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[alias] | |
### REMEMBER ### | |
# When using a function-wrapper, like !"f () { echo foo; }; f" ... | |
# | |
# 1) You *MUST* use DOUBLE QUOTES around the value. | |
# | |
# 2) You *MUST* to double-escape any regex-escape (eg. \.\1\w) that is NOT a normal escape. | |
# So '\t\n' is ok, but '\1' needs to become '\\1'. (I think lines are fed to sh, which | |
# means eval strips off a layer of escaping even in single-quoted strings!) | |
h = help | |
he = help | |
hel = help | |
s = status | |
st = status | |
r = remote -v | |
f = fetch | |
fe = fetch | |
u = pull | |
ul = pull | |
p = push | |
pu = push | |
cl = clone | |
co = checkout | |
c = commit | |
ci = commit | |
### branches ### | |
b = branch | |
br = branch | |
## remotes: print "name TAB repo" for each remote | |
remotes = "!f () { local URLTYPE=${1:-fetch}; git remote -v | grep $URLTYPE | awk -F'[ \t]+' '{ print $1 \"\t\" $2 }'; }; f" | |
rem = !git remotes | |
## update: remote update -- fetch updates for everybody | |
update = remote update | |
up = !git update | |
## prune-all: clean up stale remote branches | |
prune-all = !git remote | xargs -n 1 git remote prune | |
## branch-name: the name of the current branch, without the leading '*' | |
branch-name = "!f () { git branch --no-color $* | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr -d '[:space:]'; }; f" | |
bn = !git branch-name | |
## branch-remote: remote name this branch is tracking | |
branch-remote = !git config --get "branch.$(git branch-name).remote" | |
brem = !git branch-remote | |
## branch-repo: remote repo url this branch is tracking | |
branch-repo = !git remote -v | fgrep 'fetch' | grep -P "^$(git branch-remote)"'\\b' | awk -F'[ \t]+' '{ print $2 }' | |
brepo = !git branch-repo | |
## track: checkout and track a new branch | |
track = checkout --track -b | |
tr = !git track | |
## upstream: set upstream branch | |
upstream = "!f () { local b=${1:-$(git branch-name)}; local r=${2:-origin/$b}; shift 2; git branch --set-upstream $b $r $*; }; f" | |
## mods: recursive-update all submodules | |
mods = !git submodule update --init --recursive | |
### mutate! ### | |
## rm to be less lazy and kill directories by default | |
# rm = rm -r | |
## unstage: unstage a file (remove it from the index) -- opposite of "git add" | |
unstage = rm -r --cached | |
un = !git unstage | |
## missing: files no longer present in the working tree | |
missing = diff --name-only --diff-filter=D | |
## unstage-missing: unstage missing files | |
unstage-missing = "!f () { git diff --name-only --diff-filter=D -z $* | xargs -0 git rm --cached; }; f" | |
um = !git unstage-missing | |
## undo: dump uncommitted changes | |
undo = !git checkout HEAD -- | |
## amend: combine current changes with previous commit | |
amend = "!f () { local args=$*; [ -z \"$args\" ] && args='-a'; git commit --amend -C HEAD $args; }; f" | |
ca = !git amend | |
## checkpoint: a minor commit represented by a dummy message, for ease of finding them later. | |
checkpoint = commit -a -m "checkpoint" | |
ch = !git checkpoint | |
## ignore: edit then stage .gitignore | |
ignore-edit = "!mate -w .gitignore && git add .gitignore" | |
ige = !git ignore-edit | |
ig = !git ignore-edit | |
ignore = !git ignore-edit | |
## ignoring: appends to .gitignore | |
ignore-append = "!f () { local GIT_IGNORE=\"$([ -e .gitignore ] && echo . || git root)/.gitignore\"; for arg in $*; do echo $arg >> $GIT_IGNORE; done; }; f" | |
iga = !git ignore-append | |
igd = !git ignore-append | |
## ignore-stage: stages .gitignore, then dumps it to stderr | |
# ignore-stage = "![ -e .gitignore ] && { git add .gitignore; cat .gitignore >&2; }" | |
# igs = !git ignore-stage | |
### repo meta ### | |
## root: root repository directory | |
root = !git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null | |
## repo: repository url of first listed remote (which is hopefully the primary) | |
repo = !git remote -v | fgrep 'origin' | fgrep 'fetch' | head -n1 | awk -F'[ \t]+' '{ print $2 }' | |
## url: repository url made suitable for a browser | |
url = !git repo | sed -E -e 's=^[^@]+@([^:]+):=http://\\1/=' -e 's/^git:/http:/' -e 's/\\.git$//' | |
## home: open repository url in a browser | |
home = !open $(git url) | |
## rev: short version of the HEAD revision | |
rev = "!f () { local args=$*; [ x$args = x ] && args=HEAD; git rev-parse --short $args; }; f" | |
### changes happen ### | |
d = diff | |
df = diff | |
## who: what | |
who = shortlog -s -- | |
## log-graph: make a pretty graph of the commit log | |
graph = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative | |
## graphviz = !"f() { echo 'digraph git {' ; git log --pretty='format: %h -> { %p }' \"$@\" | sed 's/[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]*/\"&\"/g' ; echo '}'; }; f" | |
# Examples: | |
# $ git graphviz HEAD~100..HEAD~60 | dotty /dev/stdin | |
# $ git graphviz --first-parent master | dotty /dev/stdin | |
### alias aliases ### | |
# See also: | |
## aliases: list all aliases. | |
aliases = !git config --get-regexp alias | ssed -R -e 's/\\t/\\\\t/g' -e 's/^alias\\.(\\S+?)\\s+(.*)$/\\1\t"\\2"/' | awk -F'\\t' '{ printf \"%-16s%s\\n\", $1, $2 }' | grep -v -E '^aliases' | |
a = !git aliases | |
as = !git aliases | sort | |
alias-grep = !git aliases | grep -P | |
ag = !git alias-grep | |
### !!! ### actung! these break hardlinks to ~/.gitconfig ?! ### !!! ### | |
# alias = !sh -c '[ $# = 2 ] && git config --global alias.\"$1\" \"$2\" && exit 0 || echo \"usage: git alias <new alias> <original command>\" >&2 && exit 1' - | |
# alias = "!function f() { test $# -ne 2 && echo 'usage: git alias ALIAS COMMAND' >&2 && exit 1; git config --global alias.\"$1\" \"$2\"; }; f" |
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