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Created September 26, 2019 10:15
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Triggering logging on rematched typeface
--- a/ui/gfx/
+++ b/ui/gfx/
@@ -796,11 +796,33 @@ bool TextRunHarfBuzz::FontParams::SetRenderParamsRematchFont(
// scenarios, as the fallback font may be of a different weight and style than
// the run's own, so this can lead to a failure of instantiating the correct
// fallback font.
+ sk_sp<SkTypeface> before_rematch;
+ PlatformFont* platform_font = new_font.platform_font();
+ if (platform_font) {
+ before_rematch = platform_font->GetNativeSkTypefaceIfAvailable();
+ }
sk_sp<SkTypeface> new_skia_face(
internal::CreateSkiaTypeface(new_font, italic, weight));
if (!new_skia_face)
return false;
+ if (before_rematch->fontStyle().weight() != new_skia_face->fontStyle().weight() ||
+ before_rematch->fontStyle().slant() != new_skia_face->fontStyle().slant()) {
+ SkString family_before;
+ SkString family_after;
+ before_rematch->getFamilyName(&family_before);
+ new_skia_face->getFamilyName(&family_after);
+ VLOG(4) << "rematching lead to new font style: fam before: "
+ << family_before.c_str()
+ << " fam after: " << family_after.c_str()
+ << " weights: " << before_rematch->fontStyle().weight() << ":"
+ << new_skia_face->fontStyle().weight()
+ << " slants: " << before_rematch->fontStyle().slant() << ":"
+ << new_skia_face->fontStyle().slant();
+ }
skia_face = new_skia_face;
font = new_font;
render_params = new_render_params;
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