, 0, 0, 14 * scale); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
// re-fill / cover | |
rect(130 * scale, -7 * scale, 60 * scale, 100 * scale); | |
// draw nose | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
push(); | |
rotate(10); | |
ellipse(0 * scale, 0 * scale, 40 * scale, 28 * scale); | |
pop(); | |
// mouth | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(155 * scale, 40 * scale, 50 * scale, 50 * scale, 140, 210); | |
// teeth | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(ch3_detailSecondary); | |
// check teeth value | |
if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) > 0.28) { | |
arc(70 * scale, 45 * scale, 20 * scale, 40 * scale, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
} if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) > 0.2) { | |
arc(90 * scale, 45 * scale, 20 * scale, 40 * scale, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
} if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) < 0.2) { | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// right eye | |
// eye | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(ch3_detailSecondary); | |
ellipse(eye2_pos[0], eye2_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale); | |
// pupil | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
arc(eye2_pos[0] + curlookDirection * scale, eye2_pos[1], (30) * scale, (50) * scale, 20, 340, PIE); | |
// eyelid | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessSecondary); | |
// top eyelid | |
arc(eye2_pos[0], eye2_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale, 265 - curEyelidTop_height, 275 + curEyelidTop_height, CHORD); | |
// bottom eyelid | |
arc(eye2_pos[0], eye2_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale, 85 - curEyelidBottom_height, 95 + curEyelidBottom_height, CHORD); | |
// eyebrow | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
noFill(); | |
arc(eye2_pos[0], (eye2_pos[1]), 130 * scale, 110 * scale, 240, 300); | |
} | |
// facial feature if looking right | |
if(lookingRight == true) { | |
// right eye | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(ch3_detailSecondary); | |
ellipse(eye2_pos[0], eye2_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale); | |
// pupil | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
arc(eye2_pos[0] + curlookDirection * scale, eye2_pos[1], (30) * scale, (50) * scale, 20, 340, PIE); | |
// eyelid | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessSecondary); | |
// top eyelid | |
arc(eye2_pos[0], eye2_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale, 265 - curEyelidTop_height, 275 + curEyelidTop_height, CHORD); | |
// bottom eyelid | |
arc(eye2_pos[0], eye2_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale, 85 - curEyelidBottom_height, 95 + curEyelidBottom_height, CHORD); | |
// eyebrow | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
noFill(); | |
arc(eye2_pos[0], (eye2_pos[1]), 130 * scale, 110 * scale, 240, 300); | |
// nose | |
// if female draw bird style | |
if(gender < 1) { | |
// translate to an offset of the centre of the face | |
push(); | |
translate(face_pos[0] + (120 * scale), face_pos[1] - (70 * scale)); | |
// draw beak | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessSecondary); | |
arc(0, 0, 250 * scale, 150 * scale, 155, 205, PIE); | |
// draw mouth | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
line(-5 * scale, 0 * scale, -80 * scale, 0 * scale); | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(-110 * scale, 0 * scale, 50 * scale, 50 * scale, 320, 390); | |
// teeth | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(ch3_detailSecondary); | |
// check teeth value | |
if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) > 0.28) { | |
arc(-40 * scale, 0 * scale, 20 * scale, 40 * scale, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
} if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) > 0.2) { | |
arc(-60 * scale, 0 * scale, 20 * scale, 40 * scale, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
} if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) < 0.2) { | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// if male draw dog style | |
if(gender == 1) { | |
// translate to an offset of the centre of the face | |
push(); | |
translate(face_pos[0], face_pos[1] - (100 * scale)); | |
// draw snout | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(10 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
// top snout | |
rectMode(CORNER); | |
rect(0, 0, 140 * scale, 45 * scale, 0, 18 * scale, 18 * scale, 0); | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(10 * scale); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
// bottom snout | |
rect(0 * scale, 45 * scale, 110 * scale, 35 * scale, 0, 14 * scale, 14 * scale, 0); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessPrimary); | |
// re-fill / cover | |
rect(-50 * scale, -7 * scale, 60 * scale, 100 * scale); | |
// draw nose | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
push(); | |
rotate(-10); | |
ellipse(140 * scale, 30 * scale, 40 * scale, 28 * scale); | |
pop(); | |
// mouth | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(-15 * scale, 50 * scale, 50 * scale, 50 * scale, 320, 390); | |
// teeth | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(ch3_detailSecondary); | |
// check teeth value | |
if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) > 0.28) { | |
arc(40 * scale, 45 * scale, 20 * scale, 40 * scale, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
} if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) > 0.2) { | |
arc(60 * scale, 45 * scale, 20 * scale, 40 * scale, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
} if(Math.abs(upperLip[1] - bottomLip[1]) < 0.2) { | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// left eye | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
fill(ch3_detailSecondary); | |
ellipse(eye1_pos[0], eye1_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale); | |
// pupil | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
arc(eye1_pos[0] + curlookDirection * scale, eye1_pos[1], (30) * scale, (50) * scale, 20, 340, PIE); | |
// eyelid | |
strokeWeight(7 * scale); | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary); | |
fill(curHue, curSaturation, curBrightnessSecondary); | |
// top eyelid | |
arc(eye1_pos[0], eye1_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale, 265 - curEyelidTop_height, 275 + curEyelidTop_height, CHORD); | |
// bottom eyelid | |
arc(eye1_pos[0], eye1_pos[1], 80 * scale, 80 * scale, 85 - curEyelidBottom_height, 95 + curEyelidBottom_height, CHORD); | |
// eyebrow | |
stroke(ch3_detailPrimary) | |
noFill(); | |
arc(eye1_pos[0], (eye1_pos[1]), 130 * scale, 110 * scale, 240, 300); | |
} | |
// colorMode(RGB); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.genderValue = settings[0]; | |
this.hairValue = settings[1]; | |
this.lookDirection = settings[2]; | |
this.eyelidTop_height = settings[3]; | |
this.eyelidBottom_height = settings[4]; | |
this.hue = settings[5]; | |
this.saturation = settings[6]; | |
this.brightness = settings[7]; | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
properties = new Array(8); | |
properties[0] = this.genderValue; | |
properties[1] = this.hairValue; | |
properties[2] = this.lookDirection; | |
properties[3] = this.eyelidTop_height; | |
properties[4] = this.eyelidBottom_height; | |
properties[5] = this.hue; | |
properties[6] = this.saturation; | |
properties[7] = this.brightness; | |
return properties; | |
} | |
} | |
// given a point, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
65, | |
57, | |
51, | |
68, | |
87, | |
5, | |
29, | |
42 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
36, | |
50, | |
87, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
76, | |
71, | |
78, | |
4, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
85, | |
62, | |
10, | |
45, | |
77 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
93, | |
59, | |
55, | |
8, | |
41, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
100, | |
49, | |
50, | |
71, | |
38, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
31, | |
50, | |
100, | |
5, | |
41, | |
29 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
87, | |
70, | |
10, | |
31, | |
74 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
100, | |
33, | |
76, | |
47, | |
89, | |
13, | |
33, | |
78 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
73, | |
85, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
100, | |
65, | |
62, | |
89, | |
100, | |
7, | |
33, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
100, | |
27, | |
99, | |
50, | |
100, | |
5, | |
37, | |
16 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
70, | |
93, | |
11, | |
32, | |
65 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
77, | |
71, | |
100, | |
6, | |
33, | |
3 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
100, | |
17, | |
100, | |
51, | |
100, | |
5, | |
23, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
48, | |
66, | |
66, | |
6, | |
32, | |
15 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
56, | |
100, | |
4, | |
44, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
87, | |
70, | |
10, | |
31, | |
74 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
100, | |
79, | |
76, | |
59, | |
94, | |
9, | |
33, | |
40 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
85, | |
62, | |
10, | |
45, | |
77 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
77, | |
71, | |
100, | |
6, | |
33, | |
3 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
83, | |
50, | |
71, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
100, | |
49, | |
50, | |
71, | |
91, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
45, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
66, | |
67, | |
10, | |
43, | |
74 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
38, | |
43, | |
62, | |
4, | |
26, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
73, | |
85, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
56, | |
100, | |
4, | |
47, | |
52 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
100, | |
49, | |
50, | |
57, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
59, | |
60, | |
85, | |
0, | |
0, | |
49 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
100, | |
82, | |
50, | |
88, | |
77, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
77, | |
50, | |
6, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
65, | |
70, | |
4, | |
19, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
100, | |
65, | |
70, | |
57, | |
84, | |
2, | |
20, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
44, | |
50, | |
100, | |
9, | |
27, | |
57 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
100, | |
53, | |
42, | |
61, | |
78, | |
38, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
41, | |
81, | |
66, | |
5, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
90, | |
4, | |
28, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
100, | |
59, | |
52, | |
75, | |
89, | |
6, | |
28, | |
8 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
100, | |
76, | |
41, | |
81, | |
78, | |
5, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
100, | |
82, | |
72, | |
63, | |
65, | |
15, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
41, | |
63, | |
0, | |
90, | |
31, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
85, | |
62, | |
10, | |
45, | |
77 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
27, | |
85, | |
62, | |
2, | |
45, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
100, | |
94, | |
25, | |
75, | |
89, | |
6, | |
16, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
76, | |
71, | |
78, | |
4, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
73, | |
85, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
63, | |
66, | |
66, | |
5, | |
37, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
100, | |
59, | |
18, | |
53, | |
79, | |
34, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
100, | |
34, | |
58, | |
60, | |
94, | |
46, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
39, | |
55, | |
81, | |
4, | |
46, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
62, | |
53, | |
42, | |
3, | |
34, | |
19 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
64, | |
92, | |
6, | |
33, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
64, | |
61, | |
90, | |
5, | |
53, | |
61 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
100, | |
45, | |
45, | |
95, | |
100, | |
33, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
45, | |
65, | |
58, | |
11, | |
38, | |
67 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
40, | |
71, | |
0, | |
38, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
52, | |
44, | |
40, | |
6, | |
37, | |
43 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
53, | |
100, | |
3, | |
30, | |
10 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
74, | |
48, | |
41, | |
7, | |
35, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
27, | |
51, | |
85, | |
5, | |
30, | |
5 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
100, | |
18, | |
50, | |
44, | |
83, | |
8, | |
44, | |
54 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
37, | |
59, | |
76, | |
10, | |
38, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
27, | |
50, | |
100, | |
5, | |
40, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
57, | |
50, | |
70, | |
5, | |
31, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
88, | |
5, | |
37, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
74, | |
50, | |
94, | |
11, | |
27, | |
68 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
100, | |
29, | |
49, | |
51, | |
63, | |
5, | |
19, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
67, | |
79, | |
7, | |
18, | |
71 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
100, | |
59, | |
58, | |
52, | |
91, | |
3, | |
26, | |
28 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
66, | |
85, | |
78, | |
23, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
23, | |
61, | |
90, | |
0, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
63, | |
49, | |
81, | |
4, | |
30, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
52, | |
57, | |
85, | |
8, | |
22, | |
56 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
48, | |
53, | |
76, | |
20, | |
0, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
54, | |
62, | |
54, | |
11, | |
16, | |
70 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
100, | |
53, | |
72, | |
53, | |
81, | |
20, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
100, | |
63, | |
89, | |
4, | |
4, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
64, | |
66, | |
89, | |
18, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
66, | |
49, | |
73, | |
8, | |
28, | |
42 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
55, | |
80, | |
51, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
100, | |
28, | |
100, | |
52, | |
96, | |
19, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
100, | |
62, | |
91, | |
65, | |
86, | |
6, | |
23, | |
15 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
38, | |
55, | |
82, | |
10, | |
33, | |
61 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
44, | |
60, | |
83, | |
6, | |
39, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
100, | |
39, | |
64, | |
63, | |
80, | |
7, | |
22, | |
28 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
46, | |
58, | |
100, | |
5, | |
26, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
100, | |
43, | |
89, | |
0, | |
37, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
72, | |
53, | |
53, | |
8, | |
37, | |
64 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
100, | |
59, | |
74, | |
0, | |
13, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
100, | |
74, | |
49, | |
100, | |
52, | |
0, | |
50, | |
52 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
62, | |
53, | |
51, | |
66, | |
89, | |
6, | |
21, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
100, | |
39, | |
44, | |
64, | |
100, | |
5, | |
23, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
100, | |
23, | |
54, | |
60, | |
85, | |
4, | |
26, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
49, | |
51, | |
75, | |
0, | |
49, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
52, | |
58, | |
62, | |
8, | |
30, | |
45 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
43, | |
62, | |
77, | |
8, | |
22, | |
63 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
100, | |
44, | |
50, | |
56, | |
75, | |
38, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
31, | |
62, | |
73, | |
5, | |
0, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
//var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 6; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
//helmet colors | |
const chen_red = [197, 17, 18]; | |
const lime = [100, 255, 51]; | |
const cyan = [0, 255, 232]; | |
const yellow = [255, 243, 0]; | |
const brown = [95, 60, 12]; | |
const chen_black = [50]; | |
const white = [210]; | |
//eye colors | |
const eye_blue = [0, 182, 255, 75]; | |
const eye_black = [4, 27, 30, 30]; | |
const eye_green = [20, 135, 49, 75]; | |
const eye_brown = [74, 35, 6, 50]; | |
//mask colors | |
const mask = [157, 200, 217]; | |
const mask_shade = [76, 95, 109]; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len , sum_y / s_len ]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function ChenFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables should be different!) | |
this.helmet_color = 2; // variations of hair colors | |
this.eye_color = 4; // variations of eye colors | |
this.gender = 1; | |
this.ref_shift = 1.5; //location of reflection | |
this.ref_shift_2 = 1; | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
this.draw_segment = function(segment, do_loop) { | |
for(let i=0; i<segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
ellipse(px, py, 0.1); | |
if(i < segment.length - 1) { | |
let nx = segment[i+1][0]; | |
let ny = segment[i+1][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
else if(do_loop) { | |
let nx = segment[0][0]; | |
let ny = segment[0][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
//helmet | |
stroke(0, 150); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
if (this.helmet_color >= 0 && this.helmet_color <= 1){ | |
fill(chen_black); | |
} else if (this.helmet_color > 1 && this.helmet_color <= 2){ | |
fill(brown); | |
} else if (this.helmet_color > 2 && this.helmet_color <= 3){ | |
fill(chen_red); | |
} else if (this.helmet_color > 3 && this.helmet_color <= 4){ | |
fill(yellow); | |
} else if (this.helmet_color > 4 && this.helmet_color <= 5){ | |
fill(white); | |
} | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0]-0.2, positions.chin[0][1]-0.5); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0]-0.2, positions.chin[0][1]-0.5); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0]-0.2, positions.chin[0][1]+2.5); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[16][0]+0.2, positions.chin[16][1]+2.5); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[16][0]+0.2, positions.chin[16][1]-0.5); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[16][0]+0.2, positions.chin[16][1]-0.5); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0]-0.2, positions.chin[0][1]-0.45); | |
quadraticVertex(0, positions.nose_bridge[0][1]-4, positions.chin[16][0]+0.2, positions.chin[16][1]-0.45) | |
endShape(); | |
//mask | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(mask); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[2][0], positions.chin[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[3][0]-0.1, positions.chin[3][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.nose_tip[2][0], positions.nose_tip[2][1]+0.6); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[13][0]-0.1, positions.chin[13][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[14][0], positions.chin[14][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[4][0]-0.2, positions.right_eyebrow[4][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.nose_bridge[0][0], positions.nose_bridge[0][1]-1); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0]+0.2, positions.left_eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[2][0], positions.chin[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[3][0], positions.chin[3][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
//eyes | |
noStroke(); | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
if (this.eye_color > 0 && this.eye_color <= 1){ | |
fill(eye_black); | |
} else if (this.eye_color >1 && this.eye_color <= 2){ | |
fill(eye_brown); | |
} else if (this.eye_color >2 && this.eye_color <= 3){ | |
fill(eye_green); | |
} else if (this.eye_color >3 && this.eye_color <= 4) { | |
fill(eye_blue); | |
} | |
if (this.gender >= 0 && this.gender <= 0.5){ //softer edges for female | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1]+0.25, 0.38, 0.28); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1]+0.25, 0.38, 0.28); | |
fill(255, 50); // eye reflection | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]+0.1, left_eye_pos[1]+0.2, 0.1); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]+0.1, right_eye_pos[1]+0.2, 0.1); | |
} else{ //harder edges for male | |
beginShape(); //left eye | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[0][0], positions.left_eye[0][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[1][0],positions.left_eye[1][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[2][0], positions.left_eye[2][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[3][0], positions.left_eye[3][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[4][0], positions.left_eye[4][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[5][0], positions.left_eye[5][1]+0.25); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); //right eye | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[0][0], positions.right_eye[0][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[1][0],positions.right_eye[1][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[2][0], positions.right_eye[2][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[3][0], positions.right_eye[3][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[4][0], positions.right_eye[4][1]+0.25); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[5][0], positions.right_eye[5][1]+0.25); | |
endShape(); | |
// eye reflection | |
fill(255, 25); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]-0.08, left_eye_pos[1]+0.21, 0.15, 0.11); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]-0.08, right_eye_pos[1]+0.21, 0.15, 0.11); | |
} | |
//blush | |
if (this.gender >= 0 && this.gender <= 0.5){ | |
fill(255, 222, 254); | |
ellipse(positions.left_eye[0][0], positions.left_eye[0][1]+0.6, 0.5, 0.1); | |
ellipse(positions.right_eye[3][0], positions.right_eye[3][1]+0.6, 0.5, 0.1); | |
} else { | |
fill(255, 222, 254, 150); | |
ellipse(positions.left_eye[0][0], positions.left_eye[0][1]+0.6, 0.4, 0.08); | |
ellipse(positions.right_eye[3][0], positions.right_eye[3][1]+0.6, 0.4, 0.08); | |
} | |
//nose | |
let nose_top = positions.nose_bridge[1]; | |
let nose_bottom = positions.nose_bridge[3]; | |
let nose_end = null; | |
stroke(76, 95, 109, 25); | |
strokeWeight(0.08); | |
line(nose_top[0], nose_top[1], nose_bottom[0], nose_bottom[1]-0.15); | |
//mouth | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255, 25); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.top_lip[1][0],positions.top_lip[1][1]-0.2); | |
vertex(positions.top_lip[2][0], positions.top_lip[2][1]-0.2); | |
vertex(positions.top_lip[3][0], positions.top_lip[3][1]-0.2); | |
vertex(positions.top_lip[4][0], positions.top_lip[4][1]-0.2); | |
vertex(positions.top_lip[5][0], positions.top_lip[5][1]-0.2); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[10][0], positions.bottom_lip[10][1]-0.3); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[9][0], positions.bottom_lip[9][1]-0.3); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[8][0], positions.bottom_lip[8][1]-0.3); | |
endShape(); | |
//reflection | |
let curRefShift = this.ref_shift; | |
let curRefShift_2 = this.ref_shift_2; | |
fill(254, 252, 255, 220); | |
if(nose_top[0] > nose_bottom[0]){ | |
ellipse(positions.nose_bridge[3][0] + curRefShift, right_eye_pos[1]+0.22, 1, 0.5); | |
ellipse(positions.top_lip[3][0] - curRefShift_2 , positions.top_lip[1][1]-0.2, 0.2, 0.1); | |
} else{ | |
ellipse(positions.nose_bridge[3][0] - curRefShift, right_eye_pos[1]+0.22, 1, 0.5); | |
ellipse(positions.top_lip[3][0] + curRefShift_2 , positions.top_lip[1][1]-0.2, 0.2, 0.1); | |
} | |
//mask outline | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0, 200); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[2][0], positions.chin[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[3][0]-0.1, positions.chin[3][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.nose_tip[2][0], positions.nose_tip[2][1]+0.6); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[13][0]-0.1, positions.chin[13][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[14][0], positions.chin[14][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[4][0]-0.2, positions.right_eyebrow[4][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.nose_bridge[0][0], positions.nose_bridge[0][1]-1); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0]+0.2, positions.left_eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[2][0], positions.chin[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[3][0], positions.chin[3][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
//decorations | |
if (this.gender >= 0 && this.gender <= 0.5){ //flower hat for female | |
stroke(0, 200); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
fill(255, 192, 183); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
if (nose_top[0] > nose_bottom[0]){ | |
translate(positions.chin[16][0]-0.1, positions.chin[16][1]-0.5); | |
} else { | |
translate(positions.chin[0][0]+0.1, positions.chin[0][1]-0.5); | |
} | |
for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ | |
ellipse(0, 0.35, 0.37, 0.75); | |
rotate(360/5); | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(236, 180, 172, 200); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.3); | |
pop(); | |
} else { //plant hat for male | |
stroke(0, 200); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
push(); | |
translate(positions.nose_bridge[0][0], positions.nose_bridge[0][1]-1.3); | |
fill(3, 77, 13); | |
if (nose_top[0] > nose_bottom[0]){ | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(-0.2, -0.4); | |
vertex(-0.2, -0.7); | |
quadraticVertex(-1.1, -0.85, -1.5, -1.4); | |
quadraticVertex(-0.6, -1.9, -0.1, -1.05); | |
quadraticVertex(0.55, -2.4, 1.4, -1.8); | |
quadraticVertex(0.9, -0.7, 0.2, -0.7); | |
vertex(0.2, -0.4); | |
vertex(-0.2, -0.4); | |
endShape(); | |
} else { | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0.2, -0.4); | |
vertex(0.2, -0.7); | |
quadraticVertex(1.1, -0.85, 1.5, -1.4); | |
quadraticVertex(0.6, -1.9, 0.1, -1.05); | |
quadraticVertex(-0.55, -2.4, -1.4, -1.8); | |
quadraticVertex(-0.9, -0.7, -0.2, -0.7); | |
vertex(-0.2, -0.4); | |
vertex(0.2, -0.4); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.helmet_color = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 5); | |
this.eye_color = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 1, 4); | |
this.gender = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.ref_shift = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 1, 1.8); | |
this.ref_shift_2 = map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0.3, 1.2); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(6); | |
settings[0] = map(this.helmet_color, 0, 5, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.eye_color, 1, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.gender, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.ref_shift, 1, 1.8, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.ref_shift_2, 0.3, 1.2, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
63, | |
26, | |
0, | |
100, | |
33, | |
null | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
46, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
68, | |
21.000000000000004, | |
null | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
68, | |
16, | |
0, | |
68, | |
85.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
21.000000000000004, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
68, | |
21.000000000000004, | |
null | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
0, | |
15, | |
100, | |
69, | |
30, | |
null | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
23, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
30, | |
null | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
65, | |
81, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
48.00000000000001, | |
null | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
69, | |
98, | |
100, | |
81.00000000000001, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
81.00000000000001, | |
26.999999999999996, | |
null | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
27, | |
0, | |
100, | |
59, | |
67, | |
null | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
14.000000000000002, | |
15, | |
100, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
61.999999999999986, | |
null | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
71, | |
33, | |
0, | |
46.999999999999986, | |
61.999999999999986, | |
null | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
16.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50.99999999999999, | |
61.999999999999986, | |
null | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
11.000000000000002, | |
2.0000000000000018, | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
59.999999999999986, | |
null | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
28.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
84.00000000000001, | |
61.999999999999986, | |
null | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
21.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
0, | |
48.999999999999986, | |
61.999999999999986, | |
null | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
64, | |
75, | |
0, | |
55.99999999999999, | |
57.999999999999986, | |
null | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
64, | |
17, | |
100, | |
94, | |
23.000000000000004, | |
null | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
63, | |
83, | |
0, | |
30, | |
74.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
72, | |
0, | |
100, | |
34, | |
42, | |
null | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
24, | |
0, | |
30, | |
40, | |
null | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
0, | |
16, | |
100, | |
100, | |
1.000000000000001, | |
null | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
19, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
55.99999999999999, | |
30, | |
null | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
73.00000000000001, | |
30, | |
null | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
0, | |
17, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
75, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
68, | |
9.000000000000002, | |
null | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
40, | |
13.999999999999998, | |
0, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
46, | |
null | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
46, | |
null | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
43, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
46, | |
null | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
53.99999999999999, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
53.99999999999999, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
0, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
86.00000000000001, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
100, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
53.99999999999999, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
32, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
53.99999999999999, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
67, | |
79, | |
0, | |
53.99999999999999, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
0, | |
17, | |
100, | |
68, | |
61.999999999999986, | |
null | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
0, | |
24, | |
0, | |
68, | |
46.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
0, | |
77.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
67, | |
null | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
32, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
100, | |
67, | |
null | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
25, | |
8, | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
67, | |
null | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
0, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
67, | |
null | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
100, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
71.00000000000001, | |
40, | |
null | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
0, | |
24, | |
100, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
94, | |
null | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
62, | |
45, | |
0, | |
84.00000000000001, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
null | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
32, | |
24, | |
0, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000007, | |
null | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
8, | |
100, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
46.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
31, | |
0, | |
0, | |
89.00000000000003, | |
46, | |
null | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
9.999999999999998, | |
4.0000000000000036, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
70, | |
null | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
100, | |
24, | |
100, | |
87.00000000000003, | |
34, | |
null | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
82, | |
100, | |
70, | |
17, | |
null | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
0, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
78.00000000000001, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
null | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
25, | |
23, | |
0, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
null | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
26, | |
10.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
null | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
35, | |
11.999999999999995, | |
0, | |
100, | |
18, | |
null | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
36, | |
23, | |
0, | |
79.00000000000001, | |
18, | |
null | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
61, | |
18, | |
null | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
66, | |
67, | |
0, | |
84.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
null | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
27, | |
9.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
61, | |
48.00000000000001, | |
null | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
25, | |
90, | |
0, | |
61, | |
48.00000000000001, | |
null | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
25, | |
100, | |
0, | |
61, | |
48.00000000000001, | |
null | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
70, | |
1.0000000000000009, | |
0, | |
89.00000000000003, | |
30, | |
null | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
25, | |
41, | |
0, | |
62, | |
30, | |
null | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
62, | |
23, | |
100, | |
51.99999999999999, | |
39.00000000000001, | |
null | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
25, | |
17, | |
0, | |
82.00000000000001, | |
28.000000000000007, | |
null | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
69, | |
8, | |
0, | |
82.00000000000001, | |
28.000000000000007, | |
null | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
68, | |
50, | |
100, | |
67, | |
28.000000000000007, | |
null | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
21.999999999999996, | |
48, | |
0, | |
67, | |
28.000000000000007, | |
null | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
69, | |
8, | |
0, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000007, | |
null | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
39.00000000000001, | |
null | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
100, | |
45, | |
100, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
39.00000000000001, | |
null | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
27, | |
19.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
39.00000000000001, | |
null | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
0, | |
27, | |
0, | |
87.00000000000003, | |
28.000000000000007, | |
null | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
19, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
15.999999999999998, | |
null | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
0, | |
15, | |
0, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
46.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
66, | |
13.999999999999998, | |
0, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
65, | |
null | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
100, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
84.00000000000001, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
61, | |
83, | |
0, | |
68, | |
43, | |
null | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
4.9999999999999964, | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
43, | |
null | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
90.00000000000003, | |
43, | |
null | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
0, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
90.00000000000003, | |
43, | |
null | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
61, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
51.99999999999999, | |
35, | |
null | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
23.000000000000004, | |
null | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
85.00000000000001, | |
23.000000000000004, | |
null | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
3.9999999999999982, | |
null | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
70, | |
75, | |
0, | |
68, | |
24.999999999999993, | |
null | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
20.999999999999996, | |
24, | |
0, | |
51.99999999999999, | |
8.000000000000002, | |
null | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
24, | |
77.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
75.00000000000001, | |
26.000000000000007, | |
null | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
10.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
82.00000000000001, | |
26.000000000000007, | |
null | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
49.00000000000001, | |
4.0000000000000036, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
64, | |
71, | |
0, | |
55.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
null | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
48.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
86.00000000000001, | |
12, | |
null | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
28.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
0, | |
36.00000000000001, | |
54.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
22.000000000000004, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
72.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
72.99999999999999, | |
null | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
54, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
61, | |
null | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
72, | |
0, | |
0, | |
98, | |
61, | |
null | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
69, | |
69, | |
0, | |
51.99999999999999, | |
61, | |
null | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
100, | |
51.99999999999999, | |
31, | |
null | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
77.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
51.99999999999999, | |
54.000000000000014, | |
null | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
//var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 7; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// here's some examples for colors used | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
const cooper_brown =[250, 155, 117]; | |
const brown1 =[209, 131, 100]; | |
const brown2 =[135, 85, 65]; | |
const brown3 = [79, 50, 38]; | |
const brown4 = [43, 29, 21]; | |
const lip = [247, 134, 89]; | |
const lip1 = [204, 108, 69]; | |
const lip2 = [107, 67, 51]; | |
const lip3 = [79, 40, 25]; | |
const lip4 = [33, 19, 10]; | |
this.show_points = function (segment){ | |
for(let i=0; i<segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
var number = i.toString(); | |
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); | |
textSize(0.2); | |
fill(0); | |
text(number, px, py, 0.1); | |
} | |
} | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len , sum_y / s_len ]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function CooperFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables should be different!) | |
this.faceSize = 3; | |
this.eye = 0.5; | |
this.lip = 1 ; | |
this.tooth = 2; | |
this.mouth = 1; | |
this.num_eyes = 2; | |
this.eye_shift = -1; | |
this.face_colour = 1; | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
this.draw_segment = function(segment, do_loop) { | |
for(let i=0; i<segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
ellipse(px, py, 0.1); | |
if(i < segment.length - 1) { | |
let nx = segment[i+1][0]; | |
let ny = segment[i+1][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
else if(do_loop) { | |
let nx = segment[0][0]; | |
let ny = segment[0][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
let left_eye = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
let nose_tip = positions.nose_tip[2]; | |
let top_lip = positions.top_lip[3]; | |
let bottom_lip = positions.bottom_lip[0]; | |
let whiskers = positions.nose_bridge[2]; | |
let nostrils = positions.nose_bridge[2]; | |
let tooth = positions.nose_bridge[3]; | |
noStroke(); | |
//head | |
if(this.face_colour == 0){ | |
fill(cooper_brown); | |
}else | |
if(this.face_colour == 1){ | |
fill(brown1); | |
}else | |
if(this.face_colour == 2){ | |
fill(brown2); | |
}else | |
if(this.face_colour == 3){ | |
fill(brown3); | |
}else | |
if(this.face_colour == 4){ | |
fill(brown4); | |
} | |
ellipse(0, -0.3,this.faceSize,4); | |
// eyes | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(left_eye[0], left_eye[1], 1,this.eye); | |
ellipse(right_eye[0], right_eye[1],1, this.eye); | |
let curEyeShift = 0.04 * this.eye_shift; | |
if(this.num_eyes == 2) { | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(left_eye[0] + curEyeShift, left_eye[1], 0.5); | |
ellipse(right_eye[0] + curEyeShift, right_eye[1], 0.5); | |
} | |
else { | |
let eyePosX = (left_eye[0] + right_eye[0]) / 2; | |
let eyePosY = (left_eye[1] + right_eye[1]) / 2; | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(eyePosX, eyePosY, 0.45, 0.27); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(eyePosX - 0.1 + curEyeShift, eyePosY, 0.18); | |
} | |
//mouth | |
fill(255, 201, 251); | |
ellipse(top_lip[0],top_lip[1],bottom_lip[0],this.mouth); | |
//teeth | |
if(this.tooth == 2){ | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
translate(tooth[0],tooth[1]); | |
fill(255); | |
triangle(0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 2, 0.75, 0.5); | |
triangle(-0.75, 0.5, -0.5, 2, -0.25, 0.5); | |
pop(); | |
}else | |
if(this.tooth == 0){ | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
translate(tooth[0],tooth[1]); | |
fill(255); | |
triangle(0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.75, 0.5); | |
triangle(-0.75, 0.5, -0.5, 0, -0.25, 0.5); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//lip | |
if(this.face_colour == 0){ | |
fill(lip); | |
}else | |
if(this.face_colour == 1){ | |
fill(lip1); | |
}else | |
if(this.face_colour == 2){ | |
fill(lip2); | |
}else | |
if(this.face_colour == 3){ | |
fill(lip3); | |
}else | |
if(this.face_colour == 4){ | |
fill(lip4); | |
} | |
ellipse(nose_tip[0],nose_tip[1], 4, 1); | |
//nostrils | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(nostrils[0],nostrils[1],this.lip, 0.5); | |
//whiskers | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(255, 194, 115); | |
push(); | |
translate(whiskers[0],whiskers[1]); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
arc(0.4, 1, 1.6, 1.2, 290, 50); | |
arc(0.6, 1, 1.6, 1.2, 290, 50); | |
arc(0.8, 1, 1.6, 1.2, 290, 50); | |
arc(0, 1, 1.6, 1.2, 320, 50); | |
arc(0, 0.52, 0.8, 1.2, 360, 50); | |
arc(0, 0.6, 0.4, 1.2, 340, 50); | |
arc(-0.2, 0.6, 0.4, 1.2, 340, 50); | |
arc(-0.4, 0.6, 0.4, 1.2, 340, 50); | |
arc(-0.4, 1, 1.6, 1.2, 135, 250); | |
arc(-0.6, 1, 1.6, 1.2, 135, 250); | |
arc(-0.8, 1, 1.6, 1.2, 135, 250); | |
arc(-0.32, 0.96,1, 1.08, 120, 250); | |
arc(-0.2, 0.88, 0.4, 1.2, 180, 250); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.faceSize = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 2.8, 4); | |
this.eye = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0.5, 0.8); | |
this.lip = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0.5, 2); | |
this.tooth = int(map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 2)); | |
this.mouth = map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0.5, 1.5); | |
this.eye_shift = map(settings[5], 0, 100, -2, 2); | |
this.face_colour = int(map(settings[6], 0, 100, 0, 4)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(3); | |
settings[0] = map(this.faceSize, 2.8, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.eye, 0.5, 0.8, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.lip, 0.5, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = int(map(this.tooth, 0, 2, 0, 100)); | |
settings[4] = map(this.mouth,0.5,1.5,0,100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.eye_shift, -2, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = int(map(this.face_colour, 0, 4, 0, 100)); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
63.000000000000014, | |
18.000000000000014, | |
17, | |
0, | |
5.000000000000004, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
77.99999999999999, | |
24.999999999999982, | |
4.0000000000000036, | |
0, | |
49, | |
38, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
100, | |
13.000000000000009, | |
10.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
39, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
52, | |
16.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
33.00000000000001, | |
95, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
54, | |
22.000000000000018, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
75.00000000000003, | |
20.99999999999998, | |
1.0000000000000009, | |
0, | |
37, | |
42, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
16, | |
0, | |
0, | |
41, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
75, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
100, | |
14.000000000000009, | |
9.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
0, | |
37, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
54, | |
0, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
7.000000000000006, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
50, | |
13.000000000000009, | |
8, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
81.00000000000003, | |
14.000000000000009, | |
19.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
30.000000000000004, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
60.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
17, | |
100, | |
19.999999999999996, | |
77, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
58.00000000000001, | |
20.000000000000014, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
6.000000000000005, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
66.00000000000001, | |
6.000000000000004, | |
4.9999999999999964, | |
100, | |
0, | |
44, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
63.000000000000014, | |
11.000000000000009, | |
44.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
87.99999999999999, | |
54, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
81.99999999999999, | |
17.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
95, | |
14.000000000000009, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
43, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
66.00000000000001, | |
5.0000000000000036, | |
22.000000000000007, | |
0, | |
25, | |
43, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
61.00000000000001, | |
28.999999999999986, | |
4.0000000000000036, | |
100, | |
44.99999999999999, | |
54, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
65.00000000000001, | |
39.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
7.000000000000006, | |
53, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
73.00000000000001, | |
51, | |
60, | |
100, | |
0, | |
94, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
62.000000000000014, | |
3.000000000000002, | |
32, | |
100, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
71, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
73.99999999999997, | |
33.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
66, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
54, | |
26.000000000000018, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
83, | |
0, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
67.00000000000001, | |
13.000000000000009, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
34, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
49, | |
23.000000000000018, | |
4.0000000000000036, | |
0, | |
56.999999999999986, | |
30, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
34.999999999999986, | |
22.000000000000018, | |
23, | |
0, | |
0, | |
48, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
56.00000000000001, | |
7.000000000000004, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
70, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
66.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
0, | |
23, | |
74, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
83.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
75.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
79, | |
62, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
92, | |
18.000000000000014, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
62, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
64.00000000000001, | |
14.000000000000009, | |
31, | |
100, | |
0, | |
69, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
71.00000000000001, | |
14.000000000000009, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
71, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
71.00000000000001, | |
31.999999999999986, | |
16, | |
100, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
77.00000000000003, | |
30.99999999999999, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
77.00000000000003, | |
24.999999999999982, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
0, | |
0, | |
71, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
100, | |
26.000000000000018, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
100, | |
6.000000000000004, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
75.99999999999997, | |
6.000000000000004, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
23, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
61.00000000000001, | |
14.000000000000009, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
44, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
61.00000000000001, | |
14.000000000000009, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
44, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
81.00000000000003, | |
24.000000000000018, | |
1.0000000000000009, | |
0, | |
17.999999999999993, | |
62, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
84.99999999999999, | |
26.999999999999986, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
12, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
100, | |
26.999999999999986, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
15.000000000000002, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
96, | |
18.000000000000014, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
79, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
96, | |
0, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
0, | |
0, | |
39, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
53, | |
13.000000000000009, | |
24, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
65.00000000000001, | |
16.00000000000001, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
54, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
59.00000000000001, | |
17.00000000000001, | |
32, | |
100, | |
37, | |
100, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
38.99999999999999, | |
18.000000000000014, | |
4.9999999999999964, | |
0, | |
0, | |
52, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
95, | |
47, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
0, | |
0, | |
63, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
31.999999999999986, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
0, | |
27, | |
27, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
87.99999999999999, | |
24.999999999999982, | |
10.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
18.999999999999993, | |
78, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
79.00000000000003, | |
0, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
17.000000000000004, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
73.00000000000001, | |
10.000000000000007, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
0, | |
0, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
100, | |
28.999999999999986, | |
23, | |
0, | |
0, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
100, | |
31.999999999999986, | |
17, | |
0, | |
19.999999999999996, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
52, | |
0, | |
23, | |
0, | |
47, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
79.99999999999999, | |
26.999999999999986, | |
23, | |
0, | |
0, | |
91, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
75.99999999999997, | |
30.99999999999999, | |
1.0000000000000009, | |
0, | |
0, | |
43, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
54, | |
0, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
36, | |
61, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
43.99999999999999, | |
20.99999999999998, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
49, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
58.00000000000001, | |
22.000000000000018, | |
0, | |
0, | |
40.99999999999999, | |
51, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
28.000000000000018, | |
13.000000000000009, | |
0, | |
100, | |
21.999999999999996, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
100, | |
19.000000000000014, | |
52, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
100, | |
19.000000000000014, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
47, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
56.00000000000001, | |
31.999999999999986, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
44.99999999999999, | |
60, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
29.99999999999999, | |
10.000000000000007, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
68, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
39.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
100, | |
37, | |
76, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
32.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
27, | |
68, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
64.00000000000001, | |
19.000000000000014, | |
8, | |
0, | |
0, | |
34, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
51, | |
23.000000000000018, | |
15, | |
0, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
69.99999999999997, | |
36.999999999999986, | |
22.000000000000007, | |
0, | |
29.000000000000004, | |
66, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
69.99999999999997, | |
24.999999999999982, | |
22.000000000000007, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
60.00000000000001, | |
24.999999999999982, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
29.000000000000004, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
30.99999999999999, | |
17.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
31.000000000000007, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
63.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
25, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
84.99999999999999, | |
24.000000000000018, | |
23, | |
0, | |
49, | |
82, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
84.99999999999999, | |
24.000000000000018, | |
13.999999999999998, | |
0, | |
33.00000000000001, | |
53, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
51, | |
20.000000000000014, | |
41.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
36, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
37.999999999999986, | |
22.000000000000018, | |
17, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
66.00000000000001, | |
3.000000000000002, | |
16, | |
100, | |
30.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
61.00000000000001, | |
22.000000000000018, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
38, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
42.99999999999999, | |
20.000000000000014, | |
8, | |
0, | |
10.999999999999998, | |
38, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
81.99999999999999, | |
19.000000000000014, | |
11.999999999999995, | |
100, | |
7.9999999999999964, | |
54, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
67.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
8, | |
0, | |
76, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
79.00000000000003, | |
17.00000000000001, | |
8, | |
0, | |
56.999999999999986, | |
88, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
81.99999999999999, | |
23.000000000000018, | |
5.999999999999997, | |
0, | |
8.999999999999996, | |
92, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
47, | |
32.999999999999986, | |
2.0000000000000018, | |
0, | |
24, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
58.00000000000001, | |
13.000000000000009, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
61.00000000000001, | |
13.000000000000009, | |
27, | |
0, | |
53, | |
59, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
68.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
39, | |
41, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
38.99999999999999, | |
14.000000000000009, | |
11.999999999999995, | |
100, | |
40.99999999999999, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
71.99999999999997, | |
20.99999999999998, | |
13.999999999999998, | |
0, | |
40, | |
59, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
66.00000000000001, | |
20.99999999999998, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
24, | |
69, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
100, | |
20.99999999999998, | |
16, | |
0, | |
0, | |
52, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
62.000000000000014, | |
13.000000000000009, | |
11.999999999999995, | |
100, | |
0, | |
63, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
75.99999999999997, | |
15.00000000000001, | |
11.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
40, | |
39, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
// https://d3js.org/d3-random/ v1.1.2 Copyright 2018 Mike Bostock | |
!function(n,r){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?r(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],r):r(n.d3=n.d3||{})}(this,function(n){"use strict";function r(){return Math.random()}var t=function n(r){function t(n,t){return n=null==n?0:+n,t=null==t?1:+t,1===arguments.length?(t=n,n=0):t-=n,function(){return r()*t+n}}return t.source=n,t}(r),u=function n(r){function t(n,t){var u,e;return n=null==n?0:+n,t=null==t?1:+t,function(){var o;if(null!=u)o=u,u=null;else do{u=2*r()-1,o=2*r()-1,e=u*u+o*o}while(!e||e>1);return n+t*o*Math.sqrt(-2*Math.log(e)/e)}}return t.source=n,t}(r),e=function n(r){function t(){var n=u.source(r).apply(this,arguments);return function(){return Math.exp(n())}}return t.source=n,t}(r),o=function n(r){function t(n){return function(){for(var t=0,u=0;u<n;++u)t+=r();return t}}return t.source=n,t}(r),i=function n(r){function t(n){var t=o.source(r)(n);return function(){return t()/n}}return t.source=n,t}(r),c=function n(r){function t(n){return function(){return-Math.log(1-r())/n}}return t.source=n,t}(r);n.randomUniform=t,n.randomNormal=u,n.randomLogNormal=e,n.randomBates=i,n.randomIrwinHall=o,n.randomExponential=c,Object.defineProperty(n,"__esModule",{value:!0})}); |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
//color variables | |
skinMidtone_color = ["#ffd5be","#ebcebb", "#ffd5be", "#CAA288", "#8c6652"]; | |
skinLowlight_color = ["#f4c4b0", "#e5bbac","#e5b6a2", "#b78c79", "#775041"] | |
n1= [244, 200, 176, 50]; | |
n2= [229, 187, 172, 50]; | |
n3 = [232, 188, 169, 40]; | |
n4 = [188, 149, 126, 50]; | |
n5 = [124, 84, 68, 50]; | |
noseColor = [n1, n2,n3, n4, n5]; | |
h1= [255, 255, 255, 10]; | |
h2= [249, 245, 239, 10]; | |
h3 = [249, 245, 239, 10]; | |
h4 = [255, 231, 216, 10]; | |
h5 = [255, 231, 216, 10]; | |
noseHighlight = [h1, h2, h3, h4, h5]; | |
skinShadow_color = ["#d6a995", "#d6a995","#ba9584", "#9b7768", "#725241"] | |
// stroke_color = [skinLowlight_color[1]]; | |
upperLip_color = ["#ba8080", "#d1a3a1", "#dba69b", "#a5776b","#6d453d", "#54322b"]; // 1 longer than the rest for stroke | |
lowerLip_color = ["#db9d9d", "#ebbdbb", "#ffc9be", "#ca9588", "#8c5c52"]; | |
teeth_color = ["#fcfaf4", "#fff", "#f2ece3", "#f7f2ea", "#efe6da"]; | |
eye_color = ["#3e7191", "#22323d", "#3d4722", "#543f14", "#493127", "#000"]; | |
pupil_color = "#000"; | |
function DockertyFace() { | |
this.lookPos = 50; | |
this.eyeAngle = 100; | |
this.skinColor = 50; | |
this.eyeColor = 50; | |
this.eyeSize = 50; | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
var nose_pos = average_point(positions.nose_bridge); | |
var eye1_pos = average_point(positions.left_eye); | |
var eye2_pos = average_point(positions.right_eye); | |
var half_height = positions.chin[7][1] - nose_pos[1]; | |
var face_width = positions.chin[positions.chin.length-1][0] - positions.chin[0][0]; | |
var eye_squish = map(this.eyeAngle, 0, 100, 50, 100); | |
var skin_color_value = int(map(this.skinColor, 0, 100, 2, 4.9)); | |
var eye_color_value = int(map(this.eyeColor, 0, 100, 0, 5.9)); | |
var eye_size = map(this.eyeSize, 0, 100, 0.7, 1.5); | |
var x = nose_pos[0]; | |
var y = nose_pos[1]; | |
var w = 2 * face_width; | |
var h = 2.5 * half_height; | |
var extent = 0; | |
if(h < w) { | |
extent = h / 2; | |
} | |
else { | |
extent = w / 2; | |
} | |
var size = extent / 220.0; | |
// head | |
stroke(0, 0, 0, 100); | |
fill(skinMidtone_color[skin_color_value]); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[0][1]); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.chin.length;i++) { | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[i][0], positions.chin[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=positions.right_eyebrow.length-1; i>=0;i--) { | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[i][0], positions.right_eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=positions.left_eyebrow.length-1; i>=0;i--) { | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[i][0], positions.left_eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
/////////////////////////////////////////// mouth | |
//inner mouth | |
stroke(upperLip_color[skin_color_value+1]); | |
strokeWeight(0.005); | |
fill(teeth_color[skin_color_value]); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.top_lip.length/2;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.top_lip[i][0], positions.top_lip[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=0; i<6;i++) { | |
if (i!=3 && i!=9){ | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[i][0], positions.bottom_lip[i][1]); | |
} | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//lips | |
fill(upperLip_color[skin_color_value]); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.top_lip.length;i++) { | |
curveVertex(positions.top_lip[i][0], positions.top_lip[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(lowerLip_color[skin_color_value]); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.bottom_lip.length;i++) { | |
if (i!=3 && i!=9){ | |
curveVertex(positions.bottom_lip[i][0], positions.bottom_lip[i][1]); | |
} | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke(); | |
///////////////////////////////////////////left eye | |
eyeball_color = teeth_color[skin_color_value]; | |
iris_color = eye_color[eye_color_value]; | |
push(); | |
scale(1.4); | |
translate(0.2, 0.4); | |
//eyeball | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(eyeball_color) | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.left_eye.length;i++) { | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[i][0], positions.left_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//eye center | |
push(); | |
translate((eye1_pos[0]-0.1)+(this.lookPos/500), eye1_pos[1]-0.03); | |
scale(eye_squish/100, 1); | |
fill(iris_color); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 20 * size *eye_size, 20 * size*eye_size); | |
if (eye_color_value == 5){ | |
fill(255, 144, 96, 20); | |
} else if (eye_color_value == 4){ | |
fill(255, 183, 96, 20); | |
}else { | |
fill(230, 250, 200, 20); | |
} | |
for(var i=0; i<8;i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, (12+i) * size*eye_size, (12+i) * size*eye_size); | |
} | |
fill(pupil_color); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 8 * size*eye_size, 8 * size*eye_size); | |
pop(); | |
//eye highlights | |
fill(255, 255, 255, 5); | |
for (var i=4; i>0;i-=0.02) { | |
ellipse((eye1_pos[0]-0.03), eye1_pos[1]-0.07, i * size, i* size) | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(eye1_pos[0], eye1_pos[1]); | |
rotate(-30); | |
for (var i=6; i>0;i-=0.02) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, i * (size/2), i*size); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//lower lid shadow | |
for(var j=0.04; j>0; j-= 0.02){ | |
push(); | |
translate(-0.02, -j); | |
scale(0.98, 1) | |
fill(0, 0, 0, (20/(j*30))); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[0][0], positions.left_eye[0][1]); | |
for(var i=5; i>=3;i--) { | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[i][0], positions.left_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=3; i<=5;i++) { | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[i][0], (positions.left_eye[i][1])+0.1); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//lower lid shape | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(skinMidtone_color[skin_color_value]); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[0][0], positions.left_eye[0][1]); | |
for(var i=5; i>=3;i--) { | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[i][0], positions.left_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=3; i<=5;i++) { | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[i][0], (positions.left_eye[i][1])+0.15); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//eyelid shadow | |
for(var j=0.01; j<0.1; j+= 0.01){ | |
push(); | |
translate(-0.02, j); | |
scale(0.98, 1) | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(0, 0, 0, (20/(j*20))); | |
curveVertex((positions.left_eye[0][0]), (positions.left_eye[0][1])); | |
for(var i=0; i<4;i++) { | |
var eyelid_value_y = ((positions.left_eye[i][1] + positions.left_eyebrow[i+1][1])/2.2); | |
var eyelid_value_x = ((positions.left_eye[i][0] + positions.left_eyebrow[i][0])/2.3); | |
curveVertex((eyelid_value_x), (eyelid_value_y)); | |
} | |
for(var i=3; i>=0;i--) { | |
curveVertex((positions.left_eye[i][0]), (positions.left_eye[i][1])); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//eyelid shape | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(skinLowlight_color[skin_color_value]); | |
curveVertex((positions.left_eye[0][0]), (positions.left_eye[0][1])); | |
for(var i=0; i<4;i++) { | |
var eyelid_value_y = ((positions.left_eye[i][1] + positions.left_eyebrow[i+1][1])/2.2); | |
var eyelid_value_x = ((positions.left_eye[i][0] + positions.left_eyebrow[i][0])/2.3); | |
curveVertex((eyelid_value_x), (eyelid_value_y)); | |
} | |
for(var i=3; i>=0;i--) { | |
curveVertex((positions.left_eye[i][0]), (positions.left_eye[i][1])); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//browbone shape | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(skinMidtone_color[skin_color_value]); | |
vertex((positions.left_eye[0][0]), (positions.left_eye[0][1])); | |
for(var i=0; i<4;i++) { | |
var eyelid_value_y = ((positions.left_eye[i][1] + positions.left_eyebrow[i+1][1])/2.2); | |
var eyelid_value_x = ((positions.left_eye[i][0] + positions.left_eyebrow[i][0])/2.3); | |
curveVertex((eyelid_value_x), (eyelid_value_y)); | |
} | |
curveVertex((positions.left_eyebrow[4][0]+positions.left_eyebrow[3][0])/2.5, (positions.left_eyebrow[3][1]+0.2)); | |
curveVertex((positions.left_eyebrow[1][0]+0.2), (positions.left_eyebrow[1][1])+0.1); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////right eye | |
push(); | |
scale(1.4); | |
translate(-0.2, 0.4); | |
//eyeball | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(eyeball_color) | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.right_eye.length;i++) { | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[i][0], positions.right_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
push(); | |
translate((eye2_pos[0]-0.1)+(this.lookPos/500), eye2_pos[1]-0.03); | |
scale(eye_squish/100, 1); | |
//iris | |
fill(iris_color); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 20 * size*eye_size, 20 * size*eye_size); | |
if (eye_color_value == 5){ | |
fill(255, 144, 96, 20); | |
} else if (eye_color_value == 4){ | |
fill(255, 183, 96, 20); | |
}else { | |
fill(230, 250, 200, 20); | |
} | |
for(var i=0; i<8;i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, (12+i) * size*eye_size, (12+i) * size*eye_size); | |
} | |
//pupil | |
fill(pupil_color); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 8 * size*eye_size, 8 * size*eye_size); | |
pop(); | |
//eye highlights | |
fill(255, 255, 255, 5); | |
for (var i=4; i>0;i-=0.02) { | |
ellipse((eye2_pos[0]-0.1)+0.07, eye2_pos[1]-0.07, i * size, i* size) | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(eye2_pos[0], eye2_pos[1]); | |
rotate(-30); | |
for (var i=6; i>0;i-=0.01) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, i * (size/2), i*size); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//lower lid shadow | |
for(var j=0.04; j>0; j-= 0.02){ | |
push(); | |
translate(0.02, -j); | |
scale(0.98, 1) | |
fill(0, 0, 0, (20/(j*30))); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[0][0], positions.right_eye[0][1]); | |
for(var i=5; i>=3;i--) { | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[i][0], positions.right_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=3; i<=5;i++) { | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[i][0], (positions.right_eye[i][1])+0.1); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//lower lid shape | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(skinMidtone_color[skin_color_value]); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[0][0], positions.right_eye[0][1]); | |
for(var i=5; i>=3;i--) { | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[i][0], positions.right_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=3; i<=5;i++) { | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[i][0], (positions.right_eye[i][1])+0.15); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//eyelid shadow | |
for(var j=0.01; j<0.1; j+= 0.02){ | |
push(); | |
translate(0.02, j); | |
scale(0.98, 1) | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(0, 0, 0, (20/(j*20))); | |
curveVertex((positions.right_eye[0][0]), (positions.right_eye[0][1])); | |
for(var i=0; i<4;i++) { | |
var eyelid_value_y = ((positions.right_eye[i][1] + positions.right_eyebrow[i][1])/2.2); | |
var eyelid_value_x = ((positions.right_eye[i][0] + positions.right_eyebrow[i+1][0])/2.3); | |
curveVertex((eyelid_value_x), (eyelid_value_y)); | |
} | |
for(var i=3; i>=0;i--) { | |
curveVertex((positions.right_eye[i][0]), (positions.right_eye[i][1])); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//eyelid shape | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(skinLowlight_color[skin_color_value]); | |
curveVertex((positions.right_eye[0][0]), (positions.right_eye[0][1])); | |
for(var i=0; i<4;i++) { | |
var eyelid_value_y = ((positions.right_eye[i][1] + positions.right_eyebrow[i][1])/2.2); | |
var eyelid_value_x = ((positions.right_eye[i][0] + positions.right_eyebrow[i+1][0])/2.3); | |
curveVertex((eyelid_value_x), (eyelid_value_y)); | |
} | |
for(var i=3; i>=0;i--) { | |
curveVertex((positions.right_eye[i][0]), (positions.right_eye[i][1])); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//browbone shape | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(skinMidtone_color[skin_color_value]); | |
for(var i=3; i>=0;i--) { | |
var eyelid_value_y = ((positions.right_eye[i][1] + positions.right_eyebrow[i][1])/2.2); | |
var eyelid_value_x = ((positions.right_eye[i][0] + positions.right_eyebrow[i+1][0])/2.3); | |
curveVertex((eyelid_value_x), (eyelid_value_y)); | |
} | |
curveVertex((positions.right_eyebrow[0][0]+0.15), (positions.right_eyebrow[0][1])+0.1); | |
curveVertex((positions.right_eyebrow[1][0]+0.15), (positions.right_eyebrow[1][1])+0.1); | |
curveVertex((positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+positions.right_eyebrow[3][0])/2.5, (positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]+0.15)); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
////////////////////////////////////////eyebrows | |
//left eyebrow | |
var browScale = 0.2 | |
for (var j=0; j<10; j++){ | |
browScale-=0.02; | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(0, 0, 0, 30); | |
for(var i=1; i<3;i++) { | |
vertex((positions.left_eyebrow[i+1][0]), (positions.left_eyebrow[i+1][1]+0.2)); | |
} | |
vertex((positions.left_eyebrow[4][0]-browScale), (positions.left_eyebrow[4][1]+0.2)-(browScale/2)); | |
vertex((positions.left_eyebrow[4][0]-browScale), (positions.left_eyebrow[4][1])-(browScale/2)); | |
for(var i=3; i>=0;i--) { | |
if (i!=1){ | |
vertex((positions.left_eyebrow[i][0]), (positions.left_eyebrow[i][1])); | |
} | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
//right eyebrow | |
var browScale = 0 | |
for (var j=0; j<10; j++){ | |
browScale-=0.02; | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex((positions.right_eyebrow[0][0]-browScale), (positions.right_eyebrow[0][1]+0.2)+(browScale/2)); | |
for(var i=1; i<4;i++) { | |
vertex((positions.right_eyebrow[i-1][0]), (positions.right_eyebrow[i-1][1]+0.2)); | |
} | |
for(var i=4; i>=0;i--) { | |
if (i!= 3){ | |
vertex((positions.right_eyebrow[i][0]), (positions.right_eyebrow[i][1])); | |
} | |
} | |
vertex((positions.right_eyebrow[0][0]-browScale), (positions.right_eyebrow[0][1])+(browScale/2)); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
////////////////////////////////////////////// nose | |
//bottom of nose | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(skinShadow_color[skin_color_value]); | |
stroke(0, 0, 0, 80) | |
strokeWeight(0.02); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[positions.nose_tip.length-1][0], positions.nose_tip[positions.nose_tip.length-1][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_bridge[positions.nose_bridge.length-1][0], positions.nose_bridge[positions.nose_bridge.length-1][1]); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.nose_tip.length;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[i][0], positions.nose_tip[i][1]); | |
} | |
vertex(positions.nose_bridge[positions.nose_bridge.length-1][0], positions.nose_bridge[positions.nose_bridge.length-1][1]); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//nose bridge | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(skinMidtone_color[skin_color_value]); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(((positions.nose_bridge[0][0]+positions.right_eye[4][0])/2)-0.3, positions.nose_bridge[0][1]); | |
vertex(((positions.nose_bridge[0][0]+positions.left_eye[4][0])/2)+0.3, positions.nose_bridge[0][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[0][0], positions.nose_tip[0][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[2][0], positions.nose_bridge[positions.nose_bridge.length-1][1]+0.3); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[4][0], positions.nose_tip[4][1]); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(noseColor[skin_color_value]); | |
var noseWidth = 0; | |
for (var j=0; j<20; j++){ | |
noseWidth+=0.02 | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(((positions.nose_bridge[0][0]+positions.right_eye[4][0])/2)-0.3, positions.nose_bridge[0][1]+noseWidth); | |
vertex(((positions.nose_bridge[0][0]+positions.left_eye[4][0])/2)+0.3, positions.nose_bridge[0][1]+noseWidth); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[0][0]+noseWidth, positions.nose_tip[0][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[2][0], positions.nose_bridge[positions.nose_bridge.length-1][1]+0.3); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[4][0]-noseWidth, positions.nose_tip[4][1]); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
//nose highlight | |
fill(noseHighlight[skin_color_value]); | |
var highlightWidth = 0.2; | |
for (var j=0; j<20; j++){ | |
highlightWidth -= 0.01; | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(((positions.nose_bridge[1][0]+positions.right_eye[4][0])/2)-0.4, positions.nose_bridge[1][1]+highlightWidth); | |
vertex(((positions.nose_bridge[1][0]+positions.left_eye[4][0])/2)+0.4, positions.nose_bridge[1][1]+highlightWidth); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[1][0]+highlightWidth, positions.nose_bridge[positions.nose_bridge.length-1][1]+0.2); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[2][0], positions.nose_bridge[positions.nose_bridge.length-1][1]+0.3); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[3][0]-highlightWidth, positions.nose_bridge[positions.nose_bridge.length-1][1]+0.2); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
} | |
/*// set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.lookPos = settings[0]; | |
this.eyeAngle = settings[1]; | |
this.skinColor = settings[2]; | |
this.eyeColor = settings[3]; | |
this.eyeSize = settings[4]; | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
properties = new Array(4); | |
properties[0] = this.lookPos; | |
properties[1] = this.eyeAngle; | |
properties[2] = this.skinColor; | |
