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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Sprint (3 Days, Full)

#3 Day Sprint At least 1 full day with client

##Preperation Schedule user testing for the last day of the sprint.

##Day 1 — Understand + Diverge + Decide With client Objective: Establish a common understanding of the problem.

  1. Print out all the important screens in your product, lay it out, and walk through it as a user would. Critique the current system.
  2. Share what you already know
  3. Comb through GA data. Things to look out for: where users drop off your site, conversion rates, demographics
  4. Decide upon what do you hope to learn. What do you need to design and prototype in order to learn those things?
  5. Discuss what your competitors’ are doing well.
  6. Write down leading questions on post-its using the "How might we" method
  7. Group the types of problems (Discovery, Informational, Process, Decision)
  8. Sketch the most important user story (one person, everyone feeds in) choose which ideas to explore

Objectives: Explore the problems, generate many solutions, and illuminate all of the possible paths. It's not brainsotrming, everyone is working quietly. Old ideas are OK. Stick to paper first, use thick markers (too prevent getting too precious).

  1. Choose part of the problem (find natural chinks in the journey and divide the story up into segments.
  2. Decide which part to focus on first. Everyone should focus on the same part.
  3. Take notes (Everyone takes a piece of paper and jots down anything they think is useful)
  4. Mind map. Orangise thoughts loosely on paper. This will be a refence for later on. Get all your thoughts out.
  5. Crazy Eights. Two rounds.
  6. Individually storyboard (10–20 minutes). Sketch an UI showing how a user would move through this part of the story. Where they click / What info they enter / What they think. Refer to Mind Map and Crazy Eights. First this, then that, then that.
  7. Vote, round one. Stick them up on the wall and critique silently using the stickers. Voting for your own design is OK
  8. Discuss what you like and don't like. Possibly exlpain your ideas.
  9. Three-minute critiques (3 minutes per idea)
  10. Vote, round two. The founders get two. This is for the ideas you think are the strongest overall.
  11. Chose another part of the problem and possibly repeat. Aim for 1/2 cycles.

##Day 2 — Prototype With client or without

Objectives: Avoid the group effect / groupthink. You should know exactly what to design tomorrow, how many and who's doing it.

  1. Whittle down solutions to 1 route (using weighted voting as before)
  2. Search for conflicts in yesterday's storyboards (two or more different approaches to solving the same problem)
  3. Write them all down on post-it notes, categorise and stick them up on the wall
  4. List out your underlying assumptions and pick which ones to test.
  5. Decide who will be creating the prototype
  6. Collaboratively create a user story/stories (storyboard the journey). Detailed. Click-by-click. In each frame, draw a single action

Objectives: Determine what they understand about your product, and what they don’t.

If there's more than 1 person creating:

  1. Divide up the storyboard
  2. Assign one person to be the 'stitcher'.
  3. Conduct 'Midday Lightning Critique'. The person who designed those components is going to be responsible for figuring out the solution, not the group
  • Use Keynote or something mid-fidelity
  • Write real text
  • Make it minimally real
  • Check for consistency and typos as they are distracting for testers.

##Day 3 — Test With or without client Objectives: Aim to get concrete list of ways to improve your prototype, find out your users understand your product, what competitors or substitutes they use, and more. It's not a usability test.

  1. Before the first session, list your key questions.
  2. Review your conflicts and assumptions
  3. Test with (approx. 4-6) extenal testers. It's best to test with those in the target audience. If there is more than 1 prototype, make sure the interviewer understands the differences between the two versions, so they can ask the right questions.
  4. Draw up a table and write down the highlights for each user / prototype
  5. Make two lists as a group: “Things that work” + “Problems to solve

Choose to start the next sprint / Take it into production / Review with client

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