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Created May 16, 2011 13:01
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Drupal settings snippet
* @file
* Stub code to fake drupal variable settings/getting functions
function variable_get($name, $default) {
global $variables;
return isset($variables[$name]) ? $variables[$name] : $default;
function variable_set($name, $value) {
global $variables;
$variables[$name] = $value;
* @file
* For all of my modules, I create a class that represents the modules public API.
* Of course, I don't have to do this, this part isn't a normal Drupal convention, but its
* a little nicer to me as the programmer, because the classes static functions act sort of
* like a namespace, I get private functions and variables. Also, the class frequently doubles
* as an instantiable object (I'm breaking a serious OOP principle in doing that, I know -- each
* class should have a single responsibility -- but PHP is a pain in the ass and so cut some corners
* for convenience).
* Anyway, here I declare the concrete settings class and instantiate it. In the end, I get to
* do:
* ExampleModule::$settings->config_option
class ExampleModuleSettings extends LingwoSettings {
protected $base_name = 'example_module';
/* taken from a real module:
private $defaults = array(
'lookup_path' => 'dictionary',
'node_title_munging' => array('language' => TRUE, 'pos' => TRUE),
'redirect_node' => TRUE,
'content_type' => 'lingwo_entry',
'pos_allowed_values' => "noun|Noun\nadjective|Adjective\nverb|Verb\nadverb|Adverb\nother|Other",
// except this one
'automatic' => NULL,
/* made up code to show how automatic generation can happen */
public function getDefault($name) {
switch ($name) {
case 'automatic':
// the default is to depend on the value of a different variable
return $this->lookup_path . "/automatic";
return $this->defaults[$name];
public function getNames() {
return array_map(array($this, 'name'), array_keys($this->defaults));
public function isValid($name) {
return array_key_exists($name, $this->defaults);
// singleton boilerplate
private static $settings = NULL;
public static function get() {
if (is_null(self::$settings)) {
self::$settings = new self();
return self::$settings;
class ExampleModule {
static public $settings;
ExampleModule::$settings = ExampleModuleSettings::get();
* @file
* Helper code for managing module variables
* Taken directly from:
class LingwoSettings {
protected $base_name = '';
function __construct() {
if (empty($this->base_name)) {
throw new Exception('You must sub-class LingwoSettings and change $base_name!');
public function __get($name) {
$res = variable_get($this->name($name), NULL);
if (is_null($res)) {
$res = $this->getDefault($name);
return $res;
public function __set($name, $value) {
variable_set($this->name($name), $value);
public function __isset($name) {
return !is_null(variable_get($this->name($name), NULL));
public function __unset($name) {
public function name($name) {
if (!$this->isValid($name)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid setting name: ' . $name);
return $this->base_name . '_' . $name;
public function getDefault($name) {
return NULL;
public function isValid($name) {
return TRUE;
print 'lookup_path: ' . ExampleModule::$settings->lookup_path . "\n";
print 'automatic: ' . ExampleModule::$settings->automatic . "\n";
ExampleModule::$settings->lookup_path = 'zumma';
print 'lookup_path: ' . ExampleModule::$settings->lookup_path . "\n";
print 'automatic: ' . ExampleModule::$settings->automatic . "\n";
ExampleModule::$settings->automatic = 'zumma/foo';
print 'automatic: ' . ExampleModule::$settings->automatic . "\n";
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