properties[3] = this.eyeColor; | |
properties[4] = this.eyeSize; | |
return properties; | |
} | |
} | |
// given a point, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
100, | |
90, | |
14, | |
100, | |
47 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
44, | |
72, | |
0, | |
66, | |
42 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
75, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
23, | |
61, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
64, | |
84, | |
51, | |
100, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
39, | |
72, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
8, | |
100, | |
24, | |
64, | |
34 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
19, | |
0, | |
73 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
76, | |
82, | |
11, | |
0, | |
28 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
21, | |
100, | |
69, | |
100, | |
42 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
36, | |
84, | |
20, | |
23, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
23, | |
76, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
17, | |
100, | |
0, | |
26, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
73, | |
100, | |
21, | |
15, | |
9 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
100, | |
72, | |
28, | |
0, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
58, | |
100, | |
50, | |
54, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
32, | |
86, | |
71 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
36, | |
100, | |
19, | |
0, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
9, | |
100, | |
50, | |
80, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
23, | |
0, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
58, | |
92, | |
9, | |
59, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
44, | |
100, | |
0, | |
58, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
65, | |
62, | |
50, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
12 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
26, | |
71, | |
47 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
28, | |
38, | |
50, | |
75, | |
64 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
31, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
43 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
37, | |
100, | |
0, | |
57, | |
44 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
45, | |
100, | |
69, | |
100, | |
65 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
59, | |
100, | |
32, | |
75, | |
57 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
90, | |
100, | |
38, | |
80, | |
74 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
82, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
38 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
39, | |
69, | |
25, | |
75, | |
38 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
73, | |
100, | |
23, | |
100, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
62, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
23, | |
100, | |
24, | |
0, | |
64 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
37, | |
84, | |
22, | |
60, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
29, | |
90, | |
20, | |
0, | |
38 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
65, | |
62, | |
50, | |
100, | |
43 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
48, | |
96, | |
21, | |
22, | |
29 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
49, | |
100, | |
38, | |
70, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
25, | |
100, | |
14, | |
76, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
45, | |
100, | |
25, | |
65, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
23, | |
61, | |
45 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
29, | |
61, | |
23, | |
29, | |
61 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
4, | |
100, | |
21, | |
78, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
79, | |
0, | |
0, | |
74 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
7, | |
100, | |
31, | |
100, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
85, | |
100, | |
40, | |
82, | |
40 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
26, | |
100, | |
21, | |
24, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
51, | |
82, | |
37, | |
77, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
43, | |
100, | |
27, | |
55, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
52, | |
100, | |
24, | |
32, | |
88 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
8, | |
100, | |
31, | |
63, | |
59 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
90, | |
94, | |
23, | |
89, | |
63 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
54, | |
88, | |
11, | |
20, | |
44 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
17, | |
100, | |
10, | |
25, | |
45 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
33, | |
100, | |
16, | |
15, | |
53 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
57, | |
100, | |
30, | |
0, | |
62 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
27, | |
100, | |
0, | |
26, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
58, | |
77, | |
27, | |
72, | |
58 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
27, | |
100, | |
18, | |
30, | |
49 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
36, | |
100, | |
32, | |
19, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
9, | |
100, | |
50, | |
63, | |
80 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
43, | |
100, | |
21, | |
0, | |
45 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
66, | |
100, | |
29, | |
24, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
27, | |
87, | |
27, | |
54, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
83, | |
100, | |
35, | |
22, | |
70 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
44, | |
100, | |
30, | |
80, | |
46 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
60, | |
82, | |
30, | |
56, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
45, | |
100, | |
26, | |
80, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
64, | |
89, | |
71, | |
94, | |
71 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
17, | |
100, | |
37, | |
98, | |
79 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
48, | |
100, | |
16, | |
100, | |
55 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
43, | |
91, | |
27, | |
57, | |
55 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
30, | |
20, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
79, | |
100, | |
14, | |
0, | |
86 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
72, | |
97, | |
34, | |
27, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
16, | |
100, | |
66 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
52, | |
100, | |
48, | |
87, | |
67 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
48, | |
100, | |
19, | |
26, | |
57 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
21, | |
69, | |
79, | |
85, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
96, | |
79, | |
38, | |
100, | |
70 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
80, | |
93, | |
19, | |
66, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
29, | |
100, | |
30, | |
0, | |
59 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
38, | |
96, | |
25, | |
27, | |
41 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
66, | |
100, | |
24, | |
2, | |
43 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
46, | |
100, | |
7, | |
72, | |
68 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
45, | |
56, | |
37, | |
100, | |
34 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
67, | |
100, | |
10, | |
0, | |
66 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
75, | |
47, | |
10, | |
28, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
40, | |
100, | |
19, | |
11, | |
39 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
34, | |
100, | |
38, | |
100, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
41, | |
94, | |
25, | |
57, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
44, | |
98, | |
17, | |
68, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
29, | |
100, | |
88 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
50, | |
75, | |
24, | |
49, | |
74 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
40, | |
100, | |
26, | |
70, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
45, | |
100, | |
14, | |
23, | |
34 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
50, | |
50, | |
71 | |
] | |
} | |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// these control the colors used | |
function FelizardoFace() { | |
const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables may be different) | |
this.tilt_value = 0; | |
this.mouth_value = 1; | |
this.eye_size = 0; | |
this.eyelid = 0; | |
this.mouth_open = 1; | |
/* | |
* Draw a face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
colorMode(HSL, 360, 100, 100, 1); | |
//head | |
let head_location = average_point(positions.chin) | |
//eyes | |
let eye_L = average_point(positions.left_eye) | |
let eye_R = average_point(positions.right_eye) | |
//mouth points | |
//*top | |
let m_left = positions.top_lip[0]; | |
let m_m_left = positions.top_lip[1]; | |
let m_top = positions.top_lip[3]; | |
let m_m_right = positions.top_lip[5] | |
let m_right = positions.top_lip[6]; | |
let m_bot = positions.bottom_lip[9]; | |
//bottom | |
let m_b1 = positions.bottom_lip[0]; | |
let m_b2 = positions.bottom_lip[1]; | |
let m_b3 = positions.bottom_lip[4]; | |
let m_b4 = positions.bottom_lip[6]; | |
//mouth pts for teeth | |
let m_teeth = positions.top_lip[10]; | |
let m_teeth2 = positions.top_lip[8]; | |
let m_teeth3 = positions.top_lip[7]; | |
let m_teeth4 = positions.top_lip[11]; | |
//brow points | |
let b_r1 = positions.right_eyebrow[0]; | |
let b_r2 = positions.right_eyebrow[4]; | |
let b_l1 = positions.left_eyebrow[0]; | |
let b_l2 = positions.left_eyebrow[4]; | |
//cheek pts | |
let ch_1 = positions.chin[2]; | |
let ch_2 = positions.chin[14]; | |
//CHIN PTS | |
let b_ch_1 = positions.chin[5]; | |
let b_ch_2 = positions.chin[7]; | |
let b_ch_3 = positions.chin[8]; | |
let b_ch_4 = positions.chin[9]; | |
let b_ch_5 = positions.chin[11]; | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//********************** E Y E S ************************************ | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//**************** e y e s h a p e ************************** | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(eye_L[0], eye_L[1], .9 * this.eye_size, .9 * this.eye_size); | |
ellipse(eye_R[0], eye_R[1], .9 * this.eye_size, .9 * this.eye_size); | |
//**************** e y e c o l o u r ************************** | |
//******cornea | |
fill(1 * this.eye_colour, 75, 50, 1); // eye colour | |
ellipse(eye_L[0], eye_L[1], .6 * this.eye_size, .6 * this.eye_size); | |
ellipse(eye_R[0], eye_R[1], .6 * this.eye_size, .6 * this.eye_size); | |
//********* iris | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(eye_L[0], eye_L[1], .2 * this.eye_size, .2 * this.eye_size); | |
ellipse(eye_R[0], eye_R[1], .2 * this.eye_size, .2 * this.eye_size); | |
//************* e y e l i d s ******************* | |
//********** SURPRISED | |
if (this.eyelid == 0) { | |
fill(0); | |
arc(eye_L[0], eye_L[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, 15, 165, CHORD); | |
arc(eye_R[0], eye_R[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, 15, 165, CHORD); | |
} | |
//*********** MELLOW | |
if (this.eyelid == 1) { | |
fill(0); | |
arc(eye_L[0], eye_L[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, -180, 0, CHORD); | |
arc(eye_R[0], eye_R[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, -180, 0, CHORD); | |
} | |
//*********** ANGRY | |
if (this.eyelid == 2) { | |
fill(0); | |
arc(eye_L[0], eye_L[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, -150, 20, CHORD); | |
arc(eye_R[0], eye_R[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, 160, -30, CHORD); | |
//lower lids | |
arc(eye_L[0], eye_L[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, -150, 20, CHORD); | |
arc(eye_R[0], eye_R[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, 160, -30, CHORD); | |
} | |
//*********** SCHLEEP | |
if (this.eyelid == 3) { | |
fill(0); | |
arc(eye_L[0], eye_L[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, -180, 0, CHORD); | |
arc(eye_R[0], eye_R[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, -180, 0, CHORD); | |
//lower lids | |
arc(eye_L[0], eye_L[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, 20, 160, CHORD); | |
arc(eye_R[0], eye_R[1], 1 * this.eye_size, 1 * this.eye_size, 20, 160, CHORD); | |
} | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//********************** C H I N ****************************** | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(.02); | |
line(b_ch_2[0], b_ch_2[1], ch_1[0], ch_1[1]); //cheek to jaw connector | |
line(b_ch_4[0], b_ch_4[1], ch_2[0], ch_2[1]); | |
fill(20, 0, this.skin); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(b_ch_1[0], b_ch_1[1]); | |
vertex(b_ch_2[0], b_ch_2[1] + 1 * this.chin); | |
vertex(b_ch_3[0], b_ch_3[1] + 1 * this.chin); | |
vertex(b_ch_4[0], b_ch_4[1] + 1 * this.chin); | |
vertex(b_ch_5[0], b_ch_5[1]); | |
endShape(); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(b_ch_2[0], b_ch_2[1] - .08, .07, .07); //peg | |
ellipse(b_ch_4[0], b_ch_4[1] - .08, .07, .07); | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//********************** M O U T H ************************** | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//********** bottom lip *check if working properly. | |
//cheek pivot | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(ch_2[0], ch_2[1], .2, .2); | |
ellipse(ch_1[0], ch_1[1], .2, .2); | |
//cheek wires | |
strokeWeight(.02); | |
stroke(0); | |
noFill(); | |
line(ch_2[0], ch_2[1], m_b1[0], m_b1[1]); | |
line(ch_2[0], ch_2[1], m_b1[0], (m_b1[1] * this.mouth_open) + .05); | |
line(ch_1[0], ch_1[1], m_b4[0], m_b4[1]); | |
line(ch_1[0], ch_1[1], m_b4[0], (m_b4[1] * this.mouth_open) + .05); | |
stroke(360, 70, 60, 1); //bottom lip colour | |
strokeWeight(.4); | |
noFill(); | |
bezier(m_b1[0], m_b1[1], m_b2[0], m_b2[1] * this.mouth_open, m_b3[0], m_b3[1] * this.mouth_open, m_b4[0], m_b4[1]); | |
//********** top_lip | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(.5); | |
stroke(360, 100, 60, 1); //thick top lip colour | |
bezier(m_left[0], m_left[1], m_m_left[0], m_m_left[1] - .2, m_m_right[0], m_m_right[1] - .2, m_right[0], m_right[1]); | |
strokeWeight(.3); | |
stroke(360, 100, 40, 1); //top lip shade | |
bezier(m_left[0], m_left[1] + .1, m_m_left[0], m_m_left[1], m_m_right[0], m_m_right[1], m_right[0], m_right[1] + .1); | |
//************* top teeth | |
fill(225); | |
noStroke(); | |
arc(m_teeth3[0], m_teeth3[1], .45 * .5, .7 * .5, 15 + 20, 165, CHORD); //right back | |
arc(m_teeth3[0] - .2, m_teeth3[1], .45 * .5, .7 * .5, 15, 165, CHORD); //right back 2 | |
arc(m_teeth4[0], m_teeth4[1], .45 * .5, .7 * .5, 15 - 20, 165 - 10, CHORD); //left back | |
arc(m_teeth4[0] + .2, m_teeth4[1], .45 * .5, .7 * .5, 15, 165, CHORD); //left back 2 | |
fill(255); | |
arc(m_teeth[0], m_teeth[1] - .15, .45, .7, 15, 165, CHORD); | |
arc(m_teeth2[0], m_teeth2[1] - .15, .45, .7, 15, 165, CHORD); | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//********************** M or F ************************************** | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
if (this.horn == 0) { | |
fill(100, 0, 50); | |
ellipse(head_location[0], head_location[1] - 3.29, .5, .25); | |
fill(20, 0, this.skin); | |
ellipse(head_location[0], head_location[1] - 3.31, .5, .2); | |
stroke(200, 0, this.skin - 10); | |
strokeWeight(.1); | |
line(head_location[0], head_location[1] - 3.4, head_location[0], head_location[1] - 4.5) | |
noStroke(0); | |
fill(20, 0, this.skin + 10); | |
ellipse(head_location[0], head_location[1] - 4.5, .3, .3); | |
} | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//********************** B R O W S ************************** | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//eyebrow background mechanics | |
fill(0); | |
strokeWeight(.02); | |
stroke(0); | |
ellipse(head_location[0], head_location[1] - 3, .2, .2); | |
line(head_location[0], head_location[1] - 3, b_l1[0] * .8, b_l1[1] * 1.4 * this.eyebrows); | |
line(head_location[0], head_location[1] - 3, b_l2[0] * .8, b_l2[1] * 1.1 * this.eyebrows); | |
line(head_location[0], head_location[1] - 3, b_r1[0] * .8, b_r1[1] * 1.1 * this.eyebrows); | |
line(head_location[0], head_location[1] - 3, b_r2[0] * .8, b_r2[1] * 1.4 * this.eyebrows); | |
strokeWeight(.55); | |
stroke(20, 0, this.skin); | |
line(b_l1[0] * .8, b_l1[1] * 1.4 * this.eyebrows, b_l2[0] * .8, b_l2[1] * 1.1 * this.eyebrows); // left eyebrow | |
line(b_r1[0] * .8, b_r1[1] * 1.1 * this.eyebrows, b_r2[0] * .8, b_r2[1] * 1.4 * this.eyebrows); // right eyebrow | |
fill(0) | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(b_l1[0] * .8, b_l1[1] * 1.4 * this.eyebrows, .06, .06); | |
ellipse(b_l2[0] * .8, b_l2[1] * 1.1 * this.eyebrows, .06, .06); | |
ellipse(b_r1[0] * .8, b_r1[1] * 1.1 * this.eyebrows, .06, .06); | |
ellipse(b_r2[0] * .8, b_r2[1] * 1.4 * this.eyebrows, .06, .06); | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
//******************************************************************************* | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
//put all slider elements here first | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.eye_size = map(settings[0], 0, 100, .9, 1.1); | |
this.eyelid = int(map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0, 4)); | |
this.eyebrows = map(settings[2], 0, 100, .9, 1.1); | |
this.mouth_open = map(settings[4], 0, 100, 1, 1.5); | |
this.eye_colour = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 1, 359); | |
this.horn = int(map(settings[5], 0, 100, 0, 1)); | |
this.skin = map(settings[6], 0, 100, 100, 50); | |
this.chin = map(settings[7], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
//then wire them up here in this order (flip it round) | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(8); | |
settings[0] = map(this.eye_size, .9, 1.1, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.eyelid, 0, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.eyebrows, 1, 1.5, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.mouth_open, 1, 1.5, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.eye_colour, 1, 359, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.horn, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = map(this.skin, 100, 50, 0, 100); | |
settings[7] = map(this.chin, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
24, | |
56, | |
-12, | |
27, | |
42, | |
100, | |
69, | |
1 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
50.999999999999964, | |
0, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
33.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
12 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
51.99999999999997, | |
75, | |
-14.79999999999999, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
29.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
81, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
10.999999999999988, | |
100, | |
76, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
48.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
91, | |
50, | |
100, | |
50, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
25, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
70, | |
22.00000000000002, | |
0, | |
73, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
78.00000000000003, | |
100, | |
63, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
16, | |
50, | |
100, | |
62, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
0, | |
-14.399999999999991, | |
18, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
65, | |
50, | |
100, | |
32, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
0, | |
75, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
97, | |
100, | |
0, | |
82, | |
38 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
96, | |
50, | |
0, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
75, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
17, | |
18.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
77, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
8.000000000000004, | |
75, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
92, | |
100, | |
0, | |
67, | |
34 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
22, | |
50, | |
100, | |
50, | |
3 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
-15.199999999999992, | |
90, | |
50, | |
0, | |
87, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
89, | |
50, | |
0, | |
42, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
75, | |
-11.99999999999999, | |
20, | |
29.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
86, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
11.20000000000001, | |
51, | |
8.000000000000007, | |
0, | |
70, | |
19 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
15.000000000000007, | |
75, | |
-15.999999999999993, | |
30, | |
50, | |
100, | |
32, | |
64 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
0, | |
25, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
98, | |
89.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
63, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
69, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
100, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
61.99999999999998, | |
50, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
75, | |
41.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
31, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
86, | |
37.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
75, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
10.000000000000009, | |
67, | |
54, | |
100, | |
82, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
70.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
69, | |
50.99999999999998, | |
0, | |
59, | |
45 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
8.000000000000007, | |
8, | |
50, | |
100, | |
62, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
48.99999999999997, | |
100, | |
15.600000000000014, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
23, | |
100, | |
69, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
0, | |
66, | |
14.000000000000012, | |
100, | |
20, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
22.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
4.400000000000004, | |
11, | |
46, | |
100, | |
66, | |
9 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
0, | |
68, | |
50, | |
100, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
1.200000000000001, | |
61, | |
43.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
100, | |
57.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
70, | |
98, | |
0, | |
73, | |
83 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
0, | |
-16.39999999999999, | |
46, | |
50, | |
0, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
55.99999999999997, | |
25, | |
12.800000000000011, | |
71, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
46 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
25, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
61, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
2.400000000000002, | |
72, | |
39.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
70, | |
44 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
4.800000000000004, | |
65, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
80, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
19.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
-19.999999999999996, | |
67, | |
100, | |
0, | |
11, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
4.800000000000004, | |
88, | |
69, | |
0, | |
63, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
0, | |
25, | |
-5.999999999999983, | |
64, | |
41.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
97, | |
25, | |
18.000000000000014, | |
40, | |
79.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
22, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
69, | |
100, | |
0, | |
67, | |
44 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
62.99999999999998, | |
0, | |
-19.199999999999996, | |
23, | |
50, | |
100, | |
72, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
-6.799999999999984, | |
67, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
70, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
74, | |
81.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
65, | |
55.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
75, | |
-7.999999999999985, | |
60, | |
25.99999999999998, | |
100, | |
71, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
5.200000000000005, | |
74, | |
64.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
77, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
15.000000000000007, | |
100, | |
10.000000000000009, | |
46, | |
50, | |
0, | |
33, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
6.000000000000005, | |
72, | |
23, | |
0, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
12.400000000000011, | |
65, | |
50.99999999999998, | |
0, | |
77, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
10.80000000000001, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100, | |
91, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
93, | |
100, | |
12.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
22.00000000000002, | |
100, | |
74, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
18.400000000000016, | |
0, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
88, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
3.600000000000003, | |
79, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
14.400000000000013, | |
70, | |
25.99999999999998, | |
0, | |
64, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
12.000000000000007, | |
0, | |
15.200000000000014, | |
23, | |
50, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
57.99999999999997, | |
25, | |
10.40000000000001, | |
91, | |
69, | |
100, | |
26, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
69.99999999999999, | |
75, | |
8.800000000000008, | |
40, | |
14.999999999999991, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
87, | |
52, | |
100, | |
60, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
5.600000000000005, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
37.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
81, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
51.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
0, | |
66, | |
50, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
2.8000000000000025, | |
85, | |
33.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
93, | |
0, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
90, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
30, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
-8.399999999999984, | |
20, | |
50, | |
100, | |
73, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
100, | |
8.400000000000007, | |
74, | |
49.00000000000002, | |
0, | |
54, | |
27 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
1.200000000000001, | |
91, | |
58.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
76, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
33, | |
69, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
0, | |
71, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
0, | |
46, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
68, | |
50, | |
0, | |
79, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
-15.59999999999999, | |
73, | |
35.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
9.200000000000008, | |
69, | |
50, | |
100, | |
33, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
0, | |
0, | |
62, | |
50, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
2.0000000000000018, | |
42, | |
75, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
96, | |
0, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
53, | |
60.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
43, | |
27 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50, | |
100, | |
76, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
0.40000000000000036, | |
62, | |
24.00000000000002, | |
0, | |
73, | |
43 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
6.000000000000005, | |
72, | |
54, | |
100, | |
26, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
7.600000000000007, | |
71, | |
41.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
92, | |
75, | |
17.200000000000017, | |
22, | |
28.000000000000025, | |
100, | |
33, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
7.200000000000006, | |
65, | |
41.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
63, | |
10.999999999999988, | |
0, | |
24, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
75, | |
-7.5999999999999845, | |
46, | |
29.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
85, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
-2.39999999999998, | |
22, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
88.99999999999999, | |
75, | |
4.400000000000004, | |
90, | |
56.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
86, | |
69, | |
0, | |
50, | |
35 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
76, | |
50, | |
100, | |
75, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
93, | |
100, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
89, | |
37.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
67, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
94, | |
100, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
50, | |
50, | |
100, | |
67, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
5.200000000000005, | |
76, | |
62.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
67, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000025, | |
0, | |
100, | |
14.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
14.000000000000012, | |
68, | |
50, | |
100, | |
79, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
7.200000000000006, | |
71, | |
50, | |
0, | |
92, | |
40 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
0, | |
85, | |
50, | |
0, | |
83, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
93, | |
100, | |
12.800000000000011, | |
0, | |
49.00000000000002, | |
100, | |
65, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
20.000000000000018, | |
26, | |
33.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
74, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
75, | |
6.000000000000005, | |
16, | |
23, | |
100, | |
81, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
49.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
0, | |
69, | |
25.99999999999998, | |
0, | |
79, | |
83 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
8.000000000000007, | |
70, | |
33.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
93, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
function gambles_draw_one_frame(cur_frac) { | |
// note: to clear the screen draw a rectangle | |
// that is width x height - like this | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(10); | |
rect(0, 0, width, height); | |
// note: all shape sizes, line widths, etc. should be a | |
// function of width and height | |
let rect_width = height / 10.0; | |
let half_width = rect_width / 2; | |
// note: animation should progress depending on the | |
// value of cur_frac which goes from 0 to 1, and it | |
// should loop seamlessly | |
let cur_x = map(cur_frac, 0, 1, 0, width) - half_width; | |
fill(200); | |
// draw the rect moving across the screen | |
rect(cur_x, 0, rect_width, height); | |
// a second version (offscreen) for when it loops back around | |
rect(cur_x+width, 0, rect_width, height); | |
rect(cur_x-width, 0, rect_width, height); | |
// note: you can draw optional things depending on "debugView" | |
if (debugView) { | |
// we'll draw our "keyframes" | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(255, 0, 0); | |
strokeWeight(height/100); | |
// here we "plug in" the values when cur_frac is 0 | |
rect(-half_width, 0, rect_width, height); | |
rect( width - half_width, 0, rect_width, height); | |
rect(-width - half_width, 0, rect_width, height); | |
} | |
} | |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
var DEBUG_MODE = false; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 8; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// const fg_color = [255]; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i = 0; i < s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len, sum_y / s_len]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function GamblesFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables should be different!) | |
this.eye_type = .2; // changes between different styles range is 0 to 1 with 3 different styles of eye | |
this.right_eyeBrow_height = .5; // Low, Middle, or High range is 0 to 1 with 3 different positions | |
this.left_eyeBrow_height = .5; // Low, Middle, or High range is 0 to 1 with 3 different positions | |
this.mouth_type = .2; // changes between different styles range is 0 to 1 with 5 different positions | |
this.bridge_direction = .2; // left or right range is 0 to 1 with 2 different positions | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
this.draw_segment = function (segment, do_loop) { | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
if (i < segment.length - 1) { | |
let nx = segment[i + 1][0]; | |
let ny = segment[i + 1][1]; | |
ellipse(px, py, .1) | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} else if (do_loop) { | |
let nx = segment[0][0]; | |
let ny = segment[0][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function (positions) { | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
noStroke() | |
// average the location of some of the facepart to be used to determine if they are in one or another | |
let nose_tip_pos = segment_average(positions.nose_tip); | |
let top_lip_pos = segment_average(positions.top_lip); | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
// size and number of cells in the grid | |
var gridSize = 3; | |
var cellSize = .75; | |
/*** TOM ADDED THIS LOOP #1 to "color in" the face ***/ | |
// this is a lookup table that keeps track of previous cells | |
for (let y = -gridSize; y < gridSize; y += cellSize) { | |
// each row we'll draw one line from left_x to right_x | |
let left_x = null; | |
let right_x = null; | |
for (let x = -gridSize; x < gridSize; x += cellSize) { | |
let lastX = null; | |
let lastY = null; | |
for (let i = 0; i < positions.chin.length; i++) { | |
if (positions.chin[i][0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && positions.chin[i][0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && positions.chin[i][1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && positions.chin[i][1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
if (x != lastX && y != lastY) { | |
lastX = x; | |
lastY = y; | |
// first check if this is the first one | |
if (left_x == null) { | |
// just record this for both left and right | |
left_x = x; | |
right_x = x; | |
} else if (x < left_x) { | |
// new left_x | |
left_x = x; | |
} else if (x > right_x) { | |
right_x = x; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (left_x != null) { | |
// now draw the line (series of cells) | |
for (let j = left_x; j <= right_x; j += cellSize) { | |
let selectFill = random(0, 1) | |
if (selectFill >= 0 && selectFill < .33) { | |
gridGradient(j, y); | |
} else if (selectFill >= .33 && selectFill < .66) { | |
circles(j, y) | |
} else if (selectFill >= .66 && selectFill < 1) { | |
triangles(j, y); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/*** END OF TOM'S ADDITONS ***/ | |
// Main loop, logic gates that check if the given point of the facial feature is within the bounds of a cell, if it is then go through another set of logic gates to determine which 'style' of that facepart to draw | |
for (let x = -gridSize; x < gridSize; x += cellSize) { | |
for (let y = -gridSize; y < gridSize; y += cellSize) { | |
if (left_eye_pos[0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && left_eye_pos[0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && left_eye_pos[1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && left_eye_pos[1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
if (this.eye_type >= 0 && this.eye_type <= .33) { | |
eye1(x, y); | |
} else if (this.eye_type > .33 && this.eye_type <= .66) { | |
eye2(x, y); | |
} else if (this.eye_type > .66 && this.eye_type <= 1) { | |
eye3(x, y); | |
} | |
} else if (right_eye_pos[0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && right_eye_pos[0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && right_eye_pos[1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && right_eye_pos[1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
if (this.eye_type >= 0 && this.eye_type <= .33) { | |
eye1(x, y); | |
} else if (this.eye_type > .33 && this.eye_type <= .66) { | |
eye2(x, y); | |
} else if (this.eye_type > .66 && this.eye_type <= 1) { | |
eye3(x, y); | |
} | |
} else if (positions.nose_bridge[3][0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && positions.nose_bridge[3][0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && positions.nose_bridge[3][1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && positions.nose_bridge[3][1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
noseTip(x, y) | |
} else if (positions.nose_bridge[0][0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && positions.nose_bridge[0][0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && positions.nose_bridge[0][1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && positions.nose_bridge[0][1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
if (this.bridge_direction >= 0 && this.bridge_direction <= .5) { | |
noseBridge1(x,y); | |
} else if (this.bridge_direction > .5 && this.bridge_direction <= 1) { | |
noseBridge2(x,y); | |
} | |
} else if (top_lip_pos[0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && top_lip_pos[0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && top_lip_pos[1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && top_lip_pos[1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
if (this.mouth_type >= 0 && this.mouth_type <=.2) { | |
mouth1(x, y); | |
} else if (this.mouth_type > .2 && this.mouth_type <=.4) { | |
mouth2(x, y); | |
} else if (this.mouth_type > .4 && this.mouth_type <=.6) { | |
mouth3(x, y); | |
} else if (this.mouth_type > .6 && this.mouth_type <=.8) { | |
mouth4(x, y); | |
} else if (this.mouth_type > .8 && this.mouth_type <=1) { | |
mouth5(x, y); | |
} | |
} else if (positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && positions.left_eyebrow[3][1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && positions.left_eyebrow[3][1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
if (this.left_eyeBrow_height >= 0 && this.left_eyeBrow_height <= .33) { | |
eyebrowLow(x, y); | |
} else if (this.left_eyeBrow_height > .33 && this.left_eyeBrow_height <= .66) { | |
eyebrowMiddle(x, y); | |
} else if (this.left_eyeBrow_height > .66 && this.left_eyeBrow_height <= 1) { | |
eyebrowHigh(x, y); | |
} | |
} else if (positions.left_eyebrow[1][0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && positions.left_eyebrow[1][0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && positions.left_eyebrow[1][1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && positions.left_eyebrow[1][1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
if (this.left_eyeBrow_height >= 0 && this.left_eyeBrow_height <= .33) { | |
eyebrowLow(x, y); | |
} else if (this.left_eyeBrow_height > .33 && this.left_eyeBrow_height <= .66) { | |
eyebrowMiddle(x, y); | |
} else if (this.left_eyeBrow_height > .66 && this.left_eyeBrow_height <= 1) { | |
eyebrowHigh(x, y); | |
} | |
} else if (positions.right_eyebrow[1][0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && positions.right_eyebrow[1][0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && positions.right_eyebrow[1][1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && positions.right_eyebrow[1][1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
if (this.right_eyeBrow_height >= 0 && this.right_eyeBrow_height <= .33) { | |
eyebrowLow(x, y); | |
} else if (this.right_eyeBrow_height > .33 && this.right_eyeBrow_height <= .66) { | |
eyebrowMiddle(x, y); | |
} else if (this.right_eyeBrow_height > .66 && this.right_eyeBrow_height <= 1) { | |
eyebrowHigh(x, y); | |
} | |
} else if (positions.right_eyebrow[3][0] > (x - cellSize / 2) && positions.right_eyebrow[3][0] < (x + cellSize / 2) && positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] > (y - cellSize / 2) && positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] < (y + cellSize / 2)) { | |
if (this.right_eyeBrow_height >= 0 && this.right_eyeBrow_height <= .33) { | |
eyebrowLow(x, y); | |
} else if (this.right_eyeBrow_height > .33 && this.right_eyeBrow_height <= .66) { | |
eyebrowMiddle(x, y); | |
} else if (this.right_eyeBrow_height > .66 && this.right_eyeBrow_height <= 1) { | |
eyebrowHigh(x, y); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// eye type 1 | |
function eye1(x, y) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
fill(255); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - cellSize / 2, y); | |
bezierVertex(x - cellSize / 4, y, x - cellSize / 4, y + cellSize / 4, x, y + cellSize / 4); | |
bezierVertex(x + cellSize / 4, y + cellSize / 4, x + cellSize / 4, y, x + cellSize / 2, y); | |
bezierVertex(x + cellSize / 4, y, x + cellSize / 4, y - cellSize / 4, x, y - cellSize / 4); | |
bezierVertex(x - cellSize / 4, y - cellSize / 4, x - cellSize / 4, y, x - cellSize / 2, y); | |
endShape(); | |
fill(0) | |
ellipse(x, y, cellSize / 4) | |
} | |
// eye type 2 | |
function eye2(x, y) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(x, y, cellSize / 2); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(x, y, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// eye type 3 | |
function eye3(x, y) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
arc(x, y, cellSize / 2, cellSize / 2, 180, 360, PIE); | |
fill(255); | |
arc(x, y, cellSize / 2, cellSize / 2, 0, 180, PIE); | |
fill(0) | |
arc(x, y, cellSize / 4, cellSize / 4, 0, 180, PIE); | |
} | |
// nose bridge with shadow to the left | |
function noseBridge1(x, y) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194) | |
rect(x - cellSize / 4, y, cellSize / 2, cellSize); | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
rect(x + cellSize / 4, y, cellSize / 2, cellSize); | |
} | |
// nose bridge with shadow to the right | |
function noseBridge2(x, y) { | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
rect(x - cellSize / 4, y, cellSize / 2, cellSize); | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x + cellSize / 4, y, cellSize / 2, cellSize); | |
} | |
// nose tile, only one style | |
function noseTip(x, y) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
ellipse(x - cellSize / 6, y + cellSize/6, cellSize / 4, cellSize / 4); | |
ellipse(x + cellSize / 6, y + cellSize/6, cellSize / 4, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// mouth style 1 | |
function mouth1(x, y) { | |
fill(0); | |
rect(x,y,cellSize,cellSize) | |
fill(255) | |
rect(x, y - cellSize / 2 + cellSize/8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// mouth style 2 | |
function mouth2(x, y) { | |
fill(0); | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
fill(255) | |
rect(x, y - cellSize / 2 + cellSize / 8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
rect(x, y + cellSize / 2 - cellSize / 8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// mouth style 3 | |
function mouth3(x, y) { | |
fill(0); | |
rect(x, y + cellSize/8, cellSize, cellSize/4); | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
rect(x, y - cellSize/2 + cellSize / 8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
fill(255); | |
rect(x, y - cellSize / 8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y + cellSize / 2 - cellSize / 8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// mouth style 4 | |
function mouth4(x, y) { | |
fill(0); | |
rect(x, y + cellSize/8, cellSize, cellSize/4); | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
rect(x, y - cellSize / 2 + cellSize / 4, cellSize, cellSize / 2); | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y + cellSize / 2 - cellSize / 8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// mouth style 5 | |
function mouth5(x, y) { | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
rect(x, y - cellSize / 2 + cellSize / 4, cellSize, cellSize / 2); | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y + cellSize / 2 - cellSize / 4, cellSize, cellSize / 2); | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
rect(x, y + cellSize / 2 - cellSize / 8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// eyebrow middle | |
function eyebrowMiddle(x, y) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
fill(108, 135, 174) | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// eyebrow high | |
function eyebrowHigh(x, y) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
fill(108, 135, 174) | |
rect(x, y - cellSize / 2 + cellSize / 8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// eyebrow low | |
function eyebrowLow(x, y) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
fill(108, 135, 174) | |
rect(x, y + cellSize / 2 - cellSize / 8, cellSize, cellSize / 4); | |
} | |
// grid gradient tile, includes the various different directions that can be drawn | |
function gridGradient(x, y) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize) | |
// size and number of cells within each gradient cell. (gradient is made of a grid of squares) | |
var gradientGridSize = gridSize / 8; | |
var gradientCellSize = gradientGridSize / 15; | |
// variable to pick a random direction for the gradient to be drawn in (left, right, up, or down) | |
let directionSwitch = random(0, 1); | |
// draws the grid | |
for (let cellX = -gradientGridSize; cellX < gradientGridSize; cellX += gradientCellSize) { | |
for (let cellY = -gradientGridSize; cellY < gradientGridSize; cellY += gradientCellSize) { | |
// logic gates for the direction | |
if (directionSwitch >= 0 && directionSwitch < .25) { | |
// as Y or X value changes increase or decrease the chance for the cell to change colour | |
if (cellY + random(-.4, .4) < 0) { | |
fill(108, 135, 174) | |
} else { | |
fill(128, 155, 194) | |
} | |
} else if (directionSwitch >= .25 && directionSwitch < .5) { | |
if (cellY + random(-.4, .4) > 0) { | |
fill(108, 135, 174) | |
} else { | |
fill(128, 155, 194) | |
} | |
} else if (directionSwitch >= .5 && directionSwitch < .75) { | |
if (cellX + random(-.4, .4) > 0) { | |
fill(108, 135, 174) | |
} else { | |
fill(128, 155, 194) | |
} | |
} else if (directionSwitch >= .75 && directionSwitch < 1) { | |
if (cellX + random(-.4, .4) < 0) { | |
fill(108, 135, 174) | |
} else { | |
fill(128, 155, 194) | |
} | |
} | |
// draws the cell | |
beginShape() | |
vertex(x + cellX, y + cellY); | |
vertex(x + cellX + gradientCellSize, y + cellY); | |
vertex(x + cellX + gradientCellSize, y + cellY + gradientCellSize); | |
vertex(x + cellX, y + cellY + gradientCellSize); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
// circles cell style, includes the two versions with inverted colours | |
function circles(x, y) { | |
// size of circle | |
let circleSize = 4; | |
// variable to randomise the colours | |
let circleColourSwitch = random(0, 1); | |
// logic gate for the fill | |
if (circleColourSwitch < .5) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
} else { | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
} | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
if (circleColourSwitch < .5) { | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
} else { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
} | |
// arcs are drawn in the corner and on the sides of the cell so that they don't overlap with the edges | |
arc(x - cellSize / 2, y - cellSize / 2, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 0, 90, PIE); | |
arc(x - cellSize / 6, y - cellSize / 2, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 0, 180, PIE); | |
arc(x + cellSize / 6, y - cellSize / 2, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 0, 180, PIE); | |
arc(x + cellSize / 2, y - cellSize / 2, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 90, 180, PIE); | |
arc(x + cellSize / 2, y - cellSize / 6, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 90, 270, PIE); | |
arc(x + cellSize / 2, y + cellSize / 6, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 90, 270, PIE); | |
arc(x + cellSize / 2, y + cellSize / 2, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 180, 270, PIE); | |
arc(x - cellSize / 6, y + cellSize / 2, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 180, 360, PIE); | |
arc(x + cellSize / 6, y + cellSize / 2, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 180, 360, PIE); | |
arc(x - cellSize / 2, y + cellSize / 2, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 270, 360, PIE); | |
arc(x - cellSize / 2, y - cellSize / 6, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 270, 450, PIE); | |
arc(x - cellSize / 2, y + cellSize / 6, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize, 270, 450, PIE); | |
// ellipses in the centre | |
ellipse(x - cellSize / 6, y - cellSize / 6, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize); | |
ellipse(x + cellSize / 6, y - cellSize / 6, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize); | |
ellipse(x + cellSize / 6, y + cellSize / 6, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize); | |
ellipse(x - cellSize / 6, y + cellSize / 6, cellSize / circleSize, cellSize / circleSize); | |
} | |
// draws the triangular styled cell in its two inverted variants | |
function triangles(x, y) { | |
// same as the other functions, randomises the two variants | |
let triangleColourSwitch = random(0, 1); | |
// logic gates for fill | |
if (triangleColourSwitch < .5) { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
} else { | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
} | |
rect(x, y, cellSize, cellSize); | |
if (triangleColourSwitch < .5) { | |
fill(108, 135, 174); | |
} else { | |
fill(128, 155, 194); | |
} | |
// draw the triangles using a custom shape | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x - cellSize / 2, y + cellSize / 2); | |
vertex(x - cellSize / 2, y - cellSize / 2); | |
vertex(x, y + cellSize / 2); | |
vertex(x, y - cellSize / 2); | |
vertex(x + cellSize / 2, y + cellSize / 2); | |
endShape(CLOSE) | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function (settings) { | |
this.eye_type = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.right_eyeBrow_height = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.left_eyeBrow_height = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.mouth_type = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.bridge_direction = map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function () { | |
let settings = new Array(3); | |
settings[0] = map(this.eye_type, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.right_eyeBrow_height, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.left_eyeBrow_height, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.mouth_type, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.bridge_direction, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
20, | |
50, | |
50, | |
20, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
43, | |
84, | |
72, | |
11, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
17, | |
84, | |
72, | |
71, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
17, | |
84, | |
72, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
53 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
2, | |
47, | |
86, | |
48, | |
53 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
20, | |
0, | |
0, | |
92, | |
53 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
60, | |
0, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
22, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
53 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
54, | |
44, | |
38, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
7.000000000000001, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
97, | |
42, | |
38, | |
25, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
56.99999999999999, | |
42, | |
38, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
93, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
13, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
43, | |
46, | |
48, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
60, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
0, | |
46, | |
51, | |
41, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
75, | |
46, | |
51, | |
72, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
67, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
60, | |
97, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
47, | |
54, | |
60, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
17, | |
84, | |
72, | |
71, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
47, | |
5, | |
46, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
43, | |
46, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
17, | |
84, | |
72, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
50, | |
76, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
13, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
92, | |
65, | |
79, | |
59, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
38, | |
95, | |
100, | |
85, | |
10 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
76, | |
0, | |
0, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
54, | |
42, | |
38, | |
99, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
42, | |
74, | |
80, | |
65, | |
5 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
53, | |
33, | |
46, | |
100, | |
1 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
30, | |
84, | |
72, | |
41, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
77, | |
21, | |
49, | |
98, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
100, | |
48, | |
50, | |
73, | |
87 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
65, | |
42, | |
66, | |
42, | |
10 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
100, | |
30, | |
50, | |
31, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
48, | |
0, | |
0, | |
72, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
17, | |
84, | |
72, | |
45, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
15, | |
89, | |
81, | |
59, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
74, | |
24, | |
25, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
22, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
53 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
52, | |
23, | |
42, | |
96, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
73, | |
24, | |
24, | |
81, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
98, | |
12, | |
50, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
0, | |
73, | |
75, | |
89, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
1, | |
48, | |
68, | |
82, | |
51 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
76, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
0, | |
61, | |
84, | |
59, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
75, | |
83, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
13, | |
43, | |
52, | |
70, | |
42 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
15, | |
92, | |
86, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
10, | |
75, | |
75, | |
17, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
7.000000000000001, | |
96, | |
93, | |
67, | |
80 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
6, | |
61, | |
80, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
13, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
20, | |
50, | |
50, | |
20, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
0, | |
43, | |
46, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
49, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
44, | |
71, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
13, | |
94, | |
90, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
100, | |
72, | |
64, | |
0, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
50, | |
11, | |
21, | |
84, | |
38 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
60, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
68, | |
39, | |
54, | |
0, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
0, | |
68, | |
62, | |
44, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
10, | |
75, | |
75, | |
84, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
72, | |
96 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
10, | |
75, | |
74, | |
44, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
55.00000000000001, | |
18, | |
20, | |
63, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
19, | |
44, | |
40, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
52, | |
9, | |
27, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
6, | |
48, | |
63, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
59 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
14.000000000000002, | |
83, | |
83, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
9, | |
66, | |
67, | |
36, | |
40 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
91, | |
11, | |
53, | |
53, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
66, | |
0, | |
0, | |
82, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
64, | |
59, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
80 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
2, | |
100, | |
80 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
9, | |
84, | |
85, | |
69, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
82, | |
36, | |
40, | |
76, | |
73 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
12, | |
78, | |
74, | |
34, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
9, | |
69, | |
71, | |
31, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
10, | |
73, | |
68, | |
67, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
4, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
73, | |
51, | |
42 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
67, | |
3, | |
11, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
22, | |
62, | |
68, | |
33, | |
44 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
67, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
35, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
8 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
61, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
35, | |
50, | |
51 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
9, | |
68, | |
73, | |
43, | |
49 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
19, | |
53, | |
51, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
15, | |
62, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
65, | |
39 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
79, | |
1, | |
11, | |
73, | |
38 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
11, | |
86, | |
79, | |
6, | |
13 | |
] | |
} |
const ease_gar = new p5.Ease(); | |
//Leafs variables | |
let leafCount = 8; // number of leafs to draw | |
let LEAFS = []; // leaf array | |
let first_draw = true; | |
function garcia_draw_one_frame(cur_frac) { | |
if(first_draw) { | |
first_draw = false; | |
for (let leafFall = 0; leafFall < leafCount; leafFall++) { | |
LEAFS.push({ | |
x1: random(-1, width / 3), | |
x2: random(width / 1.5, width + width / 50), | |
y: 0, | |
variation: random(-width / 50, +width / 20), | |
rotation: random(-20, 20), | |
size: random(.15, .4) | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
let sun_size = canvasHeight / 3.5; | |
let halfWidth = width / 2; | |
let thirdWidth = width / 3 | |
let quarterWidth = width / 4; | |
let fifthWidth = width / 5; | |
let halftHeight = height / 2; | |
let thirdHeight = height / 3; | |
let quarterHeight = height / 4; | |
let fifthHeight = height / 5; | |
let customStrokeWeight = width / 550; | |
//set up colours | |
let orange = '#E6703D'; | |
let darkOrange = '#ae473f'; | |
let brown = '#A87338'; | |
let yellow = '#ffc039'; | |
let darkYellow = '#f7a61e'; | |
let beige = '#faf8e6'; | |
let white = '#ffffff'; | |
let green = '#4c806c'; | |
let skyColor = '#F0B79E'; | |
let waterColor = '#ffedd9'; | |
let lightPink = '#FE95A1'; | |
let middlePink = '#FF8795'; | |
let darkPink = '#FF7181'; | |
let darkerPink = '#80163C'; | |
let magenta = '#dd455a'; | |
let purple = '#9e2754'; | |
let middlePurple = '#7b3759'; | |
let darkPurple = '#400522'; | |
/*********STAR FUNCTION************/ | |
// function to draw a star reference : https://p5js.org/examples/form-star.html | |
function star(x, y, min, max, end) { | |
const angle = 360 / 4; | |
const halfAngle = angle / 2; | |
const radius1 = width / 350; | |
const radius2 = width / 90; | |
let starSize; | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
//animate star in | |
if (cur_frac < max && cur_frac >= min) { | |
starSize = map(cur_frac, 0, max, 0, 1); | |
scale(starSize); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (let a = 0; a < 360; a += angle) { | |
let sx = cos(a) * radius1; | |
let sy = sin(a) * radius1; | |
vertex(sx, sy); | |
sx = cos(a + halfAngle) * radius2; | |
sy = sin(a + halfAngle) * radius2; | |
vertex(sx, sy); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
// animate star out | |
else if (cur_frac < end && cur_frac >= max) { | |
starSize = map(cur_frac, max, end, 1, 0); | |
scale(starSize); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (let a = 0; a < 360; a += angle) { | |
let sx = cos(a) * radius1; | |
let sy = sin(a) * radius1; | |
vertex(sx, sy); | |
sx = cos(a + halfAngle) * radius2; | |
sy = sin(a + halfAngle) * radius2; | |
vertex(sx, sy); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//function created by Hazel and modified by me | |
function offsetAnimation(cur_frac, offsetAMT, number) { | |
let newFrac; | |
if (number == 1) { | |
newFrac = ease_gar.maclaurinCosine(cur_frac); // bird animation | |
} else if (number == 2) { | |
newFrac = ease_gar.gompertz(cur_frac); // ripples animation | |
} else if (number == 3) { | |
newFrac = ease_gar.linear(cur_frac); // leafs animation | |
} | |
for (let i = 0; i <= offsetAMT; i += 0.01) { | |
newFrac += 0.01; | |
if (newFrac >= 1) { | |
newFrac = 0; | |
} | |
} | |
return newFrac; | |
} | |
/*****************SKY***************/ | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(skyColor); | |
push(); | |
rectMode(CORNER); | |
rect(0, 0, width, height); | |
pop(); | |
/**********BIRDS FUNCTION*********/ | |
function bird(birdX, birdY, birdSize, animationOffset) { | |
let birdWingY; | |
let newFrac = offsetAnimation(cur_frac, animationOffset, 1); // add an offset | |
stroke(white); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(customStrokeWeight); | |
//draw the bird | |
push(); | |
translate(birdX, birdY); | |
scale(birdSize); // add scale to change the bird size | |
// animate the wings Y position | |
if (newFrac < .5) { | |
birdWingY = map(newFrac, 0, 0.5, height / 100, -height / 60); | |
} else { | |
birdWingY = map(newFrac, 0.5, 1, -height / 60, height / 100); | |
} | |
//draw birds | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(-width / 100, birdWingY); | |
vertex(0, 0); | |
vertex(width / 100, birdWingY); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
bird(width / 2.3, height / 4.5, 1.7, 0.5); | |
bird(width / 2.5, height / 6, 1.3, 0.3); | |
bird(width / 2.1, height / 5.5, 1.3, 0.4) | |
bird(width / 1.95, height / 7, 1, 0.2); | |
/*******************SUN********************/ | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(lightPink); | |
ellipse(halfWidth, halftHeight - width / 35, sun_size + width / 15); | |
fill(middlePink); | |
ellipse(halfWidth, halftHeight - width / 35, sun_size + width / 30); | |
fill(darkPink); | |
ellipse(halfWidth, halftHeight - width / 35, sun_size); | |
/*****************MOUNTAINS*************/ | |
//mountain back | |
fill('#caa291'); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-quarterWidth, height / 1.5); //left | |
curveVertex(width / 1.5, height / 1.5); //right | |
curveVertex(thirdWidth, height / 2.5); //top | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//shadow | |
fill('#D4B0A0') | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(width / 1.5, height / 1.8); //right | |
curveVertex(width / 2.5, height / 2.25); //top | |
curveVertex(width / 3.5, height / 1.9); // middle | |
curveVertex(width / 5, height / 1.8); // left | |
curveVertex(width / 6, height / 1.5); // bottom | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
// mountain front | |
fill("#bd9384"); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(width * 1.25, height / 1.25); //right | |
curveVertex(width / 6, height / 1.45); //left | |
curveVertex(thirdWidth, height / 1.75) //top right | |
curveVertex(width / 1.25, height / 2.75); //top | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//shadow | |
fill('#B08778'); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(width / 6, height / 1.5); //left | |
curveVertex(width / 3.5, height / 1.6) //top right | |
curveVertex(width / 1.4, height / 2.45); //top | |
curveVertex(width / 1.5, height / 1.5); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
/***************WATER**********************/ | |
fill(waterColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
rectMode(CORNER); | |
rect(0, height / 1.5, width, thirdHeight); | |
pop(); | |
//sun reflection / ripples | |
function ripples(x1, Y, x2, offset) { | |
let waterChange; | |
let newFrac = offsetAnimation(cur_frac, offset, 2); | |
if (newFrac < 0.5) { | |
waterChange = map(newFrac, 0, .5, 0, width / 150); | |
} else { | |
waterChange = map(newFrac, 0.5, 1, width / 150, 0); | |
} | |
stroke(lightPink); | |
strokeWeight(width / 200); | |
line(x1 - waterChange, Y, x2 - waterChange, Y); | |
} | |
//draw ripples | |
ripples(width / 2 - width / 12, height / 1.45, width / 2 + width / 25, 0.5); | |
ripples(width / 2 + width / 14, height / 1.45, width / 2 + width / 10, .2); | |
ripples(width / 2 - width / 14, height / 1.4, width / 2 + width / 15, .5); | |
ripples(width / 2 + width / 11, height / 1.4, width / 2 + width / 10, 0); | |
ripples(width / 2 - width / 20, height / 1.35, width / 2 - width / 50, 0.8); | |
ripples(width / 2, height / 1.35, width / 2 + width / 13, .9); | |
ripples(width / 2 - width / 50, height / 1.3, width / 2 + width / 20.1, .4); | |
//sparkles | |
fill(white); | |
noStroke(); | |
star(width / 2 + width / 50, height / 1.45, 0, .25, .5); | |
star(width / 2 - width / 25, height / 1.4, .28, .6, .8); | |
star(width / 2 + width / 20, height / 1.35, .15, .35, .7); | |
/*********************BOAT***************/ | |
function boat() { | |
// sails | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(purple); | |
triangle(width / 200, 0, 0, -height / 5, -width / 12, -height / 90); | |
triangle(width / 100, 0, width / 300, -height / 5, width / 20, -height / 70); | |
//boat base | |
fill(magenta); | |
push(); | |
rectMode(CORNER); | |
rect(-width / 10.1, 0, width / 10, height / 20); | |
arc(0, 0, width / 7, height / 10, 0, 90); | |
rect(width / 15, -height / 90, width / 200, height / 80); | |
pop(); | |
//boat wood detail | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(middlePink); | |
strokeWeight(customStrokeWeight); | |
line(width / 14.5, height / 120, -width / 10.2, height / 120); | |
line(width / 15, height / 120 + height / 120, -width / 10.2, height / 120 + height / 120); | |
line(width / 16.5, height / 120 + (2 * height / 120), -width / 10.2, height / 120 + (2 * height / 120)); | |
line(width / 19.5, height / 120 + (3 * height / 120), -width / 10.2, height / 120 + (3 * height / 120)); | |
line(width / 22, height / 120 + (4 * height / 120), -width / 10.2, height / 120 + (4 * height / 120)); | |
// small windows | |
strokeWeight(height / 300); | |
fill(purple); | |
circle(width / 50, height / 60, height / 80); | |
circle(width / 50 + width / 80, height / 60, height / 80); | |
circle(width / 50 + (2 * width / 80), height / 60, height / 80); | |
} | |
//draw boat | |
push(); | |
translate(width / 3.25, height / 1.45); | |
//animate the boat angle | |
let boatAngle; | |
let boatFAngleMovement = ease_gar.backInOut(cur_frac); | |
if (cur_frac < .5) { | |
boatAngle = map(boatFAngleMovement, 0, 0.5, 0, 2); | |
} else { | |
boatAngle = map(boatFAngleMovement, 0.5, 1, 2, 0); | |
} | |
rotate(boatAngle); | |
//draw the boat | |
boat(); | |
pop(); | |
//water in front of the boat to hide the bottom of the hull | |
fill("#ffedd9"); | |
push(); | |
rectMode(CORNER); | |
rect(width / 5, height / 1.37, width / 6, height / 20); | |
pop(); | |
/***************LEFT FLOOR***********/ | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(middlePurple); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(width - width / 10, height + height / 10); // right | |
curveVertex(0, height); //left bottom | |
curveVertex(-quarterWidth, height / 1.3); // left | |
curveVertex(width / 10, height / 1.4); // top middle | |
curveVertex(halfWidth, height / 1.1); //bottom middle | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
/**************TREE FUNCTION*************/ | |
function tree(x, y) { | |
fill(beige); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
//draw the base of the tree trunc | |
rect(x, y, width / 20, halftHeight); | |
arc(x, y + height / 4.015, width / 20, height / 40, 0, 180); | |
// draw the circles | |
stroke(green); | |
strokeWeight(customStrokeWeight); | |
ellipse(x, y + width / 150, width / 50, height / 20); | |
ellipse(x, y + width / 150, width / 150, height / 45); | |
// draw the stripes | |
for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) { | |
noFill(); | |
arc(x, y + (height / 18) * i, width / 20.25, height / 40, 0, 180); | |
arc(x, y - (height / 18) * i, width / 20.25, height / 40, 0, 180); | |
} | |
} | |
/*********SMALL LEAF FUNCTION*********/ | |
function leaf(x, y, s, angle) { | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
scale(s); | |
rotate(angle); | |
bezier(0, 0, -width / 20, -height / 6, -width / 40, -height / 6, 0, -height / 4); | |
bezier(0, 0, width / 20, -height / 6, width / 40, -height / 6, 0, -height / 4); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/***********MOVING LEAF FUNCTION*******/ | |
function movingLeaf(Num) { | |
let jvalue; | |
let Value; | |
let min = 0.1; | |
// start the for loop at different values depending on the Num value to split the leafs from the left and the right of the screen | |
if (Num == 1) { | |
jvalue = 0; | |
Value = LEAFS.length / 2; // half array | |
} else { | |
jvalue = 3; | |
Value = LEAFS.length; // full array | |
} | |
for (let j = jvalue; j < Value; j++) { | |
const leafs = LEAFS[j]; // assign the each value of the LEAFS array to a variable | |
let leafX; | |
let newFrac = offsetAnimation(cur_frac, min, 3); //offset the animation of the leafs | |
let XValue; | |
// assign different X value to the different side | |
if (Num == 1) { | |
XValue = leafs.x1 | |
} else { | |
XValue = leafs.x2 | |
} | |
// wiggle the leafs from left to right | |
if (cur_frac < .25) { | |
leafX = map(cur_frac, 0, .25, XValue, XValue + leafs.variation); | |
} else if (cur_frac >= .25 && cur_frac <= .5) { | |
leafX = map(cur_frac, .25, .5, XValue + leafs.variation, XValue); | |
} else if (cur_frac > .5 && cur_frac < .75) { | |
leafX = map(cur_frac, .5, .75, XValue, XValue - leafs.variation); | |
} else { | |
leafX = map(cur_frac, .75, 1, XValue - leafs.variation, XValue); | |
} | |
// animate the leafs from top to bottom | |
let leafY = map(newFrac, 0, 1, height / 4, height + height / 10); | |
// animate the rotation of the leafs | |
let leafRotation = ease_gar.linear(cur_frac); | |
let leafAngle; | |
if (cur_frac < 0.25) { | |
leafAngle = map(leafRotation, 0, .25, 0, 15); | |
} else if (cur_frac >= 0.25 && leafRotation <= 0.5) { | |
leafAngle = map(leafRotation, .25, .5, 15, 0); | |
} else if (cur_frac > 0.5 && leafRotation < 0.75) { | |
leafAngle = map(leafRotation, .5, .75, 0, -15); | |
} else { | |
leafAngle = map(leafRotation, .75, 1, -15, 0); | |
} | |
// draw the leafs | |
push(); | |
translate(leafX, leafY); | |
rotate(leafAngle); | |
scale(leafs.size); | |
fill(yellow); | |
noStroke(); | |
bezier(0, 0, -width / 20, -height / 6, -width / 40, -height / 6, 0, -height / 4); | |
bezier(0, 0, width / 20, -height / 6, width / 40, -height / 6, 0, -height / 4); | |
pop(); | |
min += 0.3; // add more offset to each leaf | |
} | |
} | |
/*************LEFT TREE************/ | |
//back leafs | |
fill(darkYellow) | |
push(); | |
ellipseMode(CORNER) | |
ellipse(0 - width / 15, height / 3.25, width / 6, quarterHeight); | |
ellipse(width / 6, height / 15, fifthWidth, thirdHeight); | |
ellipse(width / 15, height / 4, width / 5.5, quarterHeight); | |
pop(); | |
//tree base | |
tree(width / 10, halftHeight); | |
// moving leafs | |
movingLeaf(1); | |
//front leafs | |
fill(yellow); | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
ellipseMode(CORNER); | |
ellipse(0 - width / 12, 0 - height / 50, width / 5, height / 2.5); | |
ellipse(width / 5, 0 - height / 20, width / 5, height / 5); | |
ellipse(width / 30, 0 - height / 15, width / 5, height / 3); | |
ellipse(width / 6, 0, width / 5, height / 3); | |
pop(); | |
// small leaf detail | |
fill(darkYellow); | |
leaf(width / 4, height / 4, .25, 25); | |
leaf(width / 8, height / 8, .2, -45); | |
leaf(width / 3.5, height / 10, .15, 70); | |
leaf(width / 15, height / 4.5, .35, -30); | |
leaf(width / 5, height / 8, .4, 20); | |
leaf(width / 18, height / 15, .2, 18); | |
//floor front | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(darkPurple); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(0, height); // left | |
curveVertex(width + width / 20, height); // right | |
curveVertex(width / 1.005, height / 1.35); // right top | |
curveVertex(width / 1.3, height / 1.4) // right middle | |
curveVertex(width / 2.5, height / 1.1); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
/************TREE FOREGROUND********/ | |
//back leafs | |
fill(darkYellow) | |
push(); | |
ellipseMode(CORNER); | |
ellipse(width - width / 9, thirdHeight, width / 6, height / 3.5); //bottom right | |
ellipse(width / 1.5, height / 15, fifthWidth, thirdHeight); | |
ellipse(width / 1.3, height / 3.5, width / 6, height / 3.5); | |
pop(); | |
//tree base | |
tree(width - width / 8, height / 2.05); | |
//moving leafs | |
movingLeaf(2); | |
//front leafs | |
fill(yellow); | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
ellipseMode(CORNER); | |
ellipse(width / 1.18, 0 - height / 50, fifthWidth, height / 2.5); | |
ellipse(width / 1.5, 0 - height / 20, fifthWidth, fifthHeight); | |
ellipse(width / 1.4, 0 - height / 15, fifthWidth, thirdHeight); | |
ellipse(width / 1.4, 0, fifthWidth, thirdHeight); | |
pop(); | |
// small leaf detail | |
fill(darkYellow); | |
leaf(width - width / 5, height / 8, .25, 20); | |
leaf(width - width / 4.5, height / 4, .2, -45); | |
leaf(width - width / 8, height / 15, .15, -40); | |
leaf(width - width / 15, height / 3, .35, 30); | |
leaf(width - width / 3.5, height / 10, .38, -10); | |
leaf(width - width / 18, height / 15, .2, 18); | |
leaf(width - width / 9, height / 4.5, .4, 15); | |
/********FOREGROUND BERRY BUSH*********/ | |
//berry function | |
function berry(x, y, color, side) { | |
if (color == 1) { | |
fill(orange) | |
} else if (color == 2) { | |
fill(brown) | |
} else { | |
fill(darkOrange) | |
} | |
let w = width / 50; | |
circle(x, y, w); | |
//shine | |
fill(lightPink); | |
if (side == 1) { | |
circle(x - width / 300, y - height / 300, w - width / 70); | |
} else { | |
circle(x + width / 300, y - height / 300, w - width / 70); | |
} | |
} | |
//right leafs | |
fill(darkerPink); | |
leaf(width, height, 1, -10); | |
leaf(width, height, 1, -80); | |
leaf(width - width / 200, height, 1, -35); | |
//right side berries | |
berry(width - width / 25, height - height / 18, 1, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 9.5, height - height / 9, 1, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 8, height - height / 40, 1, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 50, height - height / 20, 2, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 30, height - height / 8, 2, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 12, height - height / 10, 2, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 11, height - height / 35, 2, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 18, height - height / 10, 3, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 12, height - height / 7, 3, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 9, height - height / 15, 3, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 23, height - height / 40, 3, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 15, height - height / 20, 3, 1); | |
berry(width - width / 70, height - height / 11, 3, 1); | |
//left leafs | |
fill(purple); | |
leaf(width / 400, height, 1, 5); | |
leaf(0, height, 1, 90); | |
leaf(0, height, 1, 45); | |
//left side | |
berry(width / 9, height - height / 9, 1, 2); | |
berry(width / 40, height - height / 14, 1, 2); | |
berry(width / 8, height - height / 40, 1, 2); | |
berry(width / 50, height - height / 20, 2, 2); | |
berry(width / 25, height - height / 9, 2, 2); | |
berry(width / 12, height - height / 10, 2, 2); | |
berry(width / 11, height - height / 35, 2, 2); | |
berry(width / 18, height - height / 10, 3, 2); | |
berry(width / 12, height - height / 7, 3, 2); | |
berry(width / 9, height - height / 15, 3, 2); | |
berry(width / 25, height - height / 40, 3, 2); | |
berry(width / 15, height - height / 20, 3, 2); | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all information about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program | |
// var DEBUG_MODE = false; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 8; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i = 0; i < s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len, sum_y / s_len]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function GarciaFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
this.gender = 1; // 1 or 2 | |
this.skin = 2; // 1, 2, 3 | |
this.hair = 1; // 1, 2, 3 or 4 | |
this.eyes = 3; // 1 or 2 | |
this.fringeType = 2; // 1, 2, 3 or 4 | |
this.earType = 1; // 1, 2, 3 or 4 | |
this.hairType = 1; // 1, 2 or 3 | |
this.features = 1; // 1 or 2 | |
/*Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function (positions) { | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
// get the width of the face from the chin positions | |
let jaw_dist = positions.chin[16][0] - positions.chin[0][0]; | |
let faceWidth = map(jaw_dist, 3.2, 4.2, 3.5, 4.6, true); | |
/**********MOUTH FUNCTION*********/ | |
function MOUTH(gender) { | |
// get the mouth opening from the bottom and top lip positions | |
