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Last active January 12, 2019 00:54
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Programmatic refactor to prefix all private, protected, and internal class members with an underscore.
// This script will look at all the exported class declarations from the main entrypoint of a library
// and ensure all private, protected, and @internal members are prefixed with an underscore.
import { Project, Node, SyntaxKind, TypeGuards, Scope, ClassMemberTypes, ParameterDeclaration } from "ts-simple-ast";
const project = new Project({ tsConfigFilePath: "tsconfig.json" });
const sourceFiles = project.getSourceFiles();
for (const file of sourceFiles)
for (const classDec of file.getDescendantsOfKind(SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration))
for (const member of classDec.getMembers())
function doRenameIfNecessary(node: ClassMemberTypes | ParameterDeclaration) {
// handle constructor parameter properties
if (TypeGuards.isConstructorDeclaration(node)) {
if (node.getScope() !== Scope.Protected && node.getScope() !== Scope.Private && !hasInternalDocTag(node))
if (node.getName().startsWith("_"))
node.rename("_" + node.getName());
function hasInternalDocTag(node: Node) {
// this checks if the node has an @internal jsdoc tag
return TypeGuards.isJSDocableNode(node)
&& node.getJsDocs().some(d => d.getTags().some(t => t.getTagName() === "internal"))
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