Okay, let's tackle this riddle step by step. The question is in Russian, so I need to make sure I understand all the terms correctly. The riddle says: "Шли муж с женой, брат с сестрой, шурин с зятем. Сколько всего было людей?" which translates to: "A husband and wife were walking, a brother and sister, a brother-in-law and son-in-law. How many people were there in total?"Ещё одна загадка на рассуждения, рассуждай и отвечай на русском языке! Вот загадка: Шли муж с женой, брат с сестрой, шурин с зятем. Сколько всего было людей?
First, I need to parse each pair mentioned:
- Муж с женой (Muzh s zhenoy) — Husband and wife.
- Брат с сестрой (Brat s sestroy) — Brother and sister.