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Last active July 17, 2024 09:46
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mapper object key in javascript
- not change source object
- mapping
- include/exclude
let mapped = mapper(src).map().ignoreAll().done() // select mapped keys only
let mapped = mapper(src).map().select().done() // select mapped keys & some key
let mapped = mapper(src).map().done() // select mapped keys & all other keys
// function style
function mapper(src = {}) {
let _src = { ...src }
let dest = {}
return {
map: function map(from, to) {
dest[to] = _src[from]
delete _src[from]
return this
select: function select(...keys) {
for (let k of keys) { dest[k] = _src[k] }
_src = {}
return this
ignore: function ignore(...keys) {
for (let k of keys) {
delete _src[k]
return this
ignoreAll: function ignoreAll() {
_src = {}
return this
done: function done() {
return { ...dest, ..._src }
// class style
class Mapper {
#dest = {}
constructor(src) {
this.#_src = src
map(from, to) {
this.#dest[to] = this.#_src[from]
delete this.#_src[from]
return this
select(...keys) {
for (let k of keys) { this.#dest[k] = this.#_src[k] }
this.#_src = {}
return this
ignore(...keys) {
for (let k of keys) {
delete this.#_src[k]
return this
ignoreAll() {
this.#_src = {}
return this
done() {
return { ...this.#dest, ...this.#_src }
let src = { id: "abc", pwd: "xyz", name: "hello", age: 100, abc: "xxx", xyz: "xxx" }
let mappedF = mapper(src)
.map("id", "Id")
.map("pwd", "password")
.ignore("name", "age")
let mappedC = new Mapper(src)
.map("id", "Id")
.map("pwd", "password")
.ignore("name", "age")
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