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Last active August 17, 2017 14:28
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My implementation of a temporal difference policy method for playing Tic Tac Toe, after seeing Shlomo Bauer speak at the Brentwood A.I. meetup.
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Uses temporal difference policy method
# See, e.g.,
# In this code, X plays randomly whereas O 'learns'. (Feel free to change that)
# Thus we expect O to outperform X eventually
# Author: Scott Hawley
# Unlimited License: Feel free to use any or all of this code however you like.
import numpy as np
LENGTH = 3 # one dim of game board. board is LENGTH x LENGTH
EMPTY_VAL = 0 # value to represent empty cell
X_VAL = 1 # value to represent 'X'
O_VAL = 2 # value to represent 'O'
TIE_VAL = 3 # value for tie game
DEBUG = 0 # higher integer value means more messages
SECRET_BACKDOOR = "JOSHUA" # obligatory humor. does nothing.
def debug_msg(msg, level=1): # logging routine
if (level <= DEBUG) and (DEBUG != 0):
def enumerate_states():
# generate all possible configurations
# from
numstates = (O_VAL-EMPTY_VAL+1)**(LENGTH*LENGTH)
debug_msg("numstates = "+str(numstates))
states = np.zeros( (numstates, LENGTH, LENGTH), dtype=np.int8 )
for s in range(numstates):
c = s
for bi in range( LENGTH * LENGTH): # bi = board index
val = c % LENGTH
i = int(bi / LENGTH)
j = int(bi % LENGTH)
states[s][i][j] = val
c //= 3
return states
def is_end_state(board): # board is a LENGTH x LENGTH array, i.e. one particular state
# returns 0 for not end state, X_VAL if X wins, and O_VAL if O wins, TIE_VAL for tie game
# check rows
for i in range(0,LENGTH):
win = True
for j in range(1,LENGTH):
if (board[i][j] != board[i][0] ):
win = False
if win:
debug_msg(" row win along i = "+str(i))
return board[i][0]
# check columns
for j in range(0,LENGTH):
win = True
for i in range(1,LENGTH):
if (board[i][j] != board[0][j] ):
win = False
if win:
debug_msg("column win along j = "+str(j))
return board[0][j]
# check 'forward' diagonal
win = True
for i in range(1,LENGTH):
if (board[i][i] != board[0,0]):
win = False
if win:
debug_msg("forward diag win")
return board[0][0]
# check 'backward' diagonal
win = True
for i in range(1,LENGTH):
if (board[i][LENGTH-1-i] != board[0,LENGTH-1]):
win = False
if win:
debug_msg("backward diag win")
return board[0][LENGTH-1]
# no winner
if (EMPTY_VAL in board): # board's not full, and no winner yet
return 0
return TIE_VAL # no winner; tie game
def make_random_move(board, player_val):
free_moves = np.where( EMPTY_VAL == board )
debug_msg("free moves = "+str(free_moves), level=4)
num_moves = free_moves[0].shape[0]
debug_msg("num_moves = "+str(num_moves), level=4)
if (num_moves) > 0:
choice_ind = np.random.randint(num_moves)
debug_msg("choice_ind = "+str(choice_ind))
i = free_moves[0][choice_ind]
j = free_moves[1][choice_ind]
board[i][j] = player_val
debug_msg("No moves possible",level=3)
return board
def make_smart_move(board, player_val, states, state_vals):
free_moves = np.where( EMPTY_VAL == board )
debug_msg("free moves = "+str(free_moves), level=4)
num_moves = free_moves[0].shape[0]
debug_msg("num_moves = "+str(num_moves), level=4)
if (num_moves) > 0:
# get the state values of the resulting boards corresponding to each possible move
move_state_vals = []
move_state_choices = []
move_boards = []
for choice_ind in range(num_moves):
new_board = np.copy(board)
i = free_moves[0][choice_ind]
j = free_moves[1][choice_ind]
new_board[i][j] = player_val
new_state_number = get_state_number(new_board)
move_state_choices.append( new_state_number )
# now choose the state that has the highest value
debug_msg(" move_state_vals = "+str(move_state_vals), level=1)
choice_ind = np.argmax( move_state_vals )
debug_msg("smart choice_ind = "+str(choice_ind), level=1)
#print("which corresponds to board ",move_boards[choice_ind])
if (np.argmax( move_state_vals ) == np.argmin( move_state_vals )): # no clear choice
debug_msg(" so making random choice", level=1)
make_random_move(board, player_val)
board = move_boards[choice_ind]
debug_msg("No moves possible",level=3)
return board
def get_state_number(board): # turns the board into a hash using base-3 arithmetic
numcells = LENGTH*LENGTH
hash_loc = 0
for i in range(numcells):
hash_loc += np.ndarray.flatten(board)[i] * 3**(numcells-1-i) # treat array as base-3 digits