let mouth_height = positions.bottom_lip[8][1] - positions.top_lip[8][1]; | |
let mouthType; | |
// draw closed mouth | |
if (mouth_height < .1) { | |
mouthType = 1 | |
} | |
//draw open mouth and map the mouth opening | |
else { | |
mouthType = 2 | |
} | |
// get the mouth position | |
let mouth_pos = segment_average(positions.bottom_lip); | |
// get the mouth width | |
let mouth_width = positions.top_lip[6][0] - positions.top_lip[0][0]; | |
//mouth colours | |
const mouthStokeColor = '#76051B'; | |
const mouthColor1 = '#EF9A9A'; | |
const mouthColor2 = '#EC8383'; | |
strokeWeight(.08); | |
push(); | |
translate(mouth_pos[0], mouth_pos[1]); | |
/*****CLOSED MOUTH*****/ | |
if (mouthType < 2) { | |
// get the height of the bottom lip | |
let bottom_lip_height = positions.bottom_lip[2][1] - positions.bottom_lip[7][1]; | |
//get the height of the top lip | |
let top_lip_height = positions.top_lip[7][1] - positions.top_lip[2][1]; | |
// map top and bottom lip heights | |
let bottomLip = map(bottom_lip_height, 0.07, 0.5, .5, 1, true); | |
let topLip = map(top_lip_height, 0.18, 0.4, .6, 1, true); | |
//lips for women | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
//bottom lip | |
stroke(mouthStokeColor); | |
fill(mouthColor1); | |
arc(0, 0, mouth_width, bottomLip, 0, 180, OPEN); | |
// top lip | |
fill(mouthColor2); | |
arc(0, 0, mouth_width, topLip, 180, 0, OPEN); | |
// lip shine detail | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(-.38, .15, .25, .1); | |
circle(-.1, .15, .1); | |
} | |
// lip middle line | |
stroke(mouthStokeColor); | |
line(positions.top_lip[6][0] + .15, 0, positions.top_lip[0][0] - .15, 0); | |
} | |
/*****OPEN MOUTH*****/ | |
else { | |
let mouthHeight = map(mouth_height, .01, .3, .7, 1.7, true); | |
let tongueHeight = map(mouthHeight, 1, 2, .25, .5); | |
// mouth base | |
stroke(mouthStokeColor); | |
fill(mouthColor2); | |
arc(0, -0.5, mouth_width, mouthHeight, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
// tongue | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(mouthStokeColor); | |
ellipse(0, mouthHeight / 2 - tongueHeight - .4, mouth_width - .5, tongueHeight); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
}; | |
/**********HAIR FUNCTION*********/ | |
function HAIR(hairType, gender, faceWidth) { | |
let hairStroke = .7; | |
/******WOMEN HAIR*******/ | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
/*****SPACE BUNS HAIR*****/ | |
if (hairType < 2) { | |
// shadow | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0, 50); | |
strokeWeight(hairStroke); | |
circle(-2.25, -3, 2); | |
circle(2.75, -3, 2); | |
ellipse(.25, -.75, 6, 6); | |
pop(); | |
// white outline | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(255); | |
strokeWeight(hairStroke); | |
circle(-2.5, -3, 2); // left spacebun | |
circle(2.5, -3, 2); //right spacebun | |
ellipse(0, -.75, 6, 6); // hair base | |
pop(); | |
// hair | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
circle(-2.5, -3, 2); // left spacebun | |
circle(2.5, -3, 2); //right spacebun | |
circle(0, -.75, 6); // hair base | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/*****STRAIGHT HAIR*****/ | |
else { | |
// shadow | |
push(); | |
fill(0, 50); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
rect(.4, 1.6, 6.7, 3.8); | |
arc(.4, -.3, 6.7, 6.7, 180, 0); | |
pop(); | |
// White Outline | |
push(); | |
fill(255); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
rect(0, 1.2, 6.7, 3.9); | |
arc(0, -.7, 6.7, 6.7, 180, 0); | |
pop(); | |
// hair shape | |
push(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
rect(0, 1, 6, 3.6); | |
arc(0, -.75, 6, 6, 180, 0); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
/********MEN HAIR STYLE******/ | |
else { | |
/*******ROUND HAIR*******/ | |
if (hairType < 2) { | |
//shadow | |
push(); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0, 50); | |
strokeWeight(hairStroke); | |
strokeCap(SQUARE); | |
rect(.25, -1.5, faceWidth, 3); | |
arc(.25, 0.1, faceWidth, 4.5, 0, 180, OPEN); | |
pop(); | |
//white outline | |
push(); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(255); | |
strokeWeight(hairStroke); | |
rect(0, -1.75, faceWidth, 3); | |
ellipse(0, -.25, faceWidth, 4.5); | |
pop(); | |
//hair | |
push(); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
rect(0, -1.75, faceWidth, 3); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/*********FLAT TOP*******/ | |
else { | |
// shadow | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0, 50); | |
strokeWeight(hairStroke); | |
ellipse(0.25, 0, faceWidth, 4.5); | |
ellipse(0.25, -0.75, 4.5, 4.25); // hair base | |
pop(); | |
// white outline | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(255); | |
strokeWeight(hairStroke); | |
ellipse(0, -.25, faceWidth, 4.5); | |
ellipse(0, -1, 4.5, 4.25); // hair base | |
pop(); | |
// hair | |
fill(hairColor); | |
ellipse(0, -1, 4.5, 4.25); // hair base | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/**********FRINGE FUNCTION*********/ | |
function FRINGE(fringeType, faceWidth, gender, hair) { | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
/*****SIDE FRINGE*****/ | |
if (fringeType == 1) { | |
push(); | |
translate(-1.25, -2.4); | |
rotate(-25); | |
arc(0, -.10, 4, 3, 20, 144); | |
pop(); | |
/*******HAIR PINS*****/ | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
let hairPin = random(1, 10); // randomise when there is an hair pin | |
// draw a star hair pin if the earrings are not the star ones | |
if (hairPin < 5) { | |
// function to draw a star reference : https://p5js.org/examples/form-star.html | |
function star(x, y) { | |
const angle = 360 / 5; | |
const halfAngle = angle / 2; | |
beginShape(); | |
for (let a = 0; a < 360; a += angle) { | |
let sx = x + cos(a) * .4; | |
let sy = y + sin(a) * .4; | |
vertex(sx, sy); | |
sx = x + cos(a + halfAngle) * .18; | |
sy = y + sin(a + halfAngle) * .18; | |
vertex(sx, sy); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
fill('#F4D525'); | |
star(-2.15, -1); | |
} | |
// draw a heart hair pin if the earrings are not the heart ones | |
else if (hairPin > 8 && hair >= 2) { | |
// function to draw a heart reference: https://editor.p5js.org/Mithru/sketches/Hk1N1mMQg | |
function heart(x, y) { | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(x, y); | |
bezierVertex(x - 1.5 / 2, y - 1.5 / 2, x - 1.5, y + 1.5 / 3, x, y + 1.5); | |
bezierVertex(x + 1.5, y + 1.5 / 3, x + 1.5 / 2, y - 1.5 / 2, x, y); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(-2.15, -1.25); | |
scale(.5); | |
noStroke; | |
fill('#D90368'); | |
heart(0, 0); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/*****STRAIGHT FRINGE*****/ | |
else if (fringeType == 2) { | |
arc(0, -1.25, faceWidth, 3.5, 180, 0); | |
} | |
/******CENTER HAIRLINE******/ | |
else { | |
arc(0, -3, 3, 2.5, 30, 150); | |
} | |
}; | |
/**********EYES FUNCTION*********/ | |
function EYES(gender, eyes) { | |
//Eyes colours | |
const eyeColor1 = '#6BABEC'; | |
const eyeColor2 = '#BB85C9'; | |
let eyeColor; | |
let pupil = random(.4, .9); | |
// map colours to slider | |
if (eyes < 2) { | |
eyeColor = eyeColor1 | |
} else { | |
eyeColor = eyeColor2 | |
} | |
/*****EYES VARIABLES*****/ | |
const lashSize = .2; | |
const lashGap = -.05; | |
let lashNum = int(random(5, 12)); | |
const eyeHeight = .9; | |
const eyeWidth = 1.2; | |
const eyeStrokeWeight = .1; | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
// get the right eye opening from the eye positions | |
let right_eye_opening = positions.right_eye[5][1] - positions.right_eye[1][1]; | |
let rightEyeType; | |
// closed eye | |
if (right_eye_opening < 0.167) { | |
rightEyeType = 1; | |
} | |
// half open eye | |
else if (right_eye_opening >= 0.167 && right_eye_opening <= 0.18) { | |
rightEyeType = 2; | |
} | |
// wide open eye | |
else { | |
rightEyeType = 3; | |
} | |
// get the left eye opening from the eye positions | |
let left_eye_opening = positions.left_eye[4][1] - positions.left_eye[2][1]; | |
let leftEyeType; | |
// closed eye | |
if (left_eye_opening <= 0.18) { | |
leftEyeType = 1; | |
} | |
// half open eye | |
else if (left_eye_opening > 0.18 && left_eye_opening < 0.19) { | |
leftEyeType = 2; | |
} | |
//wide open eye | |
else { | |
leftEyeType = 3; | |
} | |
/*****EYELASHES FUNCTION*****/ | |
function eyeLashes(num, radius, length, start, span) { | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(eyeStrokeWeight); | |
push(); | |
rotate(start); | |
for (i = 0; i <= num; i++) { | |
push(); | |
rotate(span / num * i) | |
line(0, -radius, 0, -(radius + length)) | |
pop(); | |
}; | |
pop(); | |
} | |
push(); | |
/*****LEFT EYE*****/ | |
// closed eye | |
if (leftEyeType == 1) { | |
//draw the left eye | |
push(); | |
translate(left_eye_pos[0] - .25, left_eye_pos[1]); // translate to the center of the left eye | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(eyeStrokeWeight); | |
line(-.6, 0, .75, 0); // closed eye line | |
//lashes | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
line(-.6, 0, -.9, .25); | |
line(-.25, 0, -.5, .25); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// half open eye | |
else if (leftEyeType == 2) { | |
//draw the left eye | |
push(); | |
translate(left_eye_pos[0] - .25, left_eye_pos[1]); | |
// draw the eye base | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(eyeStrokeWeight); | |
fill(255); | |
arc(0, 0, eyeWidth, eyeHeight, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
// coloured pupil | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(eyeColor); | |
arc(0, 0, pupil * .75, pupil, 0, 180); | |
// iris | |
fill(0); | |
arc(0, 0, pupil * .75 - .2, pupil - .2, 0, 180); | |
// light detail | |
fill(255); | |
circle(-.25, .25, .2); | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
//lashes | |
eyeLashes(lashNum / 2, eyeWidth / 2 + lashGap, lashSize, -90, -180); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// wide open eye | |
else { | |
//draw the left eye | |
push(); | |
translate(left_eye_pos[0] - .25, left_eye_pos[1]); // translate to the center of the left eye | |
//left eye base | |
fill(255); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(eyeStrokeWeight); | |
ellipse(0, 0, eyeWidth, eyeHeight); | |
// coloured pupil | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(eyeColor); | |
ellipse(0, 0, pupil * .75, pupil); | |
// iris | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(0, 0, pupil * .75 - .2, pupil - .2); | |
// light detail | |
fill(255); | |
circle(-.25, .2, .3); | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
//lashes | |
eyeLashes(lashNum, eyeWidth / 2 + lashGap, lashSize, -90, 360); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/*****RIGHT EYE*****/ | |
// closed eye | |
if (rightEyeType == 1) { | |
push(); | |
translate(right_eye_pos[0] + .25, right_eye_pos[1]); // translate to the center of the right eye | |
scale(-1, 1); // mirror the eye | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(eyeStrokeWeight); | |
// closed eye line | |
line(-.6, 0, .75, 0); | |
//lashes | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
line(-.6, 0, -.9, .25); | |
line(-.25, 0, -.5, .25); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// half open eye | |
else if (rightEyeType == 2) { | |
push(); | |
translate(right_eye_pos[0] + .25, right_eye_pos[1]); // translate to the center of the right eye | |
scale(-1, 1); // mirror the eye | |
// draw the eye base | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(eyeStrokeWeight); | |
fill(255); | |
arc(0, 0, eyeWidth, eyeHeight, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
// coloured pupil | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(eyeColor); | |
arc(0, 0, pupil * .75, pupil, 0, 180); | |
// iris | |
fill(0); | |
arc(0, 0, pupil * .75 - .2, pupil - .2, 0, 180); | |
// light detail | |
fill(255); | |
circle(-.25, .25, .2); | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
//lashes | |
eyeLashes(lashNum / 2, eyeWidth / 2 + lashGap, lashSize, -90, -180); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// wide open eye | |
else { | |
push(); | |
translate(right_eye_pos[0] + .25, right_eye_pos[1]); // translate to the center of the right eye | |
scale(-1, 1); // mirror the eye | |
//right eye base | |
fill(255); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(eyeStrokeWeight); | |
ellipse(0, 0, eyeWidth, eyeHeight); | |
// coloured pupil | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(eyeColor); | |
ellipse(0, 0, pupil * .75, pupil); | |
// iris | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(0, 0, pupil * .75 - .2, pupil - .2); | |
// light detail | |
fill(255); | |
circle(.25, .2, .3); | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
//lashes | |
eyeLashes(lashNum, eyeWidth / 2 + lashGap, lashSize, -90, 360); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/**********EAR FUNCTION*********/ | |
function EAR(earType, gender) { | |
//ear variables | |
const earWidth = .75; | |
let nose_pos = segment_average(positions.nose_tip); | |
let earX = (faceWidth / 2) + (earWidth / 3); | |
let earY = nose_pos[1]; | |
// draw ear bases | |
fill(skinColor); | |
circle(earX, earY, earWidth); // right ear | |
circle(-earX, earY, earWidth); // left ear | |
/*********RIGHT EAR CROSS*********/ | |
push(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(.07); | |
translate(earX, earY); | |
rotate(45); | |
line(0, -.2, 0, .2); | |
rotate(90); | |
line(0, -.2, 0, .2); | |
pop(); | |
/*********LEFT EAR CROSS*********/ | |
push(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(.07); | |
translate(-earX, earY); | |
rotate(45); | |
line(0, -.2, 0, .2); | |
rotate(90); | |
line(0, -.2, 0, .2); | |
pop(); | |
/*********EARRINGS*********/ | |
if (gender < 2) { //if it is a woman | |
/*****EAR LOOPs*****/ | |
if (earType < 2) { | |
// right earring | |
push(); | |
translate(earX, earY); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke('#F4D525'); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
ellipse(0, 1.35, .5, 2); | |
pop(); | |
// left earring | |
push(); | |
translate(-earX, earY); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke('#F4D525'); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
ellipse(0, 1.35, .5, 2); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/*****PEARL EARRINGS*****/ | |
else if (earType >= 2 && earType < 3) { | |
// right earring | |
push(); | |
translate(earX, earY); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255); | |
circle(0, .55, .5); | |
pop(); | |
// left earring | |
push(); | |
translate(-earX, earY); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255); | |
circle(0, .55, .5); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/*****STAR EARRINGS*****/ | |
else { | |
// function to draw a star reference : https://p5js.org/examples/form-star.html | |
function star(x, y) { | |
const angle = 360 / 5; | |
const halfAngle = angle / 2; | |
beginShape(); | |
for (let a = 0; a < 360; a += angle) { | |
let sx = x + cos(a) * .4; | |
let sy = y + sin(a) * .4; | |
vertex(sx, sy); | |
sx = x + cos(a + halfAngle) * .18; | |
sy = y + sin(a + halfAngle) * .18; | |
vertex(sx, sy); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
// right earring | |
push(); | |
translate(earX, earY); | |
fill('#F4D525'); | |
star(0, .6); | |
pop(); | |
// left earring | |
push(); | |
translate(-earX, earY); | |
scale(-1, 1); | |
fill('#F4D525'); | |
star(0, .6); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/**********FACE FEATURES FUNCTION*********/ | |
function FEATURES(features, gender, skin) { | |
//Cheek colours | |
const cheekColor1 = '#ffb4a2'; | |
const cheekColor2 = '#D36F83'; | |
let cheekColor; | |
// map cheek colour to skin slider | |
if (skin < 2) { | |
cheekColor = cheekColor1 | |
} else { | |
cheekColor = cheekColor2 | |
} | |
// map the moustache to the top lip position | |
let moustache_pos = segment_average(positions.top_lip); | |
if (features < 2) { | |
// cheeks for female | |
if (gender < 2) { | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(cheekColor); | |
circle(-1.4, 0, .75); | |
circle(1.4, 0, .75) | |
} | |
//moustache for male | |
else { | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(hairColor); | |
push(); | |
rotate(20); | |
ellipse(moustache_pos[0] + .7, moustache_pos[1] - .7, 1, .5); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
scale(-1, 1); | |
rotate(20); | |
ellipse(moustache_pos[0] + .7, moustache_pos[1] - .7, 1, .5); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
/************HAIR*****************/ | |
//hair colours | |
const hairColor1 = '#D72483'; | |
const hairColor2 = '#7400b8'; | |
const hairColor3 = '#b7094c'; | |
let hairColor; | |
if (this.hair < 2) { | |
hairColor = hairColor1 | |
} else if (this.hair >= 2 && this.hair < 3) { | |
hairColor = hairColor2 | |
} else { | |
hairColor = hairColor3 | |
} | |
HAIR(this.hairType, this.gender, faceWidth); // draw the hair | |
/********HEAD*************/ | |
//skin colours | |
const skinColor1 = '#FFDCC8'; | |
const skinColor2 = '#f2bda5'; | |
const skinColor3 = '#9a583c'; | |
let skinColor; | |
if (this.skin < 2) { | |
skinColor = skinColor1 | |
} else if (this.skin >= 2 && this.skin < 3) { | |
skinColor = skinColor2 | |
} else { | |
skinColor = skinColor3 | |
} | |
//draw Head | |
fill(skinColor); | |
ellipse(0, -.25, faceWidth, 4.5); // head | |
/*********EARS************/ | |
EAR(this.earType, this.gender); | |
/************MOUTH***************/ | |
MOUTH(this.gender); //draw the mouth | |
/******FACE FEATURES***********/ | |
FEATURES(this.features, this.gender, this.skin); | |
/***********EYES************/ | |
EYES(this.gender, this.eyes); //draw the eyes | |
/**************FRINGE***************/ | |
FRINGE(this.fringeType, faceWidth, this.gender, this.hair); | |
pop(); | |
}; | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function (settings) { | |
this.gender = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 2); | |
this.skin = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 1, 3); | |
this.hair = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 1, 3); | |
this.eyes = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 1, 2); | |
this.fringeType = int(map(settings[4], 0, 100, 1, 3)); | |
this.earType = map(settings[5], 0, 100, 1, 3); | |
this.hairType = map(settings[6], 0, 100, 1, 2); | |
this.features = map(settings[7], 0, 100, 1, 2); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function () { | |
let settings = new Array(8); | |
settings[0] = map(this.gender, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.skin, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.hair, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.eyes, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.fringeType, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.earType, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = map(this.hairType, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[7] = map(this.features, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
0, | |
40, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
75, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
67, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
55.49999999999999, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
62.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
67, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
62.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
57.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
62.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
62.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
54, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
56.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
0, | |
54, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
54, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
100, | |
56.999999999999986, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
0, | |
54, | |
95, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
81, | |
100, | |
100, | |
67, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
0, | |
53, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
0, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
58.5, | |
100, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
52.49999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
67, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
100, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
100, | |
67, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
54, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
58.5, | |
100, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
64.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
67, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
54, | |
0, | |
0, | |
67, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
83, | |
100, | |
100, | |
67, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
67, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
64.5, | |
100, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
0, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
83, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
100, | |
58.00000000000001, | |
54, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
54, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
52, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
56.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
64.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
56.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
0, | |
67, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
67, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
0, | |
10.999999999999998, | |
51, | |
50, | |
0, | |
33.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
64.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
0, | |
54, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
100, | |
53, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
50, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
89.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
52, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
56.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
0, | |
51, | |
61.5, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
50, | |
1.0000000000000009, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
50, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
0, | |
52, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
0, | |
53, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
0, | |
53, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
68.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
100, | |
53, | |
64.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
0, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
62.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
56.999999999999986, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
0, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
150, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
0, | |
46, | |
15.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
0, | |
64.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
46, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
33.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
100, | |
46, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
0, | |
46, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
100, | |
60.00000000000001, | |
83, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
100, | |
46, | |
52, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
0, | |
46, | |
150, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
46, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
69, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
0, | |
46, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
let noise_01 = 1; | |
let noise_02 = 1; | |
let noise_03 = 1; | |
let opacity = 1; | |
let smoothVal = 100; | |
const ease_ge = new p5.Ease(); | |
function ge_draw_one_frame(cur_frac) { | |
// draw the background every time | |
drawBG(); | |
// initialize the values | |
let blue = color(99, 176, 242); | |
let purple = color('#D02E9D'); | |
let frame = floor(map(cur_frac, 0, 1, 0, 24)); // get an integer from 0 to 23 as integers (current frame) | |
// set an array of 24 values going up and down | |
let arr1 = linspace(0, 1, 12); | |
let arr2 = (linspace(1, 0, 12)); | |
let arr = concat(arr1, arr2); | |
// if not the debug view, draw the wallpaper | |
if(!debugView) { | |
strokeWeight(width*0.001); | |
// initialize the values, and make sure they all fit in different size of canvas | |
let die_size = width * 0.06; gap_y = height/4-die_size*2, gap_x = die_size*0.2; | |
let set_width = die_size * 2 * 6 + gap_x * 6; | |
let row = 0; | |
// draw dice to fill the screen | |
for (var y = die_size+gap_y*2; y <= height-die_size; y += die_size*2+gap_y) { // y position of the dice | |
for (var i = 0; i < width/set_width; i++) { // how many sets will be drawn | |
let gap = set_width / 6 + gap_x, x = die_size + i * (set_width+die_size+gap_x); // set the gap between die and x position | |
if (row % 2 == 0) { x = die_size*2 + i * (set_width+die_size+gap_x);} // every line with even numbers will have an x offset | |
drawD4(x+gap_x, y+getEaseValue(arr, 0+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD6(x+gap, y+getEaseValue(arr, 1+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD8(x+gap*2, y+getEaseValue(arr, 2+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD10(x+gap*3, y+getEaseValue(arr, 3+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD12(x+gap*4, y+getEaseValue(arr, 4+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD20(x+gap*5, y+getEaseValue(arr, 5+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
} | |
row++; | |
} | |
} | |
// if debug view, draw only two set | |
if (debugView) { | |
strokeWeight(height*0.01); | |
// here we draw three set of dice | |
let die_size = width*0.07, gap_y = height*0.015, gap_x = width*0.005; | |
let set_width = die_size * 2 * 6 + gap_x * 6; | |
let row = 0; | |
for (var y = die_size*1.5; y <= height-die_size; y += die_size*2+gap_y) { | |
for (var i = 0; i < width/set_width; i++) { | |
let gap = set_width / 6 + gap_x, x = die_size + i * (set_width+die_size+gap_x); | |
if (row % 2 == 0) { x = die_size*2 + i * (set_width+die_size+gap_x);} | |
drawD4(x+gap_x, y+getEaseValue(arr, 0+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD6(x+gap, y+getEaseValue(arr, 1+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD8(x+gap*2, y+getEaseValue(arr, 2+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD10(x+gap*3, y+getEaseValue(arr, 3+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD12(x+gap*4, y+getEaseValue(arr, 4+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
drawD20(x+gap*5, y+getEaseValue(arr, 5+i*6, frame, die_size), die_size, cur_frac, blue, purple, i*row, true); | |
} | |
row++; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
/* draw a die with 4 faces */ | |
function drawD4(x, y, size, step, c1, c2, str, isGrad) { | |
if(!checkWidBounds(x, size) || !checkHeightBounds(y, size)) return; | |
arr = setNoise(x, y, c1, c2, step, "d4_0", str, isGrad); | |
c1 = arr[0]; c2 = arr[1]; | |
let br = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(30), size*noise_01); // bottom right | |
let bl = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(150), size*noise_02); // bottom left | |
let t = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(270), size*noise_03); // top | |
let cols = [color('#9C4F96'), color('#FF6355'), color('#FBA949'), color('#FAE442'), color('#8BD448'), color('#2AA8F2')]; | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
gradientLine(0, 0, br.x, br.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(0, 0, bl.x, bl.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(0, 0, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(bl.x, bl.y, br.x, br.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(t.x, t.y, bl.x, bl.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(br.x, br.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* draw a die with 6 faces */ | |
function drawD6(x, y, size, step, c1, c2, str, isGrad) { | |
if(!checkWidBounds(x, size) || !checkHeightBounds(y, size)) return; | |
setNoise(x, y, c1, c2, step, "d6_0", str, isGrad); | |
let len = size * 0.92; | |
let b = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(90), len*noise_01); // bottom | |
let tl = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(210), len*noise_02); // top left | |
let tr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-30), len*noise_03); // top right | |
let t = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-90), len*noise_02); // top | |
let br = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(30), len*noise_01); // bottom right | |
let bl = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(150), len*noise_03); // bottom left | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
// top face | |
gradientLine(0, 0, tl.x, tl.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(0, 0, tr.x, tr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tl.x, tl.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(t.x, t.y, tr.x, tr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// right face | |
gradientLine(0, 0, b.x, b.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(br.x, br.y, b.x, b.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(br.x, br.y, tr.x, tr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// left face | |
gradientLine(tl.x, tl.y, bl.x, bl.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(b.x, b.y, bl.x, bl.y, c1, c2, step); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* draw a die with 8 faces */ | |
function drawD8(x, y, size, step, c1, c2, str, isGrad) { | |
if(!checkWidBounds(x, size) || !checkHeightBounds(y, size)) return; | |
setNoise(x, y, c1, c2, step, "d8_0", str, isGrad); | |
let wid = size / tan(radians(60)); | |
let len = wid / cos(radians(30)); | |
let r = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(0), wid*noise_01); // right | |
let tr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-30), len*noise_02); // top right | |
let t = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-90), size*noise_03); // top | |
let tl = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-150), len*noise_03); // top left | |
let l = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(180), wid*noise_02); // left | |
let b = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(90), size*0.6*noise_01); // bottom | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
// front face | |
gradientLine(t.x, t.y, r.x, r.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(t.x, t.y, l.x, l.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(l.x, l.y, r.x, r.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// left face | |
gradientLine(l.x, l.y, tl.x, tl.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tl.x, tl.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// right face | |
gradientLine(tr.x, tr.y, r.x, r.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tr.x, tr.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// bottom face | |
gradientLine(b.x, b.y, r.x, r.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(b.x, b.y, l.x, l.y, c1, c2, step); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* draw a die with 10 faces */ | |
function drawD10(x, y, size, step, c1, c2, str, isGrad) { | |
if(!checkWidBounds(x, size) || !checkHeightBounds(y, size)) return; | |
setNoise(x, y, c1, c2, step, "d10_0", str, isGrad); | |
let len = size * 0.92; | |
let w = (len/2) / cos(radians(20)); | |
let mr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-20), w*noise_01); // middle right | |
let r = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(0), len*noise_02); // right | |
let t = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-90), len*noise_03); // top | |
let ml = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-160), w*noise_03); // middle left | |
let l = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(180), len*noise_02); // left | |
let b = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(90), len*noise_01); // bottom | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
// front face | |
gradientLine(t.x, t.y, ml.x, ml.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(ml.x, ml.y, 0, 0, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(mr.x, mr.y, 0, 0, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(mr.x, mr.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// left face | |
gradientLine(ml.x, ml.y, l.x, l.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(l.x, l.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// right face | |
gradientLine(mr.x, mr.y, r.x, r.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(r.x, r.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// bottom faces | |
gradientLine(b.x, b.y, l.x, l.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(b.x, b.y, r.x, r.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(b.x, b.y, 0, 0, c1, c2, step); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* draw a die with 12 faces */ | |
function drawD12(x, y, size, step, c1, c2, str, isGrad) { | |
if(!checkWidBounds(x, size) || !checkHeightBounds(y, size)) return; | |
setNoise(x, y, c1, c2, step, "d12_0", str, isGrad); | |
let middle_w = (size) / cos(radians(15)); | |
let inner_w = (size/2) / cos(radians(30)); | |
let ir = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(30), inner_w * noise_01); // inner right | |
let r = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-5), size * noise_03); // right | |
let mr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(15),middle_w * noise_02); // middle right | |
let tr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-70), size * noise_01); // top right | |
let ur = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-45), size * noise_03); // upper right | |
let br = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(75), size * noise_02); // bottom right | |
let lr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(45), size * noise_01); // lower right | |
let mlr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(15), size * noise_03); // middle lower left | |
let mt = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-90),inner_w * noise_02); // middle top | |
let il = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(150), inner_w * noise_01); // inner left | |
let l = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(185), size * noise_03); // left | |
let ml = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(175),middle_w * noise_02); // middle left | |
let tl = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-110), size * noise_01); // top left | |
let ul = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-135), size * noise_03); // upper left | |
let bl = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(105), size * noise_02); // bottom left | |
let ll = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(135), size * noise_01); // lower left | |
let mll = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(165), size * noise_03); // middle lower left | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
// front face | |
gradientLine(0, 0, il.x, il.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(il.x, il.y, bl.x, bl.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(bl.x, bl.y, br.x, br.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(br.x, br.y, ir.x, ir.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(0, 0, ir.x, ir.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// left face | |
gradientLine(0, 0, mt.x, mt.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(mt.x, mt.y, ul.x, ul.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(l.x, l.y, ul.x, ul.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(l.x, l.y, il.x, il.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// right face | |
gradientLine(0, 0, ir.x, ir.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(ir.x, ir.y, r.x, r.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(r.x, r.y, ur.x, ur.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(mt.x, mt.y, ur.x, ur.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// bottom faces | |
gradientLine(bl.x, bl.y, ll.x, ll.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(ll.x, ll.y, mll.x, mll.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(l.x, l.y, mll.x, mll.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(br.x, br.y, lr.x, lr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(lr.x, lr.y, mlr.x, mlr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(r.x, r.y, mlr.x, mlr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// top face | |
gradientLine(tr.x, tr.y, ur.x, ur.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tl.x, tl.y, ul.x, ul.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tl.x, tl.y, tr.x, tr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* draw a die with 20 faces */ | |
function drawD20(x, y, size, step, c1, c2, str, isGrad) { | |
if(!checkWidBounds(x, size) || !checkHeightBounds(y, size)) return; | |
setNoise(x, y, c1, c2, step, "d20_0", str, isGrad); | |
let len = size * cos(radians(30)) * 1.1; | |
let wid = size/2 * 1.1; | |
let t = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-90), len * noise_02); // top | |
let tr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-30), len * noise_02); // top right | |
let mr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-35), wid * noise_01); // middle right | |
let lr = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(25), len * noise_03); // lower right | |
let tl = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-150), len * noise_01); // top left | |
let ml = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(-145), wid * noise_03); // middle left | |
let ll = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(155), len * noise_01); // lower left | |
let lm = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(90), wid * noise_02); // lower middle | |
let b = p5.Vector.fromAngle(radians(90), len * noise_03); // bottom | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
// middle face | |
gradientLine(mr.x, mr.y, ml.x, ml.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(mr.x, mr.y, lm.x, lm.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(lm.x, lm.y, ml.x, ml.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// left faces | |
gradientLine(lm.x, lm.y, ll.x, ll.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(ll.x, ll.y, ml.x, ml.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tl.x, tl.y, ll.x, ll.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tl.x, tl.y, ml.x, ml.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// right faces | |
gradientLine(lm.x, lm.y, lr.x, lr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(lr.x, lr.y, mr.x, mr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tr.x, tr.y, lr.x, lr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tr.x, tr.y, mr.x, mr.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// top faces | |
gradientLine(tr.x, tr.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(mr.x, mr.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(tl.x, tl.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(ml.x, ml.y, t.x, t.y, c1, c2, step); | |
// bottom faces | |
gradientLine(lm.x, lm.y, b.x, b.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(ll.x, ll.y, b.x, b.y, c1, c2, step); | |
gradientLine(lr.x, lr.y, b.x, b.y, c1, c2, step); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* draw a gradient line with colors flows */ | |
function gradientLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, c1, c2, s) { | |
let d = dist(x0, y0, x1, y1); // the length of the line | |
let prevX = x0, prevY = y0; | |
for (var i = 1; i < d; i++) { | |
let step = map(i, 0, d, 0, 1); | |
let c, col_step; | |
// getting the x1, y1 for the line fragment | |
let x = lerp(x0, x1, step); | |
let y = lerp(y0, y1, step); | |
// getting the color from the current frame and the lerp color | |
if (step <= s) { | |
col_step = map(step, 0, s, 0, 1); | |
c = lerpColor(c1, c2, col_step); | |
} else { | |
col_step = map(step, s, 1, 0, 1); | |
c = lerpColor(c1, c2, col_step); | |
} | |
stroke(c); | |
line(prevX, prevY, x, y); | |
prevX = x; | |
prevY = y; | |
} | |
} | |
/* check the width boundaries for die's x position */ | |
function checkWidBounds(x, size) { | |
if (x > width-size) { return false; } | |
else { return true; } | |
} | |
/* check the height boundaries for die's y position */ | |
function checkHeightBounds(y, size) { | |
if (y > height) { return false; } | |
else { return true; } | |
} | |
/* get average noise value for the global opacity */ | |
function getOpacity(x, y, step){ | |
let opacity2 = getNoiseValue(x, y, step, "opacity", 50, 255, smoothVal); | |
let opacity1 = getNoiseValue(x, y, 0, "opacity", 50, 255, smoothVal); | |
return map(0.5, 0, 1, opacity2, opacity1); | |
} | |
/* get average noise value for dice's line's length size */ | |
function getNoise(x, y, step, str){ | |
let noise2 = getNoiseValue(x, y, step, str, 0.9, 1.1, 300); | |
let noise1 = getNoiseValue(x, y, 0, str, 0.9, 1.1, 300); | |
return map(0.5, 0, 1, noise2, noise1); | |
} | |
/* set the noice and color value from the given conditions */ | |
function setNoise(x, y, c1, c2, step, prefix, str, isGrad) { | |
let arr = []; // array to store output colors | |
if (isGrad) { | |
opacity = getOpacity(x, y, step); | |
c1.setAlpha(opacity); c2.setAlpha(opacity); | |
noise_01 = getNoise(x, y, step, prefix+"1"+str); | |
noise_02 = getNoise(x, y, step, prefix+"2"+str); | |
noise_03 = getNoise(x, y, step, prefix+"3"+str); | |
} else { | |
noise_01 = 1; noise_02 = 1; noise_03 = 1; // is not gradient, don't change sizes | |
} | |
arr.push(c1); | |
arr.push(c2); | |
return arr; | |
} | |
/** return an array with size of the given number, | |
* with maximum(not included) and minimin provided, and evenly spaced | |
* @param x --- minimum | |
* @param y --- maximum | |
* @num --- the size of the array | |
*/ | |
function linspace(x, y, num) { | |
let result = []; | |
let step = (y-x)/num; | |
for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) { | |
result[i] = x + i * step; | |
} | |
return result; | |
} | |
/** get a value out of array, | |
* if the index is exceeding the array size, | |
* loop it from the start | |
*/ | |
function arrayAt(arr, index) { | |
let len = arr.length; | |
return arr[index % len]; | |
} | |
/** get a easing value from the given number, and map it from 0 to maximum | |
* @param arr --- the array that contains all the step values | |
* @param index --- the starting position in the array | |
* @param frame --- the current position in the array | |
* @param max --- the maximum number of the output value | |
*/ | |
function getEaseValue(arr, index, frame, max) { | |
return map(ease_ge.quadraticInOut(arrayAt(arr, index+frame)), 0, 1, 0, max); | |
} | |
/* draw a background with a subtle brown color at the middle */ | |
function drawBG() { | |
let dark = color(97, 66, 47); | |
let light = color(158, 108, 77); | |
let gap = width * 0.03; | |
fill(10); | |
rect(0, 0, width, height); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 1; i <= 15; i++) { | |
let step = map(i, 1, 15, 0, 1); | |
let col = lerpColor(dark, light, step); | |
col.setAlpha(7); | |
fill(col); | |
ellipse(width/2, height/2, width-i*gap, height-i*gap); | |
} | |
} | |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all information about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
var DEBUG_MODE = false; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 8; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
const noiseVal = 0.03; // constant for the hand-drawn looking algorithm | |
// skin colors | |
const skin_col_1 = [240, 215, 214]; | |
const skin_col_2 = [245, 201, 168]; | |
const skin_col_3 = [227, 170, 135]; | |
const skin_col_4 = [208, 169, 120]; | |
const skin_col_5 = [194, 137, 99]; | |
const skin_col_6 = [131, 85, 48]; | |
const skin_cols = [skin_col_1, skin_col_2, skin_col_3, skin_col_4, skin_col_5, skin_col_6]; | |
// hair colors | |
const hair_col_1 = [242,217,111]; | |
const hair_col_2 = [130,78,43]; | |
const hair_col_3 = [168,60,21]; | |
const hair_col_4 = [94,48,48]; | |
const hair_col_5 = [34,33,40]; | |
const hair_cols = [hair_col_1, hair_col_2, hair_col_3, hair_col_4, hair_col_5]; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len , sum_y / s_len ]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function GeFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
this.skin_value = 1; // 0 - 5 | |
this.facing = 0; // 0: facing right/front, 1: facing left | |
this.eye_shift = -1; // range is -10 to 10 | |
this.mouth_value = 1; // range is 0.5 to 8 | |
this.eye_lash = 0; // 0: no eye lashes, 1: has eye lashes | |
this.eye_height = 1.3; // how big the eyes are opened | |
this.eye_gap = 0.3; // range is 0 - 0.5 | |
this.hair_value = 0; // 0 - 4 | |
this.hair_length = 0; // 0: short hair, 1: long hair | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
// head | |
fill(skin_cols[this.skin_value]); | |
stroke(25); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
this.drawFace(positions.chin); | |
// mouth | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(25); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
this.drawMouth(positions); | |
// nose | |
this.drawShape(positions.nose_tip); | |
// eyes | |
this.drawEyes(positions); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.skin_value = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 5.99)); | |
this.eye_shift = map(settings[1], 0, 100, -0.6, 0.6); | |
this.hair_value = int(map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 4.99)); | |
this.facing = int(map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 2)); | |
this.eye_height = map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0.2, 1.3); | |
this.eye_lash = int(map(settings[5], 0, 100, 0, 2)); | |
this.eye_gap = map(settings[6], 0, 100, 0, 0.5); | |
this.hair_length = int(map(settings[7], 0, 100, 0, 2)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(8); | |
settings[0] = map(this.skin_value, 0, 5.99, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.eye_shift, -0.6, 0.6, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.hair_value, 0, 4.99, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.facing, 0, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.eye_height, 0.2, 1.3, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.eye_lash, 0, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = map(this.eye_gap, 0, 0.5, 0, 100); | |
settings[7] = map(this.hair_length, 0, 2, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
/* draw the face with the provided face value and slider values */ | |
this.drawFace = function(segment) { | |
let facePos = this.analyzeFace(segment); | |
let front = facePos[0]; | |
let back = facePos[1]; | |
let chin = facePos[2]; | |
let pos = []; | |
facePos[0] = front[0] * 0.2 + back[0] * 0.8; | |
facePos[1] = (front[1] + back[1])/2; | |
let faceWidth = abs(front[0]-back[0])/12.0 | |
push(); | |
if(this.facing >= 1) { // facing left | |
scale(-faceWidth, abs(front[1]-chin[1])/8.0); | |
} else { | |
scale(faceWidth, abs(front[1]-chin[1])/8.0); | |
} | |
translate(facePos[0], facePos[1]); | |
this.drawBackHair(); | |
fill(skin_cols[this.skin_value]); | |
let face = this.computeBezier(-6.2, -7, -3, -8, -1, -8, 2, -7); | |
face.push(...this.computeBezier(2, -7, 5, -6, 3, -4, 4, -2)); | |
face.push(...this.computeBezier(4, -2, 6, 1, 6, 4, 4, 5.5)); | |
face.push(...this.computeBezier(4, 5.5, 2, 7, -1, 8, -6, 5)); | |
face.push(...this.computeBezier(-6, 5, -8, 4, -8, 3, -8, 1)); | |
face.push(...this.computeBezier(-8, 1.5, -10, 2, -11, -2, -8, 0)); | |
face.push(...this.computeBezier(-8, -1, -8, -3, -8, -5, -6, -7)); | |
this.drawShape(face); | |
this.drawFrontHair(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* draw the eyes, which can open and close */ | |
this.drawEyes = function(positions) { | |
let eyeLPos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let eyeRPos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
let yPos = positions.nose_bridge[1]; | |
let eyeWidth = 1.3; | |
let eyeMPos = []; | |
eyeMPos[0] = (eyeLPos[0] + eyeRPos[0])/2; | |
let curEyeShift = this.eye_shift; | |
lerpVal = this.eye_gap; | |
eyeLPos[0] = lerp(eyeLPos[0], eyeMPos[0], lerpVal); | |
eyeRPos[0] = lerp(eyeRPos[0], eyeMPos[0], lerpVal); | |
eyeLPos[1] = yPos[1]; | |
eyeRPos[1] = yPos[1]; | |
// left eye | |
stroke(25); | |
fill(220); | |
this.drawOval(eyeLPos[0], eyeLPos[1], eyeWidth, this.eye_height); | |
fill(25); | |
noStroke(); | |
this.drawOval(eyeLPos[0]+this.eye_shift, eyeLPos[1], 0.15, 0.15); | |
// right eye | |
stroke(25); | |
fill(220); | |
this.drawOval(eyeRPos[0], eyeRPos[1], eyeWidth, this.eye_height); | |
fill(25); | |
noStroke(); | |
this.drawOval(eyeRPos[0]+this.eye_shift, eyeRPos[1], 0.15, 0.15); | |
// eyebrows, it follows the eyes without intersecting with one another | |
stroke(25); | |
noFill(); | |
this.drawShape(this.computeBezier(eyeLPos[0]-eyeWidth*0.4, eyeLPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.6, | |
eyeLPos[0]-eyeWidth*0.2, eyeLPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.85, | |
eyeLPos[0]+eyeWidth*(0.5-lerpVal), eyeLPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.85, | |
eyeLPos[0]+eyeWidth*(0.6-lerpVal), eyeLPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.6)); | |
this.drawShape(this.computeBezier(eyeRPos[0]-eyeWidth*0.4, eyeRPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.6, | |
eyeRPos[0]-eyeWidth*0.2, eyeRPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.85, | |
eyeRPos[0]+eyeWidth*(0.5-lerpVal), eyeRPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.85, | |
eyeRPos[0]+eyeWidth*(0.6-lerpVal), eyeRPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.6)); | |
// eyelash | |
if (this.eye_lash >= 1) { | |
this.drawLine(eyeLPos[0]-eyeWidth*0.4, eyeLPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.3, eyeLPos[0]-eyeWidth*0.6, eyeLPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.4); | |
this.drawLine(eyeRPos[0]+eyeWidth*0.4, eyeRPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.3, eyeRPos[0]+eyeWidth*0.6, eyeRPos[1]-this.eye_height*0.4); | |
} | |
} | |
/* draw the mouth, either closed or open */ | |
this.drawMouth = function(positions) { | |
let mouth = subset(positions.top_lip, 6); // get the lower half of the top lip | |
let length = mouth.length; // get the initial top lip length | |
mouth.push(...reverse(subset(positions.bottom_lip, 0, 7))); // get the lower half of the bottom lip | |
let pos = segment_average(positions.top_lip); // find the position of the mouth | |
push(); | |
scale(1, 1.3); // scale up the y axis to exaggerate the expression | |
if (this.facing >= 1){ | |
translate(-0.2, -0.1); | |
} else { | |
translate(0.2, -0.1); | |
} | |
let mouthHeight = this.findHeight(mouth); | |
// if the mouth is opened, draw a mouth, teeth and tongue | |
if (mouthHeight > 0.4) { | |
fill(103,38,54); | |
this.drawShape(mouth); | |
fill(255); | |
// teeth | |
let top = this.combineCurve(subset(mouth, 0, length+1)); // get a more detailed array with points | |
top = subset(top, top.length*0.2, top.length-(top.length*0.3)); | |
// draw the lower points of the teeth, use the mouth height as the guidance | |
loop = top[0]; | |
let tmp = []; | |
tmp[0] = top[top.length-3][0]; | |
tmp[1] = top[top.length-3][1]+ mouthHeight*0.2; | |
append(top, tmp) | |
tmp = []; | |
tmp[0] = top[2][0]; | |
tmp[1] = top[2][1]+ mouthHeight*0.2; | |
append(top, tmp) | |
append(top, loop); | |
this.drawShape(top); | |
// tongue | |
let bottom = this.combineCurve(subset(mouth, length)); | |
tongue = subset(bottom, bottom.length*0.3, bottom.length-(bottom.length*0.5)); | |
let x = lerp(tongue[0][0], tongue[tongue.length-1][0], 0.45); | |
let y = lerp(tongue[0][1], tongue[tongue.length-1][1], 0.45); | |
stroke(255, 0, 0); | |
fill(180,85,118); | |
noStroke(); | |
this.drawShape(tongue); | |
this.drawOval(x, y, dist(tongue[0][0], tongue[tongue.length-1][0], tongue[0][1], tongue[tongue.length-1][1])*0.45, mouthHeight*0.3); | |
// redraw the outline | |
stroke(25); | |
noFill(); | |
this.drawShape(mouth); | |
} else { | |
// if the mouth is not opened | |
noFill(); | |
this.drawShape(subset(positions.bottom_lip, 6)); | |
} | |
noFill(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* helper method to draw the front hair | |
*/ | |
this.drawFrontHair = function() { | |
fill(hair_cols[this.hair_value]); | |
let hair = this.computeBezier(4, -3, 1, -4, -1, -5, -1, -7.5); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(-1, -7.5, -2, -2, -4, -4, -8, -1)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(-8, -1, -8, -3, -8, -5, -6, -7)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(-6.2, -7, -3, -8, -1, -8, 2, -7)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(2, -7, 5, -6, 3, -4, 4, -3)); | |
this.drawShape(hair); | |
} | |
/** | |
* helper method to draw the back hair | |
*/ | |
this.drawBackHair = function(){ | |
fill(hair_cols[this.hair_value]); | |
if (this.hair_length >= 1) { // long hair | |
let hair = this.computeBezier(-6, -7, -9, -5, -10, -2, -9, 2); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(-9, 2, -8, 4, -12, 6, -10, 7)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(-10, 7, -7, 9, -5, 7, -2, 8.5)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(-1.7, 8.5, 0, 9, 4, 10, 7, 6)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(7, 6, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5, 1)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(5, 1, 8, -2, 4, -5, 3, -6.5)); | |
this.drawShape(hair); | |
} else { // short hair | |
let hair = this.computeBezier(-6, -7, -9, -5, -10, -2, -9, 2); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(-9, 2, -8, 4, -8, 4, -9, 5)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(-9, 5, -8.5, 5, -8, 6, -5, 5)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(-5, 5, -2, 6, -2, 5, 6, 6)); | |
hair.push(...this.computeBezier(6, 6, 5, 3, 7, 0, 3, -6.6)); | |
this.drawShape(hair); | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
* helper method to draw an array of points with curveVertex and noise | |
*/ | |
this.drawShape = function(segment) { | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(segment[0][0], segment[0][1]); | |
for(let i=0; i<segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
curveVertex(px, py); | |
} | |
curveVertex(segment[segment.length-1][0], segment[segment.length-1][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* helper method to draw a line with noise | |
*/ | |
this.drawLine = function(x1, y1, x2, y2){ | |
var dis = dist(x1, y1, x2, y2); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x1, y1); | |
for (var i = 0; i < dis; i+=0.1) { | |
var p = i / dis; | |
var x = lerp(x1, x2, p); | |
var y = lerp(y1, y2, p); | |
var offset = getNoiseValue(x, y, 1, "face", -noiseVal, noiseVal, 10); | |
curveVertex(x+offset, y+offset); | |
} | |
curveVertex(x2, y2); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* helper method to draw an arc with start to end in degree | |
* x, y - the middle of the arc | |
*/ | |
this.drawOval = function(x, y, width, height){ | |
var a = width/2, b = height/2; | |
var dis = 2 * PI * b + 4 * (a - b); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(x+a, y); | |
for (var i = 0; i <= dis; i+=0.1) { | |
var t = map(i, 0, dis, 0, 360); | |
var offset = getNoiseValue(0, 0, map(i, 0, dis, 0, 1), "face", -noiseVal, noiseVal, 10); | |
var newX = (a + offset) * cos(t) + x; | |
var newY = (b + offset) * sin(t) + y; | |
curveVertex(newX, newY); | |
} | |
curveVertex(x+a, y); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} | |
/** | |
* helper method to draw a bezier curve with noise | |
*/ | |
this.computeBezier = function(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { | |
let vertices = []; | |
let j = 2; | |
vertices[0] = []; vertices[1] = []; | |
vertices[0][0] = x1; vertices[0][1] = y1; | |
vertices[1][0] = x1; vertices[1][1] = y1; | |
// estimate how long the curve is from point to point dist | |
let estimateDist = dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) + dist(x2, y2, x3, y3) + dist(x3, y3, x4, y4); | |
// loop through the bezier and add them into the array with noise offset | |
for (let i = 0; i <= estimateDist; i += 0.3) { | |
let t = i / estimateDist; // t is [0,1], the ratio in the curve that we can get the vector point | |
let x = bezierPoint(x1, x2, x3, x4, t); | |
let y = bezierPoint(y1, y2, y3, y4, t); | |
let offset = getNoiseValue(0, 0, t, "face", -noiseVal, noiseVal, 10); | |
vertices[j] = []; | |
vertices[j][0] = x + offset; | |
vertices[j][1] = y + offset; | |
j++; | |
} | |
vertices[j] = []; vertices[j+1] = []; | |
vertices[j][0] = x4; vertices[j][1] = y4; | |
vertices[j+1][0] = x4; vertices[j+1][1] = y4; | |
return vertices; | |
} | |
/** | |
* analyze the face center position, its width and height | |
* and return an array of the leftest, rightest and lowest point | |
*/ | |
this.analyzeFace = function(segment){ | |
let result = []; | |
result[0] = segment[0]; | |
result[1] = segment[segment.length-1]; | |
result[2] = segment[0]; | |
for(let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) { | |
if (result[2][1] < segment[i][1]) result[2] = segment[i]; | |
} | |
return result; | |
} | |
/** | |
* find the height of the given point array | |
* used for calculating if the mouth is opened | |
*/ | |
this.findHeight = function(segment) { | |
let minY = segment[0][1]; | |
let maxY = segment[0][1]; | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) { | |
if(minY > segment[i][1]) minY = segment[i][1]; | |
if(maxY < segment[i][1]) maxY = segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return abs(maxY - minY); | |
} | |
/** | |
* helper method to calculate a more detailed points array for a given array | |
* which is a continuous curve | |
*/ | |
this.combineCurve = function(segment){ | |
let result = []; | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length-1; i++) { | |
let dis = dist(segment[i][0], segment[i][1], segment[i+1][0], segment[i+1][1]); | |
for (let j = 0; j < dis; j+=0.05) { | |
let t = j/dis; | |
let point = []; | |
point[0] = lerp(segment[i][0], segment[i+1][0], t); | |
point[1] = lerp(segment[i][1], segment[i+1][1], t); | |
append(result, point); | |
} | |
} | |
return result; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
20, | |
47, | |
81, | |
25, | |
40, | |
0, | |
26, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
50, | |
100, | |
81.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
17, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
20, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
43, | |
100, | |
47, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
80, | |
61, | |
25, | |
0, | |
43, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
20, | |
54, | |
100, | |
100, | |
52, | |
0, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
20, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
25, | |
0, | |
59, | |
100, | |
19, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
20, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
18, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
20, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
53.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
80, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
53.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
20, | |
39, | |
100, | |
0, | |
14.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
20, | |
76, | |
100, | |
100, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
47, | |
0, | |
0, | |
44, | |
100, | |
18, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
20, | |
59, | |
75, | |
0, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
18, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
20, | |
75, | |
100, | |
0, | |
42, | |
0, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
20, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
75, | |
100, | |
43, | |
0, | |
15, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
20, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
25, | |
0, | |
72, | |
100, | |
15, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
20, | |
47, | |
0, | |
0, | |
72, | |
100, | |
15, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
20, | |
49, | |
0, | |
0, | |
82, | |
0, | |
15, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
20, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
25, | |
0, | |
82, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
20, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
25, | |
0, | |
63, | |
0, | |
13, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
20, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
76, | |
100, | |
13, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
80, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
13, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
44.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
13, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
40, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
86.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
53, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
20, | |
19, | |
100, | |
100, | |
87, | |
0, | |
53, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
20, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
25, | |
0, | |
53.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
53, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
20, | |
50, | |
25, | |
0, | |
63, | |
100, | |
53, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
64.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
43, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
20, | |
43.00000000000001, | |
75, | |
100, | |
58.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
44, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
40, | |
67, | |
100, | |
0, | |
33, | |
100, | |
33, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
67, | |
100, | |
100, | |
20, | |
0, | |
33, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
20, | |
49, | |
100, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0, | |
24, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
20, | |
46.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
45, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
20, | |
48, | |
75, | |
100, | |
42, | |
0, | |
44, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
20, | |
47, | |
0, | |
100, | |
42, | |
100, | |
45, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
42, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
20, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
20, | |
52, | |
100, | |
0, | |
58.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
45, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
80, | |
34, | |
100, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
17, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
46.00000000000002, | |
0, | |
36, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
40, | |
52, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
39, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
44, | |
0, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
20, | |
52, | |
100, | |
0, | |
30, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
75.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
30, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
20, | |
36, | |
100, | |
100, | |
42, | |
100, | |
22, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
40, | |
40, | |
100, | |
100, | |
41, | |
0, | |
39, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
20, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
45, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
46.00000000000002, | |
100, | |
45, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
20, | |
60, | |
100, | |
100, | |
49.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
20, | |
39, | |
100, | |
0, | |
33, | |
0, | |
21, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
20, | |
66, | |
100, | |
0, | |
31, | |
0, | |
13, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
16.69449081803005, | |
51, | |
60.12024048096192, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
30, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
50, | |
100, | |
83, | |
100, | |
45, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
20, | |
43.00000000000001, | |
75, | |
0, | |
48, | |
100, | |
22, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
75, | |
100, | |
48, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
20, | |
0, | |
27, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
20, | |
40, | |
0, | |
0, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
36, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
65, | |
100, | |
45, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
20, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
25, | |
100, | |
63, | |
100, | |
31, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
16.69449081803005, | |
51, | |
20.040080160320638, | |
0, | |
22.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
11, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
20, | |
47, | |
25, | |
0, | |
68.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
24, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
25, | |
100, | |
42, | |
0, | |
21, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
20, | |
43.00000000000001, | |
25, | |
0, | |
45, | |
100, | |
11, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
0, | |
0, | |
59, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
42, | |
0, | |
23, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
75, | |
0, | |
65, | |
100, | |
45, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
60, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
32, | |
100, | |
24, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
81.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
42, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
25, | |
0, | |
53.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
39, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
63, | |
100, | |
45, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
20, | |
43.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
63, | |
100, | |
34, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
20, | |
59, | |
100, | |
0, | |
62.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
32, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
44.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
79.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
20, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
40, | |
59, | |
0, | |
100, | |
67, | |
0, | |
44, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
36.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
24, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
20, | |
68, | |
100, | |
100, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
18, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
60, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
63, | |
100, | |
34, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
63, | |
100, | |
45, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
58.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
22, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
60, | |
76, | |
100, | |
0, | |
52, | |
0, | |
36, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
20, | |
69, | |
100, | |
0, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
20, | |
49, | |
0, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
24, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
75, | |
0, | |
59, | |
100, | |
26, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
20, | |
59, | |
25, | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
35, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
20, | |
49, | |
100, | |
0, | |
32, | |
100, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
20, | |
37, | |
50, | |
0, | |
43, | |
100, | |
12, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
20, | |
59, | |
0, | |
0, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
31, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
20, | |
69, | |
100, | |
0, | |
41, | |
100, | |
19, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
50, | |
0, | |
61, | |
0, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
60, | |
53, | |
100, | |
0, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
33, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
75, | |
0, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
24, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
50, | |
100, | |
74, | |
100, | |
34, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
63, | |
100, | |
34, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
0, | |
0, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
31, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
20, | |
51, | |
100, | |
100, | |
47.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
27, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
20, | |
48, | |
100, | |
100, | |
36.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
100 | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
//var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 8; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// here's some examples for colors used | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len , sum_y / s_len ]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function HillFace() { | |
const eye_position = 0.85; | |
const eye_size1 = 0.6; | |
const eye_size2 = 0.8; | |
const pupil_size1 = 0.25; | |
const pupil_size2 = 0.25; | |
const rect_height = 4; | |
const rect_width = 3.5; | |
const mouth_wide = 1.25; | |
const bag_light = [209, 182, 150]; | |
const bag_mid = [187, 145, 100]; | |
const bag_dark = [144, 102, 73]; | |
const side_shadow_light = [163, 138, 107]; | |
const side_shadow_mid = [140, 109, 75]; | |
const side_shadow_dark = [108, 77, 55]; | |
const top_shadow_light = [182, 158, 129]; | |
const top_shadow_mid = [164, 127, 88]; | |
const top_shadow_dark = [126, 89, 64]; | |
this.eye_value = 2; //1-2 | |
this.eye_brow = 2; //1-2 | |
this.nose_value = 1; //1-2 | |
this.bag_colour = 1; //1-3 | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
scale(1.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
///HEAD////// | |
//front | |
let face_pos = segment_average(positions.chin); | |
if (this.bag_colour == 1) { | |
fill(bag_light); | |
} | |
else if (this.bag_colour == 2) { | |
fill(bag_mid); | |
} | |
else if (this.bag_colour == 3) { | |
fill(bag_dark); | |
} | |
rect(0, -0.25, rect_width, rect_height); | |
//pointy detail | |
triangle(-1.75, 1.74, -1.75, 2.25, -1.25, 1.74); | |
push(); | |
triangle(-0.6, 1.74, -0.95, 2.25, -1.3, 1.74); | |
translate(0.5, 0); | |
triangle(-0.4, 1.74, -0.75, 2.25, -1.1, 1.74); | |
translate(0.7, 0); | |
triangle(-0.4, 1.74, -0.75, 2.25, -1.1, 1.74); | |
translate(0.6, 0); | |
triangle(-0.4, 1.74, -0.75, 2.25, -1.1, 1.74); | |
pop(); | |
triangle(1.25, 1.74, 1.75, 2.25, 1.75, 1.74); | |
//top | |
if (this.bag_colour == 1) { | |
fill(top_shadow_light); | |
} | |
else if (this.bag_colour == 2) { | |
fill(top_shadow_mid); | |
} | |
else if (this.bag_colour == 3) { | |
fill(top_shadow_dark); | |
} | |
quad(-2.5, -2.5, -1.75, -2.25, 1.75, -2.25, 1, -2.5); | |
//side | |
if (this.bag_colour == 1) { | |
fill(side_shadow_light); | |
} | |
else if (this.bag_colour == 2) { | |
fill(side_shadow_mid); | |
} | |
else if (this.bag_colour == 3) { | |
fill(side_shadow_dark); | |
} | |
quad(-2.5, 1.25, -2.5, -2.5, -1.75, -2.25, -1.75, 1.75); | |
triangle(-1.75, 1.7, -1.75, 2.25, -2.25, 1.4); | |
triangle(-2.5, 1.9, -2.5, 1.25, -2, 1.4); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.06); | |
///NOSE////// | |
let nose_top = positions.nose_bridge[1]; | |
let nose_bottom = positions.nose_bridge[3]; | |
let nose_center = positions.nose_tip[2]; | |
if (this.nose_value == 1) { | |
line(nose_top[0], nose_top[1], nose_bottom[0], nose_bottom[1]); | |
line(nose_top[0] - 0.02, nose_top[1], nose_bottom[0], nose_bottom[1]); | |
arc(nose_center[0], nose_center[1], 0.5, 0.5, 0, 180); | |
arc(nose_center[0], nose_center[1], 0.5, 0.55, 0, 180); | |
} | |
else if (this.nose_value == 2) { | |
arc(nose_center[0], nose_center[1], 0.5, 0.5, 0, 180); | |
arc(nose_center[0], nose_center[1], 0.5, 0.55, 0, 180); | |
} | |
///MOUTH///// | |
let mouth_pos = segment_average(positions.bottom_lip); | |
let lip_top = positions. top_lip[9]; | |
let lip_bottom = positions. bottom_lip[9]; | |
let d = dist(lip_top[0], lip_top[1], lip_bottom[0], lip_bottom[1]); | |
let mouth = map(d, 0, 1, 0, 10); | |
let mouth_open = map(mouth, 0, 10, 0, 1); | |
if (d < 0.2) { | |
d = 0; | |
} | |
ellipse(mouth_pos[0], mouth_pos[1] + 0.1, mouth_wide, mouth_open); | |
ellipse(mouth_pos[0], mouth_pos[1] + 0.1, mouth_wide, mouth_open + 0.05); | |
///EYEBROWS///// | |
let left_eyebrow_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eyebrow); | |
let right_eyebrow_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eyebrow); | |
if (this.eye_brow == 1) { | |
rect(left_eyebrow_pos[0], left_eyebrow_pos[1], 0.7, 0.01); | |
rect(right_eyebrow_pos[0], right_eyebrow_pos[1], 0.7, 0.01); | |
} | |
else if (this.eye_brow == 2) { | |
fill(0); | |
rect(left_eyebrow_pos[0], left_eyebrow_pos[1], 0.5, 0.06); | |
rect(right_eyebrow_pos[0], right_eyebrow_pos[1], 0.5, 0.06); | |
} | |
///EYES////// | |
noFill(); | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
if (this.eye_value == 1) { | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], eye_size1 - 0.1, eye_size1); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], eye_size1 - 0.1, eye_size1); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], eye_size1 - 0.1, eye_size1 + 0.05); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], eye_size1 - 0.1, eye_size1 + 0.05); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], pupil_size1); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], pupil_size1); | |
} | |
else if (this.eye_value == 2) { | |
arc(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], eye_size2 - 0.2, eye_size2, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
arc(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], eye_size2 - 0.2, eye_size2, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
arc(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], eye_size2 - 0.2, eye_size2 + 0.05, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
arc(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], eye_size2 - 0.2, eye_size2 + 0.05, 0, 180, CHORD); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1] + 0.15, pupil_size2); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1] + 0.15, pupil_size2); | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.eye_value = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 2)); | |
this.eye_brow = int(map(settings[1], 0, 100, 1, 2)); | |
this.nose_value = int(map(settings[2], 0, 100, 1, 2)); | |
this.bag_colour = int(map(settings[3], 0, 100, 1, 3)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(4); | |
settings[0] = map(this.eye_value, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.eye_brow, 1, 2 , 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.nose_value, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.bag_colour, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000018": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000001": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
// var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 8; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len , sum_y / s_len ]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function HoFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables should be different!) | |
//pumpkin colour (Hair) | |
const yellow = color(255, 255, 0); | |
const mid_yellow = color(255, 117, 24); | |
const dark_yellow = color(127, 51, 0); | |
const error_green = color(0, 255, 0); | |
//eye colour | |
const brown = color(69,24,0); | |
const blue = color(135,206,250); | |
const grey = color(128,128,128); | |
const pink = color(255,182,193); | |
/* | |
* earSize can vary from 0 to 4 | |
* earDist is the distance between ears and varies from 0 to 4 | |
* faceColor is 1,2,3,4 for yellow,blue,red, or violet respectively | |
*/ | |
this.leafSize = 5; | |
this.leafDist = 5; | |
this.hairColor = 1; | |
this.eyeColor = 1; | |
this.blushColor = 1; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
if(this.hairColor == 0) { | |
fill(yellow); | |
} | |
else if (this.hairColor==1) { | |
fill(mid_yellow); | |
} | |
else if (this.hairColor==2) { | |
fill(dark_yellow); | |
} | |
else { | |
fill(error_green); | |
} | |
// head | |
push(); | |
scale(1/3); | |
translate(-4,0); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 7,10); | |
ellipse(2, 0, 5,10); | |
ellipse(4, 0, 8,10); | |
ellipse(6, 0, 5,10); | |
ellipse(8, 0, 7,10); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
//leaf// | |
push(); | |
scale(1/3); | |
let leafRadius = map(this.leafSize, 0, 10, 0.3, 2); | |
let leafXPos = map(this.leafDist, 0, 10, 0.5, 2); | |
fill(58,23,11); | |
noStroke(); | |
rect(-2+leafXPos,-8.5,leafRadius+1.5,4,0.2,1,1,1); | |
pop(); | |
//leaf// | |
push(); | |
//nose// | |
let nose_top = positions.nose_bridge[0]; | |
let nose_bottom = positions.nose_bridge[3]; | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
// line(nose_top[0], nose_top[1], nose_bottom[0], nose_bottom[1]); //top | |
fill(0); | |
triangle(nose_bottom[0], nose_bottom[1], nose_top[0], nose_top[0],nose_bottom[1], nose_bottom[1]); | |
let nose_end = null; | |
if(nose_top[0] < nose_bottom[0]) { | |
nose_end = positions.nose_tip[0]; | |
} | |
else { | |
nose_end = positions.nose_tip[4]; | |
} | |
// let nose_end = positions.nose_tip[4]; | |
let nose_center = positions.nose_tip[2]; | |
pop(); | |
// line(nose_end[0], nose_end[1], nose_center[0], nose_center[1]); //bottom | |
//nose// | |
//mouth// | |
// let top_lip = positions.top_lip[0]; | |
// let bottom_lip = positions.bottom_lip[] | |
push(); | |
push(); | |
fill(0); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(positions.bottom_lip[7][0], positions.bottom_lip[6][1],0.2); | |
ellipse(positions.bottom_lip[8][0], positions.bottom_lip[8][1],0.2); | |
ellipse(positions.bottom_lip[9][0], positions.bottom_lip[9][1],0.2); | |
ellipse(positions.bottom_lip[10][0], positions.bottom_lip[10][1],0.2); | |
ellipse(positions.bottom_lip[0][0], positions.bottom_lip[0][1],0.2); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
if(this.eyeColor == 0) { | |
fill(brown); | |
} | |
else if (this.eyeColor==1) { | |
fill(blue); | |
} | |
else if (this.eyeColor==2) { | |
fill(grey); | |
} | |
else { | |
fill(error_green); | |
} | |
