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Last active February 24, 2021 01:15
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* Options for JSHint, a JavaScript code quality checking tool.
// These defaults are for code that is:
// - executed directly by the web browser (i.e., not transpiled)
// - on public-facing web sites (i.e., not internal)
// For Node.js:
// /*jshint esversion: 8, node: true */
// For JavaScript code that gets transpiled:
// /*jshint esversion: 8 */
// While developing, to enable globals used for poor-man's debugging,
// such as `console` and `alert`:
// /*jshint devel: true */
// For internal web sites (ours or clients') that don't require IE11:
// /*jshint esversion: 8 */
// enforcing options
"bitwise": true, // `true` prohibits bitwise operators, e.g., `&`, `|`, `^`.
"curly": true, // `true` requires `{}` around blocks in loops and conditionals.
"eqeqeq": true, // `true` prohibits use of `==` and `!=`, in favor of `===` and `!==`.
"esversion": 5, // ECMAScript 5. IE11 baseline, mainly for legacy corporate environments.
"forin": true, // `true` requires all `for in` loops to filter objects' items.
"freeze": true, // `true` prohibits overwriting prototypes of native objects, such as `Array`, `Date`, and `Object`.
"futurehostile": true, // `true` warns about future reserved words.
"latedef": true, // `true` prohibits use of variables before their definitions.
"leanswitch": true, // `true` prohibits unnecessary `switch` statement clauses.
"maxerr": 100, // Maximum number of warnings before JSHint gives up.
"noarg": true, // `true` prohibits the use of `arguments.caller` and `arguments.callee`.
"nocomma": true, // `true` prohibits use of the comma operator.
"nonbsp": true, // `true` warns about U+00A0 NO-BREAK SPACE characters.
"nonew": true, // `true` prohibits the use of constructors for side-effects.
"noreturnawait": true, // `true` prohibits `return await`, in favor of returning the results of asynchronous operations directly.
"regexpu": false, // `true` warns about regular expressions not including the `u` flag.
"shadow": false, // `false` checks for duplicate variable declarations in the same scope only.
"singleGroups": true, // `true` prohibits unnecessary use of the grouping operator.
"strict": false, // `false` disables warnings about strict mode.
"trailingcomma": false, // `true` warns when a comma is not placed after the last element of an array or object literal.
"undef": true, // `true` prohibits the use of variables not explicitly declared.
"unused": true, // `true` warns about defined variables that are never used.
"varstmt": false, // `true` prohibits the use of `var` statements, in favor of `let` and `const`.
// relaxing options
"asi": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about missing semicolons.
"boss": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the use of assignments where comparisons are expected (e.g., in `if` and `while` conditions)
"debug": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the `debugger` statement, i.e., browser breakpoint.
"elision": false, // `true` to allow the use of ES3 array elision elements or empty elements.
"eqnull": true, // `true` to suppress warnings about `== null` comparisons. Only `null` and `undefined` are `== null`.
"evil": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the use of `eval`.
"expr": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the use of expressions where assignments and function calls are expected.
"funcscope": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about declaring variables inside control structures that are then used outside of them.
"iterator": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the `__iterator__` property.
"lastsemic": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the missing semicolon for the last statement in a one-line block.
"loopfunc": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about functions inside of loops.
"moz": false, // `true` to allow the use of Mozilla JavaScript extensions.
"notypeof": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about invalid `typeof` operator values.
"noyield": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about generator functions containing no `yield` statements.
"plusplus": false, // `true` to prohibit the use of `++` and `--` unary operators.
"proto": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the `__proto__` property.
"scripturl": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the use of script-targeted URLs, e.g., `javascript:...`.
"supernew": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about certain "weird" constructions.
"validthis": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the use of `this` in non-constructor functions in strict mode.
"withstmt": false, // `true` to suppress warnings about the use of the `with` statement.
// environment options
"browser": true // globals exposed by modern web browsers, such as `document`, `navigator`, and `FileReader`.
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