Content: server daemon and test client for STUN, RFC-3489 only
URL does not load, the project seems abandoned
The code is also available on SourceForge, last update was on January 2012
TCP and TLS modes not supported
The server needs two IPs, it’s mandatory and can not be configured
C++, no extra libraries required, Windows port available
Version = 0.97 (0.96 package available on Debian, 5 years without updates)
stunserver aka stuntman
Content: high performance STUN server, a client application and code libraries
RFC-5389 + backwards compatibility with RFC-3489
UDP and TCP modes with either IPv4 or IPv6
STUN code library and client application implement all NAT detection tests specified in RFC-5780
"Basic" and "Full" modes to facilitate NAT + firewall behavior detection (with 1 or 2 IPs/ports)
Available on GitHub, last commit 2 months ago
C++ and boost library (libboost-dev package available on Debian)
License: Apache 2.0
Version = 1.1.3
TLS mode + multi-core support in the roadmap, not implemented
Example C++ code available to implement your own authentication system
--maxconn feature
[restund] (http://www.creytiv.com/restund.html)
Content: modular STUN + TURN server (in the same daemon), designed around the principle of a lightweight core and plugins that extend its functionality
RFC-compliancy: RFC-5389 (STUN), RFC-5766 (TURN), RFC-5780 and RFC-6156
UDP, TCP and TLS support, IPv4 and IPv6
C89 and C99 source code and re library is needed (real-time communications with async IO support and a complete SIP stack)
Version = 0.4.1 (last update: 21-Apr-2012)
User Authentication through MySQL: in order to provide user auth and relay traffic the server needs to access a database backend, storing a copy of the entire user database in a local hash table (this might be a problem)
Statistics about received STUN messages
"Basic" and "Full" modes (1 or 2 IPs for NAT type discovery)
Max connections for TURN service + max lifetime
BINDING requests support
Status Interface module that provides server status through HTTP
The project aims to be compliant with the TURN and STUN standards (respectively, RFC-5766 and RFC-5389)
TURN-IPv6 support (RFC-6156)
RFC-6062 support aka TURN-TCP (relay data with TCP)
TLS support
License: GPLv3
Current stable version = 0.6 (released on 2012-02-24)
DTLS (Datagram TLS) support, experimental feature not defined in TURN standard
Max TURN relay connections per user and max connection lifetime
Limit user bandwidth + quota support (in KBytes/s)
ACLs to deny relaying
Run as unprivileged user on Linux
STUN/TURN server and client library (RFC-5389 and RFC-5766)
Support for UDP, TCP and TLS protocols, both IPv4 and IPv6
Synchronous and asynchrounous client APIs provided
RFC-3489 backwards compatibility support
Channel Binding
Hardcoded Settings = changed by modifying the code in ReTurnConfig.cxx and recompiling