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Created March 13, 2020 08:23
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  • Save dstapp/4d0848a91f0357eb4a3b4af07d0ce1b1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dstapp/4d0848a91f0357eb4a3b4af07d0ce1b1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
shameless hrcloud2 code rip for faux code generator test
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / The follwoing code checks for required core files and terminates if they are missing.
if (!file_exists(realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/securityCore.php')) die ('<body>ERROR!!! HRC2AppCore21, Cannot process the HRCloud2 Security Core file (securityCore.php).'.PHP_EOL.'</body></html>');
else require_once (realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/securityCore.php');
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / The following code sets the global variables for the session.
$AppDir = $InstLoc.'/Applications/';
$Apps = scandir($AppDir);
$defaultApps = array('.', '..', '', 'jquery-3.1.0.min.js', 'HRAI', 'HRConvert2', 'HRScan2', 'HRAIMiniGui.php',
'HRStreamer', 'getid3', 'displaydirectorycontents_logs', 'displaydirectorycontents_logs1',
'displaydirectorycontents_72716', 'displaydirectorycontents_shared', '');
$installedApps = array_diff($Apps, $defaultApps);
if (isset($_POST['uninstallApplication'])) $uninstallApp = str_replace(str_split('[]{};:$!#^&%@>*<'), '', $_POST['uninstallApplication']);
$apps = scandir($AppDir, SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING);
$stopper = 0;
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / The following code will be performed when an administrator selects to install an HRCloud2 App.
if (isset($_POST['installApplication'])) {
// / Perform security check (UserID).
if ($UserIDRAW !== 1) {
$txt = ('!!! WARNING !!! HRC2AppCore30 You are not an administrator!');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
die($txt); }
if (!isset($YUMMYSaltHash)) die('!!! WARNING !!! HRC2AppCore41, There was a critical security fault. Login Request Denied.'.PHP_EOL."Application was halted on $Time".'.');
if ($YUMMYSaltHash !== $SaltHash) die('!!! WARNING !!! HRC2AppCore41, There was a critical security fault. Login Request Denied.'.PHP_EOL."Application was halted on $Time".'.');
if (isset($_FILES["appToUpload"])) {
// / Perform security check (SaltHash).
$txt = ('OP-Act: Initiated AppCore Uploader on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
if (!is_array($_FILES["appToUpload"])) {
$_FILES["appToUpload"] = array($_FILES["appToUpload"]['name']); }
foreach ($_FILES['appToUpload']['name'] as $key=>$file) {
if ($file == '.' or $file == '..' or $file == 'index.html') continue;
$appToInstallRAW = str_replace(str_split('[]{};:$!#^&%@>*<'), '', $file);
$installableArr = array('zip', 'rar', 'tar', '', 'tar.bz2', 'tar.gz', '7z');
$appToInstall = str_replace('.'.$appExt, '', $appToInstallRAW);
$appInstallDir = $InstLoc.'/Applications/'.$appToInstall;
$appInstallDir0 = $InstLoc.'/Applications/'.$appToInstallRAW;
$file = str_replace(str_split('[]{};:$!#^&%@>*<'), '', $file);
$file = str_replace(" ", "_", $file);
$DangerousFiles = array('js', 'php', 'html', 'css');
$F0 = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (in_array($F0, $DangerousFiles)) {
$txt = ("ERROR!!! HRC2AppCore67, Improper file format on $Time.");
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
die($txt); }
if ($file == "") {
$txt = ("ERROR!!! HRC2AppCore160, No file specified on $Time.");
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
die($txt); }
$txt = ('OP-Act: '."Uploaded $file to $CloudTmpDir on $Time".'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n");
$COPY_TEMP = copy($_FILES['appToUpload']['tmp_name'][$key], $appInstallDir0);
$txt = ('OP-Act: Initiated AppCore Dearchiver on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
$archarray = $installableArr;
$rararr = array('rar');
$ziparr = array('zip');
$tararr = array('7z', 'tar', 'tar.gz', 'tar.bz2');
$filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $File);
$filename1 = pathinfo($appInstallDir0, PATHINFO_BASENAME);
$filename2 = pathinfo($appInstallDir0, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
$ext = pathinfo($appInstallDir0, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (!in_array($ext, $installableArr)) {
$txt = ('ERROR!!! HRC2AppCore40, The file "'.$file.'" is not a valid archive format on '.$Time.'!');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
unlink ($appInstallDir0);
die($txt); }
// / Create the new App directory in Applications/
if (!file_exists($appInstallDir)) {
mkdir($appInstallDir); }
$txt = ('OP-Act: Dearchiving '.$appToInstallRAW.' to '.$filename2.' on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n");
// / Handle dearchiving of rar compatible files.
if(in_array($ext,$rararr)) {
shell_exec('unrar e '.$appInstallDir0.' '.$AppDir);
$txt = ('OP-Act: '."Installed $appInstallDir0. to $appInstallDir on $Time".'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); }
// / Handle dearchiving of .zip compatible files.
