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Last active October 23, 2019 14:08
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cask_args appdir: "/Applications"
tap 'homebrew/cask'
cask 'slack'
cask 'visual-studio-code'
cask 'java' unless system '/usr/libexec/java_home --failfast'
cask 'google-chrome'
cask 'chromedriver'
# cask 'fork'
cask 'docker'
cask '1password'
cask '1password-cli'
cask 'studio-3t'
cask 'the-unarchiver'
cask 'tableplus'
# cask 'intellij-idea-ce'
# cask 'tunnelblick'
cask 'mailplane'
cask 'alfred'
# cask 'sketch'
cask 'tower'
cask 'shimo'
cask 'kaleidoscope'
cask 'paw'
brew 'nvm'
brew 'gauge'
brew 'git'
brew 'git-extras'
brew 'rsync'
brew 'libxml2'
brew 'openssl'
brew 'python3'
brew 'nmap'
brew 'curl'
brew 'jq'
brew 'awscli'
brew 's3cmd'
brew 'maven'
# brew 'postgresql'
# brew 'mysql'
# brew 'redis'
# brew 'mongodb'
# mas '1Password', id: 443987910
# mas 'XCode', id: 497799835
# mas 'Microsoft Remote Desktop 10', id: 1295203466
# mas 'Pixelmator', id: 407963104
# mas 'Things 3', id: 904280696
# mas 'BrowserFreedom', id: 1081203896
# mas 'Deliveries', id: 924726344
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