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Dan Sandler dsandler

View GitHub Profile
val TEMPLATE = "┏━┓┃ ┃┗━┛".toCharArray().map { it.toString() }
val TEMPLATE2 = listOf("┌", "─", "┒",
"│", " ", "┃",
"┕", "━", "┛")
val TEMPLATE3 = listOf("┌─", "─", "─┒",
"│ ", " ", " ┃",
"┕━", "━", "━┛")
val ASCII = listOf(
"+-", "-", "-+",
"| ", " ", " |",
dsandler /
Created December 16, 2022 15:48
script to put the current frame number and elapsed time in the LL corner of a video
# put the current frame number and elapsed time in the LL corner of a video
# (counts real frames, so vfr input will make the numbers stall from time to time)
if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "usage: $0 input.mp4 output.mp4"; exit 2; fi
ffmpeg -i "$1" -vf "
drawtext=text='f=%{eif\:n\:d\:4}\ t=%{pts}': x=10: y=h-th-10:
fontcolor=white: fontsize=18: box=1: boxcolor=0x00000099
" -y "$2"
dsandler / gist:1f94e95b9ea6cc7d5ec338c41e4b0bcd
Created November 18, 2022 00:31
sloppy static webfinger for apache
# www/.htaccess
RewriteRule ^[.]well-known/webfinger.*$ /profile/me [L]
# www/profile/.htaccess
Header set Content-Type: application/jrd+json
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin: "*"
# www/profile/me
"subject": "acct:[email protected]",
dsandler / all_sprites.cs
Created May 12, 2020 01:27
Space Engineers programmable block script to show all sprites in the game, one by one
IMyTextSurface _drawingSurface;
RectangleF _viewport;
float _minSize;
int _t = 0;
const float TEXT_BOX_SIZE = 20;
const float TEXT_BOX_MARGIN = 2;
# dsandler 2019
class cipher(object):
S = None
def __init__(this, key):
this.key = key
# basic hex dumper
def xxd(data):
s = ''
for i in range(len(data)):
if i % 16 == 0: s += '%08x: ' % i
s += '%02x' % ord(data[i])
if i % 16 == 15: s += '\n'
elif i % 2 == 1: s += ' '
return s
dsandler / html5-web-terminal.markdown
Created August 31, 2018 18:48
HTML5 Web Terminal

HTML5 Web Terminal

A console for the Web written completely in JavaScript. The console supports Web versions of Linux commands.

A Pen by Andrew M Barfield on CodePen.


# duration - format a time interval
# usage: duration [flags] <seconds>
# or: . duration ; format_duration [flags] <seconds>
# flags:
# -l: long format ("5 days 1 second")
# -s: short format ("5:00:00:01")
// $ python -c 'from json import dumps; from mdcolor import color; print dumps(list(list((" "+tint.tint, tint.tohex()) for tint in family) for family in color.values()), indent=2)'
"pink 50",
"pink 100",
# Color order: 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, A100, A200, A400, A700.
# Adapted from
import re
class ColorTint(object):
def __init__(self, name, tint, color): = name
self.tint = tint
self.color = color