if(in_array($ext,$ziparr)) {
shell_exec('unzip '.$appInstallDir0.' -d '.$AppDir);
$txt = ('OP-Act: '."Installed $appInstallDir0. to $appInstallDir on $Time".'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); }
// / Handle dearchiving of 7zipper compatible files.
if(in_array($ext,$tararr)) {
shell_exec('7z e'.$AppDir.'.'.$ext.' '.$appInstallDir0);
$txt = ('OP-Act: '."Installed $appInstallDir0. to $appInstallDir on $Time".'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); }
// / Check the Cloud Location with ClamAV before archiving, just in case.
if ($VirusScan == '1') {
shell_exec('clamscan -r '.$appInstallDir0.' | grep FOUND >> '.$ClamLogDir);
if (filesize($ClamLogDir > 1)) {
echo nl2br('WARNING!!! HRC2AppCore110, There were potentially infected files detected. The file
transfer could not be completed at this time. Please check your file for viruses or
try again later.'.PHP_EOL."\n");
die(); }
shell_exec('clamscan -r '.$appInstallDir.' | grep FOUND >> '.$ClamLogDir);
if (filesize($ClamLogDir > 1)) {
echo nl2br('WARNING!!! HRC2AppCore116, There were potentially infected files detected. The file
transfer could not be completed at this time. Please check your file for viruses or
try again later.'.PHP_EOL."\n");
die(); } }
if (!file_exists($appInstallDir)) {
$txt = ('ERROR!!! HRC2AppCore137, There was a problem creating '.$appInstallDir.' on '.$Time.'.');
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n");
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); }
if (file_exists($appInstallDir)) {
$txt = ('OP-Act: Installed App '.$appInstallDir.' on '.$Time.'.');
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n");
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); }
unlink ($appInstallDir0);
if (!file_exists($appInstallDir0)) {
$txt = ('OP-Act: Cleaning up on '.$Time.'.');
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n");
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); }
if (file_exists($appInstallDir0)) {
$txt = ('ERROR!!! HRC2AppCore142, There was a problem cleaning up '.$appToInstallRAW.' on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
die($txt); } } } }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / The following code is perofmed whenever an administrator selects to uninstall an App.
if (isset($_POST['uninstallApplication'])) {
$uninstallApp = str_replace(str_split('[]{};:$!#^&%@>*<'), '', $_POST['uninstallApplication']);
// / Check that the user is an administrator.
if ($UserIDRAW !== 1) {
$txt = ('WARNING!!! HRC2AppCore36 You are not an administrator!');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
die($txt); }
// / Check that the SaltHash is set.
if (!isset($YUMMYSaltHash)) {
echo nl2br('WARNING!!! HRC2AppCore60, There was a critical security fault. Login Request Denied.'.PHP_EOL."\n");
die("Application was halted on $Time".'.'); }
// / Check that the SaltHash is correct.
if ($YUMMYSaltHash !== $SaltHash) {
echo nl2br('WARNING!!! HRC2AppCore60, There was a critical security fault. Login Request Denied.'.PHP_EOL."\n");
die("Application was halted on $Time".'.'); }
$txt = ('OP-Act: Initiated AppCore Uninstaller on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
$uninstallApp = str_replace(str_split('[]{};:$!#^&%@>*<'), '', $_POST['uninstallApplication']);
// / Sets the CleanDir and CleanFiles variables for the Janitor.
$CleanDir = $InstLoc.'/Applications/'.$uninstallApp;
@chmod($CleanDir, 0755);
// / Tests for an errant file instead of a directory, and deletes the file if possible.
if (file_exists($CleanDir)) {
if (!is_dir($CleanDir)) {
if (!file_exists($CleanDir)) {
$txt = ('OP-Act: Deleted file '.$CleanDir.' on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n"); }
if (file_exists($CleanDir)) {
$txt = ('ERROR!!! HRC2AppCore165 Could not delete file '.$CleanDir.' on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n"); } } }
if (is_dir($CleanDir)) {
$txt = ('OP-Act: Executing Janitor on Target: '.$uninstallApp.' on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n");
// / Includes the janitor to delete the target App.
$CleanFiles = scandir($CleanDir);
include ('janitor.php');
@unlink ($CleanDir.'/index.html');
@unlink ($CleanDir.'/'.$uninstallApp.'.php');
@rmdir ($CleanDir);
// / Check that the Janitor suceeded in deleting the target App.
if (!is_dir($CleanDir)) {
$txt = ('ERROR!!! HRC2AppCore183 Could not uninstall App '.$uninstallApp.' on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n"); }
if (is_dir($CleanDir)) {
$txt = ('OP-Act: Uninstalled App '.$uninstallApp.' on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);
echo nl2br($txt."\n".PHP_EOL.'--------------------'.PHP_EOL."\n"); } } }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / The following code gets the App information, like official name, description,
// / author, and license.
