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Created August 9, 2016 05:15
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+ [*] who is (@candidate) [*]
- <call>candidate-info:who <star></call>
+ [*] who (@candidate) is [*]
@ who is <star>
+ [*] what [*] about [*] (@candidate) [*]
@ who is <star>
+ [*] what [*] (@candidate) [*] (electorate|seat) [*]
@ who is <star>
const id = 'candidate-info';
const merge = require('merge');
const qs = require('querystring');
const fetch = require('../../fetch');
const utils = require('../../utils');
const mu = require('mustache');
const path = require('path');
const log = require(path.join(__dirname,'..','..','logger')).child({component: id});
const senate = ['sqld','snsw','svic','stas','ssa','swa','sact','snt'];
module.exports = constructor;
function constructor(_opts) {
var opts, candidatesPromise, templates;
// Get options from the environment by default
opts = merge({
morphKey: process.env.MORPHIO_KEY
}, _opts);
candidatesPromise = fetchCandidatesData().catch((err)=> {
log.warn({err:err}, 'Error fetching candidates');
// Load the templates into memory.
templates = fetch.templates(path.join(__dirname,'templates.txt')).then((templates) => {{templates: templates}, 'Templates loaded');
return templates;
}).catch((err) => {
log.error({err:err}, 'Error loading templates');
// `opts.brain` is a promise
// Define the list of functions this capability can perform.
var subroutines = {
who: who
// Initialise the capability by attaching all the sub-routines here.
for (var name in subroutines) {
brain.setSubroutine(id+':'+name, subroutines[name]);
function who(rive, args) {
var data = this;
return new rive.Promise((resolve, reject)=>{
candidatesPromise.then((candidates) => {
var candidate;
candidate = candidates.find((candidate) => {
return === args[0].toLowerCase();
if (!candidate) {
return reject(new Error('Candidate not found'));
utils.templateByKey(templates, 'who-is').then((template)=>{
var party;
party = candidate.partyName.replace('Independent', 'independent').replace('The Greens', 'Greens');
if (senate.indexOf(candidate.electorateCode) > -1) {
party = (party === 'independent') ? `an ${party} senate` : `a ${party} senate`;
} else {
party = (party === 'independent') ? `an ${party}` : `the ${party}`;
data.response = {
text: mu.render(template, {
electorateName: candidate.electorateName,
guideUrl: `${candidate.electorateCode}/`,
partyName: party
// In this implementation we often want to return an empty string
// It's not used as the actual response to the user. Set `data.response`
// for that.
function fetchCandidatesData() {
return fetch.json(''+qs.stringify({
key: opts.morphKey,
query: "SELECT * FROM data"
})).then((data) => {'Candidates data fetched');
return data;
}).catch((err) => {
who-is {{&candidateName}} is {{&partyName}} candidate for {{&electorateName}} See more: {{&guideUrl}}
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