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Last active December 23, 2015 04:59
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Save dschnare/6583996 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Applies several stretch strategies to a viewport's contents following the examples here: This snippet requires jQuery.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 0;
.viewport {
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
.viewport .viewport-content {
position: absolute;
<div class="viewport stretch--uniformtofill">
<img src=""
class="viewport-content" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./stretch.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Application Supporting Functions //
function updateViewports() {
$('.viewport').each(function () {
var $viewport = $(this), $content = $('.viewport-content', this);
// Resize our viewport to be full-browser
// OR the viewport should have its demensions
// set with CSS already.
width: $(window).width(),
height: $(window).height()
// Apply the stretch strategy to the viewport.
StretchStrategies($viewport, $content);
// Application Entry Point //
$(function () {
// Setup window rezie handler.
$(window).on('resize', updateViewports);
// Prime the pump (but give time for image to load)
$('.viewport img').load(updateViewports);
// Looks for a class of the form 'stretch--[strategyid]' to determine what strategy to apply.
// StretchStrategies($viewport, $content)
// StretchStrategies($viewport, contentDimensions, updateContentFn)
var StretchStrategies = function ($viewport, $content, updateContentFn) {
if (Object($content) === $content) {
var dims = $content;
$content = {
width: function () {
return dims.width;
height: function () {
return dims.height;
css: function (styles) {
} else {
// Reset any existing width/height styles so we can
// get the natural dimensions of the content.
width: '',
height: ''
for (var k in StretchStrategies) {
if ($viewport.hasClass('stretch--' + k)) {
// Invoke the stretch strategy on our content
// (returns an object with width and height).
var styles = StretchStrategies[k](
$content.width(), $content.height(),
$viewport.width(), $viewport.height());
// Now center the content within it's viewport.
styles.left = ($viewport.width() - styles.width)/2; = ($viewport.height() - styles.height)/2;
// Apply the styles to the content.
// Exit the loop.
// Any new strategy can be added as a property.
// See for examples:
StretchStrategies.none = function (srcWidth, srcHeight, destWidth, destHeight) {
return {
width: srcWidth,
height: srcHeight
StretchStrategies.fill = function (srcWidth, srcHeight, destWidth, destHeight) {
return {
width: destWidth,
height: destHeight
StretchStrategies.uniform = function (srcWidth, srcHeight, destWidth, destHeight) {
// Source is portrait.
if (srcWidth < destHeight) {
// If the destination is portrait and has a larger aspect ratio then
// we use the width (smaller dimension).
if (destWidth < destHeight && destHeight/destWidth > srcHeight/srcWidth) {
return {
width: destWidth,
height: destWidth * (srcHeight/srcWidth)
// Otherwise we use the height (larger dimension).
} else {
return {
width: destHeight * (srcWidth/srcHeight),
height: destHeight
// Source is landscape.
} else {
// If destination is landscape and has a larger aspect ratio then
// we use the height (smaller dimension).
if (destHeight < destWidth && destWidth/destHeight > srcWidth/srcHeight) {
return {
width: destHeight * (srcWidth/srcHeight),
height: destHeight
// Otherwise we use the width (larger diemsion).
} else {
return {
width: destWidth,
height: destWidth * (srcHeight/srcWidth)
StretchStrategies.uniformtofill = function (srcWidth, srcHeight, destWidth, destHeight) {
// Source is portrait.
if (srcWidth < srcHeight) {
// If the destination is portrait and has a larger aspect ratio then
// we use the height (larger dimension).
if (destWidth < destHeight && destHeight/destWidth > srcHeight/srcWidth) {
return {
width: destHeight * (srcWidth/srcHeight),
height: destHeight
// Otherwise we use the width (smaller dimension).
} else {
return {
width: destWidth,
height: destWidth * (srcHeight/srcWidth)
// Source is landscape.
} else {
// If destination is landscape and has a larger aspect ratio then
// we use the width (larger dimension).
if (destHeight < destWidth && destWidth/destHeight > srcWidth/srcHeight) {
return {
width: destWidth,
height: destWidth * (srcHeight/srcWidth)
// Otherwise we use the height (smaller diemsion).
} else {
return {
width: destHeight * (srcWidth/srcHeight),
height: destHeight
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