if (!isset($_POST['installApplication']) or !isset($_POST['uninstallApplication'])) {
foreach ($Apps as $Application) {
if ($Application == '.' or $Application == '..' or $Application == 'index.html' or in_array($Application, $defaultApps)) continue;
$ApplicationFile = $InstLoc.'/Applications/'.$Application.'/'.$Application.'.php';
$lines = @file($ApplicationFile);
if (!is_file($ApplicationFile)) continue;
if (is_dir($ApplicationFile)) continue;
$lineCounter = 0;
if ($lines == null) continue;
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (strpos($line, 'App Name: ') == 'true') {
$ApplicationName = str_replace('App Name: ', '', $line);
$ApplicationName = trim($ApplicationName); }
if (strpos($line, 'App Version: ') == 'true') {
$ApplicationVersion = str_replace('App Version: ', '', $line);
$ApplicationVersion = trim($ApplicationVersion); }
if (strpos($line, 'App License: ') == 'true') {
$ApplicationLicense = str_replace('App License: ', '', $line);
$ApplicationLicense = trim($ApplicationLicense); }
if (strpos($line, 'App Author: ') == 'true') {
$ApplicationAuthor = str_replace('App Author: ', '', $line);
$ApplicationAuthor = trim($ApplicationAuthor); }
if (strpos($line, 'App Description: ') == 'true') {
$ApplicationDescription = str_replace('App Description: ', '', $line);
$ApplicationDescription = trim($ApplicationDescription); }
if (strpos($line, 'App Website: ') == 'true') {
$ApplicationWebsite = str_replace('App Website: ', '', $line);
$ApplicationAWebsite = trim($ApplicationWebsite); }
if (strpos($line, 'App Integration: ') == 'true') {
$ApplicationIntegration = str_replace('App Integration: ', '', $line);
$ApplicationIntegration = trim($ApplicationIntegration); }
$lineCounter++; } } }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / The following code returns the random file or folder for each Cloud module.
$files = scandir($CloudUsrDir, SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING);
$fileCounter = count($files) * 2;
$fileCouner1 = 0;
$random_file = array_rand($files, 1);
$random_file = $files[$random_file];
while ($random_file == '.' or $random_file == '..' or strpos($random_file, '.html') or strpos($random_file, '.php')) {
if ($fileCounter1 >= $appCounter) {
$random_file = 'No files to show!';
break; }
$random_file = $files[$random_file]; }
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// / The following code sets a random App to echo for some home screens and GUI's.
$apps = scandir($AppDir, SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING);
$appCounter = count($apps) * 2;
$appCouner1 = 0;
$random_app = array_rand($apps);
$random_app = $apps[$random_app];
while ($random_app == '.' or $random_app == '..' or in_array($random_app, $defaultApps) or strpos($random_app, '.')) {
if ($appCounter1 >= $appCounter) {
$random_app = 'No apps to show!';
break; }
$random_app = array_rand($apps);
$random_app = $apps[$random_app]; }
// / --------------------------------------------------
// / --------------------------------------------------
// / Integrated App-Specific Code
// / Developers can add code here for their integrated apps to have it run whenever the appCore is loaded.
// / The following code sets a random Contact to echo for some home screens and GUI's.
if (!is_dir($ContactsDir)) {
mkdir($ContactsDir, 0755);
$txt = ('OP-Act: Created '.$ContactsDir.' on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); }
$contacts = scandir($ContactsDir, SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING);
$contactCounter = count($contacts)*2;
$contactCounter1 = 0;
$random_contact = array_rand($contacts);
$random_contact = $contacts[$random_contact];
while ($random_contact == '.' or $random_contact == '..' or in_array($random_contact, $defaultApps) or strpos($random_contact, '.txt') or strpos($random_contact, '.html')) {
if ($contactCounter1 >= $contactCounter) {
$random_contact = 'Create new contact!';
break; }
$random_contact = array_rand($contacts);
$random_contact = $contacts[$random_contact];
$contactCounter1++; }
$random_contact = str_replace('.php', '', $random_contact);
// / The following code sets a random Note to echo for some home screens and GUI's.
if (!is_dir($NotesDir)) {
mkdir($NotesDir, 0755);
$txt = ('OP-Act: Created '.$NotesDir.' on '.$Time.'.');
$MAKELogFile = file_put_contents($LogFile, $txt.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND); }
$notes = scandir($NotesDir, SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING);
$noteCounter = count($notes)*2;
$noteCouner1 = 0;
$random_note = array_rand($notes);
$random_note = $notes[$random_note];
while ($random_note == '.' or $random_note == '..' or in_array($random_note, $defaultApps) or strpos($random_note, '.php') or strpos($random_note, '.html')) {
if ($noteCounter1 >= $noteCounter) {
$random_note = 'Create new note!';
break; }
$random_note = array_rand($notes);
$random_note = $notes[$random_note];
$noteCounter1++; }
$random_note = str_replace('.txt', '', $random_note);
// / -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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