//eyes// | |
noStroke(); | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
push(); | |
translate(0,0.5); | |
push(); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], 0.5); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], 0.5); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate(0,0); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], 0.3); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], 0.3); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
//eyes// | |
if(this.blushColor == 0) { | |
fill(pink); | |
} | |
else if (this.eyeColor==1) { | |
noFill(); | |
} | |
else if (this.eyeColor==2) { | |
noFill(); | |
} | |
else { | |
noFill(); | |
} | |
//blush | |
ellipse(1.5,0,0.5,0.25); | |
ellipse(-1.5,0,0.5,0.25); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.leafSize = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 10); | |
this.leafDist = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0, 10); | |
this.hairColor = int(map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 3)); | |
this.eyeColor = int(map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 3)); | |
this.blushColor = int(map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0, 3)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(5); | |
settings[0] = map(this.leafSize, 0, 10, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.leafDist, 0, 10, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.hairColor, 0, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.eyeColor, 0, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.blushColor, 0, 4, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
//var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 3; | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function HowardFace() { | |
const light = color(250, 200, 140); | |
const middle = color(230, 155, 75); | |
const dark = color(170, 125, 70); | |
const tan = color(250, 235, 200); | |
//this.mouth_value | |
this.fur_colour = 1; | |
this.ear_length = -1; | |
this.blush = 0; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
let left_eye = average_point(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye = average_point(positions.right_eye); | |
let left_eyebrow = average_point(positions.left_eyebrow); | |
let right_eyebrow = average_point(positions.right_eyebrow); | |
let left_d = dist(left_eye[0], left_eye[1], left_eyebrow[0], left_eyebrow[1]); | |
let right_d = dist(right_eye[0], right_eye[1], right_eyebrow[0], right_eyebrow[1]); | |
let left_eb_move = map(left_d, 0.4, 0.7, 0.6, 1.5, true); | |
let right_eb_move = map(right_d, 0.4, 0.7, 0.6, 1.5, true); | |
left_eye[0] *= 3; | |
left_eye[1] *= 3; | |
right_eye[0] *= 3; | |
right_eye[1] *= 3; | |
if (this.fur_colour == 1) { | |
fill(light); | |
} else if (this.fur_colour == 2) { | |
fill(middle); | |
} else { | |
fill(dark); | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(0, 0.15, 5, 5.5); | |
stroke(tan); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
fill(tan); | |
ellipse(0, 1.5, 3, 2.2); | |
// head outline | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.25); | |
stroke(60, 50, 50); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0, -2.625); | |
//bezierVertex(3, -7.5, 7, -5, 8, 1); | |
//bezierVertex(8, 1, 10, 8, 0, 9); | |
bezierVertex(1.05, -2.625, 2.45, -1.75, 2.45, 0.35); | |
bezierVertex(2.45, 0.35, 2.625, 2.8, 0, 2.8); | |
bezierVertex(-2.625, 2.8, -2.625, 0.25, -2.55, 0.35); | |
bezierVertex(-2.45, -1.75, -1.05, -2.625, 0, -2.625); | |
endShape(); | |
//ears | |
//Ear colour | |
if (this.fur_colour == 1) { | |
fill(light); | |
} else if (this.fur_colour == 2) { | |
fill(middle); | |
} else { | |
fill(dark); | |
} | |
//left ear | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-2.4, -0.7); | |
curveVertex(-2.4, -0.7); | |
curveVertex(-2.8, -1.4 + this.ear_length); | |
curveVertex(-2.45, -2.45 + this.ear_length); | |
curveVertex(-1.05, -2.38); | |
curveVertex(-1.05, -2.38); | |
endShape(); | |
//right ear | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(2.345, -0.7); | |
curveVertex(2.345, -0.7); | |
curveVertex(2.8, -1.4 + this.ear_length); | |
curveVertex(2.45, -2.45 + this.ear_length); | |
curveVertex(1.05, -2.38); | |
curveVertex(1.05, -2.38); | |
endShape(); | |
fill(tan); | |
stroke(tan); | |
//left ear inside | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-2.1, -1.4); | |
curveVertex(-2.1, -1.4); | |
curveVertex(-2.24, -1.225 + this.ear_length); | |
curveVertex(-2.24, -1.75 + this.ear_length); | |
curveVertex(-1.575, -2); | |
curveVertex(-1.575, -2); | |
endShape(); | |
//left ear inside line | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-2.1, -1.4); | |
curveVertex(-2.1, -1.4); | |
curveVertex(-1.925, -1.645); | |
curveVertex(-1.6625, -1.925); | |
curveVertex(-1.575, -2); | |
curveVertex(-1.575, -2); | |
endShape(); | |
//right ear inside | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(2.1, -1.4); | |
curveVertex(2.1, -1.4); | |
curveVertex(2.24, -1.225 + this.ear_length); | |
curveVertex(2.24, -1.75 + this.ear_length); | |
curveVertex(1.575, -2); | |
curveVertex(1.575, -2); | |
endShape(); | |
//right ear inside line | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(2.1, -1.4); | |
curveVertex(2.1, -1.4); | |
curveVertex(1.925, -1.645); | |
curveVertex(1.6625, -1.925); | |
curveVertex(1.575, -2); | |
curveVertex(1.575, -2); | |
endShape(); | |
//left brow | |
push(); | |
strokeWeight(0.375) | |
translate(0, 1 - left_eb_move); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-1.225, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(-1.225, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(-1.05, -1.19); | |
curveVertex(-0.91, -1.19); | |
curveVertex(-0.805, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(-0.805, -1.12); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-1.225, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(-1.225, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(-1.05, -1.085); | |
curveVertex(-0.91, -1.085); | |
curveVertex(-0.805, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(-0.805, -1.12); | |
endShape(); | |
//right brow | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(1.225, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(1.225, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(1.05, -1.19); | |
curveVertex(0.91, -1.19); | |
curveVertex(0.805, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(0.805, -1.12); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(1.225, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(1.225, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(1.05, -1.085); | |
curveVertex(0.91, -1.085); | |
curveVertex(0.805, -1.12); | |
curveVertex(0.805, -1.12); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
// eyes | |
const green = color('#3bb44a'); | |
const darkGreen = color('#046538'); | |
const lightBlue = color('#9bcde1'); | |
const darkBlue = color('#0c76c1'); | |
const lightBrown = color('#8b5f3c'); | |
const pink = color('#ff9292'); | |
//outline | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(40); | |
ellipse(-1.05, -0.175, 0.735); | |
ellipse(1.05, -0.175, 0.735); | |
//iris | |
if (this.blush < 5) { | |
fill(lightBlue); | |
} else { | |
fill(pink); | |
} | |
ellipse(-1.05, -0.175, 0.7); | |
ellipse(1.05, -0.175, 0.7); | |
// | |
fill(40); | |
ellipse(-1.05, -0.175, 0.455); | |
ellipse(1.05, -0.175, 0.455); | |
//white reflection | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(-1.225, -0.35, 0.175, 0.14); | |
ellipse(0.875, -0.35, 0.175, 0.14); | |
//mouth open | |
let top_lip_point = positions.top_lip[9]; | |
let bottom_lip_point = positions.bottom_lip[9]; | |
// fill(255, 0, 0); | |
let d = dist(top_lip_point[0], top_lip_point[1], bottom_lip_point[0], bottom_lip_point[1]) | |
let mouth = map(d, 0, 0.5, 0, 10); | |
let mouth_size = map(mouth, 0, 10, 0, 1.5); | |
fill(250, 100, 100); | |
stroke(40); | |
strokeWeight(0.15) | |
ellipse(0, 1.2, 1.5, mouth_size); | |
//tongue cover | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(tan); | |
ellipse(0.525, 1.12, 1.05, 0.77) | |
ellipse(-0.525, 1.12, 1.05, 0.77) | |
if (this.fur_colour == 1) { | |
fill(light); | |
} else if (this.fur_colour == 2) { | |
fill(middle); | |
} else { | |
fill(dark); | |
} | |
ellipse(0, 0.2, 1.4, 1.5); | |
fill(tan); | |
ellipse(0, 0.7, 2.1, 0.9); | |
//nose | |
fill(40); | |
ellipse(0, 0.875, 0.7, 0.525); | |
//mouth | |
stroke(40) | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.1575); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-0.07, 1.05); | |
curveVertex(-0.07, 1.05); | |
curveVertex(0.35, 1.505); | |
curveVertex(0.77, 1.54); | |
curveVertex(1.05, 1.33); | |
curveVertex(1.05, 1.33); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(0.07, 1.05); | |
curveVertex(0.07, 1.05); | |
curveVertex(-0.35, 1.505); | |
curveVertex(-0.77, 1.54); | |
curveVertex(-1.05, 1.33); | |
curveVertex(-1.05, 1.33); | |
endShape(); | |
//blush | |
if (this.blush < 5) { | |
} else { | |
noStroke() | |
fill(200, 50, 50, 180); | |
ellipse(-1.4, 0.7, 0.8, 0.5); | |
ellipse(1.4, 0.7, 0.8, 0.5); | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.fur_colour = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 4)); | |
this.ear_length = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0, -1); | |
this.blush = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 10); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(4); | |
settings[0] = map(this.fur_colour, 1, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.ear_length, 0, -1, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.blush, 0, 10, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} | |
// given an array of [x,y] points, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
0, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
50, | |
49, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
0, | |
77, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
0, | |
86, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
0, | |
65, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
0, | |
76, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
0, | |
62, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
0, | |
68, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
0, | |
77, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
83, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
83, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
0, | |
92, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
30, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
0, | |
75, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
0, | |
65, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
88, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
0, | |
88, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
0, | |
84, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
71, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
0, | |
62, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
71, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
0, | |
71, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
0, | |
41, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
0, | |
53, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
0, | |
37, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
0, | |
49, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
93, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
0, | |
84, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
0, | |
62, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
0, | |
53, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
0, | |
30, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
0, | |
76, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
0, | |
33, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
0, | |
70, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
0, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
0, | |
54, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
100, | |
19, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
0, | |
59, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
35, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
90, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
0, | |
51, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
17, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
66, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
0, | |
54, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
84, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
0, | |
63, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
86, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
24, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
0, | |
84, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
61, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
61, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
0, | |
34, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
] | |
} |
//var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 8; | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len , sum_y / s_len ]; | |
} | |
function HuFace() { | |
const face = [134, 89, 54]; | |
const brown = [96, 60, 16]; | |
const orange = [181, 135, 78]; | |
const yellow = [164, 116, 10]; | |
const grey = [129, 120, 101]; | |
const pink = [217, 194, 182]; | |
const horns_color = [254, 233, 217]; | |
const nose_color = [53, 37, 18]; | |
const ear_color = [234, 192, 158]; | |
this.earringc = 1; | |
this.earDist = 0.3; | |
this.eyeDist = 0; | |
this.mouthDist = -0.1; | |
this.faceColor = 1; | |
this.fur = 1; | |
this.furColor = 3; | |
this.horns = -0.1; | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
noStroke(); | |
//horns | |
fill(horns_color); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0]+0.5, positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]-0.3); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0]-0.1,positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]+0.3); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0]-0.5,positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]-1.3); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]-3-this.horns); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]-1.5); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0]-0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]-0.3); | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0]-1.4,positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]+1.3); | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0]-0.5,positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]-1.5); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[4][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]-3-this.horns); | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]-1.3); | |
endShape(); | |
//earring | |
if(this.earringc == 1) { | |
fill(255, 255, 255); | |
} | |
else if (this.earringc == 2) { | |
fill(pink); | |
} | |
else if (this.earringc == 3) { | |
fill(ear_color); | |
} | |
else if (this.earringc == 4) { | |
fill(yellow); | |
} | |
else { | |
fill(horns_color); | |
} | |
ellipse(positions.chin[0][0]-0.3, positions.chin[0][1]-0.1, this.earDist, 0.6); | |
//fur | |
if(this.furColor == 1) { | |
fill(brown); | |
} | |
else if (this.furColor == 2) { | |
fill(pink); | |
} | |
else if (this.furColor == 3) { | |
fill(grey); | |
} | |
else if (this.furColor == 4) { | |
fill(face); | |
} | |
else { | |
fill(horns_color); | |
} | |
bezier(positions.chin[0][0]-1.1, positions.chin[0][1]-0.7,positions.chin[0][0]-2, positions.chin[0][1]-this.fur, positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1], positions.chin[0][0]+1.5, positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]-0.1); | |
bezier(positions.chin[16][0]+0.9, positions.chin[16][1]-0.7,positions.chin[16][0]+2, positions.chin[16][1]-this.fur, positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1], positions.chin[16][0]-1.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]-0.1); | |
//ear | |
push(); | |
fill(ear_color); | |
bezier(positions.chin[0][0]-1, positions.chin[0][1]-1,positions.chin[0][0]-2, positions.chin[0][1], positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1], positions.chin[0][0]+1.5, positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]-0.5); | |
bezier(positions.chin[16][0]+0.8, positions.chin[16][1]-1,positions.chin[16][0]+2, positions.chin[16][1], positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1], positions.chin[16][0]-1.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]-0.5); | |
pop(); | |
// face | |
if(this.faceColor == 1) { | |
fill(face); | |
} | |
else if (this.faceColor== 2) { | |
fill(orange); | |
} | |
else if (this.faceColor== 3) { | |
fill(yellow); | |
} | |
else if (this.faceColor== 4) { | |
fill(grey); | |
} | |
else { | |
fill(brown); | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0]-0.3, positions.chin[0][1]-0.8); | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0]-0.3, positions.chin[16][1]-0.8); | |
vertex(positions.chin[8][0], positions.chin[8][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
bezier(positions.chin[0][0]-0.3, positions.chin[0][1]-0.79,positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]-1.2, positions.right_eyebrow[4][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]-1.2,positions.chin[16][0]-0.3, positions.chin[16][1]-0.79); | |
bezier(positions.chin[0][0]-0.29, positions.chin[0][1]-0.8, positions.chin[0][0]-0.4,positions.chin[1][1], positions.chin[7][0], positions.chin[8][1], positions.chin[8][0]+0.01, positions.chin[8][1]); | |
bezier(positions.chin[16][0]-0.31, positions.chin[16][1]-0.8, positions.chin[16][0]+0.4, positions.chin[15][1], positions.chin[9][0], positions.chin[8][1], positions.chin[8][0]-0.01, positions.chin[8][1]); | |
//nose bridge | |
stroke(0); | |
noFill(); | |
bezier(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[0][1]+0.2, positions.nose_bridge[0][0], positions.nose_bridge[0][1],positions.nose_bridge[2][0]+0.3, positions.nose_bridge[2][1], positions.nose_tip[4][0], positions.nose_tip[4][1]); | |
bezier(positions.left_eyebrow[4][0], positions.left_eyebrow[4][1]+0.2, positions.nose_bridge[0][0], positions.nose_bridge[0][1],positions.nose_bridge[2][0]+0.3, positions.nose_bridge[2][1], positions.nose_tip[0][0], positions.nose_tip[0][1]); | |
//up nose | |
fill(nose_color); | |
noStroke(); | |
let nose_up = positions.nose_tip[0]; | |
let nose_upr = positions.nose_tip[4]; | |
ellipse(nose_up[0], nose_up[1]+0.3,0.5, 0.3); | |
ellipse(nose_upr[0], nose_up[1]+0.3,0.5, 0.3); | |
stroke(2); | |
noFill(); | |
bezier(positions.nose_tip[0][0]-0.1,positions.nose_tip[0][1]+0.1,positions.nose_tip[2][0],positions.nose_tip[2][1]+0.1,positions.nose_tip[2][0]+0.3,positions.nose_tip[2][1],positions.nose_tip[4][0]+0.1,positions.nose_tip[4][1]+0.1); | |
//eyebows | |
let left_eyebrow1 = positions.left_eyebrow[4]; | |
let left_eyebrow2 = positions.left_eyebrow[2]; | |
let left_eyebrow3 = positions.left_eyebrow[0]; | |
let right_eyebrow1 = positions.right_eyebrow[4]; | |
let right_eyebrow2 = positions.right_eyebrow[2]; | |
let right_eyebrow3 = positions.right_eyebrow[0]; | |
noFill(); | |
bezier(left_eyebrow1[0], left_eyebrow1[1], left_eyebrow2[0], left_eyebrow2[1], left_eyebrow2[0], left_eyebrow2[1], left_eyebrow3[0], left_eyebrow3[1]); | |
bezier(right_eyebrow1[0], right_eyebrow1[1], right_eyebrow2[0], right_eyebrow2[1], right_eyebrow2[0], right_eyebrow2[1], right_eyebrow3[0], right_eyebrow3[1]); | |
//eyes | |
stroke(0); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(positions.left_eye[1][0], positions.left_eye[5][1], 0.8, 0.5); | |
ellipse(positions.right_eye[2][0], positions.right_eye[4][1], 0.8, 0.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(positions.left_eye[1][0]-this.eyeDist, positions.left_eye[5][1], 0.7, 0.48); | |
ellipse(positions.right_eye[2][0]-this.eyeDist,positions.right_eye[4][1], 0.7, 0.48); | |
//mouth | |
let up_mouth = positions.top_lip[0]; | |
stroke(0); | |
noFill(); | |
bezier(positions.top_lip[0][0]-this.mouthDist,positions.bottom_lip[5][1],positions.bottom_lip[4][0],positions.bottom_lip[4][1]+0.1, positions.bottom_lip[2][0],positions.bottom_lip[2][1]+0.1, positions.bottom_lip[0][0]+this.mouthDist,positions.bottom_lip[1][1]); | |
} | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.earDist = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0.1, 0.3); | |
this.eyeDist = map(settings[1], 0, 100, -0.07, 0.08); | |
this.faceColor = int(map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 4)); | |
this.earringc = int(map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 4)); | |
this.mouthDist = map(settings[4], 0, 100, -0.2, 0); | |
this.fur = map(settings[5], 0, 100, 0, -0.6); | |
this.furColor = int(map(settings[6], 0, 100, 0, 4)); | |
this.horns = map(settings[7], 0, 100, -0.5, 0.3); | |
} | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(7); | |
settings[0] = map(this.earDist, 0.1, 0.3, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.eyeDist, -0.05, 0.06, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.faceColor, 0, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.earringc, 0, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.mouthDist, -0.2, -0.1, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.fur, 0, -0.6, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = map(this.furColor, 0, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[7] = map(this.horns, -0.5, 0.3,0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
100, | |
40.45454545454545, | |
25, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
34.99999999999999, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
25, | |
88, | |
34, | |
75, | |
35.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
100, | |
30.909090909090914, | |
25, | |
25, | |
0, | |
0, | |
75, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
100, | |
30.909090909090914, | |
25, | |
50, | |
49, | |
19, | |
25, | |
28.000000000000004 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
56.999999999999986, | |
45.909090909090914, | |
0, | |
50, | |
49, | |
100, | |
25, | |
15 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
56.999999999999986, | |
103.18181818181822, | |
75, | |
25, | |
50, | |
72, | |
50, | |
54 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
41.818181818181834, | |
100, | |
50, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
21.000000000000004, | |
75, | |
95 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
35, | |
100, | |
50, | |
147.99999999999997, | |
21.000000000000004, | |
75, | |
95 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
58.18181818181819, | |
100, | |
50, | |
200, | |
21.000000000000004, | |
75, | |
95 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
60.909090909090914, | |
25, | |
50, | |
0, | |
21.000000000000004, | |
75, | |
95 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
-18.181818181818183, | |
25, | |
50, | |
0, | |
21.000000000000004, | |
75, | |
95 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
40.45454545454545, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0, | |
26, | |
25, | |
95 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
36.36363636363637, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
-18.181818181818183, | |
25, | |
0, | |
102, | |
17, | |
0, | |
73.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
58.18181818181819, | |
25, | |
0, | |
200, | |
38, | |
25, | |
65 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
25.999999999999996, | |
48.63636363636365, | |
75, | |
0, | |
200, | |
13, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
48.63636363636365, | |
100, | |
0, | |
200, | |
13, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
17.000000000000004, | |
48.63636363636365, | |
50, | |
0, | |
200, | |
13, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
17.000000000000004, | |
48.63636363636365, | |
0, | |
0, | |
200, | |
13, | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
17.000000000000004, | |
43.181818181818194, | |
25, | |
0, | |
200, | |
13, | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
17.000000000000004, | |
40.45454545454545, | |
50, | |
0, | |
200, | |
13, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
17.000000000000004, | |
36.36363636363637, | |
100, | |
0, | |
200, | |
16, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
17.000000000000004, | |
47.27272727272728, | |
75, | |
0, | |
200, | |
16, | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
47.27272727272728, | |
25, | |
100, | |
104, | |
0, | |
25, | |
94 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
45.909090909090914, | |
0, | |
100, | |
200, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
75.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
44.54545454545456, | |
25, | |
100, | |
200, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
75.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
43.181818181818194, | |
25, | |
100, | |
200, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
75.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
40.45454545454545, | |
25, | |
100, | |
200, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
75.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
36.36363636363637, | |
25, | |
100, | |
200, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
75, | |
75.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
30.909090909090914, | |
0, | |
0, | |
200, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
75, | |
75.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
14.545454545454545, | |
25, | |
0, | |
200, | |
100, | |
75, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
70.45454545454547, | |
75, | |
100, | |
200, | |
19, | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
48.63636363636365, | |
25, | |
100, | |
200, | |
19, | |
25, | |
85 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
29.545454545454547, | |
50, | |
75, | |
200, | |
35, | |
0, | |
85 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
43.181818181818194, | |
25, | |
50, | |
128, | |
33, | |
75, | |
85 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
45.909090909090914, | |
25, | |
50, | |
0, | |
33, | |
75, | |
85 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
56.818181818181834, | |
100, | |
50, | |
200, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
85 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
39.090909090909086, | |
100, | |
50, | |
200, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
85 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
37.99999999999999, | |
62.27272727272728, | |
0, | |
50, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
19, | |
25, | |
56.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
100, | |
48.63636363636365, | |
25, | |
50, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
19, | |
25, | |
56.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
100, | |
48.63636363636365, | |
25, | |
50, | |
160.00000000000003, | |
19, | |
25, | |
56.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
100, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
49.999999999999986, | |
19, | |
75, | |
56.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
19, | |
75, | |
56.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
100, | |
40.45454545454545, | |
100, | |
0, | |
200, | |
30, | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
100, | |
51.36363636363637, | |
100, | |
50, | |
200, | |
30, | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
100, | |
51.36363636363637, | |
100, | |
50, | |
200, | |
30, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
28.181818181818187, | |
75, | |
50, | |
200, | |
30, | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
100, | |
45.909090909090914, | |
75, | |
50, | |
200, | |
30, | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
100, | |
40.45454545454545, | |
75, | |
50, | |
200, | |
30, | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
100, | |
85.45454545454547, | |
75, | |
50, | |
200, | |
30, | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
100, | |
54.0909090909091, | |
25, | |
50, | |
200, | |
6, | |
50, | |
72.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
55.45454545454547, | |
50, | |
25, | |
0, | |
35, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
100, | |
56.818181818181834, | |
50, | |
25, | |
0, | |
35, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
107.2727272727273, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0, | |
35, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
100, | |
28.181818181818187, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0, | |
35, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
100, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
75, | |
200, | |
69, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
100, | |
63.63636363636365, | |
50, | |
75, | |
200, | |
69, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
100, | |
69.09090909090911, | |
75, | |
75, | |
0, | |
69, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
100, | |
36.36363636363637, | |
75, | |
75, | |
0, | |
69, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
100, | |
33.63636363636364, | |
25, | |
0, | |
0, | |
17, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
100, | |
51.36363636363637, | |
25, | |
0, | |
0, | |
59, | |
50, | |
39.00000000000001 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
100, | |
60.909090909090914, | |
50, | |
50, | |
76.00000000000001, | |
49, | |
75, | |
87 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
100, | |
47.27272727272728, | |
100, | |
50, | |
152.00000000000003, | |
49, | |
75, | |
87 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
56.999999999999986, | |
45.909090909090914, | |
0, | |
50, | |
16.000000000000014, | |
47, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
56.999999999999986, | |
44.54545454545456, | |
0, | |
50, | |
32, | |
47, | |
75, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
56.999999999999986, | |
43.181818181818194, | |
0, | |
50, | |
64, | |
47, | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
60.909090909090914, | |
50, | |
50, | |
128, | |
81, | |
25, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
-18.181818181818183, | |
50, | |
50, | |
23.999999999999993, | |
30, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
50, | |
47.999999999999986, | |
54, | |
25, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
44.54545454545456, | |
25, | |
50, | |
96, | |
33, | |
50, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
45.909090909090914, | |
25, | |
25, | |
47.999999999999986, | |
54, | |
50, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
44.54545454545456, | |
50, | |
25, | |
96, | |
54, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
95, | |
50, | |
25, | |
192, | |
54, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
36.36363636363637, | |
50, | |
25, | |
200, | |
54, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
30.909090909090914, | |
100, | |
25, | |
200, | |
54, | |
25, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
55.45454545454547, | |
75, | |
25, | |
200, | |
54, | |
75, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
56.818181818181834, | |
25, | |
25, | |
0, | |
36, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
-18.181818181818183, | |
25, | |
50, | |
113.99999999999999, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
-18.181818181818183, | |
25, | |
50, | |
200, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
35.99999999999999, | |
-18.181818181818183, | |
50, | |
50, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
100, | |
-18.181818181818183, | |
0, | |
50, | |
139.99999999999997, | |
34, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
118.18181818181819, | |
0, | |
50, | |
200, | |
34, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
100, | |
-18.181818181818183, | |
100, | |
50, | |
46.000000000000014, | |
34, | |
75, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
100, | |
-18.181818181818183, | |
25, | |
50, | |
92, | |
34, | |
75, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
100, | |
66.36363636363637, | |
50, | |
50, | |
145.99999999999997, | |
34, | |
50, | |
56.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
100, | |
71.81818181818184, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
25, | |
89 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
53.000000000000014, | |
44.54545454545456, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
25, | |
89 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
53.000000000000014, | |
43.181818181818194, | |
75, | |
75, | |
94, | |
48, | |
75, | |
89 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
100, | |
40.45454545454545, | |
50, | |
25, | |
188, | |
48, | |
75, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
100, | |
59.54545454545455, | |
25, | |
25, | |
86, | |
48, | |
75, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
100, | |
63.63636363636365, | |
100, | |
25, | |
100, | |
64, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
100, | |
69.09090909090911, | |
0, | |
25, | |
200, | |
64, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
70, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
25, | |
0, | |
51, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
70, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
25, | |
0, | |
51, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
70, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
25, | |
0, | |
51, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
70, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
25, | |
0, | |
73, | |
75, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
24.999999999999996, | |
37.727272727272734, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0, | |
49, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
24.999999999999996, | |
33.63636363636364, | |
0, | |
25, | |
0, | |
49, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
24.999999999999996, | |
28.181818181818187, | |
75, | |
25, | |
36.00000000000001, | |
80, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
24.999999999999996, | |
48.63636363636365, | |
25, | |
25, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
80, | |
75, | |
100 | |
] | |
} |
function drawCrown() { //function to draw a crown | |
var pineappleShade = color(237, 159, 0); | |
var crownColor = color(230, 175, 11); | |
fill(pineappleShade); | |
triangle(width/2.05, height/5.5, width/1.98, height/7.3, width/1.93, height/5.5); //crown | |
fill(crownColor); | |
triangle(width/2.1, height/5.5, width/2.04, height/6.9, width/1.99, height/5.5); | |
triangle(width/1.98, height/5.5, width/1.93, height/6.9, width/1.88, height/5.5); | |
} | |
function drawLine() { //function draws one rectangle for the fence | |
fill(70); | |
rect(width/100, height/2.02, width/120, height/8); | |
} | |
function drawClouds() { //draws clouds in the background | |
var cloudColor = color(242, 242, 242); | |
fill(cloudColor); | |
ellipse(width/18, height/5.8, width/14, height/14); | |
ellipse(width/10, height/6, width/12, height/9); | |
ellipse(width/7, height/5.6, width/14, height/16); | |
ellipse(width/5.8, height/5.3, width/18, height/30); | |
} | |
function drawpineLines() { //function draws pineapple lines | |
var pineappleLines = color(227, 155, 0); | |
push(); | |
stroke(pineappleLines); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(width/100); | |
line(width/5.4, height/4.6, width/3.99, height/3.1); | |
line(width/7, height/3.97, width/4.19, height/2.45); | |
line(width/7.62, height/3.03, width/5.09, height/2.25); | |
line(width/5.1, height/4.6, width/7.62, height/3.05); | |
line(width/4.23, height/4.03, width/6.87, height/2.4); | |
line(width/3.99, height/3.05, width/5.4, height/2.25); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function drawLeaf() { //draws pineapple leaves | |
var leafColor = color(73, 135, 37); | |
var leafShade = color(63, 107, 21); | |
push(); | |
stroke(leafColor); | |
strokeWeight(width/30); | |
line(width/5.2, height/6.8, width/5.25, height/3); | |
strokeWeight(width/60); | |
line(width/5.2, height/8.5, width/5.25, height/3); | |
stroke(leafShade); | |
strokeWeight(width/30); | |
line(width/6, height/5.3, width/5.25, height/3); | |
strokeWeight(width/65); | |
line(width/6.2, height/6.4, width/5.25, height/3); | |
strokeWeight(width/30); | |
line(width/4.6, height/5.3, width/5.25, height/3); | |
strokeWeight(width/65); | |
line(width/4.45, height/6.4, width/5.25, height/3); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function huang_draw_one_frame(cur_frac) { | |
// note: to clear the screen draw a rectangle | |
// that is width x height - like this | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(156, 200, 255); //background colour | |
rect(0, 0, width, height); | |
// note: all shape sizes, line widths, etc. should be a | |
// function of width and height | |
let rect_width = height / 10.0; | |
let half_width = rect_width / 2; | |
// note: animation should progress depending on the | |
// value of cur_frac which goes from 0 to 1, and it | |
// should loop seamlessly | |
let cur_x = map(cur_frac, 0, 1, 0, width) - half_width; | |
//colour variables | |
var grassColor = color(69, 153, 74); | |
var bushColor = color(21, 130, 27); | |
var pillarColor = color(235, 231, 223); | |
var pathColor = color(247, 201, 94); | |
var castleColor = color(222, 212, 189); | |
var castleShade = color(194, 187, 172); | |
var castleShadeDark = color(156, 151, 142); | |
var castleDoor = color(77, 64, 53); | |
var pineappleColor = color(255, 174, 0); | |
var pineappleLines = color(227, 155, 0); | |
var pineappleShade = color(237, 159, 0); | |
var leafColor = color(73, 135, 37); | |
var leafShade = color(63, 107, 21); | |
var crownColor = color(230, 175, 11); | |
//mapping the clouds | |
let cloudsMove; | |
if (cur_frac > 0.5) { | |
cloudsMove = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, width/-16, width/-14); | |
} else { | |
cloudsMove = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, width/-14, width/-16); | |
} | |
let cloudsMoveLeft; | |
if (cur_frac > 0.5) { | |
cloudsMoveLeft = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, width/2.4, width/2.3); | |
} else { | |
cloudsMoveLeft = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, width/2.3, width/2.4); | |
} | |
let cloudsMoveRight; | |
if (cur_frac > 0.5) { | |
cloudsMoveRight = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, width/0.72, width/0.715); | |
} else { | |
cloudsMoveRight = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, width/0.715, width/0.72); | |
} | |
let cloudsRightSmall; | |
if (cur_frac > 0.5) { | |
cloudsRightSmall = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, width/0.535, width/0.54); | |
} else { | |
cloudsRightSmall = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, width/0.54, width/0.535); | |
} | |
//draws clouds | |
push(); | |
scale(0.6); | |
translate(cloudsMove, height/5); | |
drawClouds(); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
scale(0.4); | |
translate(cloudsMoveLeft, height/8); | |
drawClouds(); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
scale(0.65); | |
translate(cloudsMoveRight, height/5); | |
drawClouds(); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
scale(0.4); | |
translate(cloudsRightSmall, height/8); | |
drawClouds(); | |
pop(); | |
//draws castle | |
fill(castleShade); | |
rect(width/2.5, height/30, height/12, height/12); //castle's top bricks | |
rect(width/2.09, height/30, height/12, height/12); | |
rect(width/1.8, height/30, height/12, height/12); | |
fill(pillarColor); | |
rect(width/2.5, height/30, height/12, height/100); //castle's top bricks (darker) | |
rect(width/2.09, height/30, height/12, height/100); | |
rect(width/1.8, height/30, height/12, height/100); | |
fill(castleShadeDark); | |
stroke(0, 100); | |
strokeWeight(height/300); | |
rect(width/3.23, height/6, width/18, height/3); | |
rect(width/1.57, height/6, width/18, height/3); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(pathColor); | |
triangle(width/3.23, height/6, width/2.95, height/12, width/2.74, height/6); | |
triangle(width/1.57, height/6, width/1.5, height/12, width/1.444, height/6); | |
fill(castleShade); | |
rect(width/4.05, height/3, width/1.98, height/4.5); //back wall | |
fill(pillarColor); | |
rect(width/4.05, height/3, width/1.98, height/100); | |
fill(castleShade); | |
rect(width/2.44, height/12, width/5.5, height/2.8); | |
fill(castleColor); | |
rect(width/2.32, height/2.8, width/7, height/4); //front door wall | |
fill(castleShade); | |
rect(width/2.32, height/2.8, width/7, height/100); | |
stroke(0, 100); | |
strokeWeight(height/300); | |
rect(width/2.74, height/3.2, width/15, height/3); | |
rect(width/1.75, height/3.2, width/15, height/3); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(pathColor); | |
triangle(width/2.74, height/3.2, width/2.52, height/4.5, width/2.312, height/3.2); | |
triangle(width/1.75, height/3.2, width/1.65, height/4.5, width/1.565, height/3.2); | |
fill(castleDoor); | |
stroke(30, 90); | |
strokeWeight(height/140); | |
ellipse(width/1.998, height/2, width/16, height/5); //castle door | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(80); | |
rect(width/2.157, height/12, width/280, height/8); //castle flag straps | |
rect(width/1.87, height/12, width/280, height/8); | |
fill(pathColor); | |
rect(width/2.245, height/8.6, width/8.8, height/4.6); //castle flag | |
fill(pillarColor); | |
rect(width/2.2, height/8.6, width/65, height/4.6); //flag stripes | |
rect(width/1.874, height/8.6, width/65, height/4.6); | |
fill(castleShadeDark); | |
rect(width/2.82, height/2.7, width/45, height/50); //castle brick | |
rect(width/2.82, height/2.4, width/45, height/50); | |
rect(width/2.82, height/2.17, width/45, height/50); | |
rect(width/1.596, height/2.7, width/45, height/50); //castle brick | |
rect(width/1.596, height/2.4, width/45, height/50); | |
rect(width/1.596, height/2.17, width/45, height/50); | |
fill(castleShadeDark); | |
rect(width/2.45, height/7, width/55, height/60); | |
rect(width/1.74, height/4.6, width/55, height/60); | |
//draws pineapple on flag | |
stroke(pineappleShade); | |
strokeWeight(width/52); | |
line(width/2.05, height/3.43, width/2.05, height/3.5); //leg | |
line(width/1.935, height/3.43, width/1.935, height/3.5); | |
line(width/2.15, height/4.6, width/1.94, height/4); //hand | |
line(width/1.9, height/4.35, width/1.85, height/4.6); | |
fill(pineappleColor); | |
noStroke(); | |
rect(width/2.13, height/6, width/15, height/8, width/35); //head | |
push(); | |
scale(0.5); | |
translate(width/1.228, height/7.7); | |
drawpineLines(); | |
pop(); | |
fill(30); | |
ellipse(width/2.028, height/4.5, height/48); //eyes | |
ellipse(width/1.95, height/4.5, height/48); | |
arc(width/1.988, height/4.2, width/60, width/60, 0, PI, CHORD); //mouth | |
push(); | |
translate(-1.5, -1); | |
drawCrown(); //crown | |
pop(); | |
stroke(30); | |
strokeWeight(width/150); | |
line(width/2.15, height/5.6, width/2.17, height/3.8); //staff stick | |
line(width/1.855, height/5.6, width/1.833, height/3.8); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(leafShade); | |
ellipse(width/2.15, height/5.6, height/30); //staff orb | |
ellipse(width/1.855, height/5.6, height/30); | |
fill(leafColor) | |
ellipse(width/2.15, height/5.6, height/80); | |
ellipse(width/1.855, height/5.6, height/80); | |
//draws fence lines | |
for (let i=0; i<7; i++) { //for loop to add more fence lines | |
push(); | |
translate(width/8*(i-1.03)/1.5, 0); | |
drawLine(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
for (let i=0; i<7; i++) { | |
push(); | |
translate(width/8*(i-1.03)/1.5, 0); | |
translate(width/1.545, 0); | |
drawLine(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//draws fence | |
fill(60); | |
rect(width/-50, height/2.05, width/2.21, height/100); | |
rect(width/1.75, height/2.05, width/2.21, height/100); | |
let lightOn; //mapping light size | |
if (cur_frac < 0.5) { | |
lightOn = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, height/35, height/18); | |
} else { | |
lightOn = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, height/18, height/35); | |
} | |
//draw glowing staff orb | |
fill(63, 107, 21, 100); | |
ellipse(width/1.855, height/5.6, lightOn); | |
fill(73, 135, 37, 240); | |
stroke(63, 107, 21, 150); | |
strokeWeight(height/100); | |
ellipse(width/1.855, height/5.6, height/35); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(63, 107, 21, 100); | |
ellipse(width/2.15, height/5.6, lightOn); | |
fill(73, 135, 37, 240); | |
stroke(63, 107, 21, 150); | |
strokeWeight(height/100); | |
ellipse(width/2.15, height/5.6, height/35); | |
noStroke(); | |
//draws grass | |
fill(grassColor); | |
stroke(leafShade); | |
strokeWeight(1); | |
rect(0, height/1.8, width, height/2); | |
noStroke(); | |
//draws perspective path | |
fill(pathColor); | |
stroke(pineappleShade); | |
strokeWeight(1); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(width/2.1, height/1.798); | |
vertex(width/1.905, height/1.798); | |
vertex(width/1.5, height); | |
vertex(width/2.77, height); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
noStroke(); | |
//draws pillars | |
fill(pillarColor); | |
stroke(170); | |
strokeWeight(2); | |
rect(width/7.2, height/1.8, width/10, height/2); //left side pillars | |
noStroke(); | |
rect(width/7.2, height/2.02, width/10, height/50); | |
fill(pathColor); //flag on pillar | |
stroke(pineappleColor); | |
strokeWeight(width/120); | |
rect(width/6.45, height/1.8, width/15, height/3.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(220); | |
rect(width/7.9, height/1.97, width/8, height/12); | |
fill(pillarColor); | |
stroke(170); | |
strokeWeight(2); | |
rect(width/1.312, height/1.8, width/10, height/2); //right side pillars | |
noStroke(); | |
rect(width/1.312, height/2.02, width/10, height/50); | |
fill(pathColor); | |
stroke(pineappleColor); | |
strokeWeight(width/120); | |
rect(width/1.284, height/1.8, width/15, height/3.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(220); | |
rect(width/1.335, height/1.97, width/8, height/12); | |
push(); | |
scale(0.8); | |
translate(width/-3.725, height/1.3); //draws crown on flag | |
drawCrown(); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
scale(0.8); | |
translate(width/1.953, height/1.3); | |
drawCrown(); | |
pop(); | |
//draws bushes in the corners | |
fill(bushColor); | |
ellipse(width/30, height/1.2, width/6); //left side bushes | |
ellipse(width/10, height/1.1, width/5); | |
ellipse(width/4.5, height/1, width/8); | |
ellipse(width/30, height/1, width/8); | |
ellipse(width, height/1.08, width/4); //right side bushes | |
ellipse(width/1.15, height/1.07, width/7); | |
ellipse(width/1.25, height, width/8); | |
//maps for the pineapple | |
let leftLeg; | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5) { | |
leftLeg = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, height/3, height/2.73); | |
} else { | |
leftLeg = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, height/2.73, height/3); | |
} | |
let rightLeg; | |
if(cur_frac > 0.5) { | |
rightLeg = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, height/3.1, height/2.89); | |
} else { | |
rightLeg = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, height/2.89, height/3.1); | |
} | |
let eyesClose; | |
if (cur_frac > 0.85) { | |
eyesClose = map(cur_frac, 0, 1, width/45, width/500); | |
} | |
let headShake; | |
if (cur_frac > 0.5) { | |
headShake = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, height/4.3, height/4.6); | |
} else { | |
headShake = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, height/4.6, height/4.3); | |
} | |
let eyeShake; | |
if (cur_frac > 0.5) { | |
eyeShake = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, height/2.9, height/3.1); | |
} else { | |
eyeShake = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, height/3.1, height/2.9); | |
} | |
let mouthShake; | |
if (cur_frac > 0.5) { | |
mouthShake = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, height/2.7, height/2.85); | |
} else { | |
mouthShake = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, height/2.85, height/2.7); | |
} | |
let longHand; | |
if (cur_frac > 0.5) { | |
longHand = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, height/2.8, height/3.1); | |
} else { | |
longHand = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, height/3.1, height/2.8); | |
} | |
let pineLines; | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5) { | |
pineLines = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, width/-250, width/200); | |
} else { | |
pineLines = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, width/200, width/-250); | |
} | |
let pineLeaf; | |
if (cur_frac < 0.5) { | |
pineLeaf = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 0, 10); | |
} else { | |
pineLeaf = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 10, 0); | |
} | |
//draws pineapples | |
push(); | |
translate(0, pineLeaf) //moves leaves with head | |
drawLeaf(); //calls draw leaf function | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate(width/1.613, pineLeaf) | |
drawLeaf(); | |
pop(); | |
fill(pineappleShade); | |
rect(width/6.7, leftLeg, width/29, height/7.5, width/8); //draws legs on left | |
rect(width/5.1, rightLeg, width/29, height/7.5, width/8); | |
rect(width/1.298, leftLeg, width/29, height/7.5, width/8); //draws legs on right | |
rect(width/1.224, rightLeg, width/29, height/7.5, width/8); | |
push(); | |
stroke(pineappleShade) | |
strokeWeight(width/35); | |
line(width/9.2, longHand, width/7, height/3.05); //draws hands on left | |
line(width/4.2, height/3.05, width/3.66, longHand); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
stroke(pineappleShade) | |
strokeWeight(width/35); | |
line(width/1.38, longHand, width/1.3, height/3.05); //draws hands on right | |
line(width/1.19, height/3.05, width/1.119, longHand); | |
pop(); | |
fill(pineappleColor); | |
rect(width/7.9, headShake, width/7.8, height/4.1, width/18); //draws head on left | |
rect(width/1.34, headShake, width/7.8, height/4.1, width/18); //draws head on right | |
push(); | |
translate(0, pineLines); //moves lines with head | |
drawpineLines(); //calls draw pineapple line function | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate(width/1.615, pineLines); | |
drawpineLines(); | |
pop(); | |
fill(40); | |
ellipse(width/1.268, eyeShake, width/45, eyesClose); //draws eyes on left | |
ellipse(width/1.203, eyeShake, width/45, eyesClose); | |
ellipse(width/5.9, eyeShake, width/45, eyesClose); //draws eyes on right | |
ellipse(width/4.7, eyeShake, width/45, eyesClose); | |
angleMode(RADIANS); | |
arc(width/5.23, mouthShake, width/35, width/35, 0, PI, CHORD); //draws mouth on left | |
arc(width/1.233, mouthShake, width/35, width/35, 0, PI, CHORD); //draws mouth on right | |
// note: you can draw optional things depending on "debugView" | |
if (debugView) { | |
} | |
} | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
// var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// tto set the number of sliders to show | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 7; | |
//given a segment, this returns the average point of [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len, sum_y / s_len]; | |
} | |
function drawSpots() { // draws the spots for the males | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(0, -2.1, 0.22); | |
ellipse(-0.2, -1.8, 0.22); | |
ellipse(0.2, -1.8, 0.22); | |
} | |
function drawBlush() { //draws the blush for females | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
ellipse(-1, 0, 0.3); | |
ellipse(1, 0, 0.3); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
line(-1.2, 0, -0.8, 0); | |
line(0.8, 0, 1.2, 0); | |
} | |
// colour variables | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
// defines face object | |
function HuangFace() { | |
// face variables | |
this.faceColor = 0; //range is 0 to 1 | |
this.blackEye = 0.5; //Black eyeSize range is 0.05 to 0.9 | |
this.eyeSize = 0.5 //White eyeSuze range is 0.2 to 0.5 | |
this.earShape = 1; //range is 0.6 to 1.5 | |
this.antennaColor = 0; //range is 0 to 1 | |
this.showBlush = 0; //range is 0 to 1 | |
this.showSpots = 0; //range is 0 to 1 | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
//positions for the face | |
let face_left = positions.chin[4]; | |
let face_chin = positions.chin[8]; | |
let face_right = positions.chin[16]; | |
let right_cheek = positions.chin[2]; | |
let left_cheek = positions.chin[4]; | |
//determines face colour by sliders | |
if(this.faceColor == 0) { | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
stroke(255); | |
fill(0); | |
} else if (this.faceColor == 1) { | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
stroke(0); | |
fill(255); | |
} | |
//custom head shape based on chin positions | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(face_left[0]-0.4, -0.7) | |
bezierVertex(-2.5, -4, 2, -4.5, face_right[0], -1); | |
bezierVertex(face_right[0], face_chin[0], 0, 5, face_left[0]-0.4, -0.7); | |
endShape(); | |
//shows blush for females | |
//if statement determines if blush is black or white depending on face colour | |
if (this.faceColor == 0 && this.showBlush == 1) { | |
push(); | |
fill(50); | |
drawSpots(); | |
pop(); | |
} else if (this.faceColor == 1 && this.showBlush == 1) { | |
push(); | |
fill(0); | |
drawSpots(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//gets average of the eyes | |
fill(150); | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], 0.1); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], 0.1); | |
//draws eyes | |
let blackEye = map(this.eyeSize, 5, 100, 2, 4); //mapping eye boundary | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], this.blackEye); //size of eye is random | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], this.blackEye); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], this.eyeSize); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], this.eyeSize); | |
//positions for the nose | |
let nose_top = positions.nose_bridge[0]; | |
let nose_bottom = positions.nose_bridge[3]; | |
let nose_middle = positions.nose_tip[0]; | |
//draws nose | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
curve(nose_top[0], nose_top[1], nose_top[0]-0.3, nose_top[1]+0.5, nose_bottom[0]+0.3, nose_bottom[1], nose_middle[0]+3, nose_middle[1]-5); | |
//shows spots for males | |
//if statement determines if spots are black or white depending on face colour | |
if (this.faceColor == 0 && this.showSpots == 1) { | |
push(); | |
stroke(255); | |
drawBlush(); | |
pop(); | |
} else if (this.faceColor == 1 && this.showSpots == 1) { | |
push(); | |
stroke(0); | |
drawBlush(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//positions for the mouth | |
let mouth_left = positions.top_lip[0]; | |
let mouth_right = positions.bottom_lip[0]; | |
let mouth_middle = positions.bottom_lip[3]; | |
//draws mouth | |
if(this.faceColor == 0) { | |
stroke(255); | |
} else { | |
stroke(0); | |
} | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
curve(0, 0, mouth_left[0], mouth_left[1], mouth_right[0], mouth_right[1], mouth_middle[0]+2, mouth_middle[1]-2); | |
//if statement determines if antennas are black or white | |
if(this.antennaColor == 0) { | |
stroke(255); | |
fill(0); | |
} else if (this.antennaColor == 1) { | |
stroke(0); | |
fill(255); | |
} | |
//draws ears | |
rotate(-20, 0); | |
ellipse(0, -2.8, 0.5, this.earShape); //changes the height of the ears | |
ellipse(0, -3.8, 1, 0.4); | |
rotate(45, 0); | |
ellipse(0.1, -2.8, 0.5, this.earShape); | |
ellipse(0.1, -3.8, 1, 0.4); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.faceColor = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 1)); | |
this.blackEye = (map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0.05, 0.9)); | |
this.eyeSize = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0.2, 0.5); | |
this.earShape = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0.6, 1.5); | |
this.antennaColor = int(map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0, 1)); | |
this.showBlush = int(map(settings[5], 0, 100, 0, 1)); | |
this.showSpots = int(map(settings[6], 0, 100, 0, 1)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(7); | |
settings[0] = map(this.faceColor, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.blackEye, 0.05, 0.9, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.eyeSize, 0.2, 0.5, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.earShape, 0.6, 1.5, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.antennaColor, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.showBlush, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = map(this.showSpots, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
100, | |
73, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
32.000000000000014, | |
60.00000000000002, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
5.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
100, | |
66, | |
0, | |
40, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
100, | |
64, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
60, | |
43, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
100, | |
47, | |
21.000000000000004, | |
11.999999999999998, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
0, | |
64, | |
49.999999999999986, | |
16, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
100, | |
48, | |
0, | |
25.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
100, | |
48, | |
0, | |
25.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
6.999999999999998, | |
65.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
100, | |
47, | |
0, | |
65.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
100, | |
47, | |
28.000000000000007, | |
24.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
100, | |
47, | |
4.0000000000000036, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
5.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
100, | |
70, | |
40, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
100, | |
67, | |
0, | |
43, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
100, | |
67, | |
37, | |
54.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
100, | |
53.000000000000014, | |
7.999999999999999, | |
30, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
67, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
0, | |
38, | |
22.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
29.00000000000001, | |
22.000000000000007, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
0, | |
44.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
0, | |
35, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
100, | |
70, | |
51.99999999999999, | |
48.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
100, | |
70, | |
31.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
0, | |
70, | |
39, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
100, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
100, | |
47, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
100, | |
47, | |
0, | |
37.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
15, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
23.000000000000004, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
23.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
5.9999999999999964, | |
28.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
44, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
100, | |
61, | |
25.000000000000007, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
0, | |
61, | |
25.000000000000007, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
100, | |
45, | |
0, | |
19.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
6.999999999999998, | |
31, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
31, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
26.000000000000007, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
100, | |
61, | |
26.000000000000007, | |
40, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
100, | |
61, | |
26.000000000000007, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
14.000000000000004, | |
44, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
59, | |
14.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
100, | |
74, | |
38, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
14.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
14.000000000000004, | |
23.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
14.000000000000004, | |
23.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
14.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
19, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
19, | |
2.0000000000000018, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
100, | |
43, | |
0, | |
35.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
18, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
18, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
100, | |
62, | |
60, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
100, | |
52, | |
37, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
100, | |
52, | |
37, | |
46.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
100, | |
66, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
38, | |
28.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
9, | |
28.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
57.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
30, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
50.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
20, | |
50.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
100, | |
63, | |
7.999999999999999, | |
33, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
7.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
7.999999999999999, | |
17, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
0, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
47.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
100, | |
60, | |
19, | |
50.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
15.999999999999998, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
100, | |
52, | |
5.000000000000004, | |
25.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
100, | |
52, | |
31.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
100, | |
60, | |
51.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
41, | |
37.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
0, | |
52, | |
0, | |
74, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
0, | |
52, | |
26.000000000000007, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
100, | |
68, | |
74.00000000000001, | |
41, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
0, | |
68, | |
14.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
0, | |
68, | |
28.000000000000007, | |
44, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
15.999999999999998, | |
15, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
100, | |
59, | |
40, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
100, | |
59, | |
40, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
100, | |
59, | |
46.00000000000001, | |
32, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
100, | |
44, | |
1.0000000000000009, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
100, | |
44, | |
1.0000000000000009, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
100, | |
49, | |
30.00000000000001, | |
41, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
100, | |
49, | |
19, | |
41, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
100, | |
49, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
100, | |
49, | |
30.00000000000001, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
100, | |
49, | |
0, | |
17, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
100, | |
66, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
100, | |
66, | |
37, | |
48.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
46.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
0, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
//var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 4; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// here's some examples for colors used | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
//skin colour | |
//brown | |
const brownS = [74, 52, 33]; | |
//white | |
const whiteS = [232, 223, 218]; | |
//tan | |
const tanS = [191, 148, 107]; | |
//hair colour | |
//red | |
const redH = [181, 63, 16]; | |
//blonde | |
const blondeH = [214, 171, 77]; | |
//brown | |
const brownH = [51, 29, 0]; | |
//black | |
const blackH = [28, 27, 26]; | |
this.show_points = function(segment) { | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
var number = i.toString(); | |
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); | |
textSize(0.2); | |
fill(0); | |
text(number, px, py, 0.1); | |
} | |
} | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i = 0; i < s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len, sum_y / s_len]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function IdrisFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables should be different!) | |
//all to max, chnage later | |
this.green = 3; | |
this.flower = 1.8; | |
this.facex = 3; | |
this.bflower = 1.4; | |
this.skin = 2; | |
this.hair = 4; | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
this.draw_segment = function(segment, do_loop) { | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
ellipse(px, py, 0.1); | |
if (i < segment.length - 1) { | |
let nx = segment[i + 1][0]; | |
let ny = segment[i + 1][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} else if (do_loop) { | |
let nx = segment[0][0]; | |
let ny = segment[0][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
// outer fuzz for female hair | |
//red | |
if (this.hair == 1) { | |
if (this.green == 3 || this.green === 2) { | |
fill(redH); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0, -1.4); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 1.8, 1.44); | |
rotate(20); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//blonde | |
if (this.hair == 2) { | |
if (this.green == 3 || this.green === 2) { | |
fill(blondeH); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0, -1.4); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 1.8, 1.44); | |
rotate(20); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//brown | |
if (this.hair == 3) { | |
if (this.green == 3 || this.green === 2) { | |
fill(brownH); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0, -1.4); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 1.8, 1.44); | |
rotate(20); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//black | |
if (this.hair == 4) { | |
if (this.green == 3 || this.green === 2) { | |
fill(blackH); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0, -1.4); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 1.8, 1.44); | |
rotate(20); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//female hair | |
//red | |
if (this.hair == 1) { | |
if (this.green == 3 || this.green === 2) { | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(redH); | |
ellipse(0, -1.4, 4.68); | |
fill(50, 168, 82); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(-0.72, -2.7); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(1.8, -2); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0.72, -3); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//blonde | |
if (this.hair == 2) { | |
if (this.green == 3 || this.green === 2) { | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(blondeH); | |
ellipse(0, -1.4, 4.68); | |
fill(23, 158, 191); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(-0.72, -2.7); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(1.8, -2); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0.72, -3); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//brown | |
if (this.hair == 3) { | |
if (this.green == 3 || this.green === 2) { | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(brownH); | |
ellipse(0, -1.4, 4.68); | |
fill(204, 8, 96); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(-0.72, -2.7); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(1.8, -2); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0.72, -3); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//black | |
if (this.hair == 4) { | |
if (this.green == 3 || this.green === 2) { | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(blackH); | |
ellipse(0, -1.4, 4.68); | |
fill(255); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(-0.72, -2.7); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(1.8, -2); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0.72, -3); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.4); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
// head code | |
if (this.skin == 1) { | |
fill(brownS); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(0, -0.4, this.facex, 3.6); | |
} | |
if (this.skin == 2) { | |
fill(tanS); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(0, -0.4, this.facex, 3.6); | |
} | |
if (this.skin == 3) { | |
fill(whiteS); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(0, -0.4, this.facex, 3.6); | |
} | |
//beard | |
//red | |
if (this.hair == 1) { | |
fill(redH); | |
if (this.green < 2) { | |
ellipse(0, 1.75, 2.5, 2.5); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0, 1.75); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 1, 1); | |
rotate(20); | |
} | |
//flowers for beard | |
pop(); | |
fill(50, 168, 82); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(-0.9, 2); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(1.2, 1.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0.3, 2.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//blonde | |
if (this.hair == 2) { | |
fill(blondeH); | |
if (this.green < 2) { | |
ellipse(0, 1.75, 2.5, 2.5); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0, 1.75); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 1, 1); | |
rotate(20); | |
} | |
//flowers for beard | |
pop(); | |
fill(23, 158, 191); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(-0.9, 2); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(1.2, 1.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0.3, 2.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//brown | |
if (this.hair == 3) { | |
fill(brownH); | |
if (this.green < 2) { | |
ellipse(0, 1.75, 2.5, 2.5); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0, 1.75); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 1, 1); | |
rotate(20); | |
} | |
//flowers for beard | |
pop(); | |
fill(204, 8, 96); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(-0.9, 2); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(1.2, 1.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0.3, 2.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
//black | |
if (this.hair == 4) { | |
fill(blackH); | |
if (this.green < 2) { | |
ellipse(0, 1.75, 2.5, 2.5); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0, 1.75); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 1, 1); | |
rotate(20); | |
} | |
//flowers for beard | |
pop(); | |
fill(255); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(-0.9, 2); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(1.2, 1.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(0.3, 2.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, 0.36, 1.2); | |
rotate(180 / 5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
//blush | |
if (this.green == 3 || this.green === 2) { | |
fill(196, 118, 118, 60); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1] + 1, 0.7, 0.5); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1] + 1, 0.7, 0.5); | |
} | |
//nose | |
let nose_top = positions.nose_bridge[0]; | |
let nose_bottom = positions.nose_bridge[2]; | |
let nose_bottom2 = positions.nose_bridge[3]; | |
// print(nose_top, nose_bottom); | |
stroke(59, 41, 26); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
line(nose_top[0], nose_top[1], nose_bottom[0], nose_bottom[1]); | |
fill(255); | |
stroke(59, 41, 26); | |
let nose_end = null; | |
if (nose_top[0] < nose_bottom[0]) { | |
nose_end = positions.nose_tip[0]; | |
} else { | |
nose_end = positions.nose_tip[4]; | |
} | |
let nose_center = positions.nose_tip[2]; | |
push(); | |
noFill() | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
arc(nose_bottom2[0], nose_bottom2[1], 0.5, 0.5, 180, 0, OPEN); | |
pop(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(59, 41, 26); | |
ellipse(nose_bottom2[0] - 0.07, nose_bottom2[1], 0.07, 0.1); | |
ellipse(nose_bottom2[0] + 0.07, nose_bottom2[1], 0.07, 0.1); | |
//glasses code | |
fill(40, 43, 43); | |
stroke(122, 122, 122); | |
strokeWeight(0.072); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], 1.2); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], 1.2); | |
//middlerim | |
fill(0); | |
push(); | |
stroke(122, 122, 122); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
rect(nose_top[0], nose_top[1], 0.72, 0.108); | |
pop(); | |
//mouth code | |
let mouthstart = positions.top_lip[0]; | |
let mouthstart2 = positions.top_lip[7]; | |
let mouthbot = positions.bottom_lip[0]; | |
let mouthbot2 = positions.bottom_lip[7]; | |
let mouth = segment_average(positions.top_lip); | |
let mouth2 = segment_average(positions.bottom_lip); | |
fill(92, 40, 19); | |
noStroke(); | |
stroke(64, 27, 27); | |
strokeWeight(0.07); | |
push(); | |
//bottom lip | |
translate(mouth2[0], mouth2[1]); | |
angleMode(DEGREES) | |
arc(0, mouth[0], mouthbot[0], 0.5, 0, 180, OPEN); | |
//top lip | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
arc(0, mouth[0], mouthbot[0], 0.2, 180, 0, OPEN); | |
pop(); | |
noStroke(); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.facex = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 2.52, 3); | |
this.green = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 3)); | |
this.flower = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0.36, 1.8); | |
this.earingsy = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0.72, 2); | |
this.bflower = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0.36, 1.4); | |
this.skin = int(map(settings[2], 0, 100, 1, 3)); | |
this.hair = int(map(settings[3], 0, 100, 1, 4)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(4); | |
settings[1] = map(this.facex, 2.52, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[0] = map(this.green, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[0] = map(this.flower, 0.36, 1.8, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.earingsy, 0.72, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[0] = map(this.bflower, 0.36, 1.4, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.skin, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.hair, 1, 4, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
0, | |
93, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
100, | |
46.00000000000002, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
67, | |
57.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
98.00000000000001, | |
53.99999999999998, | |
0, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
86, | |
78.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
100, | |
31.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
96.00000000000001, | |
78.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
100, | |
51.000000000000036, | |
50, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
92.00000000000001, | |
67.00000000000003, | |
50, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
47.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
94, | |
66.00000000000004, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
100, | |
57.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
100, | |
10.999999999999991, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
100, | |
35.00000000000003, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
100, | |
47.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
0, | |
74, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
0, | |
19.000000000000036, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
100, | |
88.00000000000003, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
0, | |
72.00000000000003, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
100, | |
81.99999999999996, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
82, | |
63.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
68.00000000000001, | |
59.999999999999964, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
34.00000000000005, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
100, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
87.99999999999999, | |
69.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
70, | |
84.99999999999999, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
100, | |
25.00000000000002, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
87.99999999999999, | |
81.99999999999996, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
100, | |
54.99999999999996, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
25, | |
86.99999999999996, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
100, | |
27.999999999999968, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
87.99999999999999, | |
78.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
0, | |
84.99999999999999, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
94.99999999999999, | |
32.99999999999997, | |
0, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
100, | |
71.00000000000006, | |
50, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
98.00000000000001, | |
83.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
84, | |
71.00000000000006, | |
50, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
100, | |
83.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
84, | |
57.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
96.00000000000001, | |
71.00000000000006, | |
50, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
100, | |
41.00000000000002, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
82, | |
74.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
100, | |
54.99999999999996, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
100, | |
74.99999999999997, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
64, | |
83.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
82, | |
85.99999999999997, | |
100, | |
33.33333333333333 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
] | |
} | |
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<style> | |
body { padding: 0; margin: 0; } | |
.inner { position: absolute; } | |
#controls { | |
font: 300 12px "Helvetica Neue"; | |
padding: 5; | |
margin: 5; | |
background: #f0f0f0; | |
opacity: 0.0; | |
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-moz-transition: opacity 0.2s ease; | |
-o-transition: opacity 0.2s ease; | |
-ms-transition: opacity 0.2s ease; | |
} | |
#controls:hover { opacity: 0.9; } | |
</style> | |
</head> | |
<body style="background-color:white"> | |
<div class="outer"> | |
<div class="inner" id="controls" height="500"> | |
