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Forked from garystafford/
Created September 15, 2019 17:21
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# author: Gary A. Stafford
# site:
# license: MIT License
# purpose: Deploy Kubernetes/Istio resources
# Constants - CHANGE ME!
readonly CERT_PATH=~/Documents/Articles/gke-kafka/sslforfree_non_prod
readonly NAMESPACES=( 'dev' 'test' 'uat' )
# Kubernetes Secret to hold the server’s certificate and private key
kubectl create -n istio-system secret tls istio-ingressgateway-certs \
--key $CERT_PATH/private.key --cert $CERT_PATH/certificate.crt
# Istio Gateway and three ServiceEntry resources
kubectl apply -f ./resources/other/istio-gateway.yaml
# End-user auth applied per environment
kubectl apply -f ./resources/other/auth-policy-dev.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./resources/other/auth-policy-test.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./resources/other/auth-policy-uat.yaml
# Loop through each non-prod Namespace (environment)
# Re-use same resources (incld. credentials) for all environments, just for the demo
for namespace in ${NAMESPACES[@]}; do
kubectl apply -n $namespace -f ./resources/config/confluent-cloud-kafka-configmap.yaml
kubectl apply -n $namespace -f ./resources/config/mongodb-atlas-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -n $namespace -f ./resources/config/confluent-cloud-kafka-secret.yaml
kubectl apply -n $namespace -f ./resources/other/mongodb-atlas-external-mesh.yaml
kubectl apply -n $namespace -f ./resources/other/confluent-cloud-external-mesh.yaml
kubectl apply -n $namespace -f ./resources/services/accounts.yaml
kubectl apply -n $namespace -f ./resources/services/fulfillment.yaml
kubectl apply -n $namespace -f ./resources/services/orders.yaml
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