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Created January 21, 2021 12:42
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from macros import error, hint
from os import `/`, splitFile
import strutils
import distros
when defined(release):
switch("checks", "off")
switch("assertions", "off")
switch("debuginfo", "off")
switch("stackTrace", "off")
switch("lineTrace", "off")
when defined(musl):
when not defined(Linux):
error("Statically linking with musl is only avaliable on Linux")
var muslGccPath: string
hint("[-d:musl] building a static binary using musl")
muslGccPath = findExe("musl-gcc")
# echo "debug: " & muslGccPath
if muslGccPath == "":
if detectOs(ArchLinux):
foreignDep "musl"
error("'musl-gcc' binary was not found in PATH")
putEnv("CC", "musl-gcc -static -idirafter /usr/include/ -idirafter /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/")
when defined(openssl):
hint("OpenSSL TLS implementation used")
openSslVersion = getEnv("OPENSSLVER", "1.1.1i")
openSslSourceDir = "openssl-" & openSslVersion
openSslArchiveFile = openSslSourceDir & ".tar.gz"
openSslDownloadLink = "" & openSslArchiveFile
openSslInstallDir = (thisDir() / "openssl/") & openSslVersion
openSslConfigureCmd = ["./config", "no-shared", "no-zlib", "no-async",
"no-tests", "-fPIC", "-DOPENSSL_NO_SECURE_MEMORY", "--prefix=" & openSslInstallDir]
sslLibDir = openSslInstallDir / "lib"
openSslLibFile = sslLibDir / "libssl.a"
openCryptoLibFile = sslLibDir / "libcrypto.a"
sslIncludeDir = openSslInstallDir / "include/openssl"
# Build OpenSSL with musl if doesn't exist
if (not fileExists(openSslLibFile)) or (not fileExists(openCryptoLibFile)):
if not dirExists(openSslSourceDir):
if not fileExists(openSslArchiveFile):
exec("curl -LO " & openSslDownloadLink)
exec("tar xf " & openSslArchiveFile)
exec("rm " & openSslArchiveFile)
hint("OpenSSL lib source dir " & openSslSourceDir & " already exists")
withDir openSslSourceDir:
exec(openSslConfigureCmd.join(" "))
putEnv("C_INCLUDE_PATH", sslIncludeDir)
hint("The insecure switch -DOPENSSL_NO_SECURE_MEMORY is needed so that OpenSSL can be compiled using MUSL.")
exec("make -j`nproc --all` depend")
exec("make -j`nproc --all`")
exec("make install_sw")
hint(openSslLibFile & " already exists")
switch("passL", "-lssl")
switch("passL", "-lcrypto")
hint("wolfSSL TLS implementation used")
wolfSslVersion = getEnv("WOLFSSLVER", "4.6.0")
wolfSslSourceDir = "wolfssl-" & wolfSslVersion & "-stable"
wolfSslArchiveFile = "v" & wolfSslVersion & "-stable.tar.gz"
wolfSslDownloadLink = "" & wolfSslArchiveFile
wolfSslInstallDir = (thisDir() / "wolfssl/") & wolfSslVersion
wolfSslConfigureCmd = ["./configure ", "--enable-static",
"--enable-opensslextra", "--prefix=" & wolfSslInstallDir]
sslLibDir = wolfSslInstallDir / "lib"
wolfSslLibFile = sslLibDir / "libwolfssl.a"
sslIncludeDir = wolfSslInstallDir / "include/wolfssl"
if not fileExists(wolfSslLibFile):
if not dirExists(wolfSslSourceDir):
if not fileExists(wolfSslArchiveFile):
exec("curl -LO " & wolfSslDownloadLink)
exec("tar xf " & wolfSslArchiveFile)
exec("rm " & wolfSslArchiveFile)
hint("wolfSSL lib source dir " & wolfSslSourceDir & " already exists")
withDir wolfSslSourceDir:
exec(wolfSslConfigureCmd.join(" "))
putEnv("C_INCLUDE_PATH", sslIncludeDir)
exec("make -j`nproc --all`")
exec("make install")
hint(wolfSslLibFile & " already exists")
switch("passL", "-lwolfssl")
switch("passC", "-I" & sslIncludeDir) # So that ssl.h is found when running the musl task
switch("passL", "-L" & sslLibDir)
switch("dynlibOverride", "ssl")
switch("dynlibOverride", "crypto")
switch("gcc.exe", muslGccPath)
switch("gcc.linkerexe", muslGccPath)
switch("passL", "-static")
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