return hash_loc
# the crux of the method. modify the values associate with states that appeared
# in the game's history, by essentially propagating the final score backwards in time.
def score_history(state_vals, end_state, player, history, alpha = 0.5):
if (end_state == player ):
end_score = 1
elif (end_state == TIE_VAL):
end_score = 0
end_score = -1
#print(" end_score = ",end_score)
histlen = len(history)
h = histlen - 1
s = history[h]
state_vals[ s ] = end_score # score the game
#print("Scoring: h, s, state_vals[s] = ",h,s, state_vals[s])
for h in range(histlen-2, -1, -1): # propagate backward in time
sprime = history[h+1]
s = history[h]
state_vals[s] = state_vals[s] + alpha * (state_vals[sprime] - state_vals[s])
#print("Scoring: h, s, state_vals[s] = ",h,s, state_vals[s])
return state_vals
############## MAIN CODE FOLLOWS ###################
np.random.seed(1) # uncomment to get the same outcomes each time
# Storage for states and values. Note: the indices in these two arrays may not refer to the same objects, but that's ok.
states = enumerate_states()
o_state_vals = np.zeros(3**(LENGTH*LENGTH))
# x_state_vals = np.zeros(222222222) # You can have X learn too, but then you get TIE GAME almost all the time
alpha = 0.9 # learning rate, >= 0. setting this to zero means O plays randomly too
outerloops = 2
for do_it_again in range(outerloops): # cuz this is fun! in the later loops, the system has already been trained
numgames = 10000 #
x_wins = 0 # keeping track of number of wins by x & o, and tie games
o_wins = 0
ties = 0
for game in range(numgames):
if (do_it_again == outerloops-1) and (game == numgames-10): # show last games
print("Game number ",game," of ",numgames,": ", end="")
end_state = 0
turn = 0
board = np.copy(states[0]) # empty board
history = []
player = X_VAL
while ((0 == end_state) and (turn < LENGTH**2)): # while game's not over
turn += 1
debug_msg("turn = "+str(turn)+", player = "+str(player))
if (X_VAL == player):
board = make_random_move(board,player)
#board = make_smart_move(board, player, states, x_state_vals) # if both X and O learn, you get TIE GAME all the time
board = make_smart_move(board, player, states, o_state_vals)
state_num = get_state_number(board)
debug_msg(" state_num = "+str(state_num)+", new board = ",level=1)
if (X_VAL == player): # switch players for next time
player = O_VAL
player = X_VAL
end_state = is_end_state(board)
# Game over, man!
debug_msg("end_state = "+str(end_state))
if (X_VAL == end_state):
print("X WINS!")
x_wins += 1
elif (O_VAL == end_state):
print(" O WINS!")
o_wins += 1
print(" TIE GAME")
ties += 1
debug_msg("history = "+str(history))
o_state_vals = score_history(o_state_vals, end_state, O_VAL, history, alpha=alpha) # adjust state vals
#x_state_vals = score_history(x_state_vals, end_state, X_VAL, history, alpha=alpha) # adjust state vals
print("Final stats: x_wins, o_wins, ties = ",x_wins, o_wins, ties,". O won ",o_wins*100.0/numgames,"% of the last ",numgames," games")
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