<table> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Lash Thickness</td> | |
<td id="slider1Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Eye Shade</td> | |
<td id="slider2Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Lip Style</td> | |
<td id="slider3Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Face Shade</td> | |
<td id="slider4Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Face Hue</td> | |
<td id="slider5Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 6</td> | |
<td id="slider6Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 7</td> | |
<td id="slider7Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 8</td> | |
<td id="slider8Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 9</td> | |
<td id="slider9Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 10</td> | |
<td id="slider10Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 11</td> | |
<td id="slider11Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>setting 12</td> | |
<td id="slider12Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>show target</td> | |
<td id="sliderTintContainer"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Draw function</td> | |
<td id="selector1Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Face Draw</td> | |
<td id="checkbox1Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Face Targets</td> | |
<td id="checkbox2Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td>Face Points</td> | |
<td id="checkbox3Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td></td> | |
<td id="button1Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td></td> | |
<td id="button2Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td></td> | |
<td id="button3Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
<tr> | |
<td></td> | |
<td id="button4Container"></td> | |
</tr> | |
</table> | |
</div> | |
<div> | |
<div id="canvasContainer"></div> | |
<a href="face.js">face code</a><br> | |
<a href="sketch.html">sketches</a> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<pre> | |
<p id="output"> | |
</p> | |
</pre> | |
</body> |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// these control the colors used | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
function JaegersFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables may be different) | |
// this.eye_value = 2; // can be either 2 (eyes) or 3 (no eyes) | |
// this.mouth_value = 1; // range is 0.5 to 8 | |
// this.tilt_value = 0; // range is -30 to 30 | |
this.length = 340; | |
this.curly = 100; | |
this.e = 100; | |
this.eyeColour = 200; | |
this.acc = 6; | |
this.hair = 50; | |
this.makeupStrength = 100; | |
this.eyeBrowSize = 0.15; | |
this.skin = 50; | |
/* | |
* Draw a face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
translate(0, -0.2); | |
scale(1.3); | |
scale(0.4, 0.4); | |
let skew = this.turn; | |
let superWhiteSkin = color(255, 230, 209); | |
let whiteSkin = color(237, 203, 175); | |
let tanSkin = color(217, 180, 141); | |
let darkSkin = color(179, 146, 116); | |
let skinColour; | |
let whiteHair = color(232, 237, 237); | |
let blondeHair = color(255, 218, 115); | |
let gingerHair = color(230, 150, 90); | |
let brownHair = color(181, 91, 58); | |
let blackHair = color(100, 100, 100); | |
let hairColour = color(100, 100, 100); | |
//skin colour | |
if(this.skin < 33){ | |
skinColour = lerpColor(superWhiteSkin, whiteSkin, this.skin/33); | |
} else if(this.skin < 66){ | |
skinColour = lerpColor(whiteSkin, tanSkin, (this.skin-33)/33); | |
} else { | |
skinColour = lerpColor(tanSkin, darkSkin, (this.skin-66)/33); | |
} | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
let L = this.length; | |
let eyeSize = this.e; | |
fill(255, 218, 115); | |
//hair colour | |
if(this.hair < 25){ | |
hairColour = lerpColor(whiteHair, blondeHair, this.hair/25); | |
} else if(this.hair < 50){ | |
hairColour = lerpColor(blondeHair, gingerHair, (this.hair-25)/25); | |
} else if(this.hair < 75){ | |
hairColour = lerpColor(gingerHair, brownHair, (this.hair-50)/25); | |
} else{ | |
hairColour = lerpColor(brownHair, blackHair, (this.hair-75)/25); | |
} | |
fill(hairColour); | |
stroke(hairColour.red -50, green(hairColour) - 50, blue(hairColour) - 50); | |
//strokeWeight(width/960/10); | |
strokeWeight(0.04); | |
randomSeed(23); | |
let cheekboneLeftX = positions.chin[4][0]; | |
let cheekboneLeftY = positions.chin[4][1]; | |
let cheekboneRightX = positions.chin[12][0]; | |
let cheekboneRightY = positions.chin[12][1]; | |
let eliSize = (positions.chin[16][0] - positions.chin[0][0])/2; | |
let eliX = positions.chin[0][0] + eliSize; | |
let eliY = positions.chin[0][1]+(positions.chin[16][1] - positions.chin[0][1])/2; | |
push(); | |
translate(eliX*2.5, ((eliY-((eliSize*1.5)))*2.5)+9); | |
this.drawHair(L, this.curly, hairColour); | |
pop(); | |
//ears | |
push(); | |
scale(2.5, 2.5); | |
fill(skinColour); | |
stroke(red(skinColour)-20, green(skinColour)-42, blue(skinColour)-58); | |
let headTurn = (eliX - positions.nose_bridge[0][0])*0.3; | |
push(); | |
translate(positions.chin[1][0]+0.3+headTurn, positions.chin[1][1]); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 1,1.5 ); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate(positions.chin[15][0]-0.3+headTurn, positions.chin[15][1]); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 1,1.5 ); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
//head | |
fill(skinColour); | |
stroke(red(skinColour)-20, green(skinColour)-42, blue(skinColour)-58); | |
push(); | |
scale(2.5, 2.5); | |
ellipse(eliX, eliY, eliSize*2); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); | |
bezierVertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1], | |
cheekboneLeftX+(positions.chin[0][0] - cheekboneLeftX)/2, positions.chin[3][1] , cheekboneLeftX, cheekboneLeftY); // cheekboneLeftX+(positions.chin[0][0] - cheekboneLeftX)/2.5, cheekboneLeftY | |
vertex(cheekboneLeftX, cheekboneLeftY); | |
bezierVertex(cheekboneLeftX, cheekboneLeftY, cheekboneLeftX + 0, cheekboneLeftY*1.25 , positions.chin[7][0], positions.chin[7][1]); // cheekboneLeftX + 0.1, cheekboneLeftY*1.15 | |
vertex(positions.chin[7][0], positions.chin[7][1]); //CHIN | |
bezierVertex(positions.chin[7][0], positions.chin[7][1], positions.chin[8][0], positions.chin[8][1] + 0.15, positions.chin[9][0], positions.chin[9][1]); | |
vertex(positions.chin[9][0], positions.chin[9][1]); //CHIN | |
bezierVertex(positions.chin[9][0], positions.chin[9][1], cheekboneRightX - 0, cheekboneRightY*1.25 , cheekboneRightX, cheekboneRightY); // cheekboneRightX - 0.1, cheekboneRightY*1.15 | |
vertex(cheekboneRightX, cheekboneRightY); | |
bezierVertex(cheekboneRightX, cheekboneRightY, cheekboneRightX+(positions.chin[16][0] - cheekboneRightX)/2, positions.chin[13][1] , positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); // cheekboneRightX+(positions.chin[16][0] - cheekboneRightX)/2.5, cheekboneRightY | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
// eyes | |
fill(255); | |
push(); | |
push(); | |
this.makeup(this.makeupStrength, eyeSize, skew, positions); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
scale(2.5, 2.5); | |
let buffer = 0.5; | |
let eyeShearLeft = (positions.left_eye[0][1] - positions.left_eye[3][1])*-100; | |
let eyeShearRight = (positions.right_eye[0][1] - positions.right_eye[3][1])*-100; | |
let scaleOffset = (eliX - positions.nose_bridge[0][0]); | |
push(); //left eye | |
stroke(255); | |
translate(average_point(positions.left_eye)[0], average_point(positions.left_eye)[1] + buffer); | |
//translate(average_point(positions.left_eye)[0], average_point(positions.left_eye)[1] + 0); | |
this.eyeBrow(hairColour, positions, -0.1, this.eyeBrowSize); | |
if(scaleOffset > 0){ | |
scale((eliSize*0.6)-(scaleOffset*0.5), eliSize*0.6); | |
} else { | |
scale(eliSize*0.6, eliSize*0.6); | |
} | |
rotate(eyeShearLeft); | |
this.eye(-0.1, eyeSize, hairColour, this.eyeColour); //left eye | |
pop(); | |
push(); //right eye | |
stroke(255); | |
translate(average_point(positions.right_eye)[0], average_point(positions.right_eye)[1] + buffer); | |
this.eyeBrow(hairColour, positions, 0.1, this.eyeBrowSize); | |
if(scaleOffset < 0){ | |
scale((eliSize*0.6)+(scaleOffset*0.5), eliSize*0.6); | |
} else { | |
scale(eliSize*0.6, eliSize*0.6); | |
} | |
rotate(eyeShearRight); | |
this.eye(0.1, eyeSize, hairColour, this.eyeColour); //right eye | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
//nose | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
stroke(75); | |
push(); | |
scale(2.5, 2.5); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
stroke(204, 60, 35, 40); | |
line(positions.nose_bridge[0][0],positions.nose_bridge[3][1], positions.nose_bridge[3][0], average_point(positions.nose_tip)[1]); | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
stroke(75); | |
translate(0, -0.4); | |
translate(positions.nose_tip[2][0], positions.nose_tip[2][1]+(buffer/2)); | |
scale(0.4, 0.4); | |
bezier(-0.45, 1.05, -0.4, 1, -0.35, 1 ,-0.2, 1.15); | |
bezier(0.45, 1.05, 0.4, 1, 0.35, 1 ,0.2, 1.15); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(204, 60, 35, 40); | |
push(); | |
translate(0, 0.5); | |
scale(0.6, 0.8); | |
beginShape(); //nose shadow | |
vertex(0.5, 0.4); | |
bezierVertex(0.5, 0.4, 1.75, 0.75 ,0, 1.4); //bottomright | |
vertex(0, 1.4); | |
bezierVertex(0, 1.4, -1.75, 0.75 , -0.5, 0.4); //bottomleft | |
vertex(-0.5, 0.4); | |
bezierVertex(-0.5, 0.4, -0.4, 0.35,0, 0.5); //top left | |
vertex(0, 0.5); | |
bezierVertex(0, 0.5, 0.4, 0.35 ,0.5, 0.4); //top right | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
//mouth | |
let lipsDiff= | |
(positions.bottom_lip[10][1] - positions.top_lip[8][1]) + (positions.bottom_lip[8][1] - positions.top_lip[10][1]); | |
stroke(0); | |
push(); | |
scale(2.5,2.5); | |
translate(0, buffer/1.5 ); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.015); | |
let b1x = positions.top_lip[7][0]+(positions.top_lip[8][0]-positions.top_lip[7][0])/2; | |
let b1y = positions.top_lip[7][1]; | |
let b4x = positions.top_lip[10][0]+(positions.top_lip[11][0]-positions.top_lip[10][0])/2; | |
let b4y = positions.top_lip[11][1]; | |
fill(red(skinColour)-15, green(skinColour)-35, blue(skinColour)-35); | |
//fill(222, 218, 213); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(b1x, b1y); | |
bezierVertex(b1x, b1y,positions.top_lip[9][0] , positions.top_lip[9][1] ,b4x, b4y); | |
vertex(b4x, b4y); | |
if(lipsDiff < 0.1) { | |
bezierVertex(b4x, b4y,positions.top_lip[9][0] , positions.top_lip[9][1] ,b1x, b1y); | |
} else { | |
bezierVertex(b4x, b4y,positions.bottom_lip[9][0] , positions.bottom_lip[9][1] + buffer/2 ,b1x, b1y); | |
} | |
vertex(b1x, b1y); | |
endShape(); | |
//teeth | |
if(lipsDiff > 0.1) { | |
fill(242, 228, 225); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(b1x, b1y); | |
bezierVertex(b1x, b1y,positions.top_lip[9][0] , positions.top_lip[9][1] ,b4x, b4y); | |
vertex(b4x, b4y); | |
bezierVertex(b4x, b4y,positions.bottom_lip[9][0] , | |
positions.top_lip[9][1]+((positions.bottom_lip[9][1] + buffer/2)-positions.top_lip[9][1])/3 | |
,b1x, b1y); | |
vertex(b1x, b1y); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//mouth shadow | |
fill(204, 60, 35, 30); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(0, buffer/2); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0, 3.25); | |
bezierVertex(0, 3.25, 0.6, 3.25, 0.3, 3.5); | |
vertex(0.3, 3.5); | |
bezierVertex(0.3, 3.5, 0, 3.75, -0.3, 3.5); | |
vertex(-0.3, 3.5); | |
bezierVertex(-0.3, 3.5, -0.6, 3.25, 0, 3.25); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//hair | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255, 50); | |
fill(255, 218, 115); | |
stroke(230, 188, 73); | |
fill(hairColour); | |
stroke(red(hairColour) -50, green(hairColour) - 50, blue(hairColour) - 50); | |
push(); | |
this.Fringe(L, this.curly, positions); | |
pop(); | |
//accessories | |
push(); //right accessories | |
translate(eliX*2.5, ((eliY-((eliSize*1.5)))*2.5)+9); | |
if(skew > 0){ //right getting shrunk | |
scale(1-(skew*0.1), 1-(skew*0.1)); | |
translate(skew*0.8, -skew*0.25); | |
} else { | |
scale(1+(-skew*0.1), 1+(-skew*0.1)); | |
translate(skew*0.8, -skew*0.25); | |
} | |
if(this.acc > 2){ //2 flower RIGHT | |
push(); | |
this.flower1(L, 1); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
if(this.acc > 3){ //3 flower RIGHT | |
push(); | |
this.flower1(L, 0.8); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
if(this.acc > 0){ //0 bow RIGHT | |
push(); | |
this.bow(L, this.curly, 1); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); //left accessories | |
translate(0, 0); | |
translate(eliX*2.5, ((eliY-((eliSize*1.5)))*2.5)+9); | |
if(skew < 0){ //right getting shrunk | |
scale(1-(-skew*0.1), 1-(-skew*0.1)); | |
translate(skew*0.8, skew*0.25); | |
} else { | |
scale(1+(skew*0.1), 1+(skew*0.1)); | |
translate(skew*0.8, skew*0.25); | |
} | |
if(this.acc > 4){ //4 flower LEFT | |
push(); | |
this.flower2(L, this.curly); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
if(this.acc > 1){ //1 bow LEFT | |
push(); | |
this.bow(L, this.curly, -1); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
this.eyeBrow = function(col, positions, pos, size){ | |
push(); | |
let hairColour = col; | |
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100); | |
fill(hairColour); | |
stroke(hue(hairColour), saturation(hairColour), brightness(hairColour)-20); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
let browSize = size; //0 -> 0.25 | |
if(pos < 0){ //left eye | |
translate(-average_point(positions.left_eye)[0], -average_point(positions.left_eye)[1]); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0],positions.left_eyebrow[0][1]); //start | |
bezierVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0],positions.left_eyebrow[0][1], | |
positions.left_eyebrow[0][0],positions.left_eyebrow[1][1]+(positions.left_eyebrow[0][1]-positions.left_eyebrow[1][1])/2, | |
positions.left_eyebrow[1][0],positions.left_eyebrow[1][1]); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0],positions.left_eyebrow[1][1]); | |
bezierVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0],positions.left_eyebrow[1][1], | |
positions.left_eyebrow[2][0],positions.left_eyebrow[3][1]*1.05, | |
positions.left_eyebrow[4][0],positions.left_eyebrow[4][1]); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[4][0],positions.left_eyebrow[4][1]); //end | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[4][0],positions.left_eyebrow[4][1]-browSize); | |
bezierVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[4][0],positions.left_eyebrow[4][1]-browSize, | |
positions.left_eyebrow[2][0],positions.left_eyebrow[3][1]*1.05-(browSize*1), | |
positions.left_eyebrow[1][0]-(browSize*0.3),positions.left_eyebrow[1][1]-(browSize*0.4)); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0]-(browSize*0.3),positions.left_eyebrow[1][1]-(browSize*0.4)); | |
bezierVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0]-(browSize*0.3),positions.left_eyebrow[1][1]-(browSize*0.4), | |
positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], | |
(positions.left_eyebrow[1][1]-(browSize*0.4))+(positions.left_eyebrow[0][1]-(positions.left_eyebrow[1][1]-(browSize*0.4)))/2, | |
positions.left_eyebrow[0][0],positions.left_eyebrow[0][1]); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0],positions.left_eyebrow[0][1]); //start | |
endShape(); | |
} else { //right eye | |
translate(-average_point(positions.right_eye)[0], -average_point(positions.right_eye)[1]); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[4][0],positions.right_eyebrow[4][1]); //start | |
bezierVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[4][0],positions.right_eyebrow[4][1], | |
positions.right_eyebrow[4][0],positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]+(positions.right_eyebrow[4][1]-positions.right_eyebrow[3][1])/2, //average | |
positions.right_eyebrow[3][0],positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0],positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]); | |
bezierVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0],positions.right_eyebrow[3][1], | |
positions.right_eyebrow[2][0],positions.right_eyebrow[1][1]*1.05, | |
positions.right_eyebrow[0][0],positions.right_eyebrow[0][1]); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0],positions.right_eyebrow[0][1]); //end | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0],positions.right_eyebrow[0][1]-browSize); | |
bezierVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0],positions.right_eyebrow[0][1]-browSize, | |
positions.right_eyebrow[2][0],positions.right_eyebrow[1][1]*1.05-(browSize*1), | |
positions.right_eyebrow[3][0]+(browSize*0.3),positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]-(browSize*0.4)); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0]+(browSize*0.3),positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]-(browSize*0.4)); | |
bezierVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0]+(browSize*0.3),positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]-(browSize*0.4), | |
positions.right_eyebrow[4][0], | |
(positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]-(browSize*0.4))+(positions.right_eyebrow[4][1]-(positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]-(browSize*0.4)))/2, //average | |
positions.right_eyebrow[4][0],positions.right_eyebrow[4][1]); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[4][0],positions.right_eyebrow[4][1]); //start | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
colorMode(RGB, 255); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
this.makeup = function(strength, eyeSize ,skew, positions){ | |
let buffer = 0.5; | |
//blush | |
let eliSize = (positions.chin[16][0] - positions.chin[0][0])/2; | |
let scaleOffset = ((positions.chin[0][0] + eliSize) - positions.nose_bridge[0][0]); | |
for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){ | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255, 64, 118, 0.05*strength); //0.05 | |
push(); | |
if(scaleOffset > 0){ | |
scale((eliSize*0.6)-(scaleOffset*0.5), (eliSize*0.6)-(scaleOffset*0.3)); | |
translate(scaleOffset*-1, 0); | |
} else { | |
scale(eliSize*0.6, eliSize*0.6); | |
} | |
translate(0, buffer/2); | |
ellipse(-2.75, 0, i*0.3, i*0.3); //left blush | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
if(scaleOffset < 0){ | |
scale((eliSize*0.6)-(scaleOffset*-0.5), (eliSize*0.6)-(scaleOffset*-0.3)); | |
translate(scaleOffset*-1, 0); | |
} else { | |
scale(eliSize*0.6, eliSize*0.6); | |
} | |
translate(0, buffer/2); | |
ellipse(2.75, 0, i*0.3, i*0.3); //right blush | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//cheek lines | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
stroke(199, 143, 107, strength*2.55); | |
push(); | |
if(scaleOffset > 0){ | |
scale((eliSize*0.6)-(scaleOffset*0.5), (eliSize*0.6)-(scaleOffset*0.3)); | |
translate(scaleOffset*-1,0); | |
} else { | |
scale(eliSize*0.6, eliSize*0.6); | |
} | |
//left lines | |
line(-3, 0, -3.2, 0.5); | |
line(-2.75, 0.05, -2.95, 0.55); | |
line(-2.5, 0.1, -2.7, 0.6); | |
line(-2.25, 0.15, -2.45, 0.65); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
if(scaleOffset < 0){ | |
scale((eliSize*0.6)-(scaleOffset*-0.5), (eliSize*0.6)-(scaleOffset*-0.3)); | |
translate(scaleOffset*-1, 0); | |
} else { | |
scale(eliSize*0.6, eliSize*0.6); | |
} | |
//right lines | |
line(3.2, 0, 3, 0.5); | |
line(2.95, 0.05, 2.75, 0.55); | |
line(2.7, 0.1, 2.5, 0.6); | |
line(2.45, 0.15, 2.25, 0.65); | |
pop(); | |
//lipstick | |
push(); | |
let lipsDiff= (positions.bottom_lip[10][1] - positions.top_lip[8][1]) + (positions.bottom_lip[8][1] - positions.top_lip[10][1]); | |
scale(2.5,2.5); | |
translate(0, buffer/1.5 ); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.02); | |
let b4x = positions.top_lip[7][0]+(positions.top_lip[8][0]-positions.top_lip[7][0])/2; | |
let b4y = positions.top_lip[7][1]; | |
let b1x = positions.top_lip[10][0]+(positions.top_lip[11][0]-positions.top_lip[10][0])/2; | |
let b1y = positions.top_lip[11][1]; | |
let topMid; | |
if(b4y - b1y < 0){ | |
topMid = b4y+(b1y - b4y)/2; | |
} else { | |
topMid = b1y+(b4y - b1y)/2; | |
} | |
fill(255, 64, 118, 1.5*strength); //0.75 | |
stroke(255, 64, 118, 3*strength); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(b1x, b1y); | |
bezierVertex(b1x, b1y, positions.top_lip[2][0],positions.top_lip[2][1]-(0.15*buffer) ,positions.top_lip[3][0], topMid); | |
vertex(positions.top_lip[3][0], topMid); | |
bezierVertex(positions.top_lip[3][0], topMid, positions.top_lip[4][0],positions.top_lip[4][1]-(0.15*buffer), b4x, b4y); | |
vertex(b4x, b4y); | |
if(lipsDiff < 0.1) { | |
bezierVertex(b4x, b4y, average_point(positions.bottom_lip)[0], positions.bottom_lip[3][1]+ buffer*0.25, b1x, b1y); | |
} else { | |
bezierVertex(b4x, b4y, average_point(positions.bottom_lip)[0], positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + buffer*0.75,b1x, b1y); | |
} | |
vertex(b1x, b1y); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
this.flower2 = function(len, curl){ | |
if(len > 190){ | |
translate(map(len, 190, 340, -5.5,-6.5+curl/200), map(len, 190, 340, -1, 5+curl/50)); | |
}else { | |
translate(map(len, 0, 190, -5, -5.5), | |
map(len, 0, 190, -3.5, -1)); | |
} | |
stroke(163, 120, 57); | |
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ | |
rotate(72); | |
push(); | |
translate(0, -1); | |
fill(250, 236, 192); | |
bezier(-0.25, 0.5, -1.5, -1.25, 1.5, -1.25 ,0.25, 0.5); | |
fill(237, 196, 135); | |
noStroke(); | |
bezier(-0.15, 0.5, -1, -0.75, 1, -0.75 ,0.15, 0.5); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
fill(222, 178, 113); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 1, 1); | |
} | |
this.flower1 = function(len, sc){ | |
scale(sc, sc); | |
if(sc < 1){ | |
translate(2, -1); | |
} | |
if(len > 190){ | |
translate(6, map(len, 190, 340, -2, 3)); | |
} else { | |
translate(map(len, 0, 190, 4, 6), | |
map(len, 0, 190, -6.5, -2)); | |
} | |
if(sc < 1){ | |
stroke(131, 87, 173); | |
} else { | |
stroke(78, 127, 207); | |
} | |
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ | |
rotate(72); | |
if(sc < 1){ | |
fill(180-i*10, 140-i*10, 219); | |
} else { | |
fill(166-i*10, 200-i*10, 255); | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(0, -0.75); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 1.5, 1.5); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
if(sc < 1){ | |
fill(230, 172, 110); | |
} else { | |
fill(245, 208, 115); | |
} | |
ellipse(0, 0, 1, 1); | |
} | |
this.bow = function(len,curl, pos){ | |
c = curl/100; | |
let scale1 = map(len, 0, 340, 0.7, 1); | |
if(pos < 0){ | |
translate(-6*(1-scale1), -3*(1-scale1)); | |
} else { | |
translate(6*(1-scale1), -3*(1-scale1)); | |
} | |
scale(scale1, scale1); | |
scale(pos, 1); | |
scale(0.8, 0.8); | |
if(len > 190){ | |
translate(7.25+map(len, 190, 340, 0, c), | |
-4+map(len, 190, 340, 0, c)); | |
} else { | |
translate(7.25-map(len, 0, 190, 2, 0), -4-map(len, 0, 190, 3, 0)); //short | |
scale(map(len, 0, 190, 0.75, 1), map(len, 0, 190, 0.75, 1)); | |
} | |
rotate(0); | |
fill(255, 204, 225); | |
stroke(171, 65, 108); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0, 1); | |
bezierVertex(0, 1, 0.25, 3, 1.5, 5); | |
vertex(3, 5); | |
bezierVertex(3, 5, 1, 3.5, 0.5, 1); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0.25, 1); | |
bezierVertex(0.25, 1, 0.75, 3, 4, 5); | |
vertex(5, 4); | |
bezierVertex(5, 4, 1.5, 3.5, 0.75, 1); | |
endShape(); | |
//big left | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0, 0); | |
bezierVertex(0, 0,-3, -3, -3, -2); | |
vertex(-2, 0); | |
bezierVertex(-2, 0, -3, 1, -2, 1.5); | |
vertex(0, 1); | |
endShape(); | |
//big right | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(1, 0); | |
bezierVertex(1, 0,3, -3, 3, -2); | |
vertex(3, -2); | |
vertex(2.25, 0); | |
bezierVertex(2, 0, 3, 1, 2, 1.5); | |
vertex(2, 1.5); | |
vertex(1, 1); | |
endShape(); | |
//outline | |
fill(255, 150, 193); | |
noStroke(); | |
bezier(2, 1.5, 2.5, 0.75, 1, 0.5 ,1, 1); | |
//outline2 | |
bezier(-2, 1.5, -2, 0.5, 0, 0.3 ,0, 1); | |
//upper outline | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(1, 0); | |
bezierVertex(1, 0 ,3, -3, 3, -2); | |
vertex(1, 0.25); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0, 0); | |
bezierVertex(0, 0,-3, -3, -3, -2); | |
vertex(0, 0.25); | |
endShape(); | |
//shadow | |
fill(171, 65, 108); | |
stroke(171, 65, 108); | |
bezier(2, 1.5, 2, 1, 1.5, 1 ,1, 1); | |
line(2, 1.5, 1, 1); | |
//shadow2 | |
bezier(-2, 1.5, -1.5, 0.75, -0.5, 0.75 ,0, 1); | |
line(-2, 1.5, 0, 1); | |
fill(255, 204, 225); | |
rect(-0.1, -0.1, 1.1,1.1, 0.3); | |
} | |
this.eye = function(pos, size, col, eyeCol){ | |
colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100); | |
let coll = eyeCol; | |
let bright; | |
if(size > 25){ | |
bright = map(size, 25, 100, 1, 0); | |
} else { | |
bright = 1; | |
} | |
let Med = color(coll, 83 - (59*bright), 79 - (30*bright)); //59 | |
let Dark = color(coll, 53- (29*bright), 52 - (30*bright)); //29 | |
let Light = color(coll, 68 - (44*bright), 92 - (30*bright)); //44 | |
let hairColour = col; | |
push(); | |
scale(0.24, 0.24); | |
translate(pos, 0); | |
let sc = 0.57; | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.2*sc); | |
strokeCap(SQUARE); | |
push(); | |
if(pos < 0){ | |
scale(-1, 1); | |
translate(-0.15, 0); | |
} | |
//eyebrow | |
strokeWeight(0.2*sc); | |
//outter white eye //3 | |
if(size > 50 && size < 75){ | |
sc = map(size, 50, 75, 0, 0.57); | |
} else if(size >= 75){ | |
sc = 0.57; | |
} else { | |
sc = 0; | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(255); | |
vertex(-3.5*sc, -0.5*sc); | |
bezierVertex(-3.5*sc, -1*sc, 1.5*sc, -5.5*sc , 4.5*sc , 0); | |
vertex(4.5*sc, 0); | |
bezierVertex(5*sc, 0, 1.5*sc, 5*sc, -2.5*sc, 2*sc); | |
endShape(); | |
//outline | |
stroke(0); | |
noFill(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(-3.5*sc, -0.5*sc); | |
bezierVertex(-3.5*sc, -1*sc, 1.5*sc, -5.5*sc , 4.5*sc , 0); | |
vertex(4.5*sc, 0); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
strokeWeight(0.3*sc); | |
//bulk blue //2 | |
if(size > 25 && size < 50){ | |
sc = map(size, 25, 50, 0, 0.57); | |
} else if(size >= 50){ | |
sc = 0.57; | |
} else { | |
sc = 0; | |
} | |
stroke(Dark); | |
fill(Dark); | |
ellipse(0.1*sc, 0, 5*sc, 5*sc); | |
noStroke(); | |
//blue shading //2 | |
fill(Med); | |
ellipse(0, 0.5*sc, 4.5*sc, 3*sc); | |
fill(Light); | |
ellipse(0, 1*sc, 4*sc, 2.5*sc); | |
//noisey dots //4 | |
if(size > 75){ | |
sc = map(size, 75, 100, 0, 0.57); | |
} else { | |
sc = 0; | |
} | |
//lines from center //4 | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.1*sc); | |
rotate(30); | |
let cent; | |
for(let i = 0; i < 16; i++){ | |
cent = map(i, 0, 15, -1, 1); | |
if(cent < 0){cent = cent*-1;} | |
if(i % 2 == 0){ | |
stroke(0); | |
line(-1*sc, 1*sc, (-1.75+cent/3)*sc, (1.75-cent/3)*sc); | |
} else { | |
stroke(100); | |
line(-1.4*sc, 1.4*sc, (-1.25+cent/3)*sc, (1.25-cent/3)*sc); | |
} | |
rotate(-10); | |
} | |
//lower white cirles //4 | |
fill(255, 50); | |
noStroke(); | |
rotate(-160); | |
for(let j = 0; j < 6; j++){ | |
ellipse(1.25*sc, 1.5*sc, 0.6*sc, 0.6*sc); | |
rotate(-12); | |
} | |
//black center //1 | |
sc = 0.57; | |
fill(0); | |
push(); | |
translate(0, -0.25); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 1.5*sc, 2.25*sc); | |
if(size > 75){ | |
sc = map(size, 75, 100, 0, 0.57); | |
} else { | |
sc = 0; | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//white circles highlight //2 | |
if(size > 25 && size < 50){ | |
sc = map(size, 25, 50, 0, 0.57); | |
} else if(size >= 50){ | |
sc = 0.57; | |
} else { | |
sc = 0; | |
} | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(0.75*sc, -0.75*sc, 0.75*sc, 0.75*sc); | |
ellipse(1.75*sc, -1.5*sc, 1.25*sc, 1*sc); | |
ellipse(-2*sc, 1*sc, 1*sc, 1*sc); | |
pop(); | |
colorMode(RGB, 255); | |
} | |
this.Fringe = function(Len, cur, positions){ | |
rectMode(CORNERS); | |
let L; | |
if(Len > 140){ | |
L = 340; | |
} else if(Len > 106){ | |
L = map(Len, 105, 140, 0, 340); | |
} else { | |
L = 0; | |
} | |
let skew = positions.nose_bridge[0][0]*3.5; | |
push(); | |
let eliSize = (positions.chin[16][0] - positions.chin[0][0])/2; | |
let eliX = positions.chin[0][0] + eliSize; | |
let eliY = positions.chin[0][1]+(positions.chin[16][1] - positions.chin[0][1])/2; | |
fill(255); | |
pop(); | |
let tr = -positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]; | |
let trMultiplier = map(L, 0, 340, -1, 1); | |
translate(0, 7); | |
translate(0, eliY*2.5-(eliSize*2.5)); | |
if(L > 0){ | |
let xSc = map(L, 0, 340, 0.4-(cur/250), map(cur, 0, 100, 1.5, 1.25)); | |
let ySc = map(L, 0, 340, 0, map(cur, 0, 100, 2, 1.4)); | |
let c = map(cur, 0, 100, 0.8*ySc, 0); | |
let c2 = cur/100; | |
translate(0, map(L, 0, 340, -6.5, map(cur, 0, 100, -4.5, -4))); | |
for(let i = 0; i <5; i++){ | |
push(); | |
if((i+1) % 2 == 0){ //even, left | |
translate((map(i-1, 0, 4, 4, 0)), ((-0.55-cur/400)+(i-1)*0.09)*(i-1)); //2, 4 | |
} else { //odd, right | |
translate((map(i, 0, 4, -4, 0)), ((-0.55-cur/400)+i*0.09)*i); //1, 3, 5 | |
} | |
if(i == 0){ //left 1 | |
if(skew > 0){ | |
scale(1+(skew*0.5), 1+(skew*0.3)); | |
translate(skew*0, 0); | |
} else { | |
scale(1-(0.2*-skew), 1); | |
translate(-0.5*skew, 0.15*-skew); | |
} | |
} else if(i ==1){ //right 1 | |
if(skew > 0){ | |
scale(1-(0.2*skew), 1); | |
translate(-0.5*skew, 0.15*skew); | |
} else { | |
scale(1+(-skew*0.5), 1+(-skew*0.3)); | |
translate(skew*0, 0); | |
} | |
} else if(i ==2){ //left 2 | |
if(skew > 0){ | |
scale(1+(skew*0.25), 1+(skew*0.1)); | |
translate((skew*0.1), 0); | |
} else { | |
scale(1-(-skew*0.15), 1); | |
translate(0.5*skew , 0.3*-skew); | |
} | |
}else if(i ==3){ //right 2 | |
if(skew > 0){ | |
scale(1-(skew*0.1), 1); | |
translate(0.5*skew , 0.3*skew); | |
} else { | |
scale(1+(-skew*0.25), 1+(-skew*0.1)); | |
translate((skew*0.1), 0); | |
} | |
}else if(i ==4){ //middle | |
if(skew > 0){ | |
scale(1, 1); | |
translate(1*skew, 0); | |
} else { | |
scale(1, 1); | |
translate(1*skew, 0); | |
} | |
} | |
beginShape(); | |
let test = 1; | |
vertex(-xSc, -ySc); | |
bezierVertex(-xSc, -ySc, 0, -2*(ySc)+c, xSc, -ySc); //top curve | |
vertex(xSc, -ySc); | |
bezierVertex(xSc, -ySc, 2*xSc-c, 0, xSc, ySc); //east curve | |
vertex(xSc, ySc); | |
bezierVertex(xSc, ySc, 0, 2*(ySc)-c, -xSc, ySc); //bottom curve | |
vertex(-xSc, ySc); | |
bezierVertex(-xSc, ySc, -2*xSc+c, 0, -xSc, -ySc); //west curve | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
this.drawHair = function(Len, cur, col){ | |
let hairColour = col; | |
let L = Len | |
//let curl = map(cur, 0, 100, 180, -90); | |
let curl; | |
if(L > 240){ | |
curl = map(cur, 0, 100, 180, map(L, 240, 340, 180, -90)); | |
} else { | |
curl = 180; | |
} | |
let curly = cur; | |
let curlScale; | |
if (L < 139){ | |
curlScale = map( | |
curly, 0, 100, 0, | |
map(L, 0, 139, 0.1, 2)); | |
} else { | |
curlScale = map(curly, 0, 100, 0, map(L, 139, 340, 2, 3)); | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(0, -3); | |
rotate(10); | |
for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){ | |
rotate(28); | |
if(L < 139){ | |
if(L > 90){ | |
ellipse(-4, 0, 4, map(curly, 0, 100, map(L, 90, 139, 0.01, 8), map(L, 90, 139, 2.5, 4))); | |
} else { | |
ellipse(map(L, 0, 90, -2.9, -4), 0, 4, map(curly, 0, 100, 0.01, 2.5)); | |
} | |
} | |
else { | |
ellipse(-4, 0, 4, map(curly, 0, 100, 8, 4)); | |
} | |
} | |
pop(); | |
if(L < 139){ //shorter hair | |
translate(0, map(L, 0, 139, 7, 0)); | |
scale(map(L, 0, 139, 0.2, 1), map(L, 0, 139, 0.5, 1)); | |
arc(3+0, -5, 6, 6, 170, 221+L, CHORD); //ARAAC | |
arc(-3-0, -5, 6, 6, 320-L, 371, CHORD); //mirror | |
let HairLength = -5+map(L, 0, 139, -130, 0); | |
push(); //right curl | |
translate(3 + ((3+curlScale) * cos(221+L)) +0 , -5 + ((3+curlScale) * sin(221+L))); | |
rotate(HairLength); | |
beginShape(); | |
let cX = map(HairLength, -135, -5, -0.2, -0.9); | |
let cY = map(HairLength, -135, -5, -0.0, -0.8); | |
let radiuss = map(HairLength, -135, -5, 0.1, curlScale*1.5)/2; | |
let anglee = -20; | |
endShape(); | |
fill(225, 206, 187); | |
fill(hairColour); | |
pop(); | |
HairLength = -5+map(L, 0, 139, 160, 30); | |
push(); //left curl | |
translate(-3 - ((3+curlScale) * cos(221+L)) -0 , -5 + ((3+curlScale) * sin(221+L))); | |
rotate(HairLength); | |
beginShape(); | |
cX = map(HairLength, 155, 25, 0.2, 0.4); | |
cY = map(HairLength, 155, 25, -0.0, -1.1 ); | |
radiuss = map(HairLength, 155, 25, 0.1, curlScale*1.4)/2; | |
anglee = 170; | |
endShape(); | |
fill(225, 206, 187); | |
fill(hairColour); | |
pop(); | |
} else { //longer hair | |
fill(255, 218, 115); | |
fill(hairColour); | |
arc(3, -5, 6, 6, 170, 360, CHORD); //top hair ARAAC | |
arc(-3-0, -5, 6, 6, 180, 370, CHORD); | |
let HairLength = -5+map(L, 139, 360, 0, 14*1); | |
//big curls | |
let x1 = (6+0 + 2+0)/2; | |
let y1 = (-5-6.5)/2; | |
let x2 = (6+map(L, 139, 360,0, 1)+0-map(HairLength, -5, 9, 0, curlScale) + (6+0)-map(HairLength, -5, 9, 0, curlScale))/2; | |
let y2 = (-5+map(L, 139, 360, 0, 14*1)+-5+map(L, 139, 360, 0, 14*1))/2; | |
for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ | |
ellipse(lerp(x1, x2, 0.2 + (0.3*i)), lerp(y1, y2, 0.2 + (0.3*i)), | |
map(curly, 0, 100, 0, map(L, 139, 360, 0.5, 9-i)), | |
map(L, 139, 360, 0, 8-i)); | |
} | |
beginShape(); //long strands | |
vertex(6+0, -5); //1 | |
vertex(6+map(L, 139, 360,0, 1)+0-map(HairLength, -5, 9, 0, curlScale), //2 | |
-5+map(L, 139, 360, 0, 14*1)); | |
vertex((6+0)-map(HairLength, -5, 9, 0, curlScale), //3 | |
-5+map(L, 139, 360, 0, 14*1)); | |
vertex(2+0, -6.5); //4 | |
endShape(); | |
//big curls Mirror | |
x1 = (-6-0 + -2-0)/2; | |
y1 = (-5 + -6.5)/2; | |
x2 = (-6-map(L, 139, 360,0, 1)-0+map(HairLength, -5, 9, 0, curlScale) + -6-0+map(HairLength, -5, 9, 0, curlScale))/2; | |
y2 = (-5+map(L, 139, 360, 0, 14*1) + -5+map(L, 139, 360, 0, 14*1))/2; | |
for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ | |
ellipse(lerp(x1, x2, 0.2 + (0.3*i)), lerp(y1, y2, 0.2 + (0.3*i)), | |
map(curly, 0, 100, 0, map(L, 139, 360, 0.5, 9-i)), | |
map(L, 139, 360, 0, 8-i)); | |
} | |
beginShape(); //long strands mirror | |
vertex(-6-0, -5); | |
vertex(-6-map(L, 139, 360,0, 1)-0+map(HairLength, -5, 9, 0, curlScale), | |
-5+map(L, 139, 360, 0, 14*1)); | |
vertex(-6-0+map(HairLength, -5, 9, 0, curlScale), | |
-5+map(L, 139, 360, 0, 14*1)); | |
vertex(-2-0, -6.5); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(let i = 0; i < 50; i++){ //outer curl | |
vertex((5.95+0)-map(HairLength, -5, 9+0, 0, curlScale)+curlScale+ | |
curlScale*cos(map(curl, 180, -90, 180, 180-(4.5*i))), | |
HairLength-map(L, 139, 340, 0, 0.75)+ | |
curlScale*sin(map(curl, 180, -90, 180, 180-(4.5*i)))); | |
} | |
for(let i = 15; i > 0; i--){ //inner curl | |
let shrink = 1; | |
shrink = map(i, 15, 0, 1.2, 5); | |
vertex( | |
(6+map(L, 139, 360,0, 1)+0)-map(HairLength, -5, 9+0, 0, curlScale)+curlScale/shrink+ | |
curlScale/shrink*cos(map(curl, 180, -90, 180, 180-(17*i))), | |
HairLength-map(L, 139, 340, 0, 0.75)+ | |
curlScale/shrink*sin(map(curl, 180, -90, 180, 180-(15 *i))) | |
); | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(let i = 0; i < 50; i++){ //outer curl mirror | |
vertex((-5.95-0)+map(HairLength, -5, 9+0, 0, curlScale)-curlScale+ | |
curlScale*cos(map(curl, 180, -90, 0, (4.5*i))), | |
HairLength-map(L, 139, 340, 0, 0.75)+ | |
curlScale*sin(map(curl, 180, -90, 0, (4.5 *i)))); | |
} | |
for(let i = 15; i > 0; i--){ //inner curl mirror | |
let shrink = 1; | |
shrink = map(i, 15, 0, 1.2, 5); | |
vertex( | |
(-6-map(L, 139, 360,0, 1)-0)+map(HairLength, -5, 9+0, 0, curlScale)-curlScale/shrink+ | |
curlScale/shrink*cos(map(curl, 180, -90, -10, (17*i))), | |
HairLength-map(L, 139, 340, 0, 0.75)+curlScale/shrink*sin(map(curl, 180, -90, -10, (15 *i))) | |
); | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
// this.eye_value = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 2, 3)); | |
// this.mouth_value = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0.5, 8); | |
// this.tilt_value = map(settings[2], 0, 100, -30, 30); | |
this.length = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 340); | |
this.curly = settings[1]; | |
this.e = settings[2]; | |
this.eyeColour = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 360); | |
this.acc = int(map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0, 8)) | |
this.hair = settings[5]; | |
this.makeupStrength = settings[6]; | |
this.eyeBrowSize = map(settings[7], 0, 100, 0, 0.4); | |
this.skin = settings[8]; | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(8); | |
settings[0] = map(this.length, 0, 340, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = this.curly; | |
settings[2] = this.e; | |
settings[3] = map(this.eyeColour, 0, 360, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.acc, 0, 8, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = this.hair; | |
settings[6] = this.makeupStrength; | |
settings[7] = map(this.eyeBrowSize, 0, 0.4, 0, 100); | |
settings[8] = this.skin; | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} | |
// given an array of [x,y] points, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
100, | |
74, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
12.5, | |
61, | |
100, | |
31, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
52, | |
52, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
6, | |
100, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
95, | |
0, | |
75.00000000000001, | |
27 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
54, | |
50, | |
92, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
53, | |
25, | |
3, | |
50, | |
31, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
6, | |
0, | |
61, | |
14 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
95.99999999999999, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
34, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
14, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
0, | |
61, | |
0, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
89, | |
0, | |
61, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
25, | |
0, | |
100, | |
42, | |
15 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
49, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
62, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
28.000000000000004, | |
48, | |
0, | |
49, | |
0, | |
91, | |
0, | |
61, | |
15 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
1, | |
0, | |
0, | |
53, | |
0, | |
85, | |
0, | |
62, | |
52 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
90, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
39.00000000000001, | |
67 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
53, | |
25, | |
8, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
37, | |
53, | |
0, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
71.99999999999999, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
19, | |
100, | |
31, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
22, | |
54, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
10, | |
0, | |
43, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
48, | |
100, | |
11.999999999999998, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
25, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
72.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
27, | |
0, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
88, | |
0, | |
79.00000000000001, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
99, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
34, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
93, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
44, | |
28 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
54, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51, | |
12.5, | |
100, | |
0, | |
67, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
53, | |
25, | |
11, | |
100, | |
27, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
23, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
49, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
78, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
92 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
90, | |
0, | |
91, | |
100, | |
24, | |
35 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
16, | |
45 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
48, | |
100, | |
0, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
71.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
30, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
89, | |
39 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
83, | |
56 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
34, | |
42, | |
0, | |
53, | |
0, | |
90, | |
0, | |
84, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
25, | |
7, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
20.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
76.00000000000001, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
51, | |
94, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
7.000000000000001, | |
7 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
14.000000000000002, | |
57, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
30, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
91, | |
56 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
45, | |
100, | |
2, | |
0, | |
87.5, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
34 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
27, | |
100, | |
0, | |
53, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
67, | |
16 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
4, | |
100, | |
33, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
25, | |
91, | |
100, | |
41, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
75.99999999999999, | |
10, | |
0, | |
50, | |
12.5, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
33, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
38, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
83, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
1, | |
0, | |
0, | |
53, | |
0, | |
97, | |
0, | |
53, | |
42 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
30, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
100, | |
47, | |
100, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
17, | |
75, | |
43, | |
35 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
52, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
11, | |
100, | |
31, | |
35 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
52, | |
0, | |
52, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
54, | |
34 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
57, | |
0, | |
51, | |
37.5, | |
76, | |
0, | |
45, | |
34 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
100, | |
94, | |
0, | |
100, | |
35, | |
47, | |
78 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
30, | |
0, | |
0, | |
52, | |
62.5, | |
100, | |
0, | |
61, | |
12 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
96, | |
0, | |
100, | |
45, | |
25, | |
99, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
28 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
100, | |
35, | |
100, | |
62, | |
0, | |
13, | |
91, | |
31, | |
46 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
94, | |
100, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
74 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
38, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
32, | |
75 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
14.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
0, | |
52, | |
0, | |
42, | |
0, | |
65, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
73, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
44, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
100, | |
45, | |
100, | |
51, | |
0, | |
12, | |
100, | |
34, | |
51 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
52, | |
100, | |
94, | |
0, | |
65, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
28.000000000000004, | |
63, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
85 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
76.00000000000001, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
47.99999999999999, | |
25, | |
17, | |
100, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
12.5, | |
100, | |
100, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
70 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
37, | |
0, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
67, | |
27 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
12.5, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
39 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
52, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
71.99999999999999, | |
57 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
69, | |
25, | |
0, | |
100, | |
34, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
8, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
1, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
39 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
14.000000000000002, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
71.99999999999999, | |
69 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
54, | |
12.5, | |
50, | |
100, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
37, | |
25, | |
89, | |
100, | |
31, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
42, | |
0, | |
81, | |
79, | |
50, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
95.99999999999999, | |
12.5, | |
53, | |
93, | |
26, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
13, | |
100, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
68.99999999999999, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
8, | |
97, | |
31, | |
38 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
39.00000000000001, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
70, | |
0, | |
44, | |
88, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
42 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
100, | |
45, | |
100, | |
31, | |
12.5, | |
91, | |
100, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
43, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
17, | |
100, | |
35.99999999999999, | |
27 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
100, | |
48, | |
100, | |
44, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
31, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
64, | |
0, | |
14, | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
100, | |
48, | |
100, | |
34, | |
12.5, | |
50, | |
100, | |
35.99999999999999, | |
28 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
54, | |
0, | |
7, | |
100, | |
31, | |
42 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
28.999999999999996, | |
46, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
21, | |
0, | |
61, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
50, | |
94, | |
42, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
63, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
39.00000000000001, | |
84 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
95, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
65, | |
71 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
16, | |
0, | |
39.00000000000001, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
20.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
0, | |
64, | |
0, | |
92, | |
0, | |
70.99999999999999, | |
28 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
39.00000000000001, | |
64 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
90, | |
0, | |
100, | |
97, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
99, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
99, | |
43, | |
27 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
100, | |
40, | |
100, | |
54, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
45, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} | |
function JordanFace() { | |
const bg_color = [0, 0, 0]; | |
const fg_color = [255, 255, 255]; | |
const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
this.eyepaint_value = 2; | |
this.mouth_value = 1; | |
this.tilt_value = 0; | |
this.colour2_value = 0; | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
rotate(this.tilt_value); | |
var eye1_pos = positions.left_eye; | |
var eye2_pos = positions.right_eye; | |
var toplip_pos = positions.top_lip; | |
var bottomlip_pos = positions.bottom_lip; | |
// Here I set my colour variables for the face and eye paint colour | |
if (this.colour_value === 1) { | |
var colour1 = color(240,10,10,120); | |
} | |
if (this.colour_value === 2) { | |
var colour1 = color(0,0,255,150); | |
} | |
if (this.colour_value === 3) { | |
var colour1 = color(255,255,255,120); | |
} | |
if (this.colour2_value === 1) { | |
var colour2 = color(240,10,10,80); | |
} | |
if (this.colour2_value === 2) { | |
var colour2 = color(0,0,255,80); | |
} | |
if (this.colour2_value === 3) { | |
var colour2 = color(255,255,255,80); | |
} | |
if (this.colour2_value === 4) { | |
var colour2 = color(255,255,255,0); | |
} | |
//face | |
// Here I use the points around the jaw and eyebrows to make a face shape that is filled | |
// to provide a base for the face paint | |
fill(colour2); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.chin.length;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.chin[i][0], positions.chin[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=positions.right_eyebrow.length-1; i>=0;i--) { | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[i][0], positions.right_eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=positions.left_eyebrow.length-1; i>=0;i--) { | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[i][0], positions.left_eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
// eyes | |
if (this.eyepaint_value === 1) { | |
; | |
// This is my first variant of the eye make up that makes a curved triangle going down from the eye. | |
fill(colour1); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(eye1_pos[4][0]+.2 , eye1_pos[3][1]+.21); | |
quadraticVertex(-1.5, -.2, eye1_pos[1][0] -.4 , 1.2); | |
quadraticVertex(-1.5, -.2, eye1_pos[0][0] , eye1_pos[3][1]+.25); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(eye2_pos[4][0]-.2 , eye2_pos[3][1]+.21); | |
quadraticVertex(1.5, -.2, eye2_pos[1][0] +.4 , 1.2); | |
quadraticVertex(1.5, -.2, eye2_pos[3][0], eye2_pos[0][1]+.25); | |
endShape(); | |
noStroke(); | |
} | |
if (this.eyepaint_value === 2) { | |
; | |
// For my second eye make-up variant I've made a diamond shape mapped to the eye corners. | |
fill(colour1); | |
triangle(eye1_pos[3][0] +.2,eye1_pos[3][1],eye1_pos[0][0]-.25,eye1_pos[0][1],eye1_pos[2][0],-2.5); | |
triangle(eye1_pos[3][0]+.2,eye1_pos[3][1],eye1_pos[0][0]-.25,eye1_pos[0][1],eye1_pos[1][0],.5); | |
triangle(eye2_pos[3][0]+.25,eye2_pos[3][1],eye2_pos[0][0]-.2,eye2_pos[0][1],eye2_pos[1][0],-2.5); | |
triangle(eye2_pos[3][0]+.25,eye2_pos[3][1],eye2_pos[0][0]-.2,eye2_pos[0][1],eye2_pos[2][0],.5); | |
} | |
if (this.eyepaint_value === 3) { | |
; | |
// I've made a variant of the eye make up that is a stripe across the face | |
// I didn't end up using this variant as it does not work well visually | |
// However I've kept the code in place to show my process and so that it can be seen when changing the settings | |
fill(colour1); | |
rect(eye1_pos[0][0] -.25 ,eye1_pos[2][1] -.2,3,.6,.2); | |
} | |
// I've seperated the dark makeup around the eye from the other parts so I can turn it on and off independently. | |
// However I've left it on for all variants as it works best visually. | |
if (this.eyeshadow_value === 1) { | |
fill(0,0,0,120) | |
bezier(eye1_pos[3][0]+.2 , eye1_pos[3][1], -1.6 , -1.9 , -1.8 , -.3, eye1_pos[3][0]+.2 , eye1_pos[3][1] ); | |
bezier(eye2_pos[0][0] -.2, eye2_pos[0][1], 1.6 , -1.9 , 1.8 , -.3, eye2_pos[0][0]-.2 , eye2_pos[0][1]); | |
fill(255,0,0); | |
fill(fg_color); | |
} | |
// mouth | |
if (this.mouth_value === 1) { | |
// My first mouth variant is a quad below the lip | |
fill(0,0,0,120); | |
quad(bottomlip_pos[2][0],bottomlip_pos[2][1],bottomlip_pos[4][0],bottomlip_pos[4][1], | |
bottomlip_pos[4][0] +.1,bottomlip_pos[4][1]+.6,bottomlip_pos[2][0] -.1,bottomlip_pos[2][1]+.6,2); | |
} | |
if (this.mouth_value === 2) { | |
// The second mouth variant is a kind of exaggerated lipstick that makes the mouth appear much larger. | |
fill(0,0,0,120); | |
bezier(toplip_pos[0][0]-.2, toplip_pos[0][1],0,toplip_pos[4][1]-.2,0,toplip_pos[4][1]-.2,toplip_pos[6][0]+.2,toplip_pos[6][1]); | |
bezier(toplip_pos[0][0]-.2, toplip_pos[0][1],-.4,bottomlip_pos[3][1]+.3,.4,bottomlip_pos[3][1]+.3,toplip_pos[6][0]+.2,toplip_pos[6][1]); | |
} | |
} | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.eyepaint_value = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 3)); | |
this.mouth_value = int(map(settings[1], 0, 100, 1, 2)); | |
this.colour_value = int(map(settings[3], 0, 100 ,1, 3)); | |
this.eyeshadow_value = int(map(settings[4], 0, 100 ,1, 2)); | |
this.colour2_value = int(map(settings[5], 0, 100 ,1, 3)); | |
} | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(5); | |
settings[0] = map(this.eyepaint_value, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.mouth_value, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.colour_value, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.eyeshadow_value, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.colour2_value, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
console.log(settings[5]); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
0, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
50, | |
50, | |
null, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
] | |
} | |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// these control the colors used | |
const truLip = "#E37D55"; | |
const truWhite = "#E3CFB9"; | |
const truShadow = "#A06644"; | |
const truMouth = "#2B1C17"; | |
function JoyFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables may be different) | |
this.wink_value = 1;//keep | |
this.colour_value = 0.5;//keep | |
this.hair_colour_value = 0.5; | |
this.eye_colour_value = 0.5; | |
this.brow_value = 0.5; | |
/* | |
* Draw a face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
//Variables for face size and mouth status | |
var faceWidth = positions.chin[16][0] - positions.chin[0][0];//right of face - left of face = face width | |
var faceHeight = positions.chin[16][1] - positions.chin[0][1];//bottom of face - top of face = face height | |
//variables to indicate which side the face tends toward | |
var faceCenter = positions.chin[16][0] - faceWidth/2;//right of face - (face width/2) = center face position | |
var faceAngle = map(positions.nose_tip[2][0], positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[16][0], -1, 1);//map middle of nose value to face width from left face-right face to -1 - +1 | |
// print(faceAngle); | |
//if above val is >0, nose is on right. if val < 0, nose is on left | |
if((positions.top_lip[9][1] - positions.top_lip[0][1])>0){ | |
var smile_Value = positions.top_lip[9][1] - positions.top_lip[0][1] | |
} | |
else{ | |
var smile_Value = positions.top_lip[9][1] - positions.top_lip[6][1]; //corners of mouth are above/below mid top lip | |
} | |
var smile_Value = 2*positions.top_lip[9][1] - positions.top_lip[6][1]- positions.top_lip[0][1]; | |
var mouthOpen_Value = positions.bottom_lip[9][1] - positions.top_lip[9][1]/*bottom of top lip*/; // distance between bottom middle of top lip and top middle of bottom lip | |
if(smile_Value > 0){//if smile_value is positive, smiling, else not smiling | |
var smile = true; | |
} | |
else{ | |
var smile = false; | |
} | |
if (mouthOpen_Value > 0.1){// if mouthOpen_value is small (close to 0), the mouth is closed, else it is open | |
var mouthOpen = true; | |
} | |
else{ | |
var mouthOpen = false; | |
} | |
if(faceAngle < 0.05){ | |
var centerFaceDraw = positions.nose_tip[2][0] - faceCenter; | |
} | |
else if(faceAngle > 0.05){ | |
var centerFaceDraw = positions.nose_tip[2][0] - faceCenter*-1; | |
} | |
else{ | |
var centerFaceDraw = 0; | |
} | |
//face | |
var truBase = color(241, 141, 83); | |
var truBase2 = color(255, 199, 113); | |
var curBaseColour = lerpColor(truBase2, truBase, this.colour_value); | |
fill(curBaseColour); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.chin.length;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.chin[i][0], positions.chin[i][1]); | |
} | |
for(var i=positions.right_eyebrow.length-1; i>=2;i--) { | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[i][0], positions.right_eyebrow[i][1] - 1); | |
} | |
for(var i=positions.left_eyebrow.length-3; i>=0;i--) { | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[i][0], positions.left_eyebrow[i][1] - 1); | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
//eye fake tan rims | |
push(); | |
scale(0.03); | |
noFill(); | |
var l = 0.5*509.0/255; | |
strokeWeight(1.5); | |
push(); | |
translate(-28, -32.5); | |
for (var i = 1; i<225*4; i+=32) { | |
stroke ( 255, 255, 240, 255-(i+200)/(l)); | |
ellipse(positions.left_eye[0][0], positions.left_eye[0][1], i, i); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate(28, -32.5); | |
for (var i = 1; i<225*4; i+=32) { | |
stroke ( 255, 255, 210, 255-(i+200)/(l)); | |
ellipse(positions.right_eye[0][0], positions.right_eye[0][1], i, i); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
noStroke() | |
pop(); | |
//eyes | |
//eye rim | |
//R | |
push(); | |
scale(1.2); | |
translate(-0.1, 0.17); | |
fill(truShadow); | |
if (this.wink_value >= 0.5 ){ | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.right_eye.length;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[i][0], positions.right_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else{ | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.right_eye.length - 2;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[i][0], positions.right_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[1][0] + (positions.right_eye[2][0] - positions.right_eye[1][0])/2 - 0.04, positions.right_eye[1][1] +0.03 ); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[1][0] + (positions.right_eye[2][0] - positions.right_eye[1][0])/2 + 0.05, positions.right_eye[1][1] +0.02 ); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
push() | |
scale(1.2); | |
translate(0.1, 0.17); | |
//L | |
fill(truShadow); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.left_eye.length;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[i][0], positions.left_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//eye whites | |
//R | |
fill(truWhite); | |
if (this.wink_value >= 0.5 ){ | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.right_eye.length;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[i][0], positions.right_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
//L | |
fill(truWhite); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.left_eye.length;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[i][0], positions.left_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
noStroke(); | |
//irises | |
var truIris1 = color(136, 173, 150); | |
var truIris2 =color(0, 47, 54); | |
var truIris3 = color(163, 97, 10); | |
var truIris4 =color(61, 33, 0); | |
//setting eye colour | |
if(this.eye_colour_value < 0.4){ | |
var truIris = lerpColor(truIris1, truIris2, this.eye_colour_value); | |
} | |
else if(this.eye_colour_value >= 0.4 && this.eye_colour_value < 0.6){ | |
var truIris = lerpColor(truIris2, truIris3, this.eye_colour_value); | |
} | |
else{ | |
var truIris = lerpColor(truIris3, truIris4, this.eye_colour_value); | |
} | |
fill(truIris); | |
//R | |
if (this.wink_value >= 0.5 ){ | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[1][0], positions.right_eye[1][1]); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[2][0], positions.right_eye[2][1]); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[4][0], positions.right_eye[4][1]-0.03); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[5][0]+(positions.right_eye[4][0]-positions.right_eye[5][0])/2, positions.right_eye[4][1]) | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[5][0], positions.right_eye[5][1]-0.03); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
//L | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[1][0], positions.left_eye[1][1]); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[2][0], positions.left_eye[2][1]); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[4][0], positions.left_eye[4][1]-0.03); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[5][0]+(positions.left_eye[4][0]-positions.left_eye[5][0])/2, positions.left_eye[4][1]) | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[5][0], positions.left_eye[5][1]-0.03); | |
endShape(); | |
let bottomLip5 = positions.bottom_lip[3]; | |
let topLip1 = positions.top_lip[0]; | |
let topLip4 = positions.top_lip[3]; | |
let topLip7 = positions.top_lip[6]; | |
//lips | |
if (!smile && !mouthOpen){ //draw pucker | |
push(); | |
translate (positions.nose_tip[2][0] - 3.1, positions.nose_tip[2][1] - 4.8); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
fill(truLip); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(390,571); | |
vertex(375,565); | |
vertex(367,570); | |
vertex(351,595); | |
vertex(334,623); | |
vertex(327,629); | |
vertex(331,634); | |
vertex(344,675); | |
vertex(366,703); | |
vertex(396,707); | |
vertex(417,698); | |
vertex(433,677); | |
vertex(442,644); | |
vertex(439,630); | |
vertex(445,627); | |
vertex(435,618); | |
vertex(427,594); | |
vertex(416,573); | |
vertex(405,565); | |
endShape(); | |
//inside | |
fill(truMouth); | |
push(); | |
scale(0.5); | |
translate(390, 650); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(387,591); | |
vertex(369,597); | |
vertex(362,613); | |
vertex(356,625); | |
vertex(363,649); | |
vertex(387,653); | |
vertex(413,644); | |
vertex(418,623); | |
vertex(412,610); | |
vertex(404,589); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
else if (!smile && mouthOpen){ //draw shouting mouth | |
push(); | |
translate (positions.nose_tip[2][0] - 3.1, positions.nose_tip[2][1] - 4.8); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
fill(truLip); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(390,571); | |
vertex(375,565); | |
vertex(367,570); | |
vertex(351,595); | |
vertex(334,623); | |
vertex(327,629); | |
vertex(331,634); | |
vertex(344,675); | |
vertex(366,703); | |
vertex(396,707); | |
vertex(417,698); | |
vertex(433,677); | |
vertex(442,644); | |
vertex(439,630); | |
vertex(445,627); | |
vertex(435,618); | |
vertex(427,594); | |
vertex(416,573); | |
vertex(405,565); | |
endShape(); | |
//inside | |
fill(truMouth); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(387,591); | |
vertex(369,597); | |
vertex(362,613); | |
vertex(356,625); | |
vertex(363,649); | |
vertex(387,653); | |
vertex(413,644); | |
vertex(418,623); | |
vertex(412,610); | |
vertex(404,589); | |
endShape(); | |
//teeth1 | |
fill(truWhite); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(418,619); | |
vertex(386,618); | |
vertex(356,620); | |
vertex(363,649); | |
vertex(387,644); | |
vertex(413,644); | |
endShape(); | |
//teeth2 | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(409,599); | |
vertex(405,589); | |
vertex(369,596); | |
vertex(369,601); | |
vertex(369,596); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
else if (smile && !mouthOpen){ //grumpy face | |
push(); | |
translate (positions.nose_tip[2][0] - 3.1, positions.nose_tip[2][1] - 4.9); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
fill(truLip); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(390,617);//cupids bow | |
vertex(375,617);//highest | |
vertex(367,617); | |
vertex(327,639);//left | |
vertex(366,650); | |
vertex(396,660);//lowest | |
vertex(417,650); | |
vertex(445,637);//right | |
vertex(416,627); | |
vertex(405,620);//highest2 | |
endShape(); | |
//inside | |
fill(truShadow); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(387,630);//highest | |
vertex(362,635); | |
vertex(295,665);//left | |
vertex(363,649); | |
vertex(387,642);//lowest | |
vertex(413,645); | |
vertex(465,660);//right | |
vertex(412,630); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
else if (smile && mouthOpen){ //normal smile | |
//teeth | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(truWhite); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(topLip1[0], topLip1[1]); | |
vertex(topLip4[0], topLip4[1]); | |
vertex(topLip7[0], topLip7[1]); | |
vertex(bottomLip5[0], bottomLip5[1]); | |
vertex(topLip1[0], topLip1[1]); | |
endShape(); | |
//lips | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(truLip); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.top_lip.length;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.top_lip[i][0], positions.top_lip[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
for(var i=0; i<positions.bottom_lip.length;i++) { | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[i][0], positions.bottom_lip[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
//under-mouth shadow | |
fill(truShadow); | |
beginShape(); | |
if(faceAngle > -0.5){ //if not facing left | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] - 0.4,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.1); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] - 0.3,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.08); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] - 0.3,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.07); | |
} | |
else{ | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] - 0,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.1); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] - 0.1,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.08); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] - 0.15,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.07); | |
} | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] - 0.03,positions.bottom_lip[3][1]);//bottom-most lip point | |
if(faceAngle < 0.5){ // if not facing right | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + 0.2,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.03); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + 0.3,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.07); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + 0.3,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.08); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + 0.4,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.1); | |
} | |
else{ | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + 0.15,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.03); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + 0.2,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.07); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + 0.25,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.08); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + 0.15,positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.1); | |
} | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0],positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + 0.09);//mid bottom | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
//Nose | |
let noseMidX = positions.nose_tip[2][0]; | |
let noseMidY = positions.nose_tip[2][1]; | |
let noseMLeftX = positions.nose_tip[1][0]; | |
let noseMLeftY = positions.nose_tip[1][1]; | |
let noseLeftX = positions.nose_tip[0][0]; | |
let noseLeftY = positions.nose_tip[0][1]; | |
let noseRightX = positions.nose_tip[4][0]; | |
let noseRightY = positions.nose_tip[4][1]; | |
let noseMRightX = positions.nose_tip[3][0]; | |
let noseMRightY = positions.nose_tip[3][1]; | |
fill(curBaseColour); | |
beginShape(); | |
if(faceAngle <=-0.1){ // if face is pointed more toward the right | |
vertex(noseLeftX + 0.2, noseLeftY - 0.5);//left high | |
vertex(noseLeftX - 0.02, noseLeftY - 0.1);//left | |
vertex(noseLeftX + 0.08, noseLeftY + 0.08); | |
} | |
vertex(noseMLeftX - 0.02 , noseMLeftY - 0.05); | |
vertex(noseMLeftX + 0.05, noseMLeftY - 0.2);//left nostril | |
vertex(noseMLeftX + 0.1, noseMLeftY + 0.05);//left tip | |
vertex(noseMidX + 0.08, noseMidY - 0.08);//right tip | |
vertex(noseMRightX, noseMRightY - 0.1);//right nostril | |
vertex(noseMRightX + 0.05, noseMRightY + 0.05); | |
vertex(noseRightX, noseRightY); | |
if(faceAngle > 0.1){ //if face is pointed toward the left more | |
vertex(noseRightX - 0.2, noseRightY-0.5);//right high | |
} | |
endShape(); | |
fill(truShadow); | |
beginShape(); | |
if(faceAngle <=-0.1){ // if face is pointed more toward the right | |
vertex(noseLeftX + 0.2, noseLeftY - 0.8);//left high | |
vertex(noseLeftX - 0.02, noseLeftY - 0.1);//left | |
vertex(noseLeftX + 0.08, noseLeftY + 0.08); | |
} | |
vertex(noseMLeftX - 0.02 , noseMLeftY - 0.05); | |
vertex(noseMLeftX + 0.05, noseMLeftY - 0.2);//left nostril | |
vertex(noseMLeftX + 0.1, noseMLeftY + 0.05);//left tip | |
vertex(noseMidX + 0.08, noseMidY - 0.08);//right tip | |
vertex(noseMRightX, noseMRightY - 0.1);//right nostril | |
vertex(noseMRightX + 0.05, noseMRightY + 0.05); | |
vertex(noseRightX, noseRightY); | |
if(faceAngle > 0.1){ //if face is pointed toward the left more | |
vertex(noseRightX - 0.2, noseRightY-0.8);//right high | |
} | |
vertex(noseMRightX + 0.25, noseMRightY - 0.05); | |
vertex(noseMRightX + 0.03, noseMRightY + 0.1); | |
vertex(noseMRightX - 0.05, noseMRightY + 0.1); | |
vertex(noseMidX + 0.1, noseMidY + 0.04); | |
vertex(noseMidX - 0.13, noseMidY + 0.05); | |
vertex(noseMLeftX, noseMLeftY + 0.07); | |
vertex(noseMLeftX - 0.09 , noseMLeftY + 0.08); | |
vertex(noseLeftX - 0.02, noseLeftY + 0.1); | |
vertex(noseLeftX - 0.1, noseLeftY + 0.0); | |
endShape(); | |
//shadows | |
//eyelids | |
//R | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[0][0], positions.right_eye[0][1] - 0.12); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[1][0], positions.right_eye[1][1] - 0.1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[2][0], positions.right_eye[2][1] - 0.1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[3][0], positions.right_eye[3][1] - 0.12); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[2][0], positions.right_eye[2][1] - 0.15); | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[1][0], positions.right_eye[1][1] - 0.15); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[0][0], positions.left_eye[0][1] - 0.1); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[1][0], positions.left_eye[1][1] - 0.1); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[2][0], positions.left_eye[2][1] - 0.1); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[3][0], positions.left_eye[3][1] - 0.1); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[2][0], positions.left_eye[2][1] - 0.15); | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[1][0], positions.left_eye[1][1] - 0.15); | |
endShape(); | |
//Brows | |
var truhair = color(255, 206, 10); | |
var truhair2 = color(255, 246, 140); | |
var curHairColour = lerpColor(truhair2, truhair, this.hair_colour_value); | |
fill(curHairColour); | |
var browArch = map(this.brow_value, 0, 1, -0.23, 0.17); | |
//R | |
push(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[0][1]);//left top | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] + browArch);//middle top | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[4][0], positions.right_eyebrow[4][1]);//right top | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]+0.2 + browArch);//middle bottom | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[0][1]+0.2);//left bottom | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//L | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[0][1]);//left top | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[2][0], positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]);//middle top | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[4][0], positions.left_eyebrow[4][1]);//right top | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[4][0], positions.left_eyebrow[4][1]+0.2); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[2][0], positions.left_eyebrow[2][1]+0.2);//middle bottom | |
endShape(); | |
//Hair | |
fill(curHairColour); | |
if(faceAngle <= -0.6){ //looking to the left the most (extreme) | |
push(); | |
translate (-2.8, -4.8); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(225,340);//corner | |
vertex(250,305); | |
vertex(333,276); | |
vertex(408,302); | |
vertex(534,329); | |
vertex(549,462); | |
vertex(561,482); | |
vertex(578,493); | |
vertex(600,454); | |
vertex(587,420); | |
vertex(591,382); | |
vertex(596,343); | |
vertex(588,322); | |
vertex(582,278); | |
vertex(607,252); | |
vertex(586,202); | |
vertex(536,190); | |
vertex(485,167); | |
vertex(419,157);//R | |
vertex(347,154);//highest | |
vertex(266,174);//L | |
vertex(198,199); | |
vertex(142,230); | |
vertex(142,261); | |
vertex(163,286); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
beginShape(); | |
//hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[15][0], positions.chin[15][1]);//face R | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0] - 0.5, positions.chin[16][1]); // Face R | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.45); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0] - 0.7, positions.right_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.8);//mid forehead hair | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] - 0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0]+0.05, positions.left_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.5); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); //face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]);//face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0]-0.1, positions.chin[1][1]); | |
//non-hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] - 0.05, positions.chin[1][1] - 0.2); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.2, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.1, positions.chin[0][1] - 1.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 1.7, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 1.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 1, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.5); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0] + 1, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.3); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0] + 1.9, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0] + 2, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.4); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else if(faceAngle < -0.5 && faceAngle > -0.6){ //looking to the left the most | |
push(); | |
translate (-2.8, -4.8); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(160,500); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] + 180,positions.chin[1][1] + 490);//lowest left | |
//scale(125, 112.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] + 180,positions.chin[0][1]+490); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate (-2.8, -4.8); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
vertex(210,335);//corner | |
vertex(250,305); | |
vertex(333,276); | |
vertex(408,302); | |
vertex(534,329); | |
vertex(549,462); | |
vertex(561,482); | |
vertex(578,493); | |
vertex(600,454); | |
vertex(587,420); | |
vertex(591,382); | |
vertex(596,343); | |
vertex(588,322); | |
vertex(582,278); | |
vertex(607,252); | |
vertex(586,202); | |
vertex(536,190); | |
vertex(485,167); | |
vertex(419,157);//R | |
vertex(347,154);//highest | |
vertex(266,174);//L | |
vertex(198,199); | |
vertex(132,230); | |
vertex(132,261); | |
vertex(153,286); | |
vertex(141,308); | |
vertex(150,337); | |
vertex(145,378); | |
vertex(135,427); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
beginShape(); | |
//hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[15][0], positions.chin[15][1]);//face R | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0] - 0.5, positions.chin[16][1]); // Face R | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.45); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0] - 0.7, positions.right_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.8);//mid forehead hair | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] - 0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0]+0.05, positions.left_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.5); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); //face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]);//face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0]-0.1, positions.chin[1][1]); | |
//non-hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] - 0.05, positions.chin[1][1] - 0.2); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.2, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.1, positions.chin[0][1] - 1.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 2.35, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 1.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.6); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 1, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.5); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0] + 1, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.3); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0] + 1.9, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0] + 2, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.4); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else if(faceAngle < -0.14 && faceAngle > -0.35){ //looking to the left smaller amount | |
push(); | |
translate (-2.9, -4.8); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(160,500); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] + 180,positions.chin[1][1] + 490);//lowest left | |
//scale(125, 112.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] + 180,positions.chin[0][1]+490); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate (-2.9, -4.8); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
vertex(210,335);//corner | |
vertex(250,305); | |
vertex(333,276); | |
vertex(408,302); | |
vertex(534,329); | |
vertex(549,462); | |
vertex(561,482); | |
vertex(578,493); | |
vertex(600,454); | |
vertex(587,420); | |
vertex(591,382); | |
vertex(596,343); | |
vertex(588,322); | |
vertex(582,278); | |
vertex(607,252); | |
vertex(586,202); | |
vertex(536,190); | |
vertex(485,167); | |
vertex(419,157);//R | |
vertex(347,154);//highest | |
vertex(266,174);//L | |
vertex(198,199); | |
vertex(132,230); | |
vertex(132,261); | |
vertex(153,286); | |
vertex(141,308); | |
vertex(150,337); | |
vertex(145,378); | |
vertex(135,427); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
beginShape(); | |
//hairline | |
//vertex(positions.chin[15][0], positions.chin[15][1]);//face R | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); // Face R | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.45); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0] - 0.7, positions.right_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.8);//mid forehead hair | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] - 0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0]+0.05, positions.left_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.5); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); //face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]);//face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0]-0.1, positions.chin[1][1]); | |
