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Daniel Schep dschep

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jcubic / example.js
Last active November 18, 2024 14:07
Simple S-Expression (lisp) paser in JavaScript
console.log(parse(`(define (square x)
"Function calculate square of a number"
(* x x))`)[0].toString());
// ==> (define (square x) "funkcja square wywołanie (square 10) zwraca 100" (* x x))

Vector Landcover Notes

I would like to be able to make myself one day a vector landcover tileset that looks as good as the ones of the large consumer maps. I tried doing this a bit but so far I have not found a good solution.

The landcover should give you an idea how the nature looks like in a place, whatever that means...

In this gist I would like to write down some notes around the challenges of making a vector landcover tileset.

Related to onthegomap/planetiler#550

dschep / ST_LineChunk.sql
Last active January 10, 2021 02:43
Line chunking implementations for PostGIS
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_LineChunk(geom geometry, max_length float8) RETURNS SETOF geometry AS $$
points AS (
SELECT generate_series(0, CEIL(ST_Length(geom) / max_length)::int)
/ CEIL(ST_Length(geom) / max_length) "end"
line_points AS (SELECT LAG("end", 1) OVER (ORDER BY "end") "start", "end" FROM points)
SELECT ST_LineSubstring(geom, "start", "end")
FROM line_points
WHERE "start" IS NOT NULL AND "start" <> 1
dschep / ST_TileEnvelope.sql
Last active January 9, 2021 18:41
ST_TileEnvelope backport
-- ported from
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_TileEnvelope(tileZoom integer, tileX integer, tileY integer) RETURNS geometry AS $$
-- Width of world in EPSG:3857
DECLARE worldMercMax float = 20037508.3427892;
DECLARE worldMercMin float = -1 * worldMercMax;
DECLARE worldMercSize float = worldMercMax - worldMercMin;
-- Width in tiles
DECLARE worldTileSize float = power(2, tileZoom);
-- Tile width in EPSG:3857
DECLARE tileMercSize float = worldMercSize / worldTileSize;
import { useState } from "react";
const useLocalStorageState = (storageKey, defaultValue) => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(storageKey) || "null") || defaultValue
const wrappedSetValue = (newValue) => {
localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(newValue));
JoshuaCarroll / wkt_all_states.txt
Created March 29, 2018 02:07
WKT polygons of all US states' borders
POLYGON((-141.0205 70.0187,-141.7291 70.1292,-144.8163 70.4515,-148.4583 70.7471,-151.1609 70.7923,-152.6221 71.1470,-153.9954 71.1185,-154.8853 71.4307,-156.7529 71.5232,-157.9449 71.2796,-159.6313 71.2249,-161.8671 70.6363,-163.5809 70.0843,-165.2399 69.3028,-166.8768 69.1782,-168.0414 68.3344,-165.9155 67.6844,-164.6082 67.2933,-164.0149 66.7789,-165.7507 66.5810,-167.5745 66.2867,-168.9862 66.0269,-168.9478 65.4970,-167.4756 65.0420,-167.0142 64.3922,-165.7343 64.0554,-163.2294 64.0193,-162.1143 63.9615,-163.6029 63.6877,-165.3717 63.4530,-166.3715 62.4133,-166.9867 61.6534,-166.4429 60.8556,-167.8381 60.5357,-167.7118 59.5482,-165.8002 59.4115,-164.5972 59.3696,-162.8558 59.1168,-162.5427 58.1185,-160.6421 58.1359,-159.5050 58.0285,-158.8953 57.6336,-159.9060 56.9090,-160.6531 56.3926,-161.8835 56.2342,-162.9822 55.7240,-164.3994 55.2478,-165.3168 54.7753,-167.1075 54.1463,-168.5852 53.5632,-169.9146 53.1402,-169.5959 52.5964,-168.2227 52.9089,-162.7734 54.2139,-159.1452 54.6786,-155.4634 55.656
SzieberthAdam / st_extend.sql
Created January 29, 2018 08:37
PostGIS function to extend a linestring
geom geometry,
head_rate double precision,
head_constant double precision,
tail_rate double precision,
tail_constant double precision)
RETURNS geometry AS
-- Extends a linestring.
-- First segment get extended by length * head_rate + head_constant.
javascript: function runDownloadThing(howManyToDownload) {
if (!howManyToDownload) {
howManyToDownload = 3;
if (window['downloadSome']) {
var iter = $(' a.a:not([download])').toArray();
iter = iter.concat($('div.row a[download]').toArray());
dschep / py
Last active September 13, 2022 18:55
Shortcut for commandline python use
#!/usr/bin/env python3
More convinient than `python -c`.
Automatically imports python modules and prints the repr of the last statement.
for example:
`py 'json.load(sys.stdin)'`
instead of
`python -c 'import json,stdin;print(repr(json.load(sys.stdin)))`
dschep /
Last active September 10, 2024 00:15
Python Comprehensions to JS

Python list & dict comprehensions translated to JavasScript

Comprehensions are a really useful feature of Python that aren't available in JavaScript (or many languages). These concepts of course can be tranlsated into using map instead. But especially the dictionaries are a bit trickier.

Lists / Arrays

>>> foobar = range(5)
>>> [x + 1 for x in foobar]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]