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Daniel Schep dschep

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Kilian / annoying.js
Created January 6, 2011 15:04
How to be an asshole
* Annoying.js - How to be an asshole to your users
* Copyright (c) 2011 Kilian Valkhof (
* Visit for more information and changelogs.
* Visit for the introduction and weblog
* Check out if you want to annoy developer instead of visitors
rsvp /
Last active November 22, 2024 16:27 : check download speed rate via command line | Linux bash script
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# bash 4.1.5(1) Linux Ubuntu 10.04 Date : 2013-07-11
# _______________| netspeed : check download speed via command line.
# Usage: netspeed [tokyo, london, usw, use, east, west, URL]
# ^default U.S. west coast.
# [ -speed_KB/sec ]
# ^negation activates the Mbps converter.
Angles / some iOS browser URI launching JS snippets.js
Last active August 2, 2024 07:38
"Open In" Bookmarklets for iOS
/* WITH MODS TO ORIG -- iOS Browser Bookmarklets to launch other apps and stuff */
/* ver 2014-04-14a */
/* backing up my "Open In" bookmarks */
// note iOS6 requires some changes to these
// SOME WORK, MOST tests are not WORK --
// PINNER APP TEST STUFF (as a private one)
// the page title as the title and your selected text as the description.
Copied from
Saved here for posterity.
Tested with Yubikey NEO in 0x82 mode.
with smartcard (openpgp)
Some Links
Using Smartcard with Windows (Putty): Pageant for Putty with smartcard support
step by step
rgbkrk /
Last active April 6, 2022 02:55
Encrypt a (short) file using someone's public key from github
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# HubCrypt
# ========
# Decrypt a file encrypted using hubencrypt (ok, it's just openssl + rsautl +
# your SSH keys). It needs the private key that matches your last public key
# listed at<user>.keys
shovon /
Created April 10, 2015 15:18
Increasing swap size. Only tested on the ubuntu/trusty64 Vagrant box. CREDIT GOES TO --->
# size of swapfile in megabytes
# does the swap file already exist?
grep -q "swapfile" /etc/fstab
# if not then create it
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
gene1wood /
Last active October 21, 2024 12:48
Details on the AWS Lambda Python LambdaContext context object when instantiated from a CloudFormation stack


Here is the raw output from examining the Python LambdaContext context object in a AWS Lambda function when called from a CloudFormation stack. More information on the context object can be found here :

LambdaContext object : print(context)

<__main__.LambdaContext object at 0x7fd706780710>

LambdaContext vars : vars(context)

dschep /
Created November 25, 2015 15:23
Swap Alt & Meta and default to Fkeys not media keys
echo 2 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode
echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/swap_opt_cmd
gbaman /
Last active February 25, 2025 03:20
Simple guide for setting up OTG modes on the Raspberry Pi Zero

Raspberry Pi Zero OTG Mode

Simple guide for setting up OTG modes on the Raspberry Pi Zero - By Andrew Mulholland (gbaman).

The Raspberry Pi Zero (and model A and A+) support USB On The Go, given the processor is connected directly to the USB port, unlike on the B, B+ or Pi 2 B, which goes via a USB hub.
Because of this, if setup to, the Pi can act as a USB slave instead, providing virtual serial (a terminal), virtual ethernet, virtual mass storage device (pendrive) or even other virtual devices like HID, MIDI, or act as a virtual webcam!
It is important to note that, although the model A and A+ can support being a USB slave, they are missing the ID pin (is tied to ground internally) so are unable to dynamically switch between USB master/slave mode. As such, they default to USB master mode. There is no easy way to change this right now.
It is also important to note, that a USB to UART serial adapter is not needed for any of these guides, as may be documented elsewhere across the int

dschep /
Last active March 4, 2016 21:41
Workaround bug in Linux boot2docker hosts not mounting home dirs (boot2docker/boot2docker#1085)
# Work around for boot2docker/boot2docker#1085
# Extracted from boot2docker/boot2docker#1086
mkdir -p /hosthome
mount | grep -q /hosthome || mount -t vboxsf hosthome /hosthome \
-o defaults,uid=$(id -u docker),gid=$(id -g docker)
ls -1 /hosthome | while read d