//non-hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] - 0.05, positions.chin[1][1] - 0.2); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.2, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.1, positions.chin[0][1] - 1.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 2.35, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 1.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.6); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 1, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.5); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+ 1, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]-1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+ 1.2, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]- 0.5); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else if(faceAngle <= -0.35){ //looking to the left more | |
push(); | |
translate (-2.6, -4.8); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(160,500); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] + 180,positions.chin[1][1] + 490);//lowest left | |
//scale(125, 112.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] + 180,positions.chin[0][1]+490); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate (-2.7, -4.8); | |
scale(0.008, 0.0089); | |
vertex(210,335);//corner | |
vertex(250,305); | |
vertex(333,276); | |
vertex(408,302); | |
vertex(534,329); | |
vertex(549,462); | |
vertex(561,482); | |
vertex(578,493); | |
vertex(600,454); | |
vertex(587,420); | |
vertex(591,382); | |
vertex(596,343); | |
vertex(588,322); | |
vertex(582,278); | |
vertex(607,252); | |
vertex(586,202); | |
vertex(536,190); | |
vertex(485,167); | |
vertex(419,157);//R | |
vertex(347,154);//highest | |
vertex(266,174);//L | |
vertex(198,199); | |
vertex(132,230); | |
vertex(132,261); | |
vertex(153,286); | |
vertex(141,308); | |
vertex(150,337); | |
vertex(145,378); | |
vertex(135,427); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
beginShape(); | |
//hairline | |
//vertex(positions.chin[15][0], positions.chin[15][1]);//face R | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); // Face R | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.45); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0] - 0.7, positions.right_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.8);//mid forehead hair | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] - 0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0]+0.05, positions.left_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.5); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); //face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]);//face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0]-0.1, positions.chin[1][1]); | |
//non-hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] - 0.05, positions.chin[1][1] - 0.2); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.2, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.1, positions.chin[0][1] - 1.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 2.35, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 1.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.6); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 1, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.5); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+ 1.55, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]-1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+ 1.7, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]- 0.5); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else if(faceAngle >= -0.14 && faceAngle <= 0.14){ //looking straight on | |
push(); | |
translate (-3.25, -4.8); | |
scale(0.0089); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(160,500); | |
vertex(188,507); | |
vertex(190,407); | |
vertex(210,335); | |
vertex(250,305); | |
vertex(333,276); | |
vertex(408,302); | |
vertex(534,329); | |
vertex(549,462); | |
vertex(561,482); | |
vertex(578,493); | |
vertex(600,454); | |
vertex(587,420); | |
vertex(591,382); | |
vertex(596,343); | |
vertex(588,322); | |
vertex(582,278); | |
vertex(607,252); | |
vertex(586,202); | |
vertex(536,190); | |
vertex(485,167); | |
vertex(419,157);//R | |
vertex(347,154);//highest | |
vertex(266,174);//L | |
vertex(198,199); | |
vertex(132,230); | |
vertex(132,261); | |
vertex(153,286); | |
vertex(141,308); | |
vertex(138,337); | |
vertex(138,378); | |
vertex(135,427); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
beginShape(); | |
//hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[15][0], positions.chin[15][1]);//face R | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); // Face R | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.45); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0] - 0.7, positions.right_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.8);//mid forehead hair | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] - 0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.5); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); //face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]);//face L | |
//non-hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[1][1] - 0.2); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.25, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] + 0.2, positions.chin[0][1] - 1.3); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 2.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+ 0.6, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.9); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else if (faceAngle > 0.12 && faceAngle <=0.35){ // looking to the right a small amount | |
push(); | |
translate (-3.35, -4.8); | |
scale(0.0087, 0.0089); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(160,500); | |
vertex(188,507); | |
vertex(190,407); | |
vertex(210,335); | |
vertex(250,305); | |
vertex(333,276); | |
vertex(408,302); | |
vertex(534,329); | |
vertex(549,462); | |
vertex(561,482); | |
vertex(578,493); | |
vertex(600,454); | |
vertex(587,420); | |
vertex(591,382); | |
vertex(596,343); | |
vertex(588,322); | |
vertex(582,278); | |
vertex(607,252); | |
vertex(586,202); | |
vertex(536,190); | |
vertex(485,167); | |
vertex(419,157);//R | |
vertex(347,154);//highest | |
vertex(266,174);//L | |
vertex(198,199); | |
vertex(132,230); | |
vertex(132,261); | |
vertex(153,286); | |
vertex(141,308); | |
vertex(138,337); | |
vertex(138,378); | |
vertex(135,427); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
beginShape(); | |
//hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[15][0], positions.chin[15][1]);//face R | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); // Face R | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.45); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0] - 0.7, positions.right_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.8);//mid forehead hair | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] - 0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.5); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); //face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]);//face L | |
//non-hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[1][1] - 0.2); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.25, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] + 0.2, positions.chin[0][1] - 1.9); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 2.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+ 0.6, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.9); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else if(faceAngle >= 0.35 && faceAngle < 0.5){ //looking to right more | |
push(); | |
translate (-3.6, -4.8); | |
scale(0.0087, 0.0089); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(160,500); | |
vertex(188,507); | |
vertex(190,407); | |
vertex(210,335); | |
vertex(250,305); | |
vertex(333,276); | |
vertex(408,302); | |
vertex(534,329); | |
vertex(549,462); | |
vertex(561,482); | |
vertex(578,493); | |
vertex(600,454); | |
vertex(587,420); | |
vertex(591,382); | |
vertex(596,343); | |
vertex(588,322); | |
vertex(582,278); | |
vertex(607,252); | |
vertex(586,202); | |
vertex(536,190); | |
vertex(485,167); | |
vertex(419,157);//R | |
vertex(347,154);//highest | |
vertex(266,174);//L | |
vertex(198,199); | |
vertex(132,230); | |
vertex(132,261); | |
vertex(153,286); | |
vertex(141,308); | |
vertex(138,337); | |
vertex(138,378); | |
vertex(135,427); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
beginShape(); | |
//hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[15][0], positions.chin[15][1]);//face R | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); // Face R | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.45); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0] - 0.7, positions.right_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.8);//mid forehead hair | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] - 0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.5); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); //face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]);//face L | |
//non-hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[1][1] - 0.2); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.25, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] + 0.2, positions.chin[0][1] - 1.9); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 2.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+ 0.2, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.5); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else if(faceAngle>0.5 && faceAngle<0.6){ // looking to the right most | |
push(); | |
translate (-3.6, -4.8); | |
scale(0.0087, 0.0089); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(160,500); | |
vertex(188,507); | |
vertex(190,407); | |
vertex(210,335); | |
vertex(250,305); | |
vertex(333,276); | |
vertex(408,302); | |
vertex(534,329); | |
vertex(549,462); | |
vertex(561,482); | |
vertex(578,493); | |
vertex(600,454); | |
vertex(587,420); | |
vertex(591,382); | |
vertex(596,343); | |
vertex(588,322); | |
vertex(582,278); | |
vertex(607,252); | |
vertex(586,202); | |
vertex(536,190); | |
vertex(485,167); | |
vertex(419,157);//R | |
vertex(347,154);//highest | |
vertex(266,174);//L | |
vertex(198,199); | |
vertex(132,230); | |
vertex(132,261); | |
vertex(153,286); | |
vertex(141,308); | |
vertex(138,337); | |
vertex(138,378); | |
vertex(135,427); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
beginShape(); | |
//hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[15][0], positions.chin[15][1]);//face R | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); // Face R | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.45); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0] - 0.7, positions.right_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.8);//mid forehead hair | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] - 0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.5); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); //face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]);//face L | |
//non-hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[1][1] - 0.2); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.25, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] + 0.2, positions.chin[0][1] - 1.5); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 2.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.2); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+ 0.2, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.5); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else { // looking to the right most (extreme) | |
push(); | |
translate (-3.6, -4.8); | |
scale(0.0087, 0.0089); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(160,500); | |
vertex(188,507); | |
vertex(190,407); | |
vertex(210,335); | |
vertex(250,305); | |
vertex(333,276); | |
vertex(408,302); | |
vertex(534,329); | |
vertex(560,343); | |
vertex(588,322); | |
vertex(582,278); | |
vertex(607,252); | |
vertex(586,202); | |
vertex(536,190); | |
vertex(485,167); | |
vertex(419,157);//R | |
vertex(347,154);//highest | |
vertex(266,174);//L | |
vertex(198,199); | |
vertex(132,230); | |
vertex(132,261); | |
vertex(153,286); | |
vertex(141,308); | |
vertex(138,337); | |
vertex(138,378); | |
vertex(135,427); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
beginShape(); | |
//hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[15][0], positions.chin[15][1]);//face R | |
vertex(positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); // Face R | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1] - 0.4); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0], positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.45); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[0][0] - 0.7, positions.right_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.8);//mid forehead hair | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0] - 0.4, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[0][0], positions.left_eyebrow[0][1] - 0.5); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]); //face L | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]);//face L | |
//non-hairline | |
vertex(positions.chin[1][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[1][1] - 0.2); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.25, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.35); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] - 0.15, positions.chin[0][1] - 0.7); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0] + 0.2, positions.chin[0][1] - 1.5); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]- 2.5, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 1.2); | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[2][0]+ 0.2, positions.right_eyebrow[2][1] - 0.5); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.wink_value = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.colour_value = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.hair_colour_value = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.eye_colour_value = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.brow_value = map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(5); | |
settings[0] = map(this.wink_value, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.colour_value, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.hair_colour_value, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.eye_colour_value, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.brow_value, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} | |
// given an array of [x,y] points, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
0, | |
17, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
98, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
0, | |
11, | |
11, | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
80, | |
100, | |
62, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
100, | |
11, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
87, | |
53, | |
1, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
69, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
100, | |
13, | |
0, | |
1, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
22, | |
90, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
100, | |
100, | |
31, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
10, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
100, | |
17, | |
100, | |
39, | |
89, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
18, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
100, | |
16, | |
89, | |
100, | |
89, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
0, | |
39, | |
62, | |
100, | |
1, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
100, | |
41, | |
42, | |
100, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
70, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
100, | |
8, | |
43, | |
100, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
52, | |
81, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
100, | |
21, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
52, | |
30, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000041": [ | |
100, | |
32, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
1, | |
64, | |
0, | |
21, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
0, | |
6, | |
93, | |
48, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
51, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000045": [ | |
0, | |
8, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
22, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000050": [ | |
100, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
100, | |
88, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
100, | |
34, | |
50, | |
100, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000052": [ | |
100, | |
39, | |
91, | |
0, | |
39, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000054": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
13, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000055": [ | |
100, | |
10, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
26, | |
52, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000058": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000060": [ | |
100, | |
99, | |
69, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000064": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
51, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000065": [ | |
100, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000068": [ | |
100, | |
35, | |
91, | |
78, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
9, | |
100, | |
87, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000071": [ | |
0, | |
3, | |
0, | |
0, | |
15, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000073": [ | |
0, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
100, | |
70, | |
41, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000076": [ | |
100, | |
10, | |
100, | |
100, | |
78, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
49, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000078": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
98, | |
17, | |
24, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
100, | |
22, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
31, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000080": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
32, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
100, | |
52, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
0, | |
1, | |
66, | |
16, | |
31, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000085": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
60, | |
12, | |
25, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000086": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
68, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000088": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
49, | |
100, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000091": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
32, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000092": [ | |
0, | |
7.000000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
18, | |
null, | |
null | |
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"000096": [ | |
0, | |
18, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
0, | |
1, | |
35, | |
0, | |
75, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
0, | |
21, | |
30, | |
9, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
0, | |
1, | |
26, | |
100, | |
51, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
92, | |
4, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
31, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
0, | |
39, | |
77, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
1, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
100, | |
25, | |
65, | |
0, | |
21, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
62, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
32, | |
95, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
41, | |
2, | |
50, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
91, | |
99, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
97, | |
24, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
0, | |
85, | |
100, | |
85, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
100, | |
87, | |
21, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
85, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
100, | |
36, | |
52, | |
1, | |
73, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
0, | |
53, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
0, | |
86, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
0, | |
99, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
0, | |
9, | |
35, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
100, | |
89, | |
100, | |
100, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
100, | |
4, | |
0, | |
18, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
1, | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
82, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
5, | |
100, | |
87, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
0, | |
39, | |
83, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
0, | |
40, | |
21, | |
49, | |
80, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
2, | |
89, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
100, | |
1, | |
52, | |
11, | |
51, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
0, | |
77, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
100, | |
11, | |
49, | |
9, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
100, | |
13, | |
100, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
0, | |
30, | |
49, | |
88, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
79, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
80, | |
null, | |
null | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
null, | |
null | |
] | |
} | |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// these control the colors used | |
const core_colour = [240, 200, 10]; | |
const light_colour = [240, 215, 24]; | |
const shadow_colour = [165, 42, 42, 15]; | |
const hair_light = [255, 204, 0]; | |
function Kelly19Face() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables may be different) | |
this.eye_type = 1; // defines eye type | |
this.hair_colour = color(255, 200, 100); // eyebrow colour | |
this.eyebrow_width = 0.1; | |
this.eyelid_type = 1; | |
this.teeth = 50; | |
this.lip_colour = 0; | |
this.facial_hair = 0; | |
this.eye_colour = 255; | |
this.makeup = 1; | |
//size variables | |
this.x_percentage = 1; | |
this.y_percentage = 1; | |
let hair_light = color("#fabc37"); | |
let hair_dark = color("#302E23"); | |
/* | |
* Draw a face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
//shifts face to the left/right to approximate rotation | |
let face_rotate = map(positions.nose_bridge[3][0], -1, 1, 1.5, -1.5); | |
//eye values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // | |
//eye centers | |
let left_eye = average_point(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye = average_point(positions.right_eye); | |
//eye size | |
let left_eye_size = abs(positions.left_eye[0][0] - positions.left_eye[3][0]); | |
let right_eye_size = abs(positions.right_eye[0][0] - positions.right_eye[3][0]); | |
// calculate average eye angle | |
let left_eye_angle = average_angle(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_angle = average_angle(positions.right_eye); | |
//eye squint | |
let left_eye_squint = constrain(average_distance(positions.left_eye) * 6, 1, 8); | |
let right_eye_squint = constrain(average_distance(positions.right_eye) * 6, 1, 8); | |
let hair_colour = lerpColor(hair_light, hair_dark, this.hair_colour); | |
head(face_rotate, -0.5); | |
if (this.eye_type <= 1) { | |
open_eye(left_eye, left_eye_size, left_eye_angle, left_eye_squint, this.eyelid_type, this.eye_colour, this.makeup); | |
open_eye(right_eye, right_eye_size, right_eye_angle, right_eye_squint, this.eyelid_type, this.eye_colour, this.makeup); | |
// eye_detail(left_eye, left_eye_size, left_eye_angle, -1); | |
// eye_detail(right_eye, right_eye_size, right_eye_angle, 1); | |
eyebrows_flow(positions.left_eyebrow, this.eyebrow_width, hair_colour); | |
eyebrows_flow(positions.right_eyebrow.reverse(), this.eyebrow_width, hair_colour); | |
} else if (this.eye_type <= 2) { | |
classic_eye(left_eye, left_eye_size); | |
classic_eye(right_eye, right_eye_size); | |
eyebrows_flow(positions.left_eyebrow, this.eyebrow_width, hair_colour); | |
eyebrows_flow(positions.right_eyebrow.reverse(), this.eyebrow_width, hair_colour); | |
} else if (this.eye_type <= 3) { | |
cross_eye(left_eye, left_eye_size, left_eye_angle); | |
cross_eye(right_eye, right_eye_size, right_eye_angle); | |
eyebrows_flow(positions.left_eyebrow, this.eyebrow_width, hair_colour); | |
eyebrows_flow(positions.right_eyebrow.reverse(), this.eyebrow_width, hair_colour); | |
} else if (this.eye_type <= 4) { | |
eyebrows_flow(positions.left_eyebrow, this.eyebrow_width, hair_colour); | |
eyebrows_flow(positions.right_eyebrow.reverse(), this.eyebrow_width, hair_colour); | |
heart_eye(left_eye, left_eye_size, left_eye_angle); | |
heart_eye(right_eye, right_eye_size, right_eye_angle); | |
} | |
open_mouth(positions.top_lip, positions.bottom_lip, this.teeth, this.lip_colour); | |
let left_backup = positions.left_eye; | |
let eyelid_left = positions.left_eye.slice(); | |
let eyelid_right = positions.right_eye.slice(); | |
let left_removed = eyelid_left.splice(1, 2); | |
let left_1 = eyelid_left[1]; | |
let left_2 = eyelid_left[3]; | |
let left_3 = eyelid_left[2]; | |
let left_4 = eyelid_left[0]; | |
eyelid_left = [left_1, left_2, left_3, left_4]; | |
eye_shadow(positions.left_eyebrow, eyelid_left); | |
let right_removed = eyelid_right.splice(1, 2); | |
let right_1 = eyelid_right[0]; | |
let right_2 = eyelid_right[2]; | |
let right_3 = eyelid_right[3]; | |
let right_4 = eyelid_right[1]; | |
eyelid_right = [right_1, right_2, right_3, right_4]; | |
eye_shadow(positions.right_eyebrow.reverse(), eyelid_right.reverse()); | |
//glasses(left_eye, right_eye, left_eye_angle,right_eye_angle,left_eye_size,right_eye_size); | |
nose(positions.nose_bridge, positions.nose_tip); | |
//glasses_bridge(left_eye, right_eye, left_eye_angle,right_eye_angle,left_eye_size,right_eye_size,face_rotate); | |
//light reflection | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
scale(0.9); | |
translate(face_rotate, -0.5); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
scale(0.3); | |
strokeWeight(0.5); | |
stroke(255, 70); | |
arc(-4.5, -4.5, 3, 3, 180, 270); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.hair_colour = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.eyebrow_width = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0.05, 0.25); | |
this.eyelid_type = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 4); | |
this.eye_colour = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 360); | |
this.lip_colour = map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.teeth = map(settings[5], 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
this.makeup = map(settings[6], 0, 100, 0, 5); | |
this.eye_type = map(settings[7], 0, 100, 0, 4); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(8); | |
settings[0] = map(this.hair_colour, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.eyebrow_width, 0.05, 0.25, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.eyelid_type, 0, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.eye_colour, 0, 360, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.lip_colour, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.teeth, 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = map(this.makeup, 0, 5, 0, 100); | |
settings[7] = map(this.eye_type, 0, 4, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
// given an array of [x,y] points, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} | |
} | |
function head(center_x, center_y) { | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
scale(0.9); | |
translate(center_x, center_y); | |
this.x_percentage = 1; | |
this.y_percentage = 1; | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
scale(0.3); | |
push(); | |
fill(0, 10); | |
rect(0, 0, 17 * this.x_percentage, 14 * this.y_percentage, 2.5); //core | |
rect(0, 8, 10 * this.x_percentage, 2 * this.y_percentage); // bottom | |
rect(0, -8.5, 7 * this.x_percentage, 3 * this.y_percentage, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0); // top | |
pop(); | |
//fill core colour | |
fill(core_colour); | |
rect(0, 0, 17 * this.x_percentage, 14 * this.y_percentage, 2.5); //core | |
rect(0, 8, 10 * this.x_percentage, 2 * this.y_percentage); // bottom | |
rect(0, -8.5, 7 * this.x_percentage, 3 * this.y_percentage, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0); // top | |
//fill highlight | |
fill(light_colour); | |
rect(0, 0, 17 * 0.8 * this.x_percentage, 14 * this.y_percentage, 2.5); //core | |
rect(0, 8, 10 * 0.8 * this.x_percentage, 2 * this.y_percentage); // bottom | |
rect(0, -8.5, 7 * 0.64 * this.x_percentage, 3 * this.y_percentage, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0); // top | |
//fill shadow | |
fill(shadow_colour); | |
rect(0, 7.5 * this.x_percentage, 10 * this.y_percentage, 1); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function angle(cx, cy, ex, ey) { | |
var dy = ey - cy; | |
var dx = ex - cx; | |
var theta = Math.atan2(dy, dx); // range (-PI, PI] | |
theta *= 180 / Math.PI; // rads to degs, range (-180, 180] | |
//if (theta < 0) theta = 360 + theta; // range [0, 360) | |
theta = theta - 90; | |
return theta; | |
} | |
function average_angle(eye) { | |
let a1 = angle(eye[1][0], eye[1][1], eye[5][0], eye[5][1]); | |
let a2 = angle(eye[2][0], eye[2][1], eye[4][0], eye[4][1]); | |
let average = (a1 + a2) / 2; | |
return average; | |
} | |
function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { | |
var dy = abs(y2 - y1); | |
var dx = abs(x2 - x1); | |
var dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dx, 2) + Math.pow(dy, 2)); | |
return dist; | |
} | |
function average_distance(eye) { | |
let d1 = distance(eye[1][0], eye[1][1], eye[5][0], eye[5][1]); | |
let d2 = distance(eye[2][0], eye[2][1], eye[4][0], eye[4][1]); | |
let average = (d1 + d2) / 2; | |
return average; | |
} | |
function eye_shadow(eyebrow, eye) { | |
push(); | |
fill(0, 10); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[1][0], eyebrow[1][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[2][0], eyebrow[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[3][0], eyebrow[3][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[4][0], eyebrow[4][1]); | |
curveVertex(eye[0][0], eye[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eye[1][0], eye[1][1]); | |
curveVertex(eye[2][0], eye[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(eye[3][0], eye[3][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[1][0], eyebrow[1][1]); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function nose(nose_bridge, nose_tip) { | |
let nose_offset = 0.5; | |
//backing | |
fill(light_colour); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape() | |
vertex(nose_bridge[0][0], nose_bridge[0][1] - nose_offset); | |
vertex(nose_tip[0][0], nose_tip[0][1] - nose_offset); | |
vertex(nose_tip[nose_tip.length - 1][0], nose_tip[nose_tip.length - 1][1] - nose_offset); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//bridge | |
strokeWeight(0.07); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(core_colour); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(nose_bridge[0][0], nose_bridge[0][1] - nose_offset); | |
for (var i = 0; i < nose_bridge.length; i++) { | |
curveVertex(nose_bridge[i][0], nose_bridge[i][1] - nose_offset); | |
} | |
curveVertex(nose_bridge[nose_bridge.length - 1][0], nose_bridge[nose_bridge.length - 1][1] - nose_offset); | |
endShape(); | |
stroke(core_colour); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(nose_bridge[2][0], nose_bridge[2][1] - nose_offset); | |
for (var i = 2; i < nose_bridge.length; i++) { | |
curveVertex(nose_bridge[i][0], nose_bridge[i][1] - nose_offset); | |
} | |
curveVertex(nose_bridge[nose_bridge.length - 1][0], nose_bridge[nose_bridge.length - 1][1] - nose_offset); | |
endShape(); | |
//tip | |
stroke(core_colour); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
noFill(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(nose_tip[0][0], nose_tip[0][1] - nose_offset); | |
for (var i = 1; i < nose_tip.length - 1; i++) { | |
curveVertex(nose_tip[i][0], nose_tip[i][1] - nose_offset); | |
} | |
curveVertex(nose_tip[nose_tip.length - 1][0], nose_tip[nose_tip.length - 1][1] - nose_offset); | |
endShape(); | |
push(); | |
fill(0,20); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(nose_tip[1][0], nose_tip[1][1] - nose_offset,0.1,0.05); | |
ellipse(nose_tip[nose_tip.length-2][0], nose_tip[nose_tip.length-2][1] - nose_offset,0.1,0.05); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
ellipseMode(CENTER); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(core_colour); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
translate(nose_tip[nose_tip.length-2][0], nose_tip[nose_tip.length-2][1] - nose_offset); | |
//rotate(45); | |
arc(0, 0, 0.3, 0.3, 315, 0); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
ellipseMode(CENTER); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(core_colour); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
translate(nose_tip[1][0], nose_tip[1][1] - nose_offset); | |
//rotate(-45); | |
arc(0, 0, 0.3, 0.3, 180, 235); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function open_eye(pos, eye_size, eye_angle, eye_squint, eyelid_type, eye_colour, makeup) { | |
push(); | |
translate(pos[0], pos[1]); | |
noStroke(); | |
//eye background/tiredness - could be randomised | |
fill(core_colour); | |
ellipse(0, 0, eye_size * 1.2, eye_size * 1.2); | |
push(); | |
fill(255, 100, 20, makeup); | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
ellipse(0, 0, eye_size * 1 + (0.025 * i), eye_size + 1 * (0.025 * i)); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//eye fill - solid black | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(0, 0, eye_size, eye_size); | |
push(); | |
colorMode(HSL); | |
if(eye_colour > 0 && eye_colour< 360){ | |
fill(eye_colour, 100, 20); | |
ellipse(0, 0, eye_size * 0.7, eye_size * 0.7); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//white eye detail | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(-eye_size / 7, -eye_size / 7, eye_size / 2.5, eye_size / 2.5); | |
rotate(eye_angle); | |
if (eyelid_type <= 1) { | |
//none | |
} else if (eyelid_type > 1 && eyelid_type <= 2) { | |
//bttm rd | |
eyelid_bottom_rd(eye_size, eye_squint); | |
} else if (eyelid_type > 2 && eyelid_type <= 3) { | |
//top rd | |
eyelid_top_rd(eye_size, eye_squint); | |
} else if (eyelid_type > 3 && eyelid_type <= 4) { | |
//both rd | |
eyelid_top_rd(eye_size, eye_squint); | |
eyelid_bottom_rd(eye_size, eye_squint); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function closed_eye(pos, eye_size, eye_angle) { | |
push(); | |
translate(pos[0], pos[1]); | |
rotate(eye_angle); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
line(-eye_size / 2, 0, eye_size / 2, 0); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function eyelid_top_rd(size, squint) { | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(light_colour); | |
translate(0, -size * squint / 2); | |
scale(1.5); | |
ellipse(0, 0, size, size / 2); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function eyelid_bottom_rd(size, squint) { | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(light_colour); | |
translate(0, size * squint / 2); | |
scale(1.5); | |
ellipse(0, 0, size, size / 2); | |
//highlight_colour.setAlpha(map(squint, 1.3, 1.9, 70, 0)); | |
stroke(255, 20); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
noFill(); | |
arc(0, 0, size / 1, size / 2.5, 215, 325); | |
//highlight_colour.setAlpha(70); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function eyelid_top_sq(size, squint) { | |
push(); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(light_colour); | |
translate(0, -size * squint / 2); | |
scale(1.5); | |
rect(0, 0, size, size / 2); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function eyelid_bottom_sq(size, squint) { | |
push(); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(light_colour); | |
translate(0, size * squint / 2); | |
scale(1.5); | |
rect(0, 0, size, size / 2); | |
//highlight_colour.setAlpha(map(squint, 1.3, 1.9, 70, 0)); | |
stroke(255, 20); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
noFill(); | |
//arc(0, 0, size / 1, size / 2.5, 215, 325); | |
//highlight_colour.setAlpha(70); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function eyebrows(eyebrow, width) { | |
//eyebrow | |
push(); | |
curveTightness(0); | |
strokeJoin(ROUND); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(light_colour); | |
strokeWeight(width * 1.7); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
for (var i = 1; i < eyebrow.length; i++) { | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[i][0], eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[eyebrow.length - 1][0], eyebrow[eyebrow.length - 1][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
stroke(0, 200); | |
strokeWeight(width); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
for (var i = 1; i < eyebrow.length; i++) { | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[i][0], eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[eyebrow.length - 1][0], eyebrow[eyebrow.length - 1][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function eyebrows_flow(eyebrow, width, colour) { | |
//eyebrow | |
push(); | |
fill(light_colour); | |
stroke(light_colour); | |
strokeWeight(width); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[1][0], eyebrow[1][1] - width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[2][0], eyebrow[2][1] - width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[3][0], eyebrow[3][1] - width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[4][0], eyebrow[4][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[3][0], eyebrow[3][1] + width / 2) | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[2][0], eyebrow[2][1] + width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[1][0], eyebrow[1][1] + width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(colour); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[1][0], eyebrow[1][1] - width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[2][0], eyebrow[2][1] - width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[3][0], eyebrow[3][1] - width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[4][0], eyebrow[4][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[3][0], eyebrow[3][1] + width / 2) | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[2][0], eyebrow[2][1] + width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[1][0], eyebrow[1][1] + width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(0, 20); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[1][0], eyebrow[1][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[2][0], eyebrow[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[3][0], eyebrow[3][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[4][0], eyebrow[4][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[3][0], eyebrow[3][1] + width / 2) | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[2][0], eyebrow[2][1] + width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[1][0], eyebrow[1][1] + width / 2); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(eyebrow[0][0], eyebrow[0][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function cross_eye(pos, eye_size, eye_angle) { | |
push(); | |
translate(pos[0], pos[1]); | |
rotate(eye_angle); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.15); | |
eye_size = eye_size * 0.5; | |
line(-eye_size / 2, eye_size / 2, eye_size / 2, -eye_size / 2); | |
line(-eye_size / 2, -eye_size / 2, eye_size / 2, eye_size / 2); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function classic_eye(pos, eye_size) { | |
push(); | |
translate(pos[0], pos[1]); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(core_colour); | |
eye_size = eye_size / 1.5; | |
ellipse(0, 0, eye_size * 1.5, eye_size * 1.5); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(0, 0, eye_size, eye_size); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function heart_eye(pos, eye_size, angle) { | |
push(); | |
translate(pos[0], pos[1] - 0.2); | |
rotate(angle) | |
scale(0.9); | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
fill(139, 0, 0, 200); | |
scale(1.2); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0, 0); | |
bezierVertex(-eye_size / 2, -eye_size / 2, -eye_size, eye_size / 3, 0, eye_size); | |
bezierVertex(eye_size, eye_size / 3, eye_size / 2, -eye_size / 2, 0, 0); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
fill('#C91A09'); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(0, 0); | |
bezierVertex(-eye_size / 2, -eye_size / 2, -eye_size, eye_size / 3, 0, eye_size); | |
bezierVertex(eye_size, eye_size / 3, eye_size / 2, -eye_size / 2, 0, 0); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
stroke(255, 150); | |
arc(0, eye_size / 4, eye_size, eye_size / 2, 190, 210); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function eye_detail(pos, eye_size, angle, dir) { | |
push(); | |
let detail_angle = 30; | |
let line_num = 3; | |
translate(pos[0], pos[1]); | |
rotate(angle); | |
stroke(core_colour); | |
strokeWeight(0.07); | |
//translate(eye_size / 2 * dir, 0); | |
rotate(-detail_angle / 2); | |
for (let i = 0; i < line_num; i++) { | |
line(eye_size / 1.2 * dir, 0, eye_size * 1.2 * dir, 0); | |
rotate(detail_angle / line_num); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function glasses(left_eye, right_eye, left_angle,right_angle,left_size,right_size) { | |
push(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeCap(SQUARE); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.7); | |
//line(0, 0, dir * eye_spacing / 2 - dir * eye_size * 1.7 / 2, 0); | |
strokeWeight(0.12); | |
push(); | |
translate(left_eye[0],left_eye[1]); | |
rect(0, 0, left_size * 1.8, left_size * 1.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate(right_eye[0],right_eye[1]); | |
rect(0, 0, right_size * 1.8, right_size * 1.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function glasses_bridge(left_eye, right_eye, left_angle,right_angle,left_size,right_size,face_rotate) { | |
push(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeCap(SQUARE); | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
noFill(); | |
translate(face_rotate, -0.5); | |
strokeWeight(0.17); | |
let y = (left_eye[1] + right_eye[1])/2 - 0.2; | |
line(left_eye[0]+left_size*0.85 - face_rotate,y+0.5, right_eye[0]-right_size*0.85 - face_rotate,y+0.5); | |
line(left_eye[0]-left_size*0.85 - face_rotate,y+0.5, -17*0.27/2,y+0.5); | |
line(right_eye[0]+right_size*0.85 - face_rotate,y+0.5, 17*0.27/2,y+0.5); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function classic_mouth(mouth_width, mouth_height, mouth_emotion) { | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.4); | |
translate(0, mouth_height); | |
stroke(0); | |
arc(0, 0, mouth_width, 1, 0, 180); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function open_mouth(top_lip, bottom_lip, teeth, lip_colour) { | |
let offset = 0.5; | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(0); | |
scale(1.1); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[11][0], bottom_lip[11][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[10][0], bottom_lip[10][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[9][0], bottom_lip[9][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[8][0], bottom_lip[8][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[11][0], top_lip[11][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[10][0], top_lip[10][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[9][0], top_lip[9][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[8][0], top_lip[8][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[7][0], top_lip[7][1] - offset); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//let teeth_top = 0.15; | |
let teeth_top = map(teeth, 0, 100, 0, 0.15); | |
push(); | |
fill(255); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[11][0], top_lip[11][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[11][0], top_lip[11][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[10][0], top_lip[10][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[9][0], top_lip[9][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[8][0], top_lip[8][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[7][0], top_lip[7][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[8][0], top_lip[8][1] - offset + teeth_top); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[9][0], top_lip[9][1] - offset + teeth_top); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[10][0], top_lip[10][1] - offset + teeth_top); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
//let teeth_bottom = 0.1; | |
if (teeth >= 80) { | |
let teeth_bottom = map(teeth, 80, 100, 0, 0.1); | |
push(); | |
fill(255); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[11][0], bottom_lip[11][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[11][0], bottom_lip[11][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[10][0], bottom_lip[10][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[9][0], bottom_lip[9][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[8][0], bottom_lip[8][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[7][0], bottom_lip[7][1] - offset); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[8][0], bottom_lip[8][1] - offset - teeth_bottom); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[9][0], bottom_lip[9][1] - offset - teeth_bottom); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[10][0], bottom_lip[10][1] - offset - teeth_bottom); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
let c1 = color('#f0c80a'); | |
let c2 = color('#ffc694'); | |
let c3 = color('#ff9494'); | |
let c4 = color('#ff0000'); | |
let c5 = color('#690000'); | |
let lip_fill = color('#f0c80a') | |
if (lip_colour <= 0.25) { | |
lip_fill = lerpColor(c1, c2, map(lip_colour, 0, 0.25, 0, 1)); | |
fill(lip_fill); | |
} else if (lip_colour <= 0.5) { | |
lip_fill = lerpColor(c2, c3, map(lip_colour, 0.25, 0.5, 0, 1)); | |
fill(lip_fill); | |
} else if (lip_colour <= 0.75) { | |
lip_fill = lerpColor(c3, c4, map(lip_colour, 0.5, 0.75, 0, 1)); | |
fill(lip_fill); | |
} else { | |
lip_fill = lerpColor(c4, c5, map(lip_colour, 0.75, 1, 0, 1)); | |
fill(lip_fill); | |
} | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(top_lip[0][0], top_lip[0][1] - offset); | |
for (var i = 0; i < top_lip.length; i++) { | |
curveVertex(top_lip[i][0], top_lip[i][1] - offset); | |
} | |
curveVertex(top_lip[top_lip.length - 1][0], top_lip[top_lip.length - 1][1] - offset); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[0][0], bottom_lip[0][1] - offset); | |
for (var i = 0; i < bottom_lip.length; i++) { | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[i][0], bottom_lip[i][1] - offset); | |
} | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip[bottom_lip.length - 1][0], bottom_lip[bottom_lip.length - 1][1] - offset); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
if (lip_colour <= 0.25) { | |
fill(0, 15); | |
} else { | |
fill(0, 50); | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[0][0], bottom_lip[0][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[1][0], bottom_lip[1][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[2][0], bottom_lip[2][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[3][0], bottom_lip[3][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[4][0], bottom_lip[4][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[5][0], bottom_lip[5][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[6][0], bottom_lip[6][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[7][0], bottom_lip[7][1] - offset); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[8][0], bottom_lip[8][1] - offset + 0.1); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[9][0], bottom_lip[9][1] - offset + 0.1); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[10][0], bottom_lip[10][1] - offset + 0.1); | |
vertex(bottom_lip[11][0], bottom_lip[11][1] - offset + 0.1); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(top_lip[0][0], top_lip[0][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[1][0], top_lip[1][1] - offset + 0.1); | |
vertex(top_lip[2][0], top_lip[2][1] - offset + 0.1); | |
vertex(top_lip[3][0], top_lip[3][1] - offset + 0.1); | |
vertex(top_lip[4][0], top_lip[4][1] - offset + 0.1); | |
vertex(top_lip[5][0], top_lip[5][1] - offset + 0.1); | |
vertex(top_lip[6][0], top_lip[6][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[7][0], top_lip[7][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[8][0], top_lip[8][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[9][0], top_lip[9][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[10][0], top_lip[10][1] - offset); | |
vertex(top_lip[11][0], top_lip[11][1] - offset); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
ellipseMode(CENTER); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(core_colour); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
translate(top_lip[6][0], top_lip[6][1] - offset); | |
arc(0, 0, 0.3, 0.3, 315, 45); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
ellipseMode(CENTER); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(core_colour); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
translate(top_lip[0][0], top_lip[0][1] - offset); | |
arc(0, 0, 0.3, 0.3, 135, 235); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function tongue_out(mouth_width, mouth_height, mouth_emotion) { | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.5); | |
translate(0, mouth_height); | |
stroke(0); | |
arc(0, 0, mouth_width, 1, 0, 180); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function line_mouth(mouth_width, mouth_height, mouth_emotion, dir) { | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.4); | |
translate(dir * 0.5, mouth_height); | |
stroke(0); | |
//line(-mouth_width, 0, mouth_width, 0); | |
curveTightness(0); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(dir * -mouth_width / 1.5, -mouth_emotion / 4); | |
curveVertex(dir * -mouth_width / 1.5, -mouth_emotion / 4); | |
curveVertex(dir * mouth_width / 3 / 1.5, -mouth_emotion / 4); | |
//curveVertex(mouth_width / 2, 0); | |
curveVertex(dir * mouth_width / 1.5, mouth_emotion / 3); | |
curveVertex(dir * mouth_width / 1.5, mouth_emotion / 3); | |
endShape(); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
stroke('#B58800'); | |
if (dir > 0) { | |
if (mouth_emotion > 0) { | |
push(); | |
translate(dir * mouth_width / 1.5, mouth_emotion / 3); | |
arc(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 90); | |
pop(); | |
} else { | |
push(); | |
translate(dir * mouth_width / 1.5, mouth_emotion / 3); | |
arc(0, 0, 1.2, 1.2, 270, 0); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (mouth_emotion > 0) { | |
push(); | |
translate(dir * mouth_width / 1.5, mouth_emotion / 3); | |
arc(0, 0, 1, 1, 90, 180); | |
pop(); | |
} else { | |
push(); | |
translate(dir * mouth_width / 1.5, mouth_emotion / 3); | |
arc(0, 0, 1.2, 1.2, 180, 270); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function butt_chin(mouth_width, mouth_height, mouth_emotion) { | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.4); | |
translate(0, mouth_height); | |
stroke(0); | |
arc(0, 0, mouth_width * 2, mouth_emotion * 4, 0, 180); | |
pop(); | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
61, | |
30, | |
63, | |
5.999999999999999, | |
76, | |
73, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
0, | |
30, | |
32, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
69, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
2, | |
98, | |
37, | |
50, | |
63, | |
19, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
47, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
92, | |
13, | |
63, | |
97, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
92, | |
89.00000000000003, | |
43, | |
7.000000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
77, | |
65, | |
39, | |
16, | |
63, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
27, | |
26, | |
82, | |
54, | |
52, | |
32, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
82.00000000000001, | |
48, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
75, | |
32, | |
31, | |
0, | |
69, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
61, | |
91.00000000000003, | |
41, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
21, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
39, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
41, | |
11.999999999999998, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
33, | |
26, | |
36, | |
18, | |
49, | |
100, | |
100, | |
35 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
70, | |
97, | |
84, | |
50, | |
0, | |
21, | |
0, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
74, | |
94, | |
45, | |
53, | |
0, | |
16, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
78, | |
100, | |
69, | |
5.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
17, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
0, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
32, | |
9, | |
62, | |
73, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
25, | |
35.99999999999999, | |
66, | |
50, | |
52, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
36, | |
100, | |
50, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
12, | |
31, | |
41, | |
51, | |
44, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
61, | |
100, | |
93, | |
74, | |
2, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
17.999999999999993, | |
42, | |
15, | |
62, | |
18, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
83, | |
100, | |
41, | |
53, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
8 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
100, | |
17.999999999999993, | |
71, | |
9, | |
70, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
37, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
69, | |
27, | |
76, | |
54, | |
68, | |
13, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
68, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
80, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
60, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
89, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
86, | |
0, | |
88, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
100, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
49, | |
23, | |
96, | |
9, | |
53, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
100, | |
15, | |
91, | |
0, | |
53, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
97, | |
83.00000000000001, | |
78, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
91, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
81, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
89, | |
78.00000000000001, | |
86, | |
23, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
68, | |
100, | |
46, | |
47, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
50, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
44, | |
64, | |
49, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
88, | |
86.00000000000001, | |
67, | |
11, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
86, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
38, | |
51, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
15, | |
71, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
84, | |
52, | |
87, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
71, | |
81.00000000000001, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
15, | |
0, | |
86, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
71, | |
91.00000000000003, | |
45, | |
50, | |
0, | |
23, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
92, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
11.999999999999998, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
89, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
86, | |
13, | |
0, | |
100, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
72, | |
98, | |
86, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
31, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
0, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
100, | |
13, | |
62, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
38, | |
24, | |
86, | |
17, | |
50, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
81, | |
100, | |
87, | |
0, | |
0, | |
16, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
36, | |
0, | |
39, | |
10, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
94, | |
24, | |
32, | |
13, | |
69, | |
30, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
68, | |
87.00000000000003, | |
46, | |
11, | |
0, | |
19, | |
0, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
74, | |
74.00000000000001, | |
93, | |
50, | |
0, | |
11, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
100, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
41, | |
7.000000000000001, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
34, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
42, | |
11, | |
89, | |
33, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
38, | |
26, | |
50, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
65, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
33, | |
6.999999999999999, | |
95, | |
50, | |
72, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
50, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
50, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
50, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
91, | |
100, | |
52, | |
18, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
18, | |
43, | |
30, | |
15, | |
71, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
100, | |
30, | |
83, | |
15, | |
67, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
22, | |
33, | |
78, | |
51, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
50, | |
12.000000000000004, | |
50, | |
50, | |
46, | |
68, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
28.999999999999996, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
45, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
74, | |
32, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
72, | |
23, | |
77, | |
36, | |
81, | |
16, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
50, | |
59.999999999999986, | |
35, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
100, | |
21.999999999999996, | |
46, | |
9, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
50, | |
23, | |
50, | |
47.99999999999999, | |
71, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
41, | |
69, | |
36, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
27, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
30, | |
50, | |
43, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
2, | |
30, | |
100, | |
17, | |
50, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
44, | |
100, | |
39, | |
17, | |
0, | |
87, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
83.00000000000001, | |
40, | |
50, | |
0, | |
13, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
84, | |
75.00000000000001, | |
17, | |
5.999999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
4, | |
11, | |
0, | |
72, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
56.99999999999999, | |
24, | |
13, | |
10, | |
63, | |
9, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
84, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
78, | |
7.000000000000001, | |
61, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
50, | |
20.000000000000004, | |
50, | |
11, | |
67, | |
100, | |
100, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
93, | |
83.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
50, | |
0, | |
17, | |
0, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
32, | |
17.999999999999993, | |
46, | |
25, | |
63, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
100, | |
87.00000000000003, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
18, | |
18, | |
100, | |
46.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
96, | |
20.999999999999996, | |
65, | |
0, | |
60, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
100, | |
16, | |
85, | |
8, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
17, | |
30, | |
36, | |
49, | |
54, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
67, | |
92.00000000000003, | |
45, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
0, | |
18, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
78, | |
17.999999999999993, | |
41, | |
23.999999999999996, | |
59, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
90, | |
86.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
22, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
25, | |
32, | |
31, | |
49, | |
50, | |
20, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
5, | |
27, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
12, | |
19.000000000000004, | |
39, | |
4, | |
64, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
46, | |
100, | |
35, | |
53, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
14.000000000000002, | |
40, | |
50, | |
47.99999999999999, | |
51, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
69, | |
85.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
82, | |
26, | |
50, | |
5.999999999999999, | |
49, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
12, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
42, | |
8, | |
70, | |
93, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
27, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
90, | |
19.000000000000004, | |
50, | |
50, | |
46, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
36, | |
0, | |
35, | |
69, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
81, | |
25, | |
46, | |
0, | |
61, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
56.00000000000001, | |
77.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
18, | |
0, | |
100, | |
18, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
70, | |
78.00000000000001, | |
46, | |
11.999999999999998, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
50, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
50, | |
50, | |
13, | |
50, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// these control the colors used | |
const kelly_bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
const kelly_fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
const kelly_stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
function KellyFace() { | |
this.hairColor = 50; | |
this.wrinkleWeight = 50; | |
this.skinColor = 50; | |
this.spots = 50; | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
var base_tone1 = color("#ffcfaf"); //light color | |
var base_tone2 = color("#a56e48"); //dark color | |
var blush_base = color("#701702"); | |
var nose_pos = average_point(positions.nose_bridge); | |
var eye1_pos = average_point(positions.left_eye); | |
var eye2_pos = average_point(positions.right_eye); | |
var half_height = positions.chin[7][1] - nose_pos[1]; | |
var face_width = positions.chin[positions.chin.length - 1][0] - positions.chin[0][0]; | |
//mine | |
var chin_R = positions.chin[positions.chin.length - 1]; | |
var chin_L = positions.chin[0]; | |
var chin_center = positions.chin[8]; | |
var eyecorner_L = positions.left_eye[0]; | |
var eyecorner_R = positions.right_eye[3]; | |
var x = nose_pos[0]; | |
var y = nose_pos[1]; | |
var w = 2 * face_width; | |
var h = 2.5 * half_height; | |
// var curHairLength = map(this.hairLength, 0, 100, 0, 3); | |
var curHairColor = map(this.hairColor, 0, 120, 255, 20); | |
var curWrinkleWeight = map(this.wrinkleWeight, 0, 100, 0.0001, 0.065); | |
var curSpots = map(this.spots, 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
var curSkincolor = map(this.skinColor, 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
var skin_tone = lerpColor(base_tone1,base_tone2,curSkincolor); | |
var blush_color = lerpColor(blush_base,skin_tone,0.55); | |
var extent = 0; | |
if (h < w) { | |
extent = h / 2; | |
} else { | |
extent = w / 2; | |
} | |
var scale = extent / 220.0; | |
var eyeShift = 0.35; | |
for (var i = positions.left_eye.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
positions.left_eye[i][1]+=eyeShift; | |
positions.right_eye[i][1]+=eyeShift; | |
} | |
eye1_pos = average_point(positions.left_eye); | |
eye2_pos = average_point(positions.right_eye); | |
var eye3_pos = average_point([eye1_pos,eye2_pos]); | |
//head | |
var foreheadCenter = average_point([chin_L, chin_R]); | |
var face_height = distanceBetween(foreheadCenter, chin_center); | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(blush_color); | |
fill(skin_tone); | |
strokeWeight(0.07); | |
//head outline | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-1.5, -2); | |
curveVertex(chin_L[0], chin_L[1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[2][0], positions.chin[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[4][0], positions.chin[4][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[6][0], positions.chin[6][1]); | |
curveVertex(chin_center[0], chin_center[1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[10][0], positions.chin[10][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[12][0], positions.chin[12][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[14][0], positions.chin[14][1]); | |
curveVertex(chin_R[0], chin_R[1]); | |
//forehead | |
curveVertex(chin_R[0] - 0.5, chin_R[1] - face_height * 0.45); | |
curveVertex(foreheadCenter[0], foreheadCenter[1] - face_height * 0.65); | |
curveVertex(chin_L[0] + 0.5, chin_L[1] - face_height * 0.45); | |
//close | |
curveVertex(chin_L[0], chin_L[1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[1][0], positions.chin[1][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//wrinkels | |
var wrink_width = face_width*0.2; | |
var wrink_stroke = curWrinkleWeight; | |
if (wrink_stroke > 0.0001) { | |
push(); | |
translate(eye3_pos[0],face_height*-0.65); | |
rotate(angleBetween(eye1_pos,eye2_pos)); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(blush_color); | |
strokeWeight(wrink_stroke); | |
line(-wrink_width,0,wrink_width , 0); | |
strokeWeight(wrink_stroke); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex( - 1, + 0.3 + wrink_stroke); | |
curveVertex( - wrink_width * 0.8, 0.11 ); | |
curveVertex( + wrink_width * 0.8, 0.11 ); | |
curveVertex( + 1, + 0.3 + wrink_stroke); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex( - 1, - 0.3 - wrink_stroke); | |
curveVertex( - wrink_width * 0.8, -0.11 ); | |
curveVertex( + wrink_width * 0.8, -0.11); | |
curveVertex( + 1, - 0.3 - wrink_stroke); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//brows | |
var brow_outer_l = positions.left_eyebrow[0]; | |
var brow_inner_l = positions.left_eyebrow[4]; | |
var brow_upper_l = positions.left_eyebrow[2]; | |
var brow_outer_r = positions.right_eyebrow[4] | |
var brow_inner_r = positions.right_eyebrow[0]; | |
var brow_upper_r = positions.right_eyebrow[2]; | |
var brow_height_left = (distanceBetween(brow_outer_l, brow_upper_l) + distanceBetween(brow_inner_l, brow_upper_l)) / 4; | |
var brow_height_right = (distanceBetween(brow_outer_r, brow_upper_r) + distanceBetween(brow_inner_r, brow_upper_r)) / 4; | |
var brow_width_right = distanceBetween(brow_outer_r, brow_inner_r) * 0.7; | |
var brow_width_left = distanceBetween(brow_outer_l, brow_inner_l) * 0.7; | |
// console.log(curHairColor); | |
var brow_color = curHairColor; | |
var brow_outline = curHairColor*0.95; | |
push(); | |
fill(brow_color); | |
stroke(brow_outline); | |
//left brow | |
translate(brow_upper_l[0], brow_upper_l[1]); | |
rotate(angleBetween(brow_inner_l, brow_outer_l)); | |
ellipse(0, brow_height_left / 4 - eyeShift, brow_width_left, brow_height_left); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
//right brow | |
fill(brow_color); | |
stroke(brow_outline); | |
translate(brow_upper_r[0], brow_upper_r[1]); | |
rotate(angleBetween(brow_outer_r, brow_inner_r)); | |
ellipse(0, brow_height_right / 4 - eyeShift, brow_width_right, brow_height_left); | |
pop(); | |
//eyes | |
//eyes are drawn always closed, with glasses | |
var blink_weight_L = Math.abs(average_point([positions.left_eye[1], positions.left_eye[2]])[1] - average_point([positions.left_eye[4], positions.left_eye[5]])[1]) / 3; | |
var blink_weight_R = Math.abs(average_point([positions.right_eye[1], positions.right_eye[2]])[1] - average_point([positions.right_eye[4], positions.right_eye[5]])[1]) / 3; | |
push(); | |
stroke(blush_color); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(blink_weight_L); | |
beginShape(); //left eye | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[5][0], positions.left_eye[4][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[0][0], positions.left_eye[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[1][0], positions.left_eye[1][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[2][0], positions.left_eye[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[3][0], positions.left_eye[3][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eye[4][0], positions.left_eye[4][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
strokeWeight(blink_weight_R); | |
beginShape(); //right eye | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[5][0], positions.right_eye[4][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[0][0], positions.right_eye[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[1][0], positions.right_eye[1][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[2][0], positions.right_eye[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[3][0], positions.right_eye[3][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eye[4][0], positions.right_eye[4][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
// lens size calculated from average distance between each outer point in positions.eye(l/r) and "eye_pos" center | |
var l_lens_size; | |
var r_lens_size; | |
var frame_color = '#494c56'; | |
var lens_color = color(255, 90); | |
for (var i = 0; i < positions.left_eye.length; i++) { | |
l_lens_size = distanceBetween(positions.left_eye[i], eye1_pos); | |
r_lens_size = distanceBetween(positions.right_eye[i], eye2_pos); | |
} | |
l_lens_size /= positions.left_eye.length; | |
r_lens_size /= positions.right_eye.length; | |
l_lens_size = 0.4 + l_lens_size * 30; | |
r_lens_size = 0.4 + r_lens_size * 30; | |
push(); | |
fill(lens_color); | |
strokeWeight(0.095); | |
stroke(frame_color); | |
//lenses | |
ellipse(eye1_pos[0], eye1_pos[1], l_lens_size, l_lens_size); | |
ellipse(eye2_pos[0], eye2_pos[1], r_lens_size, r_lens_size); | |
//glasses legs (called 'temples') | |
var temple_connect_angle = -TWO_PI / 32; | |
var temple_connect_l = rim_vert(eye1_pos, l_lens_size / 2, PI - temple_connect_angle); | |
var temple_connect_r = rim_vert(eye2_pos, r_lens_size / 2, temple_connect_angle); | |
noFill(); | |
var bridge_control_offset = distanceBetween(eye1_pos, eye2_pos) - (l_lens_size / 2) - (r_lens_size / 2); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.nose_bridge[3][0] * -0.30, (positions.nose_bridge[3][1] + bridge_control_offset) / 2); | |
curveVertex(eye1_pos[0] + (l_lens_size / 2), eye1_pos[1]); | |
curveVertex(eye2_pos[0] - (r_lens_size / 2), eye2_pos[1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.nose_bridge[3][0] * -0.30, (positions.nose_bridge[3][1] + bridge_control_offset) / 2); | |
endShape(); | |
if (temple_connect_l[0] > chin_L[0]) { | |
line(chin_L[0], chin_L[1], temple_connect_l[0], temple_connect_l[1]); | |
} | |
if (temple_connect_r[0] < chin_R[0]) { | |
line(chin_R[0], chin_R[1], temple_connect_r[0], temple_connect_r[1]); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
//mouth | |
// for positions.top_lip & positions.bottom_lip: inside = 8,9,10 | outside = 2,3,4 | end = 11 | |
// top_lip[0] is in left mouth corner | |
// bottom_lip[0] is in right mouth corner | |
// bottom[0] + top[6] || bottom[6] + top[0] will always intersect | |
var top_lip_outside = [positions.top_lip[2], positions.top_lip[3], positions.top_lip[4]]; | |
var bottom_lip_outside = [positions.bottom_lip[2], positions.bottom_lip[3], positions.bottom_lip[4]]; | |
var mouthCorner_LT = positions.top_lip[0]; // Left/Top | |
var mouthCorner_RB = positions.bottom_lip[0]; // Right/Bottom | |
var top_lip_inside = [positions.top_lip[8], positions.top_lip[9], positions.top_lip[10]]; | |
var bottom_lip_inside = [positions.bottom_lip[8], positions.bottom_lip[9], positions.bottom_lip[10]]; | |
// var mouth_angle = angleBetween(positions.bottom_lip[0], positions.top_lip[0]); | |
var mouth_width = distanceBetween(positions.bottom_lip[0], positions.top_lip[0]); | |
var smile; | |
var lip_thickness = 0; | |
var mouth_open = 0; | |
var innverAv = []; | |
for (var i = 2; i > 0; i--) { | |
mouth_open += distanceBetween(top_lip_inside[i], bottom_lip_inside[i]); | |
lip_thickness += distanceBetween(top_lip_inside[i], top_lip_outside[i]); | |
lip_thickness += distanceBetween(bottom_lip_inside[i], bottom_lip_outside[i]); | |
innverAv.push(top_lip_inside[i]); | |
innverAv.push(bottom_lip_inside[i]); | |
} | |
innverAv = average_point(innverAv); | |
cornerAv = average_point([mouthCorner_LT, mouthCorner_RB]); | |
mouth_open /= 3; | |
lip_thickness /= 6; | |
smile = cornerAv[1] - innverAv[1]; | |
push(); | |
strokeWeight(lip_thickness * 0.75); | |
stroke(blush_color); | |
noFill(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(mouthCorner_LT[0] - smile, mouthCorner_LT[1] + smile * 2); | |
curveVertex(mouthCorner_LT[0] + mouth_width * 0.15, mouthCorner_LT[1] - smile); | |
curveVertex(mouthCorner_RB[0] - mouth_width * 0.15, mouthCorner_RB[1] - smile); | |
curveVertex(mouthCorner_RB[0] - smile, mouthCorner_RB[1] + smile * 2); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
fill('red'); | |
stroke('red'); | |
// debugShowPoints(positions.left_eye); | |
//debugShowPoints(hair_L); | |
function toms_face() { | |
// head | |
stroke(kelly_stroke_color); | |
fill(kelly_fg_color); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (var i = 0; i < positions.chin.length; i++) { | |
vertex(positions.chin[i][0], positions.chin[i][1]); | |
} | |
for (var i = positions.right_eyebrow.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[i][0], positions.right_eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
for (var i = positions.left_eyebrow.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[i][0], positions.left_eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
// mouth | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(kelly_bg_color); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (var i = 0; i < positions.top_lip.length; i++) { | |
vertex(positions.top_lip[i][0], positions.top_lip[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (var i = 0; i < positions.bottom_lip.length; i++) { | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[i][0], positions.bottom_lip[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
// nose | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.nose_bridge[0][0], positions.nose_bridge[0][1]); | |
for (var i = 0; i < positions.nose_tip.length; i++) { | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[i][0], positions.nose_tip[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
// eyes | |
beginShape(); | |
for (var i = 0; i < positions.left_eye.length; i++) { | |
vertex(positions.left_eye[i][0], positions.left_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (var i = 0; i < positions.right_eye.length; i++) { | |
vertex(positions.right_eye[i][0], positions.right_eye[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(kelly_fg_color); | |
ellipse(eye1_pos[0], eye1_pos[1], 16 * scale, 16 * scale); | |
ellipse(eye2_pos[0], eye2_pos[1], 16 * scale, 16 * scale); | |
fill(kelly_stroke_color); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (var i = 0; i < positions.right_eyebrow.length; i++) { | |
vertex(positions.right_eyebrow[i][0], positions.right_eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (var i = 0; i < positions.left_eyebrow.length; i++) { | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[i][0], positions.left_eyebrow[i][1]); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
strokeWeight(1); | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.hairColor = settings[0]; | |
this.wrinkleWeight = settings[1]; | |
this.skinColor = settings[2]; | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
properties = new Array(3); | |
properties[0] = this.hairColor; | |
properties[1] = this.wrinkleWeight; | |
properties[2] = this.skinColor; | |
return properties; | |
} | |
} | |
// given a point, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} | |
function rim_vert(vert, rad, angl) { //find the co-oridnates for a point on a circle | |
var x = Math.cos(angl) * rad; | |
var y = Math.sin(angl) * rad; | |
return [x + vert[0], y + vert[1]]; | |
} | |
function angleBetween(p1, p2) { | |
//angle given with reference to horizon line | |
var c; | |
c = Math.atan2(p2[1] - p1[1], p2[0] - p1[0]) * 180 / Math.PI; | |
return c; | |
} | |
function distanceBetween(p1, p2) { | |
var a = p1[0] - p2[0]; | |
var b = p1[1] - p2[1]; | |
var c = Math.abs(Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)); | |
return c; | |
} | |
function debugShowPoints(arr, txtsiz) { | |
push(); | |
textSize(0.25); | |
if (txtsiz) { | |
textSize(txtsiz); | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { | |
text(i, arr[i][0], arr[i][1]); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
83, | |
0, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
54, | |
41 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
100, | |
7, | |
4 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
18, | |
0, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
45, | |
27, | |
57 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
94, | |
67, | |
34 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
66, | |
31, | |
9 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
20, | |
40, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
71, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
100, | |
17, | |
71 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
74, | |
64, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
80, | |
40, | |
27 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
11, | |
36, | |
4 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
76, | |
47, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
87, | |
70, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
71, | |
32, | |
16 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
59, | |
66, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
5, | |
6, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
14, | |
61, | |
15 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
29, | |
93, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
9, | |
60, | |
23 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
100, | |
16, | |
67 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
87, | |
100, | |
7 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
93, | |
7, | |
14 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
98, | |
100, | |
19 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
23, | |
34, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
74, | |
45, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
93 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
69, | |
17, | |
14 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
100, | |
55, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
90, | |
7, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
78, | |
100, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
70, | |
100, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
12, | |
72, | |
10 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
97, | |
64, | |
8 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
100, | |
23, | |
7 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
72, | |
80, | |
96 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
74, | |
49, | |
2 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
80, | |
25, | |
9 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
42, | |
100, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
69, | |
7 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
5, | |
39, | |
14 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
79, | |
12, | |
29 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
100, | |
75, | |
9 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
84, | |
18, | |
5 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
0, | |
59, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
98, | |
21, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
98, | |
87, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
64, | |
14, | |
4 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
71, | |
18, | |
6 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
50, | |
4, | |
7 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
70, | |
0, | |
7 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
94, | |
22, | |
5 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
17, | |
69, | |
8 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
77, | |
0, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
31, | |
21, | |
19 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
57, | |
21, | |
8 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
27, | |
34, | |
5 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
67, | |
0, | |
5 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
10, | |
82, | |
3 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
38, | |
23, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
2, | |
36, | |
4 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
11, | |
50, | |
28 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
73, | |
40, | |
17 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
34, | |
13, | |
65 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
92, | |
34, | |
14 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
17, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
59, | |
85, | |
36 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
67 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
91, | |
15, | |
69 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
91, | |
67, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
81, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
20, | |
100, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
0, | |
35, | |
21 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
90, | |
41, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
91, | |
29, | |
14 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
100, | |
33, | |
59 | |
] | |
} | |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
//var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 6; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len , sum_y / s_len ]; | |
} | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// here's some examples for colors used | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function LeeFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables should be different!) | |
this.mouth_value= 4; | |
this.petal_colour = 1; | |
this.petal_layer = 1; | |
this.petal_length = 2; | |
this.eye_size_y = 1.5; | |
this.eye_colour = 1; | |
this.face_colour =1; | |
/* Slider 1 - Hair colour - blue for dark hair, cyan for lgiht hair or no hair, red for red hair | |
Slider 2 - Petal Layers - 1 for feminine, 2 for masculine | |
Slider 3 - Petal Shape - Pointy for short hair, rounded for long hair | |
Slider 4 - Eye size | |
Slider 5 -Eye colour - purple for blue eyes, green for green eyes, brown for brown eyes | |
Slider 6 -Skin Colour - light for lighter skin, dark for darker skin. | |
*/ | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
const blue = color(83, 40, 237,180); | |
const cyan_bonus = color(48, 252, 255, 220); | |
const red = color(227, 29, 23,180); | |
const red_stroke = color(235, 62, 56 ); | |
const blue_stroke = color(68, 21, 171); | |
const cyan_b_stroke = color(48, 252, 255); | |
const purple_eyes = color(92, 0, 163); | |
const green_eyes = color(0, 122, 104); | |
const brown_eyes = color(166, 91, 0); | |
const darker = color(255, 131, 8); | |
const lighter = color(255, 166, 0); | |
let bottom_lip3 = positions.bottom_lip[2]; | |
let bottom_lip4 = positions.bottom_lip[3]; | |
let bottom_lip5 = positions.bottom_lip[4]; | |
let top_lip1 = positions.top_lip[1]; | |
let top_lip2 = positions.top_lip[2]; | |
let top_lip3 = positions.top_lip[3]; | |
let top_lip4 = positions.top_lip[4]; | |
let top_lip6 = positions.top_lip[5]; | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos= segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
let nose_pos = positions.nose_bridge[0]; | |
let mouth_top = positions.top_lip[3]; | |
let mouth_bottom = positions.bottom_lip[3]; | |
let right_eyebrow = positions.right_eyebrow; | |
let left_eyebrow = positions.left_eyebrow; | |
let right_brow_0 = positions.right_eyebrow[0]; | |
let right_brow_1 = positions.right_eyebrow[1]; | |
let right_brow_2 = positions.right_eyebrow[2]; | |
let right_brow_3 = positions.right_eyebrow[3]; | |
let right_brow_4 = positions.right_eyebrow[4]; | |
let left_brow_0 = positions.left_eyebrow[0]; | |
let left_brow_1 = positions.left_eyebrow[1]; | |
let left_brow_2 = positions.left_eyebrow[2]; | |
let left_brow_3 = positions.left_eyebrow[3]; | |
let left_brow_4 = positions.left_eyebrow[4]; | |
// rotation in degrees | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
//rotate(tilt_value); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
//PETAL COLOURS--BLUE, CYAN OR RED------------------------------ | |
if(this.petal_colour == 1) { | |
fill(blue); | |
stroke(blue_stroke); | |
} | |
else if(this.petal_colour ==2) { | |
fill(cyan_bonus); | |
stroke(cyan_b_stroke); | |
} | |
else if(this.petal_colour ==3) { | |
fill(red); | |
stroke(red_stroke); | |
} | |
//PETAL LAYERS -- ONE OR TWO------------------------------ | |
if(this.petal_layer == 1) { | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(0,0); | |
curveVertex(0, 0); | |
curveVertex(-2.8, 1.2); | |
curveVertex(-this.petal_length,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-2.8, -2.8); | |
curveVertex(0,-1.6); | |
curveVertex(0,-1.6); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(0,-1.6); | |
curveVertex(0, -1.6); | |
curveVertex(2.8, -2.8); | |
curveVertex(this.petal_length,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(2.8, 1.2); | |
curveVertex(0,0); | |
curveVertex(0,0); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-0.8,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-0.8,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-2, -3.6); | |
curveVertex(0, -this.petal_length-0.8); | |
curveVertex(2, -3.6); | |
curveVertex(0.8, -0.8); | |
curveVertex(0.8,-0.8); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-0.8,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-0.8,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-2, 2); | |
curveVertex(0, this.petal_length-0.8); | |
curveVertex(2, 2); | |
curveVertex(0.8, -0.8); | |
curveVertex(0.8,-0.8); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
else if(this.petal_layer ==2){ | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(0,0); | |
curveVertex(0, 0); | |
curveVertex(-2.8, 1.2); | |
curveVertex(-this.petal_length,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-2.8, -2.8); | |
curveVertex(0,-1.6); | |
curveVertex(0,-1.6); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(0,-1.6); | |
curveVertex(0, -1.6); | |
curveVertex(2.8, -2.8); | |
curveVertex(this.petal_length,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(2.8, 1.2); | |
curveVertex(0,0); | |
curveVertex(0,0); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-0.8,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-0.8,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-2, -3.6); | |
curveVertex(0, -this.petal_length-0.8); | |
curveVertex(2, -3.6); | |
curveVertex(0.8, -0.8); | |
curveVertex(0.8,-0.8); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-0.8,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-0.8,-0.8); | |
curveVertex(-2, 2); | |
curveVertex(0, this.petal_length-0.8); | |
curveVertex(2, 2); | |
curveVertex(0.8, -0.8); | |
curveVertex(0.8,-0.8); | |
endShape(); | |
fill(174, 82, 255, 170); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(-0.8, 0); | |
curveVertex(-0.8, 0); | |
curveVertex(-2, 0.4); | |
curveVertex(-this.petal_length/1.2, -0.8); | |
curveVertex(-2, -2); | |
curveVertex(-0.8, -1.6); | |
curveVertex(-0.8, -1.6); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(0.8, 0); | |
curveVertex(0.8, 0); | |
curveVertex(2, 0.4); | |
curveVertex(this.petal_length/1.2, -0.8); | |
curveVertex(2, -2); | |
curveVertex(0.8, -1.6); | |
curveVertex(0.8, -1.6); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(0.8, 0); | |
curveVertex(0.8, 0); | |
curveVertex(1.2, 1.2); | |
curveVertex(0, this.petal_length/1.2 -0.8); | |
curveVertex(-1.2, 1.2); | |
curveVertex(-0.8, 0); | |
curveVertex(-0.8, 0); | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(0.8, -1.6); | |
curveVertex(0.8, -1.6); | |
curveVertex(1.2, -2.8); | |
curveVertex(0, -this.petal_length/1.2 -0.8); | |
curveVertex(-1.2, -2.8); | |
curveVertex(-0.8, -1.6); | |
curveVertex(-0.8, -1.6); | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
//FACE COLOUR--LIGHTER OR DARKER---------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
if(this.face_colour ==1){ | |
fill(lighter); | |
stroke(255, 83, 3); | |
} | |
else if(this.face_colour ==2){ | |
fill(darker); | |
stroke(255, 83, 3); | |
} | |
//HEAD | |
ellipse(0, -0.8, 2.4); | |
//EYES | |
//WHITE | |
fill(255); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
stroke(255, 224, 153); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1]+0.05,0.6, this.eye_size_y); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1]+0.05, 0.6, this.eye_size_y); | |
if (this.eye_colour == 1){ | |
fill(purple_eyes); | |
} | |
else if(this.eye_colour ==2){ | |
fill(green_eyes); | |
} | |
else if( this.eye_colour ==3){ | |
fill(brown_eyes); | |
} | |
//IRIS | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0],left_eye_pos[1]+0.05,0.4,this.eye_size_y/2); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1]+0.05,0.4,this.eye_size_y/2); | |
//HIGHLIGHTS------------------ | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255); | |
//left hl | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]+0.1,left_eye_pos[1],this.eye_size_y/6); | |
//right hl | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]+0.1,right_eye_pos[1],this.eye_size_y/6); | |
//MOUTH | |
noStroke(); | |
if(this.face_colour ==1){ | |
fill(224, 108, 0); | |
} | |
else if(this.face_colour ==2){ | |
fill(184, 61, 0); | |
} | |
push(); | |
scale(0.8); | |
translate(0, -0.8); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(top_lip1[0], top_lip1[1]); | |
curveVertex(top_lip1[0], top_lip1[1]); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip3[0] - 0.4, bottom_lip3[1] ); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip4[0], bottom_lip4[1] +0.02); | |
curveVertex(bottom_lip5[0] + 0.4, bottom_lip5[1]); | |
curveVertex(top_lip6[0], top_lip6[1]); | |
curveVertex(top_lip4[0], top_lip4[1]-0.1); | |
curveVertex(top_lip3[0]+0.1, top_lip3[1]-0.15); | |
curveVertex(top_lip3[0]-0.1, top_lip3[1]-0.15); | |
curveVertex(top_lip2[0], top_lip2[1]-0.1); | |
curveVertex(top_lip2[0], top_lip2[1]-0.1); | |
endShape(); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//EYEBROWS -------------------------- | |
stroke(15, 33, 92); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
noFill(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(left_brow_0[0], left_brow_0[1]), | |
curveVertex(left_brow_1[0], left_brow_1[1]), | |
curveVertex(left_brow_2[0], left_brow_2[1]), | |
curveVertex(left_brow_3[0], left_brow_3[1]), | |
curveVertex(left_brow_4[0], left_brow_4[1]), | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(right_brow_0[0], right_brow_0[1]), | |
curveVertex(right_brow_1[0], right_brow_1[1]), | |
curveVertex(right_brow_2[0], right_brow_2[1]), | |
curveVertex(right_brow_3[0], right_brow_3[1]), | |
curveVertex(right_brow_4[0], right_brow_4[1]), | |
endShape(); | |
//NOSE ----------------------------- | |
if(this.face_colour ==1){ | |
fill(224, 108, 0); | |
} | |
else if (this.face_colour ==2){ | |
fill(194, 78, 0); | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(nose_pos[0], nose_pos[1]+0.4, 0.2, 0.1); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.petal_colour = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 3)); | |
this.petal_layer = int(map(settings[1], 0, 100, 1, 2)); | |
this.petal_length = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 2, 3); | |
this.eye_size_y = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0.4, 1); | |
this.eye_colour = int(map(settings[4], 0, 100, 1, 3)); | |
this.face_colour = int(map(settings[5], 0, 100, 1, 2)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(6); | |
settings[0] = map(this.petal_colour, 1,3, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.petal_layer, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.petal_length, 2, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.eye_size_y, 0.4, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.eye_colour, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.face_colour, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
81, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
27.000000000000007, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
12.000000000000002, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
51.99999999999999, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
19, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
14.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
25.000000000000007, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
93.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
61, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
61, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
33.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
12.000000000000002, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
20, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
64, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
34.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
9, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
9, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
78, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
45.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
30.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
39.000000000000014, | |
13.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
85.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
20, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
25, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
36, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
68, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
78, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
48.999999999999986, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
17, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
37, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
81.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
55.99999999999999, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
32.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
44.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
73.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
43.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
32.000000000000014, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
65, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
30.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
85.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
26.000000000000007, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
25.000000000000007, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
25.000000000000007, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
62, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
68, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
] | |
} | |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
// var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 5; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// these control the colors used | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
function LuoFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables may be different) | |
this.face = 4; // 1-5 | |
this.spot = 5; // 0-10 | |
this.shape = 1; | |
/* | |
* Draw a face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
let face = this.face; | |
let mouth = 5; | |
let blush = 5; | |
let spot = this.spot; | |
let spot_col = 5; | |
let spot_size = 1; | |
let eyebrows_rotate = 50; | |
let glasses = 5; | |
// Colour Sets | |
let face1 = '#ffe3fc'; //white | |
let face2 = '#f5ad8e'; //pink | |
let face3 = '#fcf06a'; //yellow | |
let face4 = '#d9764c'; //brown | |
let face5 = '#66756a'; //grey | |
let face6 = '#315070'; //blue | |
let face7 = '#8a5189'; //purple | |
let face8 = '#a65561'; //red | |
let face9 = '#5b8a5a'; //green | |
let face10 = '#de4e26'; //orange | |
let faceColour; | |
let left_eye = average_point(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye = average_point(positions.right_eye); | |
let left_eyebrow = average_point(positions.left_eyebrow); | |
let right_eyebrow = average_point(positions.right_eyebrow); | |
let left_d = dist(left_eye[0], left_eye[1], left_eyebrow[0], left_eyebrow[1]); | |
let right_d = dist(right_eye[0], right_eye[1], right_eyebrow[0], right_eyebrow[1]); | |
let left_eb_move = map(left_d, 0.4, 0.7, 0, 2, true); | |
let right_eb_move = map(right_d, 0.4, 0.7, 0, 2, true); | |
// print(left_d); | |
left_eye[0] *= 3; | |
left_eye[1] *= 3; | |
right_eye[0] *= 3; | |
right_eye[1] *= 3; | |
push(); | |
scale(0.33); | |
// Rabbit (Brown) | |
//fill(221,168,128); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
stroke(0); | |
beginShape(); | |
endShape(); | |
if(this.shape <2){ | |
//soft SHAPES | |
noStroke(); | |
// Face Colour | |
if(face == 1){ | |
faceColour = face1; //***WHITE***// | |
}else if (face == 2){ | |
faceColour = face2; //***dark***// | |
}else if (face == 3){ | |
faceColour = face3; //***Yellow***// | |
}else if (face == 4){ | |
faceColour = face4; //***Brown***// | |
}else{ | |
faceColour = face5; //***Grey***// | |
} | |
fill(faceColour); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
stroke(0); | |
ellipse(-0.5, 1.8, 15, 11); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(RADIANS); | |
arc(-3.9, -3, 4.5, 16, -4, -0.4);//ear left | |
arc(2.4, -3.2, 5, 16, -2.8, 0.65);//ear right | |
pop(); | |
} else { | |
//unsoft shape | |
if(face == 1){ | |
faceColour = face6; //***WHITE***// | |
}else if (face == 2){ | |
faceColour = face8; //***dark***// | |
}else if (face == 3){ | |
faceColour = face7; //***Yellow***// | |
}else if (face == 4){ | |
faceColour = face9; //***Brown***// | |
}else{ | |
faceColour = face10; //***Grey***// | |
} | |
fill(faceColour); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
stroke(0); | |
rect(-8, -4, 15, 11); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(RADIANS); | |
rect(-3, -4, -2.5, -9.5); | |
rect(5, -4, -3, -6.5); | |
//arc(-3.9, -3, 4.5, 16, -4, -0.4);//ear left | |
//arc(2.4, -3.2, 5, 16, -2.8, 0.65);//ear right | |
pop(); | |
} | |
// spot (Colour, Spot) | |
let amount = map(spot_col, 0, 10, 0, 1); | |
let colourWhite = color('#dbdbdb'); | |
let colourDark = color('#e6655c'); | |
let spotColour = lerpColor(colourWhite, colourDark, amount); | |
let spotFace = map(spot, 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
let spotS = map(spot_size, 0, 100, 1.3, 15); | |
strokeWeight(spotS); | |
stroke(spotColour); | |
if (spotFace == 0){ | |
} | |
if (spotFace >= 2){ | |
line(-0.5, -3, -0.5, -2); | |
} | |
if (spotFace >=4){ | |
line(-6.5, 3, -3, 3); | |
} | |
if (spotFace >=6){ | |
line(2.5, 2, 5.5, 2); | |
} | |
if (spotFace >=8){ | |
line(3, 0, 5.5, 0); | |
} | |
if (spotFace >=10){ | |
line(-6.5, 0.5, -4.5, 0.5); | |
} | |
// Mouth | |
strokeWeight(0.4); | |
stroke(0); | |
line(-1.55, -1, -0.05, -1); | |
let top_lip_point = positions.top_lip[9]; | |
let bottom_lip_point = positions.bottom_lip[9]; | |
// fill(255, 0, 0); | |
let d = dist(top_lip_point[0], top_lip_point[1], bottom_lip_point[0], bottom_lip_point[1]) | |
// print(d); | |
// Mouth Open | |
if(d < 0.1) { | |
d = 0; | |
} | |
mouth = map(d, 0, 0.5, 0, 10); | |
let mouth_size = map(mouth, 0, 10, 0, 3.5); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
fill('#fffcf7'); | |
rect(-1.6, 2, 1.6, mouth_size, 0.08); | |
// Blush | |
noStroke(); | |
if (blush > 3 && blush < 6){ | |
fill('#ed4415'); //red | |
ellipse(-3.6, 0.5, 1.5, 1); | |
ellipse(2.3, 0.5, 1.5, 1); | |
} | |
// Eyes | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(0); | |
// ellipse(-2.2, -2, 1.1, 1.1); | |
// ellipse(0.5, -2, 1.1, 1.1); | |
ellipse(left_eye[0], left_eye[1]+ 1.5, 2, 2); //eye size left | |
ellipse(right_eye[0] - 1.6, right_eye[1] + 1.7, 2, 2); | |
// Eyebrows | |
strokeWeight(0.5); | |
stroke(0); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
//translate(left_eye[0]-0.1, left_eye[1]-1); | |
//translate(0, -left_eb_move); | |
//rotate(eyebrows_rotate); | |
line(0.5, -2.5, 2.5, -2.5); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
//translate(right_eye[0]-0.2, right_eye[1]-1); | |
//translate(0, -right_eb_move); | |
//rotate(-eyebrows_rotate); | |
line(-3.5, -2.5, -1.5, -2.5); | |
pop(); | |
// Glasses | |
if (glasses > 5 && glasses < 8){ | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.35); | |
noFill(); | |
ellipse(-2.3, -2.4, 2.6, 2.6); | |
ellipse(0.6, -2.4, 2.6, 2.6); | |
} | |
// Sunglasses | |
else if (glasses > 7 && glasses <= 10){ | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
fill('white'); | |
ellipse(-2.6, -2.4, 3, 2.6); | |
ellipse(1, -2.4, 3, 2.6); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill('black'); | |
ellipse(-2.6, -2.37, 2.4, 2); | |
ellipse(1, -2.37, 2.4, 2); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.3); | |
line(-1.1, -2.5, -0.65, -2.5); | |
} | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.face = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 5)); | |
this.spot = int(map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0, 10)); | |
this.shape = map(settings[2],0,100,1,2); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(2); | |
settings[0] = map(this.face, 1, 5, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.spot, 0, 10, 0, 100); | |
settings[82] = map(this.shape, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} | |
// given an array of [x,y] points, return the average | |
function average_point(list) { | |
var sum_x = 0; | |
var sum_y = 0; | |
var num_points = 0; | |
for(var i=0; i<list.length; i++) { | |
sum_x += list[i][0]; | |
sum_y += list[i][1]; | |
num_points += 1; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / num_points, sum_y / num_points]; | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
20, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
25, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
75, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
25, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
75, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
55, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
10, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
75, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
80, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
90, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
40, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
70, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
90 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
30, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
10, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
20, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
20, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
20, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
0, | |
20 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
60, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
90, | |
40 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
20, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
30, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
20, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
40, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
25, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
75, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
50, | |
70 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
25, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
90 | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
// var DEBUG_MODE = false; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 9; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i = 0; i < s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len, sum_y / s_len]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function McKendryFace() { | |
//colours: | |
this.purple = color(210, 160, 200, 200); | |
this.pink = color(250, 225, 250, 200); | |
this.light_red = color(240, 180, 170, 200); | |
this.dark_red = color(185, 120, 115, 200); | |
this.orange = color(240, 190, 145, 200); | |
this.yellow = color(255, 250, 210, 200); | |
this.light_green = color(230, 250, 220, 200); | |
this.dark_green = color(150, 175, 135, 200); | |
this.dark_blue = color(135, 135, 180, 200); | |
this.light_blue = color(200, 230, 245, 200); | |
this.other_turq = color(195, 245, 225, 200); | |
//positions/states: | |
this.mouthX = 0; | |
this.mouthY = 0; | |
this.male_female = 1; | |
this.chinX = 0; | |
this.chinY = 0; | |
this.shapeScale = 1; | |
this.eye_height = .25; | |
this.faceColor = 1; | |
this.eyesX = 0; | |
this.mouth_OpenClose = 2 | |
this.show_points = function(segment) { | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
var number = i.toString(); | |
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); | |
textSize(0.2); | |
fill(0); | |
text(number, px, py, 0.1); | |
} | |
} | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
this.draw_segment = function(segment, do_loop) { | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
ellipse(px, py, 0.1); | |
if (i < segment.length - 1) { | |
let nx = segment[i + 1][0]; | |
let ny = segment[i + 1][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} else if (do_loop) { | |
let nx = segment[0][0]; | |
let ny = segment[0][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
//this array takes the colours called in the variables above, then I get a random colour from the array to be the fill for the background shapes | |
this.colourFillArray = [this.purple, this.pink, this.light_red, this.dark_red, this.orange, this.yellow, this.light_green, this.dark_green, this.dark_blue, this.light_blue, this.other_turq]; | |
this.colourFill = random(this.colourFillArray); | |
//If statement decides if the face is male or female, dictated by slider5. | |
if (this.male_female < 2) { | |
fill(this.colourFill); | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
//scales shapes to size of the face | |
scale(this.shapeScale); | |
ellipse(0, 0, 2, 3); | |
ellipse(0, .5, 3.75, 3.25); | |
ellipse(-1.25, -1.5, 2, 4); | |
ellipse(.75, -2.5, 2.5, 2); | |
ellipse(-.5, 1.75, 2.5, 2); | |
ellipse(1, -1.5, 2, 2.5); | |
ellipse(-.75, -2.5, 2, 3); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.035); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(-.3, -2.9); | |
quadraticVertex(1.5, -4, 1.9, -2.5); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//if-else statement decides if the mouth is closed (only a line, no fill) or open (area of mouth filled) | |
if (this.mouth_OpenClose == 1) { | |
stroke(0); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[7][0], positions.bottom_lip[7][1]); | |
quadraticVertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + this.mouthX, positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + this.mouthY, positions.bottom_lip[0][0], positions.bottom_lip[0][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
} else { | |
stroke(0); | |
fill(200, 200, 200, 100); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.bottom_lip[7][0], positions.bottom_lip[7][1]); | |
quadraticVertex(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + this.mouthX, positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + this.mouthY, positions.bottom_lip[0][0], positions.bottom_lip[0][1]); | |
endShape(); | |
strokeWeight(0.01); | |
line(positions.bottom_lip[7][0], positions.bottom_lip[7][1], positions.bottom_lip[0][0], positions.bottom_lip[0][1]); | |
} | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.035); | |
//if statement decides what side of the jaw the face is on, using the tip of the nose as a center point to figure out if the person is looking left or right | |
if (positions.nose_tip[2][0] < 0) { | |
beginShape(); | |
noFill(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[8][0], positions.chin[8][1]) | |
quadraticVertex(positions.chin[12][0] + this.chinX, positions.chin[12][1] + this.chinY, positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]) | |
endShape(); | |
} else { | |
beginShape(); | |
noFill(); | |
vertex(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1]) | |
quadraticVertex(positions.chin[4][0] + this.chinX, positions.chin[5][1] + this.chinY, positions.chin[8][0], positions.chin[8][1]) | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.02); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0], positions.left_eyebrow[1][1]); | |
quadraticVertex(positions.nose_bridge[1][0], positions.nose_bridge[1][1] - 1.2, positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]) | |
endShape(); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
//same as the jawline if statement- decides which way the nose should be pointing | |
if (positions.nose_tip[2][0] < 0) { | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.nose_bridge[1][0], positions.nose_bridge[1][1]) | |
quadraticVertex(positions.nose_tip[1][0], positions.nose_tip[1][1] + .5, positions.nose_tip[4][0], positions.nose_tip[4][1]) | |
endShape(); | |
} else { | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.nose_bridge[1][0], positions.nose_bridge[1][1]) | |
quadraticVertex(positions.nose_tip[3][0], positions.nose_tip[3][1] + .5, positions.nose_tip[1][0], positions.nose_tip[1][1]) | |
endShape(); | |
} | |
} else { | |
////MALE FACE//// | |
this.colourFillArray = [this.purple, this.pink, this.light_red, this.dark_red, this.orange, this.yellow, this.light_green, this.dark_green, this.dark_blue, this.light_blue, this.other_turq]; | |
this.colourFill = random(this.colourFillArray); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(this.colourFill); | |
push(); | |
//scales shapes to size of the face | |
scale(this.shapeScale); | |
rect(.75, -2.25, 2, 3.5); | |
rect(-2.25, -3.25, 2.5, 1.5); | |
rect(-.75, -2, 2, 2); | |
rect(-1.75, -1.25, 3, 3.5); | |
rect(-1.25, -2.75, 1, 5.5); | |
rect(0, -3.5, 1.5, 1.5); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.035); | |
line(-1.75, -1.75, -1.75, -2.9); | |
line(-1.9, -2.75, 1.5, -2.75); | |
noStroke(); | |
pop(); | |
if (this.mouth_OpenClose == 1) { | |
stroke(0); | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
line(positions.bottom_lip[7][0], positions.bottom_lip[7][1], positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + this.mouthX, positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + this.mouthY); | |
line(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + this.mouthX, positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + this.mouthY, positions.bottom_lip[0][0], positions.bottom_lip[0][1]); | |
} else { | |
stroke(0); | |
fill(200, 200, 200, 100); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.02); | |
triangle(positions.bottom_lip[7][0], positions.bottom_lip[7][1], positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + this.mouthX, positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + this.mouthY, positions.bottom_lip[0][0], positions.bottom_lip[0][1]); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
line(positions.bottom_lip[7][0], positions.bottom_lip[7][1], positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + this.mouthX, positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + this.mouthY); | |
line(positions.bottom_lip[3][0] + this.mouthX, positions.bottom_lip[3][1] + this.mouthY, positions.bottom_lip[0][0], positions.bottom_lip[0][1]); | |
} | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.035); | |
if (positions.nose_tip[2][0] < 0) { | |
line(positions.chin[8][0], positions.chin[8][1], positions.chin[12][0] + this.chinX, positions.chin[12][1] + this.chinY); | |
line(positions.chin[12][0] + this.chinX, positions.chin[12][1] + this.chinY, positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); | |
} else { | |
line(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1], positions.chin[4][0] + this.chinX, positions.chin[4][1] + this.chinY); | |
line(positions.chin[4][0] + this.chinX, positions.chin[4][1] + this.chinY, positions.chin[8][0], positions.chin[8][1]); | |
} | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.02); | |
line(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0], positions.left_eyebrow[1][1], positions.right_eyebrow[3][0], positions.right_eyebrow[3][1]); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
if (positions.nose_tip[2][0] < 0) { | |
line(positions.nose_bridge[1][0], positions.nose_bridge[1][1], positions.nose_tip[1][0], positions.nose_tip[1][1]); | |
line(positions.nose_tip[1][0], positions.nose_tip[1][1], positions.nose_tip[3][0], positions.nose_tip[3][1]) | |
} else { | |
line(positions.nose_bridge[1][0], positions.nose_bridge[1][1], positions.nose_tip[3][0], positions.nose_tip[3][1]); | |
line(positions.nose_tip[3][0], positions.nose_tip[3][1], positions.nose_tip[1][0], positions.nose_tip[1][1]) | |
} | |
} | |
//EYES// | |
fill(240, 240, 240, 100); | |
stroke(0) | |
strokeWeight(0.025); | |
if (positions.nose_tip[2][0] < 0) { | |
rect(positions.left_eye[0][0] + this.eyesX, positions.left_eye[0][1], 1, this.eye_height) | |
ellipse(positions.right_eye[4][0] + this.eyesX, positions.right_eye[4][1], 1.25, .25 + this.eye_height); | |
} else { | |
rect(positions.left_eye[0][0] + this.eyesX, positions.left_eye[0][1], 1, this.eye_height) | |
ellipse(positions.right_eye[4][0] + this.eyesX, positions.right_eye[4][1], 1.25, .25 + this.eye_height); | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.mouthX = map(settings[0], 0, 100, -1.25, 1.25); | |
this.mouthY = map(settings[1], 0, 100, -1.25, 1.25); | |
this.eyesX = map(settings[2], 0, 100, -1, 1); | |
this.eye_height = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, .75); | |
this.chinX = map(settings[4], 0, 100, -1.5, 1.5); | |
this.chinY = map(settings[5], 0, 100, -1.5, 1.5); | |
this.mouth_OpenClose = int(map(settings[6], 0, 100, 1, 3)); | |
this.shapeScale = map(settings[7], 0, 100, .5, 1.25); | |
this.male_female = map(settings[8], 0, 100, 1, 3); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(3); | |
settings[0] = map(this.mouthX, -1.25, 1.25, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.mouthY, -1.25, 1.25, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.eyesX, -1, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.eye_height, 0, .75, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.chinX, -1.5, 1.5, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.chinY, -1.5, 1.5, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = int(map(this.mouth_OpenClose, 1, 3, 0, 100)); | |
settings[7] = map(this.shapeScale, .5, 1.25, 0, 100); | |
settings[8] = map(this.male_female, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
48, | |
40, | |
34, | |
22, | |
57, | |
50, | |
52, | |
49, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
34, | |
66, | |
26, | |
50, | |
54, | |
68, | |
100, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
33, | |
44, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
69, | |
82, | |
100, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
17.999999999999993 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
61, | |
40, | |
54, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
54, | |
69, | |
100, | |
30, | |
37.999999999999986 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
46.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
46, | |
51, | |
44, | |
69, | |
0, | |
54, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
51, | |
52, | |
33, | |
47, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
51, | |
100, | |
66, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
50, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
45, | |
22, | |
51, | |
66, | |
60, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
27 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
50, | |
44.00000000000001, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
23, | |
54, | |
62, | |
100, | |
73.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
48, | |
53, | |
41, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
63, | |
68, | |
0, | |
52.99999999999999, | |
47 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
56.00000000000001, | |
34, | |
46, | |
7.000000000000001, | |
64, | |
71, | |
100, | |
62, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
45, | |
61, | |
27, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
53, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
49.00000000000001, | |
53, | |
40, | |
25, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
30.000000000000004 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
51, | |
32, | |
45, | |
9.000000000000002, | |
53, | |
47, | |
100, | |
46, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
49.00000000000001, | |
45, | |
48, | |
16, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
53, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
41, | |
41, | |
45, | |
23, | |
64, | |
47, | |
0, | |
62, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
50, | |
64, | |
46, | |
23, | |
41, | |
87, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
44.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
50, | |
49.00000000000001, | |
44, | |
31, | |
41, | |
48, | |
100, | |
54, | |
44.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
57.99999999999999, | |
38, | |
37, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
61, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
45, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
37, | |
16, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
60, | |
100, | |
54, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
48, | |
27, | |
41, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
52, | |
62, | |
100, | |
61, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
48, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
41, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
46, | |
100, | |
47, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
56.00000000000001, | |
34, | |
66, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
54, | |
52, | |
0, | |
61, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
44.00000000000001, | |
45, | |
23, | |
46, | |
47, | |
100, | |
69, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
53, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
49, | |
30, | |
31, | |
59, | |
0, | |
62, | |
42.99999999999999 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
42.00000000000001, | |
41, | |
25, | |
21, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
48, | |
100, | |
65, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
50, | |
60, | |
40, | |
36.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
63, | |
40, | |
33, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
53, | |
100, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
49.00000000000001, | |
51, | |
43, | |
25, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
50, | |
0, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
63, | |
43, | |
17, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
52, | |
100, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
43, | |
12, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
64, | |
100, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
60, | |
40, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
10.000000000000002, | |
63, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
54, | |
43, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
21, | |
77.99999999999999, | |
77.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
47, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
64, | |
46.99999999999999, | |
48, | |
41, | |
41, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
82, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
42.00000000000001, | |
45, | |
40, | |
30, | |
59, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
64, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
45, | |
64, | |
44, | |
16, | |
59, | |
67, | |
100, | |
44.000000000000014, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
48, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
42, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
53, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
60, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
38, | |
48, | |
35, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
67, | |
77, | |
0, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
56.99999999999999, | |
51, | |
35, | |
26, | |
41, | |
53, | |
20, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
46.00000000000001, | |
45, | |
12, | |
16, | |
61, | |
34, | |
100, | |
34, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
46.00000000000001, | |
48, | |
44, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
53, | |
60, | |
0, | |
47, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
45, | |
44, | |
21, | |
62, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
51, | |
49.00000000000001, | |
44, | |
24, | |
59, | |
53, | |
100, | |
46, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
50, | |
37, | |
43, | |
36.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
54, | |
100, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
53, | |
43, | |
36.00000000000001, | |
64, | |
73, | |
100, | |
43, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
38, | |
46.99999999999999, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
21, | |
41, | |
85, | |
100, | |
48.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
45, | |
49.00000000000001, | |
34, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
50, | |
61, | |
0, | |
48.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
49.00000000000001, | |
46.00000000000001, | |
48, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
64, | |
0, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
42.00000000000001, | |
44.00000000000001, | |
40, | |
30, | |
46, | |
60, | |
0, | |
44.000000000000014, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
46.00000000000001, | |
45, | |
48, | |
30, | |
30, | |
84, | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
44.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
37, | |
22, | |
42, | |
28.999999999999996, | |
0, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
52, | |
48, | |
52, | |
22, | |
43, | |
54, | |
100, | |
61, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
48, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
21, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
82, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
41, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
46, | |
65, | |
73, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
30, | |
33, | |
37, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
52, | |
0, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
40, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
41, | |
73, | |
61, | |
100, | |
44.000000000000014, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
44.00000000000001, | |
41, | |
41, | |
13, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
66, | |
0, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
39, | |
53, | |
41, | |
22, | |
66, | |
69, | |
0, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
54, | |
32, | |
47, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
66, | |
0, | |
30.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
46.00000000000001, | |
31, | |
42, | |
25, | |
68, | |
51, | |
100, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
53, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
42, | |
16, | |
52, | |
79, | |
100, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
63, | |
48, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
21, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
46, | |
30, | |
43, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
41, | |
38, | |
44, | |
23, | |
43, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
40, | |
34, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
55.00000000000001, | |
46.00000000000001, | |
48, | |
16, | |
31, | |
80.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
46, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
61, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
26, | |
33, | |
42, | |
100, | |
47, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
43, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
63, | |
100, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
49.00000000000001, | |
38, | |
43, | |
24, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
46.00000000000001, | |
50, | |
43, | |
23, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
54, | |
49 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
36, | |
54, | |
48, | |
13, | |
61, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
48, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
50, | |
44.00000000000001, | |
48, | |
46, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
50, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
42, | |
31, | |
61, | |
53, | |
10, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
46.00000000000001, | |
44.00000000000001, | |
42, | |
27, | |
50, | |
53, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
57.99999999999999, | |
46.00000000000001, | |
42, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
50, | |
77, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
65, | |
46.99999999999999, | |
33, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
44, | |
60, | |
40, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
46.00000000000001, | |
48, | |
43, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
33, | |
64, | |
50, | |
48.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
46.00000000000001, | |
53, | |
43, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
69, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
57.99999999999999, | |
41, | |
46, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
53, | |
0, | |
61, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
38, | |
46.00000000000001, | |
54, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
66, | |
69, | |
100, | |
48, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
44.00000000000001, | |
46.00000000000001, | |
46, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
59, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
48, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
34, | |
50, | |
66, | |
25, | |
69.99999999999999, | |
75, | |
100, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
40, | |
17, | |
63, | |
48, | |
100, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
48, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
45, | |
25, | |
36.00000000000001, | |
54, | |
100, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
41, | |
39, | |
18, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
53, | |
64, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
53, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
17, | |
49, | |
46, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
51, | |
36, | |
65, | |
10.000000000000002, | |
46, | |
54, | |
100, | |
33.00000000000001, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
61, | |
37, | |
48, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
46, | |
60, | |
0, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
61, | |
31, | |
48, | |
19.000000000000004, | |
61, | |
72.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
43, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
61, | |
41, | |
41, | |
21, | |
59, | |
63, | |
100, | |
55.000000000000014, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
55.00000000000001, | |
59, | |
49, | |
10.000000000000002, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
61, | |
100, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
68, | |
46.99999999999999, | |
66, | |
24, | |
30, | |
71, | |
100, | |
41, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
62, | |
49.00000000000001, | |
51, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
38.99999999999999, | |
61, | |
100, | |
47, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
54, | |
43, | |
70, | |
18.000000000000004, | |
54, | |
71, | |
100, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
52, | |
43, | |
48, | |
24, | |
50, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
10, | |
48, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
45, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
43, | |
12, | |
36.00000000000001, | |
52, | |
100, | |
40.00000000000001, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
48, | |
44.00000000000001, | |
44, | |
16, | |
54, | |
50, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
48, | |
40, | |
44, | |
21, | |
42, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
48, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
41, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
44, | |
32, | |
63, | |
63, | |
100, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
37, | |
51, | |
50, | |
26, | |
66, | |
68, | |
100, | |
46, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
46.99999999999999, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
44, | |
27, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
62, | |
70, | |
45, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
43, | |
42.00000000000001, | |
40, | |
34.99999999999999, | |
52, | |
50, | |
80, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
48, | |
52, | |
35, | |
17, | |
71, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
38.00000000000001, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
// var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 4; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// here's some examples for colors used | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i = 0; i < s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len, sum_y / s_len]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function McSweeneyFace() { | |
//frameRate(1); | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables should be different!) | |
this.num_eyes = 2; // can be either 1 (cyclops) or 2 (two eyes) | |
this.eye_shift = -1; // range is -10 to 10 | |
this.mouth_value = 4; // range is 0.5 to 8 | |
//variables between 0-100; | |
this.jaw = 50; | |
this.eyes = 50; | |
this.cheek1 = 50; | |
this.mouth = 50; | |
this.cheek2 = 50; | |
this.colour_picker = 80; | |
this.horn_size = 50; | |
this.jaw_ang = 50; | |
this.eye_evil = 50; | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
this.draw_segment = function(segment, do_loop) { | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
ellipse(px, py, 0.1); | |
if (i < segment.length - 1) { | |
let nx = segment[i + 1][0]; | |
let ny = segment[i + 1][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} else if (do_loop) { | |
let nx = segment[0][0]; | |
let ny = segment[0][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
// fill(255); | |
// ellipse(0, 0, 4); | |
// return; | |
/* | |
// draw segments of face using points | |
fill(128); | |
stroke(128); | |
this.draw_segment(positions.chin); | |
fill(100, 0, 100); | |
stroke(100, 0, 100); | |
this.draw_segment(positions.nose_bridge); | |
this.draw_segment(positions.nose_tip); | |
strokeWeight(0.03); | |
fill(200, 0, 0); | |
stroke(200, 0, 0); | |
this.draw_segment(positions.top_lip); | |
this.draw_segment(positions.bottom_lip); | |
fill(255); | |
stroke(255); | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); */ | |
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
//scale(4/10); | |
let colour_pic = int(map(this.colour_picker, 0, 100, 1, 3)) | |
let colour = []; | |
let strokeCol = []; | |
if (colour_pic == 1) { | |
colour = [165, 146, 126]; | |
strokeCol = [20]; | |
} else if (colour_pic == 2) { | |
colour = [227, 218, 201]; | |
strokeCol = [150]; | |
} else if (colour_pic == 3) { | |
colour = [222, 202, 176]; | |
strokeCol = [255]; | |
} | |
// head | |
let cheek = 5; | |
let cheek_dist = 4; | |
let cheek_out = 5.5; | |
let cheek_height = map(this.cheek1, 0, 100, -1.5, -0.7, true); | |
let cheek_end_x = 4; | |
let cheek_end_y = 2; | |
var jaw_width = map(this.jaw, 0, 100, 3, 5); | |
var jaw_height = 3.5; | |
var chin_width = 1.5; | |
var chin_height = 6; | |
let mouthweight = 0.1; | |
let genstroke = 0.15; | |
let eyeposL = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let eyeposR = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
let eyesizeL = (positions.left_eye[3][0] - positions.left_eye[0][0]); | |
let eyesizeR = (positions.right_eye[3][0] - positions.right_eye[0][0]); | |
let eyesizeRV = ((positions.right_eye[2][1] - positions.right_eye[4][1])) * 3; | |
let eyesizeLV = ((positions.right_eye[1][1] - positions.right_eye[5][1])) * 3; | |
//fill(colour); | |
stroke(strokeCol); | |
//stroke(145,136,116); | |
strokeCap(ROUND); | |
smooth(); | |
strokeJoin(ROUND); | |
strokeWeight(genstroke); | |
//Crainium ------------------------------------------------------ | |
//Horns ------------------------------------------------------ | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
let nosl = positions.nose_bridge[0][1] - positions.nose_bridge[3][1]; | |
let hornpos = ((eyeposR[1] + eyeposL[1])/2) + (nosl) | |
let horn_height =(map(this.horn_size, 0, 100, 0.75, 2)); | |
//Fill ----- | |
push(); | |
fill(strokeCol); | |
stroke(strokeCol); | |
strokeWeight(genstroke/3) | |
triangle(positions.right_eyebrow[1][0],hornpos*1.1, positions.right_eyebrow[3][0],hornpos, | |
positions.chin[12][0]*0.95, hornpos + (nosl*horn_height ) ); | |
triangle(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0],hornpos, positions.left_eyebrow[3][0],hornpos*1.1, | |
positions.chin[4][0]*0.95, (hornpos + (nosl*horn_height)) ); | |
/*//if (horn_desc ==) | |
fill(255,0,0); | |
stroke(255,0,0); | |
triangle(positions.right_eyebrow[1][0]*1.4,hornpos*1.9, positions.right_eyebrow[3][0],hornpos*1.8, | |
positions.chin[12][0]*0.95, hornpos + (nosl*horn_height ) ); | |
triangle(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0],hornpos*1.8, positions.left_eyebrow[3][0]*1.4,hornpos*1.9, | |
positions.chin[4][0]*0.95, (hornpos + (nosl*horn_height)) ); | |
*/ | |
pop(); | |
//Top Horn -------- | |
noFill(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0]*0.8, eyeposR[1]); // | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0],hornpos); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[12][0], hornpos + (nosl*horn_height )); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[12][0]*1.5, hornpos + (nosl*horn_height)); // | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[1][0]*0.8, eyeposR[1]); // | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[1][0],hornpos*1.1); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[12][0], hornpos + (nosl*horn_height)); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[12][0]*2, hornpos + (nosl*horn_height)); // | |
endShape(); | |
//Bottom horn ---- | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[1][0]*0.6,hornpos*1.5); // | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[1][0],hornpos*1.1); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0],hornpos); | |
curveVertex(positions.right_eyebrow[3][0]*1.4,hornpos*1.4); // | |
endShape(); | |
//Left | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0]*0.8, eyeposL[1]); // | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0],hornpos); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[4][0], hornpos + (nosl*horn_height)); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[4][0]*1.5, hornpos + (nosl*horn_height)); // | |
endShape(); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0]*0.8 , eyeposL[1]); // | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0],hornpos*1.1); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[4][0], hornpos + (nosl*horn_height) ); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[4][0]*2, hornpos + (nosl*horn_height)); // | |
endShape(); | |
//Bottom horn ---- | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0]*1.4,hornpos*1.4); // | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[1][0],hornpos); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0],hornpos*1.1); | |
curveVertex(positions.left_eyebrow[3][0]*0.6,hornpos*1.5); // | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//Chin | |
//Chin | |
push(); | |
let jaw_stroke = 0.3; | |
strokeWeight(genstroke); | |
noFill(); | |
let jawrightx = (positions.chin[12][0] * 1.2) | |
let jawrighty = (positions.chin[12][1] * 1.1) | |
let jawleftx = (positions.chin[4][0] * 1.2) | |
let jawlefty = (positions.chin[4][1] * 1.1) | |
let jaw_angle = int(map(this.jaw_ang, 0, 100, 1, 2)); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(jawrightx + 1 * jaw_angle, jawrighty * jaw_angle); | |
curveVertex(jawrightx, jawrighty); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[9][0], positions.chin[8][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[7][0], positions.chin[8][1]); | |
curveVertex(jawleftx, jawlefty); | |
curveVertex(jawleftx - 1* jaw_angle, jawlefty * jaw_angle); | |
endShape(); | |
//Jaw Side Left ---- | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[2][0] - 1, positions.chin[2][1] - 1); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[2][0], positions.chin[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(jawleftx, jawlefty); | |
curveVertex(jawleftx - 1, jawlefty + 1); | |
endShape(); | |
//Jaw Side Right ---- | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[14][0] + 1, positions.chin[14][1] - 1); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[14][0], positions.chin[14][1]); | |
curveVertex(jawrightx, jawrighty); | |
curveVertex(jawrightx + 1, jawrighty + 1); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//Cheeks------------------------- | |
strokeWeight(genstroke); | |
noFill(); | |
let cheekinnerY = (positions.chin[14][1] - positions.chin[15][1]) + positions.chin[15][1] | |
let cheekinnerX = (positions.chin[14][0] - (positions.chin[14][0] - positions.chin[12][0])); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[16][0] - 1, positions.chin[16][1] - 1); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[16][0] * 0.9, positions.chin[16][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[15][0] * 1.1, positions.chin[15][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[14][0] * 1.05, positions.chin[14][1]); | |
curveVertex(cheekinnerX, cheekinnerY); | |
curveVertex(cheekinnerX - 1, cheekinnerY + 0.5); | |
endShape(); | |
let cheekinnerLY = (positions.chin[14][1] - positions.chin[1][1]) + positions.chin[1][1] | |
let cheekinnerLX = (positions.chin[2][0] - (positions.chin[2][0] - positions.chin[4][0])); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0] + 1, positions.chin[0][1] - 1); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[0][0] * 0.9, positions.chin[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[1][0] * 1.1, positions.chin[1][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.chin[2][0] * 1.05, positions.chin[2][1]); | |
curveVertex(cheekinnerLX, cheekinnerLY); | |
curveVertex(cheekinnerLX + 1, cheekinnerLY + 0.5); | |
endShape(); | |
//Eyes----------------------------------------------- | |
push(); | |
let eye_evil2 = map(this.eye_evil,0,100,0,3); | |
let smalleyeS = 4; | |
fill(200/eye_evil2,0,0); | |
strokeWeight(genstroke); | |
stroke('black'); | |
ellipse(eyeposR[0],eyeposR[1], eyesizeR, eyesizeRV); | |
ellipse(eyeposL[0],eyeposL[1], eyesizeL, eyesizeLV); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255,33*eye_evil2); | |
ellipse(eyeposR[0],eyeposR[1], eyesizeR/smalleyeS, eyesizeRV/smalleyeS); | |
ellipse(eyeposL[0],eyeposL[1], eyesizeL/smalleyeS, eyesizeLV/smalleyeS); | |
pop(); | |
//mouth ------------------------------ | |
let mouthcurveRy = positions.bottom_lip[0][1] - (positions.bottom_lip[10][1] - positions.bottom_lip[0][1])*3 | |
let mouthcurveLy = positions.bottom_lip[6][1] - (positions.bottom_lip[8][1] - positions.bottom_lip[6][1])*3 | |
let mouthfracLX = (positions.bottom_lip[2][0] + positions.top_lip[4][0]) / 2; | |
let mouthfracRX = (positions.bottom_lip[4][0] + positions.top_lip[2][0]) / 2; | |
let mouthfracRX2 = (positions.bottom_lip[6][0] + mouthfracRX) / 2 | |
let mouthfracLX2 = (positions.bottom_lip[0][0] + mouthfracLX) / 2 | |
let mouthheight = (positions.bottom_lip[3][1] - positions.top_lip[3][1])/2; | |
let mouthcenterheight = positions.bottom_lip[9][1] - ((positions.bottom_lip[9][1] - positions.top_lip[9][1])/2); | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
let check = 6; | |
translate(0,mouthweight*1/3) | |
stroke(200,0,0) | |
strokeWeight(mouthweight) | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.bottom_lip[0][0] + 0.5, mouthcurveRy); | |
curveVertex(positions.bottom_lip[0][0], positions.bottom_lip[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.bottom_lip[6][0], positions.bottom_lip[6][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.bottom_lip[6][0] - 0.5, mouthcurveLy); | |
endShape(); | |
line(mouthfracRX,mouthcenterheight-mouthheight, mouthfracRX, mouthcenterheight+mouthheight); | |
line(mouthfracRX2,mouthcenterheight-mouthheight, mouthfracRX2, mouthcenterheight+mouthheight); | |
line(mouthfracLX,mouthcenterheight-mouthheight, mouthfracLX, mouthcenterheight+mouthheight); | |
line(mouthfracLX2,mouthcenterheight-mouthheight, mouthfracLX2, mouthcenterheight+mouthheight); | |
pop(); | |
//inner ----- | |
push(); | |
strokeWeight(mouthweight); | |
stroke(0); | |
beginShape(); | |
curveVertex(positions.bottom_lip[0][0]+0.5, mouthcurveRy); | |
curveVertex(positions.bottom_lip[0][0],positions.bottom_lip[0][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.bottom_lip[6][0], positions.bottom_lip[6][1]); | |
curveVertex(positions.bottom_lip[6][0]-0.5, mouthcurveLy); | |
endShape(); | |
line(mouthfracRX,mouthcenterheight-mouthheight, mouthfracRX, mouthcenterheight+mouthheight); | |
line(mouthfracRX2,mouthcenterheight-mouthheight, mouthfracRX2, mouthcenterheight+mouthheight); | |
line(mouthfracLX,mouthcenterheight-mouthheight, mouthfracLX, mouthcenterheight+mouthheight); | |
line(mouthfracLX2,mouthcenterheight-mouthheight, mouthfracLX2, mouthcenterheight+mouthheight); | |
pop(); | |
//Nose ------------- | |
push(); | |
fill(colour); | |
//fill(strokeCol); | |
strokeWeight(genstroke); | |
let nose_width = map(jaw_width, 3, 5, 0.5, 1); | |
let nose_top = positions.nose_bridge[1][1] - positions.nose_bridge[0][1]; | |
triangle(positions.nose_bridge[0][0], positions.nose_bridge[1][1] - nose_top / 2, positions.nose_tip[0][0], positions.nose_tip[0][1], positions.nose_tip[4][0], positions.nose_tip[4][1]) | |
pop(); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.colour_picker = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 100)); | |
this.horn_size = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
this.jaw_ang = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
this.eye_evil = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(0); | |
settings[0] = map(this.colour_picker, 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.horn_size, 0,100, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.jaw_ang, 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.eye_evil, 0, 100, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
0, | |
33, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
70, | |
53, | |
100, | |
54 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
78, | |
41, | |
100, | |
79 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
68, | |
77, | |
10, | |
79 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
0, | |
22, | |
100, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
85, | |
0, | |
79 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
76, | |
19, | |
100, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
0, | |
93, | |
0, | |
78 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
0, | |
77, | |
0, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
22, | |
100, | |
54 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
0, | |
62, | |
0, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
0, | |
79, | |
0, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
0, | |
67, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
56.99999999999999, | |
22, | |
100, | |
73 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
16 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
0, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
0, | |
37, | |
100, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
0, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
87 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
65 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
77, | |
100, | |
0, | |
66 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
0, | |
76, | |
0, | |
33 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
54, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
54, | |
73, | |
0, | |
24 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
34, | |
100, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
0, | |
13, | |
100, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
94, | |
13, | |
100, | |
30 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
0, | |
10, | |
100, | |
7.000000000000001 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
0, | |
10, | |
100, | |
44 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
0, | |
69, | |
0, | |
71 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
53, | |
84, | |
0, | |
39 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
53, | |
69, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
0, | |
87, | |
0, | |
39 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
0, | |
87, | |
1, | |
54 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
56.00000000000001, | |
87, | |
0, | |
69 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
0, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
84 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
0, | |
8, | |
100, | |
70 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
83, | |
68, | |
0, | |
62 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
0, | |
67, | |
0, | |
62 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
56.99999999999999, | |
78, | |
0, | |
91 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
89, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
0, | |
75, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
0, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
0, | |
3, | |
100, | |
62 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
0, | |
81, | |
0, | |
62 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
39 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
60, | |
90, | |
0, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
0, | |
12, | |
100, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
64, | |
0, | |
100, | |
12 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
0, | |
89, | |
0, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
0, | |
12, | |
100, | |
14.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
26 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
0, | |
7.000000000000001, | |
100, | |
28.999999999999996 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
0, | |
31, | |
100, | |
37 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
0, | |
71, | |
0, | |
32 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
0, | |
10, | |
100, | |
14.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
0, | |
10, | |
100, | |
14.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
0, | |
68, | |
0, | |
46 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
0, | |
4, | |
100, | |
16 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
75, | |
15, | |
100, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
0, | |
75, | |
0, | |
52 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
76 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
0, | |
84, | |
0, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
80, | |
19, | |
100, | |
16 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
64, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
64, | |
6, | |
100, | |
7.000000000000001 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
13, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
0, | |
81, | |
0, | |
64 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
0, | |
82, | |
0, | |
83 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
66, | |
10, | |
100, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
79, | |
10, | |
100, | |
31 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
0, | |
4, | |
100, | |
14.000000000000002 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
84, | |
77, | |
0, | |
62 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
67, | |
63, | |
0, | |
35 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
70, | |
0, | |
35 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
13 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
6, | |
100, | |
48 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
0, | |
81, | |
0, | |
79 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
4, | |
100, | |
18 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
9, | |
100, | |
38 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
0, | |
67, | |
0, | |
77 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
66, | |
8, | |
100, | |
22 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
0, | |
68, | |
0, | |
11 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
0, | |
85, | |
0, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
25 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
8, | |
100, | |
41 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
9 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
0, | |
83, | |
0, | |
60 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
10, | |
100, | |
12 | |
] | |
} | |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
//var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 7; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// here's some examples for colors used | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [151, 102, 52]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
let cluster = new Cluster(); | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i = 0; i < s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len, sum_y / s_len]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function NgFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables should be different!) | |
this.numOfSq = 7; | |
this.numOfTri = focusedRandom(0, 15); | |
this.numOfEll = 7; | |
this.hairColorSelector = 5; | |
this.faceColorSelector = 5; | |
this.eyeColorSelector = 5; | |
this.eye_shift = -1; | |
this.makeUp = 0; | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
// | |
this.draw_segment = function (segment, scaleX, scaleY) { | |
for (let i = 0; i < segment.length; i += 1) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
push() | |
translate(px, py); | |
scale(scaleX, scaleY); | |
rotate(focusedRandom(10, 350)); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
}; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function (positions) { | |
//Colour initialization | |
let faceColor = 0; | |
let faceShad = 0; | |
let hairColor = 0; | |
let eyeColor = 0; | |
let eyeBallColor = 255; | |
let mouthColor = 255; | |
//Hair colour range using lerpColor() function | |
let fromHair = color(0, 0, 0); | |
let toHair = color(252, 226, 91); | |
let interHair = lerpColor(fromHair, toHair, this.hairColorSelector); | |
//Face colour range using lerpColor() function | |
let fromFace = color(105, 64, 29); | |
let toFace = color(255, 219, 172); | |
let interFace = lerpColor(fromFace, toFace, this.faceColorSelector); | |
//FaceShad colour range using lerpColor() function | |
let fromFaceShad = color(64, 39, 17); | |
let toFaceShad = color(227, 195, 154); | |
let interFaceShad = lerpColor(fromFaceShad, toFaceShad, this.faceColorSelector); | |
//Eye colour range using lerpColor() function | |
let fromEye = color(0, 0, 0); | |
let toEye = color(0, 255, 247); | |
let interEye = lerpColor(fromEye, toEye, this.eyeColorSelector); | |
//Shared Variable | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
let top_mouth_pos = segment_average(positions.top_lip); | |
let bottom_mouth_pos = segment_average(positions.bottom_lip); | |
let avgBrowLine = (positions.left_eyebrow[2][1] + positions.right_eyebrow[2][1]) / 2 | |
const makeupThreshold = 0.475; | |
noStroke() | |
//face | |
let faceback_midpt_x = ((positions.chin[16][0] - positions.chin[0][0]) / 2) + positions.chin[0][0]; | |
let faceback_midpt_y = ((positions.chin[8][1] - avgBrowLine) / 2) + avgBrowLine; | |
let faceback_height = dist(positions.chin[8][0], avgBrowLine, positions.chin[8][0], positions.chin[8][1]); | |
let faceback_y_scale = map(faceback_height, 0.01, 3.78, 0.01, 1.85); | |
let faceback_width = dist(positions.chin[0][0], positions.chin[0][1], positions.chin[16][0], positions.chin[16][1]); | |
let faceback_x_scale = map(faceback_width, 0.01, 3.31, 0.1, 1.25); | |
//Cheeks to show face direction | |
push() | |
translate(faceback_midpt_x + 0, faceback_midpt_y - 0.55); | |
scale(faceback_x_scale, faceback_y_scale); | |
fill(interFaceShad); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop() | |
let faceMidPtX = ((right_eye_pos[0] - left_eye_pos[0]) / 2) + left_eye_pos[0]; | |
let faceMidPtY = ((positions.chin[8][1] - avgBrowLine) / 2) + avgBrowLine; | |
let face_height = dist(positions.chin[8][0], avgBrowLine, positions.chin[8][0], positions.chin[8][1]); | |
let face_y_scale = map(face_height, 0.01, 3.5, 0.01, 1.3); | |
let face_width = dist(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1]); | |
let face_x_scale = map(face_width, 0.01, 1.4, 0.1, 0.8); | |
push() | |
fill(interFace) | |
translate(faceMidPtX, faceMidPtY + 0.1); | |
scale(face_x_scale, face_y_scale); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll);//Lower face | |
translate(0, -1); | |
scale(1.2, 1); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll);//Upper face | |
pop() | |
//eyeball | |
//Eye shadow | |
if (this.makeUp > makeupThreshold) { | |
fill(50, 50); | |
//Left Eye | |
push(); | |
translate(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1] - 0.1); | |
scale(0.2, 0.1); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
//Right Eye | |
push(); | |
translate(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1] - 0.1); | |
scale(0.2, 0.1); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//Eyes | |
fill(255); | |
push(); | |
translate(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1]); | |
scale(0.2, 0.1); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
translate(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1]); | |
scale(0.2, 0.1); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
//eyebrow | |
fill(interHair); | |
//Left Eyebrow | |
for (let j = 0; j < positions.left_eyebrow.length - 1; j++) { | |
let v1 = createVector(positions.left_eyebrow[j][0], positions.left_eyebrow[j][1]); | |
let v2 = createVector(positions.left_eyebrow[j + 1][0], positions.left_eyebrow[j + 1][1]); | |
let angleBetweenL = v1.angleBetween(v2); | |
push(); | |
translate(positions.left_eyebrow[j][0], positions.left_eyebrow[j][1]); | |
rotate(-angleBetweenL); | |
scale(0.15, 0.05); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
//Right Eyebrow | |
for (let k = 0; k < positions.right_eyebrow.length - 1; k++) { | |
let v3 = createVector(positions.right_eyebrow[k][0], positions.right_eyebrow[k][1]); | |
let v4 = createVector(positions.right_eyebrow[k + 1][0], positions.right_eyebrow[k + 1][1]); | |
let angleBetweenR = v3.angleBetween(v4); | |
push(); | |
translate(positions.right_eyebrow[k][0], positions.right_eyebrow[k][1]); | |
rotate(angleBetweenR); | |
scale(0.15, 0.05); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop() | |
} | |
// pupils | |
let curEyeShift = 0.04 * this.eye_shift; | |
fill(interEye); | |
//Left pupil | |
push() | |
translate(left_eye_pos[0] + curEyeShift, left_eye_pos[1]); | |
scale(0.07); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
//Right pupil | |
push(); | |
translate(right_eye_pos[0] + curEyeShift, right_eye_pos[1]); | |
scale(0.07); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
