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Last active October 1, 2022 22:12
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SLURM cluster usage tracker Discord bot
#! /usr/bin/env python3
SLURM usage tracker Discord bot by drscotthawley & rom1504
Requires external file token_channel.csv to connect to Discord
Syntax of that file should be:
Without token & channel info, this code will print SLURM cluster usage info to stdout.
initial code by rom1504 at
import discord
from discord.ext import tasks
import json
import pandas as pd
import subprocess
import sys
def get_msg(
backticks=True # whether to add backticks for Discord formatting or not
"gets a list of cluster usage from squeue and creates a text message from it"
a = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(['squeue','--json']).decode("utf8"))
df = pd.DataFrame(a["jobs"])
# tally up number of idle nodes
tally_choice = 'rom1504'
if tally_choice == 'rom1504': # json method by rom1504
a = json.loads(subprocess.check_output(['sinfo','--json']).decode("utf8"))
num_idles = sum([1 for a in a['nodes'] if a['state'] == 'idle' and 'gpu' in a['name'] and 'POWERED_DOWN' not in a['state_flags']])
else: # shell-based method by drscotthawley
cmd = "sinfo | grep ' idle ' | awk '{print $4}' | head -n 1"
ps = subprocess.Popen(cmd,shell=True,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
num_idles = ps.communicate()[0].decode("utf-8").rstrip()
preemptible_accounts = [e[0] for e in [l.split("|") for l in subprocess.check_output(['sacctmgr', 'list', '--parsable', 'Account']).decode("utf8").split("\n")] if len(e) >= 3 and e[2] == "root"]
def group_per_user_name(df):
return str(df.groupby(["account", "user_name"]).sum("node_count")[["node_count"]].sort_values("node_count"))
preemptible = df[df["account"].isin(preemptible_accounts)]
non_preemptible = df[~df["account"].isin(preemptible_accounts)]
preemptible_count = sum(preemptible["node_count"].values)
non_preemptible_count = sum(non_preemptible["node_count"].values)
msg = "```\n" if backticks else ""
msg += "Preemptible:\n"+group_per_user_name(preemptible)+"\n\n"
msg += "Non-preemptible:\n"+group_per_user_name(non_preemptible)+"\n\n"
msg += f"Idle: {num_idles} nodes\n"
msg += f"Preemptible count (these jobs will be killed if needed by non preemtible): {preemptible_count} nodes\n"
msg += f"Non pre emptible count: {non_preemptible_count} nodes\n"
msg = msg+"\n```" if backticks else msg
return msg
# Read Discord bot token and channel id from external file
info_df = pd.read_csv('token_channel.csv')
token = info_df['token'][0]
channel_id = info_df['channel'][0]
print("Discord authorization info found.")
print(" token =",token)
print(" channel_id =",channel_id)
print("No Discord credentials found. Here's a printout:\n")
sys.exit(1) # might as well just stop here
# Initialize bot client object
client = discord.Client()
# Setup background task
async def my_background_task():
"""A background task that gets invoked every __ hours."""
channel = client.get_channel(channel_id)
await channel.send(get_msg())
async def my_background_task_before_loop():
await client.wait_until_ready()
# Run the bot
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rom1504 commented Oct 1, 2022

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