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Created May 31, 2010 20:49
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PHP Command runner class
* Command building and execution
* Most methods implement a "fluent interface" for easy method call chaining.
* @see
* @author Iván -DrSlump- Montes <[email protected]>
* @license BSD
class Command
const STDIN = 0;
const STDOUT = 1;
const STDERR = 2;
// Maximum number of bytes to read at once
const READ_BUFFER_MAX = 4096;
// Maximum number of milliseconds to sleep while pooling for data
const SLEEP_MAX = 200;
// Number of milliseconds to sleep the first time
const SLEEP_START = 1;
// Multiplying rate to increase the number of milliseconds to sleep
const SLEEP_FACTOR = 1.5;
protected $_separator = ' ';
protected $_cmd = null;
protected $_args = array();
protected $_exitcode = null;
protected $_stdout = null;
protected $_stderr = null;
protected $_callback = null;
protected $_cwd = null;
protected $_env = null;
protected $_conf = array();
* Creates a new Command object
* @param string $cmd
* @param bool $noescape If true the $cmd string will be escaped
* @return Command - Fluent interface
static public function factory($cmd = null, $noescape = false)
$obj = new self();
if ($cmd !== NULL) {
$obj->command($cmd, $noescape);
return $obj;
* Register a callback function to be triggered when there is data for stdout/stderr
* The first argument is the pipe identifier (Command::STDOUT or Command::STDERR)
* The second argument is either a string with the available data or null to
* indicate the eof.
* @param callback $callback
* @return Command - Fluent
public function setCallback($callback)
$this->_callback = $callback;
return $this;
* Sets working directory for the execution
* @param string $cwd
* @return Command - Fluent
public function setDirectory($cwd)
$this->_cwd = $cwd;
return $this;
* Sets environment variables for the command execution
* @param array $env
* @return Command - Fluent
public function setEnv($env = array())
$this->_env = $env;
return $this;
* Flags proc_open() to use binary pipes
* @param bool $binary
* @return Command - Fluent
public function setBinary($binary = true)
$this->_conf['binary_pipes'] = $binary;
return $this;
* Sets the character to use to separate an option from its argument
* @param string $sep
* @return Command - Fluent interface
public function setOptionSeparator($sep)
$this->_separator = $sep;
return $this;
* Sets the command to run
* @param string $cmd
* @param bool $noescape If true the $cmd string will be escaped
* @return Command - Fluent interface
public function command($cmd, $noescape = false)
$this->_cmd = $noescape ? $cmd : escapeshellcmd($cmd);
return $this;
* Adds a new option to the command
* @param string $left Option name
* @param string $right Argument for the option (automatically escaped)
* @param string $sep Specific separator to use between the option and the argument
* @return Command - Fluent interface
public function option($left, $right = null, $sep = null)
if ($right !== NULL) {
$right = escapeshellarg($right);
if (empty($right)) {
$right = "''";
$left .= ($sep === NULL ? $this->_separator : $sep) . $right;
$this->_args[] = $left;
return $this;
* Adds a new argument to the command
* @param string $arg the argument (automatically escaped)
* @return Command - Fluent interface
public function argument($arg) {
$this->_args[] = escapeshellarg($arg);
return $this;
* Runs the command
* @param string $stdin
* @return Command - Fluent interface
public function run($stdin = null)
// Clear previous run
$this->_exitcode = null;
$this->_stdout = null;
$this->_stderr = null;
// Prepare the buffers structure
$buffers = array(
0 => $stdin,
1 => &$this->_stdout,
2 => &$this->_stderr,
$this->_exitcode = self::exec($this->getFullCommand(), $buffers, $this->_callback, $this->_cwd, $this->_env, $this->_conf);
return $this;
* Get the full configured command as it would be run
* @return string
public function getFullCommand()
return $this->_cmd . ' ' . implode(' ', $this->_args);
* Gets the exit code from the last run
* @return int
public function getExitCode()
return $this->_exitcode;
* Gets the generated stdout from the last run
* @return string
public function getStdOut()
return $this->_stdout;
* Gets the generated stderr from the last run
* @return string
public function getStdErr()
return $this->_stderr;
* Executes a command returning the exitcode and capturing the stdout and stderr
* @param string $cmd
* @param array &$buffers
* 0 - StdIn contents to be passed to the command (optional)
* 1 - StdOut contents returned by the command execution
* 2 - StdOut contents returned by the command execution
* @param callback $callback A callback function for stdout/stderr data
* @param string $cwd Set working directory
* @param array $env Environment variables for the process
* @param array $conf Additional options for proc_open()
* @return int
static function exec($cmd, &$buffers, $callback = null, $cwd = null, $env = null, $conf = null)
if (!is_array($buffers)) {
$buffers = array();
// Define the pipes to configure for the process
$descriptors = array(
self::STDIN => array('pipe', 'r'),
self::STDOUT => array('pipe', 'w'),
self::STDERR => array('pipe', 'w'),
// Start the process
$ph = proc_open($cmd, $descriptors, $pipes, $cwd, $env, $conf);
if (!is_resource($ph)) {
return null;
// Feed the process with the stdin if any and close it
if (!empty($buffers[self::STDIN])) {
fwrite($pipes[self::STDIN], $buffers[self::STDIN]);
// Setup non-blocking behaviour for stdout and stderr
stream_set_blocking($pipes[self::STDOUT], 0);
stream_set_blocking($pipes[self::STDERR], 0);
$delay = 0;
$code = null;
$open = array(self::STDOUT, self::STDERR);
$buffers[self::STDOUT] = empty($buffers[self::STDOUT]) ? '' : $buffers[self::STDOUT];
$buffers[self::STDERR] = empty($buffers[self::STDERR]) ? '' : $buffers[self::STDERR];
while (!empty($open)) {
// Try to find the exit code of the command before buggy proc_close()
if ($code === NULL) {
$status = proc_get_status($ph);
if (!$status['running']) {
$code = $status['exitcode'];
// Go thru all open pipes and check for data
foreach ($open as $i=>$pipe) {
// Try to get some data
$str = fread($pipes[$pipe], self::READ_BUFFER_MAX);
if (strlen($str)) {
if ($callback) {
$str = call_user_func($callback, $pipe, $str);
if ($str === false) {
break 2;
} else {
$buffers[$pipe] .= $str;
// Since we've got some data we don't need to sleep :)
$delay = 0;
// Check if we have consumed all the data in the current pipe
} else if (feof($pipes[$pipe])) {
if ($callback) {
if (call_user_func($callback, $pipe, null) === false) {
break 2;
continue 2;
// Check if we have to sleep for a bit to be nice on the CPU
if ($delay) {
usleep($delay * 1000);
$delay = ceil(min(self::SLEEP_MAX, $delay*self::SLEEP_FACTOR));
} else {
$delay = self::SLEEP_START;
// Make sure all pipes are closed
foreach ($pipes as $pipe=>$desc) {
if (is_resource($desc)) {
if ($callback) {
call_user_func($callback, $pipe, null);
// Make sure the process is terminated
$status = proc_get_status($ph);
if ($status['running']) {
// Find out the exit code
if ($code === NULL) {
$code = proc_close($ph);
} else {
return $code;
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