//mouth | |
let mouth_midpt_y = ((positions.bottom_lip[9][1] - positions.top_lip[9][1]) / 2) + positions.top_lip[9][1]; | |
let mouth_midpt_x = ((positions.top_lip[6][0] - positions.top_lip[0][0]) / 2) + positions.top_lip[0][0]; | |
let mouth_height = dist(positions.top_lip[9][0], positions.top_lip[9][1], positions.bottom_lip[9][0], positions.bottom_lip[9][1]); | |
let mouth_y_scale = map(mouth_height, 0.1, 0.35, 0.005, 0.1); | |
let mouth_width = dist(positions.top_lip[0][0], positions.top_lip[0][1], positions.top_lip[6][0], positions.top_lip[6][1]); | |
let mouth_x_scale = map(mouth_width, 0.01, 1.5, 0.01, 0.35); | |
//Turn mouth black when it is "closed" | |
if (mouth_height <= 0.1) { | |
mouthColor = 0; | |
} | |
//lipstick | |
if (this.makeUp > makeupThreshold) { | |
push() | |
translate(mouth_midpt_x, mouth_midpt_y); | |
scale(mouth_x_scale + 0.05, mouth_y_scale + 0.05); | |
fill(235, 64, 52); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop() | |
} | |
push() | |
translate(mouth_midpt_x, mouth_midpt_y); | |
scale(mouth_x_scale, mouth_y_scale); | |
fill(mouthColor); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop() | |
//nose | |
blendMode(MULTIPLY) | |
fill(100, 0, 100); | |
let noseq1 = color(150); | |
let noseq2 = color(50); | |
if (positions.nose_bridge[3][0] <= positions.nose_tip[2][0]) { | |
noseq1 = color(50); | |
noseq2 = color(150); | |
} | |
fill(noseq1); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.nose_bridge[0][0], positions.nose_bridge[0][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[0][0], positions.nose_tip[0][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[2][0], positions.nose_tip[2][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_bridge[3][0], positions.nose_bridge[3][1]); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
fill(noseq2); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(positions.nose_bridge[0][0], positions.nose_bridge[0][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_bridge[3][0], positions.nose_bridge[3][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[2][0], positions.nose_tip[2][1]); | |
vertex(positions.nose_tip[4][0], positions.nose_tip[4][1]); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//Blush | |
if (this.makeUp > makeupThreshold) { | |
push(); | |
fill(255, 233, 232, 20); | |
translate(left_eye_pos[0], positions.nose_bridge[3][1] + 0.2); | |
scale(0.3, 0.5); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
fill(255, 233, 232, 15); | |
translate(right_eye_pos[0], positions.nose_bridge[3][1] + 0.2); | |
scale(0.3, 0.5); | |
cluster.draw(this.numOfSq, this.numOfTri, this.numOfEll); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function (settings) { | |
this.faceColorSelector = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.eye_shift = map(settings[1], 0, 100, -4, 4); | |
this.eyeColorSelector = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.hairColorSelector = map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.makeUp = map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0, 1); | |
this.numOfSq = int(map(settings[5], 0, 100, 0, 15)); | |
this.numOfEll = int(map(settings[6], 0, 100, 0, 15)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function () { | |
let settings = new Array(6) | |
settings[0] = map(this.faceColorSelector, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.eye_shift, -4, 4, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.eyeColorSelector, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.hairColorSelector, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.makeUp, 0, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[5] = map(this.numOfSq, 0, 15, 0, 100); | |
settings[6] = map(this.numOfEll, 0, 15, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} | |
function Cluster() { | |
this.arrayXSq = []; | |
this.arrayYSq = []; | |
this.arraySSq = []; | |
this.arrayXTri = []; | |
this.arrayYTri = []; | |
this.arraySTri = []; | |
this.arrayXEll = []; | |
this.arrayYEll = []; | |
this.arraySEll = []; | |
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { | |
this.xPosSq = focusedRandom(-3, 3) * 0.4; | |
this.yPosSq = focusedRandom(-3, 3) * 0.4; | |
this.sSizeSq = focusedRandom(4, 7) * 0.3; | |
this.arrayXSq.push(this.xPosSq); | |
this.arrayYSq.push(this.yPosSq); | |
this.arraySSq.push(this.sSizeSq); | |
this.xPosTri = focusedRandom(-3, 3) * 0.4; | |
this.yPosTri = focusedRandom(-3, 3) * 0.4; | |
this.sSizeTri = focusedRandom(4, 7) * 0.2; | |
this.arrayXTri.push(this.xPosTri); | |
this.arrayYTri.push(this.yPosTri); | |
this.arraySTri.push(this.sSizeTri); | |
this.xPosEll = focusedRandom(-3, 3) * 0.4; | |
this.yPosEll = focusedRandom(-3, 3) * 0.4; | |
this.sSizeEll = focusedRandom(4, 7) * 0.3; | |
this.arrayXEll.push(this.xPosEll); | |
this.arrayYEll.push(this.yPosEll); | |
this.arraySEll.push(this.sSizeEll); | |
} | |
this.draw = function (testValue1, testValue2, testValue3) { | |
rectMode(CENTER); | |
noStroke(); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (let j = 0; j < testValue1; j++) { | |
let x = this.arrayXSq[j]; | |
let y = this.arrayYSq[j]; | |
if (x < 0 && y < 0) { | |
x += ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y += ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} else if (x < 0 && y > 0) { | |
x += ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y -= ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} else if (x > 0 && y > 0) { | |
x -= ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y -= ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} else if (x > 0 && y < 0) { | |
x -= ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y += ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
//vertex(x, y); | |
square(0, 0, this.arraySSq[j]); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (let k = 0; k < testValue2; k++) { | |
let x = this.arrayXTri[k]; | |
let y = this.arrayYTri[k]; | |
if (x < 0 && y < 0) { | |
x += ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y += ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} else if (x < 0 && y > 0) { | |
x += ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y -= ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} else if (x > 0 && y > 0) { | |
x -= ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y -= ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} else if (x > 0 && y < 0) { | |
x -= ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y += ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
//vertex(x, y); | |
cusTriangle(0, 0, this.arraySTri[k]); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
beginShape(); | |
for (let l = 0; l < testValue3; l++) { | |
let x = this.arrayXEll[l]; | |
let y = this.arrayYEll[l]; | |
if (x < 0 && y < 0) { | |
x += ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y += ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} else if (x < 0 && y > 0) { | |
x += ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y -= ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} else if (x > 0 && y > 0) { | |
x -= ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y -= ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} else if (x > 0 && y < 0) { | |
x -= ((5 / 3) * 0.4); | |
y += ((5 / 4) * 0.4); | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(x, y); | |
//vertex(x, y); | |
ellipse(0, 0, this.arraySEll[l]); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
}; | |
} | |
function cusTriangle(x, y, radius) { | |
let angle = 360 / 3; | |
beginShape(); | |
for (let a = 0; a < 360; a += angle) { | |
let sx = x + cos(a) * radius; | |
let sy = y + sin(a) * radius; | |
vertex(sx, sy); | |
} | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
98, | |
77, | |
0, | |
82, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
100, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
89, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
72, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
76, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
48, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
94, | |
42, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
94, | |
63, | |
60, | |
65, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
94, | |
63, | |
74, | |
73, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
39, | |
54, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
94, | |
54, | |
30, | |
45, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
94, | |
78, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
100, | |
61, | |
64, | |
81, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
95, | |
61, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
95, | |
99, | |
96, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
95, | |
54, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
57.99999999999999, | |
54, | |
0, | |
37, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
91, | |
69, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
100, | |
69, | |
35, | |
43, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
93, | |
69, | |
93, | |
74, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
93, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
23, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
72, | |
0, | |
23, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
44, | |
72, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
100, | |
54, | |
62, | |
25, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
77, | |
62, | |
0, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
85, | |
62, | |
0, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
100, | |
62, | |
80, | |
54, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
100, | |
62, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
42, | |
62, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
74, | |
73, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
44, | |
86, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
100, | |
71, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
87, | |
42, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
87, | |
59, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
92, | |
59, | |
78, | |
30, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
100, | |
70, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
38, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
100, | |
74, | |
76, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
17, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
79, | |
52, | |
41, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
80, | |
52, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
100, | |
52, | |
37, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
36, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
100, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
38, | |
71, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
74, | |
61, | |
6, | |
71, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
90, | |
44, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
72, | |
75, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
96, | |
59, | |
65, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
96, | |
62, | |
0, | |
13, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
100, | |
38, | |
61, | |
13, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
60, | |
71, | |
0, | |
13, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
71, | |
33, | |
12, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
100, | |
71, | |
46, | |
12, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
100, | |
48, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
97, | |
76, | |
20, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
100, | |
47, | |
1, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
100, | |
73, | |
46, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
84, | |
52, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
84, | |
68, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
63, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
84, | |
68, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
63, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
100, | |
85, | |
3, | |
28.000000000000004, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
100, | |
52, | |
71, | |
19, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
100, | |
52, | |
71, | |
48, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
100, | |
59, | |
0, | |
22, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
100, | |
59, | |
84, | |
84, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
94, | |
61, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
84, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
94, | |
70, | |
45, | |
25, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
48, | |
73, | |
12, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
53, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
100, | |
46, | |
4, | |
21, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
42, | |
76, | |
4, | |
21, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
73, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
4, | |
21, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
64, | |
73, | |
4, | |
21, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
100, | |
73, | |
36, | |
88, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
100, | |
48, | |
57.99999999999999, | |
5, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
81, | |
51, | |
92, | |
91, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
25, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
67, | |
66, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
50, | |
66, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
100, | |
66, | |
100, | |
93, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
8, | |
14.000000000000002, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
37, | |
71, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
100, | |
71, | |
56.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
97, | |
64, | |
94, | |
93, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
84, | |
67, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
98, | |
45, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
31, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
89, | |
82, | |
11, | |
10, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
60, | |
82, | |
11, | |
10, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
100, | |
86, | |
85, | |
80, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
100, | |
86, | |
77, | |
18, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
100, | |
39, | |
63, | |
18, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
80, | |
67, | |
0, | |
18, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
80, | |
67, | |
53, | |
22, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
80, | |
35, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
84, | |
66, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
100, | |
66, | |
62, | |
86, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
100, | |
68, | |
87, | |
94, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
54, | |
54, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
100, | |
77, | |
86, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
] | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
// var DEBUG_MODE = true; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
// var NUM_SLIDERS = 6; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len , sum_y / s_len ]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function NuescaFace() { | |
const female_col = color(189,125,106); | |
const male_col = color(80, 119, 122); | |
const light_col = color(247, 240, 244); | |
const med_col = color(221,148,192); | |
const dark_col = color(13, 32, 33); | |
const eye_light = color(153, 201, 196); | |
const eye_med = color(237, 185, 126); | |
const eye_dark = color(54, 29, 1); | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
this.nose_value = 1; // range is 0.8 to 1.5 | |
this.lash_brow_value = 1; //range is 0 to 1 | |
this.eye_size = 1; //range is 0.8 to 1 | |
this.ear_color = 1; // range is 0 to 1 | |
this.skin_color =1; //range is 0 to 2 | |
this.eye_color =1; //range is 0 to 2 | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
this.draw_segment = function(segment, do_loop) { | |
for(let i=0; i<segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
ellipse(px, py, 0.1); | |
if(i < segment.length - 1) { | |
let nx = segment[i+1][0]; | |
let ny = segment[i+1][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
else if(do_loop) { | |
let nx = segment[0][0]; | |
let ny = segment[0][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
//ears | |
if (this.ear_color == 0){ | |
fill(female_col); | |
} | |
else{ | |
fill(male_col); | |
} | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
triangle(-1.6, -1.6, -2.3, -3.2, -0.28, -2.2); | |
triangle(1.6, -1.6, 2.3, -3.2, 0.28, -2.2); | |
//inner ear | |
if (this.skin_color == 0){ | |
fill(light_col); | |
} | |
else if (this.skin_color == 1){ | |
fill(med_col); | |
} | |
else{ | |
fill(dark_col); | |
} | |
triangle(-1.4, -1.7, -1.9, -2.8, -0.6, -2.1); | |
triangle(1.4, -1.7, 1.9, -2.8, 0.6, -2.1); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
if(this.lash_brow_value == 0){ | |
//brows | |
let left_brow_pos = positions.left_eyebrow[0]; | |
let left_brow_pos2 = positions.left_eyebrow[4]; | |
let right_brow_pos = positions.right_eyebrow[0]; | |
let right_brow_pos2 = positions.right_eyebrow[4]; | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.2); | |
line(left_brow_pos[0], left_brow_pos[1] + 0.1, left_brow_pos2[0], left_brow_pos2[1] + 0.1); | |
line(right_brow_pos[0], right_brow_pos[1] + 0.1, right_brow_pos2[0], right_brow_pos2[1] + 0.1); | |
} | |
//eyes | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let left_eye_pos2 = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos2 = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
//eyelashes | |
stroke(0); | |
if(this.lash_brow_value == 0){ | |
strokeWeight(0); | |
} | |
else if(this.lash_brow_value == 1){ | |
strokeWeight(0.1); | |
} | |
//left | |
line(left_eye_pos[0]- 0.3, left_eye_pos[1] + 0.3, left_eye_pos2[0] -0.5, left_eye_pos2[1]- 0.3); | |
line(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1] + 0.2, left_eye_pos2[0], left_eye_pos2[1]- 0.4); | |
line(left_eye_pos[0]+ 0.3, left_eye_pos[1] + 0.3, left_eye_pos2[0] +0.5, left_eye_pos2[1]- 0.3); | |
//right | |
line(right_eye_pos[0]- 0.3, right_eye_pos[1] + 0.3, right_eye_pos2[0] -0.5, right_eye_pos2[1]- 0.3); | |
line(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1] + 0.2, right_eye_pos2[0], right_eye_pos2[1]- 0.4); | |
line(right_eye_pos[0]+ 0.3, right_eye_pos[1] + 0.3, right_eye_pos2[0] +0.5, right_eye_pos2[1]- 0.3); | |
//eye_shape | |
fill(255); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1]+0.3, 1, this.eye_size); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1]+0.3, 1, this.eye_size); | |
//eyeColour | |
noStroke(); | |
if (this.eye_color == 0){ | |
fill(eye_light); | |
} | |
else if (this.eye_color == 1){ | |
fill(eye_med); | |
} | |
else{ | |
fill(eye_dark); | |
} | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1]+0.3, 0.5, this.eye_size); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1]+0.3, 0.5, this.eye_size); | |
//pupil | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1]+0.3, 0.2, this.eye_size - 0.2); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1]+0.3, 0.2, this.eye_size - 0.2); | |
// nose setup | |
let nose_center = positions.nose_tip[2]; | |
//mouth setup | |
let inner_left_lip = positions.top_lip[2]; | |
let outer_left_lip = positions.top_lip[0]; | |
let inner_right_lip = positions.top_lip[4]; | |
let outer_right_lip = positions.top_lip[7]; | |
let right_bottom_lip = positions.bottom_lip[2]; | |
let center_bottom_lip = positions.bottom_lip[4]; | |
let left_bottom_lip = positions.bottom_lip[7]; | |
//mouth draw | |
fill(0); | |
stroke(0); | |
beginShape(); | |
vertex(outer_left_lip[0], outer_left_lip[1]); | |
vertex(inner_left_lip[0] - 0.1, inner_left_lip[1] + 0.2); | |
vertex(nose_center[0], nose_center[1] + 0.4); | |
vertex(nose_center[0], nose_center[1] + 0.1); | |
vertex(nose_center[0], nose_center[1] + 0.4); | |
vertex(inner_right_lip[0] + 0.1, inner_right_lip[1] +0.2); | |
vertex(outer_right_lip[0] - 0.1, outer_right_lip[1]); | |
vertex(right_bottom_lip[0], right_bottom_lip[1]); | |
vertex(center_bottom_lip[0], center_bottom_lip[1]); | |
vertex(left_bottom_lip[0], left_bottom_lip[1]); | |
endShape(CLOSE); | |
//teeth | |
fill(255); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(inner_left_lip[0], inner_left_lip[1] + 0.32, 0.1, 0.34); | |
ellipse(inner_right_lip[0], inner_right_lip[1] + 0.32, 0.1, 0.34); | |
//nose draw | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.05); | |
if (this.skin_color == 0){ | |
fill(light_col); | |
} | |
else if (this.skin_color == 1){ | |
fill(med_col); | |
} | |
else{ | |
fill(dark_col); | |
} | |
ellipse(nose_center[0], nose_center[1], 0.5 * this.nose_value, 0.25 * this.nose_value); | |
//whiskers | |
noFill(); | |
strokeWeight(0.04); | |
line(left_eye_pos[0] - 1.8, left_eye_pos[1] + 1, left_eye_pos2[0], nose_center[1] + 0.04); | |
line(left_eye_pos[0] - 1.8, left_eye_pos[1] + 1.4, left_eye_pos2[0], nose_center[1] + 0.04); | |
line(right_eye_pos[0] + 1.8, left_eye_pos[1] + 1, right_eye_pos2[0], nose_center[1] + 0.04); | |
line(right_eye_pos[0] + 1.8, left_eye_pos[1] + 1.4, right_eye_pos2[0], nose_center[1] + 0.04); | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.nose_value = map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 1.5); | |
this.lash_brow_value=int(map(settings[1], 0, 100, 0, 1)); | |
this.eye_size = map(settings[2], 0, 100, 0.6, 1); | |
this.ear_color=int(map(settings[3], 0, 100, 0, 1)); | |
this.skin_color=int(map(settings[4], 0, 100, 0, 2)); | |
this.eye_color=int(map(settings[5], 0, 100, 0, 2)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(6); | |
settings[0] = map(this.nose_value, 1, 1.5, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = int(map(this.lash_brow_value, 0, 1, 0, 100)); | |
settings[2] = map(this.eye_size, 0.6, 1, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = int(map(this.ear_color, 0, 1, 0, 100)); | |
settings[4] = int(map(this.skin_color, 0, 2, 0, 100)); | |
settings[5] = int(map(this.eye_color, 0, 2, 0, 100)); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
49.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
47.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
47.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
46.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
52.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
88.99999999999999, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
52.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
47.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
92, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
48.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
48.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
48.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
48.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
49.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
53.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
54.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
79.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
66, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
49.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
89.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
52.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
52.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
52.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
48.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
84.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
53.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
51.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
52.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
52.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
52.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
53.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
50, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
50.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
49.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
45.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
48.000000000000014, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
function obrien_draw_one_frame(cur_frac) { | |
// Define colors | |
let b1 = color(8,10,22); | |
let b2 = color(126,150,254); | |
//Variables | |
var w = width; | |
var h = height; | |
var starSizeBig = height/80; | |
var starSizeMed = height/80; | |
var starSizeSmall = height/150; | |
var headSize = height/2.5; | |
var moonSize = height/7; | |
var moonSizeF = height/7; | |
var earSize = height/10; | |
// note: to clear the screen draw a rectangle | |
// that is width x height - like this | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(10); | |
rect(0, 0, width, height); | |
// note: all shape sizes, line widths, etc. should be a | |
// function of width and height | |
let rect_width = height / 10.0; | |
let half_width = rect_width / 2; | |
// note: animation should progress depending on the | |
// value of cur_frac which goes from 0 to 1, and it | |
// should loop seamlessly | |
let cur_x = map(cur_frac, 0, 1, 0, width) - half_width; | |
setGradient(0, 0, width, height, b1, b2, 1); | |
stars(w,h,starSizeBig,starSizeMed,starSizeSmall,cur_frac); | |
drawMoons(w,h,moonSize); | |
drawCharacter(w,h,cur_frac,headSize,earSize,moonSizeF); | |
drawHair(w,h,cur_frac); | |
} | |
function setGradient(x, y, w, h, c1, c2) { | |
noFill(); | |
// Top to bottom gradient | |
for (let i = y; i <= y + h; i++) { | |
let inter = map(i, y, y + h, 0, 1); | |
let c = lerpColor(c1, c2, inter); | |
stroke(c); | |
line(x, i, x + w, i); | |
} | |
} | |
function stars(w,h,starSizeBig,starSizeMed,starSizeSmall,cur_frac){ | |
let cur_twinkle; | |
let cur_twinkleMed; | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
cur_twinkle = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 50, 180); | |
cur_twinkleMed = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 255, 100); | |
} | |
else{ | |
cur_twinkle = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 180, 50); | |
cur_twinkleMed = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 100, 255); | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255, cur_twinkle); | |
//Small Stars | |
ellipse(w/2,h/2,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/3,h/3,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/2,h/4,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/4,h/5,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/5,h/1.5,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.3,h/1.3,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.1,h/5,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.3,h/3,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/4,h/2,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/8,h/8,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/10,h/3,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.6,h/1.2,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/40,h/2,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/43,h/20,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/35,h/1.1,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/20,h/1.5,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/7,h/1.2,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.05,h/2,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.01,h/40,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/4,h/40,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.5,h/10,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/2.2,h/20,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.2,h/10,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.2,h/1.5,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.1,h/1.1,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.05,h/1.2,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/3,h/1.5,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.5,h/1.5,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.5,h/2.5,starSizeSmall); | |
ellipse(w/1.3,h/1.8,starSizeSmall); | |
//Medium Stars | |
fill(255, cur_twinkleMed); | |
ellipse(w/1.35,h/1.5,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/1.5,h/2.1,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/1.25,h/2.25,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/1.35,h/4.5,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/40,h/4.5,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/30,h/1.8,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/8,h/2.3,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/9,h/1.5,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/15,h/1.2,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/9,h/2,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/3,h/40,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/1.8,h/35,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/3.2,h/5,starSizeMed); | |
ellipse(w/1.18,h/2.7,starSizeMed); | |
} | |
function drawCharacter(w,h,cur_frac,headSize,earSize,moonSizeF){ | |
//back hair | |
push(); | |
stroke(91,94,172); | |
strokeWeight(w/10); | |
line(w/1.83,h/3.4,w/1,h/0.8); | |
line(w/2.2,h/3.4,w/100,h/0.8); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(91,94,172); | |
rect(w/5.9,h/1.3,w/1.5,h/4); | |
rect(w/3.5,h/1.8,w/2.4,h/4); | |
let move; | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 8.5, 10); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 10, 8.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/move,h/1,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 5.5, 6.5); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 6.5, 5.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/move,h/1.1,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 5.5, 5); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 5, 5.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/move,h/1.25,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 3.8, 4.2); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 4.2, 3.8); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/move,h/1.4,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 3.5, 4); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 4, 3.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/move,h/1.6,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 2.8, 3); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 3, 2.8); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/move,h/1.8,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 2.5, 2.6); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 2.6, 2.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/move,h/2.2,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 2.35, 2.4); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 2.4, 2.35); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/move,h/2.6,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 2.15, 2.2); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 2.2, 2.15); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/move,h/3,w/6,h/6); | |
translate(w/0.99,0); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 8.5, 10); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 10, 8.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/-move,h/1,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 5.5, 6.5); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 6.5, 5.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/-move,h/1.1,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 5.5, 5); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 5, 5.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/-move,h/1.25,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 3.8, 4.2); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 4.2, 3.8); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/-move,h/1.4,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 3.5, 4); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 4, 3.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/-move,h/1.6,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 2.8, 3); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 3, 2.8); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/-move,h/1.8,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 2.5, 2.6); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 2.6, 2.5); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/-move,h/2.2,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 2.35, 2.4); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 2.4, 2.35); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/-move,h/2.6,w/6,h/6); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 2.15, 2.2); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 2.2, 2.15); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/-move,h/3,w/6,h/6); | |
pop(); | |
//neck | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(176,189,230); | |
strokeWeight(w/20); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(w/2.1,h/1.62); | |
scale(0.8); | |
rotate(90); | |
bezier(0,0,w/4.8,0,w/4.8,h/10.8,w/4.57,h/2.16); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
translate(w/1.9,h/1.62); | |
rotate(90); | |
scale(0.8); | |
bezier(0,0,w/4.8,0,w/4.8,h/-10.8,w/4.57,h/-2.16); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(176,189,230); | |
rect(w/2.1,h/1.5,w/20,h/2); | |
translate(0,h/40); | |
if(h > 1080){ | |
ellipse(w/3.65,h/1.035,w/12,h/6); | |
}else{ | |
ellipse(w/3.65,h/1.035,w/12,h/5.1); | |
} | |
translate(0,(-h/40)); | |
translate(w/2.21,h/40); | |
if(h > 1080){ | |
ellipse(w/3.65,h/1.035,w/12,h/6); | |
}else{ | |
ellipse(w/3.65,h/1.035,w/12,h/5.1); | |
} | |
translate(-w/2.21,-h/40); | |
rect(w/3.3,h/1.08,w/2.6,h/10); | |
rect(w/2.35,h/1.15,w/6.5,h/10); | |
rect(w/2.2,h/1.2,w/10,h/10); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
//head | |
translate(0,h/15); | |
fill(196,206,236); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(w/2,h/3,headSize); | |
bezier((w/2)-(0.5*headSize),(h/8)+(0.5*headSize),w/2.5,h/1.35,w/1.68,h/1.35,(w/2)+(0.5*headSize),(h/8)+(0.5*headSize)); | |
//ears | |
rotate(-25); | |
translate(w/-15,h/4.5); | |
ellipse(w/3.15,h/2,earSize,earSize*1.3); | |
rotate(25); | |
translate(-w/-15,-h/5.5); | |
ellipse(w/1.87,h/2.6,earSize,earSize*1.3); | |
pop(); | |
angleMode(RADIANS); | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 0.01, 0); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 0, 0.01); | |
} | |
push(); | |
translate(0,h/-70); | |
//eyes | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(w/2.2,h/(2+move),earSize*1.2,earSize); | |
fill(196,206,236); | |
ellipse(w/2.2,h/(2.03+move),earSize*1.6,earSize); | |
push(); | |
translate(w/11,0); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(w/2.2,h/(2+move),earSize*1.2,earSize); | |
fill(196,206,236); | |
ellipse(w/2.2,h/(2.03+move),earSize*1.6,earSize); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
//eyebrows | |
stroke(91,94,172); | |
strokeWeight(w/55); | |
line(w/2.3,h/(2.25+move),w/2.2,h/(2.23+move)); | |
line(w/1.85,h/(2.23+move),w/1.78,h/(2.25+move)); | |
//nose | |
push(); | |
stroke(169,183,223); | |
strokeWeight(w/200); | |
translate(w/23,h/7); | |
line(w/2.25,h/(2.25+move),w/2.2,h/(2.23+move)); | |
translate(w/-12,0); | |
line(w/1.85,h/(2.23+move),w/1.8,h/(2.25+move)); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
//mouth | |
fill(110,112,188); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(w/1.99,h/(1.55+move),moonSizeF/2.3,moonSizeF/3.3); | |
stroke(92,94,177); | |
strokeWeight(w/300); | |
noFill(); | |
translate(w/2.1,h/(1.58+move)); | |
bezier(0,0,w/96,h/54,w/24,h/54,w/19.2,0); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
//Forehead moon | |
scale(0.65); | |
translate(w/3.75,h/3.5); | |
fill(91,94,172); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse(w/2,h/3,moonSizeF); | |
fill(196,206,236); | |
ellipse(w/2,h/3.2,moonSizeF/1.2); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
function drawHair(w,h,cur_frac){ | |
push(); | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(110,112,188); | |
strokeWeight(w/100); | |
translate(w/1.99,h/3.7); | |
beginShape(); | |
translate(0,h/12.5); | |
bezier(w/9.5,0,w/13.71,-h/27,w/24,-h/27,0,0); | |
bezier(-w/9,0,-w/13.71,-h/27,-w/24,-h/27,0,0); | |
bezier(-w/9,0,-w/9,-h/4.9,w/9.5,-h/4.9,w/9.5,0); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
push(); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(110,112,188); | |
rect(w/2.3,h/4.3,w/7,h/12); | |
rect(w/2.1,h/3.32,w/20,h/25); | |
rect(w/2.17,h/3.45,w/12,h/25); | |
rect(w/2.54,h/3.43,w/4.7,h/25); | |
rect(w/2.473,h/3.9,w/5.265,h/20); | |
rect(w/2.42,h/4.15,w/5.8,h/20); | |
rect(w/2.35,h/4.5,w/7,h/20); | |
rect(w/2.22,h/4.9,w/10,h/20); | |
pop(); | |
//hair waves | |
fill(110,112,188); | |
translate(0,h/-20); | |
noStroke(); | |
let move; | |
if(cur_frac < 0.5){ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.05); | |
}else{ | |
move = map(cur_frac, 0.5, 1, 0.05, 0); | |
} | |
ellipse(w/(2.7+(move*2)),h/1,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(2.4+(move*1.9)),h/0.96,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(2.5+(move*1.8)),h/1.09,w/10,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(2.6+(move*1.7)),h/1.22,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(2.6+(move*1.6)),h/1.35,w/12,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(2.6+(move*1.5)),h/1.5,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(2.35+(move*1.4)),h/1.2,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(2.4+(move*1.3)),h/1.4,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(2.45+(move*1.2)),h/1.6,w/20,h/10); | |
ellipse(w/(2.6+(move*1.1)),h/1.7,w/20,h/10); | |
ellipse(w/(2.45+move),h/1.75,w/20,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/(2.6+move),h/1.95,w/20,h/10); | |
ellipse(w/(2.6+move),h/2.1,w/30,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/(2.45+move),h/1.9,w/30,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/(2.45+move),h/2.1,w/38,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/(2.55+(move/4)),h/2.3,w/30,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/2.52,h/2.5,w/30,h/15); | |
push(); | |
translate(w/0.99,0); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.7+(move*2)),h/1,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.4+(move*1.9)),h/0.96,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.5+(move*1.8)),h/1.09,w/10,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.6+(move*1.7)),h/1.22,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.6+(move*1.6)),h/1.35,w/12,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.6+(move*1.5)),h/1.5,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.35+(move*1.4)),h/1.2,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.4+(move*1.3)),h/1.4,w/15,h/7); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.45+(move*1.2)),h/1.6,w/20,h/10); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.6+(move*1.1)),h/1.7,w/20,h/10); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.45+move),h/1.75,w/20,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.6+move),h/1.95,w/20,h/10); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.6+move),h/2.1,w/30,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.45+move),h/1.9,w/30,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.45+move),h/2.1,w/38,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/(-2.55+(move/4)),h/2.3,w/30,h/15); | |
ellipse(w/-2.52,h/2.5,w/30,h/15); | |
pop(); | |
stroke(196,206,236); | |
strokeWeight(w/500); | |
line(w/1.99,h/4.15,w/1.99,h/2.3); | |
} | |
function drawMoons(w,h,moonSize){ | |
noFill(); | |
stroke(255); | |
strokeWeight(h/220); | |
//end moons | |
ellipse(w/15,h/7,moonSize); | |
ellipse(w/1.075,h/7,moonSize); | |
//cresent | |
//left | |
fill(255); | |
push(); | |
beginShape(); | |
translate(w/12.5, h/45); | |
vertex(w/20.16, h/20); | |
bezierVertex(w/7.56, h/31.5, w/7.56, h/5, w/20.16, h/5); | |
bezierVertex(w/12.096, h/6.8, w/12.6, h/10, w/20.16, h/20); | |
endShape(); | |
//right | |
beginShape(); | |
translate(w/1.19, h/1200); | |
vertex(-w/20.16, h/20); | |
bezierVertex(-w/7.56, h/31.5, -w/7.56, h/5, -w/20.16, h/5); | |
bezierVertex(-w/12.096, h/6.8, -w/12.6, h/10, -w/20.16, h/20); | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//half moon | |
push(); | |
rotate(-1.57); | |
translate(-w/7.6,h/3.4); | |
arc(w/19.2, h/10.8, w/12, h/6.75, 0, PI, CHORD); | |
pop(); | |
//half moon | |
push(); | |
rotate(1.57); | |
if(h > 1080){ //not sure why this does not work without the if | |
translate(w/36,-h/0.645); | |
}else{ | |
translate(w/36,-h/0.6725); | |
} | |
arc(w/19.2, h/10.8, w/12.5, h/6.75, 0, PI, CHORD); | |
pop(); | |
//nearly full | |
ellipse(w/3.15,h/7,moonSize/1.2,moonSize); | |
ellipse(w/1.47,h/7,moonSize/1.2,moonSize); | |
} |
/* | |
* FaceMap class - holds all informaiton about one mapped | |
* face and is able to draw itself. | |
*/ | |
// remove this or set to false to enable full program (load will be slower) | |
var DEBUG_MODE = false; | |
// this can be used to set the number of sliders to show | |
var NUM_SLIDERS = 5; | |
// other variables can be in here too | |
// here's some examples for colors used | |
// const bg_color = [225, 206, 187]; | |
// const fg_color = [60]; | |
// const stroke_color = [95, 52, 8]; | |
const spikeRan = 11; | |
// example of a global function | |
// given a segment, this returns the average point [x, y] | |
function segment_average(segment) { | |
let sum_x = 0; | |
let sum_y = 0; | |
let s_len = segment.length; | |
for (let i=0; i<s_len; i++) { | |
sum_x = sum_x + segment[i][0]; | |
sum_y = sum_y + segment[i][1]; | |
} | |
return [sum_x / s_len , sum_y / s_len ]; | |
} | |
// This where you define your own face object | |
function OBrienFace() { | |
// these are state variables for a face | |
// (your variables should be different!) | |
this.num_eyes = 2; // can be either 1 (cyclops) or 2 (two eyes) | |
this.eye_shift = -1; // range is -10 to 10 | |
this.mouth_value = 1; // range is 0.5 to 8 | |
this.face_shape = 1; | |
this.hair_length = 1; | |
this.emotion = 1; | |
this.hair_colour = 1; | |
// example of a function *inside* the face object. | |
// this draws a segment, and do_loop will connect the ends if true | |
this.draw_segment = function(segment, do_loop) { | |
for(let i=0; i<segment.length; i++) { | |
let px = segment[i][0]; | |
let py = segment[i][1]; | |
ellipse(px, py, 0.1); | |
if(i < segment.length - 1) { | |
let nx = segment[i+1][0]; | |
let ny = segment[i+1][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
else if(do_loop) { | |
let nx = segment[0][0]; | |
let ny = segment[0][1]; | |
line(px, py, nx, ny); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
/* | |
* Draw the face with position lists that include: | |
* chin, right_eye, left_eye, right_eyebrow, left_eyebrow | |
* bottom_lip, top_lip, nose_tip, nose_bridge, | |
*/ | |
this.draw = function(positions) { | |
angleMode(DEGREES); | |
// head | |
let jaw_dist = positions.chin[16][0] - positions.chin[0][0]; | |
let faceWidth = map(jaw_dist, 3, 4.2, 3.75, 4.5); | |
noStroke(); | |
//body colour (hair colour) | |
if(this.hair_colour == 1){ | |
//black hair | |
fill(15); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 2){ | |
//grey | |
fill(80); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 3){ | |
//brunette light | |
fill(120, 103, 96); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 4){ | |
//brunette dark | |
fill(66, 60, 57); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 5){ | |
//blonde | |
fill(224, 205, 164); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 6){ | |
//red orange | |
fill(199, 119, 66); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 7){ | |
//red | |
fill(204, 73, 73); | |
} | |
//spikes | |
push(); | |
scale(0.25); | |
translate(0,0.2); | |
if(this.hair_colour == 1){ | |
//black hair | |
stroke(15); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 2){ | |
//grey | |
stroke(80); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 3){ | |
//brunette light | |
stroke(120, 103, 96); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 4){ | |
//brunette dark | |
stroke(66, 60, 57); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 5){ | |
//blonde | |
stroke(224, 205, 164); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 6){ | |
//red orange | |
stroke(199, 119, 66); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 7){ | |
//red | |
stroke(204, 73, 73); | |
} | |
strokeWeight(0.5); | |
line(0,-this.hair_length,0,0); //12 //11.5 | |
line(0,this.hair_length,0,0); //6 | |
line(0,0,this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
line(0,0,-this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
rotate(15); | |
line(0,-this.hair_length,0,0); //12 | |
line(0,this.hair_length,0,0); //6 | |
line(0,0,this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
line(0,0,-this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
rotate(-15); | |
rotate(30); | |
line(0,-this.hair_length,0,0); //12 | |
line(0,this.hair_length,0,0); //6 | |
line(0,0,this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
line(0,0,-this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
rotate(-30); | |
rotate(45); | |
line(0,-this.hair_length,0,0); //12 | |
line(0,this.hair_length,0,0); //6 | |
line(0,0,this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
line(0,0,-this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
rotate(-45); | |
rotate(60); | |
line(0,-this.hair_length,0,0); //12 | |
line(0,this.hair_length,0,0); //6 | |
line(0,0,this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
line(0,0,-this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
rotate(-60); | |
rotate(75); | |
line(0,-this.hair_length,0,0); //12 | |
line(0,this.hair_length,0,0); //6 | |
line(0,0,this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
line(0,0,-this.hair_length,0); //3 | |
rotate(-75); | |
pop(); | |
//face shape | |
if(this.face_shape == 1){ | |
ellipse(0, 0, faceWidth, 4.5); | |
}else if(this.face_shape == 2){ | |
rect(0-(faceWidth/2), -2, faceWidth, faceWidth,1); | |
}else if(this.face_shape == 3){ | |
ellipse(0, 0, faceWidth/1.15, 4.5); | |
} | |
let left_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.left_eye); | |
let right_eye_pos = segment_average(positions.right_eye); | |
//--------------------------------[Eyes]-------------------------------- | |
noStroke(); | |
let curEyeShift = 0.04 * this.eye_shift; | |
if(this.emotion == 1) { | |
// normal | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
scale(0.221); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]-3, left_eye_pos[1], 6.5, 8); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]+3, right_eye_pos[1], 6.5, 8); | |
push(); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]-3,left_eye_pos[1], 2, 2); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]+3,right_eye_pos[1], 2, 2); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
else if(this.emotion == 2) { | |
//side eye left | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
scale(0.221); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]-3, left_eye_pos[1], 6.5, 8); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]+3, right_eye_pos[1], 6.5, 8); | |
push(); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]-5,left_eye_pos[1], 2, 2); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]+1,right_eye_pos[1], 2, 2); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
else if(this.emotion == 3){ | |
//side eye right | |
noStroke(); | |
push(); | |
scale(0.221); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]-3, left_eye_pos[1], 6.5, 8); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]+3, right_eye_pos[1], 6.5, 8); | |
push(); | |
fill(0); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]-1,left_eye_pos[1], 2, 2); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]+5,right_eye_pos[1], 2, 2); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
else if(this.emotion == 4){ | |
//happy | |
push(); | |
scale(0.221); | |
noStroke(); | |
fill(255); | |
ellipse(-3+left_eye_pos[0],left_eye_pos[1], 6.5, 8); | |
ellipse(3+right_eye_pos[0],right_eye_pos[1], 6.5, 8); | |
stroke(0); | |
strokeWeight(0.7); | |
noFill(); | |
//right | |
bezier(4+right_eye_pos[0]+1,0+right_eye_pos[1],4+right_eye_pos[0]+1,-3+right_eye_pos[1],0+right_eye_pos[0]+1,-3+right_eye_pos[1],0+right_eye_pos[0]+1,0+right_eye_pos[1]); | |
//left | |
bezier(4+left_eye_pos[0]-5,0+left_eye_pos[1],4+left_eye_pos[0]-5,-3+left_eye_pos[1],0+left_eye_pos[0]-5,-3+left_eye_pos[1],0+left_eye_pos[0]-5,0+left_eye_pos[1]); | |
push(); | |
//body colour (hair colour) | |
if(this.hair_colour == 1){ | |
//black hair | |
fill(15); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 2){ | |
//grey | |
fill(80); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 3){ | |
//brunette light | |
fill(120, 103, 96); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 4){ | |
//brunette dark | |
fill(66, 60, 57); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 5){ | |
//blonde | |
fill(224, 205, 164); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 6){ | |
//red orange | |
fill(199, 119, 66); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 7){ | |
//red | |
fill(204, 73, 73); | |
} | |
noStroke(); | |
scale(2); | |
//right | |
translate(-1.5,3); | |
bezier(4+right_eye_pos[0]-3,0+right_eye_pos[1],4+right_eye_pos[0]-3,-3+right_eye_pos[1],0+right_eye_pos[0]-3,-3+right_eye_pos[1],0+right_eye_pos[0]-3,0+right_eye_pos[1]); | |
translate(5,0); | |
//body colour (hair colour) | |
if(this.hair_colour == 1){ | |
//black hair | |
fill(15); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 2){ | |
//grey | |
fill(80); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 3){ | |
//brunette light | |
fill(120, 103, 96); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 4){ | |
//brunette dark | |
fill(66, 60, 57); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 5){ | |
//blonde | |
fill(224, 205, 164); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 6){ | |
//red orange | |
fill(199, 119, 66); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 7){ | |
//red | |
fill(204, 73, 73); | |
} | |
bezier(4+left_eye_pos[0]-3,0+left_eye_pos[1],4+left_eye_pos[0]-3,-3+left_eye_pos[1],0+left_eye_pos[0]-3,-3+left_eye_pos[1],0+left_eye_pos[0]-3,0+left_eye_pos[1]); | |
pop(); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
else if(this.emotion == 5){ | |
push(); | |
//sad | |
//left | |
push(); | |
scale(0.221); | |
translate(-2,3.8); | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(255); | |
bezier(2.5+left_eye_pos[0],-7+left_eye_pos[1],1+left_eye_pos[0],0.5+left_eye_pos[1],0+left_eye_pos[0],2+left_eye_pos[1],-4+left_eye_pos[0],-5+left_eye_pos[1]); //big | |
//body colour (hair colour) | |
if(this.hair_colour == 1){ | |
//black hair | |
fill(15); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 2){ | |
//grey | |
fill(80); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 3){ | |
//brunette light | |
fill(120, 103, 96); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 4){ | |
//brunette dark | |
fill(66, 60, 57); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 5){ | |
//blonde | |
fill(224, 205, 164); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 6){ | |
//red orange | |
fill(199, 119, 66); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 7){ | |
//red | |
fill(204, 73, 73); | |
} | |
bezier(3+left_eye_pos[0],-7.5+left_eye_pos[1],1+left_eye_pos[0],-2.5+left_eye_pos[1],-4+left_eye_pos[0],-2.5+left_eye_pos[1],-5+left_eye_pos[0],-5.5+left_eye_pos[1]); //small | |
endShape() | |
beginShape(); | |
translate(4.2,0) | |
fill(255); | |
bezier(-2.5+right_eye_pos[0],-7+right_eye_pos[1],-1+right_eye_pos[0],0.5+right_eye_pos[1],0+right_eye_pos[0],2+right_eye_pos[1],4+right_eye_pos[0],-5+right_eye_pos[1]); //big | |
//body colour (hair colour) | |
if(this.hair_colour == 1){ | |
//black hair | |
fill(15); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 2){ | |
//grey | |
fill(80); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 3){ | |
//brunette light | |
fill(120, 103, 96); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 4){ | |
//brunette dark | |
fill(66, 60, 57); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 5){ | |
//blonde | |
fill(224, 205, 164); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 6){ | |
//red orange | |
fill(199, 119, 66); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 7){ | |
//red | |
fill(204, 73, 73); | |
} | |
bezier(-3+right_eye_pos[0],-7.5+right_eye_pos[1],-1+right_eye_pos[0],-2.5+right_eye_pos[1],4+right_eye_pos[0],-2.5+right_eye_pos[1],5+right_eye_pos[0],-5.5+right_eye_pos[1]); //small | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//pupils | |
scale(0.221); | |
fill(0); | |
noStroke(); | |
ellipse( 4+left_eye_pos[0], 2.5+left_eye_pos[1], 1.5, 1.5); | |
ellipse(-3.8+right_eye_pos[0], 2.2+right_eye_pos[1], 1.5, 1.5); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
else if(this.emotion == 6){ | |
push(); | |
//angry | |
//left | |
push(); | |
scale(0.221); | |
translate(-3,3.8); | |
beginShape(); | |
fill(255); | |
bezier(-2.5+left_eye_pos[0],-7+left_eye_pos[1],-1+left_eye_pos[0],0.5+left_eye_pos[1],0+left_eye_pos[0],2+left_eye_pos[1],4+left_eye_pos[0],-5+left_eye_pos[1]); //big | |
//body colour (hair colour) | |
if(this.hair_colour == 1){ | |
//black hair | |
fill(15); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 2){ | |
//grey | |
fill(80); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 3){ | |
//brunette light | |
fill(120, 103, 96); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 4){ | |
//brunette dark | |
fill(66, 60, 57); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 5){ | |
//blonde | |
fill(224, 205, 164); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 6){ | |
//red orange | |
fill(199, 119, 66); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 7){ | |
//red | |
fill(204, 73, 73); | |
} | |
bezier(-3+left_eye_pos[0],-7.5+left_eye_pos[1],-1+left_eye_pos[0],-2.5+left_eye_pos[1],4+left_eye_pos[0],-2.5+left_eye_pos[1],5+left_eye_pos[0],-5.5+left_eye_pos[1]); //small | |
endShape() | |
beginShape(); | |
translate(6.5,0) | |
fill(255); | |
bezier(2.5+right_eye_pos[0],-7+right_eye_pos[1],1+right_eye_pos[0],0.5+right_eye_pos[1],0+right_eye_pos[0],2+right_eye_pos[1],-4+right_eye_pos[0],-5+right_eye_pos[1]); //big | |
//body colour (hair colour) | |
if(this.hair_colour == 1){ | |
//black hair | |
fill(15); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 2){ | |
//grey | |
fill(80); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 3){ | |
//brunette light | |
fill(120, 103, 96); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 4){ | |
//brunette dark | |
fill(66, 60, 57); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 5){ | |
//blonde | |
fill(224, 205, 164); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 6){ | |
//red orange | |
fill(199, 119, 66); | |
} | |
else if(this.hair_colour == 7){ | |
//red | |
fill(204, 73, 73); | |
} | |
bezier(3+right_eye_pos[0],-7.5+right_eye_pos[1],1+right_eye_pos[0],-2.5+right_eye_pos[1],-4+right_eye_pos[0],-2.5+right_eye_pos[1],-5+right_eye_pos[0],-5.5+right_eye_pos[1]); //small | |
endShape(); | |
pop(); | |
//pupils | |
scale(0.221); | |
fill(0); | |
noStroke(); | |
translate(0,2.5); | |
ellipse(-2.8+left_eye_pos[0], left_eye_pos[1], 1.5, 1.5); | |
ellipse(3.2+right_eye_pos[0], right_eye_pos[1], 1.5, 1.5); | |
pop(); | |
} | |
if(this.blushes == 1){ | |
push(); | |
scale(0.4,0.35); | |
fill(255,184,184); | |
ellipse(left_eye_pos[0]-2,left_eye_pos[1]+3.5,2,1.5); | |
ellipse(right_eye_pos[0]+2,right_eye_pos[1]+3.5,2,1.5); | |
pop(); | |
}else{ | |
} | |
} | |
/* set internal properties based on list numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.setProperties = function(settings) { | |
this.face_shape = int(map(settings[0], 0, 100, 1, 3)); | |
this.hair_length = map(settings[1], 0, 100, 5, 15); | |
this.emotion = int(map(settings[2], 0, 100, 1, 6)); | |
this.hair_colour = int(map(settings[3], 0, 100, 1, 7)); | |
this.blushes = int(map(settings[4], 0, 100, 1, 2)); | |
} | |
/* get internal properties as list of numbers 0-100 */ | |
this.getProperties = function() { | |
let settings = new Array(5); | |
settings[0] = map(this.face_shape, 1, 3, 0, 100); | |
settings[1] = map(this.hair_length, 5, 15, 0, 100); | |
settings[2] = map(this.emotion, 1, 6, 0, 100); | |
settings[3] = map(this.hair_colour,1, 7, 0, 100); | |
settings[4] = map(this.blushes, 1, 2, 0, 100); | |
return settings; | |
} | |
} |
{ | |
"000001": [ | |
100, | |
89, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000002": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000005": [ | |
100, | |
61, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000006": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
40, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000007": [ | |
0, | |
53, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000009": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000010": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000013": [ | |
0, | |
51, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000014": [ | |
100, | |
53, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000015": [ | |
50, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
20, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000016": [ | |
50, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
40, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000018": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000020": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
40, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000023": [ | |
50, | |
56.000000000000014, | |
40, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000025": [ | |
0, | |
56.000000000000014, | |
0, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000028": [ | |
0, | |
56.000000000000014, | |
60, | |
83.33333333333334, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000029": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000030": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
0, | |
16.666666666666664, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000031": [ | |
100, | |
56.000000000000014, | |
60, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000032": [ | |
0, | |
49.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
16.666666666666664, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000035": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000037": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000038": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
60, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000040": [ | |
50, | |
82, | |
0, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000041": [ | |
50, | |
68.99999999999999, | |
20, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000042": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000043": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000044": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000045": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
83.33333333333334, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000047": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
40, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000048": [ | |
100, | |
53, | |
20, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000050": [ | |
100, | |
53, | |
60, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000051": [ | |
100, | |
30.999999999999993, | |
0, | |
16.666666666666664, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000052": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
40, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000054": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000055": [ | |
50, | |
58.00000000000001, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000056": [ | |
50, | |
71, | |
20, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000058": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000060": [ | |
0, | |
0, | |
20, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000064": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
0, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000065": [ | |
100, | |
51, | |
60, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000068": [ | |
0, | |
68, | |
100, | |
16.666666666666664, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000069": [ | |
50, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000071": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000073": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
80, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000076": [ | |
0, | |
74, | |
80, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000077": [ | |
100, | |
74, | |
60, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000078": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000079": [ | |
50, | |
0, | |
0, | |
16.666666666666664, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000080": [ | |
50, | |
60, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000081": [ | |
50, | |
60, | |
60, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000083": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000085": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
60, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000086": [ | |
0, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
20, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000088": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
20, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000091": [ | |
50, | |
51, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000092": [ | |
100, | |
81.00000000000001, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000096": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000097": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
80, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000099": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
60, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000100": [ | |
100, | |
55.00000000000001, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000103": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
20, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000104": [ | |
50, | |
68, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000106": [ | |
100, | |
82.99999999999999, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000108": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000109": [ | |
100, | |
50, | |
60, | |
50, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000110": [ | |
0, | |
68.99999999999999, | |
60, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000111": [ | |
0, | |
68.99999999999999, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000114": [ | |
50, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000115": [ | |
100, | |
0, | |
80, | |
16.666666666666664, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000116": [ | |
50, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
60, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000117": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000118": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000121": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
0, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000122": [ | |
100, | |
68, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000125": [ | |
50, | |
56.99999999999999, | |
0, | |
16.666666666666664, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000126": [ | |
100, | |
99, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000129": [ | |
50, | |
67, | |
60, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000131": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
40, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000132": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
60, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000133": [ | |
100, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000134": [ | |
50, | |
36.99999999999999, | |
20, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000135": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
40, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000137": [ | |
0, | |
50, | |
60, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000140": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
80, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000142": [ | |
100, | |
100, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000143": [ | |
50, | |
58.999999999999986, | |
0, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000145": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
60, | |
0, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000146": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
60, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000147": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000148": [ | |
0, | |
49.00000000000001, | |
100, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000150": [ | |
100, | |
63.000000000000014, | |
80, | |
100, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000151": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
60, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000152": [ | |
50, | |
61.999999999999986, | |
60, | |
33.33333333333333, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000153": [ | |
50, | |
53, | |
60, | |
50, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000155": [ | |
50, | |
100, | |
60, | |
100, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000156": [ | |
50, | |
66.00000000000001, | |
60, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000157": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
100, | |
66.66666666666666, | |
0 | |
], | |
"000160": [ | |
50, | |
61.999999999999986, | |
100, | |
0, | |
100 | |
], | |
"000161": [ | |
0, | |
100, | |
60, | |
0, | |
0 | |
] | |
} |
/*! p5.func.js v0.0.1 2017-05-27 */ | |
/** | |
* @module p5.func | |
* @submodule p5.func | |
* @for p5.func | |
* @main | |
*/ | |
/** | |
* p5.func | |
* R. Luke DuBois ([email protected]) | |
* Integrated Digital Media / Brooklyn Experimental Media Center | |
* New York University | |
* The MIT License (MIT). | |
* | |
* https://github.com/IDMNYU/p5.js-func | |
* | |
* the p5.func module contains five new objects for extending p5.js : | |
* p5.Gen() : function generators (waveforms, curves, window functions, noise, etc.) | |
* p5.Ease() : easing / interpolation functions | |
* p5.ArrayEval() : equation evaluator to generate pre-computed arrays | |
* p5.Filt() : biquadratic filter object | |
* p5.FastFourierTransform() : signal neutral FFT implementation | |
* | |
* p5.func also contains some miscellaneous functions: | |
* imap() : constrainted integer mapping function | |
* wrap() : wrapping function | |
* fold() : folding function | |
* createArray()/normalizeArray()/resizeArray()/multiplyArray()/addArray()/subtractArray()/divideArray()/moduloArray()/sumArray() : array functions | |
* f2ib() / ib2f() : int<->float coercion with bit parity | |
* sinc() : sinc (sinus cardinalis) function | |
* besselI0() : Bessel function | |
* fplot() : formattable console plot of any array | |
* | |
* primary sources: | |
* RTcmix Scorefile Commands: http://rtcmix.org/reference/scorefile/ | |
* Robert Penner's Easing Functions: http://robertpenner.com/easing/ | |
* Golan Levin's Pattern Master: https://github.com/golanlevin/Pattern_Master | |
* Robert Bristow-Johnson's Audio EQ Cookbook: http://www.musicdsp.org/files/Audio-EQ-Cookbook.txt | |
* Corban Brook's dsp.js: https://github.com/corbanbrook/dsp.js/ | |
*/ | |
(function (root, factory) { | |
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) | |
define('p5.func', ['p5'], function (p5) { (factory(p5));}); | |
else if (typeof exports === 'object') | |
factory(require('../p5')); | |
else | |
factory(root['p5']); | |
}(this, function (p5) { | |
// ============================================================================= | |
// p5.Gen | |
// ============================================================================= | |
/** | |
* Base class for a function generator | |
* | |
* @class p5.Gen | |
* @constructor | |
*/ | |
p5.Gen = function() { | |
// | |
// this object implements GEN table-style | |
// algorithms adapted from MUSICN languages | |
// (e.g. Csound, RTcmix, ChucK, Supercollider, Max). | |
// these algorithms are solved by direct (0.-1.) | |
// evaluation with utility functions to compute arrays. | |
// | |
// some code below is adapted from RTcmix : | |
// https://github.com/RTcmix/RTcmix | |
// Copyright (C) 2005 The RTcmix Development Team, released under the Apache 2.0 License | |
// | |
this.version = 0.01; // just some crap for constructor | |
var that = this; // some bullshit | |
}; // end p5.Gen constructor | |
// harmonic / periodic wave from a list of partial strengths. | |
// Csound / RTcmix GEN10, ported from RTcmix. | |
p5.Gen.prototype.harmonics = function(_x, _args) { | |
var u = true; // single value? | |
if(!Array.isArray(_x) && _x.constructor !== Float32Array && _x.constructor !== Float64Array) { | |
_x = [_x]; // process all values as arrays | |
u = false; | |
} | |
if(!Array.isArray(_args)) _args = [_args]; // catch single harmonic | |
var _sum; // match type: | |
if(Array.isArray(_x)) _sum = new Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float32Array) _sum = new Float32Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float64Array) _sum = new Float64Array(_x.length); | |
for(var i in _x) { | |
var j = _args.length; | |
_sum[i] = 0.0; | |
while (j--) { | |
if (_args[j] != 0) { | |
var _val = TWO_PI * _x[i] * (j + 1); | |
_sum[i] += (sin(_val) * _args[j]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return(u ? _sum : _sum[0]); | |
}; | |
// wave from triples (ratio, amp, phase). | |
// Csound / RTcmix GEN09, ported from RTcmix. | |
p5.Gen.prototype.triples = function(_x, _args) { | |
var u = true; // single value? | |
if(!Array.isArray(_x) && _x.constructor !== Float32Array && _x.constructor !== Float64Array) { | |
_x = [_x]; // process all values as arrays | |
u = false; | |
} | |
if(_args.length<2) { | |
console.log("p5.Gen : we need at least 3 arguments!") | |
return(0.); | |
} | |
else if(_args.length%3!=0) { | |
console.log("p5.Gen : incomplete <partial, amp, phase> triplet!"); | |
} | |
var _sum; // match type: | |
if(Array.isArray(_x)) _sum = new Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float32Array) _sum = new Float32Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float64Array) _sum = new Float64Array(_x.length); | |
for(i in _x) { | |
_sum[i] = 0.0; | |
for (var j = _args.length - 1; j > 0; j -= 3) { | |
if (_args[j - 1] != 0.0) { | |
var val; | |
if (_args[j - 2] == 0.0) val = 1.0; // BGG: harmonic 0 (DC) | |
else { | |
val = sin(TWO_PI * (_x[i] / (1.0 / _args[j - 2]) + _args[j] / 360.0)); | |
} | |
_sum[i] += (val * _args[j - 1]); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return(u ? _sum : _sum[0]); | |
}; | |
// transfer function from chebyshev polynomials. | |
// Csound / RTcmix GEN17, ported from RTcmix. | |
p5.Gen.prototype.chebyshev = function(_x, _args) { | |
var u = true; // single value? | |
if(!Array.isArray(_x) && _x.constructor !== Float32Array && _x.constructor !== Float64Array) { | |
_x = [_x]; // process all values as arrays | |
u = false; | |
} | |
if(!Array.isArray(_args)) _args = [_args]; // catch single value | |
// compute the transfer function using the chebyshev equation... | |
var _sum // match type: | |
if(Array.isArray(_x)) _sum = new Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float32Array) _sum = new Float32Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float64Array) _sum = new Float64Array(_x.length); | |
for(var i in _x) { | |
var v=_x[i]*2.-1.; | |
_sum[i]=0.; | |
var Tn1=1; | |
var Tn=v; | |
for(var j=0; j<_args.length;j++) { | |
_sum[i]+=_args[j]*Tn; | |
Tn2=Tn1; | |
Tn1=Tn; | |
Tn=2*v*Tn1-Tn2; | |
} | |
} | |
return(u ? _sum : _sum[0]); | |
} | |
// linear breakpoint function (time, value pairs with y normalization). | |
// Csound GEN27 / RTcmix GEN24, rewritten by rld. | |
p5.Gen.prototype.bpf = function(_x, _args) { | |
var u = true; // single value? | |
if(!Array.isArray(_x) && _x.constructor !== Float32Array && _x.constructor !== Float64Array) { | |
_x = [_x]; // process all values as arrays | |
u = false; | |
} | |
if(_args.length%2!=0) { | |
console.log("p5.Gen : incomplete <time, value> pair!") | |
return(0.); | |
} | |
var endtime = _args[_args.length - 2]; | |
var starttime = _args[0]; | |
if (endtime - starttime <= 0.0) { | |
console.log("p5.Gen : bpf times must be in ascending order!"); | |
return(0.); | |
} | |
var scaler = 1.0 / (endtime - starttime); | |
var thistime = 0; | |
var nexttime = 0; | |
var thisval = 0; | |
var nextval = 0; | |
var _y // match type: | |
if(Array.isArray(_x)) _y = new Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float32Array) _y = new Float32Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float64Array) _y = new Float64Array(_x.length); | |
for(i in _x) | |
{ | |
for (var k = 1; k < _args.length; k += 2) { | |
thistime = _args[k-1]*scaler; | |
thisval = _args[k]; | |
if(k<_args.length-1) { | |
nexttime = _args[k+1]*scaler; | |
nextval = _args[k+2]; | |
} | |
else { | |
nexttime = thistime; | |
nextval = thisval; | |
} | |
if(nexttime - thistime < 0.0) { // okay for them to be the same | |
console.log("p5.Gen : bpf times music be in ascending order!"); | |
return(0.); | |
} | |
if(_x[i]>=thistime && _x[i]<=nexttime) // this point in bpf | |
{ | |
var _thisval = _args[k+1]; | |
_y[i] = map(_x[i], thistime, nexttime, thisval, nextval); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return(u ? _y : _y[0]); | |
} | |
// common random number distributions. | |
// Csound GEN21 / RTcmix GEN20, written by rld. | |
// if no seed, auto-generated from millis(). | |
// algorithms adapted from dodge and jerse (1985). | |
// inspired by denis lorrain's | |
// 'a panoply of stochastic cannons' (1980): | |
// http://www.jstor.org/stable/3679442 | |
p5.Gen.prototype.random = function(_x, _type) { | |
// distributions based on RTcmix GEN20: | |
// even distribution ["even" or "linear"] | |
// low weighted linear distribution ["low"] | |
// high weighted linear distribution ["high"] | |
// triangle linear distribution ["triangle"] | |
// gaussian distribution ["gaussian"] | |
// cauchy distribution ["cauchy"] | |
// | |
// a -1 in the seed parameter (or missing) will | |
// instruct the algorithm to use the millisecond | |
// clock for a random seed. | |
var u = true; // single value? | |
var _s = 0.; | |
if(!_x) // no arguments, so do linear with random seed | |
{ | |
_type = 'linear'; | |
_x = [millis()]; | |
u = false; | |
} | |
else if(typeof(_x)!='string') // first argument is a number, so seed | |
{ | |
if(!Array.isArray(arguments[0]) && arguments[0].constructor !== Float32Array && arguments[0].constructor !== Float64Array) { | |
_x = [_x]; // process all values as arrays | |
u = false; | |
} | |
} | |
else // argument is a string, so type | |
{ | |
_type=_x; // it's the type, not the seed | |
_x = [millis()]; // random seed | |
u = false; | |
} | |
var _v; // match type: | |
if(Array.isArray(_x)) _v= new Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float32Array) _v = new Float32Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float64Array) _v = new Float64Array(_x.length); | |
if(_x[0]===-1) randomSeed(millis()*100000.); | |
for(var i in _x) | |
{ | |
if(_x[i]!=-1) randomSeed(_x[i]*100000.); | |
switch(_type) { | |
case "linear": | |
case "even": | |
_v[i] = random(); | |
break; | |
case "low": | |
_v[i] = min(random(), random()); | |
break; | |
case "high": | |
_v[i] = max(random(), random()); | |
break; | |
case "triangle": | |
_v[i] = (random()+random())/2.0; | |
break; | |
case "gaussian": | |
var n = 12; | |
var sigma = 0.166666; | |
var randnum = 0.0; | |
for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) { | |
randnum += random(); | |
} | |
_v[i] = sigma * (randnum - n/2) + 0.5; | |
break; | |
case "cauchy": | |
var alpha = 0.00628338; | |
do { | |
do { | |
_v[i] = random(); | |
} while (_v[i] == 0.5); | |
_v[i] = (alpha * tan(_v[i] * PI)) + 0.5; | |
} while (_v[i] < 0.0 || _v[i] > 1.0); | |
break; | |
default: | |
_v[i] = random(); | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
return(u ? _v : _v[0]); | |
} | |
// common window functions for signal processing. | |
// Csound GEN20 / RTcmix GEN25 (paris smaragdis / dave topper) | |
// and Pattern Master by @golanlevin . | |
// rewritten / ported from C and Java by rld. | |
// equations from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Window_function | |
p5.Gen.prototype.window = function(_x, _type, _args) { | |
// flag order based on CSOUND GEN20: | |
// 1 = hamming | |
// 2 = hanning | |
// 3 = bartlett (triangle) | |
// 4 = blackman (3-term) | |
// 5 = blackman-harris (4-term) | |
// 6 = gaussian | |
// 7 = kaiser | |
// 8 = rectangle | |
// 9 = sinc | |
// these and others are addressible by name. | |
var u = true; // single value? | |
if(!Array.isArray(_args)) _args = [_args]; // catch single value | |
if(!Array.isArray(_x) && _x.constructor !== Float32Array && _x.constructor !== Float64Array) { | |
_x = [_x]; // process all values as arrays | |
u = false; | |
} | |
var _y; // match type: | |
if(Array.isArray(_x)) _y= new Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float32Array) _y = new Float32Array(_x.length); | |
else if(_x.constructor === Float64Array) _y = new Float64Array(_x.length); | |
var i; | |
switch(_type) { | |
// proposed by richard wesley hamming (1915-1998). | |
// optimized to quash the nearest sidelobe. | |
case 1: | |
case "hamming": | |
var alpha = 0.54; | |
var beta = 0.46; | |
for(i in _x) _y[i] = alpha - beta * cos(TWO_PI * _x[i]); | |
break; | |
// named for julius von hann (1839-1921). | |
// sidelobes fall at 18db/oct. | |
case 2: | |
case "hanning": // not the guy's actual name | |
case "vonhann": // the guy's actual name | |
case "hann": // sort of the guy's actual name | |
case "hannsolo": // no | |
case "hanningvonhannmeister": // very much no | |
for(i in _x) _y[i] = 0.5 * (1-cos(TWO_PI*_x[i])); | |
break; | |
// proposed by m.s. bartlett (1910-2002). | |
// also by lipót (leopold) fejér (1880-1959). | |
// triangular (2nd order b-spline) window. | |
case 3: | |
case "bartlett": | |
case "fejer": | |
case "fejér": // get the accent right | |
case "triangle": | |
for(i in _x) _y[i] = 1.0 - abs((_x[i]-0.5)/0.5); | |
break; | |
// bartlett-hann window. | |
case "bartlett-hann": | |
var a0 = 0.62; | |
var a1 = 0.48; | |
var a2 = 0.38; | |
for(i in _x) _y[i] = a0 - a1*abs(_x[i] - 0.5) - a2*cos(2*PI*_x[i]); | |
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